• @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121
    @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121 3 дні тому +2

    The question for the purpose implies something(s), that have given the purpose somehow. But lets stick to the question. The answer could be here that we don't know, there is no purpose, or - when you look at the world around you - that just existing is the purpose of existence. This may not be satisfying, some people may thing or believe their things about it. But that's it. Making up some religion to fix this, isn't the solution either.

  • @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121
    @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121 3 дні тому +5

    Well, the question, how the whole world came into existence isn't a question that would lead someone who does not believe in gods to christian religion. The scientific answer is simple: We know quite well how the world that exists developed until today. We can follow this development back to a point moment short after the Big Bang. for anything more than that, especially the how and why of the Big Bang the answer is even more simple: We do not know. This may not be satisfying, some people may thing or believe their things about it. But that's it. Making up some religion to fix this, isn't the solution either.

    • @chadg6874
      @chadg6874 3 дні тому

      They didn't know anything about the big bang or redshift when the Bible was written

    • @woeevangelism1349
      @woeevangelism1349 2 дні тому +2

      I see what you mean. I appreciate your response. It’s possible that you are right but it does not make logical sense. We both may be wrong but if you look at the evidence, the evidence shows where you see creation there has to be a creator. Nothing cannot create something. What’s your thoughts?

    • @bghiggy
      @bghiggy 2 дні тому

      You recognize design by comparing it to the natural world. What are you comparing the natural world to in order to determine that it was a creation by a creator? All of science points to the universe being a natural consequence of the fundamental forces of nature, all of which have never been demonstrated that they could have been any other way. ​@@woeevangelism1349

    • @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121
      @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121 День тому

      @@woeevangelism1349 I'm not sure what you mean by *it* when you say "it does not make logical sense". Admitting to knowing something is a logical consequence from not having enough knowledge of of or information about something.
      About your evidence...
      @"where you see creation there has to be a creator": It depends what you by that. If you mean by seeing creation having evidence that something is created - like having witnessed the process or evidence for the process or things that can only be explained by creation - then you are right. But that is not what we see in this world.
      @"Nothing cannot create something.": The problem is, we can not be 100% sure about this, we just do not know. And even if it were right, what do we end up with? With something created something that itself was created by nothing? Why would the second something need something to create it in the first place then? Or something that existed for ever existed created something? Why could not that second something have existed for ever in the first plat then? Going that path leads to nothing. We just don't know.

  • @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121
    @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121 3 дні тому +4

    I wonder what point you want to prove when a person trained to preach his believes to people making an "interview" with someone who obviously just never thought about things like that?

    • @wonkydonk9073
      @wonkydonk9073 3 дні тому

      Gotta love the convenient satanic D&D shirt, too.

    • @babytrons_little_cousin
      @babytrons_little_cousin 2 дні тому

      @@wonkydonk9073 its a game dude

    • @wonkydonk9073
      @wonkydonk9073 2 дні тому

      @@babytrons_little_cousin I know, I'm a cleric in a Witchlight campaign right now lol. I'm just saying it's convenient that the person they're interviewing is wearing a "satanic" D&D shirt, as if they're trying to create a caricature of an atheist from the 1980's.

  • @whokilledzekeiddon
    @whokilledzekeiddon 3 дні тому +1

    I genuinely feel stupider having listened to this video.

  • @gemineyethenine7480
    @gemineyethenine7480 3 дні тому

    1. Just wondering how would you know they struggle to answer by asking just one single individual?
    2.Being capable of admitting that you don’t know the answer to something that is simply no proven answer to, makes you an intellectual!
    3. Why do you think the Bible was written? What was the purpose of the Bible? Do you believe it has fulfilled its purpose? Was the Bible written by man or by God? Who told the truth in the Garden of Eden story, God or the serpent? If you answered the serpent you got it right ❤


    1. That old br04d needs to bounce
    2. I would've gotten straight to the moral argument, it's a winner every time

  • @Nativeson9979
    @Nativeson9979 2 дні тому

    This is something of a leading tactic of questioning. For all we know, this world could have been teraformed. Purpose? What is purpose beyond a narrative we've constructed in our own minds because of the fanciful and popular medias in the world? Why dont you try that line of questioning with someone who come of the age of reason, rather than a child you've CLEARLY ambushed???

  • @OldassBoomer
    @OldassBoomer 3 дні тому

    Peter Griffin lives.

    • @KeanueAnakoni-Aukai
      @KeanueAnakoni-Aukai 2 дні тому

      for real lmao. at least she isnt stupid enough to believe in stories like the easter bunny, tooth fairy and flying sky daddy

  • @timeshark8727
    @timeshark8727 22 години тому

    Science has a pretty good idea of how planets form... why do you all think "where did the earth come from?" is a gotcha?
    Regarding purpose... I would just ask back, "what makes you think we have a purpose?"
    Then... "What do you mean "the world is broken"?" FYI, despite all the current problems, we are currently living in the overall best time on earth to be a human, and its only getting better and better as a trend.
    Fix what? You haven't presented any problems that need fixing... How about "getting rid of religions" as a "fix" for the world?

  • @jj-tv3cd
    @jj-tv3cd 3 дні тому +2

    1.) Through natural occurrences
    2.)My purpose is the same as every other living being's. There is no purpose other than survival and to serve the people I love, care about or care for. My purpose is up to me and can be much greater if I choose to be great.
    3.)A random accident unless my parents planned me. But I personally choose to be a great accident who lives her life with purpose.
    4.)The world is messed up because of greed, a hunger for power, human supremacy and selfishness spurred on oftentimes by religion.
    5.)There is no fix that we've seen yet. We can't fix others but we can choose not to be power hungry, selfish human supremists and hope others will follow. We can choose not to hold up greedy, power hungry or otherwise bad people. We can raise our children not to be horrible.We don't need a God to be good decent people. Goodness is a choice.
    You asked more than 4 questions. None of them were a struggle to answer.

    • @jack_rude_
      @jack_rude_ 3 дні тому

      Whats wrong with greed, power, and selfishness if the purpose of life is survival?
      How do natural occurrences create the sun, moon, stars, atoms, and get them to work in perfect order?

  • @keithbil1122
    @keithbil1122 3 дні тому

    Please interview me sir

    • @woeevangelism1349
      @woeevangelism1349 2 дні тому

      I would love to. Here is my email address:
      Email me and we will exchange numbers for a conversation. God bless. Looking forward to hearing from you

  • @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121
    @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121 3 дні тому +1

    Why is the world so broken? I don't think the world is broken or messed up.