Just like a lot of parents who are dissapointed with their kid's choice of procreating, partners, education and or character yet they love them unconditional. EJ is not any different
@@Trusthimonly1I would be also but Magic knows he can’t say anything because he will be cancelled and his business would fail. Magic is conforming to society.
The one making negative comments on here is having a lot of bad kids in prison right now. Most of you have 5 baby mama and baby daddy killing each other every day. Everybody. has family members who are gay taking care of your your bad kids because the father is out making more kids. I would rather have a gay son than having a son that is in prison, always in trouble all the time.
Whatever keeps his son mental stable and healthy I’m here for… it’s not about agreeing with how he lives his own life it’s making sure he’s mentally healthy and knows he’s loved as a person..
You are one hundred percent correct, and this is heartbreaking, especially for such a huge star. Was this his punishment as part of illuminati? It's sure it would seem that way. I'm sad for him
@@jgibson8092 if you don’t train up your child in the fear of the lord then yes you should be concerned! You have the chose that God give all to choose him or the world.
If god is real, I’m pretty sure he’s not going to send gay people down there. He created them and loves them. It doesn’t even say in the Bible it’s a sin. Humans mistranslated that part of the Bible.
You have a family did one of your family members become a drug addict, a prostitute, go to prison, Etc, He who casts the first stone, have pity on the afflicted perfect person, He's, not to love his child ?
@@jefferyjones7131oh pls no no no no proudly not a darn soul in my fam fell in nothing u said so too darn bad for u defending an abomination speaking of some thing the lord is against has nothing to do with casting any darn stone so pls learn when u are trying to quote the word smdh u all sick
The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it." Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."SATAN ROAMS The EARTH SEEKING TO DESTROY 🙏🙏🙏
The nowadays humans don’t need satan Satanic organizations which are more evil than satan himself promote this types of shameful acts like homosexuality, transgender, drag queens, etc And it’s spreading like fire in dry ash among young population in the west Until the western civilization will destroy itself from within The act is not even done by animals Moslem religion is 100% correct when their God declared this type of acts as a war on human kind that necessitates eradication
Magic is not proud .He is just trying to avoid the backlash.His mother agreed that she aloud her son to play with dolls and didn't try to steer him away from the demonic homosexual behavior patterns that he displayed.She stated that she didn't let Magic know that she allowed the boy to play with dolls and do girl stuff when Magic was away.This disqualifies the household from being pentecostal or Christian.
Let me tell you first off your the typical wanna be Christian a mouth full of Bible verses and a heart full of hate and secondly if you were a real Christian you would know your not suppose to judge and that God loves each and everyone of us he'll judge maybe your the one leading a demonic life
So you don’t love your daughter unconditionally? That make you in the right? Here is the thing. You can disagree with her choice but here is the catch, Im sure she wants you to love her for who she is no matter what! The issue is not about her choice but more about you not loving her unconditionally. Your love has conditions!!! And that’s worse! If you don’t live someone no matter what they do.. and I don’t mean agree with it, I dont mean feel angry, or sadden but I mean love no matter what than you never actually loved them in the first place
God wants you to live your life how you want to for god is love he’s about love acceptance and respect god gives all of us a choice on how we want to live our lives but none of you in the comments who has hatred will see the kingdom of heaven because you have hate within your heart ❤️ towards ppl of the LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 community we are all the same when it comes down to being different you could hide your hate from people and trick them but you can’t not hide it or trick god for he knows your heart god does not represent hate only respect love and acceptance judge yourself before judging others for god almighty will judge you and for the record taking a stand and showing support to those who are different from you I don’t care if it’s your children family friends or a stranger that is brave hate and using god as a weapon or as a cover up for your hatred is not bravery ❤️my LGBTQ people 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈 for god loves you too 🙏🏾💙remember that 😉
