I'm really glad that Steven thanked Brendan for stopping his advancement. Even Steven know's that that kiss would have been a major mistake and would have most likely set things into motion that neither him nor Brendan could have controlled the outcome. I think one of the reasons Steven thanked Brendan is because he knew that he really did want Brendan, and if Brendan would have followed through, Steven would have went along with it. But like Steven said, he was not thinking straight. But his feelings and wanting Brendan were real. Its been storing up in them for a while. This was the longest they've gone without being physical with each other and it was only a matter if time before they would lock horns. Thankfully Brendan was the clear minded of the two. But it was so obviously clear that they both so wanted each other. Nothing short of Brendan saying no could have stopped Steven. How and where Brendan got the strength to say no, I don't know. But one thing is for sure, Brendan ain't the same person he once was. I'm sure as Steven was thanking him, he had to know that that wasn't the Brendan he once knew, and that this Brendan is a totally changed man. I liked the gratefulness in Steven towards Brendan. I liked that Steven manned up, technically saying, Brendan you were right, Thanks. They both did good.
Stendan scene what a civil convo was so adorable and so much feeling there clearly Ste still loves and cares about Brendan.Brendan face when he said "I Know" he so hurting he really wants Ste.Ste making excuses about the kiss was dumb he just doesn't want to say the truth about his feelings.Brendan pulling Ste away was cute.Ste reaction of Brendan leaving just shows his not over him at all.Joel wtf i see him dying soon Brendan going to kill him for doing all this shit to him and Cheryl.
Do you honestly not see the problem with an abuser telling their ex-victim, who is in a very dark place right now, that he is the ONLY person who can understand him. Brendan knows Ste is vulnerable, but he didn't offer comfort. Doug was the one offering comfort. What Brendan did was make Ste feel isolated and alone, not loved and supported. And when he succeeded in controlling Ste, confusing him into making a move, he rejected him and ended up making him apologise. Just more mind games...
in these last two episodes you can see that something really changed in Brendan' attitude towards Ste...finally it looks like a real concern and love for Steven....he acts normal....it's really strange to see.....
cont.2. and again ste missing his kids became all about reminding ste that he is the only one that will ever understand him, a touch of comfort with a side of confusion. and with all said and done he walks away. by that time ste is completely shattered who else would he seek out, but the only person that will ever understand him so ste throws himself at brendan and brendan reject him. did brendan want ste in that moment of course he did, but brendan did not need to take further advantage.
I guess it's only fair that the "American" parent would be so exaggerated since we do the same to Brits. Joel is driving me nuts but he is unraveling even though his own plan is working. Lastly, Ste and Brendan have been given a gift horse in the form of two oblivious Americans. Their gazes make me melt!
I must have missed the reason-but what the hell was a framed photo of Doug & Leanne doing hanging in the Deli ? She wasn't an investor, not a Sister, even if she was an Ex-it would be pretty stupid to put a pic of an Ex where your Boyfriend would see it all day. Anyone know why it was there ???
Omg! I just couldn't hold my laugh when Doug's mom said to Doug's fake gf ..."I can tell she is starting to show..." Lololol Did she just call her fat? Lolol
So if Joel is behind all of this then I think we can take Samson's name off the list of who killed Lynsey. But what happens when Theresa finds out he is the reason her aunt was sent down the river.
the thing about Brendan is that he have the ability the be genuine and mess with Ste at the same time. When Brendan first approached Ste he was totally messing with him, ste was vulnerable,missing his kids and what brendan chose to do at that point plant further doubt in his mind, what did he tell him was basically that not only did you lose daily contact with your kids and your best friend but your only other life line your boyfriend will fail you. and btw I know you still have the hots for me.
4) I don't believe that Ste could ever love someone who traumatised him and almost beat him to death and made him feel like shit and like he wasn't worth anything. I think his past with DV could make him continue to return to Brendan, but I personally cannot see his character sinking so low. If Hollyoaks could convince me w/o fucking up either character, fair enough. I'd still disapprove of the message. But it would be very hard to pull off. VERY hard.
hollyoaks doesn't condone abuse but that doesn't mean they deny that in this couple there was a component of love too while you seem to see only the violence. amy and ste went on being friends because they love each other too in some form and if brendan will ever change ste could come back with him because there was also love in their relationship.
Oz? I have every season on dvd except season six and I have watch every season. It's one of my all time favorite shows. My point being I think Walker sees Brendan as this big ball of fun. Brendan is powerful, has inner and outer strength, and is an enigma. Also he's still deeply in love with Ste. So a huge part of Brendan is unattainable to Walker. Probably having Walker see Brendan as the ultimate challenge. Maybe Brendan is Walker's Mt Everest?
