Now that we're spending some time in Central Europe for the first time, Budapest really set a high standard for us. We would love to return as soon as we can.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY do not bother with this comment. By colture Hungary is Eastern Europe or even Balkan. Just a few Hungarian can not admit this.🤷🏻♂️. Sure Budepest inner districts are very westener friendly but outside districts and especialy eastern part of the country is hardcore Balkan.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY actually if you want to visit the country side my first recommendation is the Kali Basin and Tihany next to lake Balaton. You wont regret it.
For HUF2500 ($7) a daily ticket is available, you can travel with the public transport system (trams, buses, metro, etc) limitlessly for 24 hrs. The Budapest transport system is one of the best in Europe.
I recently returned to the U.S. after two-fascinating years living and teaching English in Budapest. You did a commendable job covering the more important spots and foods for being there for the first time and a short tint at that. It is a truly remarkable city-and it manages to some extent to stay just under the radar. The prices are reasonable ensuring a great value and the history, museums, opera, etc. are some of the best in Europe. World class transportation system too!
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY The pleasure is all mine ! Once you decide to revisit Japan, I will be happy to give you the best travel recommendations for whatever theme you are focussed on.
Hopefully Next week I will get my plane Ticket to work in Hungary. I really love this place the most and I can always watch every Vlog about Hungary ♥️♥️ God Bless always to Both of you guys From Philippines.
I'm a Hungarian living in Budapest for decades and I've had no idea there is a cat cafe in town. Also never heard about the Houdini House up in the Palace District. Also, I know about the existence of the New York Cafe, but I never imagined it to be such a popular hot spot?!
Happy to see you both enjoyed our city 🙂 my gf and I also love the Cat Café 🐱 if you ever come back here are some recommendations: Városliget (City Park - nice big park with museums and the hot air balloon and also Széchenyi fürdő - thermal bath) Hősök tere (Heroes square - couple of museums with great exhibitions and a big monument in the middle of the square) Pozsonyi utca and Újlipótváros sub-district (we live near to it, it's a quiet bit parisian style cute little neigborhood with less tourists lot of old bookshops and bakeries) Margit sziget (Margaret island - a little island between Pest and Buda with some nice places and it's mostly a park - a bit similar like Central Park in NYC) Duna korzó/felső Belgrád rakpart (it's a nice little riverside part next to the Danube river) If you like/interested in analog photography and old cameras, Café Analóg is a nice little shop/coffee place (they develop 35mm film, sell films, old cameras, etc) The Jewish quarter/Kazinczy utca is also a hip and nice part If you'd like to venture out from the city but only for a daytrip I'd recommend Szentendre which you can get to by HÉV (green public transport - it's kind of like a metro that runs on the ground). Szentendre is a beautiful, artsy small city with cobblestone streets, colorful houses and good food 🙂 Your pronunciation was pretty good but we pronunce the city like Budapesht (with an sh sound like in "short" or "share"). In Hungarian the "s" sound is written "sz" and the "sh" sound is written "s". Glad you had a nice time here and hope you can return soon 🙂
Thank you for sharing your excitement and experiences in Budapest! It's always refreshing to see travelers exploring and appreciating the hidden gems of a city. Budapest is indeed a captivating destination with its rich history, stunning architecture, and unique charm. Your video title suggests that you find Budapest to be one of the most underrated cities in Europe, and it's great that you're shedding light on its beauty. Walking tours are an excellent way to immerse oneself in the atmosphere and discover the city's hidden treasures. I'm sure your video will inspire and inform others who may be considering a visit to Budapest. Travel experiences like yours contribute to showcasing the diverse and often underestimated beauty of different places around the world. Safe and happy travels on your adventures in Budapest and beyond! 🌍🚶♂
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY SUPEEEEEEEEEEER! Amennyiben ön megengedi, akkor javaslok pár helyet, ami meglepheti önöket. 1, Balaton. A déli part és az északi part két teljesen külön világ. A déli partnál van pl. Kassai Lajos lovasíjász völgye, amit ki hagyjanak, mert a Balatontól 63 km-re van délre. Kaposmérőtől 1 km-re. Az északi part külön hét, ne 1-2 nap legyen, mert itt is csodákat lát méterről-méterre. A víz maga, mintha két külön világ lenne, majd meglátják, pedig egy tó. Északon mély egyből, délen meg sekély hosszan. Északon a Szigligeti vár, ami önöknek kihagyhatatlan, mert ilyen aztán nincs az USA területén, illetve az északi part völgyei. 2, Vártúrák. Több olyan régi, akár 800 éves várunk van, amiket önök újdonságként kezelhetnek. Ezek valódi romok. 3, Bükk és mellette a Mátra. Az egyik mészkő hegység, benne mérsékelt övi őserdővel egy területen, ahol lassan 150 éve nincs erdőművelés, mészkő fennsíkkal, a másik meg vulkáni hegy, és ezek egymás mellett két külön világ. 4, Tokaj és környéke. A bort itt mindenképpen kóstolják meg. A Balaton mindenképpen július-augusztus legyen. (Gyógyvizeinket is mindenhol tervezze be. Ez kimaradt önöknek Budapesten is. :) Persze, ha szabad ezt is javasolnom.)
Nem is értem sok külföldi miért ide jön először ha Magyarországra jön. Én konkrétan hányok Budapesttől, főleg a belvárostól. Több tucatnyi sokkal szebb és kellemesebb hely van itt.
@@viktor8119 that's a good question. For us, we wanted to go to the capital first. We want to visit more of the country in the future, but we believe it's good to start somewhere so why not the capital.
