Jordan's First Year Was 1984-85. Bird's First Year Was In 1979-80. The Year Before The Celtics Had Larry, That Team Only Won 29-Games. Then Came Larry's First Year & He Was The Only One NEW On That Team, And Bird Took That Shitty Team To 61-Wins.Then Larry's 2nd Year He Got Them The Title. Chief Came In 1980-81, In Fact The Chief Was About To Quit Playing BB For Good Until The Celtics Gave Him A Chance. McHale Also Came In 1980-81, But He Was A Bench Warmer A Lot. Danny Came In 1981-82 & It Took Him Also A Few Years To Get Good. DJ Came In 1983-84 & He Was Already Good & Him And Bird Connect Pretty Fast. And That's When They All Together Won The 2nd-Title. Bird Walked In With Having Team Leadership. Add His High BB IQ And All Around Playing Skills. Also, He Knew How Good He Could Score But He Needed His Teammates To Believe In Themselves. Like I Said Bird Got His Team A Title In His Second Year, And It Took Jordan 7-Years To Get His 1st-Title. Also The Team's In The 80's All Had Stars/Great Players/Stated Team More Then In The 90's. Most Of The Earley 80's Players That Played In The 90's They Were Either Retiring OR Out Of Their Prime. They Also Started Harder Rules On The Players And Yes That Was Mainly Because They Were Getting Worried Jordan Would Get To Hurt And Have A Shorter CareerThat's Just The Facts There.
Exactly. Plus, Magic won the Championship in his first year in the pros and Larry did it in year 2. Both the Lakers and Celtics started rebuilds not long before. Can't use the rookie excuse for MJ. Plus, when Scottie Pippen did join the Bulls, a broken down Larry still got the better of him.
did you notice that on the last play, when Dee brown took it to the cup, LARRY BIRD, with the crowd chanting his name, set the game winning pick to free up Brown.. he did EVERYTHING.. from the little things to the game winning shots and everything in between
Bird was one of those rare cats who could do everything on the court at an elite level. He averaged double digit rebounds for his career, and even made All-Defense teams. He also played every game like it was game seven of the finals. Another reason he didn't last so long. I actually saw Bird play several times. He is easily in my top 3 All Time. Great reaction as always bro.
The paint was also smaller back then they made it bigger so it'd be easier and then they brought on the 3-second rule they also moved into three-point line in 95,/96 season and you know they got rid of hand checking they made it easier to score because they wanted to see more scoring. Just like they did with defense in the NFL
Another great reaction! I have them tied at number one of all-time talent. Bear in mind that bird played against Jordan at the end of birds career with a broken back and messed up ankles and still consistently beat him. I think you will really enjoy watching David Letterman’s interview of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson.
You should watch the 1981 playoffs with the 76ers . It's called the Larry Bird greatest underdog story ever. Larry had to get by the 76 ers before he could get to the lakers. The east teams were tough. Great reaction !
Offensively you can definitely argue Larry bird in his prime is as effective as anyone that ever had played in the league. But defense matters Larry was a good team defensive player for sure but he wasn’t a Jordan type defender. Larry doesn’t need to score to dominate the game and that’s the difference. At the end of the day though I think once a player is so good ranking them in places ahead or behind another is pointless because you have to start splitting hairs.
Bird would be the first player I'd build a team around, Bill Russell would be a close second and then with IQ and attitude covered thoroughly start shopping "talent". Add Wilt Chamberlain and that's the best front line you'd ever see.
Well you figure when bird came in. He came on to the second worst team in the entire league. Is rookie year by himself with none of his help. He took that team from a 29 win team to a 61 win team. And lost in the Eastern conference finals lost to the 76ers with 6 Hall of famers. You know what Larry Bird did his second year in the NBA. It came back to beat those 76ers down down 3 to 1 let me remind you with six Hall of famers and went on to win the championship his first one. It only took them two years to take the second worst team to a championship in winning it.
jordan was more of a dominant 2 way force.. Its just that Bird did EVERYTHING you can do on a basketball court at a high level.. scored, clutch, long ball, inside, outside, off ball, set picks, boxed out, rebounded, HUSTLED, automatic midi, automatic free throw, post from ANYWHERE, jab steps, step backs, fades, hook shots, steals, blocks, defended the ENTIRE COURT, passed and go his teamates involved, yet was ALWAYS looked at as clutch but never selfish.. his teamates CREDIT him for their success, his opponets hold him in REVERANCE (including Michael Jordan).. he did the little things that even seasoned basketball fans dont see or understand.. Jordan was great.. and its a DIFFICULT decision but I gotta go with Bird. and Jordan next.. give me those two guys on my team and its OVER. throw in steph for the 3 ball, Shaq the inside presence, Kevin Garnett the defensive genius, Jordan and Bird..
