I stopped playing wr because of high ms and came back when it improved, in meanwhile I reached Mythical Glory solo in Mobile Legends, the highest rank there. There not a single lower rank player plays in classic or rank with higher ranked one. The same was true for wild rift in past but not now, now since I dropped to silver I am finding immensely difficult to rank up now. In every match I have "pros" calling us low elo players and noobs as if we "desire" to play with Diamond and Platinum ranked players in rank. This matchmaking is sh*t, I came from mlbb because lol wr has better quality and also that after mythical glory game is boring for solo. But sh*ts like this may make me go back to a game I already cleared.
QOTD: Literally no point in playing ranked competitively right now. I noticed the drop in skill level when they lessened the time it takes to get to master and up, and even more so when the latest patch dropped. Definitely quitting the game until there are more champs, big and frequent meta changes, or fixed matchmaking. The devs need to get their shit together cause the game is no longer fun for a lot of us
the fixed LP is good idea but the second one i don’t think it will work because riot made this changes because the player base of wildrift is plummeting downward everyday there isn’t many average players per day even in my emerald games now i have to wait 3 to 4 minutes to get a match lets face it this game is on a verge of collapse
My actual experience is that my main rol is support, and in some of match's the game put me with people that they even have no elo, or they give us a jungler that doesn't know how to make an objective, so it's very difficult for me as a support to carry a match when my jungler doesn't do objectives or my ADC has no elo
Yes that's a reason why we lose the Jungle never go Objectives and Im learning to play Jungle role because no one go that role Im tired being a support
I am locked in platinum... And im not playing ranked any more, cause its terrible experience. Just aram, some time a normal game to test and try have some fun. I usually play as sup, but i forced to play mid or jungle to try carry.. (Sorry for my english for some reason)
QOTD: I'm a low elo player and I'm climbing kinda fast but the thing is that mostly of the time i lost because my teammates are 2 rank behind me. Thats without counting the times my team has been emerald pleyers when i'm gold
The easiest fix to the problems is to simply display the *lobby’s Elo* during champion select. If a Grand Master and a Gold player end up in a lobby, display that what their *average* is, at the very least. This would let the Gold player know to play a higher level game, and the Grand Master know *before locking* that there will be complications.
I think if they would be pursuing this kind of matchmaking, your suggestion will be good. It might gives us longer queue hut its better than getting losetreak because you got unranked lol
@@Venussy13 I don’t mean that they change how the fast matchmaking works, only that they show the lobby what the aggregate rank that they actually matched on is.
How would even a Gold player know to play high level game ? Just because a Gold player plays better in their respective rank doesn't mean they would play the same way in Emerald rank. Back then Emerald plays are different compared to Gold plays same with Diamond plays are different compared to Emerald plays but now due to the overwhelming amount of smurfs in Wild Rift. Rank gameplay is pretty much the same from Iron to Diamond 2. It must suck being a new player now in Wild Rift when you're literally faced against smurfs in every tiers.
QOTD: Lost my drive to climb rank. After last season ended with me D4 I thought "that wasn't so bad" so I wanted to climb more. Turns out this season is a big social experiment that test the patience of a player by making you team up with randos with random rank. Even before match starts you're already praying fir RNG like some mobile gacha lmao. I had an easy time climbing eme and now D4 and will probably just play to maintain rank until they fix this.
QOTD: The high-elo inflation actually hurt a lot for people who aren't smurfs. Before the last changes I was close to masters, I was climbing slowly mantaining around 54 - 56% win rate. But I had a problem that emerald players couldn't follow-up properly on my engages as a tank, and now I'm facing the same problem in Diamond. There are literally people with 50,3% win rate on my team. Before diamond I had around 50-51% win rate on tank because the match is decided very early and people on low-elo simply don't know how to play around tanks on the laning phase. I had to play Enchantresses to climb, and after I got to 55-57% win rate on tanks. Now, I literally fell from 56,7% win rate on Alistar to 50,7% all over again. At first I throught I was probably making too many mistakes, but I literally got MVP/SVP on 12/20 games. I lost so many games that I got put into Emerald queue for almost 15 matches, and I absolutely carried the games winning 10/15, but I just can't play tanks anymore. Before this patch I never got flamed on diamond for waiting for lv3 to all-in as a tank. Now, my adc keep pinging me and expect me to to flash into the enemy lv2. They get poked to less than 40% of their hp and blame me for it. All the changes contributed to make elos irrelevant. Diamond is the new emerald. I'm not saying that I deserve to be much higher, but all the changes made my climbing a living hell, I don't think I'll be able to reach masters this season anymore. I don't think it's normal for me to be consistently top damage as an Alistar with a full tank build.
Yep. The problem is, the people with low Rank and high MMR are used to playing a different game, and when they end up in your high Elo game, they still try to play the low Elo game. Hopefully, the player base will just “figure it out” or Riot will simply tell players what level of game it is during Champion Select.
@@KenNewmanWraith I couldn't agree more. Each elo can be considered a game on its own. People don't realize how can their matches be so different even from Platinum to Emerald. I noticed that emerald players (now diamond) like to be the hero of every match. They don't like just sitting back and scaling while letting the team to the rest. They want to go 7/0 every match, and that's just not how it works. That mindset is what hurts the solo queue environment the most. If you refuse to stay safe and go 0/7 and force your teammates to go into disadvantageous fights to "save" you actually hurts much more than fighting a 3v4 on objectives. Supports aren't babysitters, junglers don't need to get every dragon, solo laners don't need to stomp, and mid laners don't need to be a second jungler. You can win games while being 0/4, even if all you did was pushing towers, it still just as important as being MVP.
Same thing happened to me. I was going on a streak before all of this fiasco happened. I was going to masters with 56% win rate and plummeted down to diamond 3 with 53% win rate. 2 days from now my points will decay because I just can't tolerate the matchmaking system. Climbing won't matter if you're being queued up with lower elo. This makes rank system obsolete.
@@tanyavondegurechaff6998Honestly, it is so frustrating. People that smurf don't feel much of a difference, but this literally made our climb almost impossible. We can't spend 12 hours a day playing, it's ridiculous. I was climbing gradually playing 1-2 hours a day, max. Now I play for 4 hours some days and end lower or in the same place I was before. I'll just give up on masters this season, next one I feel like we'll be struggling to even reach Diamond II :((
QOTD: well we could start with me having a Bronze support Xayah with Smite. Or the Ezreal jungle game I had. Or the last game I had where everyone is silver on my team and everyone is emerald on the enemy team. I went brand APC 20-4-14 and still lost.
QOTD: It sucks. It's a fucking disaster that it makes me want to quit WR. Challenger became a lot more worse because of the matchmaking and playing smurf didn't serve any purpose because you always get to fight high elos anyway. It's not even fun. EDIT: We play smurf because we can't q in challenger. It often drains my battery just by waiting and it's always a pain to charge mid game cuz it sometimes interrupt my fingers from moving. Stop complaining, we have our problems too. It's also not guaranteed now that we will play with allies in the same elo even though the enemies are all challengers/grand masters in our main account. No matter how high your mmr is, you will often get paired with emerald or diamond players.
@@Evan8787 You guys say that but have no idea… Try sitting there waiting to play the game and bang, you hit the 20 minute mark of WAITING and your queue gets reset as you’ve hit the limit. And… repeat? Sounds fun right? Not all people play “smurfs” to stomp lower elo players, most of us are just doing it to actually be able to play WR.. and what does it matter anyway with the current system where every rank is playing with every other rank.
QOTD: I got matched with all (4) unranked teammates. And when my teammates' rank is in a reasonable rank compared with mine, expect atleast 1 teammate praticing champions or afk (wishing for riot to add remake system)
I think Elo should be for normals, and Rank should be used exclusively for ranked games. If they don’t do that, then they need to be more transparent with MMR, since that’s “real rank.” They have to choose, one or the other.