Hi, a few thoughts: The statues of the two presidents rather commemorate the visit. In the post-communist period, these two presidents visited Hungary. That cheese is actually túró. Túró is essentially one of the phases of cheese production. It is the phase when the pure milk protein is not yet pressed into a disk of cheese. I think everywhere that makes cheese knows what this thing is. There is another curd dessert called túrógombóc . Ego sum, via, veritas et vita", = "I am the way, the truth and the life..." 9:58 According to a story, the lions guarding the bridge have no tongues. Therefore, they cannot tell the secrets entrusted to them. :) 17:37 Sándor (Alexander) Palace. Here is the Office of the President of the Republic. That's why the military parade is here. The palace in Budavár is now being renovated and rebuilt at the same time. It was damaged in the Second World War, parts were demolished and rebulid during communism. Now want to rebuild the building complex to its condition before the Second World War. Dish 12 is not goulash, but stew. In Hungary, goulash is a spicy meat soup with vegetables. It can be hot or not hot, and it is customary to add raw salted ground hot chili to it. It was in the bottle. It is also available in stores under the name Erős Pista (Strong Stevie). It is worth tasting the food before using it, because it can cause a surprise the chili sauce. The Hungarian name for the pasta is nokedli. 24:51 the inscription on the red sign: We do not serve alcohol to guests under the age of 18 and intoxicated guests. Besides Houdini, there is also a Hungarian guy in Budapest. He is Béla Lugosi. There are also two statues of him, both in Vajdahunyad Castle. Both depict him in the image of his best-known figure. This figure is Dracula.
Hungarians think Reagan saved them from the Soviet Union, when the real hero is Gorbachev. Hungarians liked Republicans bc until Trumpie they were tougher on the Soviets.
Én Pestről menekültem vidékre, mert nem bírtam, hogy mindenhol csak beton van körülöttem. Most egy nagy tó mellett élek. Egy olyan helyre költöztem, ahol minden zöld, és reggel kukorékol a szomszéd kakasa. Imádok itt lakni, de ti olyan helyeket is mutattatok, amiket pestiként sem láttam soha - a romkocsmás rész például nálam teljesen kimaradt. Nyáron mindet meg fogom nézni, a macskás kávézót meg még hamarabb. (Hogy lehet, hogy még nem hallottam róla?🤔) Köszi a videót, nagyon tetszett! Remélem, hogy jól éreztétek magatokat.😊
We looked in to Budapest when we were talking about retiring abroad. So funny, Scott was answering comments while we were watching you and came across your comment. 😂
5:33 Actually that is not cheese in the strudel but túró. Turó is a central-European dairy product only so there is no word for it in English.Wwhen forigners ask what that is we usually call it cottage cheese or fresh cheese, but its not really a cheese. It's flavor is not salty and not intensive, quite neutral. It can be salty or sweet in different foods.
Örülök hogy rátaláltatok Magyarországra. Gyertek sokszor,sokan.Szeretettel várunk minden jó érzésű, amerikai embert.Ismerjetek meg minnél többen minket!
im glad you're enjoyed your stay in Budapest, if you ever going back to Hungary in the summer you should check out lake Balaton. thanks for the great video!
I am a Hungarian living in NYC for 40 years….Americans don’t use that cheese in the strudel like in Hungary but in America called Farmer Cheese made by Friendship company and has the same taste like Hungarian 👌
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY In Hungary make many types of strudel…what makes cheese strudel delicious is a mixture of Farmers cheese , Sour cream , Vanilla sugar , Raisins soacked in Rum , 2 egg yolk’s,Cinnamon,grated orange or lemon peel….something like that 😅👍
It is good to see our city through someone else's eyes. It is a very nice compilation and I hope you will visit us again. Lángos is Hungarian street food, although we eat relatively simple versions. Many people just add salt and garlic. I prefer it with cheese and sour cream.
Thank you. We had a great time and loved the lángos in burger form even if it's not a normal thing. We will have to look for it again when we come back.
Oh, by the way, around 14:47, that place in the castle was used as a shooting site for the movie Spectral. And that bridge at 10:00 and the tunnel beyond, appeared in I, Spy.
Thank you Cinthya and Eddie for sharing your excitement for our capital! I really enjoyed watching the video. There were some really small mistakes you made in the video, but overall it was amazing! Hopefully you can come back one day, there are so many things to see in the city! Have a great journey areoung the globe! 🌍🌍🌏
Welcome in Hungary, hope you enjoyed your time with us. Great video you were at few of the most famous places. One thing tho. No hungarian people eat Lángos like that. (But could be good tho) we eat only one piece wich is much bigger then this, and you can choose multiple topping like chees, sour cream, garlic and for the hipsters ketchup. I usually choose chees, sour cream, and garlic at the same time. Lángos usually for breakfast, beach food or fast food not as a replacement for bread.
Beleszaladtak a Karaván hipszter vonalába, és megkóstolták. Elég tápos kaja lehet :D Középen egy szelet börgernekvaló, alatta-felette nagytenyérnyi lángossal, töltelékkel. You ran into the hipster / fancy line of Karaván. It could be a very filling food. There is a burger meat, and below-abowe a large palm-sized lángos, fillings.
Thanks for checking out Budapest, awesome! 20:00 I'm from Hungary but i never thought about making a burger with "lángos" as buns i have to check it out. We usually make the lángos flat and round like a pizza then rub it with some garlic and put sour cream and grated cheese on it, it's one of my favourites. The places you guys tried out for food are pretty expensive i have to say you can usually get comparable quality for half the price. Were they recommended by other tourists?
Nice relaxing presentation of my city. Just a quick thought: when you are editing these videos check during exporting the video you pick the same framerate as the framerate of the original footage. It makes the video much smoother, and avoids the jerky jumps which is visible when you pan the camera.
Great video! I was born and raised in Bp,and on the top of the usually places what you showed in the video....wich are beautiful make no mistakes!😀 you guys surprised me with some unique and amazing places over there. Like That burger place or the cat cafe. Good Job!
Have you not seen the square of heroes? And the renovated park? "Varosliget" the m1 subway line? Lots of missed opportunities. On the other hand, it was a fun video to watch!
Yeah, Budapest is a big city and we weren't able to get to everything we wanted to. We just found out about Heroes Square, it's on our list of places to visit for our next trip. Thanks!!!
Liked your down to earth video. I live in the country in Hungary and didn't know about the street food court. Will have to look it up next time I'm in the city. Your Gulyas was definitely for tourists to keep it what you are used to. :) Gulyas is a SOUP with potatos not spatzle. Glad you liked it.
I live 10 miles from that region of Budapest (outside the city, in agglomeration), and I learn about some great places from American tourists videos! 😁 🤘🏼
What a nice people. Welcome. Regarding the food, i can imagine that you really liked it. Interesting, as a Hungarian from Budapest, when i see american food, like T-bone steak, omg, that must be gorgeous too. I have to try it once.
