• @rocknrollrulesu2
    @rocknrollrulesu2 12 років тому

    Mind =BLOWN

  • @breakingbeautiful2127
    @breakingbeautiful2127 Рік тому


  • @thoveler
    @thoveler 12 років тому

    Very good!

  • @elobiretv
    @elobiretv 12 років тому

    @Boxcutter7 yea, it was a rumor. Ben has said that he wants the band to continue, hes also trying to get ownership of the band name.

  • @nathanbigsby2276
    @nathanbigsby2276 10 років тому

    What an awesome job I'd say!

  • @Shiek200
    @Shiek200 12 років тому

    @elobiretv Ben has been quotes as saying that we live in a world where everything has been done, so what you have to do, is take what's already been done, play it, change it, and repeat over and over until it's your own. I'm add-libbing, lol, but that's the gist of it.

  • @elobiretv
    @elobiretv 12 років тому

    @Boxcutter7 they havnt broken up. the band will continue

  • @elobiretv
    @elobiretv 12 років тому

    @Boxcutter7 looks like he might have taken parts from other songs, he seems to do it in a couple of songs.

  • @Shiek200
    @Shiek200 12 років тому

    @elobiretv I follow that advice in every avenue of my life. Don't try to find something new, MAKE something new. Take what you know, change it, make it better. But it applies to music especially. :D

  • @clownsatemybaby
    @clownsatemybaby 13 років тому

    @nubnubnubbin Do a video of how to play it please? I don't even play guitar, but I'd learn the shit out of this just by memorising it if I had to.

  • @ShadowWolf9
    @ShadowWolf9 13 років тому

    @nubnubnubbin I'd love to see it.

  • @elobiretv
    @elobiretv 12 років тому

    @Shiek200 Thats actually a really good way to look at things. lots of good artists have made a god career covering songs. I actually think some tool songs fit ben a lot better than some of his songs.

  • @nubnubnubbin
    @nubnubnubbin 12 років тому

    @kisskiss946 try ultimate guitar, its a website for guitar tabs. you may have some luck there

  • @fatboyfromdamidwest2
    @fatboyfromdamidwest2 Рік тому

    I want to know what the guitar is tuned to.

  • @mxnpolyamorous
    @mxnpolyamorous 11 років тому

    How 'bout you judge a cover by the fact that he's inspired by Tool and Tool has influenced a lot in his style of song writing? Especially for the album, Saturate. I'm also a pretty big Tool fan and indeed, Ben doesn't do as good on the Tool covers as much as he does good on Nirvana covers, but hey, it's fun to see Ben do these covers because it's fun to see him enjoying himself. And apparently, the crowd in the video think it's okay. There's probably Tool fans there too.

  • @nubnubnubbin
    @nubnubnubbin 13 років тому

    @ShadowWolf9 really?

  • @nubnubnubbin
    @nubnubnubbin 13 років тому

    @clownsatemybaby hey. i'm hoping to have that vid up sometime this week, just letting you know. it'll be followed by crawl away, and ticks and leeches if you're at all interested

  • @nubnubnubbin
    @nubnubnubbin 13 років тому

    @clownsatemybaby hey, sorry for not getting back to you. I could try, but i think by now you've probably already found a cover vid and learnt it. But you know what, fuck it, guitar covers are the reason i made this account, and it's about time i did something instead of talking shit on other people's videos. I'll let you know when I'm done dude

  • @mxnpolyamorous
    @mxnpolyamorous 11 років тому +1

    Sorry, I don't usually read the date. But yeah, it's okay NOT to like it, but yeah, I tend to see a lot of Tool fans that come and say that Ben should not even think about Tool and I just get pissed because so what if it's not that good of a cover? But thanks for elaborating.

  • @69Acolyte69
    @69Acolyte69 11 років тому

    Yeah i agree with you man! but personally i just dont like it. I wrote that comment a long time ago xD still dont like the song but i should probably have explained a little better. peace!

  • @69Acolyte69
    @69Acolyte69 12 років тому

    Theres something i dont like about this but im not sure what it is. could be that he seems more concerned with seeming like hes in the pocket with the song than he actually is. Think this is actually terrible scratch that