Imagine this, i'm main mid, D4. Got autofilled ADC, and my support is unranked auto attacking minions like a bot, and my mid laner is silver he takes like 2 tower shots in every trade for free and dies. The rest were gold and plat
QOTD: The past 3 days I (Emerald Rank) got teammates who are Gold and Below including Unranked. From Eme 1 down to Eme 4 🤦. The most frustrating Patch. Already losing interest for the game and started looking for other competitive mobile games out there. Suggestion for Riot: Remove Emerald Rank to better improve Queue Times in High Elo. Then bring back Matchmaking the past Patch while there is no better solution for Matchmaking.
man, im jumping from Gold 1 to Plat 4-3 this past few weeks and started to doubt my own skills so i just decided to Main Tank Support, tho still kinda frustrating im starting to rank up again. i had to babysit a literal Unranked on a Plat III lobby tho ( x_x )
QOTD : I was just in a couple of minutes playing a match with unranked player who doesn't have any idea about the purpose game in general, i told him to swap position order for counter matchup, yea I was considering him a smurf but he said sorry i don't know how I'm new in the game he ended 0 15 3 in 10 mins, he just walk up to turrets and dies or enemy kills him even his 3 assists are just a concidence, and if only can put a picture of the chat to let you see how the game becomes doomed... So this is how a game looks like if an unranked player is matched with a master vs enemy full diam and master... Fair enough Riot!
QOTD: Actually i started played wild rift 3 weeks ago, and got silver 2 and then gold quickly after that, although 9/10 games i had platinum, emerald and diamonds in my team and in opposite team i felt fairly comfortable playing against them, but now when they reverted mm changes i most of the time get a team full of gold and 1-2 platinum, or 2-3 gold and silver or even unranked players, and i had multiple loose streaks even though im mvp in my team most of the time, because you cant 1v9 in this game. Now I’m feeling like I’m about to quit, because they reverted changes and i have to deal with low skill players in my team in every game.
Why wouldn’t you match with people with similar win rates? MMR/ELO rating is essentially indirectly your win percentage. If you win, you MMR goes up. If you lose, your MMR goes down. You get matched with people who have similar MMR to you. Thus, you will get matched with people who have similar win rates to you. Why would win percentage be directly calculated in your MMR if MMR is indirectly your win percentage? 🤦 Only difference is that win percentage is a flat value. MMR goes up and down based on your teammates and opponents MMR and has more than one variable of losing or winning. It’s a more fair system in a team game. Unfortunately, Riot’s system is a bit too rash at this point in time and something seems off.
@@mattc16 It's probably because it's stacked. But when they mentioned it doesn't, I was hit with the response that they put later in this vid and where your win rate is put in to account for certain situations when I spoke with the lead dev for Match making. It seems like it kind of switches between deciding on MMR and Win rate for certain things. All of this though still puts us in a weird situation though.
As long as there are equally skilled players on both sides, that works to a degree. In some games you see that there are 2 people on the other team and one person on your team that actually know how to play. You either feed off of their fodder and you feed off of theirs, or you each fight to defend your fodders, or skilled and unskilled fight each other. That should be the least of the matchmaking. 5 unskilled vs 5 unskilled, 5 skilled vs 5 skilled, or any combination as long as it's the same for each side. Too bad this isn't the case.
QOTD: I get matched with 4 people 2 tiers below me. Adc was just going for bad trades(2 hp blocks left with minions pushing in, thinks it's a good idea to go in to fight outside turret) and the jungle didn't know how to jungle (just farms even during team fight next to them, never comes to take/help on objectives). Top never watched the mini map and is always late to the team fight. When we get pushed in to the base, the team keeps going out in blind territory and constantly get ganked. If this is not fixed soon WR is gonna be a joke to the mobile moba community. Now imagine when people do a mass exodus to MLBB a game that copied LoL, do you want that Riot? The humiliation will be enormous for you, I can almost see a Death of A Game: Wild Rift video happening.
Honestly I don't think riot is committed with wildrift because it's been a reasonable time since the global launch and the game in my opinion got nothing special to make it blow like other titles
I was masters when the patch rolled in, that was when the nightmare elo started. They gave me jg (my main) coupled with 4 gold players. The gold players had all the smurf badges and post match ( which we got rekt so badly) the enemies were all emeralds. Juz how does riot think a master can 1v9 when the whole team doesn't even know when to group for objectives / team fights, it doesnt make any sense and it ruins the experience for both the gold and high elo players alike
QOTD: I got paired with bunch of unranked and some silver players even Lucian with smite spell. Matchmaking system sucks and it's a complete disaster that's why I stop playing ranked already 😑
QQOTD: last night I decided to take a break. Am currently just on Plat and was teamed with high Emeralds, I KID U NOT AND AM NOT EXAGGERATING THIS, our score was 33-0 WITHIN 8:03 MINUTES! LEGIT! Was the funniest match ever for me. Then after the match, I checked and found out 3 of the enemies were bronze and two silvers. Then it finally hit me, what if I was teamed with those low elo(who doesn’t even know the fundamentals of the game yet) and were matched against high Emeralds. That scared me lmao.
MMR and matchmaking by this parameter kill the game: 1) a huge player base is needed, otherwise, instead of fair matches, the system will make compromises in the mmr difference (in other words, instead of strong opponents, you will get absolutely weak allies, as it is now) 2) mmr is cumulative while the account is new, his mmr is close to zero, and the player becomes the object of unfair matches (and these are hundreds of games, and these are thousands of smurfs), and if the system accelerates the accumulation of mmr, then we will get a lot of weak players, which he defines as strong (as now). 3) mmr is a system of limits, you create additional defeats to approach 50%wr, you are relegated from ranks with a win rate of 59 (-15 and -20). This scares away the players, but does not attract them in any way. 4) we do not see any mmr, but we see our rank, because it is obvious that most players pass precisely for their rank, play rank for the rank. It's a big mistake do system in wich rank no matter 5) MMR is (possibly) fair matches, but not fair ranked mode, because all depends how system checked you, but not average current rank difficult Are there any advantages of mmr selection? there are, but they are not worth the annoyes that it creates
the main problem is, in everymatch i get minimum gold to unranked with 36 matches and after seeing that i serious loose the all motivation and becoming irritating and frutrating ...that made me to make a lot mistakes...and jg dont know what objectives is and these low elo just taking fights for no reason..they just see the enemy and engages immediately and then loose because they dont knlow what is ult cooldown,whos carrying them so wait for them to join in or like main cc or heavy ults(amumu,malphite,diana)etc many more......i hope i should'nt leave this game again.
QOTD:It has been the worst. I've played my fair share of moba this by far has made me to play around it like changing my role for the sake of winning or at least a chance it has been so absurd that i avoid the solo queue and just play when i have a team which helped
QOTD: It made me wanna split my skull in half made it to plat match 3 matches all of them I had teammates and the enemy team were emeralds, that demoted me to gold. In gold rank 4 matches straight my teammates are idiotic no regard for objectives kept clashing. Riot matchmaking is shittier than a latrine
I am a platinum player I go to gold 1 and then platinum 4 and so on. With this new matchmaking system,I got matched with emerald players.. I was constantly under pressure to perform well, and high elo players constantly trash talk, their morale just goes down on seeing a low elo player. Whereas I was the SVP of the match. I really want riot to fix this matchmaking system, also I am not able to come out of platinum/gold rank , no matter how hard I carry my team, there is always a person going afk in my team, which results in loss. Its either a win streak or losing streak. I am thinking of quitting wr tbh. No matter how good I play I am not able to go above platinum.
To explain “Smurf Queue” and the comments that winrate don’t effect matchmaking…the answer is that it doesn’t use winrate *directly* but instead is indirectly accounted for in MMR accumulation. Again, High Elo and Low Elo are different games. A “Smurf badge” player is used to playing Low, and expecting to play Low (so locked Yi) but on load, sees a bunch of challengers and it’s bad.
i laughed so hard internally when reading the title. also it just makes me feel tht climbing aint worth it and people constantly harass unranked people in wild rift is jst so chaotic so its glad to hear someone say its not even worth it for ranking
QOTD : matchmaking? there's no such a thing, they just mushed random player together in a room ( no really, i get pair up with 3 unranked with account lv not above 10)
Basically, I'm on Diamond IV rank right now & we had one of the weirdest matchmaking lobby teamed up with a Silver II Yasuo on the top lane & an Iron IV Seraphine on the support lane.
It's 4/4/22 and I'm still getting potatoes on my team several games in a row. Last game I played our jungle Jarvin sat at spawn until a minute 20.. then started playing. This was a RANKED game. Unbelievable!
QOTD: sometimes it’s too easy and I get mvp with “played 95%+ better then others at your same rank” thing and it was a total stomp, I, an emerald player” was playing with 2 unranked and a silver, but to me, that just means they must have had low ranked players as well. In my opinion, this isn’t a bad idea, giving skilled lower ranks that chance to play above there wight class, but I feel it’s way off right now, if they could be a little more strict about how you get the badge, and as well a better algorithm, but right now it’s all over the place.
