Regaining Decision Advantage: Overhauling JADC2 To Bolster US Deterrence

  • Опубліковано 15 чер 2022
  • The Pentagon’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) initiative is one of its top priorities and essential to integrating capabilities for complex U.S. military operations. While China has invested the time and resources to counter America’s traditional warfighting approaches focused on domain superiority, new technologies from hypersonic weapons to directed energy that could restore US advantages will not arrive before 2030. Until then, creative composition and orchestration could make U.S. forces more resilient and create uncertainty for China’s planning but the Pentagon’s current top-down approach to JADC2 is unlikely to yield results this decade.
    Instead, JADC2 requires a federated approach that starts with combatant commanders’ operational problems and establishes organizations in the field to integrate forces tactically and technically. Please join Hudson Institute Senior Fellows Bryan Clark and Dan Patt for a discussion of their new paper exploring alternative approaches to JADC2 with General Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, USAF (Retired), Admiral Scott Swift, USN (Retired), and Lieutenant General Eric Wesley, USA (Retired).
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