Call Jordan the GOAT, I won't argue, but if you're doing a time travel draft, don't think about who you'd rather have to start your team. Think about who you'd rather face. Jordan could dazzle, but Bird could win against anyone, even if his shot was off. Take Jordan's shot away, and how much of his game do you lose? Who would you least like to face in a historical draft of NBA players in their prime? Thinking about that should teach you something.
You can't use that excuse of 'Jordan just came in' when he just got a sixty three point game the night before. He had all those titles that one year & the Bulls came in fourth or fifth in their division every year until Pippen joined. The team was not ass before Pippen started. He had some hall of famers on the team.
@@ldybozz Exactly. Plus, Magic won the Championship in his first year in the pros and Larry did it in year 2. Both the Lakers and Celtics started rebuilds not long before. Can't use the rookie excuse for MJ. Plus, when Scottie Pippen did join the Bulls, a broken down Larry still got the better of him.
I don't know if he's better, but what I do know is that Jordan has probably had a little imaginary Larry on his shoulder throughout his entire career whispering into his ear "You never beat me, Mike. You can accomplish anything and everything from here until the end of time, but you never beat me."
lets clarify. 80s Jordan was a STAT MACHINE.. but he DIDNT WIN.. ppl say he had no help but Orlando Wooldridge wasa 20 pt scorer and Charles Oakley was a 13 pt 13 rebound pf, and John Paxson was a dead eye 3 point shooter.. some of those games vs the Celtics were CLOSE BUT despite Jordans numbers, he didnt get it done when it counted.. he MISSED the game tying shot with 40 seconds left in double OT, and bird got the game sealing ASSIST.. thats the difference.. 90s jordan didnt have the STATS that 80s jordan had, but 90s Jordan WON.. people say he didnt have pippen in the 80s.. so i guess pippen is a BIG FACTOR to jordans success right?. bird took a 32 and 29 win celtic team and won 61 games his rookie season.. with that same team that won 32 and 29 games the two seasons before.
Those are some very specific stats about DOUBLE OT, and some teammates. Coaching, systems, talent of teammates don’t provide some context? How did Larry talk about Jordan while beating him? “God disguised as Michael Jordan”. Here’s context. MJ’s 5th game back while wearing #45 dropped 55pts at Madison Square Garden. Don’t rewrite the 90’s.
@@athens_1psvr31 rewrite the 90s? ok, why did jordan dominate the 90s but not the 80s.. please pick an excuse He NEEDED a stud like PIPPEN.. he NEEDED PHIL JACKSON'S GUIDANCE he NEEDED TO MATURE he NEEDED a WEAKER era than the 80s.. he NEEDED a system like the triangle.. and GOD LOST? lol the celtics LET JORDAN SCORE ALL THEM POINTS.. it was THEIR GAME PLAN.. and MJ's dumb ass fell for it that day. He can be the GOAT.. but LETS NOT BE BIASED.. he was a loser in the 80s and a winner in the 90s. FACTS
@@POVJAKELive dont get me wrong. Jordan is the GOAT.. 6 rings, no finals loses.. but Bird is the more well rounded, complete player.. he just had to face much stiffer competition than mike did.. tho mike STILL faced tough competition..
Bird and Magic came in the league the same year, Magic won the championship Bird won ROTY, Bird won his second season, Jordan didn’t win for six seasons
It was his early years but with that said Bird was drafted to a team that only won 29 games the year before and with just adding Bird they won 62 games and went to the Eastern conference finals
Comparsion: Larry took a losing Celtic team and in 2 years took them to the title. It took Jordan 4 years to get his first title. Larry did not kick the ball he threw it down the court. Reglar season wins Larry 24 Jordan 11 Playoffs wins Larry 6 Jordan 0. Larry is simply a LEGEND!
