my first ever 0 to death!
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- hey fellas. I know I haven't been uploading In quite some time but that's because I never really had anything to upload about I guess, this was pretty sweet though
a lot of shit happened during the summer holidays and everything before that too. sorry I couldn't really update yall about it
and about the hero character... I don't really think hes good in any way with how inaccurate he can be at times. but I pulled off a pretty great 0 to death with him but it just felt cheap
if your reading this then you can vote with the poll thing at the end. ill bring it out Thursday then(if not then probably Friday or Monday)
and about my overall views on everything. i do believe that ken has bloody sky rocketed to top tier with those succulent 3.1.0 buffs(i actually thought of him as mid to high tier kinda but damn. they really just fixed him up man!) . that shit was a game game changer for everybody.
ryu on the other hand… just spam Shakunetsu lmao. you can just switch up the speed to fuck people up. i do mostly play ken now. he just so fucking good
and about hero. i’m pretty surprised with the approach on how nintendo decided to make him. the real problem i find is if your trying to play with someone that doesn’t know english. the down-b shit becomes ゴTRUE RNGゴ if you don’t know what the words mean. chances are nobody will bother to play him with that RNG riddled moveset. proper cancer mate
and i never did anything about joker… big whoop? nobody really likes the way joker is right now. even the fans of persona are pretty pissed. he’s basically sheik with steroids anyway.