What Are The Cognitive Transitions of ESTPs?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @faezix2124
    @faezix2124 4 роки тому +74

    So in summary. ESTPs because of lacking faith in themselves which makes them believe that they are not good enough for sharing the exprience with others which leads to people’s disloyalties, they end up going for the expedient way and sensuality because they think those things are the only things that will be loyal to them forever which end up into addiction and idolatry. Am I right?

  • @BenToastmaster
    @BenToastmaster 4 роки тому +35

    You have a really good villain voice

  • @thatestpchic6995
    @thatestpchic6995 4 роки тому +20

    Chase you are seriously one of the best mentors in my life right now. You read us ESTP’s like a book, it’s absolutely insane. I’ve been having problems with my Se-Si orbit for AGES and funnily enough it was about my insecurity in not watching movies. Everyone I run into is watching a Netflix series or has seen a movie I might be into but I’m an active, hands on ESTP and I don’t enjoy diving into content unless they are intellectually stimulating like this one. I’ve also noticed that I really despise drama, but I’ve never seen this topic come up in an ESTP video. Could you clarify?

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  4 роки тому +12

      Sometimes Fe child needs to avoid conflict

  • @Angelsings4god
    @Angelsings4god 3 роки тому +12

    “If you stay true to what is right, then the right people will stay true to you.” (My advice to estp’s.) I love you guys a lot especially when you move for a cause. I wish you would realize that you are more then just everyone’s entertainment center. Estp’s are such natural leaders! and if Estp’s stay committed to not JUST speaking But LIVING the truth; those that follow them will follow them to the death. Don’t be afraid to ruffle feathers, it’s what makes you the bravest person in the world and in turn inspires other to believe that they can do the same. People can’t help but be loyal to that and that’s where you will find the relationships that you were always looking for. You guys are the BEST!

  • @shoestring9964
    @shoestring9964 Рік тому +6

    Worried they do not have enough experience to give other people good experiences.
    Stop comparing to other people's experiences, amazing at improvisation!! You know what you and other people want to get out of experiences.
    Aware of choices.
    Look at themselves as not good enough, to give this experience and to make these people loyal and not abandon me.
    It ends up having sensual experiences that are meaningless. Looking for how much faith others have in them. They lack faith in themselves, and that's why they engage in these sensual behaviors - sex, drugs, and alcohol.
    They mirror the wrong people. They know they need to have integrity. But they are sometimes willing to trade that integrity for companionship, wolf pack, or status.
    IDOLATRY - leads to irresponsibility.
    When an ESTP is focused on its own sensuality, it's at the expense of everybody else. If they lack experiences they should seek out other people and improvise and create new experiences with them.
    Ultimately, they are looking for that integrity. People with that integrity, so that ESTPs can be integral themselves. Looking for those loyal people, those true friends, so they don't find themselves idolaters.
    Loyal to the wrong things.
    Give themselves over to responsibility.
    It's my duty to myself to be responsible for myself.
    It's my duty to myself to learn new things and do things I've never done before but I would like to do it with other people.
    ISTJ unconscious seeks to grow, the estp needs to surround itself with healthy people to do things that it's looking to do.
    When you have a negatively focused ISTJ unconscious, they're lazy, very lazy, and they give themselves over to idolatry, which laziness in itself is idolatry. Sloth. They get very slothful and they end up becoming a drain on everyone around them, and they know it and it leads to this insane depression.
    But when they're healthy, they end up researching different kinds of experiences they can have, with other people. Gain wisdom and knowledge. Once they know, they can construct and then improvise.
    Not plan every little thing.

  • @sandradibiaso7316
    @sandradibiaso7316 3 роки тому +10

    I love when my ESTP mom delves into her INFJ aspiration. She used to delve into her INFJ aspiration and write beautiful poetry. She would have to be watching a lot of news where it becomes too much for her to hear about the suffering in the world and then she starts caring so much about the poor like an Fe hero or Fe parent does.

  • @dancarrillo2301
    @dancarrillo2301 4 роки тому +11

    Wow. Now I understand why I typed ESTJ and ISTJ most of time but when I read the descriptions weren't like me in important points. After I watched videos of ESTP I'm identified almost 100% with this type. I remember that in my high school and University times I used to be more like ESTP but now I have more than a year unemployed and with different problems. I have a few friends now, I procrastinate a lot but feel guilty because I don't do anything important through the day, my behavior is like ISTJ but I think in negative way because I feel so drained.
    I really enjoy share good moments with my love ones, and make things to make them feel happy.

