Wild Horse Islands | I Can't Leave Until I Find a Rare Horse!! (Mainland)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kajaarmfordsso8264
    @kajaarmfordsso8264 2 роки тому +20

    Hi! You were missing 1 spot. When you look at this house on the bigger mountian, you Can see a Road, and there is a spawning spot overthere!
    (11:20 look at right)

  • @weevil8025
    @weevil8025 2 роки тому +24

    Spent 100 lassos catching horses and have yet to catch a single event one. The events really do burn me out.

    • @Soccergirl7365
      @Soccergirl7365 Рік тому +2

      I caught a wild valentine friesian on a herd, I wish you alot of luck!!

    • @andreaesquivel1698
      @andreaesquivel1698 Рік тому

      Ya i have to always buy them

  • @CalacityOfficial
    @CalacityOfficial 2 роки тому +15

    Video ideas:
    1. How to get lava rod
    2.opening 50 Common treasure chests
    3.Viewers island tours
    4.Unique coat Andalusians or Fjords
    5.trying to make 10k without catching and selling horses

    • @Carolineissmart
      @Carolineissmart 2 роки тому +2

      I dont have that much lassos
      Me trying to find a good horse with my 1 stone lasso😂😂

    • @CalacityOfficial
      @CalacityOfficial 2 роки тому

      @@Carolineissmart lol

    • @Carolineissmart
      @Carolineissmart 2 роки тому

      @@CalacityOfficial Can you play with me my user is hoppyjumpy1234

    • @CalacityOfficial
      @CalacityOfficial 2 роки тому

      @@Carolineissmart that’s uh random.

    • @Carolineissmart
      @Carolineissmart 2 роки тому

      @@CalacityOfficial Sorry I saw my friend from my school wrong person

  • @smithdavies6906
    @smithdavies6906 2 роки тому +2

    Video Ideas-My fav horses and how to breed them-styling tack sets-treasure hunting review what u got

  • @uuser4512.
    @uuser4512. 2 роки тому +7

    2:46 for me this is where all the rare horses spawn lol 😩✨
    Love this series chi!!❤

    • @vidabella14
      @vidabella14 2 роки тому +1

      Same I catched my blue roan quarter there

  • @MauriceandFriends321
    @MauriceandFriends321 2 роки тому +29

    Me: caught a perch on main and feeling so bad for you

    • @Tzxci
      @Tzxci 2 роки тому +7

      Once i captured a tidal fri on main 🥲

    • @sadsight.
      @sadsight. 2 роки тому +2


    • @sadsight.
      @sadsight. 2 роки тому +3

      I caught 2 chestnut perches😱

    • @ckiethewolfd7964
      @ckiethewolfd7964 2 роки тому

      Can I offer for the tidal wave fri its my dream horse! My user is Ilove_unicorns2211

    • @MauriceandFriends321
      @MauriceandFriends321 2 роки тому +4

      Tiara, i caught a grey one i haven't caught a Chesnut one yet on any island but i somehow managed to get a white perch and a buckskin sab perch from breeding-

  • @siennameadowhook
    @siennameadowhook 2 роки тому +2

    I would love to see more of these!

  • @Jumping-equestrian123
    @Jumping-equestrian123 Рік тому

    I would like if you make tack sets for your horses or something like that. Maybe giving a random horse a makeover

  • @wolflovers3419
    @wolflovers3419 2 роки тому +1

    Ur the best UA-camr EVER

  • @jacquelinelott981
    @jacquelinelott981 2 роки тому +1

    Love your vids and lives!

  • @_F4UN4_
    @_F4UN4_ Рік тому +1

    I used to have a caught toadstool fjord on mainland i don’t even know how I got that tbh-
    Oh I think it was a fjord herd

  • @animalwhisperer3141
    @animalwhisperer3141 Рік тому +1

    You know how you mine rocks and come back to that spot and another think has respawned? You can do that with horses to just gotta have a lot of lassos which it looks like you do

  • @alisl9230
    @alisl9230 2 роки тому +1

    Love your video!!!❤❤❤

    • @alisl9230
      @alisl9230 2 роки тому

      My sister caught a black rabicano Arabian at mainland

  • @sunnyxvibex3dts869
    @sunnyxvibex3dts869 2 роки тому +1

    Gn or gnnnnnn ❤❤

  • @vidabella14
    @vidabella14 2 роки тому +1

    Chi yes I relate to you because I got lucky by catching a Grey Percheron,Blue roan QH, White Tb, and a CREMELLO Andalusian on desert mainland blizzard and forest then I’m not lucky anymore 😭💀

  • @VanillaBunilla
    @VanillaBunilla  2 роки тому +4

    First ;D

  • @wolflovers3419
    @wolflovers3419 2 роки тому +1

    Boi me and you are the same abt mainland XD

  • @amelia.dxb0
    @amelia.dxb0 2 роки тому +1

    I’m sick too!

  • @olivarodrigo
    @olivarodrigo Рік тому

    Me finding this hilarious when he ends of video- have a good day everybody..😂😂

  • @madisonjd.6969
    @madisonjd.6969 2 роки тому

    Black Andy, fjord, and a arab. That’s pretty good compared to most people Spawns

  • @Ehhh..990
    @Ehhh..990 2 роки тому

    Its me…or that was a black Andy lol-
    I love ur Vids!!!