@@scorpionMiz history could back it up that god is definitely not a woman sorry get over yourself go dig deep and educate yourself you may find your answer you been looking for lol 😂 poor loss child let the lord our god have mercy on your soul 😂😂😂😂😂
@@markushatchett2072don’t laugh. Be remorseful if anything for the absurd mentality that GOD is a woman. It’s who of us to check our own hearts as well, even after you just said what you said about respect, your giving off “arrogance” and or “pride”just because you know something that she does not. We have to consistently check ourselves, yep. 💯
Unconditional love is ONE thing. But Spiritual Warfare is Another. Folks NEED REAL HELP to RUN these devil's out & OFF, NOT hand holding. That ain't getting it because those negative forces are STILL at work. People can pretend ALL they want, satan does not care one iota. Anything to try to hurt GOD. GOD created ADAM, then EVE. HE didn't create 2 women nor 2 men. Say what you want, but even animals aren't gay--- BUT animals don't need Jesus, we do. Therefore, common sense shows satan is after mankind's soul --- one way or another. Sin is sin, satan doesn't care which way you choose to hurt GOD --- JUST DO IT. This world needs prayer 🙏 more than ever before. Which is VERY shameful, when we have SUCH A WONDERFUL, LOVING, BEAUTIFUL GOD whom will & HAS done ANY & EVERYTHING for our SORRY A$$'$.😊😁✌️❤️🌹👍🥰🕊️🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌
@@karenavant2281None of us know what conversations Magic and Cookie had with their son. Love doesn't mean condoning. They don't have to share their conversations with the world, they don't owe us anything. EJ has a will of his own. At the end of the day EJ will have to give an account of his life as we all will.
S-ish I have 4 boys n I thought they gonna turn Gay, because they didn't start messing around with girls until age 20 n 21 years old, but now they all have a girlfriend, which they spend alotta time with their girlfriend....ooowee thank God....SMH!
Well Magic ,did as best as he know how like any parent.Are kids will decide on their owe how they want to live their lifewhen they are adults no matter what we taught them.
Wrong. If he needs me for anything he knows I'm there. But he can't be around me lookin like that. That's why it's more to this story. These Hollywood people are on some weird type isht. We're looking at them like it's us, but these people have sex with their own children. They believe it's a father's right to sex his kids before they marry or before anyone else does. They practice other pagan ideas as well.
@patadison1441 You are always going to love your child, but not their lifestyle. Think about it if your child was a murderer or pedophile would you love them 🤔 less?
@@chrisfrancis9555 Thank goodness I don't have any... Because if I did I'm not losing my child because of their Preference..PERIOD ...You have a good day..
No they don't, did one of yours turn out a a criminal or prostitute, drug addict etc he who casts the first stone 🪨, You don't have to like it, but don't be cruel.
Amen Glory to God… this used to me as well. Crazy how Satan can twist your mind and get you off the path God has for you. Praying he surrenders to God! He’s waiting 🙏🏾♥️
See, that's the thing, people don't want to know that homosexuality is a spirit. It is NOT telling your truth. The "truth" is, that satan & his minions whisper lies, planting wrong thoughts to take you away from GOD & HIS purposes for you & your life. Anything to blaspheme & laugh in TMH face because he got ppl to believe in his evil agenda makes his day.✌️Finding your True identity by turning back to GOD is where it's at & shaking off the demons that hold a person captive with lies upon lies.😊🙏🙌💖🕊️❤️
If You Can't Stand Him, Sit Down!!! #TrulyObsessed!!! He Is Living His Best Life!!! Literally Doing The Best He Can!!! If You Love JESUS, Please Know JESUS HUNG Out with " The Unloved, And Unliked More"!!!! EJ Is Next Level Fabulous!!! Leave Him Alone!!!
Trust me I understand your statement but look at Isaiah’s son… you couldn’t make him out. He dresses like a normal man. He’s not flamboyant or an attention grabbing. Magic and DWade’s son’s are just sickening.🤷🏾♂️
Great Business and family man and a Beautiful family Magic Johnson will always Be # 1 he brought this world closer together during some difficult times my GOD always bless him and his family
I hope you're being sarcastic. And all that new age Love is Love and all that stuff is very weird when you see some 6' 6 tall grown ass man with some football shoulders walking down the street looking like he does in that picture. Wow only America can this stuff be acceptable in the open as the so-called new norm lol 😂 give me a break with all these weird ppl
Not true at all PLENTY ppl right in the churches houses are fighting these same demons. I know the LBGTQ and whatever else community will say otherwise but yea….
