Господин Лавочник не Надо жалеть и приютить Парвин ,она много пакости делала Бабушке ,не Надо её домой вводить не хорошая женщина ,не жалейте Парвина она сама виновата...не пускайте её домой
Оператор,скажи лавочнику,что его сестра с акбаром за одно,против бабушки,она тоже хотела забрать документы на дом.Пожалусто скажи это лавочнику,она всё передаст акбару.
Mii de aprecieri si mii de.succese canalului KNAR Dumnezeu så vå binecuvinteze så vå dea multå sånåtate si så vå fereascå de rå pe toti de pe canalul KNAR Domnule negustor si doamna operatoare aveti grijå de sora negustorului e de partea lui Akbar
Funny that now rasool does not help find grandmother and he has proposed to amina,rasool even told his brother he did not propose, but he did and rasool and amina is keeping it a secret, mousemeh wants a divorce
I can almost guarantee that the shopkeeper sister will steal grandmas rings! She is not a good person and has done bad things to the grandma before so I don’t think that she is going to be a honest sister
Pani operator siostra sklepikarza jest bardzo zaangażowana z Akbarem co się dowie u pana Sarmast to ona przekaże Akbarowi ! Niech pani ma na uwadze zachowanie siostry sklepikarza bo ona nie ma gdzie mieszkać a wcześniej jak sklepikarz był w więzieniu to ona też chciała sprzedać dom brata razem z Akbarem! Bardzo źle traktowała panią Sogli !
Hope Sugli is found as Shopkeeper is sad n children too dear child Marjiana is taking care of the home with her little hands blessing to all of them 🙏 🙌🙌🙌
Дома у неё нет ,но тел есть?все кто Вас сейчас окружает,господин Лавочник особенно Ваши родственники причастны к похищению Сугли и им не стоит доверяться будьте осторожны я не думаю ,что Саджад замешан в этой истории!
😮Shopkeeper: grandma put the deed in the upper left cabinet in the same blue master folder. Go back & look carefully & don’t let strange ladies come & be housekeepers for you!!! Also Sajjid gave A GOLD ENGAGEMENT RING TO HIS NEW FIANCÉ & told her he bought it by going to WORK !!!!!!????😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Puo essere stata anche sua sorella d'accordo con akbar il negoziante e così innocente che racconta tutto a tutti e così non sa chi e il suo nemico perché poi lui perdona tutti anche se le fanno del male
The sister has a crazy husband who steal his daughter fatima to sell to older men she called akbar to beat her husband is a thief and tried to strangle his wife ❤❤❤❤❤
Operator, please remind the shopkeeper of what this sister and Akbar planned to get your monies and chase Grandmother away! I would not trust her at all as she could have ulterior motives again and want to live with you and Sogli!!!!!!!
Of course she's hoping grandma is lost for good. This zombie is looking for a nest to live in. Already she is noseying around. Mr. Shopkeeper is always looking for a housekeeper even when Grandma is here.
Operatrice guarda che la sorella del negoziante vive sulla montagna non ha più una casa e' stata cacciata e Akbar e' in contatto con la zia ! Avranno un piano sicuramente!! Bisogna stare attenti!! Negoziante ma parli con queste persone che devono seguire tuo figlio e Saijad ma con tua sorella vino non dire niente perche' seno glielo dice!! Non dire nulla troppe cose raccontate e le adoperano sempre contro di voi!!
El camarógrafo lo tiene el documento. De la casa. Pídaselo a ella. O la abuela se lo iba dar a alguien lo tuviera guardado. Allí está el video q lo enseñe La Sra camarógrafa
I will be back when Grandma is found I like the Shopkeeper but his sister is not right and I really don’t care to watch while she’s on here she’s a snake in the house now😢
Since she married the shopkeeper and she is tired, his son makes troubles all the time and the shopkeeper not strict with him enough, he should kick him out of the house not let him enter at all.
