MLK Humanities Forum Featuring Nikole Hannah-Jones

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024


  • @Kira-hl6sw
    @Kira-hl6sw 5 років тому +8

    I love when she says “Some of them are your grandparents.” Very gut wrenching factual statement.

  • @cactusqltr
    @cactusqltr 2 роки тому +1

    So glad that Nickole H Jones is educating Black folks just as the Nation of Islam has done for over 90 years! You certainly can’t sweep the data under the rug and call it racist! She is hitting a whole nother segment of people who happen not to like a religion!

  • @johnnyarellano7653
    @johnnyarellano7653 5 років тому +5

    A fucking QUEENN!!!!!!!!! I could watch her speak for HOURS!!!

  • @shamusibalogun364
    @shamusibalogun364 5 років тому +7

    Mrs. Nikole Hannah-Jones is certified, bonafide, exquisite, grade A AWESOMNESS!! She is unapologetically speaking truth to power before this audience.

  • @queenaqueena5803
    @queenaqueena5803 4 роки тому +4

    I love her! I can listen to her speak for hours and I love that she speaks the truth regardless to whom it may hurt.

  • @terriewigfall5793
    @terriewigfall5793 5 років тому +11

    Oh well! So much for the feel-good MLK speech I bet the audience was settling in to hear! She did not come to play not even a tiny amount. She came with a pyramid of receipts. Didn't even put the scalpel away for the institution hosting her talk. Beautiful surgical decimation - I meant Truth telling.

    • @terriewigfall5793
      @terriewigfall5793 3 роки тому

      @Rufus Lloyd Oh Rufus. How sad for you. Racism is such a terrifying truth to you that you are doubling yourself over turning inside out trying to find a way to discredit this scholar's Accurate account of not only her own high school experience to which you most certainly were not privy - and it's interesting that though you claim her argument is filled with inaccuracies, lies and flaws --you don't offer even one 'for instance' - but even her entire curriculum of expertise. All because you're discomforted by unpleasant truths.....
      See Rufus - here's the hard ugly uncomfortable truth. Racism is real. White supremacist ideology as practiced on a national scale at the founding of this country is absolutely documentable, researchable, evidenced based, can be found in the founding laws of the constitution and evolutionary bills, mandates, amendments, clauses that were tacked on as the decades proceeded to ensure that white male dominance of a society that included chattel bondage for a marked swath of african descended 'citizens' and also please don't forget the indigenous genocidal land grabbing and dispossession all courtesy of white, british, european colonozing travels to the New World.....
      I know it's discomforting Rufus -- the truth unfortunately for some persons currently experiencing America being investigated for it's original intent - meaning what did they actually work to accomplish that disavowed the Great Experiment of 'liberty and justice for ALL"'s very painful, it creates feelings of self-consciousness, some wrestle with ancestral guilt -- and others just rage against the machine -- claiming that the black and brown and asian and indigenous peoples who do their due diligence in the halls of academia -- using all the european based pubications, biographies, historical records, journals, legal information, etc -- and those that add to that or simply base their knowledge on their lived lives -- all of this to some people leaves them truly at a loss as to what to do with it all. Because for them -- well there are many different reasons as people who balk. For some they feel it indicts them some how -- so that quickly say "that was long ago - get over it -- it's all lies -- that's an overgeneralization - - that's reverse racism.....there are a gazillion rejecting comments that get compelled.....For others it's the simple disillusionment with America as they believed in it - regardless of their enthnicity. They want this country to be Great. They may have just loved the whole idea of the revolution of a group of Brits breaking away from imperialism and starting a brave new World where 'all men are created equal'. So, to find out that the words on the document were noble - but the actions and outworkings were decidedly 'anti-freedom for all' troubling and disenchanting....
      Bummer dude....but....Life is just like this.
      But - in the end - the truth is the truth -- the facts are the facts.