Imagine being a sports legend and having a son that looks just like you and is physically built like you. Then, that same son with all that potential for athletic success turns out to be…… different 😢
Oh yeah what a shame that he raised a child that can do his own thing. Lol you exposed your narcissistic thought patterns with ease. Children are their own sentient beings you know. They can make their own choices in case you weren’t aware.
If his son what's playing in the NBA today, you can probably play and his fashion fits right in with the rest of the NBA players outfit tell me I'm lying
I was able to see Magic speak, close up and personal, at a West Angeles Church event. He's not only my favorite player but also a great mentor for young people. Forget Mike, I wanna be like Magic...
There ain’t no way I am standing beside no child like this pretending like everything is alright,grow up in church my foot.When you choose the world over God ,this is what Satan will do to you ,rich in the world but poor in God !!!!
@@TYLERPJONEScoutureyou maybe didn't read the rest of the Bible correctly, because this is all wrong homosexuality is wrong and you not getting into the kingdom and you can judge righteously, shall i continue?
This is Karma. He was slanging that magic Johnson all around town. Karma has a way of getting back at you through your family. When he sees his son you can bet he is embarrassed and ashamed
I know MJ is disgusted and embarrassed by EJ’s character. How could any father be proud of this knowing his son carries the future of their family. What a thought👀👀👀👀👀
Lol another narc who’s definition of unconditional love is blinded by worry about what others will think as if what others think even matters to begin with. Typical. You care too much about what people who don’t even care about you think. You’re stuck 😂
I can always love but don’t have to agree
That's Absolutely right boy
Letting down his parents they are in pain headed😢😢
Well spoken!❤
I believe that, Magic loves his son so much, as he should, BUT....deep down, when he gets by himself, glances at his son, I believe he's hurt.
To Mach
Just like a lot of parents who are dissapointed with their kid's choice of procreating, partners, education and or character yet they love them unconditional. EJ is not any different
I agree also! He is broken inside.
Yeahhh right 😢😢😢😢😢💯👍🏾
@@Trusthimonly1I would be also but Magic knows he can’t say anything because he will be cancelled and his business would fail. Magic is conforming to society.
Why do we celebrate gay as being brave? Wouldn't it be braver to live how God wants you to live?
Amen 🙏
The one making negative comments on here is having a lot of bad kids in prison right now.
Most of you have 5 baby mama and baby daddy killing each other every day. Everybody. has family members who are gay taking care of your your bad kids because the father is out making more kids. I would rather have a gay son than having a son that is in prison, always in trouble all the time.
Amen 🙏🏽
"Celebreties are no role models " - Malcolm X
Born man and will forever be man, nothing cannot and will not change
Why does that matter lol black people are so dumb 🤦🏽♂️
He ain’t happy 😢 that’s BS
THAT'S A SHAME ... 😂😂😂😂
His judgment 😃
I'm more upset that they act like being a socialte means something other than you don't have a job
Yea he can't say anything against it because he knows they'll cancel him & take everything from him 🤦🏾♂️
Happy face on the outside .....dying on the inside 😫
Yes exactly
Come on Magic is gay too..
@MichaelMcGuire-we1ld he might have some Kool Aid in his gas tank too 🤣
Are you talking about the person in the mirror? You don't know them folks personally. We need to put that stone down and fix what's wrong ourselves.
No father wants to see their son like that. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
That’s your opinion you don’t live in there home
@@joylynfrederick3773when you see something is wrong you can't ignore it
Whatever keeps his son mental stable and healthy I’m here for… it’s not about agreeing with how he lives his own life it’s making sure he’s mentally healthy and knows he’s loved as a person..
You are one hundred percent correct, and this is heartbreaking, especially for such a huge star. Was this his punishment as part of illuminati? It's sure it would seem that way. I'm sad for him
Magic was never happy
Every parent should be concerned where there children will spend eternity Amen!
I thought that was up to God. Doesn't he decide that .
@@jgibson8092 if you don’t train up your child in the fear of the lord then yes you should be concerned! You have the chose that God give all to choose him or the world.
If god is real, I’m pretty sure he’s not going to send gay people down there. He created them and loves them. It doesn’t even say in the Bible it’s a sin. Humans mistranslated that part of the Bible.
