Why Genesis is Truly History - Hebraist Steve Boyd

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • Taken from "Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 3 : Bible & Stars." Check it out here: bit.ly/2yIcyqY
    You will explore the universe, the tower of Babel, the Hebrew text, and the history of interpretation of Genesis (plus much more) in these 12 new videos featuring scientists and scholars from the documentary.
    Hebraist Steve Boyd looks at some ancient manuscripts, then explores the evidence that Genesis is narrative history, including his own statistical analysis of chapters 1 and 2.
    ☞ Purchase all three in the series here: bit.ly/2MWY7Tx
    Dr. Boyd is a specialist in biblical Hebrew, Semitic languages, and Old Testament studies. He has a BS and MS in Physics from Drexel University, a ThM in Old Testament and Semitics from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Hebraic and Cognate Studies from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. He was a visiting professor at Capital Bible Seminary, Multnomah Biblical Seminary, and Northwest Baptist Seminary, and was a professor at The Master’s College sixteen years. He was on the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth research team; and he is the founder and director of the Cataclysm Chronology Research Group.
    For more information on Dr. Boyd, please go to bit.ly/37Iu2kx.
    ✨ Looking to learn more about Genesis and Creation?
    🦕 Visit our blog for helpful articles: bit.ly/3d306R1
    🍃 Free Videos: bit.ly/3e1HRgc
    🌌 Questions & Answers: bit.ly/3d0EG6T


  • @faithoverfear6263
    @faithoverfear6263 4 роки тому +78

    Dr. Boyd! One of the best Hebrew profs ever and he loves the Lord Jesus! !ברוך השׁם

    • @kenzeier2943
      @kenzeier2943 4 роки тому +1

      What rubbish!
      Light is electromagnetic radiation. It is part of a spectrum. EM radiation includes radio waves, gamma rays, x-rays, UV, & infra-red. Forms of EM radiation do not require a star as an emitter. God created EM radiation before he created things that emit EM radiation. For example a radio tower emits radio waves which are invisible waves which are on the long end of the EM spectrum. Visible light is just a very tiny tiny section of the EM spectrum.

    • @MrArticSwing
      @MrArticSwing 3 роки тому +2

      @@kenzeier2943 that is completely ridiculous beyond belief. Stars and the sun are objectively and scientifically MUCH older than earth itself. Your argument is moot

    • @vOCesUGa1
      @vOCesUGa1 3 роки тому +1

      lord is a ridiculous name for the CREATOR. ELOHIM

    • @jaireidca
      @jaireidca 3 роки тому

      @ReligionlessFAITH true - because all of that is screed and not based in any attempt to actually understand what was written, and he is a scholar whose job is to understand ancient manuscripts.

    • @mikedebell2242
      @mikedebell2242 Рік тому +1

      @ReligionlessFAITH Did you take the medication they prescribed for you?

  • @weigelji1
    @weigelji1 4 роки тому +42

    As an evangelical, who believes in a grammatical/historical approach to interpreting the Text, it saddens me that too many of my brethren are unwilling to take a stand for the biblical narrative of creation and the flood.

    • @ruaidhri777
      @ruaidhri777 4 роки тому +3

      I agree. The deceptions are so strong that they are willing to believe a day is 50 millions years!

    • @ruaidhri777
      @ruaidhri777 4 роки тому +1

      @@ozowen5961 When you say "since the earth is 4.3 billion years old"... Is that how old you believe the earth to be?

    • @ruaidhri777
      @ruaidhri777 4 роки тому +1

      @@ozowen5961 Thanks for getting back. I understand. So you feel you know rather than believe that the earth is 4.3 billion years old. Do you know what the evidence is that points to the earth being precisely that old and if so, have you studied it in any detail at all, even a small amount?

    • @mossy3552
      @mossy3552 4 роки тому +5

      @@ozowen5961 you can't prove your billion yrs. But go check out how many devout Muslims have seen Christ.. I have too so I love watching them. Are their testimonies not evidence of a creator? You don't see any Christians having dreams/visions of Allah. There is one true God and his word is irrefutable. Go look at the corallised chariot wheels under the red sea. The ash buildings of soddom and gommorah still have pure sulfur balls in the walls. You didn't do much research of biblical archeological evidence of you doubt his holy word. It's all over UA-cam and your running out of time to seek his love and mercy.