Same, don't think the idea is bad at all. I remember when I started to play and got absolutely destroyed by people playing in their smurfs, wich is never going to be fair for players just starting to understand the mechanics of the game. If implemented right, this system will allow you to play with people of your same skill, not rank
QOTD: If you have a teammate that are lower rank and have that tag in their frame in the loading screen saying "This player usually play higher than their rank" its an instant lose game. I have encountered this teammates not only one but two autofilled role players and always at my promos.In addition the enemies have a higher ranking player that always play lee sin.
QQTD: I am supposed to be in diamond now but since the matchmaking is updated I start to see some bronze or silver teammates and it is so frustrating climbing up now, sometimes IS team up in higher elo like master and sometimes with silvers. AND THE MOST ANNOYING PART IS IF I AM TEAMED UP BY LOWER ELOS THE OTHER TEAM GETS THE SAME RANK TEAMMATES
I've been playing ranked for two weeks and I'm jumping ranks. I came from Silver I, went to promote to Gold III, then played again, got Promoted from Gold III to Gold I. Now I don't know what's happening anymore. I experienced jumping ranks in League PC, but this is probably the weirdest.
Qotd. Im in diamond 3 and have had multiple games with silver and bronze players. Even if they have high winrates the skill gap was very obvious and the diamond players on both teams basically controlled the game.
Prior to the matchmaking patch, i was winning and losing reasonably. Im winning when i play good, i lost when we are outsmarted by the opponent. But this patch, i then to be queued with an high ranking opponent that would stomp our team from the beginning. That made me stop playing for a week now. And i always being teamed up with afk players. It sucks
I started playing wild rift due to my pc dying. Im currently at gold 4 in WR, in pc I was gold 1. I have to say it sucks to be paired with higher and lower lvl players because not only it is so hard not to lose against diamond players who legitimately play way better than I do, but also when I get them on my team, I legit feel I'm being denied the chance to learn by myself.
QOTD: I was in a trio party in ranked we were all diamond but we got paired with 1 gold 4 yi and a unranked thresh which only had 1 ranked game on his match history, IDK How that's possible but it happened. I checked the enemy team ranks and there were 4 golds and 1 diamond which is CONFUSING how that happens.
QOTD: recent matchmaking is making me quit the game. I'm solo player and I'm having hard times reaching emerald right now because most of my matches I get paired with gold and silver rank(it was one occasion I had an unranked teammate). Truly said, my games start to be boring right now cause every lane loses. I even try to rotate during match or change class before match but this isn't going in the way it should.
Most players are stating they are mentally giving up when put in teams with low elo players. I feel at the times the opposite. I am high plat low em player. The past couple of rank games I was placed with high elo players. I thought I have to be getting better, I have to be improving in the game since I am placed with high elo players. Fast forward, I get wiped in those games and I ended up feeling like the game is lying to me or like the rug is being pulled from under me.
I’m an aspiring jungler; doing my homework and research, and would hit my objectives, I would even hit the enemy jungles/er hard and push them and keep them in their jungle but I could never get help from either lanes when the baron lane scales up leaving me fend for myself against the baron and tagged teamed by enemy players and then get blamed on losing the match….
I read many comments from people who are in the gold or silver division and they put them to play with diamonds and masters ... in my case it is the opposite, since the game was launched I went up to diamond very quick, They pair me with people who still don't know how to use the controls well or are just learning, my winrate is 68%
QOTD: Worst matchmaking in all MOBA games I've played. I don't even care about the toxicity in higher elo, but making us wait for almost 20 mins just to be with unranked teammates? If this thing continues, maybe I'll quit WR for good.
As a diamond player I’m fine with matching with a plat since it’s only 2 ranks lower the problem is from my personal experience is I keep getting matched with silvers and unranked players that’s like 3-5 rank lower like what the hell is that bs it’s literally like playing a PvP match
QOTD: I am in Diamond IV and just teamed up with an unranked player with a smurf badge. When I checked on his stats, he was 70% WR overall but have only played 2 ranked matches with 50% WR. Riot!!! You are hurting my feelings!!!!!!
I have not played my main role since soon after they changed matchmaking. So now not only does the team have a terrible mix of player skill levels, they have a support/jungle main playing ADC/mid
I have an Emerald account and Platinum and i get gold/silver/iron.And I did care in my matches,but tell me,if you carry the game with 15/0/4 and 4 of your team mates are 0/7 0/11 0/13 and 0/9 what can you do anymore?
riot also need to fix the junglers everygame when i get so tilted of being a jungler and opt for another role our jungler say i can’t jgl or can i duo it’s so frustrating to see and of course they won’t be good jgl either so we end up losing anyway so i have to play and carry my team as jgl every time and it’s the role i hate the most
I am a GrandMaster player and yesterday I got matched with 2 emeralds diamond and a master, mean while the enemy team had a gold 4 jungle I mean what the hell is this its so annoying and dumb.
I was 2 games away from reaching my masters before the new patch update.. now im 5 games away to emerald.. you have no idea how hard it is to rank up in diamond elo
Even I, as a recently promoted plat player where most my games has that badge on me, don't like this matchmaking. I know I'm already severely lacking and I know the difference in skill level between elos, but I feel like I've been shoved into matches that don't suit me and I can't learn slowly and steadily. I only perform well in theory because I played ML since it was released, and recently transitioned cuz I want to feel the challenge in learning again. And btw I got plat after win loss streak for literally 3 days, matchmaking really is coin flippy
The matchmaking is better in ARAM than Ranked... seriously, i'm diamond 3, when i play aram i'm with high elo people but when i play ranked, i just get with random ranks like silver gold platinium but never with higher... riot is killing this game...
I've had games in the past where I'd be Gold playing with Diamond players. Either my MMR was overly inflated or the Diamond had super low MMR. This was a while ago but this matchmaking is still questionable
QOTD: Yup, true about that smurf badge. I'm the ADC while support Thresh is the smurf badge guy. Almost lose because this guy act more like an ADC than me. He just stay in the back and either he only engage when the enemy is almost dead or he engage by himself which always resulted in him dead. Thankfully, the rest of team is pretty good and manage to help me out of gank a few times.
Qotd: I am emerald2 support and was teamed with unranked mid laner. I checked the profile of the unranked, it was literally his 3rd ranked game and he had 1win and 1loss then he was teamed with me. Now my question is how that I e2 with 1k+ games played and someone who had 2 games crossed paths in ranked? am i stupid enough to botch my mmr and now im worth as someone who played 2games?
I just started after a year of quitting since Beta。 its even difficult to climb ranks in solo Que. I recommend the jungle role if you want to climb the ranks.
QOTD: I wouldn't know I left the game months ago but I saw on reddit ppl posting their diamond and master rank matches and they get paired with unranked players with only 1 or 2 games
QOTD-ngl the firts matchmaking system wasn't all that bad sure the que time was long but at least you get paired with players the same rank as you but now its frickin trash its doesn't matter how good you are in the game if your teammates are silver and unranked they'll just the feed the enemy team that's why ill just stick to playing aram until the next patch arrives hoping that riot will fix this asap
It’s really a pain, you grind your ass off to high elo and then get a teammate that supposedly “plays higher than their rank level” meanwhile this player doesn’t even have 200 matches and no mastery on any champion
QOTD: I am a support main, and Iwas trying to get to diamond with my ADC duo, but we got matched with 2 platinums, who played yasuo and master yi and fed the enemy team all match long. It was truely stressful.
QOTD: This matchmaking is absolutely terrible. In the old matchmaking system, I had a gold account that would get matched with Diamonds+ but at least it was more accurate, games were never a coin flip like they are now. Then in an Emerald/Diamond account I would get a gold player when I played very early in the morning but it was bearable compared to this new system. With this new system I went from a GM lobbies to Gold lobbies, one game after another, like how is that representative of my MMR. Then I had a series of games where I literally couldn't do anything to win which ruined my win rates and MMR leading to me getting matched with unranked players leading to more games where I can't do anything to win. To win with this current matchmaking system I have to borderline troll to carry games.