Why Rasool isn’t looking for Grandma he over on his channel asking Amina to marry him then when Amina tell his wife he have her to say she lied and then he tells hie little brother he didn’t do it but I watch him do it he did it twice the first time Amina didn’t say yes but the second time she said yes Rasool has lost his mind to betray his pregnant wife with his unfaithfulness I unsubscribed to the channel 😢
I agree with everyone that Akbar sent the sister to the shopkeeper house just to find out what's going on. The fact that she told the operator that Akbar doesn't do these things when she knows he does. Then she said she talked with Akbar. So why would she ask where the grandmother was. Please tell Mr shopkeeper not to trust her. And her husband took he kids weeks ago. So why is she showing up now. Get her off the show.
I bet you this is the old woman’s work with her son who is pretending to be crazy she will hide fir sone time and then a ransom is coming from Sajjad to get the house on his name and with Akbar out of the picture the old man stands no chance . Why did the sister suddenly turn up and never asked about the old woman .
Essa irmã do logísta ela é má não deveria ter deixado ela voltar aí porque todas as conversas que ela ouvir ela vai ligar para filho do logísta e contar ela gosta da avó.
shopkeeper you worry now the horse has bolted. even when you find her she wont come back. her cries were on deaf ears. you made excuses after excuse for akbar, the evil son.
Check the bathroom n the room inside n the other door leading to outside n the garage Sugli had taken the plastic bag u gave n entered one of those doors check your video when ugive her the document bag n see u will find out the document is in the house , unless u have been unable to video Akbar going in n taking away the documents by robbing Just now he has promised Nasiba a new home which he is going to get n take NSiba n children there far from the brother in law who has told that he will take away his brother's children if he sees Ackbar around blessings to u all
Rasool is a bad person. He lies and is only carrying about himself and what he wants. He even lied to his brother who has no idea what has really been going on. He arrived at the worst time to see this crazy situation and he thinks Rasool wouldn't cheat on Masoumeh!
Eu não confio nesta irmã do lojista ela não gosta da vovó cinegrafista falar para o lojista te muito cuidado com a irmã dele ela não é de confiança 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤😂😂
Ola señor cámara dígale al señor tendero que guarde los anillos de la abuela en un lugar seguro adonde están selo robará y no se dará cuenta póngalos en un cajón serrado gracias salud para todos 👋😘❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹💫⭐ Barcelona ❣️💑🙏🙏 pido adiós que aparezca la abuela sana 🙏🙏🙏💕🌹🌹👋😘
Esa señora es complice de Akbar.. los dos andaban matando al marido de esta señora.. NO CONFIE EN ELLA, ELLA LE VA AVISAR A AKBAR QUE LO ESTAN SIGUIENDO
Abueno llego otra vez esta son todos iguales sale uno peor que el otro esta mujer en algo anda si anda con akarrrcuando aparece la abuela y van presos ests akarr sajjjjj todos
No entiendo porque la hermana sale a vuscar a la sra Sugli. La puerta de la casa no esta cerrada, no se fie. . Vuelva a casa no esre dando vueltas por la montaña
Why did the sister not ask about Grandma, could have been her so she has a place to live with her children, and did you see her with the ring, 5 finger discount.
Mrs. operator, the documents are in the hall where they keep the water. You saw her go there with the documents when you gave them to him. Why do you play stupid.
Não confio na irmã do Lojista. Akbar compra ela bem fácil. 😢 coincidência ela aparecer nesse momento. Derrepente Akbar se comunicou com ela.🤔 vocês notaram que o irmão de Marjon não gosta dela? Ele não dá a mão para ela.