  • @amalgamated333
    @amalgamated333 4 роки тому +16

    This was like listening to my life story. Holy cow, I definitely know what type I am now.

  • @samuelrapata
    @samuelrapata 3 роки тому +6

    I am very grateful for this video, I would say I'm a subconscious-focused ESTP and you're helping me to understand the parts of myself I recognize but find difficult to classify and explain in a complete manner.

  • @juanriptidecamacho7948
    @juanriptidecamacho7948 3 роки тому +6

    Most of the information you've just mentioned are things I've been doing most of my life as an ESTP! Good stuff and keep up the good work!

  • @jenstone4708
    @jenstone4708 4 роки тому +9

    Mind blowing lecture for me. Forever grateful for your knowledge and for you bringing it to me. You are mending my heart through all your estp lectures. Thank you 🦜

  • @VondaInWonderland
    @VondaInWonderland 3 роки тому +4

    😭 I've literally been playing Lord's Mobile for hours, listening to lectures, while I could be returning messages to a friend who I've really missed and wanted to talk to for a long time.
    Thank you so much. I'll finish this later. I'm going to talk to my friend irl ♥

  • @BookofYAH777
    @BookofYAH777 Рік тому +3

    the reality-based examples of superego at the end were very helpful, thanks for sharing

  • @meilei8716
    @meilei8716 4 роки тому +4

    I’m s’posed to be ESTP and wanted to see the beautiful person as soon as you said “smokin’ hot” lol
    In other news, I can agree that since youth I’ve made a transition to the archetype of Merlin or some kind of shaman preoccupied with creating a platform that allows for me being effective but still FREE.
    Additionally, it was so surprising that I was afraid of my tactical ability but have always seemed to glide through obstacles with seemingly perfect timing and force when not thinking about it too much. Good stuff!

  • @jeterpilled_memester
    @jeterpilled_memester 4 роки тому +7

    holy shit, i got busted real damn hard. Estp enjoying jazz improv to a high extreme here. The pieces finally clicked together...

  • @tootzhieastrid4932
    @tootzhieastrid4932 4 роки тому +7

    It's cute when he has to ask Mireille about where he left off. Lol

  • @elisabethw9189
    @elisabethw9189 4 роки тому +2

    Hardly ever seen you so at ease and off guard as just now, with your new wife. Chi is flowing and you are glowing. Best wishes for a happy marriage :)

  • @heartrocketblast
    @heartrocketblast 4 роки тому +2

    DUDE. You just read my life. Hilarious. I have a couple INFJ friends and slip into that state of mind alot. The maturity thing, well I've had alot of closed doors in my life so I've had to live a very routine life with a boring job and junk, plus being raised in a very restrictive environment and have suffered from the feeling of not having enough experiences to be able to tell wild stories and keep up with the cool crowd. Then recently because of lack of freedom in my marriage I caused alot of chaos so the superego thing makes total sense. I never thought of relating it to the ENFP type but just before this I was actually exploring the Ne function which is interesting. But in the end it actually opened up alot more freedom and creative space for me. Now during this quarantine I'm still having to slog through the routine and being cooped up but it seems like it's actually forcing me into a more healthy state of mind. Yeah, this video was boss, dude! Keep it up.

  • @lilam369
    @lilam369 4 роки тому +3

    Wow that's a great new season ! I learned new things about ESTPs thank you very much for this lecture ! I'm so eager to see the one about INFJ ^^ I'm amazed of how your lecture stayed exactly the same, with the same energy, the same behaviour even if you were recording in front of another person... (Btw, you seem harmed on your right arm, hope it's nothing serious)

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  4 роки тому +1

      first real date with my wife, I found out bicycles and train tracks do not mix

  • @ruthlessfairy
    @ruthlessfairy 3 роки тому +1

    "I guess it almost got very bad and could have like came out like a swastika there for a second but we don't need to talk about that" lol bless you for saying that I was thinking about it when you drew the lines!
    Thank you for your hard work. Your help is so valuable.