Also what's up with Joel he seems to be obsessed with Brendan. I think we can see why he isn't in the opening. After later I think Joel will leave the show. I don't think we will see a quick fix of Stedan. I think we will have a Walker, Ste, and Brendan triangle first.
gosh Ste and Brendan scenes made me felt sad. the first scene Brendan would rub it in Ste's face about what happen but he just know Ste was at his lowest and he really want him to be happy even if he doesn't like Doug. He even told Ste about Declan and Cheryl not talking to him show he just being real. Even that scene, Ste asking Brendan if he's leaving, you could kinda felt like there was more that wanted to be said. I like that they are trying to be friends.
No, you don't need to fully understand someone in order to be able to comfort them. Doug didn't organise the party either - he said right from the beginning that Ste would hate it. But he offered Ste support and advice, tried to make him see he was still loved and not alone in this. Brendan did the opposite. Brendan taunted him, wound him up and tried to make him feel all alone in his pain. All alone, except for (of course) him.
This whole who killed Lynsey thing is driving me mental. I don't think it's Joel, I just think Joel's taking advantage of the situation to scare off Brendan.
She's one of his close friends and flatmates. It makes me think of other family own places that I have gone to that have lots of pictures up of the people who run the place lives and the people in them.
Joel, I feel so betrayed! How could you do this to me? I just hope that Brendan doesn't kill him when he finds out. I have a soft spot for Little Foxy. Doug...seriously? He's lucky that Ste grew out of his former rashness, to some extent, otherwise he would've either walked off in a huff or exploded. I have nothing to say about Leann. She is and always had been a dimwit.
Lying to your parents that you're straight is worse than repeatedly physically and emotionally abusing your partner? As @sicklullabies said, "Oookay then."
cc: @kendon0923 and @anyusa0300 (Don't think this works anymore.) See, that's the thing. Brendan has been bending Joel across the bar emotionally since day 1. He holds Joel close and at arm's length at the same time. Brendan has to be one-up with anyone he's drawn to.
Yeah, poor Doug is still hooked by the hope of having what his parents are never going to give him-unconditional love. I had hoped that after what he went through with Ste already and his (Doug's) coming out, Doug would know that no one who isn't out and proud has a chance with Ste.
I think you're mostly right. Still, I don't blame Stendan fans for talking about Stendan, even though there is no Stendan. It looks like there may soon be no Ste-Doug either.
LiveLaughLove366 Joel was in the club crying out his eyes when Lynsey was killed. Brendan left him in the club when he went back to the flat. Walker left first ( not saying walker did it) then Brendan, that's when he found Lynsey. More and more I think it was the doctor trying to protect mercy.
Remember when Ste told Doug "You're not ready"? Apparently we're back to square 1. Before Ste acts unilaterally, he should give Doug a private ultimatum: "Come out to your parents now or we're not a couple." I know that's brutal, but Ste shouldn't and doesn't have to put up with this.
2) I think that Stendan will not be a couple till the December. After the LATER it will change Brendan where he will go for Ste for the right reasons and finally give Ste what he wanted....a real family. I do believe that a lot of what hurts Ste the most is that he is trying so hard to have a real family, that when he doesn't get it it hurts him that much more. Doug not letting his parents know that he was with Ste hurt him a lot. I got to say there is a real lack of families in the village and
1) I think you missed my point. Amy and Ste used to be in a relationship which involved love and abuse, though after she'd finally had enough, she left him for good. He then bettered himself and when she returned to the village, he was a decent man raising Leah and Lucas. They then became close friends, as opposed to lovers, and I'm saying they wouldn't have become the former at all probably if it weren't for their children.
To be fair on Brendan, he probably sees it as toughing Joel up and keeping him safe. By keeping him out of the way. In that world you always have to be on your toes and five steps ahead the other guy. Any other person from that world would probably act the same way, probably worse. Joel's chomping at the bit, but he's no where close to be ready. I'll give him points for messing with Brendan's head and having Brendan think it's Sampson. But the boy needs to learn to crawl before he learns to run.
Exactly! Doesn't anyone remember how often this happened at the beginning of their relationship? Ste would make a move and despite being provoked by Brendan he would end up apologising and blaming himself. This is abuse, mental manipulation of someone who has spent their whole life dealing with violence in one way or another and is now feeling lonelier than ever.
