This is a slow-w-w piston prover coming from a tank. In real-life pipeline fiscal metering, a small volume prover , otherwise known as a compact prover, manufactured by, amongst several, FlowMD or Emerson could not be used with a USM. Usually a pipe prover would need to be used - a BIG one to handle USM flowrates. And don't even think of a USM Master Meter.
I like this video, how sophisticated the technological work equipment used is..
This is a slow-w-w piston prover coming from a tank. In real-life pipeline fiscal metering, a small volume prover , otherwise known as a compact prover, manufactured by, amongst several, FlowMD or Emerson could not be used with a USM. Usually a pipe prover would need to be used - a BIG one to handle USM flowrates. And don't even think of a USM Master Meter.