Some Years Back They Would Talk About Larry. But Then Started By The Media, The Race Crap. So They Sure Couldn't Talk About How A White Man Was Beating All The Great Black Players. Believe The Media Started This Race Crap When Him & Magic First Came In. Just Like Back Then & How Larry Would Deal With It Today. They Could Never Get Larry To Say It Was Because He Had "White Privilege". Hell He Was Poorer Then A Lot Of Black Players Growing Up. But He Worked His Ass Off To Be Able To Play The Way He Did. Also The Media/Sports Media Couldn't Ever Get Him To Respond To Any Of Their Race Baiting Bull Crap. Not Back Then & Still To This Day, He Will Not Let Them Put Him Into Some Kind Of Trick Bag On That Stuff.
in my best starting 5, I have both Bird and Jordan at their respective positions. To fill the roster, Olajuwon at center, Duncan at PF, and for PG, I'll take Curry to give me 2 good 3 point shooters, as much as I like Magic more.
On your argument at the end, saying it was baby Jordan by the same token you argue that it was a old Larry Bird often carrying serious injuries. Bird 100% should get mentioned in the GOAT conversion. Plus remember they changed the rules of the league for Jordan. Okay you could argue it was coincidence but seriously look up the rule changes from 89/90 onwards. Personally I believe Bird was a better all round player than Jordan, even without the ball Bird was always a danger. No question though Jordan was a menace ball in hand. The only argument for me you could make for Bird not being the GOAT is that his career was only 13 seasons (one of those seasons he only played 6 games, so basically 12 seasons). Because Bird had serious hustle he broke his body down, his ankles, elbows and back all needed work done I believe. So he doesn't have the longevity of others. Just discovered your channel, I appreciate that unlike a lot of younger fans you're willing to watch older players and go in with a open mind. If more people did, Birds ability would win them over because he was a serious baller. Every single player who played against him, even the ones who hated him, all say he was ridiculously great. Liked, subscribed, keep up the good work.
MJ ONLY WON AFTER BIRD AND MAGIC RETIRED! HE WAS A NON FACTOR ON THE 80'S! Was MJ just drafted? No he wasn't! But even if the answer was yes. BIrd when drafted was rookie fo the year and only by himself he make the Celtics form the 21 to 61 wins, the largest single-season turnarounds in NBA history (a 32-win improvement) BY HIMSELF! and got 4th on MVP. The amount os excuses MJ fans made are very funny! largest single-season turnarounds in NBA history (a 32-win improvement) Anyway, great reaction! Most younglings just ignore the facts and can''t accept that Larry was on the same caliber or even over MJ.
People have to remember to that back when Bird was playing ....It was the roughest time in the league! The rules were very different back then. It was much harder to score & 3 pointers didn't become a 1979 iBirds rookie year! Even then most of the coaches discouraged players from even trying for a 3 pointer. So the points they racked up were not from 3's! After Larry Bird retired they actually moved the 3 point line closer to the basket during Jordan's time! I can't remember how long they let it stay that way but they did finally move the line back again.
Bird and Magic came in the league the same year, Magic won the championship Bird won ROTY, Bird won his second season, Jordan didn’t win for six seasons
Jordan's First Year Was 1984-85. Bird's First Year Was In 1979-80. The Year Before The Celtics Had Larry, That Team Only Won 29-Games. Then Came Larry's First Year & He Was The Only One NEW On That Team, And Bird Took That Shitty Team To 61-Wins.Then Larry's 2nd Year He Got Them The Title. Chief Came In 1980-81, In Fact The Chief Was About To Quit Playing BB For Good Until The Celtics Gave Him A Chance. McHale Also Came In 1980-81, But He Was A Bench Warmer A Lot. Danny Came In 1981-82 & It Took Him Also A Few Years To Get Good. DJ Came In 1983-84 & He Was Already Good & Him And Bird Connect Pretty Fast. And That's When They All Together Won The 2nd-Title. Bird Walked In With Having Team Leadership. Add His High BB IQ And All Around Playing Skills. Also, He Knew How Good He Could Score But He Needed His Teammates To Believe In Themselves. Like I Said Bird Got His Team A Title In His Second Year, And It Took Jordan 7-Years To Get His 1st-Title. Also The Team's In The 80's All Had Stars/Great Players/Stated Team More Then In The 90's. Most Of The Earley 80's Players That Played In The 90's They Were Either Retiring OR Out Of Their Prime. They Also Started Harder Rules On The Players And Yes That Was Mainly Because They Were Getting Worried Jordan Would Get To Hurt And Have A Shorter CareerThat's Just The Facts There.