I don't think you understand that there is a deep bond between S and B and that is the reason why S went to the club and the reason why he stops to talk to B everytime in the street. how doug comforted him?giving a kiss on the cheek isn't comfort. comfort is making feel the other you have a connection with them and understand them not organizing a party. S isn't the naive guy he was at the start, he wanted to see B at the club becasue deep down he knows B is the one that can get understand him
cont. brendan made made ste a pain full moment for ste about him. By the time ste was at the bar, brendan know that the seeds of doubt he had planted had work and something had go wrong with doug why else would ste would be there, this was ste seeking him out after months of ignoring him. yes brendan told ste that he understood what it was like to miss his kids. the thing about manipulation is that it does not have to be a lie. he could have let it there but he chose to go further.
On topic: I actually did see this coming, only I thought Joel would do something to mess up Brendan and Walker's "hit" on Sampson, not that he might be the one perpetuating the conflict. We've been seeing Joel's resentment building for weeks. At the same time, I think Brendan is likely to forgive once all the drama is over. Remember his extremely unlikely reconciliation with Foxy?
Thanks for this comment, and as the guy (or one of) who's been sarcastic about a Ste-Brendan reunion, let me just say I deserve it, even it wasn't directed at me or at anyone. Doesn't matter that I still think Bren is a sociopath. You're comment is appropriate to the situation or this episode.
See, there is a HUGE difference between becoming friends and going back to being lovers. Surely you recognise that? (And come on, Amy and Ste would not be as close if it weren't for Leah and Lucas). Do you not also see the issue with, "Oh, but if Brendan changes, then they can be together!" No, that is actually disregarding the abuse entirely. Also, change takes time and willpower. Just because they may have loved each other doesn't mean they should ever be together.
Such a ridiculous plot twist. What's with Hollyoaks and marriage proposals whenever the insecure half of their gay couples is in a bind? Craig Dean? Now Doug? There wasn't even a necessity here because Doug was ABOUT TO TELL HIS PARENTS before his mother went all "She's pregnant!" and Leanne for absolutely no reason plays along. Also side note, this representation of typical high income Americans is hilarious :P such deliciously awkward lines haha.
Perhaps they connected in prison in a way that can't be explained. Where Walker came to Brendan's aid with Warren's thugs. Perhaps because Walker had heard of Brendan or because he just liked the fight Brendan had in him? Who knows, but it was enough to tweak Walker interest that he followed Brendan to the village. I don't think this is just about Brendan replaying a debt owed to Walker.
It looked like that photo was the only one hanging on the wall-none of Stes, & doesn't Doug have any other friends- they could put both of their friends in a hanging montage, Amy, Ste's children, Doug must have other friends, but Leanne was the only one, and this was the first time they showed it-I didn't even think they were best friends or anything, I don't remember a coming out scene with her, like Ste had with Amy. She seems like just a sideline character & they put her pic up for Conflict.
cont., I think what bonds Ste to Brendan is that he is trapped in a world where abuse and violence is the norm. Following his abusive stepdad and apathetic mother, there was his violent relationship with Amy, followed shortly by his abuse at the hands of Brendan. He does not understand how to live without violence.
without the other ingredients there isn't much that the writers can do. when a couple work togheter there's just something that click between them and the writers take the opportunity to give them good material without the need to make a personality transplant that is unbelievable and doesn't make the couple work anyway like we are seeing with stug.
Don't you think Ste deserves to love and be loved by someone without the involvement of violence? Don't you think he deserves someone who will think of him as an equal and not a punching bag. Don't you think he'd respect himself enough not to return to the man who manipulated, controlled, stalked and beat him for years. Whether love was involved or not, Brendan still abused Ste and hasn't even apologised yet for all he's done. Wow, that's totally true love!
this is what i think, and i may be going way way out on a limb saying this. i think Brendan knows that Walker is playing him...and he and Joel are going along with it. i'm giving Brendan the benefit of the doubt, because he gets inside people's heads all the time and he can't realize when he's being playing (Ste tricking him was the exception). Joel is being way too extra, to the point where i feel he's really making it believable for Walker. this is just my theory, we'll have to wait and see.
5) To my memory, I cannot remember Brendan ever genuinely apologising... I remember Ste apologising. But if he has apologised, he hasn't done so without shortly thereafter doing something else he needs to apologise for. 6) I don't understand the grey areas? I assume that's a way of saying I put moral philosophy of fiction reflecting real life situations over a half arsed grope in a stairwell and a few confessions of love. Stendan wouldn't even be a good love story. It's tired and repetitive.
I don't know, I don't find cute Doug's unsecure behaviour, his desperate willing for adequacy is more than one can handle. He always does what he thinks to be expected. He has to realize that it can hurt others, especially the ones he love and who loves him.
