Amiga music: Unreal (main theme)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @heartwilson.8943
    @heartwilson.8943 2 роки тому +36

    This game was literally unreal at the time - thank god I was born when C64s and Amigas came out - the best times ever .

    • @_G3M5_
      @_G3M5_ Рік тому +2

      im honestly so jealous... im born in the least ive experienced another legendary gaming era

  • @deceiver444
    @deceiver444 7 років тому +58

    The quality of the digitized samples is amazing on this track. Few games had such amazing intro tracks in 1990.

    • @Nightshft42
      @Nightshft42 Рік тому +2

      That's true. And did you know that The Pawn had a high quality music track, even in 1985.

  • @SouthernInvasion
    @SouthernInvasion 6 років тому +36

    This music impresses me just as much today as when I heard it on my amiga back in 1990. Fantastic...

    • @sahalin12345
      @sahalin12345 Рік тому

      Yeah, when something is made good once, it stays good forever.

  • @runejohansen5626
    @runejohansen5626 4 місяці тому

    Remeber listening to this masterpiece on a compiltaion disk of maniacs of noise music on the amiga. Was amazed of how someone was able to make this music on the amiga way back then.. and still is! :)

  • @TranceParadise
    @TranceParadise 7 років тому +44

    I loved every single 8/16 bit game. A a lot of emotions was put to them. Every sound track was kicking ass. Especially amiga ones.

  • @magnetoalpha
    @magnetoalpha 4 місяці тому

    ahhh, this music hits my heart now, my childhood...

  • @christianherbst674
    @christianherbst674 2 роки тому +4

    It was really amazing to see an Arcade game in the early 90s on an Amiga 500. This makes it somehow similiar to Shadow of the Beast.

  • @_Meriwether
    @_Meriwether 13 років тому +10

    Splendid theme, one of my favourites along with the original Shadow of the Beast.

  • @toughguyver6986
    @toughguyver6986 2 роки тому +4

    Beautiful colors, beautiful music!

  • @heartwilson.8943
    @heartwilson.8943 4 роки тому +4

    What a game in its day, it was unreal !

  • @finregamer1114
    @finregamer1114 5 років тому +13

    This is, what I call Nostalgy!
    btw, check ”Michael Moorcock - Lord of the spiders” if you are looking for that cover image ;)

  • @Qirex2097
    @Qirex2097 11 років тому +28

    Never played the game but WOW that is some nice intro music!

    • @plasmaarmelund
      @plasmaarmelund 3 роки тому +7

      Unfortunately, the game didn't live up to the intro in terms of quality.

    • @BalczoLev
      @BalczoLev 2 роки тому +1

      The game was fascinating as the different intros. The 3d flying sessions were outstanding, expecially in the last level where there was a rotating castle floating in the sky

  • @paolobbbbb
    @paolobbbbb 11 років тому +9

    I love this music intro and this picture!!!

  • @ZimmerMartin
    @ZimmerMartin 11 років тому +7

    Das Kultspiel überhaupt, super Musik, 1990 - Wahnsinn ;-)

    • @Chuck_vs._The_Comment_Section
      @Chuck_vs._The_Comment_Section 7 років тому +1

      Damals hab ich es mit Begeisterung gespielt. Also soweit ich mich erinnern kann.
      Aber seien wir mal ehrlich: gut gealtert ist das Spiel nicht. Im Gegensatz zu zB Another World.
      Es ist außerdem schade das es in Vergessenheit geraten ist. Heutzutage denken bei Unreal alle an den Ego-Shooter.

    • @ostradiemgi5469
      @ostradiemgi5469 6 років тому +1

      Das Kultspiel überhaupt ist Kult.

  • @geniedumal2974
    @geniedumal2974 5 років тому +5

    I found my way here after hearing the title track to Toy Story (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive), which was made on a 4-channel Amiga by Traveler's Tales. They then had to figure out how to get it to play in software on the Sega console given a Z80, a DAC, and a paltry 8 kB of RAM. Long story short, they split the 8 kB and blasted sample data from the 68000 to one 4 kB buffer while the Z80 read from the other buffer. The original Amiga versions of the Toy Story title and credits screens are out there on the internet somewhere. Anyway, that's what got me into Amiga music. What a great sound chip.

  • @rottenfist220
    @rottenfist220 Рік тому

    Outstanding quality from Charles. He later made a lot of soundtracks for NFS series.