T-Bone is good, yes, but it's expensive and not always cooked right. Getting some of the local food not only expands our palate, but there are a lot of different ways to make the same thing so we don't grow tired of eating the same thing quickly. Plus, we travel a lot so we like trying new things. We hope you get a chance to try a T-Bone some day. Preferably cooked by a chef that knows how to cook it properly.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY if you like very special tastes, try it with cabbage. However It is famous in Hungary, it is not my favourite, because i am a sweet-tooth person.
You went to my favorite places! 🎉 I love Budapest! ❤ The beef dish you ate during the day was pörkölt, not goulash (gulyás). Goulash is a beef SOUP with potatoes--which is what you had in the bread bowl. 😊 When you come back, show us a night view of the Castle, Parliament, and Chain Bridge. Thank you guys for this awesome video of my favorite city, and for your kind, sweet spirit. 😊
Lángos-burgers sound (and look) like an abomination ... Other than that, this is a very nice video of my city - I'm glad to see you enjoyed it here. Some of the inaccuracies in your vlog have already been pointed out by my fellow commenters. Nevertheless, they do not decrease the value of your great work. Come back more frequently and enjoy. There's even more to this city with all the museums, thermal baths, city parks and whatnot. Greetings from the middle of the city - from the area of the West Railway Station. Another building worthy of checking out on your next visit, designed by the same Eiffel who built the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Cheers!
Pro tip, there is a garden just 100m down the funicular, there is an elevator and an esalator and several normal stairs up. The other side of the hill is much les steap. There are several way up. The funicular is a turist trap.
Cancel Director Railway Station with M1 underground new station so amazing too! Or Underground no. 5 between Csepel to Szentendre above the Danube! MO tunnel across the mountains between Budakalász and M1-M7 motorway. It is a dream!
Strudel takes a lot of time to prepare properly. Very few people know how to prepare it properly. Pastry shall always be slightly oily. If the pasty gets dry means a mistake in preparation. My great grandma was a professor of strudel pastry she always had some raw pastry in the kitchen before holiday family meals. It took days for her to prepare and hers were never dry and neither too oily. I am positive she had no clue what an excellent knowledge she had. As a child I thought there was somebody in every family who knew how to prepare these strudels. It took some time to realize hardly anyone could prepare strudel properly. Then she got old moved to my grandma’s home and stopped making strudels. I was so busy with my life I did not ask her to write down or give details of strudel preparation properly and she just suddenly died. I do hope one day I will pick up her knowledge and make her strudels the same way and taste she did.
Wow, you're really lucky to have had a great grandmother like that. We hope you get the chance to try to remake her recipes from memory. We would put money down that hers were the best. We're drooling thinking about it right now.
Always grandmas were the professor of making studel. ;) Sometimes unbelivable how to prepared it. Without any tear. :) The best is always strudel from grandma.;)
That’s interesting how you see our city. Even the places where you eat and everything else. Particularly because you are from the USA. Inside the EU the experience is quite different being used to the European old city feeling and cultural things. You made a beautiful video guys.
I love this video! Thanks a lot! :) Strange things: - for at least 25 years, since I am aware of the world, Gulasch (gulyás, which is a soup) is still mistaken for Pörkölt (which is a Hungarian stew?) - lángos - It is what it is, with some toppings - please try with soured cream&cheese&garlic, but certainly not with hamburger meat. I might be a boomer :D Hope you enjoyed Hungary ;)
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY Gulasch/goulash is actually the Austrian version, which is a thick, brown stew with beef. The Hungarian version is a much lighter soup with beef and vegetables. Only the name is similar (Gulasch vs. gulyásleves). The gulyás is actually the guy who cares for cattle.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY thank you 🙏 for loving my country. I hope not a first time & last time you visited! Come back to Hungary one of the safety country in Europe. Gob bless you guys. Aloha from Hawaii.
Hi, never sawn fried dough lángos to be used as such, for a burger side. Actually very unorthodox pairing. Being a hungarian I rather recommend lángos traditionally, with cheese and sour cream over garlic oil. If you want to eat good burger, better go for a traditional burger place. Also, stuffes cabbage goes with cabbage as side, also never sawn that mixed with lángos, really looks a 'touristy scam' food. Since one shop created the mixing of Kürtőskalács and Icecream for tourists (we hungarians never buy such), I cannot be surprised anymore on these 'special pairings of foods', but really makes our gastronomy look and feel like mixed fodder for live stock. Not to be negative, rather recommending a better choice for upcoming guests :) Always look for traditional restaurants, shops and so, to try out what is less "modern", less gastronomically disastrous.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY the best and one of the most traditional way to eat lángos is sitting on the shore/beach of (lake) Balaton in the high heat summer during your holiday :D (or if you visit small traditional villages where grandma's making it). So you might able to enjoy the sight and the vibe and the key role what lángos plays :)
I'm not sure where you tried that "goulash", but this shouldn't be a stew, but a soup. So they either labeled goulash something completely different or I'm not sure what happened there. Goulash is a soup. The stew should have been called "marhapörkölt", which translates to something like a beef stew. Be sure to try a proper goulash someday, it's one of my favorite beef soups :)) Amazing video by the way. Hungary is a real treasure box... I'm living here expat since like forever and still have things to discover :D
There are museums, ; torture, jewish, stamp, history., etc. Gift shops w/chess sets. Bookstores, and locations used in films. The thermal baths are one thats popular and a few smaller ones. If you dine farther away from tourist spots it will be a more relaxed setting w/ longer wait time. Paprika is regular or smoked or spicy. There is local beer and hungarian wine also. Koszonom
New York Cafe FYI - There is another entrance through the hotel next to it, you could have gone in that way and see it all inside. There's never a queue at the hotel entrance :)
Me and my husband are going to Budapest in 2 weeks time, im here to familiarize the city and get some tips from you guys, You have a very informative video, what camera are you using, the video has a very good quality.
The goulash stew is just normal stew, they just put the goulash there to make it more expensive. And there a lot of stuff like that on Budapest for tourism, even hungarians that born in Budapest think those things are real. Btw goulash is a soup.
Welcome in Hugary. Budapest is really nice point to relax but the countryside is much better because of thermal spas and wines. We have colorful history, meeting point of different culture: hungarian, german, turkish, slavonien, austrian.
Good video. But you should have mentioned that Budapest is actually two cities, the Eastern part is Buda, the Western is Pest. THey're very different. They were united in 1849 when the Lánchid, Chain Bridge, was completed connecting the two cities.