3) I meant that it is disregarding the abuse when people simply add, "Oh Brendan can change" as an excuse for supporting a violent relationship. I don't need an excuse to support Amy and Ste's friendship because since it started, it has been violence free (and he even saved her from getting raped, I believe). You are disregarding the abuse when you put a Stendan reunion over Brendan's rehabilitation, which you are essentially doing by defending their apparent 'love' in the first place.
Oh I can see Walker and Brendan getting into a huge fight and then having passionate kisses leading to rompy pomy. But with Joker/Batman, I meant how perhaps Walker came to take Brendan out originally. But then realized that Brendan was so much fun, that he decided to go another route. You know how at the end of the movie. Joker talking about how Batman won't kill him because of his code and Joker won't kill him because he enjoys going up against Batman too much.
I think that the problem is that stug personalities don't match togheter not the fact that the writers have issues to make interesting healty relationships. they did that with jacqui/rhys and darren/nancy for example: they are perfeclty healty though they are interesting and had variuos remarakable moments, imo it's important that the two personalirites have a natural spark due to their previously background and there is natural chemistry between the actors. good writing is important too butCONT
Omfg I swear I was like grr and like say no say no grr I slap my head when she said yes and again when she said were getting married .. And brenden being slightly more heroic makes me think steden will be back..
he actually treated him like a son but joel shouldn't be mixed up in this things and Brendan tried to warn him off and he keeps nagging but i suppose that saying karma.
Interesting comment, which has been flagged as spam. I wish UA-cam would just delete the flag as spam option. Let the uploader decide what, if anything, is spam on his or her comment board.
Doug's parents just show up,no text or phone call saying we are in england,goofy parents.Is Joel pissed off enough to set up Brendan if he doesn't include him.I won't be surprised at all now if Sampson and his thugs are waiting for Brendan and Walker.I can see the end of Stug,if Brendan gets hurt.If Doug tells the truth it won't make a difference,because the look on Ste's face says it all,I still love Brendan.
@anyusa0030 looks like your getting some bralker afterall, ha! In a previous epi, didn't brendan touch walkers leg? Now its handholding?! Imagine whats next in later (not that i'm here for that-- the heart wants what it wants i guess)
If Doug didn't want to come out yet, the least he could have done is say-before Leanne said she was pregnant-was he was not coming back to the US...but that would have required quick thinking .By the way-why did he have Leanne come over in the first place, since her idea for a "Your children are Gone" party for Ste was such a Disaster...
The show never tried to portray Ste and Amy's storyline as a love story. Amy was always the victim and Ste was the bad guy. Then he properly rehabilitated himself and actually lived as a decent guy for a while before they started living together again (which probably only happened in the first place because of their kids). I never said everything Brendan does is black and white, but in this particular case I just don't see how what he did is not a form of abuse.
Life is so strange, Brendan didn't kiss Ste and it showed how strong he loves him more than if he would do
**ROFL** Ste's look at 1:23 is priceless!
Steven: Be careful then
Brendan: yeah , you too..
The killer knows that Brendan loves Steven the most so he just wants Steven to be careful.
i love this brendan. well, i loved the old one too, but this one is just so... so... i don't know how to describe it.
"It's just Ste" ... unless your name is Brendan.
It's so easy to get back on the Brendan/Ste wagon when Brendan's nice. I love Ste's face at 5:06, it's hilarious.
I'm really glad that Steven thanked Brendan for stopping his advancement. Even Steven know's that that kiss would have been a major mistake and would have most likely set things into motion that neither him nor Brendan could have controlled the outcome. I think one of the reasons Steven thanked Brendan is because he knew that he really did want Brendan, and if Brendan would have followed through, Steven would have went along with it.
But like Steven said, he was not thinking straight. But his feelings and wanting Brendan were real. Its been storing up in them for a while. This was the longest they've gone without being physical with each other and it was only a matter if time before they would lock horns.
Thankfully Brendan was the clear minded of the two. But it was so obviously clear that they both so wanted each other. Nothing short of Brendan saying no could have stopped Steven. How and where Brendan got the strength to say no, I don't know. But one thing is for sure, Brendan ain't the same person he once was.
I'm sure as Steven was thanking him, he had to know that that wasn't the Brendan he once knew, and that this Brendan is a totally changed man. I liked the gratefulness in Steven towards Brendan. I liked that Steven manned up, technically saying, Brendan you were right, Thanks. They both did good.