Have mercy on us may God have mercy on you appeal only out of hunger and poverty, O scholar, be well in our skin. 😭😢😭😢😢I asked you, by God, to save us before we die of extreme hunger. I asked you to enter. on God. On you, I am facing you, I am your sister, I beg you, I beg you, save us for the love of GodGod is my witness, my brother, that from morning until now we are forbidden to ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' I swear to God on the book of God that I will not lie to you, nor set you up, nor cheat you. I am a Yemeni girl from Yemen, displaced from my family and I. Between us is a house of 20 thousand Yemeni riyals, and now we owe 60 thousand for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of those people who do not have mercy. By God, my brother, he comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and they went back to talk to the neighbors and we have not paid him until the end of the week. I swear to God, this will put us out to the street. May God have mercy on us. Our country is suffering because of this war and we cannot find our daily sustenance and we live, my mother and my brothers are traveling, our father passed away, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world to be with us in these harsh circumstances. My little brothers went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stopped at their door to give them even a piece of bread. By God, who owns the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and threw them out and they came back crying, dying of hunger. No one had mercy on them and the holiday was returned so I could live. Now, if one of us does not help us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God that we will die of hunger. Oh brother, I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God. I ask you by God, do you love good and help me even with 500 Yemeni riyals? Send me a WhatsApp message on this number +𝟵𝟲𝟳𝟳35964727 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay and God will compensate you with all good. My little brothers, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street. You will be humiliated or die of hunger. My family and I ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay in helping us. May God reward you.°÷π÷π÷÷π`π^~_~÷`÷`π÷~_π`÷~ππ°~÷~π~π~÷~π~ππ~π
Comerciante siempre cometes el error de contar todo a Akbar, a la bruja de tu hermana y ellos siempre han estado en componenda en tu contra, de la abuela y cualquiera que sea amigo de la abuela y de Rasul. Recuerde cuando usted estuvo detenido quienes defendieron sus propiedades y recibieron malos tratos de parte de Akbar y de su hermana. Sino hubiera por: Sogul, Amina, Afsaneh, la Operador y Marjan usted no tuviera casa.!!
Это зять портнихи был , он её контролирует никуда не выпускал. Вот за ним надо проследить. Наверно хочет выкуп у лавочника взять. Оператор пожалуйста передай лавочнику чтобы проследил за Забиуолой
Смотреть стало вас неинтересно, комментарии вы не читаете, в дом водите кого не надо, не слушаете подписчиков, поэтому и теряете подписчиков, сестра враг вам, Акбара в тюрьму.Видеть не могу эту сестру, смотреть не хочу вас больше.
Vovô as saudações, não confie em sua irmã ela, judiou demais da vovó tudo que vovó falava ela contava pra Akbar qd/ ele esteve aí na casa qd/ vc vovô estava na prisão por isso não conte nada a ela e se possível não deixa ela ficar na sua casa. E o câmeramem está com o documento da casa que vovó deu a ela pra sua mãe guardar as vezes ela não está querendo dizer no momento mas está com ela , saúde vovô e logo vovó será encontrada.🇧🇷🇧🇷
اخت التاجر لا تتقوا فيها . ان اكبر يزورها ويساعدها وقد خطف زوجها وكبلوه من يديه ورجليه وظربوه . وتركوه ودهبوا لحال سبيلهم اخت التاجر اصبحت متشردة في السحاري
Интересно, сестренка там не вкурсе, куда бабушка делась. Этой сестре тоже нельзя доверять, дом брата тоже хотела захапать. И тут вдруг она неожиданно появилась, меня лично это вызывает подозрение😮
Бабушке кочевнице надоело мыть посуду и готовить, пора в горы, или на каартиру, о чем она просила лавочника продать дом и купить квартиру. Квартиру она уже облюбовала, пора лавочника доводить до нервов чтоб он согласился на все ее условия, хитрый ход от Сугли.
Господин Лавочник не Надо жалеть и приютить Парвин ,она много пакости делала Бабушке ,не Надо её домой вводить не хорошая женщина ,не жалейте Парвина она сама виновата...не пускайте её домой
Да зря сказала лавочник,теперь она все расскажет Акбар.
Я,бы не пускала и не доверяла этой сестре,она тоже хотела забрать дом,когда лавочник был в тюрьме
Маржон копия сестра лавочника.
Yes true,don’t trust your sister she is evil to
Оператор,скажи лавочнику,что его сестра с акбаром за одно,против бабушки,она тоже хотела забрать документы на дом.Пожалусто скажи это лавочнику,она всё передаст акбару.