:D Pont ezen gondolkodtam!! El se hiszem, hogy ilyen van. És nem is ajánlom senkinek. Ha itt van egy külföldi, próbálja ki az "autentikus" lángost. De. Valójában így fejlődik a világ, nem? Kultúrák vegyülése ... fúzió. ; )
Funny, most foreigners miss one important fact, namely, where the funicular ends on top of Castle Hill/Royal Palace, to the right of it is the official residence/office of Hungary's president, the "Sándor Palace". By they way, the building next to it, the "Carmelite Cloister", is the office of Hungary's PM. As you can see, access is beyond easy! Try that in Washington!
Now that we're spending some time in Central Europe for the first time, Budapest really set a high standard for us. We would love to return as soon as we can.
Hungary is Central Europe, not Eastern!
@@gabortoth3706 Thank you. We'll fix that.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY do not bother with this comment. By colture Hungary is Eastern Europe or even Balkan. Just a few Hungarian can not admit this.🤷🏻♂️. Sure Budepest inner districts are very westener friendly but outside districts and especialy eastern part of the country is hardcore Balkan.
@@Akuruc22 sounds like we need to explore a little bit more of the rest of the country.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY actually if you want to visit the country side my first recommendation is the Kali Basin and Tihany next to lake Balaton. You wont regret it.
Köszönöm ,hogy ilyen sok szépet és jót mondtak Budapestről!Köszönet érte!
Our pleasure
For HUF2500 ($7) a daily ticket is available, you can travel with the public transport system (trams, buses, metro, etc) limitlessly for 24 hrs. The Budapest transport system is one of the best in Europe.
5000HUF family ticket/day
Awesome! Good info. Thank you.
I recently returned to the U.S. after two-fascinating years living and teaching English in Budapest. You did a commendable job covering the more important spots and foods for being there for the first time and a short tint at that. It is a truly remarkable city-and it manages to some extent to stay just under the radar. The prices are reasonable ensuring a great value and the history, museums, opera, etc. are some of the best in Europe. World class transportation system too!
We loved our stay even though it was short and plan to return.
Beautiful Budapest. Thank you for this wonderful video.
Our pleasure
Köszönöm, olyan helyeket is bemutattak, amiket még budapestiként nem is láttam.... Grat!!! (És remélem jól érezték itt magukat...)
Eggyet értek
@zsoltkovacs1549 we had a great time, thanks.
I think, this is my favorite video in your channel ❣
Thank you so much!!!
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY The pleasure is all mine ! Once you decide to revisit Japan, I will be happy to give you the best travel recommendations for whatever theme you are focussed on.
Hopefully Next week I will get my plane Ticket to work in Hungary. I really love this place the most and I can always watch every Vlog about Hungary ♥️♥️ God Bless always to Both of you guys From Philippines.
Budapest is one of the prettiest city in Europe . So much to see and do. “Fairytale “ city, my hometown.
We loved it.
I'm a Hungarian living in Budapest for decades and I've had no idea there is a cat cafe in town. Also never heard about the Houdini House up in the Palace District. Also, I know about the existence of the New York Cafe, but I never imagined it to be such a popular hot spot?!
We didn't know the New York Cafe would be so busy either, or we would have been there at open. Next time we're in town though.
Happy to see you both enjoyed our city 🙂 my gf and I also love the Cat Café 🐱 if you ever come back here are some recommendations:
Városliget (City Park - nice big park with museums and the hot air balloon and also Széchenyi fürdő - thermal bath)
Hősök tere (Heroes square - couple of museums with great exhibitions and a big monument in the middle of the square)
Pozsonyi utca and Újlipótváros sub-district (we live near to it, it's a quiet bit parisian style cute little neigborhood with less tourists lot of old bookshops and bakeries)
Margit sziget (Margaret island - a little island between Pest and Buda with some nice places and it's mostly a park - a bit similar like Central Park in NYC)
Duna korzó/felső Belgrád rakpart (it's a nice little riverside part next to the Danube river)
If you like/interested in analog photography and old cameras, Café Analóg is a nice little shop/coffee place (they develop 35mm film, sell films, old cameras, etc)
The Jewish quarter/Kazinczy utca is also a hip and nice part
If you'd like to venture out from the city but only for a daytrip I'd recommend Szentendre which you can get to by HÉV (green public transport - it's kind of like a metro that runs on the ground). Szentendre is a beautiful, artsy small city with cobblestone streets, colorful houses and good food 🙂
Your pronunciation was pretty good but we pronunce the city like Budapesht (with an sh sound like in "short" or "share"). In Hungarian the "s" sound is written "sz" and the "sh" sound is written "s".
Glad you had a nice time here and hope you can return soon 🙂
We can't wait to visit again. Thanks for the recommendations.
Thank you for sharing your excitement and experiences in Budapest! It's always refreshing to see travelers exploring and appreciating the hidden gems of a city. Budapest is indeed a captivating destination with its rich history, stunning architecture, and unique charm.
Your video title suggests that you find Budapest to be one of the most underrated cities in Europe, and it's great that you're shedding light on its beauty. Walking tours are an excellent way to immerse oneself in the atmosphere and discover the city's hidden treasures.
I'm sure your video will inspire and inform others who may be considering a visit to Budapest. Travel experiences like yours contribute to showcasing the diverse and often underestimated beauty of different places around the world.
Safe and happy travels on your adventures in Budapest and beyond! 🌍🚶♂
Thank you. We loved Budapest and hope to return soon.
Thank you both of you for showing this journey with everyone! God bless you! Have a harmonious beautiful day! :)
Our pleasure. Thanks for watching.
woah interesting how tourists can show us locals new stuff, thanks for the great video.
Our pleasure!
Ez egy nagyon kedves videó volt. Azt hiszem, hogy érdemes volna önöknek bejárni Magyarországot is.