Exactly. Plus, Magic won the Championship in his first year in the pros and Larry did it in year 2. Both the Lakers and Celtics started rebuilds not long before. Can't use the rookie excuse for MJ. Plus, when Scottie Pippen did join the Bulls, a broken down Larry still got the better of him.
The truth hurts.
did you notice that on the last play, when Dee brown took it to the cup, LARRY BIRD, with the crowd chanting his name, set the game winning pick to free up Brown.. he did EVERYTHING.. from the little things to the game winning shots and everything in between
Bird was one of those rare cats who could do everything on the court at an elite level. He averaged double digit rebounds for his career, and even made All-Defense teams. He also played every game like it was game seven of the finals. Another reason he didn't last so long. I actually saw Bird play several times. He is easily in my top 3 All Time. Great reaction as always bro.
He would have been fine with all that, he's a country boy. Shoveling gravel and breaking his back in 85 and still doing all that is what did him in.
The paint was also smaller back then they made it bigger so it'd be easier and then they brought on the 3-second rule they also moved into three-point line in 95,/96 season and you know they got rid of hand checking they made it easier to score because they wanted to see more scoring. Just like they did with defense in the NFL
Another great reaction! I have them tied at number one of all-time talent. Bear in mind that bird played against Jordan at the end of birds career with a broken back and messed up ankles and still consistently beat him. I think you will really enjoy watching David Letterman’s interview of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson.
@@PixelPro-4000 thank you! And I gotta check that one out💯
You should watch the 1981 playoffs with the 76ers . It's called the Larry Bird greatest underdog story ever. Larry had to get by the 76 ers before he could get to the lakers. The east teams were tough. Great reaction !
I had the privilege of watching Bird and Jordan’s complete careers. Both are on my “All Time” team.
Offensively you can definitely argue Larry bird in his prime is as effective as anyone that ever had played in the league. But defense matters Larry was a good team defensive player for sure but he wasn’t a Jordan type defender. Larry doesn’t need to score to dominate the game and that’s the difference. At the end of the day though I think once a player is so good ranking them in places ahead or behind another is pointless because you have to start splitting hairs.
There is Bird, MJ and Magic. Nobody has gotten into their club yet.
I don't know that Larry was better than Jordan, but he could hold his own with him.
Bird would be the first player I'd build a team around, Bill Russell would be a close second and then with IQ and attitude covered thoroughly start shopping "talent". Add Wilt Chamberlain and that's the best front line you'd ever see.
@@theemaygoogleme151 all legends makes sense!!
Well you figure when bird came in. He came on to the second worst team in the entire league. Is rookie year by himself with none of his help. He took that team from a 29 win team to a 61 win team. And lost in the Eastern conference finals lost to the 76ers with 6 Hall of famers. You know what Larry Bird did his second year in the NBA. It came back to beat those 76ers down down 3 to 1 let me remind you with six Hall of famers and went on to win the championship his first one. It only took them two years to take the second worst team to a championship in winning it.
Bird won a championship in 81
Larry came in winning.
jordan was more of a dominant 2 way force.. Its just that Bird did EVERYTHING you can do on a basketball court at a high level.. scored, clutch, long ball, inside, outside, off ball, set picks, boxed out, rebounded, HUSTLED, automatic midi, automatic free throw, post from ANYWHERE, jab steps, step backs, fades, hook shots, steals, blocks, defended the ENTIRE COURT, passed and go his teamates involved, yet was ALWAYS looked at as clutch but never selfish.. his teamates CREDIT him for their success, his opponets hold him in REVERANCE (including Michael Jordan).. he did the little things that even seasoned basketball fans dont see or understand.. Jordan was great.. and its a DIFFICULT decision but I gotta go with Bird. and Jordan next.. give me those two guys on my team and its OVER. throw in steph for the 3 ball, Shaq the inside presence, Kevin Garnett the defensive genius, Jordan and Bird..
@@soramirez5473 that’s a great lineup!
Call Jordan the GOAT, I won't argue, but if you're doing a time travel draft, don't think about who you'd rather have to start your team. Think about who you'd rather face. Jordan could dazzle, but Bird could win against anyone, even if his shot was off. Take Jordan's shot away, and how much of his game do you lose?
Who would you least like to face in a historical draft of NBA players in their prime? Thinking about that should teach you something.