  • @Hadeel.414
    @Hadeel.414 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you for realising that season to the public because I couldn't find that season since the website is updated so thank you
    That ep was very useful to me , because there are some questions that I have and you answered that in this video 💖

  • @Leneah99
    @Leneah99 4 роки тому +2

    I think this is my favorite Cognitive Transition lecture.
    I like the visual aid of the whiteboard, but it seems to drain your energy.
    This does not seem to be the case, when you have lovely Railgun in the room with you.
    You seem to be more yourself; higher energy and a much better head space :)

  • @auntea.ashley
    @auntea.ashley 3 роки тому +1

    Unrelated, but the picture of you as the Joker saying “Not something I’d recommend” is spot on

  • @BookofYAH777
    @BookofYAH777 Рік тому +3

    42:55 "ENFP superego destroys people's futures permanently" would be nice if you presented more case studies on this so I can relate to it in everyday life. The story about "I gave you, muslim woman, what you asked for" doesn't seem like permanent destruction of her future

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  Рік тому

      It’s done choice by choice.

  • @FatefulMender89
    @FatefulMender89 Рік тому

    Dude! People who talk shit on you are just jealous. I am an ESTP and that Se-Si orbit explanation really clarified it for me. I’ve had that problem my entire life. I’m so focused on being impressive and awesome that I miss out on fun experiences because I can’t just let them happen. I have to always be sure I have something to share. This video gave me the advice I needed and I thank you for it

  • @basic-decaf
    @basic-decaf 4 роки тому +17

    CSJ community: "Hi, I'm an INFJ. INFJ here, how does this relate to me? Oh my gosh I relate to everything in this video and I'm an INFJ. Did you hear I'm an INFJ?"

  • @BookofYAH777
    @BookofYAH777 Рік тому +2

    04:50 "control and focused on getting good outcome" haha that's prob why Railgun is attending your ESTP lecture to make sure you don't say something she doesn't like about her type

  • @chrishillswrites6442
    @chrishillswrites6442 2 місяці тому +1

    Am I dumb or did Chase explain the second transition before the first?
    19:10 - immature and mature Subconscious
    22:50 - immature and mature Ego
    26:35 - immature and mature Unconscious
    40:50 - immature and mature Superego

  • @argent-kestrel90
    @argent-kestrel90 Рік тому +6

    Just wondering, can ESTPs be loners and prefer solitude? Especially if they've been burned by other people and have disillusionment in society.
    I type as ISTP but I find that the ESTP functions quite relatable.

  • @langstonreece1824
    @langstonreece1824 3 роки тому +3

    criticizing ESTPs in front of your wife... real ballsy 😂 respect

  • @underwaterpanther
    @underwaterpanther 3 роки тому +4

    You talk sooooo fast 😂 sometimes I have to slow the speed down to take ultra accurate notes lol without rewinding it a million times

  • @boxy_tocs2035
    @boxy_tocs2035 2 роки тому +2

    Random timestamps for people
    Or for me to remind myself to know what an estp is-
    I'm just saving this so I can understand this
    Describing an estp:
    11:53- 12:00
    14:06- or start in 14:09- 15:02
    Edit: what in the world?
    15:14- 15:18
    I guess it makes sense why it's an example 🤔
    Describing estp part 2
    18:12- 19:42
    19:42- 20:28 (highly recommend looking at this part to understand estps )
    21:16- 21:56
    21:57- 22:50
    22:55- 24:20
    Oh so that's why my classmate is Soo quiet when using Te I mean I never seen him using ti Much like disagreeing..
    Istj unconscious
    Of estp
    Ok let me get this straight if an estp doesn't say anything or remind anything and uses te to become quiet for peoples judgements and they're just watching people who are doing things wrong and if people get on their nerves they start going into istj unconscious and start judging people I think I can understand this.
    Ne function experiences of an estp
    26:45- 27:49
    27:53- 28:48 (highly recommend for people to look at)
    Basically what chase is saying estps are feared If they don't have enough experience with people
    Hold on I'm still editing

    • @boxy_tocs2035
      @boxy_tocs2035 2 роки тому

      32:47-33:34- 34:00
      Unhealthy istj (estp)
      And getting worried for their own experiences
      Lack of experience (estp)
      Ne in Estps means that Their loyal to the wrong things
      Gateway 4 the demon function
      You said what u wanted and you got what u wanted
      40:54- 42:08
      Permanently damage peoples reputation

  • @ryanjones8156
    @ryanjones8156 3 роки тому +1

    Ive learned so much. Thankyou for your work.

