If the girl from the first story married the guy and decided to have kids with him and be a stay at home mom he will never respect her if he is like this for phone what is gonna be of they go married and he pays for everything he is acting like he doing her a favor by being with her. He might just leave her if he finds his dream girl she keeps talking about
My God girl you go to Princeton and you’re worried about some dude you decide what you want and you deserve so much more honestly not in judey way but in very supportive way
Everything is 50/50 that’s how law sees marriage. I wouldn’t get married to anyone unless they’re on my level or trying to be on my level. Being romantic is cool and all but it will fade away as time goes by and one partner become liability to other if they don’t have their finances straight. ውበት ይረግፋል: ፍቅር ይቀዘቅዛል: የሚቀረን ብልጥነት ብቻ ይሆናል::
Whatever happens don't quit ur job!! Tommorrow u will realize that u are the only responsible person for urself. He is just trying to make u dependent on him so that u can be an easy target to control.
The first one was ma problem ande ken neser ke doro gar endet yehonal silenge kemekinaw endet endewerdku alaakem keza I cut it off now a days he begging me but no kibr no relationship
The second grl wedaw ayedelem geta meskere nw be zemut menfes teyza nw mnm ke haymanot gar endatagenangut tsely mama ymr kaltseleysh annde ken taregiwalesh keza yetsetsetshal endewm contact betareginge des yelengale like ur sister
Leyu i think you are a Sagittarius if you are born in hidar. According to ethiopian astrology. you are very up front which is nice. and mahi might be pieces too if she is born in yekatit or aquarius if Tir.
The second grl wedaw ayedelem geta meskere nw be zemut menfes teyza nw mnm ke haymanot gar endatagenangut tsely mama ymr kaltseleysh annde ken taregiwalesh keza yetsetsetshal endewm contact betareginge des yelengale like ur sister
ለሁለተኛው ታሪክ
የኔ እህት ህይወትሽን ታበላሽውና እድሜሽን ሙሉ ምንሆኜ ነው ያደረኩት ብለሽ እራስሽን ስትወሺ ነው ምትኖሪው ለግንኙነት ብቻ እንደፈለገሽ እኮ ከንግግሩ ከሁኔታው ያስታውቃል ወደድኩት ያልሽውም ሁኔታዎችን እንጂ ወደሽው አይደለም ካለፈ ቡሃ ይቆጭሻል ተጠንቀቂ በተለይ ድንግል እንደሆንሽ ካወቀ ምናልባ ድንግልናሽን ለማግኘት ይሆናል እንጂ ላንቺ ጥሩ ነገር ያለው ሰው ይህን ያህል ሀሳቡ ወሬው ስለግንኙነት አይሆንም እና የሚጠይቁኝ ሁሉ ለግንኙነት ነው ያልሽው ዲያቢሎስ እየፈተነሽ ነው በዝሙት እድትወድቂ እንድትበላሺ ስለዚህ በጣም ተጠንቀቂ ትክክለኛውን ሰው መሮጠሽ ለመተኛት የማይፈልግሽን መርጨሽ አግቢ ድንግል ስለሆንሽ በትዳር ብትቋጪው የተሻለ ነው
እረ ባለታሪኮች በአማሪኛ ሰፃፉ የናተን ታሪክ ለመስማት መሰቃየት አለብኝ እዴ ስታናድዱ😢😢😢
If the girl from the first story married the guy and decided to have kids with him and be a stay at home mom he will never respect her if he is like this for phone what is gonna be of they go married and he pays for everything he is acting like he doing her a favor by being with her. He might just leave her if he finds his dream girl she keeps talking about