Надо бы комнату одну вообще закрыть и надо там хранить ценные вещи
Ловочник не говорите сестре не чего, она связана сАкбаром,она сейчас позвонить Акбару
Mii de aprecieri si mii de.succese canalului KNAR Dumnezeu så vå binecuvinteze så vå dea multå sånåtate si så vå fereascå de rå pe toti de pe canalul KNAR Domnule negustor si doamna operatoare aveti grijå de sora negustorului e de partea lui Akbar
Cinei cuidado com essa irmã do lojista ela é do lado do Akbas.🇧🇷
C'est du cinéma 😅
Tout ça et faux 😂
Сестра если узнает что лавочник нанил людей следит за сыном она тут же передаст ему и он будет осторожным они друг другом связвоятсу
Even if they find the grandma, if nothin is done with akbar, she maybe not to return to the shopkeeper house.
Seria lo mejor
Полиция хоть что нибудь предпринимает? Не он должен нанимать людей, а полиция должна этим заниматься.
Shopkeeper stop telling everyone including family what you are doing,it's none of there business
Shopkeeper is very gullible. He's going to end up living in a cave.
Essa irmã do sr. Logista deve ser investigada também pelo sumiso da dona sugli. Ela não gosta da dn.sugli?
Funny that now rasool does not help find grandmother and he has proposed to amina,rasool even told his brother he did not propose, but he did and rasool and amina is keeping it a secret, mousemeh wants a divorce
I can almost guarantee that the shopkeeper sister will steal grandmas rings! She is not a good person and has done bad things to the grandma before so I don’t think that she is going to be a honest sister
Pani operator siostra sklepikarza jest bardzo zaangażowana z Akbarem co się dowie u pana Sarmast to ona przekaże Akbarowi ! Niech pani ma na uwadze zachowanie siostry sklepikarza bo ona nie ma gdzie mieszkać a wcześniej jak sklepikarz był w więzieniu to ona też chciała sprzedać dom brata razem z Akbarem! Bardzo źle traktowała panią Sogli !
Abkar needs to go to prison, only peace for you and grandmother
Hope Sugli is found as Shopkeeper is sad n children too dear child Marjiana is taking care of the home with her little hands blessing to all of them 🙏 🙌🙌🙌
Don't tell your sister anything! She is in with akbar....she was so mean to grandma, when you were in prison.
Señor operador señor comerciante le esta contando a su hermana iso mal ahora su hermana va contar todo al hijo del comerciante
Why dont you keep all valuables in one room locked up
Operator please tell the Shopkeeper not to trust his sister
Does that little boy even have a coat? Everyone else has one but him. Operator, can you please buy him a coat?
Дома у неё нет ,но тел есть?все кто Вас сейчас окружает,господин Лавочник особенно Ваши родственники причастны к похищению Сугли и им не стоит доверяться будьте осторожны я не думаю ,что Саджад замешан в этой истории!
😮Shopkeeper: grandma put the deed in the upper left cabinet in the same blue master folder. Go back & look carefully & don’t let strange ladies come & be housekeepers for you!!!
Also Sajjid gave A GOLD ENGAGEMENT RING TO HIS NEW FIANCÉ & told her he bought it by going to WORK !!!!!!????😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Hire a Drone to search the mountains.🛩️ How come Rasool is not searching for grandma???
Mr shopkeeper, why are you call the thief people, that are dangerous for you too….just let the police chasing for Akbar.
Esa señora no es de confianza porque cuando estuvo en prisión peleaba la casa
Puo essere stata anche sua sorella d'accordo con akbar il negoziante e così innocente che racconta tutto a tutti e così non sa chi e il suo nemico perché poi lui perdona tutti anche se le fanno del male
Why aint police following up on it and following abkar ,don't make sense
The sister has a crazy husband who steal his daughter fatima to sell to older men she called akbar to beat her husband is a thief and tried to strangle his wife ❤❤❤❤❤
Cuidado com a sua irmã Senhor Logista ela já tá de olho no Anel da vovó
Volvió la hermana otra malvada a lo mejor entró con otro plan con Adbbar 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Parveen needs to go home. What she want more money she's just like akabar Tell her to go home 🌹😘
Operator, please remind the shopkeeper of what this sister and Akbar planned to get your monies and chase Grandmother away! I would not trust her at all as she could have ulterior motives again and want to live with you and Sogli!!!!!!!
Of course she's hoping grandma is lost for good. This zombie is looking for a nest to live in. Already she is noseying around. Mr. Shopkeeper is always looking for a housekeeper even when Grandma is here.
