Upgrading DRAGON FRUIT to MAX LEVEL in Blox Fruits (roblox)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ZainZain-no1bm
    @ZainZain-no1bm 4 години тому +19

    This is what I've been waiting for

  • @DoughPortal
    @DoughPortal Годину тому +6

    To get your aura ability stronger you have to keep using it whenever you’re in a fight or npc no matter what keep your aura on.

  • @brandonandrewjonathan7132
    @brandonandrewjonathan7132 3 години тому +5

    Favorite part 00:27
    atleast he was being honest

  • @Kimrutter-jn8yh
    @Kimrutter-jn8yh 4 години тому +9

    Let’s go

  • @shengfazhu4630
    @shengfazhu4630 4 години тому +4

    yo lets gooo

  • @jenniferchoy3511
    @jenniferchoy3511 Годину тому +3

    Next video get instinct please

  • @rubinakhan4431
    @rubinakhan4431 Годину тому +1

    I did not know that you played blox fruits your videos are really funny and sometimes epic

  • @Mathew668
    @Mathew668 3 години тому +6

    Pls perm giveaway im your biggest fan

  • @AdrianPerez-e1w
    @AdrianPerez-e1w 3 години тому +1

    W beckbrojack

  • @Danger117-
    @Danger117- Годину тому +1

    For your aura just do damage to npc with an sword or maybe m1 but maybe not I forget I would suggest using a logia/elemental fruit and auto click them over night also you will need to find the right level npc for logia to work also you will need aura equipped also is you see this pls hart it ❤

  • @vervinbayani4145
    @vervinbayani4145 3 години тому +1


  • @BreadYT100
    @BreadYT100 4 години тому +1


  • @jalaluddinfakir9840
    @jalaluddinfakir9840 2 години тому


  • @vernaarchival1952
    @vernaarchival1952 4 години тому +6

    finally some good content nice one jack

    • @BreadYT100
      @BreadYT100 3 години тому

      wdym he always has good content

    • @vernaarchival1952
      @vernaarchival1952 3 години тому +1

      @ nope not at all I’ve just gotten bored of his content day by day and can’t even watch one without leaving the first 5 minutes now I used to watch alll his videos but looks like it’s getting boring

  • @aaronbrown1431
    @aaronbrown1431 Годину тому +1

    Go back to first sea on the snow island gather all of the nope and go into a house with them on the other side of the wall take out sword stats and use the weakest sword you have. If you use an auto clicker do that for the whole night and you should have max aura

  • @johnclynelledesma473
    @johnclynelledesma473 Годину тому +1

    Jack there's a hybrid form of dragon when your fury meter is not full you can transform to a hybrid form

  • @Arkan755
    @Arkan755 2 години тому


  • @JazpherIsaacSardido
    @JazpherIsaacSardido 4 години тому

    yessssss more beckbro plays

  • @marthahiggins3986
    @marthahiggins3986 4 години тому +3


  • @BobBobby-o7t
    @BobBobby-o7t 4 години тому

    Finally you came back

  • @AidenPryor-n1g
    @AidenPryor-n1g 3 години тому

    Let's go 0:44

  • @johnclynelledesma473
    @johnclynelledesma473 2 години тому

    Yes finally

  • @traceyrossato2037
    @traceyrossato2037 3 години тому

    yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss finally a new blox fruits video!

  • @MaltaiGamer
    @MaltaiGamer 3 години тому +1

    I have been waiting for you to play this game for so long🎉

  • @AL913EDITZ
    @AL913EDITZ 58 хвилин тому

    Let's go finally pls post more blox fruits

  • @Da_Real_DeviouzPlayz
    @Da_Real_DeviouzPlayz Годину тому

    13:07 click J and just hit npcs with either your fighting style or your swords, youre gonna need about like 20k hits cuz each hit with haki on gives you 1 haki exp

  • @olusayooladepo5445
    @olusayooladepo5445 51 хвилина тому +1

    Do a video where you race to third sea

  • @vppnpad
    @vppnpad 2 години тому

    Step1:get a elemental fruit
    Step2:turn ur haki on
    Step3:hit some npc's
    Step4:let them hit u
    Because u have elemental fruit u won't take damage
    Only if the npc's r lower level than u and do not have haki
    Then u can afk *but u need to turn on haki(aura)before afking