  • @macoeur1122
    @macoeur1122 3 роки тому

    oooohhhh....You just hit the nail on the head for my ESTP sister and negative transition into INFJ subconscious! Wow. ....I'm even recognizing some of that ENFP Super Ego :(

  • @tajmarie1329
    @tajmarie1329 4 роки тому +5

    Well, this is an ENTP move; releasing videos done months ago after videos previously done, lol. Well, this is my first comment in months and I haven't kept up with the email for all (my now five accounts) So, I guess all is fair.

  • @jessmessi1319
    @jessmessi1319 4 роки тому +3

    Solution: start a revolution!
    Jkjk loved this video, very insightful and accurate 👍

  • @mackennawilson
    @mackennawilson 9 місяців тому +1

    32:20-33:58 - If I stop doing this, won't I become alone? Is it ok for me to abandon those people who make me do this? I end up using my Fe too much.
    35:44 - So true! 23 yrs and I can't believe I have no longterm friendships left. Had to leave my narcissistic INFP friend whom I was friends with for 11 yrs. She had no mutual respect.😔
    39:12 - I was never confident as a child but gained faith in myself after some yrs, then situations didn't favour me and I failed. Now I'm now sitting at home doing nothing, fearing that I'll keep failing with this faith of mine. I always had to force myself to work. Do you think I had Te active when I was a child?

  • @TheBittenBullet
    @TheBittenBullet 4 роки тому

    "I can give you my testimony, but I'll need a few days to think about it."
    How would the cop not find this suspicious AF? I'm an INFP and I always worried about what would happen if I had to witness a crime or accident. I always had a feeling that I would never get my story straight (assuming I was aware that something was happening around me in the first place). But it never it never occurred to me that I could come back later to tell what I witnessed.

  • @callieoh3079
    @callieoh3079 4 роки тому +1

    I feel super frustrated because I feel like I'm misunderstood more so by the professional than anyone else. I've worked through life feeling like I was different and misunderstood and eventually I kind of got over the fact that I was different. But I'm super sensitive about being told or being perceived As something that I'm not.
    So I'm stuck here again, feeling the most misunderstood that I've ever felt in my life.

  • @conor_tobin
    @conor_tobin Рік тому +1

    Which type do you think the woman that threw the 12 year old kid off the bike was?

  • @genethuemler4728
    @genethuemler4728 4 роки тому +1

    Looking forward to the next lecture. Wow

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  4 роки тому

      Lectures are member only content for new ones at csjoseph.life/members

  • @bafbaas1210
    @bafbaas1210 4 роки тому +2

    Okay either I'm dumb, not abstract after all or have way too low ne and ti (probably a combination of all 3) cause I feel more and more that I'm missing what you are explaining, which makes me seriously rethink being an Enfp.

  • @redadventurer3552
    @redadventurer3552 4 роки тому +7

    Can an estp be introverted and not really hang out with people that much?

    • @st3llarmemer111
      @st3llarmemer111 4 роки тому +4

      Yeah, if they cognitive transition that can definitely happen.

    • @themoonbleu627
      @themoonbleu627 4 роки тому

      Red Adventurer yes

    • @themoonbleu627
      @themoonbleu627 4 роки тому

      learn more about the enneagram it’s very normal you maybe a 8 integrating into a 5 under stress.

    • @minimunk7
      @minimunk7 4 роки тому +2

      Yes, and I think that if you're avoiding hanging out with people somethings wrong. The problem could be you or your friends, Joseph explains it in different videos. Like how we show/crave respect and in what form. What the consequences are if we perceive we've been disrespected. For me personally I stopped looking for people when i started to stagnate, which he brings up on "who are the ESTPs".

    • @VondaInWonderland
      @VondaInWonderland 3 роки тому +1

      I didn't notice the covid effect for 3 months, because I didn't leave the house. I got so excited when I finally got out, that I ran through the store hugging everyone that was working. They were all quite happy to get a hug 🤗

  • @tiberiusgrey1529
    @tiberiusgrey1529 3 роки тому

    My suggestion for those who likes watching anime the jujutsu kaisen character Aoi Todo is an unconscious focus ESTP. You can even spot very clearly his cognitive transitions though out the episodes his shown, how he appraise people (ISTJ) and mentors certain characters about their weakness (INFJ) plus his use of Ti parent and the detail of how it functions is on point.

  • @francisdemers91
    @francisdemers91 2 роки тому

    Always felt that had to play the games vs listen to it (mostly hockey). Neat grade explications, thanks !