Operatrice guarda che la sorella del negoziante vive sulla montagna non ha più una casa e' stata cacciata e Akbar e' in contatto con la zia ! Avranno un piano sicuramente!! Bisogna stare attenti!! Negoziante ma parli con queste persone che devono seguire tuo figlio e Saijad ma con tua sorella vino non dire niente perche' seno glielo dice!! Non dire nulla troppe cose raccontate e le adoperano sempre contro di voi!!
take that cell phone from that child,hes being disrespectful
El camarógrafo lo tiene el documento. De la casa. Pídaselo a ella. O la abuela se lo iba dar a alguien lo tuviera guardado. Allí está el video q lo enseñe
La Sra camarógrafa
Оператор вернул папку сугли
Lojista está triste e abatido. Mais vai dá tudo certo 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I will be back when Grandma is found I like the Shopkeeper but his sister is not right and I really don’t care to watch while she’s on here she’s a snake in the house now😢
Господин Сармаст , хорошего здоровья и терпения вам .Мне вас жалко. Как бы не доконали вас эти разборки , неприятные истории.
Since she married the shopkeeper and she is tired, his son makes troubles all the time and the shopkeeper not strict with him enough, he should kick him out of the house not let him enter at all.
could be sister just comin to see whats up for akbar.
All rooms should stay locked all the time so no one can enter in them,
Cuidado con la hermana tal vez la mando akbar para que le informe todo lo que está pasando o lo que el comerciante haga para encontrar a la abuela
Why Rasool isn’t looking for Grandma he over on his channel asking Amina to marry him then when Amina tell his wife he have her to say she lied and then he tells hie little brother he didn’t do it but I watch him do it he did it twice the first time Amina didn’t say yes but the second time she said yes Rasool has lost his mind to betray his pregnant wife with his unfaithfulness I unsubscribed to the channel 😢
I agree with everyone that Akbar sent the sister to the shopkeeper house just to find out what's going on. The fact that she told the operator that Akbar doesn't do these things when she knows he does. Then she said she talked with Akbar. So why would she ask where the grandmother was. Please tell Mr shopkeeper not to trust her. And her husband took he kids weeks ago. So why is she showing up now. Get her off the show.
I bet you this is the old woman’s work with her son who is pretending to be crazy she will hide fir sone time and then a ransom is coming from Sajjad to get the house on his name and with Akbar out of the picture the old man stands no chance . Why did the sister suddenly turn up and never asked about the old woman .
Essa irmã do logísta ela é má não deveria ter deixado ela voltar aí porque todas as conversas que ela ouvir ela vai ligar para filho do logísta e contar ela gosta da avó.
Hi you camer lady she give you the documents you left with it wow this is crazy
shopkeeper you worry now the horse has bolted. even when you find her she wont come back. her cries were on deaf ears. you made excuses after excuse for akbar, the evil son.
La hermana del comerciante nunca lo visitaba ahora siempre está alla😊
Check the bathroom n the room inside n the other door leading to outside n the garage Sugli had taken the plastic bag u gave n entered one of those doors check your video when ugive her the document bag n see u will find out the document is in the house , unless u have been unable to video Akbar going in n taking away the documents by robbing
Just now he has promised Nasiba a new home which he is going to get n take NSiba n children there far from the brother in law who has told that he will take away his brother's children if he sees Ackbar around blessings to u all
Where are you grandmother😮❤🤲
Gospodine trgovče,sestra vam je jako loša osoba nju je Akbar pozvao da skuplja informacije, a vi joj govorite baš sve😮tako nikad nećete pronaći baku
Rasool is a bad person. He lies and is only carrying about himself and what he wants. He even lied to his brother who has no idea what has really been going on. He arrived at the worst time to see this crazy situation and he thinks Rasool wouldn't cheat on Masoumeh!
