The fact that she was very invested in the game to play from start to finish in one stream. And her reactions and not wanting to kill in 5:47:53 and giving the guy his medicine in 7:32:24 even tho he tried to kill her. The determination of rescuing Shaun and all of those moments. Makes me think that she's one of the most wholesome UA-camrs out there. Even tho I don't understand her for the most part. The way she plays and reacts makes me understand her. I hope that she rests well and continue to make the amazing content that always makes us entertained 😉
i really love how she is immersed in every game she play and take it verys seriously is one of the reason i respect her so much and follow her till the end
Totally agree with you, The more I watch Hololive, The more I realize that I gradually fall in love with Korone. I personally think her character design is the best in Hololive, she is an emotional girl, she has such an unique voice, she a true gamer that enjoy every games she play. I just love this precious doggo so much
I've seen this game so many times now and it never gets old, I just love seeing people's reaction and what decisions they make. Even though I only understood 2/10 things korone said It was a great stream!
Wow she was really good at this. She did everything perfectly and even noticed the watch in the surveillance footage right away. 10 hours well spent I loved watching her play this :).
Wow... What an adventure, she was so invested in the story that she just couldn't stop, she played all night. You deserve a long nap Korone, sleep well
I like the fact when she doubt to kill other people (5:47:53) and her self(7:50:10) to prevent another sorrow like her😭. Well she didn't even give a second thought about cutting Eathan finger (4:59:30)😱, at least she trying to find medicine before cutting his finger☺️.
This was a very fun stream. Doggu Korone-chan did a very good job and was REALLY enjoying every bit of the game, I remember I also played this through the end because it was very good. Hoping she would play the short side story of Madison. I also love the fact that she censors out the more lewd stuff here, but yeah it's already censored in the Japanese version so not really needed. When a gamer is enjoying and engaged in the story 8k+ people watching are also enjoying.
10 hours to watched the precious doggo with long hair and default outfit. i love this gameplay story is dark. thank you so much we enjoyed for anything We are Goma King with Yubi Forever~
Korone ❤ you I started out going to watch a few hours of you playing one of my favorite ps3 games and wound up getting into it watching your reactions I watched you play all 10 hours 🙂 and I hope you have a good rest
3:41:20 i have to wonder if he sounds slimy enough in Japanese as he does in English. because the English one sounds like a creepy Mr. Rogers type who you don't wanna hear breathing down your neck xD
Great stream from Korone, she always works so hard. I wonder if Korone would like playing Beyond: Two souls or Detroit: Become human. She got so engrossed in Heavy rain that I wonder if she would like to play some of the other related games for future streams.
10 hours with Koro-san on heavy rain great way to spend my time.. Not just that, also have to wait for YT to finish processing the video F. > I've return and the processing is done readying watch the 10 hours of it ti'll the end.
0:58 配信開始 吸ってたね
2:22 ヘビースモーカーと掛けている?
4:24 心強い(今はね…)
7:36 ゲーム開始(イーサンパート)
8:13 早くもパニくるころねさん
9:50 早く着替えたい
11:14 違います
13:13 気になるころねさん
13:52 自らを盾にするころねさん
16:16 スティーブと命名
18:04 急に冷める
21:38 しばしテレビタイム
23:03 照
23:51 一切手伝わないイーサン
25:04 自宅で迷子
25:51 そういうゲームではありません
27:22 潔癖な一面
29:51 諦めてなかった
32:24 無邪気からのテンションダウン
33:35 夫婦仲悪い?
36:05 イーサンすでに闇落ち?
39:02 人混みにムカつくころねさん
40:48 絶句、分岐?
