Beautiful Appearance of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

  • Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
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    "The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was more than just a great historical person, he was a father and friend, a husband, a companion and above all he was a human being. The Prophet's unique physical appearance, his high character and willingness to sacrifice for others, are often at the essence of any description of him." - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
    The beautiful thing is we can follow the Sunnah of RasoolAllah (PBUH) and through this description we can try to emulate the way He (PBUH) looked.
    Hamza Yusuf Hanson is an Islamic scholar, teacher, and co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkley, California, United States. He is an American convert to Islam, and is one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders, calling for peace and understanding.
    Part 2 - "Beautiful Character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf" - • Beautiful Character of...
    More videos of Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, Maulana Tariq Jameel, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Shaykh Ahmed Ali, Shaykh Yusuf Ahmed Az Zahabi etc. to come!
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  • @moves2008
    @moves2008 11 років тому +166

    I can't wait to meet my rasool allah pbuh in jannah inshallah ameen.

  • @emaa6057
    @emaa6057 11 років тому +57

    Inshallah I will see my prophet Mohammad saw in my dreams!! Inshallah! And be his companian in the hereafter!

  • @muneebkhan541
    @muneebkhan541 11 років тому +69

    Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a perfect man, how can you not love him, I just love Him so much. He (SAW) was good height plus wide shoulders and then wavy hair up to His ear lobes like a King, and then His Hair colour was Black outlining His Face and plus the beard also outlining HIS (SAW)'s face, total awesome.

  • @chinugee
    @chinugee 11 років тому +66

    My prayer is to see my loving prophet sallallahu alai wasallam and want to become Prophet sallallahu alai wassalam's companion when the day of Judgement.

  • @D1unity
    @D1unity 13 років тому +13

    Remarkable. It was good to a Muslim at the time of prophet Ibrahim, Yusuf, Musa, Isa but it is a real blessing to be part of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad pbuh.

  • @MrJMAshraff
    @MrJMAshraff 13 років тому +8

    May Allah grant us the blessing of seeing all His Prophets in paradise.

  • @Tinchipx
    @Tinchipx 13 років тому +12

    i wish to meet him somedayღ

  • @bqueens89
    @bqueens89 12 років тому +8

    MashAllah....I felt the lecture were going about, my thoughts was describing how our beloved RasoolAllah (SAW) look like....inshAllah we will meet our beloved Nabi on the Judgement Day & in Jannah, Amin.

  • @JahanzebAmer
    @JahanzebAmer 11 років тому +18

    I wanna meet the Prophet SAW :')

  • @imran888khan
    @imran888khan 12 років тому +7

    Ya Rasoolullah saw. Beautiful, truly beautiful.
    May Allah swt give Hamza Yusuf long live and good health.
    I am so glad to have found this video and I shall forever remain thankful and indebted to hamza yusuf.

  • @readytolearn8813
    @readytolearn8813 11 років тому +9

    may almighty Allah accepts our prayer and grant us Jannatul Ferdous with RasoolAllah (S). Allahumma Amin.

  • @jessieleigh89
    @jessieleigh89 11 років тому +35

    I love this!!

  • @AmatullahNY
    @AmatullahNY 13 років тому +4

    This is so amazing. Masha'Allah. JazakAllah khair for this!

  • @fitribieber35
    @fitribieber35 11 років тому +6

    I'd love to see Prophet (saw) one day. InsyaAllah, :')

  • @TheDrpak
    @TheDrpak 12 років тому +5

    i wish to see our prophet peace be upon him

  • @thesavageimam
    @thesavageimam 13 років тому +4

    @IslamFavourites thanks:) islam=light

  • @MrJMAshraff
    @MrJMAshraff 13 років тому +5

    Thou we have read about our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W.) description on books, but it is nice to hear a scholar explain it to us. May Allah reward him goodness.

  • @LeilaStriving4Jannah
    @LeilaStriving4Jannah 13 років тому

    Jazaik Allaah Khayraan for sharing the Nasheed!!
    Take best out of this last two weeks of ramadaan!! Wa Ahelikumu Salaam!!

  • @muslimarvels
    @muslimarvels 11 років тому +3

    MashaAllah! It truly is amazing to be able to dream of the Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam and see him in our dreams again and again. MashaAllah.
    May Allah make me and us Muslims among those whom He (Allah) will welcome in Heaven, near Him (Allah) and His Prophets especially the Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Ameen.
    wasalaam :)

  • @SabreenSyeed
    @SabreenSyeed 11 років тому +7

    Wallahi this was so beautiful

  • @abdelmalik99
    @abdelmalik99 13 років тому +3

    Inchallah we will meet him
    Sala Allah alayhi wa Salam.

  • @0501985113Adnan
    @0501985113Adnan 11 років тому +4

    our Beloved Muhammad SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Salaam

  • @MrQari786
    @MrQari786 10 років тому +7

    Subhanallah so beautiful

  • @mado9111
    @mado9111 13 років тому +2

    Beautiful :(

  • @t1yeb
    @t1yeb 12 років тому +3


  • @TheDrpak
    @TheDrpak 12 років тому +3


  • @zoomlinejordan5664
    @zoomlinejordan5664 12 років тому +6

    لا اله ألا الله محمد رسول الله

  • @LeilaStriving4Jannah
    @LeilaStriving4Jannah 13 років тому +2

    Masa´Allaaah very very beautyfull discription of the rasoul of Allaah!!!
    Hamza talks very goood!
    May Allaah unite us with our beloved prophet Muhammed sallahoe halhy wa salam! Ameen!
    What's the name of the nasheed at th ebackground?? Jazaik Allaah Khayraan!!!

  • @muslimarvels
    @muslimarvels 11 років тому +5

    Allah knows best :)

  • @MS-ku6gv
    @MS-ku6gv 11 років тому +4

    wow. i love him i want to see him

  • @786alps
    @786alps 13 років тому +7

    I heard people died in love of Prophet (S)....

  • @TheDrpak
    @TheDrpak 12 років тому +2


  • @thesavageimam
    @thesavageimam 13 років тому +2

    i heard of this school zaytuna.......where can i get info about it , mashalah good lecture hamzah

  • @numani12345
    @numani12345 11 років тому +1


  • @MirJunedHussain
    @MirJunedHussain 11 років тому +2

    Subhan Allah

  • @numani12345
    @numani12345 11 років тому +1

    Me to

  • @haleemulhassan9158
    @haleemulhassan9158 10 років тому +2

    I have a question regarding the beard sunnah if anybody can answer me. So we all know the hadith in which Prophet PBUH commanded us to "grow beard and trim moustache". My question here is, by "trim", did he mean keep it cut and maintained, so that it doesnt reach your upper lip and or did he mean completely shave it off?

  • @jessieleigh89
    @jessieleigh89 11 років тому +9

    I heard that he had green/ light coloured eyes?

  • @moves2008
    @moves2008 11 років тому +1

    what lecture is this from?

  • @redsqih
    @redsqih 11 років тому +1

    Very nice

  • @s9killerz
    @s9killerz 11 років тому +2

    Is it just me or does he have the same voice as Sheikh Saeed Rageh? I thought it was him speaking before I read the name.

  • @AmatullahNY
    @AmatullahNY 13 років тому +4

    This is so amazing. Masha'Allah. JazakAllah khair for this!!