    • @terriewigfall5793
      @terriewigfall5793 3 роки тому

      @Rufus Lloyd Oh for god's sake Rufus - - now who's speaking Lies?!!! How much further do you intend to go with this fantasy speak and thinking?!!!
      I guess next thing you're gonna proclaim is that Misogyny is a Myth women make up because they hate themselves and make themselves victims and blame it on men! That there is no such thing as Sexism or sexual discrimination. That Rape is a lie - a false story made up by women who were ashamed of the sex they decided to have so they blame poor innocent men.....
      You see any difference Rufus?! I know you'll twist your colon around to try and make it work - so have at it. Because the only reason you spout this ridiculous pathologic nonsense that black people fear white people and have made up HISTORY - have made up Slavery -- Jim Crow -- made up the thousands of Lynchings at the hands of white men/mobs/communities (they were just Suicides!), the Whites only and Coloreds only signs all over the south were just Pranks -- hoaxes -- The Civil war was a fight for states rights that had nothing whatsoever to do with the OWNING of human bodies that the north wanted to put an end to (and NOT btw because the North was so holy and human - but solely bc the owning of black bodies in slavery helped the South to amass disproportionate Wealth and Power and threatened to see the South as Politically Dominating the landscape....but the reason for the War was the removal of chattel slavery - you know that FAKE story about black people being in chains and owned by southern whites)....
      Oh yeah, and there is also no such thing as legal discrimination. Redlining by the banks and the government about where black families could and could not live (which is still practiced covertly today)....there was no such thing as Tulsa Massacre-- those black folks just decided they were tired of living in peace and prosperity in their state-designated segregated towns that was prospering -- they started the fires and white communities all around just came to help out......
      You're mental disruption is so sad Rufus. Look at all you have to do to make this something else.
      Keep trying -- somewhere along the line you will find mental and pyschological comfort. It will happen much faster the moment you can face the truth. If you are a man - -if you are a white man -- then the reality is that Black people are not afraid of white people Rufus. That is to say -- Black, brown, and Asian people all know that white people have posed serious threats to all of their well beings in society writ large. We know have Asian anti-hate policies on the books -- because of oftentimes white lead violence against this 'model minority' and them finally taking to the streets to Protest these injustices....But I guess because Ms H-Jones talk wasn't about that - that doesn't have any disturbance for you yeah? That too probably doesn't exist -- or if it gets too uncomfortable for you-- too many talks and lectures about all the evils done - you'll find a way to debunk and say Asians too are just playing victim.
      And pro-tip Rufus -- Personal struggles in life are not at all an equivalent mental comparison to Structural discriminatory practices, institutions that see a people systemically harmed, exploited, disenfranchised, cheated, overlooked, underserved, etc. When I speak of these things you can put ANYBODY in this category. Women. Blacks. Indigenous Native Americans. Asians, LGBTQIA.
      Racism and sexim and large scale discrimination is real. Get over it. Help yourself grow....