44:48 自信喪失
47:07 お前じゃねんだよ
48:00 訂正
50:00 子供を気遣い過ぎるころねさん
50:54 気になるころねさん
51:53 威厳喪失
54:22 手作り?かと思いきや
55:22 か弱いアピールするイーサン
58:10 気になるころねさん
59:54 きついよね
1:01:06 甘々なころねさん
1:03:07 気になるころねさん
1:04:46 イーサンに優しくなったころねさん
1:08:52 シェルビーパート(意外と好きかも)
1:10:08 勘違い
1:11:29 一旦冷蔵庫を開けよう
1:13:04 言い方ぁ~
1:14:39 最低
1:16:15 トイレに行きたかったシェルビー
1:17:24 世紀末と命名
1:20:24 おじさんに優しいころねさん
1:21:23 ジェイデンパート
1:25:57 !?
1:31:06 警察に厳しいFBI
1:32:20 警察に厳しいFBI
1:33:10 警察に厳しいFBI
1:33:38 警察に厳しいFBI
1:37:20 泥遊びするジェイデン
1:39:30 泥を掛けられるのは嫌なジェイデン
1:41:23 ん?
1:42:22 イーサンパート
1:45:35 疑い深いころねさん
1:48:02 一度のミスも許さないころねさん
1:49:44 優しいおらよ(レア?)
1:51:17 泣けてくるころねさん
2:00:14 ジェイデンパート
2:03:12 新婚ジェイデン
2:04:30 うざ絡みするジェイデン
2:06:05 気になるころねさん
2:14:42 イーサンパート
2:17:08 元嫁からの圧
2:19:02 シェルビーパート
2:21:15 助けたいっ!
2:25:22 気になるころねさん
2:25:48 マディソンパート
2:29:26 一瞬ガンダム
2:32:40 変態歓喜シーン
2:34:56 感謝を忘れないころねさん
2:36:22 罵倒タイム
2:39:06 イーサンパート
2:43:50 マスゴミに辛辣なころねさん
2:45:00 マスゴミの呪いEND
2:47:10 とにかく寝たいリスナー
2:49:08 再開
2:52:05 スター状態
2:54:05 英語つよつよころねさん
2:59:11 ジェイデンパート
3:02:30 おじさまめっ
3:06:29 一瞬北の国から
3:09:20 気になるころねさん
3:12:13 シェルビーパート
3:16:11 シェルビーに嫉妬
3:18:05 ころねママタイム
3:22:10 寝かしつけられるリスナー達
3:27:31 イーサンパート
3:31:14 リスナーのばぁーか
3:39:58 マディソンパート
3:41:14 気持ち悪いタイム
3:43:17 一瞬EDWIN
3:44:40 謎の発想
3:46:00 一瞬こち亀
3:46:30 投薬タイム
3:50:35 イーサンパート
3:52:10 ジェイデン(ゴールド免許)パート
3:55:08 新鮮の定義とは?
3:56:40 シェルビーパート
3:59:29 寝かせまいとするころねさん
4:00:10 気になるころねさん
4:05:20 パーティータイム
4:10:15 アニメが気になるころねさん
4:12:00 一瞬足立区
4:14:36 イーサンパート
4:17:07 愚門への圧
4:19:37 思い込みが大事
4:22:46 リスナーに厳しいころねさん
4:33:22 マディソンパート(離席)
4:34:26 再開
4:45:37 ジェイデンパート
4:49:32 方向性が合わない
4:51:36 シェルビーパート
4:51:56 切りがいいとこ(エンディング)までやるよ
4:53:28 一瞬指揮官
4:55:35 幼稚なころねさん
4:56:32 イーサンパート
4:57:15 痛っ
4:59:06 ゆびゆび~タイム
5:01:45 一瞬つくってあそぼ
5:04:43 ころねがついているよ💛