Eu não confio nesta irmã do lojista ela não gosta da vovó cinegrafista falar para o lojista te muito cuidado com a irmã dele ela não é de confiança 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤😂😂
if the document isnt there then your son has it and grandma
Don't trust your sister,she is on abkars side
Ola señor cámara dígale al señor tendero que guarde los anillos de la abuela en un lugar seguro adonde están selo robará y no se dará cuenta póngalos en un cajón serrado gracias salud para todos 👋😘❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹💫⭐ Barcelona ❣️💑🙏🙏 pido adiós que aparezca la abuela sana 🙏🙏🙏💕🌹🌹👋😘
Dígale señor esposo saludos 😢😮
Camera lady don't say anything in front of parveen she phones akbar and tells him everything❤❤❤❤
Оказывается Сугли не мама а бабушка Саджаду, он кричал где моя бабушка и много раз. Вот она вскрылась правда.😅
Она,ему мать,они все её называют бабушкой
Обзывает бабушкой потому что она стара и бабушка,конечнг все знают что она мать 3 детей...
Yes she is supposed to be his mother but they all call her grandmother
O zaman kiz aileden olan suglinin kiziyla nasil evlendi bunlar ne namusuzdur.
Please emperor warn shopkeeper against parveen. He must not confide in her. She is evil with grandma 🙏 please warn him
Grandma could be at your sister's house she works with Akbar
i thought grandma gave to cameraman
Αυτή μιλάει με τον Ακμπάρ κρυφά και τα λέει 😂😂😂😂
Cinegrafista falar para o lojista que a irmã dele não é uma pessoa de confiança ela não pesta e não gosta da vovó
Ваша сестра с Акбаром в договере.гоните их пока не поздно.можбыть они украли документ.надо закрывать двери.😮😮😮😮😮
Llegó la q faltaba complice del zagaleton ,de Repente ella sabe dónde está la abuela y vino a recojer información
Esa señora es complice de Akbar.. los dos andaban matando al marido de esta señora.. NO CONFIE EN ELLA, ELLA LE VA AVISAR A AKBAR QUE LO ESTAN SIGUIENDO
Abueno llego otra vez esta son todos iguales sale uno peor que el otro esta mujer en algo anda si anda con akarrrcuando aparece la abuela y van presos ests akarr sajjjjj todos
Operadora dígale al comerciante que su hermana odia a su esposa, y podría estar involucrada en el secuestro
No entiendo porque la hermana sale a vuscar a la sra Sugli. La puerta de la casa no esta cerrada, no se fie. . Vuelva a casa no esre dando vueltas por la montaña
Why did the sister not ask about Grandma, could have been her so she has a place to live with her children, and did you see her with the ring, 5 finger discount.
Оператор Павлин все передает Акбару.передайте лавочнику.😮😮😮😮
Mrs. operator, the documents are in the hall where they keep the water. You saw her go there with the documents when you gave them to him. Why do you play stupid.
Não confio na irmã do Lojista. Akbar compra ela bem fácil. 😢 coincidência ela aparecer nesse momento. Derrepente Akbar se comunicou com ela.🤔 vocês notaram que o irmão de Marjon não gosta dela? Ele não dá a mão para ela.
You check behind the house what about the area you search for your sheep. That area have caves in it and I do believe a car can get threw
Have mercy on us may God have mercy on you appeal only out of hunger and poverty, O scholar, be well in our skin. 😭😢😭😢😢I asked you, by God, to save us before we die of extreme hunger. I asked you to enter. on God. On you, I am facing you, I am your sister, I beg you, I beg you, save us for the love of GodGod is my witness, my brother, that from morning until now we are forbidden to ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' I swear to God on the book of God that I will not lie to you, nor set you up, nor cheat you. I am a Yemeni girl from Yemen, displaced from my family and I. Between us is a house of 20 thousand Yemeni riyals, and now we owe 60 thousand for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of those people who do not have mercy. By God, my brother, he comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and they went back to talk to the neighbors and we have not paid him until the end of the week. I swear to God, this will put us out to the street. May God have mercy on us. Our country is suffering because of this war and we cannot find our daily sustenance and we live, my mother and my brothers are traveling, our father passed away, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world to be with us in these harsh circumstances. My little brothers went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stopped at their door to give them even a piece of bread. By God, who owns the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and threw them out and they came back crying, dying of hunger. No one had mercy on them and the holiday was returned so I could live. Now, if one of us does not help us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God that we will die of hunger. Oh brother, I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God. I ask you by God, do you love good and help me even with 500 Yemeni riyals? Send me a WhatsApp message on this number +𝟵𝟲𝟳𝟳35964727 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay and God will compensate you with all good. My little brothers, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street. You will be humiliated or die of hunger. My family and I ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay in helping us. May God reward you.°÷π÷π÷÷π`π^~_~÷`÷`π÷~_π`÷~ππ°~÷~π~π~÷~π~ππ~π
Comerciante siempre cometes el error de contar todo a Akbar, a la bruja de tu hermana y ellos siempre han estado en componenda en tu contra, de la abuela y cualquiera que sea amigo de la abuela y de Rasul.