    • @terriewigfall5793
      @terriewigfall5793 3 роки тому

      @Rufus Lloyd Bullshit.
      Complete and utter bullshyte Rufus.
      But here's my question. What is your goal here? Seriously. What is this subject to you since you are convinced it is a false experience - a NON-existent thing - that has no measurable substance that YOU would then conclude it is real.
      Why. Are. You. HERE???????
      How can you at the same time say "I've dealt with racism my whole life" -- and precede that and follow that with "Racism is FALSE" -- 'black people are afraid of white people and say this to make themselves victims". What kind of bullshit thought process are you living inside???
      Let me make this easy for you Rufus. Let it go. Leave it alone. I'm dead serious. Let. It. GO.
      Do you realize that you are expending an extraordinary amount of psychic energy on a subject that you do not believe in?!!! Does that make any sense at all?!!
      IF racism is false in your mind heart and soul -- THEN - it doesn't EXIST FOR YOU and therefore YOU DO NOT NEED to devote 1 millisecond of mental thought or energy let alone a Nanosecond of physical energy and time to TYPE, or Talk or Speak on a NONEXISTENT subject.
      Clearly - you do not have one black/brown friend. I say this because no self-respecting intellectually or emotionally sound black person would spend anytime with anyone as mentally toxic as you as to completely dismiss, reject, deny, History, facts, truths -- all because you are a white man so completely fragile - so completely weak in spirit and consciousness that you need to fully erase an entire TRUTH because you don't like the way it makes white men or white people look or come off - because in relation to allowing the subject its space in Reality and Truth -- that means that the comfort and identity you want to hold as a white man as Good by Design - and the Good force in society -- as the reason for all the Progress and enlightenment and civilization and progress (and not the author of genocide, violence, destruction and inequity as racism would put white society and white men)....and by extension then - you can't stand the way it makes YOU FEEL about BEING white in relation to the subject. So it's either your comfort - or the highway......and racism therefore MUST be bullshit. Your mind and world - is not big enough to house the two.....
      SO -- you do everything in your power to Braveheart the entire subject-- raise it to the ground - torch it... with ridiculous statements, double-talk, contradictions, evasions, and stupidity.
      And the thing is Rufus - all this is completely unnecessary for you. If you do not believe in racism- you should then be at peace. DON"T BELIEVE IN IT. You should not spend your time watching videos that insult your education, intellect, integrity, ethic etc...such as this video that you came of your own free will to watch and then trash in every way you could try -- saying the woman is a liar, just because she said something about her feelings in high school that was the only straw you could grab at to consider the subject in total as trash. LET. It. GO.
      It's stupid Rufus. I'm not saying this to insult you. But it IS stupid to spend ones time in the environment of Lies and hypocrisy IF you are convinced that that is what the environment is. You are a FREE, white, male Rufus. NOBODY is requiring YOU to have any thing at all the do with this subject. Racism is not 'real' for You so what are you Worrying about the subject for?!!!
      WHO is requiring your time or attention here?!! NO ONE. I'm responding to you simply because you chose my comment to reply to. But at my core -- your disbelief is meaningless to me. It doesn't change my reality not one iota. But -- it does change YOURS obviously - and it makes no sense that it should. You OWE NO ONE ANYTHING in this arena Rufus. Do you understand that - at all????
      If Racism is bullshit in your eyes -- then let it lay on the ground like the offal you call it. Step over it. Walk on by. Scrape your shoe and keep stepping. It doesn't belong TO you -- it isn't Real FOR YOU. and not ONE person on this planet - let alone this comment section - NO ONE REQUIRES YOU to believe in it. Go on and live your life in Peace....
      This subject is not YOURS -- in that it is not FOR YOU -- You Reject it -- and you are Welcome to that rejection. You are FREE. Nobody is hemming you up. You don't have to engage the subject in public, or private. You offer nothing TO the discussion. You don't UNconvince those of us for whom the subject is TRUE, Real, inventory-able, etc. You offer no food for thought, nor anything useful. That too is not an insult -- it's simply a fact. If you don't agree with the subject - then you would have 'nothing to offer' to expound the subject or move the discussion forward. What you do is act like a lump in the middle of the road.....and why waste your energy like that?!
      When subjects have no relevance to me personally -- I don't trouble myself with them. If I don't appreciate the subject -- I keep it moving. I don't click on the videos -- then add my rejections to the comments. I don't waste my precious brain cells or time like that. I keep scrolling on by.
      YOU need to figure that out for yourself Rufus.

    • @williamhendrix2053
      @williamhendrix2053 2 роки тому

      False truth telling.

    • @geekmeee
      @geekmeee Рік тому

      Knowledge without wisdom.

  • @muralikrishnareddy5373
    @muralikrishnareddy5373 3 роки тому +2

    Nicole Hannah Jones is simply superb. She speaks with passion. She brings out history with clarity. America has to own up to its murky legacy of slavery and the damage it has caused to the Black People. One solution is for the Black people to vote without fail.

    • @drobkl
      @drobkl 2 роки тому

      I believe in a lot of the information and I inform people about it. However before integration, we had all black schools where the teachers who weren't allowed to become college professors taught at the all black schools and those students did attend colleges. True intergration should be that whites attend schools in majority African American neighborhoods and Blacks attend schools in white neighborhoods. Then we have sessions to explore what we are learning about each other. Because Martin Luther King had some issues with integration and how it was implemented and how it psychologically reprogrammed more Blacks to believe that we have to have white to right. That Blacks adults can't educate or prepare there children for the real world. Integration the way it was implemented cause African American people to instead of looking at the African American elders with respect they now look at those African American elders with a QUESTION MARK because the African American elder can't educate, prepare, nor teach them anymore. How we implement Integration is no more than PSYCHOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONALIZE ENSLAVEMENT.