You just make sure you know where you will end up!
This was not God's plan for his life, he needs deliverance.
Might be a lil late for buddy 😂
You have a family did one of your family members become a drug addict, a prostitute, go to prison, Etc, He who casts the first stone, have pity on the afflicted perfect person, He's, not to love his child ?
Any one think that is sick sick sick
@@jefferyjones7131oh pls no no no no proudly not a darn soul in my fam fell in nothing u said so too darn bad for u defending an abomination speaking of some thing the lord is against has nothing to do with casting any darn stone so pls learn when u are trying to quote the word smdh u all sick
God of heaven. Why this?
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 not God of heaven
The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it." Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."SATAN ROAMS The EARTH SEEKING TO DESTROY 🙏🙏🙏
The shun evil part 😢
You're correct 😊
The nowadays humans don’t need satan
Satanic organizations which are more evil than satan himself promote this types of shameful acts like homosexuality, transgender, drag queens, etc
And it’s spreading like fire in dry ash among young population in the west
Until the western civilization will destroy itself from within
The act is not even done by animals
Moslem religion is 100% correct when their God declared this type of acts as a war on human kind that necessitates eradication
You love your children but I could never accept that representation from my male child; it’s disturbing to watch.
Why are yall expecting Magic to check his son? Magic is just happy to still be amongst the living after all the shenanigans he did in the 80s.
A man's scream is silent. Only another man can hear it. Magic we hear you loud and clear. Bless you sir!!!
Love is not about acceptance and tolerance. Love is being truthful and honest
say that!
Thank you.
Say that!
Crying shame
Yall are the shameful people
Mental health is real
Mental health when all he does is mind his business.
@@superwisewomenmaga9727If he was minding his own businesses his sexuality wouldn’t be his whole identity.
So is demonic possession.
@superwisewomenmaga9727 you should take a cue from him
This is sad, why do his son want to dress and act like something that he's not. You are a man, not a woman.
Exactly 😢
God will punish this abomination
Stay sad because he’s happy being who he is unapologetically. What’s sad is you fail to see that.
That's s hard thing to deal with. Damm what the hell!!!
I will never take a picture with a son looking like a drag queen.l can love without accepting his openly queer display.
I dont want this type of money
Hell nah 😂
i dont think anything is wrong with money its what we do with it some rich folks just dont know what to do with their money and some are sooo mean
Me neither..😢
Magic is not proud .He is just trying to avoid the backlash.His mother agreed that she aloud her son to play with dolls and didn't try to steer him away from the demonic homosexual behavior patterns that he displayed.She stated that she didn't let Magic know that she allowed the boy to play with dolls and do girl stuff when Magic was away.This disqualifies the household from being pentecostal or Christian.
Let me tell you first off your the typical wanna be Christian a mouth full of Bible verses and a heart full of hate and secondly if you were a real Christian you would know your not suppose to judge and that God loves each and everyone of us he'll judge maybe your the one leading a demonic life
She should have bennnn told magic. I'm sure he would've corrected his son.
@@sandrathomas2238corrected?!? 😂 Magic is not in charge, Cookie is. She did what she was supposed to do to maintain the peace.
His Child is his Child and you really can't do anything else but Love your Family ❤️
I could never accept that. I had a daughter but now she think that she is a man. Now we don’t talk because I’m the sane one because I know better.
So you don’t love your daughter unconditionally? That make you in the right? Here is the thing. You can disagree with her choice but here is the catch, Im sure she wants you to love her for who she is no matter what! The issue is not about her choice but more about you not loving her unconditionally. Your love has conditions!!! And that’s worse! If you don’t live someone no matter what they do.. and I don’t mean agree with it, I dont mean feel angry, or sadden but I mean love no matter what than you never actually loved them in the first place
That’s sad you aren’t a good parent
Dang. I feel for Magic. No one really wants their son to come out switchin and twerkin.