    • @mossy3552
      @mossy3552 4 роки тому +5

      @@ozowen5961 no you can't prove it.. nothing can tell you dates, none of your fossils. Not a rock or their layers. Your form of science is lies. They tell you the universe is expanding. But don't know where the end is. They tell you dinosaurs were 65 million years ago but then find flesh in the bone of a t rex? All their theories have been proven wrong. This is Gods world and your denying your creator. Pity is what I feel for you. Such a joyous feeling being in love with the most high. A shame many are mis-informed. These are biblical treacherous times. Look up the first horseman of the apocalypse. Suppose to mean pestilence/ famine.. we are certainly in the book of revelation. Wake up.

  • @paulscottpadgett1996
    @paulscottpadgett1996 4 роки тому +32

    I was truly sad when this video just ended so abruptly. I found myself holding my breath as they were speaking. I am grateful.......
    Very Much Respect....

    • @ErikPehrsson
      @ErikPehrsson 4 роки тому +3

      You can watch the entire movie. “Is Genesis History?”

    • @waynesumner1829
      @waynesumner1829 Рік тому

      Genesis is not "history" because G0D, Genesis One's Deity, G-O-D, The Holy Trinity, The Way, The Truth and The Life, Their Light, Love, Liberty, Joy and Peace are without beginning or end. Time,place, space and physical, mortal bodies are part of the great deception that begins in the false creation of Genesis 2:4.God is a Spirit of Light.He Creates US, the last Word in JES-US, His Children of Light with the Word of Truth, not by "forming US out of the dust of the ground, or by cloning US out of a man's rib 🦴. The best verse of Scripture for The Creation is Romans 11:36, to wit: "For of Him, and through Him, and to Him Are All Things to Whom Be Glory for ever. Amen!" Genesis One's Deity reveals Eternal Glory, not temporal hissed-ory... that's over in Genesis 3:1, coming from that old serpent. And the best symbol of the True Creation is the Six-Rayed Star of David or Shield of Solomon. And miraculously, of the 195+ nations in the world, only Israel has the 6-pointed Star on their flag!🇮🇱

  • @billperez1141
    @billperez1141 4 роки тому +62

    As always a million thanks guys for teaching these things. "Let GOD always be truthful and every man a liar".

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 4 роки тому

      So do we just ignore Psalms 90v4 & Peter 3v8

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому +4

      God is man made
      and every man is a liar?
      Makes no sense.

    • @bobwehadababyitsaboi103
      @bobwehadababyitsaboi103 4 роки тому +7

      @@JamesRichardWiley God is not man made but everyone I've ever known has lied before. Pretty cut and dry unless you twist words like you just did.

    • @billperez1141
      @billperez1141 4 роки тому +6

      @@bobwehadababyitsaboi103 Great answer to James. Twisting The Words of GOD is the devil's favorite tactic (used by him to deceive people) since "The garden'", to this very day, and in the few days that are left to be fulfilled.

    • @danweaver4304
      @danweaver4304 4 роки тому +2

      Nats J.v.R - no we don’t ignore any scripture. We interpret it properly, in context. Do you think any plants could survive for two thousand years until God created birds? Or fruit bearing trees survive three thousand years until insects were created? And then sea creatures & birds lived a thousand years with no animals or insects? Maybe they did... I wasn’t there. But God was, and He created it all. Psalm 90 and 2 Peter 3 were asserting God is not constrained to time. In fact, He created time along with energy (light), and mass (water). So then, being outside of time allows God to see the end at the beginning. This is how He knows what we will choose to do with our free will, and the other gifts He created us to enjoy. Einstein proved the Bible to be fundamentally correct, when he proposed Time is relative, based on the inertial frame of reference of the observer. This has been proven by modern physicists to be true in the last 100 years, but the Bible stated it as fact more than 3000 years ago.
      So it is possible the Universe can be both 13.7 Billion years old AND 6000 years old without contradiction, assuming God’s inertial frame of reference is outside of space (and therefore also outside of time).

  • @ArmyScoutMom
    @ArmyScoutMom Рік тому +5

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this discussion! So informative, this man is a renowned hebraist and yet he explains everything so simply in layman's terms. Thank you so much and GOD Bless! 🙏

  • @WisdomThumbs
    @WisdomThumbs 2 роки тому +5

    The bible got the measurements right for the Ark in the mountains of Ararat, the rapid division of languages from one (attested by early cuneiform tablets that say it happened in the writer/dictator’s lifetime), and we now know it got the Red Sea crossing right, as well as correctly reported the burn damage on Mount Sinai, while also correctly defining what compound destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by the Dead Sea. This is all backed up by new archaeology every year. The argument that the Old Testament must be just as mystified and exaggerated as similar texts, like the Vedics, is an excuse to ignore its track record.

