That happened to me. Got to over 300 million after finhising, got bored waiting, so I worked away from my phone. Got back and the game crashed! The portals on the to a bottom created an endless combo and it's a complete crap shot on how long this goes! I'd be frustrated if I hadn't already bet the level! Sucks not getting credit for a win when a game crashes!
they killed the "endless mode"! now it's a regular round
i bought the charm of frozen time and could not win or lose! finally managed to use up all my time at around 2 million
This level on the computer is cheeky. It steals time when it's shuffling. It takes 3 sec to shuffle, but 10 sec is gone after shuffling! Bastards!
Good job.
Thank you ! ;D
That happened to me. Got to over 300 million after finhising, got bored waiting, so I worked away from my phone. Got back and the game crashed! The portals on the to a bottom created an endless combo and it's a complete crap shot on how long this goes! I'd be frustrated if I hadn't already bet the level! Sucks not getting credit for a win when a game crashes!
Your amazing.
Really? Your amazing.
This level doesn't exist anymore! Its something else now
I got to 40 mill and had to stop or the wife was gonna kill me!
10 million!!! Hand may be broken. Impossible!
im doing over 10 million points without cheats or boosts right now :O
I've got 22.2 million points by myself.
I got over 4,500,000 points!
You're crazy.
Wonder why they made this level like this.
I got 5, 30, 888 I got now 8.00.00
I stopped at 30.000.000..... endless
I stopped 20 million