    • @cactusqltr
      @cactusqltr 2 роки тому +1

      Jesus never said that we would find salvation in any political system!

  • @noemiejeudy7182
    @noemiejeudy7182 10 місяців тому

    Providence College was lucky to have a speaker like Mrs. Hannah-Jones present her education piece.

  • @shamusibalogun364
    @shamusibalogun364 5 років тому +4

    "For Black Americans education meant would you be free." YEEEESSSS!!!

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 Рік тому

      Only the bs with her sets no one free. She stirs up anger and nothing else. No resolve to move on

  • @justmyopinion9883
    @justmyopinion9883 3 роки тому +4

    Nikole Hannah-Jones is brilliant. I am so happy she created the 1619 Project to help educate us to our true history.

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 2 роки тому

      Then why do true scholars reject her work? It's fiction

    • @justmyopinion9883
      @justmyopinion9883 2 роки тому

      @@edwinamendelssohn5129 The Constitution is fiction. The Bill of Rights is fiction. WHY? Because both of these documents EXCLUDE Blacks (who were slaves when these documents were written), and excludes women and Native Americans.
      Now what were you saying about Nikole Hannah-Jones?

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 2 роки тому

      All rights are now realized by all. Before none were free except Kings and Queens. Just because it was not immediate doesn't make it "fiction." It led the way to freedom to the greater world.

    • @justmyopinion9883
      @justmyopinion9883 2 роки тому

      @@edwinamendelssohn5129 African-Americans and other people of color STILL don't have equal rights. Those documents weren't written by Kings and Queens. They were written by the Founding Fathers. And they were and still are fiction.
      So, there is no room to criticize Nikole Hannah-Jones. Her book is very truthful compared to the history I learned in school.

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 2 роки тому

      All Americans have equal right today.
      A document cannot be fiction. It's the outline for our government.
      They would have been slaves in Africa. Abolition was led by the west.
      Her book has been debunked by scholars. Nice of it is fictionalized.

  • @mka1967
    @mka1967 3 роки тому +1

    Education is key. When you know, you will not suffer any bs

  • @dino0228
    @dino0228 3 роки тому +1

    Nikole is simply amazing. And she hit the nail on the head: if we change the system and equalize the funding sources for public education, it will be a step in the right direction - and integration might just follow naturally. But how to get buy in (literally) from especially wealthier white people who always seem to be in control is the biggest challenge. In the long run, though, it just might be easier to accomplish if enough white people want and even demand it.

  • @miguelcrossman2921
    @miguelcrossman2921 2 роки тому


  • @mka1967
    @mka1967 3 роки тому

    Im not sure what the debate was about

  • @irmahill4987
    @irmahill4987 4 роки тому +3

    Everything she said was like a surgeon "strategically placed" truth! Hopefully, the patients survived the procedure and does the necessary follow-up to be a healthier society as a whole!

    • @cactusqltr
      @cactusqltr 2 роки тому

      They won’t!!

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 2 роки тому

      A professor should be a scholar not an idealogue

    • @geekmeee
      @geekmeee Рік тому

      She is a journalist, reporting what she found, for so long, she presented as an essay book,
      with ample annotation at end of her book, of what she found.
      She became a professor on the topic, because she started asking questions in high school.
      Now these answers are NOT for you, but those reading your disinformation campaign 😈

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 Рік тому

      @@geekmeee it's been debunked as fiction. It's a what if scenario. There was no country in 1619. slavery was one factor. Not THE factor

    • @geekmeee
      @geekmeee Рік тому

      And you believed it.
      Disinformation campaigns know their audience.

  • @dunotrustistrue5565
    @dunotrustistrue5565 3 роки тому +1

    Distorting history is Evil.

  • @lawrencewalker8557
    @lawrencewalker8557 Рік тому

    Mama Jones !!

  • @eppskevin
    @eppskevin 5 років тому

    so microsoft didn't like what she was saying :)

  • @LoveMafae
    @LoveMafae Рік тому

    no such thing as a light skin black person