QOTD: I hate the current matchmaking, i get unranked in every game, and its always the jg or my adc (as a support, i rely on my adc) so its really annoying... Hope they fix it soon
I'm a diamond player with unranked, bronze and silver players. Riot says it's based on MMR but when I check these players' profile, their win rates are
While I hate getting bronze, silver and gold players as an EX diamond (now emerald 3) I wouldn’t want to be in a game full of masters or grandmasters cause I know the limit of my abilities, I’m not playing ranked like before, just one or two matches a day cause it’s getting more and more common to see lower ranks in matches, ovo is better now or ARAM
It's always been like this why nobody realizing it? Everytimes I made smurf to just get 10 wins streak for my provisional, there will always be few matches that you'll meet high elo opponents vs your unranked teammates LMAO
I'm a support main from plat. I had this game were we had a diamond mid and jungle, while the enemy's had silver and emerald. I felt so bad for them The lane against the alistar diamond was so damn difficult. It was my first time laning against a high elo.
From a Main Support. When selecting my Champ, if i knew i was with gold players or lower, i would have picked a more aggressive champ, i hate picking Nunu for example bc i don't know if the enemy is on my elo or not, i have lost may times bc i picked a passive support and the enemy team high player is a mid lanner, jungler etc i cant do much, i have carried games with Malph for example but even tho the system is working, match me with someone from the same role i am playing.
My biggest pain was once I got to emerald last week and then me and my buddy going into rank duos then we get a silver player mid and a unrank support that's doesnt understand the mechanics of the game was just too frustrating 😭
Stuck D1 maximum 65LP. I manage to get into full Gm lobbies but occasionally get the gold support (ad main). Sometimes I get matched ca challengers too and if my duo is anything less than GM we get slapped around.
I take a break from this game for my mental health. Losing the match with the same rank is better than losing the match bc your team is way low rank than u. When we team up with lower rank (random rank), what's the difference between the ranked mode and the normar PVP? What's the point when i'm tryn so hard climbing rank but i team up with unranked? I climb the rank because i wanna be with hi rank team and beat the other hi rank team. I hope they fix this asap.
This patch was disastrous but I realised that ppl are climbing rank rn I want to take advantage of this I went into every game believing that if I had unranked in my team enemy team had the same Altho not always the case it helped keep me mentally focused Back in diamond
Rank play eligibility is f up. It’s shows me that I should Mach up with (platinum 4 - diamond 2) but constantly get bronze/unranked players who usually are bots leaving or feeding enemy team. All my grinding and win streaks. It really makes me question do I really want to continue play this game
I’ve noticed que times are amazing. I haven’t had anything over a minute so far which is rare as I’m diamond 3. But I legit playing with literally any rank. I’ve played with challengers and unranked in the same game before
I almost decided to quit the game because of the unfair match making. Diamonds paired with low elo esp unranked, now i got demoted to emerald due to feeding frenzy. That made me felt like im having bot team mates in rank.
Still refreshing that my diamond 1 jungler knows how to gank and as a tank support main it's refreshing to see that i can roam and my jungler and i has perfect timings
Personally, I'm emerald and I've even played with bronze and unranked players in ranked as my teamates and I felt bad, not only because it was impossible to win, but also they were literally bullied to oblivion by the master players that the enemy team had, which is infuriating
im bronze 2, i played with emerald players in both ranked and casual, i started lol like 2months ago, 30% of games are unwinnable, im just 2/17/3 all the time, only half the games i can actually play the game
Reading the comments, the problems are all the same. There exists Gold rank players with “high Elo” which means these players don’t belong in either type of game. They cannot play at high level because they don’t have the macro (or at least, not tuned to that level of play). They are used to going Yi and stomping. They also can’t play at Gold level because they stomp on regular Gold players, making low Elo a terrible experience. Hopefully, over time, this will clear up, as they lose in actual high Elo games (bringing down their MMR). But maybe not, since the Rank system will still trap them in Gold, because of 50/50 matchmaking combined with the tilt inducing frustration of never actually getting fair matches.
QOTD: I just wanna have fun and play with Gold players.Pressing the rank game mode and queuing up only to get teammates from 2 - 4 stages higher from me (I am Gold currently). and it gets frustrating that I play with players with higher rank though I won majority of it. I feel bad since I feel like I'm getting Carried. Also being a jungler main with a high win rate by playing classic before being ranked would inevitably queue you up with player from Plat and Up atleast from what I experience
I am a plat player and got into GM / MASTER lobby my teammates were super toxic and every thing i did whether it was good or bad thy say i am still plat and not good although i was carrying the game they were trolling because i was lower ranked than them
I'm currently GM (I'm part of the players who got inflated from D4). I think I played well enough with Masters and GMs to earn my spot. But when I got to GM, I got a game with diamonds and 1 unranked. The unranked jungler totally didn't know what he was doing. I investigated and found that the unranked won all his past games as Master Yi with 20+ kills vs bronzies, silvers and golds. I don't think that means he should be playing in GM especially since he hasn't even had 10 games for his mmr to stabilize.
I was a diamond player, solo queue for ranked. I got singed jungle, unranked, with only around 20 matches. He didnt bring smite and died to buff twice. Tell me how am I supposed to win the match with this kind of teammates.
personally i regret hitting gm. ranked became unplayable and norms i get paired with people who just afk. they need to get harsher ban system it really put me off playin in general
Man i was used to play in Grandmaster and in this season, i just filled in emerald / master mix games and losing a lot of games cause of it. Now i just don't play ranked...
my problem that I've noticed is the fact that I have a 73% win rate in emerald 2 and I get paired with potatoes on mine team with a 40% win rate and the whole enemy team has an average win rate of 50-65%.. this is the sole reason I don't solo queue anymore. however when I go on my other acc with a 56% win rate the games are almost always about even in relation to win rate (most times). why should higher win rate players be punished with lower end players on their team and then stack the enemy team? Its a team game, I cant carry a game when my 42% win rate top lane Garen and my jg go 0-6 within the first 10 minutes of the game as an adc.
QOTD: Reached Diamond my rank target this season. Played more. Got ws by carrying low ranks who played decently enough to not be a heavy burden to 40+ lp. Then met with worse low elos and better enemies. Ls till Dia 0 lp. Initiated rank rescue mission using jarvan. Suceed. My team is only 3 eme and 2 dia. While enemy is 3 dia 1 eme 1 plat. Now i stop rank grind. Having fun in pvp. Finally have time to try fun things. Plus exam is fking near. Want to keep the pressure soft. I reached my target rank. Im happy. No need to be greedy for more. I'll wait for next season. Goodluck guys. Dont pressure yourselves👍👍
congrats u guys made riot wild rift yield they reverted the mm changes
when is the update for the mm change? i mean back to the original mm
when,cuz i still have Unranked teammates
@@juicelord3306 yea, i met them 5 times in a row, and got lose streak 5x XD
on 5 lose streak because of this
Got 5 streak lose and i am 54% wr in emerald i keep getting silver gold and unranked players fuck offf
legit played Rank earlier, and got paired with a Diamond, Emerald, Silver, and Unranked. I'm Plat... how diverse-
Netflix's level shit
I think I played with you I also got teamed with plays and emeralds I’m silver I played riven was it me?
I stopped playing wr because of high ms and came back when it improved, in meanwhile I reached Mythical Glory solo in Mobile Legends, the highest rank there. There not a single lower rank player plays in classic or rank with higher ranked one. The same was true for wild rift in past but not now, now since I dropped to silver I am finding immensely difficult to rank up now. In every match I have "pros" calling us low elo players and noobs as if we "desire" to play with Diamond and Platinum ranked players in rank.
This matchmaking is sh*t, I came from mlbb because lol wr has better quality and also that after mythical glory game is boring for solo. But sh*ts like this may make me go back to a game I already cleared.
@@karmacrazywolf4236 ik
QOTD: Literally no point in playing ranked competitively right now. I noticed the drop in skill level when they lessened the time it takes to get to master and up, and even more so when the latest patch dropped. Definitely quitting the game until there are more champs, big and frequent meta changes, or fixed matchmaking. The devs need to get their shit together cause the game is no longer fun for a lot of us
So true
Agreed Elo has lost value
Well the players are also to be blame since they wanted fast queueing 😂😂🎉🎉
@@betch5184 and riot for running most of the playerbase away haha
Thanks for watching and good luck with your matchmaking - you will need it!
the fixed LP is good idea but the second one i don’t think it will work because riot made this changes because the player base of wildrift is plummeting downward everyday there isn’t many average players per day even in my emerald games now i have to wait 3 to 4 minutes to get a match lets face it this game is on a verge of collapse
My actual experience is that my main rol is support, and in some of match's the game put me with people that they even have no elo, or they give us a jungler that doesn't know how to make an objective, so it's very difficult for me as a support to carry a match when my jungler doesn't do objectives or my ADC has no elo
Yea most of them are autofilled into support or jg
@@Ij_ld yes, I know, but most of the times are people that play that rol and doesn't know how to do it
Yes that's a reason why we lose the Jungle never go Objectives
and Im learning to play Jungle role because no one go that role
Im tired being a support
Just go top and afk like me for now until it got fixed
I am locked in platinum...