Stendan scene what a civil convo was so adorable and so much feeling there clearly Ste still loves and cares about Brendan.Brendan face when he said "I Know" he so hurting he really wants Ste.Ste making excuses about the kiss was dumb he just doesn't want to say the truth about his feelings.Brendan pulling Ste away was cute.Ste reaction of Brendan leaving just shows his not over him at all.Joel wtf i see him dying soon Brendan going to kill him for doing all this shit to him and Cheryl.
i agree, the fact that ste is the only one doing any apologizing shows exactly what is still wrong in their relationship.
I agree... I do think Brendan was sincere w/Ste . I think Brendan realizes he's got to show real love toward Ste for Ste to love him.
Do you honestly not see the problem with an abuser telling their ex-victim, who is in a very dark place right now, that he is the ONLY person who can understand him.
Brendan knows Ste is vulnerable, but he didn't offer comfort. Doug was the one offering comfort. What Brendan did was make Ste feel isolated and alone, not loved and supported. And when he succeeded in controlling Ste, confusing him into making a move, he rejected him and ended up making him apologise. Just more mind games...
How after all these years have I only just realised that Walker is James the waiter from the "Going for an English" sketch in Goodness Gracious Me?
in these last two episodes you can see that something really changed in Brendan' attitude towards Ste...finally it looks like a real concern and love for Steven....he acts normal....it's really strange to see.....
joel couldnt possibly of killed lynsey, he was terrified that day after being kidnapped by sampson
Fair point, it had the children's drawings and the picture of them at the opening. They really need to update their pictures on their walls.
cont.2. and again ste missing his kids became all about reminding ste that he is the only one that will ever understand him, a touch of comfort with a side of confusion. and with all said and done he walks away. by that time ste is completely shattered who else would he seek out, but the only person that will ever understand him so ste throws himself at brendan and brendan reject him. did brendan want ste in that moment of course he did, but brendan did not need to take further advantage.
I knoooow! We need more, please. Ste's so worried about Brendan right now. They changed rolls
I guess it's only fair that the "American" parent would be so exaggerated since we do the same to Brits.
Joel is driving me nuts but he is unraveling even though his own plan is working.
Lastly, Ste and Brendan have been given a gift horse in the form of two oblivious Americans. Their gazes make me melt!
yeah i feel so sorry for borth of them, especially for poor brendan. you can tell he really loves ste
Is it just me or Walker looks particularly hot in this ep? Why don't you give us a bralker kiss, instead?
I must have missed the reason-but what the hell was a framed photo of Doug & Leanne doing hanging in the Deli ? She wasn't an investor, not a Sister, even if she was an Ex-it would be pretty stupid to put a pic of an Ex where your Boyfriend would see it all day.
Anyone know why it was there ???
I live in America and I have never seen parents like that in my life!
Omg! I just couldn't hold my laugh when Doug's mom said to Doug's fake gf ..."I can tell she is starting to show..." Lololol
Did she just call her fat? Lolol
So if Joel is behind all of this then I think we can take Samson's name off the list of who killed Lynsey. But what happens when Theresa finds out he is the reason her aunt was sent down the river.
the thing about Brendan is that he have the ability the be genuine and mess with Ste at the same time. When Brendan first approached Ste he was totally messing with him, ste was vulnerable,missing his kids and what brendan chose to do at that point plant further doubt in his mind, what did he tell him was basically that not only did you lose daily contact with your kids and your best friend but your only other life line your boyfriend will fail you. and btw I know you still have the hots for me.
4) I don't believe that Ste could ever love someone who traumatised him and almost beat him to death and made him feel like shit and like he wasn't worth anything. I think his past with DV could make him continue to return to Brendan, but I personally cannot see his character sinking so low. If Hollyoaks could convince me w/o fucking up either character, fair enough. I'd still disapprove of the message. But it would be very hard to pull off. VERY hard.
hollyoaks doesn't condone abuse but that doesn't mean they deny that in this couple there was a component of love too while you seem to see only the violence. amy and ste went on being friends because they love each other too in some form and if brendan will ever change ste could come back with him because there was also love in their relationship.
But we know that Brendan isn't leaving because emmett has talked about being in hollyoaks later in the autumn
LOL I know right, I was like what hell it's just 'conveniently' there lol
Oz? I have every season on dvd except season six and I have watch every season. It's one of my all time favorite shows. My point being I think Walker sees Brendan as this big ball of fun. Brendan is powerful, has inner and outer strength, and is an enigma. Also he's still deeply in love with Ste. So a huge part of Brendan is unattainable to Walker. Probably having Walker see Brendan as the ultimate challenge. Maybe Brendan is Walker's Mt Everest?
Also what's up with Joel he seems to be obsessed with Brendan. I think we can see why he isn't in the opening. After later I think Joel will leave the show. I don't think we will see a quick fix of Stedan. I think we will have a Walker, Ste, and Brendan triangle first.