5:05:10 ここでも感謝を忘れないころねさん
5:06:50 余裕のもぐもぐタイム
5:07:55 マディソンパート
5:09:45 耐久と察するリスナー達
5:12:22 例え上手
5:13:37 うっせー
5:14:46 一瞬はたらくくるま、イーサンパート
5:17:45 気になるころねさん
5:20:30 ジェイデンパート
5:21:25 情緒不安定なジェイデン
5:29:46 ウィルキンソンへの信頼
5:31:57 シェルビーパート
5:35:17 謎の間
5:38:30 急展開
5:45:42 イーサンパート
5:48:10 気になるころねさん
5:49:06 マディソンパート
5:51:16 聞き取れなかった
5:52:03 このじいさんは気に入らないようです
5:59:46 ジェイデンパート(何故か喧嘩腰スタート)
6:01:56 火が付いたころねさん
6:07:30 信じられないリスナー達
6:13:22 すねへのこだわり
6:15:52 シェルビーパート
6:17:10 シェルビーDT説
6:24:15 過去パート
6:26:05 違います
6:33:22 繋がり始めるころねさん(過去パート終了)
6:35:01 そこ!?に気付くころねさん
6:35:50 マディソンパート(離席)
6:37:16 再開
6:37:55 しれっと耐久宣言
6:39:29 盛り上がるリスナー達
6:40:25 ご明察からの謎の発想
6:42:03 リア充にイラつくころねさん
6:42:50 答え合わせ
6:48:11 手のひら返し連発
6:49:49 ここにきてパニくるころねさん
6:51:14 BGM止めて
6:51:44 ミニゲーム?
6:53:39 名アテレコ
6:56:44 ジェイデンパート
6:57:35 一瞬いつもここから
7:00:22 一瞬ガンダム、魚を応援するリスナー達
7:01:50 惜しい!
7:05:28 足りないころねさん
7:07:48 邪魔なリスナー達
7:08:15 リア充にイラつくころねさん
7:08:38 イーサンパート
7:09:45 ミニゲーム開始、リア充にイラつくころねさん
7:11:50 デリカシー皆無
7:12:57 早く着替えたい
7:14:39 あっ…もぐもぐ
7:16:54 ゆるーす!からの台無し妄想
7:18:15 マディソンパート
7:19:49 イーサンパート
7:20:50 どんどん繋がるころねさん、止まらないホロライブ
7:22:00 一瞬GTA
7:22:50 シェルビーパート、一瞬はっぱ隊
7:27:04 本領発揮パート
7:30:41 ころねさん怒る
7:32:22 それでも優しいころねさん
7:33:32 ズレてるトロフィー(マディソンパート)
7:34:43 シンクロ
7:40:50 一瞬草薙
7:46:17 イーサンパート
7:49:33 難しい選択
7:54:15 ヘビーな願い
7:56:42 ジェイデンパート
8:02:00 あっ…
8:05:14 威嚇
8:05:43 シェルビーに嫉妬
8:06:50 過去回想パート
8:08:37 スコット…しばし絶句タイム
8:13:20 マディソンパート
8:15:16 今!?一瞬IKKO
8:29:39 イーサンパート
8:33:27 ジェイデンパート
8:34:38 マディソンパート
8:35:27 ジェイデンパート
8:36:04 イーサンパート
8:37:43 マディソンパート
8:39:11 ジェイデンパート
8:40:50 エンディング
8:42:22 気になるころねさん
8:45:45 ベストオブ不幸
8:55:41 一瞬亀仙人
9:05:44 スコット助ける?ルート
9:15:01 まだ続くよ(毒飲んでみたルート)
9:17:25 そういうノリではない
9:29:59 虫メガネへの異常な特別感
9:32:56 軽い感じで言うな
9:38:42 君なら逝ける!