  • @Avana881
    @Avana881 8 років тому +7

    i really loved this game & my amiga respective my early years of gaming :-)

  • @ArttuTheCat
    @ArttuTheCat 2 роки тому

    The music is awesome,
    I'm still looking for this game to my Amiga 500 in the original box release,
    I still own the original Commodore 64 and
    Amiga 500 computers + games -
    especially the Commodore 64 games on the
    tapes and disks,
    and I was born in june of 1983.
    Greetings from Vantaa, Finland 🇫🇮.

  • @portnawak
    @portnawak 5 місяців тому

    Music and sfx are equally beautiful in game but you had to choose either-one.. it was my amiga showcase back then, truly amazing gfx / sfx and good gameplay..

  • @Realmasterorder
    @Realmasterorder 11 років тому +7

    I have played this back at the time it was an Amazingly cool game both sounds and visuals were so far ahead of its time i remember this music and pictures just traveled us to another world in our imagination

    • @MetatroN197924
      @MetatroN197924 6 років тому

      amiga και streetfighter φιλαρακι

  • @gordontheobald
    @gordontheobald 4 місяці тому +1

    Weird to see that screen again without the HAM screen shimmer. Fab tune.

  • @hansgrub1035
    @hansgrub1035 9 років тому +6

    very beautiful theme

  • @TheMetalhead08
    @TheMetalhead08 11 років тому +2

    MINDBLOWN... I always wondered why the first game was called Unreal "Gold"... There was this game before it.

  • @sviru007
    @sviru007 2 місяці тому

    Never played it but the main theme music is awesome :)

  • @colinthomson7518
    @colinthomson7518 2 місяці тому

    great music

  • @leeroy14r60
    @leeroy14r60 2 роки тому

    One of the best!!!

  • @Th3K33p3r
    @Th3K33p3r 2 роки тому +1

    sick tune. Amiga world did really was another thing for the time. Shame how the dream ended

  • @TangoMike88
    @TangoMike88 2 роки тому +1

    Of course Maniacs of Noise are behind this!

  • @Emulous79
    @Emulous79 6 років тому +1


  • @nigelthornberry5375
    @nigelthornberry5375 2 роки тому

    the 16 bit precursor to the glitch mob's drink the sea album. The pan flutes and entire drum palette feel like they were ripped wholesale from here

  • @wullfini
    @wullfini 9 років тому +4

    tässä on ehkäpä kaunein amiga musiikki kapple. kyl täytyy sanoa et nykyäänkin nämä amiga tietokoneissa on vielä "sitä" jotain mitä nyky tietokoneissa ei vältänättä ole. ainakin amigat säästyy kyllä kaiken maailman tietokone viiruksista.

    • @bottipoika
      @bottipoika 5 років тому +1

      kylläpä nuo virukset osas olla kiusana ihan jo amiga aikaanki.
      saddam virus oli ehkä ikävin mihinkä tuli amigalla törmättyä.

  • @xXxBatouxXx
    @xXxBatouxXx 8 років тому

    nice game, beautiful music and hires graphics

  • @drunkensailor112
    @drunkensailor112 5 років тому

    Reminds me of the final battle of the guardian dragon from shelcoof in panzer dragoon zwei. Simply mesmerising like John Tesh.

  • @Polompompompom
    @Polompompompom 12 років тому

    Superbe intro. Je n'avais pas trop accroche sur le jeu mais qu'importe :)

  • @architech007
    @architech007 7 років тому +6

    This is an amazing soundtrack. Ive cut it till 1:50, and I read Warhammer 40000 books while listening to the track. Try reading Inquisitor Eisenhorn novels and Gideon Ravenor novels with this music, it adds SOOOOOO much atmosphere to the Grim Dark Future of the 41st millennium!

    • @VastyVastyVoid
      @VastyVastyVoid 3 роки тому +2

      For a rather creepier 40K track, I'd recommend the title track from the Amiga version of Space Hulk. It's mesmerizing.

  • @diamondsnake1273
    @diamondsnake1273 3 роки тому +1

    Reminds me of Shadow of the beast

  • @Shocky303
    @Shocky303 13 років тому

    From the time when video game music was still GREAT

  • @alexandersalz5850
    @alexandersalz5850 5 років тому +2


  • @theArgonautics
    @theArgonautics 13 років тому +8

    I remember this scene. The game freezed out here so I never had the chance to play it...but this picture is memorable. What kind of game is this btw?