  • @beezd6828
    @beezd6828 Рік тому +1

    How are ESTPs supposed to be loved after they burn people with their wisdom.
    It's so naturall to hate after that Ti parent

  • @CuddleClaw.
    @CuddleClaw. 2 роки тому +1

    I like your hair like this

  • @doitydoit76
    @doitydoit76 4 роки тому +3

    When are you going to do cognitive transitions of INTP? :(((

  • @pinklasagna8328
    @pinklasagna8328 2 роки тому

    13:12 you ain't alone. I forget about abstract - concrete all the time.

  • @abedtamim507
    @abedtamim507 2 роки тому +1

    I realized that when my mom (ESTP) transitions into INFJ she has insecurity in Se. When a person transitions, the order of the 8 functions change, is it true that their attitude change?

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  2 роки тому +1

      While transitioned, yes. Most transitions happen very quickly though.

  • @laylaofferings2579
    @laylaofferings2579 4 роки тому +1

    I think that my ex might be ESTP and not ENFJ like he got on the test. Definitely direct, initiating, control verses informative, initiating, movement. I listened to your lectures on those differences. I really think he is and Se/Fe user. Both sound like him, but ESTP more. Any tips for telling between these two? I already studied your grid.

  • @ninaivana1106
    @ninaivana1106 3 роки тому +2

    what should I do with an ESTP neighbour who (or rather his "wolfpack") has put screws in our tires because we got in an argument with him over his noise / behaviour?

    • @dkorwood
      @dkorwood 3 роки тому +1

      Move? 🤣
      buy a security camera ?
      Good question on how to recover if we trigger a person into superego? Maybe there is no going back?

    • @ninaivana1106
      @ninaivana1106 3 роки тому

      @@dkorwood Thx for the answer. I know the situation is tricky (otherwise I wouldn't aks)...

    • @ninaivana1106
      @ninaivana1106 3 роки тому

      @@dkorwood Good news, I found the foundation for a solution in the 48 laws of power: "rigid people are always ready to ward off direct blows BUT are helpless against the subtle and insinuating" -> so it doesn´t help to fight them in obvious manners but rather I´ll find a way which targets their mental sphere and hunt them down on this dimension (to retain my peace, not to destroy them or smth. like that). HOW I´ll do it is the next step to figure out, but I´m already grateful to got to know about this principle and that this incident motivated me to read the 48 laws.. :)

  • @hannahtryster7589
    @hannahtryster7589 2 роки тому

    I've never felt more understood

  • @EightMasterRobots
    @EightMasterRobots 3 роки тому

    Ok. Dude, this is literally me watching this video to better understand myself, as research to better be a good partner for my isfj wife, and he starts talking about how Estp's research to gain experience.

    • @EightMasterRobots
      @EightMasterRobots 3 роки тому +1

      Thanks for the heart! Your channel has been huge for my personal progression!

  • @Dakuta12
    @Dakuta12 Рік тому

    How do the four sides of the mind behave if the ESTP grows up with one at a time? Don't they change in behaviour?
    Like, how does immature Subconscious behave with an immature Ego, and with a mature ego?

  • @wearejungians
    @wearejungians 4 роки тому +1

    I know you typed me as an ENTP a year or so ago but I think I may be an ESTP. I recently got out of a huge depression where I went on a binge of gambling and having sex with hookers like an idiot. I came clean to my mom about it and am slowly moving on from it but the vice is accurate as can be...

  • @dkorwood
    @dkorwood 3 роки тому +2

    So my estp friend loves me (entj) to plan joint travel but she irritates me by a few behaviors...the tweaking which I now understand how to manage. But she fails to show appreciation (apparently my covert contract 🤣) by not showing up on time for a few routine things...like meals. Should I just state my expectation as a condition....ie. I’ll do all the work if you show up for meals on time? Is that giving a choice? Because, my fi is triggered and I get in my feelings and start to cook her her favorite meal🤣with added flesh eating bacteria.

    • @ashuranero5721
      @ashuranero5721 3 роки тому +1

      Where did you meet the estp?

    • @dkorwood
      @dkorwood 3 роки тому

      Ashura Nero we are army buddies

    • @ashuranero5721
      @ashuranero5721 3 роки тому +1

      @@dkorwood You are both in the military?

  • @jonathanchappell9503
    @jonathanchappell9503 3 роки тому

    I really appreciate all the information I've gotten from you, certainly making my perspective on others more loving. Do you recommend any books or vids on enabling besides "When helping Hurts"?