God wants you to live your life how you want to for god is love he’s about love acceptance and respect god gives all of us a choice on how we want to live our lives but none of you in the comments who has hatred will see the kingdom of heaven because you have hate within your heart ❤️ towards ppl of the LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 community we are all the same when it comes down to being different you could hide your hate from people and trick them but you can’t not hide it or trick god for he knows your heart god does not represent hate only respect love and acceptance judge yourself before judging others for god almighty will judge you and for the record taking a stand and showing support to those who are different from you I don’t care if it’s your children family friends or a stranger that is brave hate and using god as a weapon or as a cover up for your hatred is not bravery ❤️my LGBTQ people 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈 for god loves you too 🙏🏾💙remember that 😉
@@markushatchett2072 How do you even know “God” is a man?
@@scorpionMiz history could back it up that god is definitely not a woman sorry get over yourself go dig deep and educate yourself you may find your answer you been looking for lol 😂 poor loss child let the lord our god have mercy on your soul 😂😂😂😂😂
@@markushatchett2072don’t laugh. Be remorseful if anything for the absurd mentality that GOD is a woman. It’s who of us to check our own hearts as well, even after you just said what you said about respect, your giving off “arrogance” and or “pride”just because you know something that she does not. We have to consistently check ourselves, yep. 💯
LORD JESUS CHRIST open his eyes that he can fight back the devil for his SON OPEN HIS EYES
ROMANS 1 : 28
Yes he loves him unconditionally BUT he should have told him he didn't agree with his lifestyle!
Unconditional love is ONE thing. But Spiritual Warfare is Another. Folks NEED REAL HELP to RUN these devil's out & OFF, NOT hand holding. That ain't getting it because those negative forces are STILL at work. People can pretend ALL they want, satan does not care one iota. Anything to try to hurt GOD. GOD created ADAM, then EVE. HE didn't create 2 women nor 2 men. Say what you want, but even animals aren't gay--- BUT animals don't need Jesus, we do. Therefore, common sense shows satan is after mankind's soul --- one way or another. Sin is sin, satan doesn't care which way you choose to hurt GOD --- JUST DO IT. This world needs prayer 🙏 more than ever before. Which is VERY shameful, when we have SUCH A WONDERFUL, LOVING, BEAUTIFUL GOD whom will & HAS done ANY & EVERYTHING for our SORRY A$$'$.😊😁✌️❤️🌹👍🥰🕊️🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌
@@karenavant2281None of us know what conversations Magic and Cookie had with their son. Love doesn't mean condoning. They don't have to share their conversations with the world, they don't owe us anything. EJ has a will of his own. At the end of the day EJ will have to give an account of his life as we all will.
Your right, exactly.
Elon musk showed he/her the door that's fatherly love not this😮😮
Magic is not smilling, he's grinning.
I know Magic looks at Dell Curry son,Mykal Thompson son, Gary Payton son..all in the NBA and be like "Damn"...smh
Hell nah 🤣
Are all of these son's gay?
Lord! U wrong for that..😂seriously tho..stop judging. He's still a person, just different..
My heart would be broke and I would feel like I did something wrong 😔 😮
this is learned behavior
@@sheritacotten5293 ~ I whole heartedly agree.
S-ish I have 4 boys n I thought they gonna turn Gay, because they didn't start messing around with girls until age 20 n 21 years old, but now they all have a girlfriend, which they spend alotta time with their girlfriend....ooowee thank God....SMH!
@@shecarr53007that’s just having enough respect for themselves to not mess around alot… nothing wrong with waiting!
Well Magic ,did as best as he know how like any parent.Are kids will decide on their owe how they want to live their lifewhen they are adults no matter what we taught them.
So sad that the truth no longer exists!
This is sad as hell. A 6ft girl boy.
He love and support his son like any parent should,no matter how the world look at it,thats his child and he gone stand with and beside him,PERIOD.
Wrong. If he needs me for anything he knows I'm there. But he can't be around me lookin like that. That's why it's more to this story. These Hollywood people are on some weird type isht. We're looking at them like it's us, but these people have sex with their own children. They believe it's a father's right to sex his kids before they marry or before anyone else does. They practice other pagan ideas as well.
@patadison1441 You are always going to love your child, but not their lifestyle. Think about it if your child was a murderer or pedophile would you love them 🤔 less?
That's nothing but a demonic spirit
I agree 💯
That’s it, that’s all.