    • @annaleafoyo9078
      @annaleafoyo9078 Годину тому

      Or he can just turn on the aura/haki everytime he plays

  • @brucesaavedra1112
    @brucesaavedra1112 4 години тому +40

    Did you if you double tap a comment you can like it try it

  • @perianenmeviperianen2105
    @perianenmeviperianen2105 55 хвилин тому

    Finally its here😂

  • @Aon866
    @Aon866 3 години тому

    My favorite gaming youtuber

  • @OliverTham-v4q
    @OliverTham-v4q 4 години тому


  • @Ali-gamer-c1k
    @Ali-gamer-c1k 4 години тому +1

    First bros the best

  • @BraidynSmith-sx3cc
    @BraidynSmith-sx3cc 3 години тому


  • @JamesWeaver-zh1uv
    @JamesWeaver-zh1uv 4 години тому +1


  • @TheSpaghettiGuy1
    @TheSpaghettiGuy1 3 години тому

    This is amazing!! You should get instinct though. You are the best!!!

  • @bimalakarki3068
    @bimalakarki3068 4 години тому


  • @An5w3r-77
    @An5w3r-77 2 години тому

    To get your aura ability to max, you have to fight npcs with your fighting style or sword with your aura on

  • @kadensgotgame
    @kadensgotgame 3 години тому +1

    Pls max upgrade magma next

  • @Germany_Special_Forces
    @Germany_Special_Forces 4 години тому +1


  • @ArielPalima-r5r
    @ArielPalima-r5r 3 години тому

    That so much FUN

  • @Typlaysbloxfruits
    @Typlaysbloxfruits 3 години тому

    Finally broo 😢🎉🎉

  • @volkzcapsa5052
    @volkzcapsa5052 Годину тому


  • @danicasevilla3282
    @danicasevilla3282 Годину тому

    bro is back blox fruits

  • @lalaine-s9n
    @lalaine-s9n 3 години тому

    lets go

  • @mythilisoundaram3628
    @mythilisoundaram3628 4 години тому +1

    One of the first

  • @ChrisP-w2c
    @ChrisP-w2c 4 години тому +1

    1 sec squad

  • @ReynaldoUrsuaJr
    @ReynaldoUrsuaJr 4 години тому

    Let's gooooooooooo

  • @chase1032
    @chase1032 4 години тому

    You make the best videos

  • @HenryHart-ez5qe
    @HenryHart-ez5qe 3 години тому +1

    Jack you don’t have dragon talon you have dragon breath which you have to get to 400 mastery to get dragon talon(in third sea which has a v2)

  • @arthuryu6860
    @arthuryu6860 3 години тому

    W vid as a;ways

  • @caseybutler897
    @caseybutler897 4 години тому

    Sup luv ur vids

  • @cadencenolet8091
    @cadencenolet8091 3 години тому +1

    you use you're melee a ton than after like 1029302483982 years of punching you will be strong enough

  • @junebugb7295
    @junebugb7295 3 години тому

    41 minutes nice

  • @Alex-i4m4y
    @Alex-i4m4y 3 години тому

    Finally dragon reworks

  • @WtcMtwo-ib8of
    @WtcMtwo-ib8of 3 години тому

    13:22 hey beckbrojack im a big fan and to lvl up oura u have to take damege from npc

  • @MalikAfify
    @MalikAfify Годину тому

    To make your aura better you need equip aura and using it until your whole body is black from aura

  • @Thatoneto2
    @Thatoneto2 4 години тому +1

    Hi am first

  • @ellenkahler8213
    @ellenkahler8213 4 години тому

    Keep making amazing vids beckbrojack and I hope you have a good day

  • @AzadsxXXx
    @AzadsxXXx 3 години тому

    amazing content wso entertaining keep up the good work

  • @PippenTyga
    @PippenTyga 2 години тому

    yk whats so funny people were complaining about not having there perm dragon while in reality they can covert it to either Western or Eastern dragon's but the way they did it was insanely bad and im glad everyone got there dragons back.