  • @danweaver4304
    @danweaver4304 4 роки тому +8

    This video challenges me to rethink what I thought we all knew about the Universe.

  • @rubytuby6369
    @rubytuby6369 4 роки тому +41

    It would take millions of miracles in order for evolution to be true. With all the incredible complexity and design in creation I have no problem believing God Created all things just the way he said he did.

    • @smashexentertainment676
      @smashexentertainment676 4 роки тому +10

      That's what happens when you don't understand evolution.

    • @billperez1141
      @billperez1141 4 роки тому +9

      A very BIG AMEN Ruby. Once was an evolutionist then The Lord reached down and had mercy on me saving my life as HE has w/countless others. HIS WORD is not only true It Is Truth !! The ONLY Truth and HOPE in this insane world. See you at "The Great Wedding Feast", and very soon I believe. VIA CON DIAS.

    • @bry4christ2nda25
      @bry4christ2nda25 4 роки тому +11

      The Evolutionists don’t realize that it takes as much of or more faith to believe in Evolution as in Scripture. Belief in Evolution is by definition a religion in and of itself. They claim that it’s not and that they have scientific evidence but in reality they don’t. It’s theory and hypothesis. There’s no actual observation. There’s bits of circumstantial evidence and data here and there but it doesn’t all come together to point to specifics. It’s guessing, no one was there to witness what happened. What they call the “scientific method” in regards to evolution is actually a leap of faith and a worldview. There’s nothing about it that’s concrete which is why year after year it constantly needs revised and changed to guess where the new little pieces fit. I’m not arrogant enough to say it doesn’t take faith to believe in the Bible because it does. No one was there to witness the creation or the flood or Genesis except what the Bible records as God being the witness but the Bible’s record doesn’t change like Evolution constantly does. It’s remains the same since Moses wrote it. And in fact actual observable science is constantly being dug up to confirm what’s been written. Now I know someone’s going to say, “yes it’s changed because men constantly revises it and changes things”. I’m not talking about man made revisions that is actually a wrong behavior spelled out in the Bible. It’s pronounced in the Bible that if someone adds to or takes away from scripture they are cursed. I’m talking about the actual original text that’s written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The original manuscript has always remained the same and again archeological evidence has proven that. Old texts are occasionally found and the literal words are the exact same as what we have today. Does it take faith to believe in the Bible and the stories within? Yes. But I’d rather believe in something that has never changed in 3000 to 4000 years as opposed to something that admittedly changes yearly.

