This serialized video, released weekly, follows our adventure to America and offers a sneak peek into the autobiography book we’re currently working on. From the struggles of adapting to a new culture to the successes of beginning a new life in Hawaii, it documents our experiences as an immigrant family. We encountered multiple setbacks and communication errors throughout our journey. There were moments of confusion and frustration, but each challenge taught us valuable lessons that contributed to our growth and resilience. We hope our story will inspire others to follow their dreams and create a better future for themselves.
This serialized video, released weekly, follows our adventure to America and offers a sneak peek into the autobiography book we’re currently working on. From the struggles of adapting to a new culture to the successes of beginning a new life in Hawaii, it documents our experiences as an immigrant family. We encountered multiple setbacks and communication errors throughout our journey. There were moments of confusion and frustration, but each challenge taught us valuable lessons that contributed to our growth and resilience.
We hope our story will inspire others to follow their dreams and create a better future for themselves.