Off topic: it might sound like they are saying Joe, but they are actually saying Joel. Only it's being pronounced like "Jole". Easy to get mixed up :)
gosh Ste and Brendan scenes made me felt sad. the first scene Brendan would rub it in Ste's face about what happen but he just know Ste was at his lowest and he really want him to be happy even if he doesn't like Doug. He even told Ste about Declan and Cheryl not talking to him show he just being real. Even that scene, Ste asking Brendan if he's leaving, you could kinda felt like there was more that wanted to be said. I like that they are trying to be friends.
No, you don't need to fully understand someone in order to be able to comfort them. Doug didn't organise the party either - he said right from the beginning that Ste would hate it. But he offered Ste support and advice, tried to make him see he was still loved and not alone in this.
Brendan did the opposite. Brendan taunted him, wound him up and tried to make him feel all alone in his pain. All alone, except for (of course) him.
This whole who killed Lynsey thing is driving me mental. I don't think it's Joel, I just think Joel's taking advantage of the situation to scare off Brendan.
lol at 1:24 XD Ste expression
She's one of his close friends and flatmates. It makes me think of other family own places that I have gone to that have lots of pictures up of the people who run the place lives and the people in them.
Joel, I feel so betrayed! How could you do this to me? I just hope that Brendan doesn't kill him when he finds out. I have a soft spot for Little Foxy.
Doug...seriously? He's lucky that Ste grew out of his former rashness, to some extent, otherwise he would've either walked off in a huff or exploded.
I have nothing to say about Leann. She is and always had been a dimwit.
Lying to your parents that you're straight is worse than repeatedly physically and emotionally abusing your partner?
As @sicklullabies said, "Oookay then."
Did you see that show on tv, or was it here on youtube?
cc: @kendon0923 and @anyusa0300 (Don't think this works anymore.)
See, that's the thing. Brendan has been bending Joel across the bar emotionally since day 1. He holds Joel close and at arm's length at the same time. Brendan has to be one-up with anyone he's drawn to.
LOL- I guess they're from Upson-Downs...which is "completely restricted"
Yeah, poor Doug is still hooked by the hope of having what his parents are never going to give him-unconditional love.
I had hoped that after what he went through with Ste already and his (Doug's) coming out, Doug would know that no one who isn't out and proud has a chance with Ste.
I think you're mostly right. Still, I don't blame Stendan fans for talking about Stendan, even though there is no Stendan. It looks like there may soon be no Ste-Doug either.
LiveLaughLove366 Joel was in the club crying out his eyes when Lynsey was killed. Brendan left him in the club when he went back to the flat. Walker left first ( not saying walker did it) then Brendan, that's when he found Lynsey. More and more I think it was the doctor trying to protect mercy.
Remember when Ste told Doug "You're not ready"? Apparently we're back to square 1.
Before Ste acts unilaterally, he should give Doug a private ultimatum: "Come out to your parents now or we're not a couple." I know that's brutal, but Ste shouldn't and doesn't have to put up with this.
LOL your sarcasm is on full blast i see
Joel, the ultimate troll.
2) I think that Stendan will not be a couple till the December. After the LATER it will change Brendan where he will go for Ste for the right reasons and finally give Ste what he wanted....a real family. I do believe that a lot of what hurts Ste the most is that he is trying so hard to have a real family, that when he doesn't get it it hurts him that much more. Doug not letting his parents know that he was with Ste hurt him a lot. I got to say there is a real lack of families in the village and
4:17 is that a little chukle in ste's voice?? :D
The story line is ridiculous. "We're getting married!"
1) I think you missed my point. Amy and Ste used to be in a relationship which involved love and abuse, though after she'd finally had enough, she left him for good. He then bettered himself and when she returned to the village, he was a decent man raising Leah and Lucas. They then became close friends, as opposed to lovers, and I'm saying they wouldn't have become the former at all probably if it weren't for their children.
To be fair on Brendan, he probably sees it as toughing Joel up and keeping him safe. By keeping him out of the way. In that world you always have to be on your toes and five steps ahead the other guy. Any other person from that world would probably act the same way, probably worse. Joel's chomping at the bit, but he's no where close to be ready. I'll give him points for messing with Brendan's head and having Brendan think it's Sampson. But the boy needs to learn to crawl before he learns to run.
Doug is so spineless. Ste's been through so much with one homophobic boyfriend now he has to deal with this crap.
lmao, say "you little shit" that was funny.
Still, a children's drawing (wasn't it just pinned to the wall?) isn't the same as Ste seeing the kids and Amy's faces.