You can't use that excuse of 'Jordan just came in' when he just got a sixty three point game the night before. He had all those titles that one year & the Bulls came in fourth or fifth in their division every year until Pippen joined. The team was not ass before Pippen started. He had some hall of famers on the team.
@@ldybozz Exactly. Plus, Magic won the Championship in his first year in the pros and Larry did it in year 2. Both the Lakers and Celtics started rebuilds not long before. Can't use the rookie excuse for MJ. Plus, when Scottie Pippen did join the Bulls, a broken down Larry still got the better of him.
What hall of famers did Jordan have before Pippen?
@jrmarcus Gervin & Gilmore
Kevin came in later in Larry's career, and Walton came even later. Larry was injured by then. All of them were injured by the time they played Jordan.
Larry taught Jordan how to win!!!!
I don't know if he's better, but what I do know is that Jordan has probably had a little imaginary Larry on his shoulder throughout his entire career whispering into his ear "You never beat me, Mike. You can accomplish anything and everything from here until the end of time, but you never beat me."
lets clarify. 80s Jordan was a STAT MACHINE.. but he DIDNT WIN.. ppl say he had no help but Orlando Wooldridge wasa 20 pt scorer and Charles Oakley was a 13 pt 13 rebound pf, and John Paxson was a dead eye 3 point shooter.. some of those games vs the Celtics were CLOSE BUT despite Jordans numbers, he didnt get it done when it counted.. he MISSED the game tying shot with 40 seconds left in double OT, and bird got the game sealing ASSIST.. thats the difference.. 90s jordan didnt have the STATS that 80s jordan had, but 90s Jordan WON.. people say he didnt have pippen in the 80s.. so i guess pippen is a BIG FACTOR to jordans success right?. bird took a 32 and 29 win celtic team and won 61 games his rookie season.. with that same team that won 32 and 29 games the two seasons before.
@@soramirez5473 damn didn’t kno that at all 😮💨
Those are some very specific stats about DOUBLE OT, and some teammates. Coaching, systems, talent of teammates don’t provide some context? How did Larry talk about Jordan while beating him? “God disguised as Michael Jordan”.
Here’s context. MJ’s 5th game back while wearing #45 dropped 55pts at Madison Square Garden. Don’t rewrite the 90’s.
@@athens_1psvr31 rewrite the 90s? ok, why did jordan dominate the 90s but not the 80s.. please pick an excuse
He NEEDED a stud like PIPPEN..
he NEEDED a WEAKER era than the 80s..
he NEEDED a system like the triangle..
and GOD LOST? lol the celtics LET JORDAN SCORE ALL THEM POINTS.. it was THEIR GAME PLAN.. and MJ's dumb ass fell for it that day. He can be the GOAT.. but LETS NOT BE BIASED.. he was a loser in the 80s and a winner in the 90s. FACTS
@@POVJAKELive dont get me wrong. Jordan is the GOAT.. 6 rings, no finals loses.. but Bird is the more well rounded, complete player.. he just had to face much stiffer competition than mike did.. tho mike STILL faced tough competition..
@@POVJAKELivemic drop
Bird made his teammates better, don’t forget when bird came in 79 Boston was at the bottom of the league
Jordan had to learn to play team ball at the highest level. That came natural to Bird. Nobody had greater impact on team success as Bird.
Bird and Magic came in the league the same year, Magic won the championship Bird won ROTY, Bird won his second season, Jordan didn’t win for six seasons
I have Jordan my number one and Larry my number two. But if you want to say the best all-around player I got to go with Larry Bird.
It was his early years but with that said Bird was drafted to a team that only won 29 games the year before and with just adding Bird they won 62 games and went to the Eastern conference finals
They also added McHale and Parish that year.
@jrmarcus no they did not. You might want to research your history. I'm old enough to have watched the games.
@jrmarcus they added Parish, McHale and DJ the off-season
In all honesty, the Bulls were not a deep team at that time compared to the Lakers, Celtics, Pistons etc. They were GOATs passing each other in time.
Comparsion: Larry took a losing Celtic team and in 2 years took them to the title. It took Jordan 4 years to get his first title. Larry did not kick the ball he threw it down the court. Reglar season wins Larry 24 Jordan 11 Playoffs wins Larry 6 Jordan 0. Larry is simply a LEGEND!