And im not playing ranked any more, cause its terrible experience.
Just aram, some time a normal game to test and try have some fun.
I usually play as sup, but i forced to play mid or jungle to try carry..
(Sorry for my english for some reason)
QOTD: I'm a low elo player and I'm climbing kinda fast but the thing is that mostly of the time i lost because my teammates are 2 rank behind me. Thats without counting the times my team has been emerald pleyers when i'm gold
I get this a lot as a sup.. and it's really frustrating when you main sup.
The easiest fix to the problems is to simply display the *lobby’s Elo* during champion select. If a Grand Master and a Gold player end up in a lobby, display that what their *average* is, at the very least.
This would let the Gold player know to play a higher level game, and the Grand Master know *before locking* that there will be complications.
I think if they would be pursuing this kind of matchmaking, your suggestion will be good. It might gives us longer queue hut its better than getting losetreak because you got unranked lol
@@Venussy13 I don’t mean that they change how the fast matchmaking works, only that they show the lobby what the aggregate rank that they actually matched on is.
They need to allow dodging, period
How would even a Gold player know to play high level game ? Just because a Gold player plays better in their respective rank doesn't mean they would play the same way in Emerald rank. Back then Emerald plays are different compared to Gold plays same with Diamond plays are different compared to Emerald plays but now due to the overwhelming amount of smurfs in Wild Rift. Rank gameplay is pretty much the same from Iron to Diamond 2. It must suck being a new player now in Wild Rift when you're literally faced against smurfs in every tiers.
QOTD: Lost my drive to climb rank. After last season ended with me D4 I thought "that wasn't so bad" so I wanted to climb more. Turns out this season is a big social experiment that test the patience of a player by making you team up with randos with random rank. Even before match starts you're already praying fir RNG like some mobile gacha lmao. I had an easy time climbing eme and now D4 and will probably just play to maintain rank until they fix this.
Bro :D i am gold 1 like 30 games and my games are like 17/3 or 5/5 or 1/8 :D every game i play agaist emerald1 and dia4 :D
QOTD: The high-elo inflation actually hurt a lot for people who aren't smurfs. Before the last changes I was close to masters, I was climbing slowly mantaining around 54 - 56% win rate. But I had a problem that emerald players couldn't follow-up properly on my engages as a tank, and now I'm facing the same problem in Diamond. There are literally people with 50,3% win rate on my team. Before diamond I had around 50-51% win rate on tank because the match is decided very early and people on low-elo simply don't know how to play around tanks on the laning phase. I had to play Enchantresses to climb, and after I got to 55-57% win rate on tanks. Now, I literally fell from 56,7% win rate on Alistar to 50,7% all over again. At first I throught I was probably making too many mistakes, but I literally got MVP/SVP on 12/20 games. I lost so many games that I got put into Emerald queue for almost 15 matches, and I absolutely carried the games winning 10/15, but I just can't play tanks anymore. Before this patch I never got flamed on diamond for waiting for lv3 to all-in as a tank. Now, my adc keep pinging me and expect me to to flash into the enemy lv2. They get poked to less than 40% of their hp and blame me for it. All the changes contributed to make elos irrelevant. Diamond is the new emerald. I'm not saying that I deserve to be much higher, but all the changes made my climbing a living hell, I don't think I'll be able to reach masters this season anymore. I don't think it's normal for me to be consistently top damage as an Alistar with a full tank build.
Yep. The problem is, the people with low Rank and high MMR are used to playing a different game, and when they end up in your high Elo game, they still try to play the low Elo game. Hopefully, the player base will just “figure it out” or Riot will simply tell players what level of game it is during Champion Select.
@@KenNewmanWraith I couldn't agree more. Each elo can be considered a game on its own. People don't realize how can their matches be so different even from Platinum to Emerald. I noticed that emerald players (now diamond) like to be the hero of every match. They don't like just sitting back and scaling while letting the team to the rest. They want to go 7/0 every match, and that's just not how it works. That mindset is what hurts the solo queue environment the most. If you refuse to stay safe and go 0/7 and force your teammates to go into disadvantageous fights to "save" you actually hurts much more than fighting a 3v4 on objectives. Supports aren't babysitters, junglers don't need to get every dragon, solo laners don't need to stomp, and mid laners don't need to be a second jungler. You can win games while being 0/4, even if all you did was pushing towers, it still just as important as being MVP.
Same thing happened to me. I was going on a streak before all of this fiasco happened. I was going to masters with 56% win rate and plummeted down to diamond 3 with 53% win rate. 2 days from now my points will decay because I just can't tolerate the matchmaking system. Climbing won't matter if you're being queued up with lower elo. This makes rank system obsolete.
@@tanyavondegurechaff6998Honestly, it is so frustrating. People that smurf don't feel much of a difference, but this literally made our climb almost impossible. We can't spend 12 hours a day playing, it's ridiculous. I was climbing gradually playing 1-2 hours a day, max. Now I play for 4 hours some days and end lower or in the same place I was before. I'll just give up on masters this season, next one I feel like we'll be struggling to even reach Diamond II :((
Memes are supposed to be funny, thats not the case for the matchmaking
I loved matching up with Gold mfs in my GM game, As an enemy though, Ally Gold never funny but Enemies with lowass elo? Hell yeah
I have already quit the game, but im still watching wild rift content and streamer, i just dont want to be depress playing this game anymore.
Same feelings! I don't want to have any trouble nor get tilted by this game anymore so you know what? Screw this game, I'm so fking done!
This is why i only play aram, even tho i have 6 lose streak, im still happy
u will come back later i know it xixixi
Legends of Runeterra is better
i quit too until they fix this sh*t
QOTD: well we could start with me having a Bronze support Xayah with Smite. Or the Ezreal jungle game I had. Or the last game I had where everyone is silver on my team and everyone is emerald on the enemy team. I went brand APC 20-4-14 and still lost.
samething happened to me my teammates all bronze and silver and enemy tema were emerald and plat
@@natitewodros4464 I just couldn't handle the stress anymore. I stopped playing.
Ez jg can slap if you get a kill
@@imissvainglory6216 just wait for other patch on future..maybe few weeks
@@Vyrea13th by then I'll already be passed up not counting the hits to my MMR I already suffered.
QOTD: It sucks. It's a fucking disaster that it makes me want to quit WR. Challenger became a lot more worse because of the matchmaking and playing smurf didn't serve any purpose because you always get to fight high elos anyway. It's not even fun.
EDIT: We play smurf because we can't q in challenger. It often drains my battery just by waiting and it's always a pain to charge mid game cuz it sometimes interrupt my fingers from moving. Stop complaining, we have our problems too. It's also not guaranteed now that we will play with allies in the same elo even though the enemies are all challengers/grand masters in our main account. No matter how high your mmr is, you will often get paired with emerald or diamond players.
Serves the smurfs right
@@andyprime2507 Indeed
Um, serves you right. Beating up on newbies is pathetic. Scared to play matches in high elo? A winrate tryhard?
@@Evan8787 You guys say that but have no idea… Try sitting there waiting to play the game and bang, you hit the 20 minute mark of WAITING and your queue gets reset as you’ve hit the limit. And… repeat? Sounds fun right? Not all people play “smurfs” to stomp lower elo players, most of us are just doing it to actually be able to play WR.. and what does it matter anyway with the current system where every rank is playing with every other rank.
QOTD: I got matched with all (4) unranked teammates. And when my teammates' rank is in a reasonable rank compared with mine, expect atleast 1 teammate praticing champions or afk (wishing for riot to add remake system)
I got into masters rank as an emerald 3 one time. The pressure is on me i can feel it. I just wanted to enjoy a good emerald queue game
At this point Elos should be removed right??🤣🤣
There is no point for a rank system to exist
I think Elo should be for normals, and Rank should be used exclusively for ranked games.
If they don’t do that, then they need to be more transparent with MMR, since that’s “real rank.”
They have to choose, one or the other.
