May 1, 2021

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @karenmeadows2356
    @karenmeadows2356  Місяць тому

    I would make more, but I don’t live at my dad’s house anymore. This is where the washer was from and I don’t live in that Alabama place when I made the other video 2000 some so if I do get a house like that, I promise I’ll make more videos.

  • @albertcarello619
    @albertcarello619 Місяць тому +1

    I thought this WASHER is supposed to have a neutral drain.

    • @karenmeadows2356
      @karenmeadows2356  Місяць тому

      What do you mean by that like?

    • @albertcarello619
      @albertcarello619 Місяць тому +1

      @karenmeadows2356 A separate stationary drain before going into the spin cycle.

    • @karenmeadows2356
      @karenmeadows2356  Місяць тому

      Oh yeah, doesn’t do that. I don’t know why either. Sometimes it will just stop and do it but I got you man just wait till I get a house that has them. We will make a bunch of videos for you.

    • @karenmeadows2356
      @karenmeadows2356  Місяць тому +1

      Hey man, I’m just gonna say thank you so much for subscribing. You’re the best man I’ll make more videos for you, man promise.

    • @karenmeadows2356
      @karenmeadows2356  Місяць тому

      Yo, I hope you know this was like freaking three years ago. I’m not to say anything but like I didn’t turn on like the public thing we posted the public so that’s probably why you’re just finding out about this and for some reason a lot of people like to watch it I’m not quite sure butdo you have a PS4 or anything? I’d like to talk to you