His money is your money yours money your money Done😊
Esu beyanse norot nawe andandoch Alu enji ensum kanchi Berchtesgaden income norot menek ❤❤
My God girl you go to Princeton and you’re worried about some dude you decide what you want and you deserve so much more honestly not in judey way but in very supportive way
Liyu's ✨️Sprinkle sprinkle✨️😂
Birr yalew chinklat yelelewn magibat waga yaskeflal kewdihu masebu yshalal
በጣም አድናቂያችሁ ነኝ እስቲ online business ስሩልን በጣም ስለማምናችሁ
የመጀመራ ታሪክ 😂😳 ምን አስቦ ነው እንከፍ በይው😳😄
ማሂዬና…ሊ…ከ300,000 ሺህ ብር ላይ ታክስ ተቆርጦ የሚቀረው 175485.00 ሺህ ብር ነው…ሰለዚህ እናንተ ልብ ልትሉ የሚገባችሁ በዚህ ደረጃ በሚከፈልበት ተቋም ውስጥ የሚሰራ ሰው ላይ ያለውን ጫና ነው፡፡ ምክንያቱም የባልደረቦቹ የኑሮ ስታይል ወይም ፕሮቶኮል እንደቀላል ሊታይ የሚችል አይመስለኝም…ማንኛውም ሰው ደግሞ አብሮት ከሚሰራ ሰው ጋር ራሱን ማወዳደሩ አይቀሬ ነው…የሰው ልጅ ሁሌም ካለበት አንድ ደረጃ ወይም በፈለገው ልክ ከፍ ማለት ስለሚፈልግ ምንም አይነት ብር ብያገኝ እንኳን በዛው ልክ ፍላጎቱ እንደሚለጠጥ ይታወቃል፡፡ ስለዚህ የእናንተ ምክረ ሀሳብ መሆን ያለበት ልጁ ፍቅረኛውን እንዴት መምራት እንዳለበትና የሕይወት ከፍተና ዝቅታ በፍቅረኞች እንዴት እንደሚመራ ቢሆን አስተማሪ ነው፡፡ አመስግናለሁ
የናተን የፍቅር ህይወት ንገሩን?
for the 2nd girl:-ካላገባሽው ወንድ ጋር አትተኚ የምትቀርቢውን ሰው ምረጪ
Btm nw mitmchugn gin sew teyaki selkalchu betskhi des yelali miknyathum mikr felgiwe selmilkhulachu ya sew lidbrawe yechli gin mikrchu mirt nw kmr ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂mesha Allah konjo nachu damo eshi ❤❤❤❤❤❤
የሚመስለኝ አሱ የቢዝንስ ሰው አንድትሆን አያበረታት ነው የሚምስልኝ! በፍጥም አየናቃት አይደለም፣ ያው አንደተለመደው እንዳንድ ሲቶች የተወሰነ ነገር ላይ ያተኩራሉ፡
Metequ not easy you beautiful ladies ❤️❤️.
The last story is like After movie. It's so interested 😉
ማርያምን ስወዳቹሁ ስታምሩ ደግሞ በቅርብ ነው ያወቅኳቹሁ ግን ምክራቹሁ ጠቅሞኛል የማይፈልገኝን ሰው አፍቅሬ ልጎዳ ነበር አሁን ግን ተውኩት
ኧረ ምን በወጣሽ ፍቅር ተመጣጣኝ ሲሆን እንጂ ብቻማ ስቃይ ነው ለጊዜው እንጂ ይደክምሻል
@@sitrazee13በጣም የሚገርምሽ እሱ አያውቅም እንድ አውቅ ግን ጥሬ አለሁ
Liyu ewdashew
Yene wid negerochi getan betam new miwedachu 🥰🥰🥰😘🇪🇹👌
❤ enaten lemayet new megebaw sewdachu gadeingnetachu yasekenal ayeleyachu
She must be kidding
Princeton😮😮 no way
አቤት ስወዳችሁ 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
I always look forward to it❤❤❤
እንኳን ሰላም መጣችሁ የኔ ቆንጀዬዋች ባለ 300'000 ተከፋዩ ሰውዬ 😂
ስልኩን መልሰሸ ልጁን ተገላገይው።or you are preparing ur self for disaster 😢
Everything is 50/50 that’s how law sees marriage.
I wouldn’t get married to anyone unless they’re on my level or trying to be on my level.
Being romantic is cool and all but it will fade away as time goes by and one partner become liability to other if they don’t have their finances straight.
ውበት ይረግፋል: ፍቅር ይቀዘቅዛል: የሚቀረን ብልጥነት ብቻ ይሆናል::
I don't agree on this idea.marage not 50/50
Please don't forget your content
You guys so funny and also outspoken.I don’t know how can I contact you guys..I need your advice.
Welcome konjowochu
Whatever happens don't quit ur job!! Tommorrow u will realize that u are the only responsible person for urself. He is just trying to make u dependent on him so that u can be an easy target to control.