Recuerde cuando usted estuvo detenido quienes defendieron sus propiedades y recibieron malos tratos de parte de Akbar y de su hermana.
Sino hubiera por: Sogul, Amina, Afsaneh, la Operador y Marjan usted no tuviera casa.!!
Operador el documento lo guardo la abuela en la habitación donde están las escaleras ahí s metió cuando se lo entregastes
Bacinizdan ehtiyatli olun o sizi Ekbere satar. Diz turmede olanda Suqli xanima qan uddururdu
Vovó guardou o documento dentro do armário do quarto em baixo de uns plástico.
Проверьте это брат портнихи он хочет подставить Акбара
Это зять портнихи был , он её контролирует никуда не выпускал. Вот за ним надо проследить. Наверно хочет выкуп у лавочника взять. Оператор пожалуйста передай лавочнику чтобы проследил за Забиуолой
Mr. Shopkeeper the document is in one of the drawers in the room of your house where you got married. Grandma hid it under other things look
It's not there anymore. She gave it to someone else to keep it safe.
Keep an eye on her 😂😂😂😂
Смотреть стало вас неинтересно, комментарии вы не читаете, в дом водите кого не надо, не слушаете подписчиков, поэтому и теряете подписчиков, сестра враг вам, Акбара в тюрьму.Видеть не могу эту сестру, смотреть не хочу вас больше.
Abueloooo no confíe en su hermana ,porque puede traer el número de celular y avisar a Akbar que lo siguen!!
Esa hermana es mala junto con AKBAR ,se juntaron los dos para hacerle desgracias a la abuela!no confíe en ella!
Vovô as saudações, não confie em sua irmã ela, judiou demais da vovó tudo que vovó falava ela contava pra Akbar qd/ ele esteve aí na casa qd/ vc vovô estava na prisão por isso não conte nada a ela e se possível não deixa ela ficar na sua casa. E o câmeramem está com o documento da casa que vovó deu a ela pra sua mãe guardar as vezes ela não está querendo dizer no momento mas está com ela , saúde vovô e logo vovó será encontrada.🇧🇷🇧🇷
اخت التاجر لا تتقوا فيها . ان اكبر يزورها ويساعدها وقد خطف زوجها وكبلوه من يديه ورجليه وظربوه . وتركوه ودهبوا لحال سبيلهم اخت التاجر اصبحت متشردة في السحاري
Quanto tempo a vovó vai ficar sem remédio
Trgovac., trebate i svoju sestru kontrolirati, dobar je saveznik sa Akbarom, a cudno da se sada pojavljuje.......
Ты дед бабку проворонил и документ, ну будеш жыть на улице, скажы спасибо сыночку, ты жэ всё ему прощаеш
Интересно, сестренка там не вкурсе, куда бабушка делась. Этой сестре тоже нельзя доверять, дом брата тоже хотела захапать. И тут вдруг она неожиданно появилась, меня лично это вызывает подозрение😮
Бабушке кочевнице надоело мыть посуду и готовить, пора в горы, или на каартиру, о чем она просила лавочника продать дом и купить квартиру. Квартиру она уже облюбовала, пора лавочника доводить до нервов чтоб он согласился на все ее условия, хитрый ход от Сугли.
Hola familia dile al abuelo k tú tienes el documento la abuela te lo entrego a ti eres cómplice de todo lo k la abuela está pasando
Garajda sakladi suli evragi