9:41:30 ここでももぐもぐタイム
9:47:15 あっ…
9:55:02 結論:最初見たエンディングがベスト
10:06:00 締め
@@_HJ_K ありがとうございます。お役に立てたら幸いです。
37:11 ここスタンド攻撃を受けているって言うコメントあって好き
プロローグ 8:00
モール 34:37
父と子 44:08
ローレン 1:08:41
犯行現場 1:21:12
公園 1:45:43
ショーンの行方 1:57:21
チームへようこそ 2:00:10
強盗 2:18:57
悪夢 2:28:41
パパラッチ 2:39:06
駅 2:49:06
モーテル 2:55:27
ブリーフィング 2:59:12
ナサニエル 3:02:32
エミリー 3:11:54
試練 -熊 3:27:28
出会い 3:39:49
コーダ 3:52:06
訪問者 3:56:38
クレイマー家の宴 4:04:14
試練 -蝶 4:14:36
看護 4:33:21
疑惑 4:45:29
尋問 4:47:31
ゴルフクラブ 4:51:34
試練 -トカゲ 4:56:32
逃亡 5:07:54
ジェイデンのブルース1 5:14:58
逮捕 5:20:33
マンフレッド 5:31:56
試練 -サメ 5:45:37
ドク 5:49:00
マッドジャック 5:59:53
発見 6:15:44
墓地 6:21:36
双子 6:24:13
墓地と花と 6:33:40
駆け引き 6:35:55
水槽 6:56:43
逃避行 7:08:35
罠 7:23:04
対峙 7:27:19
アン・シェパード 7:33:42
試練 -ネズミ 7:46:09
決別 7:56:20
パズル 8:05:39
握り締めた手 8:06:51
折り紙殺人鬼 8:09:25
隠れ家 8:13:18
寂れた倉庫 8:29:34
The fact that she was very invested in the game to play from start to finish in one stream. And her reactions and not wanting to kill in 5:47:53 and giving the guy his medicine in 7:32:24 even tho he tried to kill her. The determination of rescuing Shaun and all of those moments. Makes me think that she's one of the most wholesome UA-camrs out there. Even tho I don't understand her for the most part. The way she plays and reacts makes me understand her. I hope that she rests well and continue to make the amazing content that always makes us entertained 😉
i really love how she is immersed in every game she play and take it verys seriously is one of the reason i respect her so much and follow her till the end
Korone is a good doggo with a golden heart. I hope the issue with her family gets better soon.
Totally agree with you, The more I watch Hololive, The more I realize that I gradually fall in love with Korone. I personally think her character design is the best in Hololive, she is an emotional girl, she has such an unique voice, she a true gamer that enjoy every games she play. I just love this precious doggo so much
6:31:35 was precious, she didn't cheat the hide and seek
@@Chuito12PR check her twitter
I realy love how Korone can feel each and every game she plays.
a big reason why she's part of hololive GAMERS
3:18:06〜3:23:18 ここすき、やさしさがあふれる
デトロイトとかライフイズストレンジ もやってほしい(小声)
6:49:20 BGM草
“Family friendly”
0:00:01 配信開始
0:01:10 ぁぃ、ぉぁょ~
0:02:38 お、おいっ!w
0:07:44 ゲーム開始 ( Game start )
8:46:55 エンディング ( Ending )
8:55:40 別ED検証 ①
9:15:10 別ED検証 ②
2:32:58 Korone vs demonetization XD
I've seen this game so many times now and it never gets old, I just love seeing people's reaction and what decisions they make. Even though I only understood 2/10 things korone said It was a great stream!
2〜3時くらいにすごい眠たかった。なかなか寝かしつけてくれないころさんこそが本当のheavy rain
Wow she was really good at this. She did everything perfectly and even noticed the watch in the surveillance footage right away.
10 hours well spent I loved watching her play this :).
6:53:50 *EPIC SAVE*
3:26:10 タンスにごんごん...
3:44:30 心配だから傷口に塩を塗る!
4:13:36 ゆびゆび!