Facts!!! Demonic
I couldn't support that im sorry. No way
So you would lose your child over their SEXUALITY...?? YOU MADE THAT CHILD ..YOU ..🤔..You have a good one...
Amen 💯
@sexysenior8934 behave yourself, no mam should raise their son to be like that
@@chrisfrancis9555 Thank goodness I don't have any... Because if I did I'm not losing my child because of their Preference..PERIOD ...You have a good day..
Like father like son if you produced that that means you gay
A real father doesn't want that lifestyle for his son or daughter!!!
He is a real father I'm supporting mines regardless
No they don't, did one of yours turn out a a criminal or prostitute, drug addict etc he who casts the first stone 🪨, You don't have to like it, but don't be cruel.
This is an infection !
Magic is guilty for this mess .
Magic, Sir, continued blessings to you and your familia ❤
Ej is a disgrace to his father and mankind.
He looks foolish 😢
@@DrKb2935 he doesn't looks foolish, he is FOOLISH !!!
I agree with you 💯👍👌
As hell@@DrKb2935
EJ needs our prayers....seriously.
pray for his son and others that do not understand their true identity
Amen Glory to God… this used to me as well. Crazy how Satan can twist your mind and get you off the path God has for you. Praying he surrenders to God! He’s waiting 🙏🏾♥️
See, that's the thing, people don't want to know that homosexuality is a spirit. It is NOT telling your truth. The "truth" is, that satan & his minions whisper lies, planting wrong thoughts to take you away from GOD & HIS purposes for you & your life. Anything to blaspheme & laugh in TMH face because he got ppl to believe in his evil agenda makes his day.✌️Finding your True identity by turning back to GOD is where it's at & shaking off the demons that hold a person captive with lies upon lies.😊🙏🙌💖🕊️❤️
They’re Naive and bluntly ignorant and lives a delusional lies and life’s
This jealousy spirit of men wants to be woman and women wants to be a man ,Is not of god
Loving unconditionally does NOT mean agreeing with their lifestyle choices. Let’s just make that clear.
I Love That He Loves His Son Unconditionally No Matter What.. # Simply Beautiful ❤
Yeah you're right ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@@patadison1441 God loves you unconditionally but not sin we commit. Don't let the two confuse you.
So sad 😮
What a shame !
Pray for him so God can change what he was created to be
Pray for Haiti instead
I rebuke the devil in the name of JESUS
I’m overwhelmed by all this show of support for a father loving his son unconditionally. Insecure much?
A parent can love their children but not alter their own beliefs.
"A proud ally..." to insanity
EJ looks like his damn mom, tell the Truth🤨🤔🧐
He looked like his dad when he was a boy, then transitioned to his mom
If You Can't Stand Him, Sit Down!!! #TrulyObsessed!!! He Is Living His Best Life!!! Literally Doing The Best He Can!!! If You Love JESUS, Please Know JESUS HUNG Out with " The Unloved, And Unliked More"!!!! EJ Is Next Level Fabulous!!! Leave Him Alone!!!
Somewhere inside Mr Johnson might be hurt but born man always will be a man
I have respect for gay people but this is ridiculous. Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg doesn't parade around like this.
Buttigieg is too busy hunting for butts
It's all throughout entertainment...makes you wonder..
Many of them sacrificed their kids sexuality to maintain their status. Thats why it’s so rampant through the industry.
Milk or bloodline 👀
@@highlovevibrationI would like to agree but I’d say of course others dealing with these situations just don’t have the same spotlight.
Trust me I understand your statement but look at Isaiah’s son… you couldn’t make him out. He dresses like a normal man. He’s not flamboyant or an attention grabbing. Magic and DWade’s son’s are just sickening.🤷🏾♂️
He opened the door of perversion
The parents should be on their knees praying to God for forgiveness and asking God to save him.
Great Business and family man and a Beautiful family Magic Johnson will always Be # 1 he brought this world closer together during some difficult times my GOD always bless him and his family
Smh 🤦🏾♂️ celebrated for his courage
What happened to his son
So sad praying for that young man 🙏
Magic J should be ashamed of himself to accept this behavior!!!!!!