Some Years Back They Would Talk About Larry. But Then Started By The Media, The Race Crap. So They Sure Couldn't Talk About How A White Man Was Beating All The Great Black Players. Believe The Media Started This Race Crap When Him & Magic First Came In. Just Like Back Then & How Larry Would Deal With It Today. They Could Never Get Larry To Say It Was Because He Had "White Privilege". Hell He Was Poorer Then A Lot Of Black Players Growing Up. But He Worked His Ass Off To Be Able To Play The Way He Did. Also The Media/Sports Media Couldn't Ever Get Him To Respond To Any Of Their Race Baiting Bull Crap. Not Back Then & Still To This Day, He Will Not Let Them Put Him Into Some Kind Of Trick Bag On That Stuff.
Short answer: yes!
in my best starting 5, I have both Bird and Jordan at their respective positions. To fill the roster, Olajuwon at center, Duncan at PF, and for PG, I'll take Curry to give me 2 good 3 point shooters, as much as I like Magic more.
Bill Walton couldn't move back then because his knees were done. Bill Walton average 4 points a game
I watched Birds entire career and MJ. I have them 1A and 1B
Remember by 1991 Bird was stretching for 2 hours just to be able to play a game...Jordan was 0-6 in the playoffs 11-23 overall against Bird
There are fewer icons in the game, then greats and Larry Bird wis an icon, Kobe was inspired from Jordan and LeBron James inspired by both of them ❤
Non factor🤣🤦🏾♂️ Salty as hell, but later got out of the hating phase.
Yes, however that celtics team had 5 hall a famers on it.
Yes early years it was but larry is still the 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
On your argument at the end, saying it was baby Jordan by the same token you argue that it was a old Larry Bird often carrying serious injuries.
Bird 100% should get mentioned in the GOAT conversion. Plus remember they changed the rules of the league for Jordan. Okay you could argue it was coincidence but seriously look up the rule changes from 89/90 onwards.
Personally I believe Bird was a better all round player than Jordan, even without the ball Bird was always a danger. No question though Jordan was a menace ball in hand.
The only argument for me you could make for Bird not being the GOAT is that his career was only 13 seasons (one of those seasons he only played 6 games, so basically 12 seasons). Because Bird had serious hustle he broke his body down, his ankles, elbows and back all needed work done I believe. So he doesn't have the longevity of others.
Just discovered your channel, I appreciate that unlike a lot of younger fans you're willing to watch older players and go in with a open mind. If more people did, Birds ability would win them over because he was a serious baller. Every single player who played against him, even the ones who hated him, all say he was ridiculously great.
Liked, subscribed, keep up the good work.
I you ask players. Yes Larry is harder to defend. Best SF and best all around player all time,
Too bad MJ didn’t play for the Celtics
Yes. He played hurt most of the time
I would take Larry Bird over Lebron, or any of the chumps from this new garbage NBA of today!!
Larry Bird was doing amazing his first year, so MJ wasn't as good or close to Bird.
Isaahh thomas so trash lmfao
Was MJ just drafted? No he wasn't! But even if the answer was yes. BIrd when drafted was rookie fo the year and only by himself he make the Celtics form the 21 to 61 wins, the largest single-season turnarounds in NBA history (a 32-win improvement) BY HIMSELF! and got 4th on MVP.
The amount os excuses MJ fans made are very funny!
largest single-season turnarounds in NBA history (a 32-win improvement)
Anyway, great reaction!
Most younglings just ignore the facts and can''t accept that Larry was on the same caliber or even over MJ.
While MJ and Bird were both in the league Bird won 1 championship and MJ 2 including one against Magic🤣
Yup won all that and ... no chip. What would you rather have ?.
@@robertdebaie9849 that’s tuff 😮💨 lol
People have to remember to that back when Bird was playing ....It was the roughest time in the league! The rules were very different back then. It was much harder to score & 3 pointers didn't become a 1979 iBirds rookie year! Even then most of the coaches discouraged players from even trying for a 3 pointer. So the points they racked up were not from 3's! After Larry Bird retired they actually moved the 3 point line closer to the basket during Jordan's time! I can't remember how long they let it stay that way but they did finally move the line back again.
You have to do: In search of the best individual season of the NBA history.
Bird and Magic came in the league the same year, Magic won the championship Bird won ROTY, Bird won his second season, Jordan didn’t win for six seasons