Well said dear she will be under control and lose confidence to do thing by herself , economic dependence is hard
Well said dear she will be under control and lose confidence to do thing by herself , economic dependence is hard
@@zemeta27534 yes!
ወንድ ልጅ ከአንድ ጊዜ በላይ እንደማይፈልግሽ እንዲነግርሽ አታድርጊ
Hule melsachu ....depends on girls new ymr.....ayenefam
The first one was ma problem ande ken neser ke doro gar endet yehonal silenge kemekinaw endet endewerdku alaakem keza I cut it off now a days he begging me but no kibr no relationship
Hi liyu& mahi btam nw mewdacu yjimma lij negn buna bamtalcu des yilgnal history algn bendnw melkelcu erdatacun eflgalw
The story and reaction is gonna be totally different if the story owners swap places
Weyina sewdachu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
መብራት ሲጠፋ ውበታቹ ወጣ😂😂
እረ ደሞ ትንሽ አርዝሙት ቢያንስ 1 ሰአት ቢሆን አሪፍ ነው
hey leyu አንገትሽ ግን የጤና አልመስልም አለኝ እስቲ እደ ወንድም ልምከርሽ thyroid hormonal test (T1 &T2 test) ወደ ሆስፒታል ሄደሽ ታይው በግዜ መፍቴ ለማኝየት ይረዳል
Welcome ❤L💜M
Tetareku setelu semchachu alkm girls😮
Liyu amarshign
ሰቀቹን ቀንሱ ግን ደስ ትለለቹ
ሳቃችሁን ቀንሱ ቢባሉ ምንም አይሰሙም በተጨማሪ ከአማረኛ ላይ እንግሊዘኛ የሚጨምሩትን ተው ቢባሉ ወደተግባር አልገበም በአጠቃላይ ሰጋ በድንች ወጥ ነው ያደረጉት ፕሮግራሙን
Try to fix your intro means making it more interesting and clear
The template (intro template)😊
Yene tarke baze lestafe woye?
yemr new metaznanugne
Leyu & Mahi ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
She can ask him to lend a money to start a business she can directly or indirectly run
😂😂 sprincle sprincle
Erebakeshen Liyu fker ewdashalew.
Esty benatachu negerugn mn aynet sera teserto nw bewer 300000 yemigegnew bemareyam negerugn ena bewer 3000 nw demoza er😢
There is a huge difference bn a provider man and a rich man ladies choose the former!!!
The second grl wedaw ayedelem geta meskere nw be zemut menfes teyza nw mnm ke haymanot gar endatagenangut tsely mama ymr kaltseleysh annde ken taregiwalesh keza yetsetsetshal endewm contact betareginge des yelengale like ur sister
Mahi really 😂❤❤
My ❤❤❤❤❤
selam sorry adis negn ena men lay nw tarik lenante makafel mechelew?
And guys i sent u a story, but u didn't read it yet. It says my invitation should be accepted to send more
በንግልሽ ምስፉት አናተ በንግልሽ ስለምተልሱ ነው ሀሳባችሁባማረኛ መልሱ ለምን yetemelkachሃሳብ አትቀበሉም sorry
hiii i love you ❤❤❤
U guys i love u so much can u reply this❤
Hiii mahi&leyu sewdachu wddddd
Leyu i think you are a Sagittarius if you are born in hidar. According to ethiopian astrology. you are very up front which is nice. and mahi might be pieces too if she is born in yekatit or aquarius if Tir.
Hi guys 🤩
I am amazed how you guys have this much patience 🤔 those stories are so dumb 🙄
ዛሬ ልየ ሆናችኋል ዘይት ለወጣችሁ መሰለኝ ዘይት ሲቀይሩ ሴት ያሰታውቃል
I think ሸማቾች ነው ምትሰራወ
@@user-misselhamእውነትም ሸማቾች ።ያለ ዘይት ወሬ የለውም ሲያናድድ
Gold Diggers know the best advice.
Money is a paper 😅
Fker Eko nesh Lyiu
She got out of pricton for such kind of toxic relationship?am sorry, cuz i was there. After all they leave after separating u from everyone around
How can we text u guys
The second grl wedaw ayedelem geta meskere nw be zemut menfes teyza nw mnm ke haymanot gar endatagenangut tsely mama ymr kaltseleysh annde ken taregiwalesh keza yetsetsetshal endewm contact betareginge des yelengale like ur sister