We plan to.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY SUPEEEEEEEEEEER! Amennyiben ön megengedi, akkor javaslok pár helyet, ami meglepheti önöket. 1, Balaton. A déli part és az északi part két teljesen külön világ. A déli partnál van pl. Kassai Lajos lovasíjász völgye, amit ki hagyjanak, mert a Balatontól 63 km-re van délre. Kaposmérőtől 1 km-re. Az északi part külön hét, ne 1-2 nap legyen, mert itt is csodákat lát méterről-méterre. A víz maga, mintha két külön világ lenne, majd meglátják, pedig egy tó. Északon mély egyből, délen meg sekély hosszan. Északon a Szigligeti vár, ami önöknek kihagyhatatlan, mert ilyen aztán nincs az USA területén, illetve az északi part völgyei. 2, Vártúrák. Több olyan régi, akár 800 éves várunk van, amiket önök újdonságként kezelhetnek. Ezek valódi romok. 3, Bükk és mellette a Mátra. Az egyik mészkő hegység, benne mérsékelt övi őserdővel egy területen, ahol lassan 150 éve nincs erdőművelés, mészkő fennsíkkal, a másik meg vulkáni hegy, és ezek egymás mellett két külön világ. 4, Tokaj és környéke. A bort itt mindenképpen kóstolják meg. A Balaton mindenképpen július-augusztus legyen. (Gyógyvizeinket is mindenhol tervezze be. Ez kimaradt önöknek Budapesten is. :) Persze, ha szabad ezt is javasolnom.)
Nem is értem sok külföldi miért ide jön először ha Magyarországra jön. Én konkrétan hányok Budapesttől, főleg a belvárostól. Több tucatnyi sokkal szebb és kellemesebb hely van itt.
@@viktor8119 that's a good question. For us, we wanted to go to the capital first. We want to visit more of the country in the future, but we believe it's good to start somewhere so why not the capital.
Wow! What a trip , Love it ! Budapest is on my bucket trip list to visit. Thanks for sharing 🌍✈🥰
Our pleasure.
I'm glad you enjoyed your time in our capitol!
Thank you!!!
I live in this city for 9 years now and this video made me realize how amazing this city looks if you see it for the first time
Thanks, we thought it was pretty amazing.
You just made me homesick. It warms my heart to see you smiling all over my hometown! :) Greetings from Sweden!
Glad we could love your city so much and share our experiences with you. Hope you're having a good time in Sweden.
Hi, a few thoughts:
The statues of the two presidents rather commemorate the visit.
In the post-communist period, these two presidents visited Hungary.
That cheese is actually túró. Túró is essentially one of the phases of cheese production. It is the phase when the pure milk protein is not yet pressed into a disk of cheese. I think everywhere that makes cheese knows what this thing is.
There is another curd dessert called túrógombóc .
Ego sum, via, veritas et vita", = "I am the way, the truth and the life..."
9:58 According to a story, the lions guarding the bridge have no tongues. Therefore, they cannot tell the secrets entrusted to them. :)
17:37 Sándor (Alexander) Palace. Here is the Office of the President of the Republic. That's why the military parade is here.
The palace in Budavár is now being renovated and rebuilt at the same time. It was damaged in the Second World War, parts were demolished and rebulid during communism. Now want to rebuild the building complex to its condition before the Second World War.
Dish 12 is not goulash, but stew. In Hungary, goulash is a spicy meat soup with vegetables. It can be hot or not hot, and it is customary to add raw salted ground hot chili to it. It was in the bottle. It is also available in stores under the name Erős Pista (Strong Stevie). It is worth tasting the food before using it, because it can cause a surprise the chili sauce.
The Hungarian name for the pasta is nokedli.
24:51 the inscription on the red sign: We do not serve alcohol to guests under the age of 18 and intoxicated guests.
Besides Houdini, there is also a Hungarian guy in Budapest. He is Béla Lugosi.
There are also two statues of him, both in Vajdahunyad Castle. Both depict him in the image of his best-known figure. This figure is Dracula.
Wow, wish we had you join us for out tour, you have a lot of great info. Thank you.
Also, the American Embassy is right there on Liberty square...@@SQUEEZEtheDAY
Hungarians think Reagan saved them from the Soviet Union, when the real hero is Gorbachev. Hungarians liked Republicans bc until Trumpie they were tougher on the Soviets.
It was nice to see Budapest from your perspective. Im Hungarian, but it was nice to see your videos, thank you!
Our pleasure.
Én Pestről menekültem vidékre, mert nem bírtam, hogy mindenhol csak beton van körülöttem. Most egy nagy tó mellett élek. Egy olyan helyre költöztem, ahol minden zöld, és reggel kukorékol a szomszéd kakasa. Imádok itt lakni, de ti olyan helyeket is mutattatok, amiket pestiként sem láttam soha - a romkocsmás rész például nálam teljesen kimaradt. Nyáron mindet meg fogom nézni, a macskás kávézót meg még hamarabb. (Hogy lehet, hogy még nem hallottam róla?🤔) Köszi a videót, nagyon tetszett! Remélem, hogy jól éreztétek magatokat.😊
Thank you, we had a great time. It's a beautiful city.
We looked in to Budapest when we were talking about retiring abroad. So funny, Scott was answering comments while we were watching you and came across your comment. 😂
That's funny, we're wanting to go back. It was quite amazing.
Forget the capital city, move to the countryside. Hungary is a popular retirement place for people from western Europe.
As a hungarian it was so nice to see my hometown through your eyes. Thank you for sharing it!
Our pleasure!
Thank you for visiting my beautiful city! ❤ 😘
Our pleasure. It's an amazing city.
Örülök, hogy tetszett a fővárosunk! :)
Glad you liked our capital! :)
5:33 Actually that is not cheese in the strudel but túró. Turó is a central-European dairy product only so there is no word for it in English.Wwhen forigners ask what that is we usually call it cottage cheese or fresh cheese, but its not really a cheese. It's flavor is not salty and not intensive, quite neutral. It can be salty or sweet in different foods.
Awesome. Thanks for letting us know. We loved it.
Túró is called farmers cheese in English.
@eszterm.6324 In England it's called cottage cheese, but the texture is more like the Italian ricotta. It varies, though, from brand to brand.
Thank you for telling so many positive things of our capital city 🩵
Our pleasure.
Örülök hogy rátaláltatok Magyarországra. Gyertek sokszor,sokan.Szeretettel várunk minden jó érzésű, amerikai embert.Ismerjetek meg minnél többen minket!
Jösznek még, bisztos.
Thank you. We look forward to returning to Budapest and exploring more of Hungary.
it's so reassuring to see positive foreign perspective of our beautiful city, thank you for liking it.
Our pleasure. Can't wait to come back.
im glad you're enjoyed your stay in Budapest, if you ever going back to Hungary in the summer you should check out lake Balaton. thanks for the great video!