Doesn't anyone remember how often this happened at the beginning of their relationship? Ste would make a move and despite being provoked by Brendan he would end up apologising and blaming himself. This is abuse, mental manipulation of someone who has spent their whole life dealing with violence in one way or another and is now feeling lonelier than ever.
I don't think you understand that there is a deep bond between S and B and that is the reason why S went to the club and the reason why he stops to talk to B everytime in the street. how doug comforted him?giving a kiss on the cheek isn't comfort. comfort is making feel the other you have a connection with them and understand them not organizing a party. S isn't the naive guy he was at the start, he wanted to see B at the club becasue deep down he knows B is the one that can get understand him
Oh you just made me almost fall out my char in a fit of laughter !!! Love it!! Not a BMW - HA !!!!
cont. brendan made made ste a pain full moment for ste about him. By the time ste was at the bar, brendan know that the seeds of doubt he had planted had work and something had go wrong with doug why else would ste would be there, this was ste seeking him out after months of ignoring him. yes brendan told ste that he understood what it was like to miss his kids. the thing about manipulation is that it does not have to be a lie. he could have let it there but he chose to go further.
On topic: I actually did see this coming, only I thought Joel would do something to mess up Brendan and Walker's "hit" on Sampson, not that he might be the one perpetuating the conflict. We've been seeing Joel's resentment building for weeks. At the same time, I think Brendan is likely to forgive once all the drama is over. Remember his extremely unlikely reconciliation with Foxy?
Oh of course this show is gonna set up a big reveal. I'm so over coming out stories.
Thanks for this comment, and as the guy (or one of) who's been sarcastic about a Ste-Brendan reunion, let me just say I deserve it, even it wasn't directed at me or at anyone.
Doesn't matter that I still think Bren is a sociopath. You're comment is appropriate to the situation or this episode.
See, there is a HUGE difference between becoming friends and going back to being lovers. Surely you recognise that? (And come on, Amy and Ste would not be as close if it weren't for Leah and Lucas).
Do you not also see the issue with, "Oh, but if Brendan changes, then they can be together!" No, that is actually disregarding the abuse entirely. Also, change takes time and willpower. Just because they may have loved each other doesn't mean they should ever be together.
Such a ridiculous plot twist. What's with Hollyoaks and marriage proposals whenever the insecure half of their gay couples is in a bind? Craig Dean? Now Doug? There wasn't even a necessity here because Doug was ABOUT TO TELL HIS PARENTS before his mother went all "She's pregnant!" and Leanne for absolutely no reason plays along. Also side note, this representation of typical high income Americans is hilarious :P such deliciously awkward lines haha.
Not everyone would get that - Good 4 U :)
Right, you said Joel might be capable of. I don't know why he would, though.
I just threw in Silas's serial murders and the kitchen sink to rib you.
That's quite an extrapolation to peg Joel for Lynsey's murder. Maybe all of Silas's victims were actually done in by Joel instead.
Perhaps they connected in prison in a way that can't be explained. Where Walker came to Brendan's aid with Warren's thugs. Perhaps because Walker had heard of Brendan or because he just liked the fight Brendan had in him? Who knows, but it was enough to tweak Walker interest that he followed Brendan to the village. I don't think this is just about Brendan replaying a debt owed to Walker.
It looked like that photo was the only one hanging on the wall-none of Stes, & doesn't Doug have any other friends- they could put both of their friends in a hanging montage, Amy, Ste's children, Doug must have other friends, but Leanne was the only one, and this was the first time they showed it-I didn't even think they were best friends or anything, I don't remember a coming out scene with her, like Ste had with Amy. She seems like just a sideline character & they put her pic up for Conflict.
cont., I think what bonds Ste to Brendan is that he is trapped in a world where abuse and violence is the norm. Following his abusive stepdad and apathetic mother, there was his violent relationship with Amy, followed shortly by his abuse at the hands of Brendan.
He does not understand how to live without violence.
without the other ingredients there isn't much that the writers can do. when a couple work togheter there's just something that click between them and the writers take the opportunity to give them good material without the need to make a personality transplant that is unbelievable and doesn't make the couple work anyway like we are seeing with stug.
I couldn't understand the wife's name. Was it Peaches ? :)
Don't you think Ste deserves to love and be loved by someone without the involvement of violence? Don't you think he deserves someone who will think of him as an equal and not a punching bag. Don't you think he'd respect himself enough not to return to the man who manipulated, controlled, stalked and beat him for years.
Whether love was involved or not, Brendan still abused Ste and hasn't even apologised yet for all he's done. Wow, that's totally true love!
