Congrats!! How did you keep the meteors off the DD's in Exe? In a team now, and that's our biggest struggle, racks, Poison, Wrathstorm and then a DD gets meteor and doesn't see it in time to get far enough away. I noticed you didn't have any.
As far as I'm aware it's programmed to hit the furthest people in the group from the boss so sometimes portal DDs might get it, but otherwise it is all reaction time with situational awareness, the person with the AOE expanding under their feet have to sprint and then roll dodge their meteor and hope it wasn't close to the group. If it is close to the group everyone has to block cast to block the fire rolling on the floor.
I think just because of the shield beam and because you don't really need anything else slotted there due to coral it's just better to have the slightly bigger shield
Most impressive, huge gg Sergen🔝🙌 op op
Congrats!! How did you keep the meteors off the DD's in Exe? In a team now, and that's our biggest struggle, racks, Poison, Wrathstorm and then a DD gets meteor and doesn't see it in time to get far enough away. I noticed you didn't have any.
As far as I'm aware it's programmed to hit the furthest people in the group from the boss so sometimes portal DDs might get it, but otherwise it is all reaction time with situational awareness, the person with the AOE expanding under their feet have to sprint and then roll dodge their meteor and hope it wasn't close to the group. If it is close to the group everyone has to block cast to block the fire rolling on the floor.
Congrats sergen🎉
GG ☺ I have a question about bastion. Soooo this also affects damage shields from others? or did you play it because of the shield beam ☺
I think just because of the shield beam and because you don't really need anything else slotted there due to coral it's just better to have the slightly bigger shield
okay ty @@SergenB
ggs, op team 🔥
Thanks for the carry🥲👴🏿
Hey it's you who carried us by being that 3rd heal, OP gaming!