  • @nicodiangelo3308
    @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому +3

    Where are the 8 rules to love videos?? 😕It's just my se really bad or they aren't on UA-cam anymore??

    • @Leneah99
      @Leneah99 4 роки тому +2

      I think he said they are suspended for the time being.

    • @nicodiangelo3308
      @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому +2

      @@Leneah99 oh, thanks!

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  4 роки тому +1

      They have been removed for the time being

  • @queenofvegas8761
    @queenofvegas8761 4 роки тому +4

    ISTP please

  • @genethuemler4728
    @genethuemler4728 4 роки тому +1

    I need this for sure

  • @yourmomannie
    @yourmomannie 3 роки тому +1

    the elder wand.

  • @davidpapojr8531
    @davidpapojr8531 Рік тому

    how would the four sides of the mind connect to attachment style?

  • @noturbo
    @noturbo 3 роки тому +1

    went through your new test till i am as sure as i can be on answering the questions right and its coming back as ESTP and this is the only time any test has put me as a E anything after doing more research it sure could be me to the point this is my type until i can see better, always been typed as an IXXX which didnt always sit 100% anyway thanks i think 😊

  • @jphone9200
    @jphone9200 Рік тому +1

    Fastest reaction time *

  • @ninjapandathethird6241
    @ninjapandathethird6241 4 роки тому +2

    When someone cognitive transitions to their unconscious. Does their child take on the attitude of the trickster?

    • @nicodiangelo3308
      @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому +1

      Wow, I have no idea but it sounds interesting

    • @nicodiangelo3308
      @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому +1

      I don't think that the child is unaware of things like the normal tryckster, I just think that it kinda gets left behind but it can still be used when needed, I mean this is what integration is, isn't it?

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  4 роки тому +1

      depends if it is a hard transition or a partial one, but ultimately, yes.

    • @nicodiangelo3308
      @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому

      @Tommy Hass 😂😂😂everyone does this with some functions
      From an insensitive entj..

  • @sandradibiaso7316
    @sandradibiaso7316 3 роки тому

    Ask me right away or I will forget bits and pieces. My Se is strong. Have me wait a couple of days then I will forget. I can remember when someone said something that was disrespectful only when I am in my shadow.

  • @hungercat5070
    @hungercat5070 4 роки тому +2

    INFJ please, thanks. And don’t bully and make us last because you just read my comment, thanks. Reverse reverse psychology always works.

    • @astonish_injurer5598
      @astonish_injurer5598 4 роки тому

      He does these in a particular order: ESTJ, ESTP, ENTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ, ESFP, ENTP, ENFP, ISTJ, ISTP, INTJ, INFJ, ISFJ, ISFP, INTP and INFP.

  • @themoonbleu627
    @themoonbleu627 4 роки тому +1

    I see where to support the patron is that the same link to join ?

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  4 роки тому


  • @jonathanchappell9503
    @jonathanchappell9503 3 роки тому

    Can my wisdom eliminate so many options so that I am bound by wisdom? Like James said, if i know its wrong, I cant do it. What if I am on the mountain and no one else is here?
    Edit: I suppose "have faith" is the appropriate response. Have enough faith to break out of my affiliations and find people who arent being losers. Hard to swallow as it makes the outcome seem risky, but staying here aint gonna get me there either. I have sacrificed my freedom of choice for my affiliations. 20 years lost on "Churchians" who want to look the part instead of live it.

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  3 роки тому +1

      Wisdom knows when it's appropriate to break the rules too.

  • @LelaBria
    @LelaBria Рік тому

    Can types be superego focused (instead of sub or unconscious focused?) esp if they had an abusive upbringing in which being in their superego /survival mode helped cope/protect themselves or siblings ?
    For me it seems like I’m a super ego focused estp Lolol (not sure if that’s even a thing tho) and it would make sense Bec the one part I don’t relate to about estp (even tho after taking ur test and realizing I’m def this , not intj) is more to do with ive since adolescence been very metaphysical interested , spiritually seeking various belief and spiritual systems , in uni I would take philosophy courses to legit bump up my marks lol. But looking backwards I don’t think that stuff entered my radar until about adolescence where I was at the height of my survival mode living at that phase. And i think I also use my superego both demonically and angellically by now. People close to me have affectionate nicknames for how I will be very sort of … playing games kind of in loving caring ways lol but also I have always said in the height of my demonic transitions I would just see exactly how to destroy a person and zero in , when I was pushed to that place … it took me til early 20s to really get a hold of those chaotic transitions (Im 36 now) and I think now when I enter that place it’s actually my superego but I’m a fun/playing games but very considerate sort of attentive loving way? That is tailored to that person. … or “my humans” lol or a person in general if I’m doing something for them I feel like it can maybe come from that playful place ? It’s like also sometimes stimulating of infecting people with a sense of playful Lolol and invitation to join me it can come that way too. Best thing for me is I lovveeeee esfps and enfps acruallt entps often too and they are often people I historically have made sort of “partners in mischief” with 🤣😂 and have been besties or very close fun relationships. Idk. Anywho. Can we be superego focused ? Is that a thing or is my theory just garbage poo and no point of this whole comment 😂😂😂 ok thanks bye