Thanks for the recommendation. It's on our list.
You made my day with this video!
Awesome. Glad to hear it!!!
I am a Hungarian living in NYC for 40 years….Americans don’t use that cheese in the strudel like in Hungary but in America called Farmer Cheese made by Friendship company and has the same taste like Hungarian 👌
Rétesbe nem teszünk sajtot!! Gyümölccsel, mákkkal, dióval vagy zöldséggel töltjük meg.
@@turantunde9750 Amerikaban a Magyarorszagon kaphato izu turo neve a Farmer Cheese es persze hogy nem sajt de itt ez a neve a turonak 😃
Ó, túró, az mindjárt más! Túrós rétes mazsolával. Igen, észrevettem, Amerikában minden más!
Farmer Cheese!!! Thank you! I kept trying to figure out what was familiar about it. So good....
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY In Hungary make many types of strudel…what makes cheese strudel delicious is a mixture of Farmers cheese , Sour cream , Vanilla sugar , Raisins soacked in Rum , 2 egg yolk’s,Cinnamon,grated orange or lemon peel….something like that 😅👍
It is good to see our city through someone else's eyes. It is a very nice compilation and I hope you will visit us again.
Lángos is Hungarian street food, although we eat relatively simple versions. Many people just add salt and garlic. I prefer it with cheese and sour cream.
Thank you. We had a great time and loved the lángos in burger form even if it's not a normal thing. We will have to look for it again when we come back.
Super cool video. Many thanks. Enjoyed it very much. xx
Our pleasure
Thank you for making this awesome video of my hometown!
Our pleasure!
Looks like an interesting city, beautiful architecture !
Very interesting, and fun too. Lots to do here.
Thanks guys from Australia 🇦🇺 Budapest so beautiful l'm Hungry ❤
Of course we Hungarians have never heard this Hungry-Hungary joke before from anyone. :)
Our pleasure. It was pretty great there.
Dad jokes. I've been practicing. Lol.
Hello, I am from Hungary. I was born in Budapest and I live here. Its good to see you liked Budapest. I like also.
Awesome, you have a beautiful city.
thank you for the video! I haven't lived at home for nine years, but now I'm homesick! thanks again 🙂
Our pleasure! We hope you get to visit home soon.
Oh, by the way, around 14:47, that place in the castle was used as a shooting site for the movie Spectral.
And that bridge at 10:00 and the tunnel beyond, appeared in I, Spy.
Awesome. Thanks, we'll have to check those out, and visit again.
Thank you Cinthya and Eddie for sharing your excitement for our capital! I really enjoyed watching the video.
There were some really small mistakes you made in the video, but overall it was amazing! Hopefully you can come back one day, there are so many things to see in the city! Have a great journey areoung the globe! 🌍🌍🌏
Our pleasure! We loved your city and want to return to see more of your country one day.
Great introduction to the city. Thank you.
Our pleasure
Welcome in Hungary, hope you enjoyed your time with us. Great video you were at few of the most famous places. One thing tho. No hungarian people eat Lángos like that. (But could be good tho) we eat only one piece wich is much bigger then this, and you can choose multiple topping like chees, sour cream, garlic and for the hipsters ketchup. I usually choose chees, sour cream, and garlic at the same time. Lángos usually for breakfast, beach food or fast food not as a replacement for bread.
Thanks for the tips!
Beleszaladtak a Karaván hipszter vonalába, és megkóstolták. Elég tápos kaja lehet :D Középen egy szelet börgernekvaló, alatta-felette nagytenyérnyi lángossal, töltelékkel.
You ran into the hipster / fancy line of Karaván. It could be a very filling food. There is a burger meat, and below-abowe a large palm-sized lángos, fillings.
@@zetor2K egy lángos előállítási költsége kb. 100 Ft.
Thanks for checking out Budapest, awesome! 20:00 I'm from Hungary but i never thought about making a burger with "lángos" as buns i have to check it out. We usually make the lángos flat and round like a pizza then rub it with some garlic and put sour cream and grated cheese on it, it's one of my favourites.
The places you guys tried out for food are pretty expensive i have to say you can usually get comparable quality for half the price. Were they recommended by other tourists?
Garantált epegörcs 🥹🤭
@kerotomas1 yes, other tourists and Google. We would love to explore more of Hungary in the future.
Budapest is one of most beautiful city on Globe..Hun-Hungarian history started before a cr.-500-for ever..
We loved it.
I am happy that you enjoyed the capital. What I miss is your impressions about the city and the people. You could make a video about that?
Good point, thank you. For you, we loved the city and everyone was very kind to us. We plan to return and explore some more one day.
Nice relaxing presentation of my city. Just a quick thought: when you are editing these videos check during exporting the video you pick the same framerate as the framerate of the original footage. It makes the video much smoother, and avoids the jerky jumps which is visible when you pan the camera.
Thank you. We will look into that.
Great video! I was born and raised in Bp,and on the top of the usually places what you showed in the video....wich are beautiful make no mistakes!😀 you guys surprised me with some unique and amazing places over there. Like That burger place or the cat cafe. Good Job!
Thanks. It's a big city with a lot to do. Can't wait to come back and explore some more.
Glad to had you here! :) As a resident here, I always forget how beautiful this city is.
Sometimes it helps having an outsiders perspective. Go enjoy your beautiful city.
3:50 the statue of US Army General Harry Hill Bandholtz can be seen in the background.
Good eye. Thanks for sharing.
Welcome in Hungary. Margaret Insel and , Szentendre from 30 km from Budapest.
Thank you!!! We had a great time and can't wait to return. You've put out a couple of videos too. Keep them coming.
Also hero’s square, erzsebet look out tower
Have you not seen the square of heroes? And the renovated park? "Varosliget" the m1 subway line? Lots of missed opportunities.
On the other hand, it was a fun video to watch!
Yeah, Budapest is a big city and we weren't able to get to everything we wanted to. We just found out about Heroes Square, it's on our list of places to visit for our next trip. Thanks!!!
Liked your down to earth video. I live in the country in Hungary and didn't know about the street food court. Will have to look it up next time I'm in the city. Your Gulyas was definitely for tourists to keep it what you are used to. :) Gulyas is a SOUP with potatos not spatzle. Glad you liked it.
We look forward to returning and trying some in areas away from the city where there are less tourists.