True 😔😕
was master, update hit and I quit. 1 week without playing, no point
@@danielmiller918 same🙁
Imagine this, i'm main mid, D4. Got autofilled ADC, and my support is unranked auto attacking minions like a bot, and my mid laner is silver he takes like 2 tower shots in every trade for free and dies. The rest were gold and plat
QOTD: The past 3 days I (Emerald Rank) got teammates who are Gold and Below including Unranked. From Eme 1 down to Eme 4 🤦. The most frustrating Patch. Already losing interest for the game and started looking for other competitive mobile games out there.
Suggestion for Riot: Remove Emerald Rank to better improve Queue Times in High Elo. Then bring back Matchmaking the past Patch while there is no better solution for Matchmaking.
Bro I’m in emerald and got unranked. I mean he was kinda smurfing but still.
I was stuck platinum with already noob in my team,now with this new matchmaking i climb up emerald 3 very easier.
man, im jumping from Gold 1 to Plat 4-3 this past few weeks and started to doubt my own skills so i just decided to Main Tank Support, tho still kinda frustrating im starting to rank up again.
i had to babysit a literal Unranked on a Plat III lobby tho ( x_x )
QOTD : I was just in a couple of minutes playing a match with unranked player who doesn't have any idea about the purpose game in general, i told him to swap position order for counter matchup, yea I was considering him a smurf but he said sorry i don't know how I'm new in the game he ended 0 15 3 in 10 mins, he just walk up to turrets and dies or enemy kills him even his 3 assists are just a concidence, and if only can put a picture of the chat to let you see how the game becomes doomed... So this is how a game looks like if an unranked player is matched with a master vs enemy full diam and master... Fair enough Riot!
Ranked should be lvl 40 only
QOTD: Actually i started played wild rift 3 weeks ago, and got silver 2 and then gold quickly after that, although 9/10 games i had platinum, emerald and diamonds in my team and in opposite team i felt fairly comfortable playing against them, but now when they reverted mm changes i most of the time get a team full of gold and 1-2 platinum, or 2-3 gold and silver or even unranked players, and i had multiple loose streaks even though im mvp in my team most of the time, because you cant 1v9 in this game. Now I’m feeling like I’m about to quit, because they reverted changes and i have to deal with low skill players in my team in every game.
For the reference i played lol on pc before, so i was familiar with most of the heroes
So for me it was completely opposite effect, but i guess this is temporary until i get platinum or emerald
Okay I knew I wasn't tripping. When dude said that Win rates weren't looked at but you would match with people with similar win rates.
Why wouldn’t you match with people with similar win rates? MMR/ELO rating is essentially indirectly your win percentage. If you win, you MMR goes up. If you lose, your MMR goes down. You get matched with people who have similar MMR to you. Thus, you will get matched with people who have similar win rates to you. Why would win percentage be directly calculated in your MMR if MMR is indirectly your win percentage? 🤦
Only difference is that win percentage is a flat value. MMR goes up and down based on your teammates and opponents MMR and has more than one variable of losing or winning. It’s a more fair system in a team game. Unfortunately, Riot’s system is a bit too rash at this point in time and something seems off.
@@mattc16 It's probably because it's stacked. But when they mentioned it doesn't, I was hit with the response that they put later in this vid and where your win rate is put in to account for certain situations when I spoke with the lead dev for Match making. It seems like it kind of switches between deciding on MMR and Win rate for certain things. All of this though still puts us in a weird situation though.
As long as there are equally skilled players on both sides, that works to a degree. In some games you see that there are 2 people on the other team and one person on your team that actually know how to play. You either feed off of their fodder and you feed off of theirs, or you each fight to defend your fodders, or skilled and unskilled fight each other. That should be the least of the matchmaking. 5 unskilled vs 5 unskilled, 5 skilled vs 5 skilled, or any combination as long as it's the same for each side. Too bad this isn't the case.
QOTD: I get matched with 4 people 2 tiers below me. Adc was just going for bad trades(2 hp blocks left with minions pushing in, thinks it's a good idea to go in to fight outside turret) and the jungle didn't know how to jungle (just farms even during team fight next to them, never comes to take/help on objectives). Top never watched the mini map and is always late to the team fight. When we get pushed in to the base, the team keeps going out in blind territory and constantly get ganked.
If this is not fixed soon WR is gonna be a joke to the mobile moba community. Now imagine when people do a mass exodus to MLBB a game that copied LoL, do you want that Riot? The humiliation will be enormous for you, I can almost see a Death of A Game: Wild Rift video happening.
first ever match in diamond I got silver teammate who pick trynda and on the last second changed it to MF. just wow. no jungler on diamond elo
Another match making problem is that
Solo / duo being matched with full squad team. That is so frustrating. How can we win against that full squad????
Honestly I don't think riot is committed with wildrift because it's been a reasonable time since the global launch and the game in my opinion got nothing special to make it blow like other titles
Global launch hadn't happened yet. I agree, Wild Rift's lifeline is running out.
I feel WR kinda riot's step child, always getting sidelined lmao.
I was masters when the patch rolled in, that was when the nightmare elo started. They gave me jg (my main) coupled with 4 gold players. The gold players had all the smurf badges and post match ( which we got rekt so badly) the enemies were all emeralds. Juz how does riot think a master can 1v9 when the whole team doesn't even know when to group for objectives / team fights, it doesnt make any sense and it ruins the experience for both the gold and high elo players alike
QOTD: I got paired with bunch of unranked and some silver players even Lucian with smite spell. Matchmaking system sucks and it's a complete disaster that's why I stop playing ranked already 😑
QQOTD: last night I decided to take a break. Am currently just on Plat and was teamed with high Emeralds, I KID U NOT AND AM NOT EXAGGERATING THIS, our score was 33-0 WITHIN 8:03 MINUTES! LEGIT! Was the funniest match ever for me. Then after the match, I checked and found out 3 of the enemies were bronze and two silvers. Then it finally hit me, what if I was teamed with those low elo(who doesn’t even know the fundamentals of the game yet) and were matched against high Emeralds. That scared me lmao.
Yes nothing like a level 3 player in a pvp game filled with platinums and emeralds
MMR and matchmaking by this parameter kill the game:
1) a huge player base is needed, otherwise, instead of fair matches, the system will make compromises in the mmr difference (in other words, instead of strong opponents, you will get absolutely weak allies, as it is now)
2) mmr is cumulative while the account is new, his mmr is close to zero, and the player becomes the object of unfair matches (and these are hundreds of games, and these are thousands of smurfs), and if the system accelerates the accumulation of mmr, then we will get a lot of weak players, which he defines as strong (as now).
3) mmr is a system of limits, you create additional defeats to approach 50%wr, you are relegated from ranks with a win rate of 59 (-15 and -20). This scares away the players, but does not attract them in any way.
4) we do not see any mmr, but we see our rank, because it is obvious that most players pass precisely for their rank, play rank for the rank. It's a big mistake do system in wich rank no matter
5) MMR is (possibly) fair matches, but not fair ranked mode, because all depends how system checked you, but not average current rank difficult
Are there any advantages of mmr selection? there are, but they are not worth the annoyes that it creates
the main problem is, in everymatch i get minimum gold to unranked with 36 matches and after seeing that i serious loose the all motivation and becoming irritating and frutrating ...that made me to make a lot mistakes...and jg dont know what objectives is and these low elo just taking fights for no reason..they just see the enemy and engages immediately and then loose because they dont knlow what is ult cooldown,whos carrying them so wait for them to join in or like main cc or heavy ults(amumu,malphite,diana)etc many more......i hope i should'nt leave this game again.
QOTD:It has been the worst. I've played my fair share of moba this by far has made me to play around it like changing my role for the sake of winning or at least a chance it has been so absurd that i avoid the solo queue and just play when i have a team which helped
QOTD: It made me wanna split my skull in half made it to plat match 3 matches all of them I had teammates and the enemy team were emeralds, that demoted me to gold.
In gold rank 4 matches straight my teammates are idiotic no regard for objectives kept clashing.
Riot matchmaking is shittier than a latrine
I am a platinum player I go to gold 1 and then platinum 4 and so on. With this new matchmaking system,I got matched with emerald players.. I was constantly under pressure to perform well, and high elo players constantly trash talk, their morale just goes down on seeing a low elo player. Whereas I was the SVP of the match. I really want riot to fix this matchmaking system, also I am not able to come out of platinum/gold rank , no matter how hard I carry my team, there is always a person going afk in my team, which results in loss. Its either a win streak or losing streak. I am thinking of quitting wr tbh. No matter how good I play I am not able to go above platinum.