  • @underwaterpanther
    @underwaterpanther 3 роки тому

    Amazing lecture sons of liberty 🤙🏽🥂🖤🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @patrickilies4399
    @patrickilies4399 2 роки тому +1

    understood professor dumbledor

  • @novicemuslim
    @novicemuslim 4 роки тому +1

    😱😱how do you know me more than me knowing myself 😂

  • @brentbyrd5339
    @brentbyrd5339 3 роки тому

    Skip to 2 minutes if you want the information.

  • @noturbo
    @noturbo 3 роки тому +1

    They no want the wisdom .. They think they smart already funny bunny's

  • @Dakuta12
    @Dakuta12 3 роки тому

    I dont get ne-demon from that saw-quote

  • @genethuemler4728
    @genethuemler4728 4 роки тому

    Underdeveloped seeking improvment. I know i messed up i dont want to be like this

  • @count9548
    @count9548 3 роки тому +1

    Me literally playing Minecraft while listing to 34:56 like 👁👄👁

  • @godmode3611
    @godmode3611 3 роки тому

    You have Se dom hairstyle in this one.

  • @malcolmmacinnis247
    @malcolmmacinnis247 4 роки тому +6

    All us Infjs relating to this lmao

  • @CyanydeKiss
    @CyanydeKiss 2 роки тому

    Every ESTP I've ever known

  • @trinar.8511
    @trinar.8511 3 роки тому

    i thought you said you lost your job because you questioned authority

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  3 роки тому

      I did

    • @Beyou0120
      @Beyou0120 27 днів тому

      ​@@CSJosephcan you please share what kind of girls or people estp guy? How dou you perceive infp's?please share🙏🙏

  • @saeedradmehr1976
    @saeedradmehr1976 4 роки тому +2

    You give too much credit to 'Talking to famous people'; Maybe you can't understand through your trickster see that you are superior. I find it obvious.

    • @nicodiangelo3308
      @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому +2

      The guy has fe-child let him be. But I have to recognize that I couldn't even finish one video made by,, talking to famous people,,

    • @nicodiangelo3308
      @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому +1

      I mean who names his channel,, talking to famous people,,??🙄

    • @christopherceasar5353
      @christopherceasar5353 4 роки тому

      Superior is a strange word value interest based Fi valuing, although one would actually have to read erics books and know his system before simplifying proclaiming csj to be better because you enjoy his videos more. I would be inclined to agree with you if your evaluation was based on something logical or verifiable not how you feel about csj.

    • @christopherceasar5353
      @christopherceasar5353 4 роки тому

      @@nicodiangelo3308 have you watched chases videos there are many complaints to be had although personally my only issue is the unstructured and unsystematic way he goes about doing things.

    • @nicodiangelo3308
      @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому +1

      @@christopherceasar5353 only 90%of them..🙂I have to recognize that as an entj with the memory of a goldfish it's a bit annoying that I can't find a person chase typed so easily but chase really HAS a structure, the thing is he is movement so it appeares chaotic and for someone that isn't abstract is only worse because it's harder for them to see the underlying abstract structures that he uses..

  • @happysky7964
    @happysky7964 3 роки тому

    I don’t get the whole “hey wanna play a game” thing. You lost me. What were you saying?

    • @CSJoseph
      @CSJoseph  3 роки тому

      Jigsaw from the Saw horror movies.

    • @happysky7964
      @happysky7964 3 роки тому

      @@CSJoseph never saw it. So...........

    • @happysky7964
      @happysky7964 3 роки тому

      Ok yeah don’t get it.

  • @nicodiangelo3308
    @nicodiangelo3308 4 роки тому +2