One of the Most Underrated Cities in Europe ? for americans maybe but in Europe we love that place !
Underrated doesn't mean overrated. We love it too.
You made a beautiful film about Hungary. Thank you from the heart. ❤
Our pleasure
19:33 "there is just something in it which is... hearty" - yeah. deep-fried bread basically, but tasty for sure!
Lol, some times you just want a good, deep fried piece of bread.
You can't miss New York Cafe in Budapest...It is worth the wait.
I live 10 miles from that region of Budapest (outside the city, in agglomeration), and I learn about some great places from American tourists videos! 😁 🤘🏼
Lol. Glad we could help!
What a nice people. Welcome. Regarding the food, i can imagine that you really liked it. Interesting, as a Hungarian from Budapest, when i see american food, like T-bone steak, omg, that must be gorgeous too. I have to try it once.
T-Bone is good, yes, but it's expensive and not always cooked right. Getting some of the local food not only expands our palate, but there are a lot of different ways to make the same thing so we don't grow tired of eating the same thing quickly. Plus, we travel a lot so we like trying new things. We hope you get a chance to try a T-Bone some day. Preferably cooked by a chef that knows how to cook it properly.
Amazing video guys! Thanks for showing the world our beautiful city. Sometimes I forget how many nice places we have even as a local.
Glad you liked it.
Langos is the most popular street food in Hungary.
And fat bread with purple onion with salt and stone mine beer!
Zsiros kenyer,you eat that at home,not really a street food.@@TAD1hu
We liked it and can't wait to try it in the more traditional style one day.
@@TAD1hu nemár, lefordítottad a kőbányait? :) :) :)
@@zetor2K ráadásul még szarul is
Beautiful couple. Thank you for your video, we are waiting for you to come back 💕💕💕💕
We look forward to returning.
Thank you for showing my hometown 🤙🏼
Our pleasure!
Great video!
You should try the cherry & poppy seed combo strudel - that's my favourite there ! ;)
We almost picked that one too, next time...
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY if you like very special tastes, try it with cabbage. However It is famous in Hungary, it is not my favourite, because i am a sweet-tooth person.
Chimney is actually originally from Romania, from a zone named "Tinutul secuiesc", where ethnic Hungarians leave.
Thank you! Now we know!
You went to my favorite places! 🎉 I love Budapest! ❤ The beef dish you ate during the day was pörkölt, not goulash (gulyás). Goulash is a beef SOUP with potatoes--which is what you had in the bread bowl. 😊 When you come back, show us a night view of the Castle, Parliament, and Chain Bridge. Thank you guys for this awesome video of my favorite city, and for your kind, sweet spirit. 😊
Our pleasure! We loved Budapest. Thanks for the suggestion. Night shots on our next visit.
Lángos-burgers sound (and look) like an abomination ...
Other than that, this is a very nice video of my city - I'm glad to see you enjoyed it here. Some of the inaccuracies in your vlog have already been pointed out by my fellow commenters. Nevertheless, they do not decrease the value of your great work. Come back more frequently and enjoy. There's even more to this city with all the museums, thermal baths, city parks and whatnot.
Greetings from the middle of the city - from the area of the West Railway Station. Another building worthy of checking out on your next visit, designed by the same Eiffel who built the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Cheers!
Thanks!!! Can't wait to come back to explore (and eat) more.
Pro tip, there is a garden just 100m down the funicular, there is an elevator and an esalator and several normal stairs up. The other side of the hill is much les steap. There are several way up. The funicular is a turist trap.
Thanks for the insight!
It was amazing.thank you
Our pleasure
Cancel Director Railway Station with M1 underground new station so amazing too! Or Underground no. 5 between Csepel to Szentendre above the Danube!
MO tunnel across the mountains between Budakalász and M1-M7 motorway.
It is a dream!
Sounds like an adventure. Thanks for the recommendation!
You guys are such a nice couple!Always welcome in Hungary!😃🥰I hope you guys left Hungary with good memories.🙏🏻
Oh, we did!!! Loved it!!!
Strudel takes a lot of time to prepare properly. Very few people know how to prepare it properly. Pastry shall always be slightly oily. If the pasty gets dry means a mistake in preparation. My great grandma was a professor of strudel pastry she always had some raw pastry in the kitchen before holiday family meals. It took days for her to prepare and hers were never dry and neither too oily. I am positive she had no clue what an excellent knowledge she had. As a child I thought there was somebody in every family who knew how to prepare these strudels. It took some time to realize hardly anyone could prepare strudel properly. Then she got old moved to my grandma’s home and stopped making strudels. I was so busy with my life I did not ask her to write down or give details of strudel preparation properly and she just suddenly died. I do hope one day I will pick up her knowledge and make her strudels the same way and taste she did.
Wow, you're really lucky to have had a great grandmother like that. We hope you get the chance to try to remake her recipes from memory. We would put money down that hers were the best. We're drooling thinking about it right now.
Always grandmas were the professor of making studel. ;) Sometimes unbelivable how to prepared it. Without any tear. :) The best is always strudel from grandma.;)
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY Try it at all cost at a private house from a grandma ! ;) It's another world. ;)
@@Horvathendre_Iharos sounds amazing.
That’s interesting how you see our city. Even the places where you eat and everything else. Particularly because you are from the USA. Inside the EU the experience is quite different being used to the European old city feeling and cultural things. You made a beautiful video guys.
Thanks. We loved the city, especially since it was a new city for us to explore. There's a lot of culture and history here that we can enjoy.
Omg 8000 huf for the ride is crazy! I remember when it was around 50 for a ticket when i was a kid
There were a lot of people walking, so I'm guessing that was a more recent change?
its this expensive for some years i think but still its insane for such a small ride.@@SQUEEZEtheDAY
@7:01 Yes, that's in Latin and it's from the Bible. "I am the way and the truth and the life." (John 14:6)
Wow! Thanks! Glad someone could tell us!
Is everything they serve in that Cafe made of cats? That's AMAZING!
Lol. That's funny.
The coffee was pretty good and the service was good considering how busy they were.
Come back to my country for more a wonderful time & collecting more loving memories ❤
Hi 🙂 I'm Hungerian and thank you so much then did you do it this vidos from Budapest. I hope sametimes cam back to us. Have a nice time..
Thank you. We hope to return one day.