    • @chloedevereaux1801
      @chloedevereaux1801 4 роки тому +6

      same as shadow of the beast.... all shine and no gameplay

  • @T1m0nza
    @T1m0nza 13 років тому

    @Shocky303 it still actually is. and fits perfectly epic's unreal

  • @meneerhout
    @meneerhout 12 років тому +3

    This intro theme is amazing! Anyone knows where to get a high defintion version of this picture / art?

    • @emmap4339
      @emmap4339 4 роки тому +4

  • @Kuokka77
    @Kuokka77  12 років тому

    I think your best bet is to search for the box cover art via Google image search using large size filter. Don't expect miracles though.

  • @Dukefazon
    @Dukefazon 11 років тому +2

    Any connection to Epic's FPS and 3D engine? I always felt there was...

  • @plasmaarmelund
    @plasmaarmelund 12 років тому

    Part platform / part 3d shooter game as far as I recall.

  • @tomas_horn
    @tomas_horn 3 роки тому

    the music

  • @DjPyeProductions
    @DjPyeProductions 7 років тому +4

    cults songs

  • @Rooftopaccessorizer
    @Rooftopaccessorizer 6 років тому +1

    what was this game about? youtube just suggested this randomly but the artwork looks great.

  • @nicolasnikopol7946
    @nicolasnikopol7946 5 років тому

    That time where pixelization was art.

    • @PeterFreitag
      @PeterFreitag 5 років тому +4

      it was an interlaced picture. It looked a lot better on the Amiga than here on UA-cam.

    • @nicolasnikopol7946
      @nicolasnikopol7946 5 років тому

      @@PeterFreitag Yep, I remember ! I loved my Amiga 128D with 1 Mega RAM !

  • @chrislaivier8459
    @chrislaivier8459 9 років тому +1

    I can also recommend a jungle remix version of this tune
    It's in amiga mod-file format, VLC will do to play it, although i would recommend DeliPlayer

  • @matt47110815
    @matt47110815 7 місяців тому +1

    Is this image from an Emulator? On original hardware this is in Interlaced HiRes....

    • @Kuokka77
      @Kuokka77  7 місяців тому

      Nothing of this 13 year old video is hardware sourced. Later on audio started to come from real hardware, but still-images are still sourced from downloads from various websites or in case of game screens, WinUAE.

  • @callumbrowns
    @callumbrowns 8 місяців тому

    Kuokka77 Nice man where to download the full soundtrack of this game?

    • @Kuokka77
      @Kuokka77  8 місяців тому

      UnExoticA has files, in original music formats

  • @englyn1
    @englyn1 11 років тому +1

    As the original artwork very probably isn't HD, I guess you will have a hard time finding that. Sorry.

    • @SouthernInvasion
      @SouthernInvasion 6 років тому

      Was HD for the time. I remember seeing my TV struggle to put out that definition of picture.

    • @perihelion7445
      @perihelion7445 5 років тому +3

      On an actual Amiga and on a proper Amiga CRT Monitor it uses an Interlace mode that it did in High Resolulition meant it looked HD.
      Check it out on an actual machine.

  • @Simi822
    @Simi822 4 місяці тому

    the good old days where UbiSoft was not a sack of shitte

  • @superiormusic
    @superiormusic 9 років тому +2

    Could someone recommend me other similar game soundtracks from the same era?

    • @deceiver444
      @deceiver444 7 років тому +4

      Shadow Of The Beast and Wrath Of The Demon (both composed by David Whittaker) come to mind.

    • @SouthernInvasion
      @SouthernInvasion 6 років тому +2

      Check out the Turrican II soundtrack for epicness. Also Leander and Agony had very haunting sountracks. Good ol' Psygnosis.

    • @richardcavell
      @richardcavell 6 років тому +1

      Shufflepuck Cafe.

    • @domage
      @domage 4 роки тому

      Ohh... If you want something less known but cool, check Atoll from the game Waterworld, composed by Dean Evans

  • @plasmaarmelund
    @plasmaarmelund 12 років тому

    The graphics reminds me of Avatar.

  • @Sandokanpsie
    @Sandokanpsie 11 років тому +1

    story hide in the music...

  • @Therealguymins
    @Therealguymins 11 років тому +1

    Unreal Gold because it's Unreal with better graphics.

  • @paolopapili676
    @paolopapili676 2 роки тому


  • @zbyniurumek3235
    @zbyniurumek3235 2 роки тому

    Sounds like CD, not like Paula.

  • @atchy007
    @atchy007 4 роки тому


  • @retrokompott
    @retrokompott 5 років тому


  • @TiuArTTeK
    @TiuArTTeK 10 років тому

    terrible ;)