  • @YanyanDipasopil
    @YanyanDipasopil 4 години тому +1

    30 second gang
    Im first

  • @stelioeleftheriou7722
    @stelioeleftheriou7722 Годину тому +1

    Next, you should do the gas fruit😂

  • @ingrismoore6672
    @ingrismoore6672 3 години тому

    I like tare video this so much

  • @Natnael-j6f
    @Natnael-j6f 4 години тому

    73 let's go

  • @Artofthegame-o1p
    @Artofthegame-o1p 3 години тому

    I love eastern dragon

  • @eugeniamutezo6587
    @eugeniamutezo6587 Годину тому

    W let's funking go

  • @dawsandar498
    @dawsandar498 57 хвилин тому +2

    Do gas fruit

  • @MGames26
    @MGames26 3 години тому

    Go to the first and go to the floating island part 2 and go to the temple and get instinct so you can dodge attacks

  • @kinkes1
    @kinkes1 3 години тому

    Yooo wsp my God

  • @oskicheetah
    @oskicheetah 4 години тому


  • @Bellisn08
    @Bellisn08 4 години тому

    And i liked

  • @Chillguy1221
    @Chillguy1221 4 години тому

    Hi beck I’m a big fan

  • @ErwinFrancisColdas
    @ErwinFrancisColdas 2 години тому

    the dragon fruit has finally been "added"

  • @AmogelangMadisha-w4f
    @AmogelangMadisha-w4f 4 години тому +2

    Guys do gas

  • @AshleeGalvezo
    @AshleeGalvezo 4 години тому

    Do Gas and dough, portal
    Fruit next please

  • @EvansMwangi-l7e
    @EvansMwangi-l7e 4 години тому +1

    I am first

  • @DarwisyMuhamad
    @DarwisyMuhamad 4 години тому

    Do gas fruit next 🎉🎉

  • @idaflores729
    @idaflores729 38 хвилин тому

    Play sprunki phase 4 and sprunked

  • @OmegaZenoblade
    @OmegaZenoblade 3 години тому

    yooo do more blox friuts videos pls

    • @goofydino-9192
      @goofydino-9192 2 години тому +1

      “FrIuTs”💀 it’s fruits kid now go back to school and keep doing ur homework

  • @brrobiansmith6446
    @brrobiansmith6446 4 години тому +2

    I’m rizz

  • @DaniaAlGhalib
    @DaniaAlGhalib 3 хвилини тому

    To get aura ability stronger keep it on and use Melee gun or sword

  • @Equinox2010
    @Equinox2010 3 години тому


  • @ugowong4147
    @ugowong4147 2 години тому

    “after waiting 20 years the dragon fruit has finally been added” added????

  • @Albertoseiboateng
    @Albertoseiboateng 4 години тому

    do another one pls and try to reach max level

  • @FortuneButhelezi-ze9tc
    @FortuneButhelezi-ze9tc 4 години тому

    Sup Jackie

  • @Kristi_Isaac
    @Kristi_Isaac 3 години тому

    Under 50 mins 👍🏼

  • @denaocbinj3605
    @denaocbinj3605 2 години тому

    jack you need to turn on aura aned use combat or sword only also if you go t second sea and complete saber quest you can unlock instinct where you can dodge attacks

  • @KadeemSamuels-y6k
    @KadeemSamuels-y6k 3 години тому

    You are the best UA-cam ever jack finally another blog fruits video😊

  • @KevinGédéonJanvier
    @KevinGédéonJanvier 2 години тому

    Under one hour and lovers of beckbrojack here❤❤

  • @SGG_NCS
    @SGG_NCS 2 години тому +1

    Max the new gas fruit

  • @idvishal
    @idvishal Годину тому

    Hey jack can u make a video about getting instinct in blox fruits next it's really op

  • @Anoym08s
    @Anoym08s 2 години тому

    You guys need to do some serious blox fruits research, get observation, and v3

  • @NahidAhmed-pd6ch
    @NahidAhmed-pd6ch 3 години тому

    do gas fruit next its knew to and looks sick

  • @Richard-j8q
    @Richard-j8q 4 години тому


  • @LimeWolf33
    @LimeWolf33 10 хвилин тому +1

    don't use fast mode it decrease the graphics

  • @AngeloClaudeBañes
    @AngeloClaudeBañes 2 години тому

    Scorching downfall is like the light fruit like the barrage of light not the venom

  • @Electroshockgamer
    @Electroshockgamer 3 години тому

    I'm not surprised that this was a good video also you are lucky u didn't have dragon before the update because it sucks being scammed if a dragon

  • @sage_storm0616
    @sage_storm0616 3 години тому

    You should get the instinct

  • @MarciaD-x2q
    @MarciaD-x2q 2 години тому

    Haki gives you armour on western and it gives a crown on eastern