Darkshine - Strings of Fantasy

  • Опубліковано 3 лип 2024
  • #strings #fantasy #melancolic #dark #music #moody #atmosphere #song #sunoai #greek #songwriter #darkshine #goude93 #sweet #voice
    Her life a puppet show
    Moving how they dictate
    Tangled by threads unseen
    She dreams of an escape
    [Verse 2]
    Friends hold the strings so tight
    She dances to their beat
    In shadows she finds light
    A world beneath her feet
    Cut the strings I'm flying
    In a place all my own
    Where no one can find me
    In my fantasy I'm home
    [Verse 3]
    Whispers of freedom call
    In every breath she takes
    Breaking the chains so tall
    She lives for her own sake
    No more strings to bind her
    Liberty sings her song
    In her world she's queen now
    Where she has always belonged
    Cut the strings I'm flying
    In a place all my own
    Where no one can find me
    In my fantasy I'm home
    [Verse 4]
    In her dreams she soars now
    Wings stretch wide she’s free
    Through clouds and skies she dances
    In pure serenity
    No more strings to bind her
    Liberty sings her song
    In her world she's queen now
    Where she has always belonged
    Cut the strings I'm flying
    In a place all my own
    Where no one can find me
    In my fantasy I'm home
    #dedicated to a friend who loves sadness V #musician