To explain “Smurf Queue” and the comments that winrate don’t effect matchmaking…the answer is that it doesn’t use winrate *directly* but instead is indirectly accounted for in MMR accumulation.
Again, High Elo and Low Elo are different games. A “Smurf badge” player is used to playing Low, and expecting to play Low (so locked Yi) but on load, sees a bunch of challengers and it’s bad.
i laughed so hard internally when reading the title. also it just makes me feel tht climbing aint worth it and people constantly harass unranked people in wild rift is jst so chaotic so its glad to hear someone say its not even worth it for ranking
QOTD : matchmaking? there's no such a thing, they just mushed random player together in a room ( no really, i get pair up with 3 unranked with account lv not above 10)
Basically, I'm on Diamond IV rank right now & we had one of the weirdest matchmaking lobby teamed up with a Silver II Yasuo on the top lane & an Iron IV Seraphine on the support lane.
It's 4/4/22 and I'm still getting potatoes on my team several games in a row.
Last game I played our jungle Jarvin sat at spawn until a minute 20.. then started playing. This was a RANKED game. Unbelievable!
QOTD: sometimes it’s too easy and I get mvp with “played 95%+ better then others at your same rank” thing and it was a total stomp, I, an emerald player” was playing with 2 unranked and a silver, but to me, that just means they must have had low ranked players as well. In my opinion, this isn’t a bad idea, giving skilled lower ranks that chance to play above there wight class, but I feel it’s way off right now, if they could be a little more strict about how you get the badge, and as well a better algorithm, but right now it’s all over the place.
Same, don't think the idea is bad at all. I remember when I started to play and got absolutely destroyed by people playing in their smurfs, wich is never going to be fair for players just starting to understand the mechanics of the game. If implemented right, this system will allow you to play with people of your same skill, not rank
QOTD: If you have a teammate that are lower rank and have that tag in their frame in the loading screen saying "This player usually play higher than their rank" its an instant lose game. I have encountered this teammates not only one but two autofilled role players and always at my promos.In addition the enemies have a higher ranking player that always play lee sin.
QQTD: I am supposed to be in diamond now but since the matchmaking is updated I start to see some bronze or silver teammates and it is so frustrating climbing up now, sometimes IS team up in higher elo like master and sometimes with silvers. AND THE MOST ANNOYING PART IS IF I AM TEAMED UP BY LOWER ELOS THE OTHER TEAM GETS THE SAME RANK TEAMMATES
I've been playing ranked for two weeks and I'm jumping ranks. I came from Silver I, went to promote to Gold III, then played again, got Promoted from Gold III to Gold I. Now I don't know what's happening anymore.
I experienced jumping ranks in League PC, but this is probably the weirdest.
Qotd. Im in diamond 3 and have had multiple games with silver and bronze players. Even if they have high winrates the skill gap was very obvious and the diamond players on both teams basically controlled the game.
Prior to the matchmaking patch, i was winning and losing reasonably. Im winning when i play good, i lost when we are outsmarted by the opponent. But this patch, i then to be queued with an high ranking opponent that would stomp our team from the beginning. That made me stop playing for a week now. And i always being teamed up with afk players. It sucks
I started playing wild rift due to my pc dying. Im currently at gold 4 in WR, in pc I was gold 1. I have to say it sucks to be paired with higher and lower lvl players because not only it is so hard not to lose against diamond players who legitimately play way better than I do, but also when I get them on my team, I legit feel I'm being denied the chance to learn by myself.
QOTD: I was in a trio party in ranked we were all diamond but we got paired with 1 gold 4 yi and a unranked thresh which only had 1 ranked game on his match history, IDK How that's possible but it happened. I checked the enemy team ranks and there were 4 golds and 1 diamond which is CONFUSING how that happens.
I was in those type of game all night..
QOTD: recent matchmaking is making me quit the game. I'm solo player and I'm having hard times reaching emerald right now because most of my matches I get paired with gold and silver rank(it was one occasion I had an unranked teammate). Truly said, my games start to be boring right now cause every lane loses. I even try to rotate during match or change class before match but this isn't going in the way it should.
Most players are stating they are mentally giving up when put in teams with low elo players. I feel at the times the opposite. I am high plat low em player. The past couple of rank games I was placed with high elo players. I thought I have to be getting better, I have to be improving in the game since I am placed with high elo players. Fast forward, I get wiped in those games and I ended up feeling like the game is lying to me or like the rug is being pulled from under me.
I'm diamond elo and today I had to play with grandmaster and a bronze at the same game
I’m an aspiring jungler; doing my homework and research, and would hit my objectives, I would even hit the enemy jungles/er hard and push them and keep them in their jungle but I could never get help from either lanes when the baron lane scales up leaving me fend for myself against the baron and tagged teamed by enemy players and then get blamed on losing the match….
I read many comments from people who are in the gold or silver division and they put them to play with diamonds and masters ... in my case it is the opposite, since the game was launched I went up to diamond very quick, They pair me with people who still don't know how to use the controls well or are just learning, my winrate is 68%
QOTD: Worst matchmaking in all MOBA games I've played. I don't even care about the toxicity in higher elo, but making us wait for almost 20 mins just to be with unranked teammates? If this thing continues, maybe I'll quit WR for good.
As much as I love supporting diamonds, I totally understand them being frustrated when getting team up by platinum and below...
As a diamond player I’m fine with matching with a plat since it’s only 2 ranks lower the problem is from my personal experience is I keep getting matched with silvers and unranked players that’s like 3-5 rank lower like what the hell is that bs it’s literally like playing a PvP match
QOTD: I am in Diamond IV and just teamed up with an unranked player with a smurf badge. When I checked on his stats, he was 70% WR overall but have only played 2 ranked matches with 50% WR. Riot!!! You are hurting my feelings!!!!!!
I have not played my main role since soon after they changed matchmaking.
So now not only does the team have a terrible mix of player skill levels, they have a support/jungle main playing ADC/mid
I have an Emerald account and Platinum and i get gold/silver/iron.And I did care in my matches,but tell me,if you carry the game with 15/0/4 and 4 of your team mates are 0/7 0/11 0/13 and 0/9 what can you do anymore?
riot also need to fix the junglers everygame when i get so tilted of being a jungler and opt for another role our jungler say i can’t jgl or can i duo it’s so frustrating to see and of course they won’t be good jgl either so we end up losing anyway so i have to play and carry my team as jgl every time and it’s the role i hate the most
I am a GrandMaster player and yesterday I got matched with 2 emeralds diamond and a master, mean while the enemy team had a gold 4 jungle I mean what the hell is this its so annoying and dumb.
I was 2 games away from reaching my masters before the new patch update.. now im 5 games away to emerald.. you have no idea how hard it is to rank up in diamond elo
Even I, as a recently promoted plat player where most my games has that badge on me, don't like this matchmaking. I know I'm already severely lacking and I know the difference in skill level between elos, but I feel like I've been shoved into matches that don't suit me and I can't learn slowly and steadily. I only perform well in theory because I played ML since it was released, and recently transitioned cuz I want to feel the challenge in learning again.
And btw I got plat after win loss streak for literally 3 days, matchmaking really is coin flippy
The matchmaking is better in ARAM than Ranked... seriously, i'm diamond 3, when i play aram i'm with high elo people but when i play ranked, i just get with random ranks like silver gold platinium but never with higher... riot is killing this game...
I've had games in the past where I'd be Gold playing with Diamond players. Either my MMR was overly inflated or the Diamond had super low MMR. This was a while ago but this matchmaking is still questionable
QOTD: Yup, true about that smurf badge. I'm the ADC while support Thresh is the smurf badge guy. Almost lose because this guy act more like an ADC than me. He just stay in the back and either he only engage when the enemy is almost dead or he engage by himself which always resulted in him dead. Thankfully, the rest of team is pretty good and manage to help me out of gank a few times.
Qotd: I am emerald2 support and was teamed with unranked mid laner. I checked the profile of the unranked, it was literally his 3rd ranked game and he had 1win and 1loss then he was teamed with me. Now my question is how that I e2 with 1k+ games played and someone who had 2 games crossed paths in ranked? am i stupid enough to botch my mmr and now im worth as someone who played 2games?
I just started after a year of quitting since Beta。 its even difficult to climb ranks in solo Que.
I recommend the jungle role if you want to climb the ranks.