So it was Joel, all this time playing with brendans head..
this is what i think, and i may be going way way out on a limb saying this. i think Brendan knows that Walker is playing him...and he and Joel are going along with it. i'm giving Brendan the benefit of the doubt, because he gets inside people's heads all the time and he can't realize when he's being playing (Ste tricking him was the exception). Joel is being way too extra, to the point where i feel he's really making it believable for Walker. this is just my theory, we'll have to wait and see.
5) To my memory, I cannot remember Brendan ever genuinely apologising... I remember Ste apologising. But if he has apologised, he hasn't done so without shortly thereafter doing something else he needs to apologise for.
6) I don't understand the grey areas? I assume that's a way of saying I put moral philosophy of fiction reflecting real life situations over a half arsed grope in a stairwell and a few confessions of love.
Stendan wouldn't even be a good love story. It's tired and repetitive.
Why aren't Brendan and Walker making out right now? Is that too much to ask??
1:08 to 1:20 Is that disapointment I see in Ste's face when Brendan only says "I know" and leaves??
I don't know, I don't find cute Doug's unsecure behaviour, his desperate willing for adequacy is more than one can handle. He always does what he thinks to be expected. He has to realize that it can hurt others, especially the ones he love and who loves him.
3) I meant that it is disregarding the abuse when people simply add, "Oh Brendan can change" as an excuse for supporting a violent relationship. I don't need an excuse to support Amy and Ste's friendship because since it started, it has been violence free (and he even saved her from getting raped, I believe). You are disregarding the abuse when you put a Stendan reunion over Brendan's rehabilitation, which you are essentially doing by defending their apparent 'love' in the first place.
Oh I can see Walker and Brendan getting into a huge fight and then having passionate kisses leading to rompy pomy. But with Joker/Batman, I meant how perhaps Walker came to take Brendan out originally. But then realized that Brendan was so much fun, that he decided to go another route. You know how at the end of the movie. Joker talking about how Batman won't kill him because of his code and Joker won't kill him because he enjoys going up against Batman too much.
I think that the problem is that stug personalities don't match togheter not the fact that the writers have issues to make interesting healty relationships. they did that with jacqui/rhys and darren/nancy for example: they are perfeclty healty though they are interesting and had variuos remarakable moments, imo it's important that the two personalirites have a natural spark due to their previously background and there is natural chemistry between the actors. good writing is important too butCONT
i want the next episode!!! :(
Doug's father got the right name...Herb...it explains how he acts like he been smoking some weed.
Omfg I swear I was like grr and like say no say no grr I slap my head when she said yes and again when she said were getting married .. And brenden being slightly more heroic makes me think steden will be back..
Oh Joelly : D
Good luck, you're going to need it son.
he actually treated him like a son but joel shouldn't be mixed up in this things and Brendan tried to warn him off and he keeps nagging but i suppose that saying karma.
yea exactly.
I heard you're building a sweet little prison in your basement just for Joel. Is that true?
Interesting comment, which has been flagged as spam. I wish UA-cam would just delete the flag as spam option. Let the uploader decide what, if anything, is spam on his or her comment board.
Doug's parents just show up,no text or phone call saying we are in england,goofy parents.Is Joel pissed off enough to set up Brendan if he doesn't include him.I won't be surprised at all now if Sampson and his thugs are waiting for Brendan and Walker.I can see the end of Stug,if Brendan gets hurt.If Doug tells the truth it won't make a difference,because the look on Ste's face says it all,I still love Brendan.
aww man not Little Foxy...
@anyusa0030 looks like your getting some bralker afterall, ha! In a previous epi, didn't brendan touch walkers leg? Now its handholding?! Imagine whats next in later (not that i'm here for that-- the heart wants what it wants i guess)
If Doug didn't want to come out yet, the least he could have done is say-before Leanne said she was pregnant-was he was not coming back to the US...but that would have required quick thinking .By the way-why did he have Leanne come over in the first place, since her idea for a "Your children are Gone" party for Ste was such a Disaster...
Can't you put it up? I can't find it :(
I agree, this should probably end but I hope you will take what I have said into account in some way or another.
Who's Doug's Brother ?
Lying to your parents that you're straight is worse than cheating? ...Oookay then.
The show never tried to portray Ste and Amy's storyline as a love story. Amy was always the victim and Ste was the bad guy. Then he properly rehabilitated himself and actually lived as a decent guy for a while before they started living together again (which probably only happened in the first place because of their kids).
I never said everything Brendan does is black and white, but in this particular case I just don't see how what he did is not a form of abuse.