Szerintem nézzétek meg Csepelt is az egy gyönyörű hely 😂
Thanks for the recommendations. We'll look into it.
I love this video! Thanks a lot! :)
Strange things:
- for at least 25 years, since I am aware of the world, Gulasch (gulyás, which is a soup) is still mistaken for Pörkölt (which is a Hungarian stew?)
- lángos - It is what it is, with some toppings - please try with soured cream&cheese&garlic, but certainly not with hamburger meat.
I might be a boomer :D
Hope you enjoyed Hungary ;)
We loved Hungary, thank you. We appreciate the correction for Gulasch vs Pörkölt. Can't wait to try langos the traditional way.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY Gulasch/goulash is actually the Austrian version, which is a thick, brown stew with beef. The Hungarian version is a much lighter soup with beef and vegetables. Only the name is similar (Gulasch vs. gulyásleves). The gulyás is actually the guy who cares for cattle.
Top city and country not only in Europe but in the whole world
Love the local pride, thanks for sharing!!!
22:37 That is pörkölt (stew), gulyás is a soup. I have no idea, why the world mix it up.
In all Slavic countires it's a stew, thats the reason i guess.
Thanks for the correction.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY thank you 🙏 for loving my country. I hope not a first time & last time you visited! Come back to Hungary one of the safety country in Europe. Gob bless you guys. Aloha from Hawaii.
Hi, never sawn fried dough lángos to be used as such, for a burger side. Actually very unorthodox pairing. Being a hungarian I rather recommend lángos traditionally, with cheese and sour cream over garlic oil.
If you want to eat good burger, better go for a traditional burger place.
Also, stuffes cabbage goes with cabbage as side, also never sawn that mixed with lángos, really looks a 'touristy scam' food.
Since one shop created the mixing of Kürtőskalács and Icecream for tourists (we hungarians never buy such), I cannot be surprised anymore on these 'special pairings of foods', but really makes our gastronomy look and feel like mixed fodder for live stock.
Not to be negative, rather recommending a better choice for upcoming guests :)
Always look for traditional restaurants, shops and so, to try out what is less "modern", less gastronomically disastrous.
The traditional way to eat langos sounds delicious. Thanks for the recommendations!
This is for the tourists,same with the kürtőskalács , never had it with ice cream.
@@SQUEEZEtheDAY the best and one of the most traditional way to eat lángos is sitting on the shore/beach of (lake) Balaton in the high heat summer during your holiday :D (or if you visit small traditional villages where grandma's making it). So you might able to enjoy the sight and the vibe and the key role what lángos plays :)
@@tomso8787 that sounds amazing
I'm not sure where you tried that "goulash", but this shouldn't be a stew, but a soup. So they either labeled goulash something completely different or I'm not sure what happened there. Goulash is a soup. The stew should have been called "marhapörkölt", which translates to something like a beef stew. Be sure to try a proper goulash someday, it's one of my favorite beef soups :)) Amazing video by the way. Hungary is a real treasure box... I'm living here expat since like forever and still have things to discover :D
Thanks for the info. We loved visiting. You're lucky, it's a beautiful city. Can't wait to go back
There are museums, ; torture, jewish, stamp, history., etc. Gift shops w/chess sets. Bookstores, and locations used in films. The thermal baths are one thats popular and a few smaller ones. If you dine farther away from tourist spots it will be a more relaxed setting w/ longer wait time. Paprika is regular or smoked or spicy. There is local beer and hungarian wine also. Koszonom
thank you!!!
There's a cat museum too.
Nice vlog. I love this city
Thank you. Us too.
New York Cafe FYI - There is another entrance through the hotel next to it, you could have gone in that way and see it all inside. There's never a queue at the hotel entrance :)
That's good to know for the next time we're there!!!
Lango burgers? Os that what the placd is called?
That's what the food cart called it. We liked the burger, but the lango bread was amazing though.
Me and my husband are going to Budapest in 2 weeks time, im here to familiarize the city and get some tips from you guys, You have a very informative video, what camera are you using, the video has a very good quality.
Thanks. Latest Pixel actually. Glad the video could help. Have fun.
Okay, I didn't know about that langosh burger. 😂 Living so close to Budapest… 🤦♂
We liked it. Might be worth a try, just for the experience, let us know if you do try it and how you like it.
The goulash stew is just normal stew, they just put the goulash there to make it more expensive. And there a lot of stuff like that on Budapest for tourism, even hungarians that born in Budapest think those things are real. Btw goulash is a soup.
Thank you very much for letting us know. We got a lot of wrong info from the internet.
Welcome in Hugary. Budapest is really nice point to relax but the countryside is much better because of thermal spas and wines. We have colorful history, meeting point of different culture: hungarian, german, turkish, slavonien, austrian.
We hope that our next visit will let us spend some time in the rural areas.
hahaha, and you just passed the American embassy on Liberty square without even mentioning it:)
Lol. We didn't even realize it. Thank you.
Good video. But you should have mentioned that Budapest is actually two cities, the Eastern part is Buda, the Western is Pest. THey're very different. They were united in 1849 when the Lánchid, Chain Bridge, was completed connecting the two cities.
Lángos burgert se láttam soha 😅
The burgers were good. Different, but we enjoyed them.
:D Pont ezen gondolkodtam!! El se hiszem, hogy ilyen van. És nem is ajánlom senkinek. Ha itt van egy külföldi, próbálja ki az "autentikus" lángost.
De. Valójában így fejlődik a világ, nem? Kultúrák vegyülése ... fúzió. ; )
Aaah man, next time I go to the capital I will try this. It looked too good.@@SQUEEZEtheDAY
I got so drunk in Budapest. Szimpla Kert had great live music day and night. I ended up sitting in someone's Lamborghini.
That sounds like a great night
Actually Bp is not underrated but its a nice catchy title indeed :) hope u guys had a great time here in my hometown! Cheers
Thanks, we loved it. We want more people to love it too. Can't wait to return.
Funny, most foreigners miss one important fact, namely, where the funicular ends on top of Castle Hill/Royal Palace, to the right of it is the official residence/office of Hungary's president, the "Sándor Palace". By they way, the building next to it, the "Carmelite Cloister", is the office of Hungary's PM. As you can see, access is beyond easy! Try that in Washington!
Awesome information. Thank you.
You should have gone inside the NY café to show pple.