  • @zsso6081
    @zsso6081 Рік тому +2

    On private servers always rarer horses spawn

  • @theblackrainbowgaming
    @theblackrainbowgaming Рік тому

    Hello Chi! I would possibly like to do something similar to this, so I wanted to ask for your permission ^^

  • @Lemonade_Family
    @Lemonade_Family Рік тому

    Just saying you should grab the OK horses so the rare horses can spawn

  • @Cora_Natasha
    @Cora_Natasha 2 роки тому

    Second! Hey chi how are you doing? ❤

  • @smithdavies6906
    @smithdavies6906 2 роки тому

    Hi ive been trying to get a chestnut rabinco foreverrrr can u pls tell me how to breed one if u can ty

  • @hermanhusselmann7764
    @hermanhusselmann7764 Рік тому

    Hi I love your horse kenn sorry if I spell it wrong, I have same coat and I named it kenn😅 can we be friends ? what is your avatar name ?

  • @chelsyweisz
    @chelsyweisz 2 роки тому

    That Andy you saw in the beginning was black😂

  • @mariawollers5132
    @mariawollers5132 Рік тому

    Once I just locked in chat it was the winter event and this person caught a hot coco mustang and do u know where on fricken TUTORIAL ISLAND LIKE BRO HOW

  • @aidenkirk1326
    @aidenkirk1326 2 роки тому +1

    I would love to see u catch an island unique hair color

  • @HoneyNicollEquestrian
    @HoneyNicollEquestrian 2 роки тому

    Can you do trying to get fleebittens in all breeds?

  • @rinajanssens7672
    @rinajanssens7672 Рік тому

    Video idea i cant leave until i find a friesian

  • @muhhamadkhairil2942
    @muhhamadkhairil2942 Рік тому

    That take few hour but if u luck it easy..but just brown or black fri just liltle bit easy..other i can cry everyday went to find them..foal kinda bad luck to

  • @kendrabare6208
    @kendrabare6208 2 роки тому +1

    i got hqcked so i cant play wild horse islands anymore😭😭😭😭🤧

  • @jacquelinelott981
    @jacquelinelott981 2 роки тому +1

    Chi i forgot i got a ken and shall make one.. But it's a girl ken

  • @leeknowstan10
    @leeknowstan10 Рік тому

    I caught a dapple palomino clydes on royal island and it was 0.00008 percent of a chance to obtain- I got so lucky with it-

  • @PawsitiveTailWaggers
    @PawsitiveTailWaggers 2 роки тому

    3rd! How you doin?

  • @undetectablevirus8775
    @undetectablevirus8775 Рік тому

    rare horses spawn in the back of the mountain more often. it hurt my soul seeing u not check it 😭

  • @paulallen7816
    @paulallen7816 Рік тому

    It was a black anda

  • @friesiancollector
    @friesiancollector Рік тому

    The fact I cough the summer event on mainland 😭(2023)

  • @IslaEquestrian425
    @IslaEquestrian425 Рік тому

    Theres another spawn on beach cave :)

  • @hermanhusselmann7764
    @hermanhusselmann7764 Рік тому

    Oh my gosh so as I said this morning I found a wild clyde I just found a dapple grey Percheron !😊

  • @Alexis_MotoFan
    @Alexis_MotoFan 2 роки тому

    my fist ever caught arabian was a black sabino then bay then grey (thoes are the only ones ive caught)

  • @txtally_3rr0r
    @txtally_3rr0r Рік тому

    loll, today i got a Blue roan Percheron On main island, And i was just gonna go breed it but i guess i got SUPER lucky

  • @mrscutteridge
    @mrscutteridge Рік тому

    do a catching scammers video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Lexi-k4w
    @Lexi-k4w 2 місяці тому


  • @hermanhusselmann7764
    @hermanhusselmann7764 Рік тому

    This morning I found seal brown clyde !

  • @tedbartlett4381
    @tedbartlett4381 2 роки тому +1

    Me * catch a rare horse *

  • @andreaesquivel1698
    @andreaesquivel1698 Рік тому

    I found my first perch on main island and a friesian and now i feel bad that i did

  • @raskalmutt
    @raskalmutt 2 роки тому

    I caught a dapple gray Clyde

  • @acomicwritersjourney171
    @acomicwritersjourney171 2 роки тому

    i love your vids btw im just on my dads account lol

  • @ctothea5228
    @ctothea5228 Рік тому

    700 mins on wild horse islands!!!

  • @sarahroczniak9367
    @sarahroczniak9367 Рік тому

    Me:oo I caught a pearl anda oof I still u still ain't got a rare horse.

  • @amelia.dxb0
    @amelia.dxb0 2 роки тому

    There’s a flu going around 🎉

  • @Lemonade_Family
    @Lemonade_Family Рік тому

    I just got a rare horse on royal lol it is my 3 today

  • @FelixOnPawziees
    @FelixOnPawziees 2 роки тому

    I have only 37 rare horses i want have 100😔

  • @Ur_girlkenken
    @Ur_girlkenken Рік тому

    I have a coat like that in Freesian and I think it is called Sabino. I have no idea.