What an great adventure for 10 hours straight, haven't played this game, but, i found this is so interesting, Thanks koro-san, you're MVP
Wow... What an adventure, she was so invested in the story that she just couldn't stop, she played all night. You deserve a long nap Korone, sleep well
10 hours holy koro-san one sitting heavy rain lol
it blew my mind that she played this in one sitting. Gotta love it
0:48:09 バナナ → みかん → りんご
14:20 - Korone discovers what it's like to be people
Was a fantastic play through; thanks again Korone
7:32:45 だからころさんが好きなんだよな
05:04:00 👉🪓 yubi yubi
「父親」と「息子」 の物語
2:32:41 😇
I like the fact when she doubt to kill other people (5:47:53) and her self(7:50:10) to prevent another sorrow like her😭. Well she didn't even give a second thought about cutting Eathan finger (4:59:30)😱, at least she trying to find medicine before cutting his finger☺️.
What a wild ride, I hope she plays again to see more character endings
Just finished watching this playthrough. It was a lot of fun to watch. Thanks Korone.
its nice of korone trying to make it the audio or subs in english but she should just do what would make her enjoy the game more
[35:51] The start of press X to Jason
6:54:12 ヒェッ😨
This was a very fun stream. Doggu Korone-chan did a very good job and was REALLY enjoying every bit of the game, I remember I also played this through the end because it was very good. Hoping she would play the short side story of Madison. I also love the fact that she censors out the more lewd stuff here, but yeah it's already censored in the Japanese version so not really needed. When a gamer is enjoying and engaged in the story 8k+ people watching are also enjoying.
Korone please don’t overwork yourself, we care about you! Streaming for over 10 hours is crazy. Make sure to get some rest. yubi-yubi ☝️
I guess its not about overwork ... She feel the game and interest with the game, so yea forget ab time
i'd take staring at korone's face over a naked woman showering any day
10 hours to watched the precious doggo with long hair and default outfit. i love this gameplay story is dark. thank you so much we enjoyed for anything
We are Goma King with Yubi Forever~
1:48:25 Mama Korone kawaii
Korone ❤ you I started out going to watch a few hours of you playing one of my favorite ps3 games and wound up getting into it watching your reactions I watched you play all 10 hours 🙂 and I hope you have a good rest
i lowkey want to see korone play hotline miami
Holy hell, I couldn't catch the latest streams but damn 10hrs !
Heavy Rain is such a great game I can't wait to watch this one
Korone needs to play more david Cage games. She makes them so fun to watch.
this game, when it first release, it is already a big shock. like a game sell purely on story. Happy to see korone so invested into the chrs.
3:41:20 i have to wonder if he sounds slimy enough in Japanese as he does in English. because the English one sounds like a creepy Mr. Rogers type who you don't wanna hear breathing down your neck xD
Great stream from Korone, she always works so hard. I wonder if Korone would like playing Beyond: Two souls or Detroit: Become human. She got so engrossed in Heavy rain that I wonder if she would like to play some of the other related games for future streams.
6:51:04 korone turning her head with the controller lmfao best part this on fowards
お~、HEAVY RAIN!気になってたんだー。
And this mother, father, is why I want to learn Japanese.
Otsukoron for beating Heavy Rain 😍
あっくん ころねろ
ただの豚のころねすきーNo.999 ころねろ
ってなんや( 'ω')
あっくん ころね、ねろ
Love you Korone 😘
2:29:59 lol
Damn, I woke up this morning, and didn't expect her to already have beat the game!
8:01:40 I am legitimately impressed
Why won't UA-cam let me view the VOD? How long do these take to process?
If the stream is above 2h long it will take longer to process it. Usually you have to wait a bit.
This is unrelated, but does anyone know who drew the picture in the thumbnail? It's so lovely...
サムネのイラストはだれに描かれたが, 知ってますか? すごく可愛いですから!
twitter @mztmtzm
Thank you!
I came from clip. Is interesting game that korone play
10 hours with Koro-san on heavy rain great way to spend my time..
Not just that, also have to wait for YT to finish processing the video F.
> I've return and the processing is done readying watch the 10 hours of it ti'll the end.
i watched this full 10hrs great game great story,Best reaction from Korone cute 👏👏👏👏
Best Ending
Best Bad Ending