Brother, you suffered from trauma and PSTD. I hope you seek professional counseling. This kind of suffering doesn't heal. It is a lifetime treatment, and only through counseling will help you get through it. Take care of your mental health, and all else will follow.
Tus brother cas koj tsis nrhiav cov neeg txawj2 xais ceeb muab koj xais os tej zaum koj ceeb loj2 zwm rau koj tej roj ntsha thiab tej leeg lawm koj thiaj li mob loj li ko lawm xwb os thaum nej los txog thaib teb koj tij laug nkawv tsis paub es nrhiav neeg muab koj xais ceeb thiab ua ceeb rau koj ces tej zaum koj twb tsis mob loj li ko mas
I’m glad these stories are being told. Only those who experienced the Vietnam war understand the trauma it has caused so many people 😢
This is so sad brother, thankyou for sharing your story. I hope you get better ❤️🩹 😢
So sorry you had to go through this.
zaj dab neeg no mas ua rau kuv tu siab tiag tiag thiab hlub koj kawg li os
That is so traumatizing!
Ntuj aw..cas yuav hlub² nej ua luaj os tosib txhia es nim ntxhub thiab chim rau nplog teb Los laus los vim li no😭
Mus cuag Vajtswv ma mog
Nrog koj tu siab, kev khiav nyab laj raug kev txom nyem, kuv los raug ib yam thiab os tus kwv tij
Pab hlub koj kawg li os tub thov tswv ntuj tshem koj tus mob mus mog🙏🙏
You’re not the only one experienced this.
☹️😤😢😢nej sawv daws yeej puav leej hais ntau2?yam kawg tab sis kuj tshuav ib qho uas txawm tias lig2 lm los yuav tsum nrhiav neeg pab hu nws plig thiab nawv?😟😢😢
Hi bro. , I had the same plos. I even panic to hit building and wall.
Tus me txiv tsev aw koj ceeb loj dhau lawm os kav tsij mus nrhiav seb leej twg txawj xais ceeb ces mus thov neeg pab xais ceeb rau koj ces koj yeej zoo lawm nawb mog
Seek Jesus
You have PSTD.
Koj ceeb loj dhau lawm os, mus nrhiav kev pab mog. Koj ceeb rau koj tej leeg, tej roj ntsha lawm. Koj mus nrhiav kom tau cov uas txawj zaws ceeb nawj, yog xais xwb yuav tsis pab koj os.
Puas yog leej twg nyiag koj cov dab neeg lawm maj Jenny?
Brother, you suffered from trauma and PSTD. I hope you seek professional counseling. This kind of suffering doesn't heal. It is a lifetime treatment, and only through counseling will help you get through it. Take care of your mental health, and all else will follow.
Vuag peb khiav khiav 1975 txog 1978 tabsis tsis tau raug txaus ntshais npaum li ko. Peb hnov phom nrov nrov khiav khiav xwb..
Tus brother cas koj tsis nrhiav cov neeg txawj2 xais ceeb muab koj xais os tej zaum koj ceeb loj2 zwm rau koj tej roj ntsha thiab tej leeg lawm koj thiaj li mob loj li ko lawm xwb os thaum nej los txog thaib teb koj tij laug nkawv tsis paub es nrhiav neeg muab koj xais ceeb thiab ua ceeb rau koj ces tej zaum koj twb tsis mob loj li ko mas
Nrog koj zoo siab nawb tus me nus yog lub ntuj fwm koj kom tau ua lub neej Nyob pom lub teb chaws vam meej Xwb ,seb koj Nyob lub lav twg nawb , kuv xav kom koj mus mloog xov tooj cua vam yaj ,koj mus noog tus nkauj Sua thoj nawb ,nws muaj ib yam tshuaj yog noob taum dev no ,koj mus yuav cov noob taum dev tshuaj zom ua hmoov mos2 lawm ,koj haus cov no yuav pab koj vim koj ceeb loj dhau lawm nawb mog ,kuv vam tias koj yuav pom kuv cov lus no ,tus muag cov tshuaj noob taum no Nyob California nawb ,tab sis yuav tau mus mloog nws thiab nws tus xov tooj ces nws yuav qhia koj nawb mog !!!
Ua cas hos los tso duab cartoon lawm xwb na.