QOTD: I wouldn't know I left the game months ago but I saw on reddit ppl posting their diamond and master rank matches and they get paired with unranked players with only 1 or 2 games
QOTD-ngl the firts matchmaking system wasn't all that bad sure the que time was long but at least you get paired with players the same rank as you but now its frickin trash its doesn't matter how good you are in the game if your teammates are silver and unranked they'll just the feed the enemy team that's why ill just stick to playing aram until the next patch arrives hoping that riot will fix this asap
It’s really a pain, you grind your ass off to high elo and then get a teammate that supposedly “plays higher than their rank level” meanwhile this player doesn’t even have 200 matches and no mastery on any champion
I was put into a GM game as a plat player. I preformed fine. It didn’t seem much different aside from people rotation to objectives
QOTD: I am a support main, and Iwas trying to get to diamond with my ADC duo, but we got matched with 2 platinums, who played yasuo and master yi and fed the enemy team all match long. It was truely stressful.
Samee ✋
Now imagine you a solo support with 4 unranked team, how the hell can you carry that 😂
@@c4karuragaming415 Simple. Full ap Lux
QOTD: This matchmaking is absolutely terrible. In the old matchmaking system, I had a gold account that would get matched with Diamonds+ but at least it was more accurate, games were never a coin flip like they are now. Then in an Emerald/Diamond account I would get a gold player when I played very early in the morning but it was bearable compared to this new system.
With this new system I went from a GM lobbies to Gold lobbies, one game after another, like how is that representative of my MMR. Then I had a series of games where I literally couldn't do anything to win which ruined my win rates and MMR leading to me getting matched with unranked players leading to more games where I can't do anything to win. To win with this current matchmaking system I have to borderline troll to carry games.
QOTD: I hate the current matchmaking, i get unranked in every game, and its always the jg or my adc (as a support, i rely on my adc) so its really annoying... Hope they fix it soon
I'm a diamond player with unranked, bronze and silver players. Riot says it's based on MMR but when I check these players' profile, their win rates are
While I hate getting bronze, silver and gold players as an EX diamond (now emerald 3) I wouldn’t want to be in a game full of masters or grandmasters cause I know the limit of my abilities, I’m not playing ranked like before, just one or two matches a day cause it’s getting more and more common to see lower ranks in matches, ovo is better now or ARAM
its really sad theres few people playing in bronze, silver and gold. a lot of plat - diamond that isnt really good
It's always been like this why nobody realizing it? Everytimes I made smurf to just get 10 wins streak for my provisional, there will always be few matches that you'll meet high elo opponents vs your unranked teammates LMAO
I'm a support main from plat. I had this game were we had a diamond mid and jungle, while the enemy's had silver and emerald. I felt so bad for them
The lane against the alistar diamond was so damn difficult. It was my first time laning against a high elo.
From a Main Support.
When selecting my Champ, if i knew i was with gold players or lower, i would have picked a more aggressive champ, i hate picking Nunu for example bc i don't know if the enemy is on my elo or not, i have lost may times bc i picked a passive support and the enemy team high player is a mid lanner, jungler etc i cant do much, i have carried games with Malph for example but even tho the system is working, match me with someone from the same role i am playing.
My biggest pain was once I got to emerald last week and then me and my buddy going into rank duos then we get a silver player mid and a unrank support that's doesnt understand the mechanics of the game was just too frustrating 😭
Stuck D1 maximum 65LP. I manage to get into full Gm lobbies but occasionally get the gold support (ad main). Sometimes I get matched ca challengers too and if my duo is anything less than GM we get slapped around.
I take a break from this game for my mental health. Losing the match with the same rank is better than losing the match bc your team is way low rank than u. When we team up with lower rank (random rank), what's the difference between the ranked mode and the normar PVP? What's the point when i'm tryn so hard climbing rank but i team up with unranked? I climb the rank because i wanna be with hi rank team and beat the other hi rank team. I hope they fix this asap.
This patch was disastrous but I realised that ppl are climbing rank rn I want to take advantage of this
I went into every game believing that if I had unranked in my team enemy team had the same
Altho not always the case it helped keep me mentally focused
Back in diamond
QOTD: I just experienced in solo queue that imma emerald player with gold and unranked.
Fortunately, the unranked carried the game.
Rank play eligibility is f up. It’s shows me that I should Mach up with (platinum 4 - diamond 2) but constantly get bronze/unranked players who usually are bots leaving or feeding enemy team. All my grinding and win streaks. It really makes me question do I really want to continue play this game
I’ve noticed que times are amazing. I haven’t had anything over a minute so far which is rare as I’m diamond 3. But I legit playing with literally any rank. I’ve played with challengers and unranked in the same game before
I almost decided to quit the game because of the unfair match making. Diamonds paired with low elo esp unranked, now i got demoted to emerald due to feeding frenzy. That made me felt like im having bot team mates in rank.
Still refreshing that my diamond 1 jungler knows how to gank and as a tank support main it's refreshing to see that i can roam and my jungler and i has perfect timings
Personally, I'm emerald and I've even played with bronze and unranked players in ranked as my teamates and I felt bad, not only because it was impossible to win, but also they were literally bullied to oblivion by the master players that the enemy team had, which is infuriating
im bronze 2, i played with emerald players in both ranked and casual, i started lol like 2months ago, 30% of games are unwinnable, im just 2/17/3 all the time, only half the games i can actually play the game
Reading the comments, the problems are all the same. There exists Gold rank players with “high Elo” which means these players don’t belong in either type of game.
They cannot play at high level because they don’t have the macro (or at least, not tuned to that level of play). They are used to going Yi and stomping.
They also can’t play at Gold level because they stomp on regular Gold players, making low Elo a terrible experience.
Hopefully, over time, this will clear up, as they lose in actual high Elo games (bringing down their MMR).
But maybe not, since the Rank system will still trap them in Gold, because of 50/50 matchmaking combined with the tilt inducing frustration of never actually getting fair matches.
QOTD: I just wanna have fun and play with Gold players.Pressing the rank game mode and queuing up only to get teammates from 2 - 4 stages higher from me (I am Gold currently). and it gets frustrating that I play with players with higher rank though I won majority of it. I feel bad since I feel like I'm getting Carried. Also being a jungler main with a high win rate by playing classic before being ranked would inevitably queue you up with player from Plat and Up atleast from what I experience
I am a plat player and got into GM / MASTER lobby my teammates were super toxic and every thing i did whether it was good or bad thy say i am still plat and not good although i was carrying the game they were trolling because i was lower ranked than them
I'm currently GM (I'm part of the players who got inflated from D4). I think I played well enough with Masters and GMs to earn my spot. But when I got to GM, I got a game with diamonds and 1 unranked. The unranked jungler totally didn't know what he was doing.
I investigated and found that the unranked won all his past games as Master Yi with 20+ kills vs bronzies, silvers and golds. I don't think that means he should be playing in GM especially since he hasn't even had 10 games for his mmr to stabilize.
I was a diamond player, solo queue for ranked. I got singed jungle, unranked, with only around 20 matches. He didnt bring smite and died to buff twice.
Tell me how am I supposed to win the match with this kind of teammates.
personally i regret hitting gm. ranked became unplayable and norms i get paired with people who just afk. they need to get harsher ban system it really put me off playin in general
Man i was used to play in Grandmaster and in this season, i just filled in emerald / master mix games and losing a lot of games cause of it. Now i just don't play ranked...
my problem that I've noticed is the fact that I have a 73% win rate in emerald 2 and I get paired with potatoes on mine team with a 40% win rate and the whole enemy team has an average win rate of 50-65%.. this is the sole reason I don't solo queue anymore. however when I go on my other acc with a 56% win rate the games are almost always about even in relation to win rate (most times). why should higher win rate players be punished with lower end players on their team and then stack the enemy team? Its a team game, I cant carry a game when my 42% win rate top lane Garen and my jg go 0-6 within the first 10 minutes of the game as an adc.
QOTD: Reached Diamond my rank target this season. Played more. Got ws by carrying low ranks who played decently enough to not be a heavy burden to 40+ lp. Then met with worse low elos and better enemies. Ls till Dia 0 lp. Initiated rank rescue mission using jarvan. Suceed. My team is only 3 eme and 2 dia. While enemy is 3 dia 1 eme 1 plat. Now i stop rank grind. Having fun in pvp. Finally have time to try fun things. Plus exam is fking near. Want to keep the pressure soft. I reached my target rank. Im happy. No need to be greedy for more. I'll wait for next season. Goodluck guys. Dont pressure yourselves👍👍