Well he does have aids...so, his lifestyle isn't good either
Why are you God,if you know about God qhy do you judge them,who you too
He is the perfect blend of his parents ❤️
I hope you're being sarcastic. And all that new age Love is Love and all that stuff is very weird when you see some 6' 6 tall grown ass man with some football shoulders walking down the street looking like he does in that picture. Wow only America can this stuff be acceptable in the open as the so-called new norm lol 😂 give me a break with all these weird ppl
Just SAD !!! 😭😭😭😭😭
I can't stomach this y'all! This for me is the demonic force of being rich!
Plenty of middle class and impoverished end up this same way but 😢
Yeah like you would know what that’s like.
This is what happens when there is no God in your life.
Not true at all PLENTY ppl right in the churches houses are fighting these same demons. I know the LBGTQ and whatever else community will say otherwise but yea….
Homosexuality is abomination
Imagine being a sports legend and having a son that looks just like you and is physically built like you. Then, that same son with all that potential for athletic success turns out to be…… different 😢
Oh yeah what a shame that he raised a child that can do his own thing. Lol you exposed your narcissistic thought patterns with ease. Children are their own sentient beings you know. They can make their own choices in case you weren’t aware.
Magic can smile all he wants, but that smile is hiding so much pain and he knows it. That boy needs help .
What are these athletes and celebrities doing to these children? Trafficking isn't always a stranger. That part..
If his son what's playing in the NBA today, you can probably play and his fashion fits right in with the rest of the NBA players outfit tell me I'm lying
No...that's the truth... especially that foolishness that Russell Westbrook wears
Magic you looking at the next NBA superstar fast fwd 21 yrs. Later wtf 🥺
I thought he was Fantasia in the thumbnail!
I was able to see Magic speak, close up and personal, at a West Angeles Church event. He's not only my favorite player but also a great mentor for young people. Forget Mike, I wanna be like Magic...
This old girl love you both and Family... Cookie my Fav💙💙💙🙏
There ain’t no way I am standing beside no child like this pretending like everything is alright,grow up in church my foot.When you choose the world over God ,this is what Satan will do to you ,rich in the world but poor in God !!!!
You do know that the Bible says his spirit out weighs his word. Study a bit more before you spend time judging.
@@TYLERPJONEScoutureyou maybe didn't read the rest of the Bible correctly, because this is all wrong homosexuality is wrong and you not getting into the kingdom and you can judge righteously, shall i continue?
@@teewoods2513 that’s not my argument & what’s in his word is what I mentioned. Go educate your self in theology.
This is Karma.
He was slanging that magic Johnson all around town. Karma has a way of getting back at you through your family.
When he sees his son you can bet he is embarrassed and ashamed
If this doesn't tell you we living in the last days, I don't know what's going to convince you.
I wouldn't take no pictures with him looking like that
Magic stunting in public
Straight terrible
" he looks like his MOM! sheeitttt !
they can pass for SISTERS ! " 🧐
He was the sacrificial lamb for the wealth of his father
That's his son dressed as a woman. He must be so proud and full of joy. Smh 😅
How parents can parents accept their child being gay? 😭😭
Magic was a Great player
Thanks for your simple and positive comment
behind closed doors... he's doing the 'florida from good times' iconic scene when james died..."DAMN.. DAMN..DAMN....😢
I know MJ is disgusted and embarrassed by EJ’s character. How could any father be proud of this knowing his son carries the future of their family. What a thought👀👀👀👀👀
This hurts badly.
His damn twin!
That shit is embarrassing 😱
Awesome dad and mom
That boy was touched, we lived in a sick, toxic world smh tell the truth about what really happened in his childhood.
Thank you! My thoughts exactly! Molestation leads to sexual perversion and sexual deviance.
@@ursulawanza8674I honestly believe pornography also leads to the things you mentioned.
Iam sorry but I could not stand by my son looking like that, like I love you but fuk that. they going to think we both sweet 😂
Lol another narc who’s definition of unconditional love is blinded by worry about what others will think as if what others think even matters to begin with. Typical. You care too much about what people who don’t even care about you think. You’re stuck 😂
Magic and cookie. This young man is blessed to have you as parents. God bless this entire family.