    • @jt2097
      @jt2097 4 роки тому +9

      @@smashexentertainment676 Evolution became a laughable myth in the 20th century, during which it was disproved by many discoveries. One such discovery is that polymerase is a product of its own translation, which proves Special Creation. Another is the discovery that the cell's structural design is not generated by genetic information but is instead passed on by reproduction from the reproductive cells of the parents (Cortical Inheritance) which traces back to the original created organism. Evolutionism is a philosophy which is contradicted by science. Over 100 yrs ago, Evolution Theory was plausible for naturalists because of their rejection of God. Biological science was rudimentary and archaic, and provided no information about the operations of the cell. Modern biology has very greatly changed what is known of genetics and biology. It has been discovered that life is based upon information which is digitally encoded and stored in a more compressed form than man's best computer compression schemes. DNA is a material medium encoded with information which is organized to conform to linguistics, possesses algorithmic information processing operations (Dichotomy in the definition of prescriptive information suggests both prescribed data and prescribed algorithms: biosemiotics applications in genomic systems, David J D’Onofrio, David L Abel and Donald E Johnson, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 2012), and the human language properties of phonetics, semantics, punctuation, syntax, grammar, and semiotics, all of which have been discovered to be more complex that the language properties of human spoken languages (Complex grammar of the genomic language, published in the journal Nature, November 9, 2015, Karolinska Institute). The information input and output processing of DNA includes the analytical operations of proofreading, information comparison, cut, insert, copy-and-paste, backup, and restore, all of which operate by algorithmic operations. There is no potential for the material actions of chemistry to produce information, algorithms, and linguistics. They are non-physical fundamental entities that can only be produced by intelligence. This fact is proof that all life was designed by a mind of supreme intelligence. Because of this and many other biological discoveries, it has been overwhelmingly demonstrated that evolution is impossible, and creation is a scientific fact. DNA is a 4-dimentional (3 dimensions+time) operating system which is far more complex than man's computer software technology, possessing many thousands of information hierarchies and pathways in the cell. When the DNA molecule is supercoiled as chromatin, some of its information is available to the cell which is not available when the molecule is uncoiled, and when it is not supercoiled, some of its information is available to the cell which is not available when it is supercoiled. DNA is a dual-directional information package, providing different information depending upon which strand and direction the transcription machinery of the cell is traveling. Man does not know how to write computer software that can be read both forward and backwards to provide separate information processes and functionality. It is beyond our ability. DNA's individual information sequences are overlapping and nested, sharing nucleotides between sequences, and information in different locations of the molecule are interdependent with each other, even when separated by hundreds or thousands of base pairs in distance from each other - a feature which exemplifies why chemical processes cannot design DNA. DNA possesses codes built upon codes which regulate the use of each other, even when they are distant from each other in the molecule. Genetic algorithms and information possess forward-thinking properties, which nature is incapable of producing because molecules are not sentient. During an organism's development, the genetic information instructs the cell on how to turn on and off, like chemical switches, many sequences of information of the DNA in a supremely complex and yet to be understood orchestral arrangement of various groupings and orders so as to build the structures of the organism over time. These patterns of genes being switched on and off is so complex that man will likely never be able to decipher it.
      If you want to believe in evolution because you refuse to acknowledge the existence of our creator, nobody can stop you. But doing so is to be a denialist of the discoveries of modern science because the truth is uncomfortable, and to continue to believe things which the outdated concept of Charles Darwin over 150 yrs ago could not have predicted. Believing in evolution today is as antiquated as it was to believe that flies arose from meat, or that frogs arose from mud.
      A century after Darwin, Eugenie Scott, the popular militant defender of evolutionism has stated, "If your local campus Christian fellowship asks you to "defend evolution," please decline. Public debates rarely change many minds; creationists stage them mainly in the hope of drawing large sympathetic audiences. Have you ever watched the Harlem Globetrotters play the Washington Federals? The Federals get off some good shots, but who remembers them? The purpose of the game is to see the Globetrotters beat the other team. And you probably will get beaten." Atheists in fact hate the Scientific Method and refuse to employ it. Example: 100 years of random genetic mutation experimentation, over one million studies, has provided consistent results demonstrating that random mutations are destructive and negative to organisms, both biochemically and anatomically, and do not add anything useful to the physiology of any organism, not even incrementally. Conclusion? Mutation cannot be a mechanism for accruing change that results in macroevolution. But what does the atheist conclude despite such a massive body of evidence? They continue believing that random mutation IS a mechanism for accruing change that results in mind-bending complexity, microscopic interdependent machinery, and macroevolution, not because of science, but because their worldview requires it to be, since if evolution were true, random mutation would have to be the base mechanism for evolution because genetic information defines organisms. In this way, they refuse to come to the correct conclusion because of their paradigm, tossing out the Scientific Method and the conclusion it would require them to accept.

    • @smashexentertainment676
      @smashexentertainment676 4 роки тому +2

      ​@@jt2097 a copy/paste of NephilimFree comment? Or it's just your another account?
      Anyway it's wrong. It misinterprets facts and straight forward lies. In no way complexity of DNA requires intelligent design by magic. That's just retarded.

  • @redfaux74
    @redfaux74 4 роки тому +6

    The last 20 years of my being saved, I have wished for this info. I would give ANYTHING to be there, to learn these languages, to learn these foundational and pillar like concepts from the Word of God that most churches have given up on. So much atheism and false science has been assumed to be true and "combined" with church doctrine, and assumed as truth without ANY critical thought content. I cannot believe I found this. Where were you 20 years ago? Thank you!

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому

      Being saved is called drinking the kool aid.
      Saved from what?
      Becoming nothing?

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому +1

      "Being saved is called drinking the kool aid."
      By critics. It doesn't mean that it's so.
      "Saved from what?"
      From eternal separation from God. And since God is the provider of everything, that's a terrifying outcome.

  • @trevorprice13
    @trevorprice13 4 роки тому +10

    That explanation of God's creation in 6 days just filled me with the Holy Spirit, in tandem with how we plan out our lives mostly on a weekly basis. So true. God bless us all, I cannot wait for the return of The Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @tetelestai5736
    @tetelestai5736 4 роки тому +26

    A love letter written in blood for the ages
    Thank you LORD
    Thank you Jesus!!

    • @lancer717
      @lancer717 4 роки тому +2

      A true love story.

    • @wolfbbq6076
      @wolfbbq6076 3 роки тому

      Well thats sounds creepy and demonic "written in blood" nice god you have.

  • @mikejohansson6711
    @mikejohansson6711 4 роки тому +19

    To create all the millions of creatures and plants, not to mention the beauty of the other planets, just goes to prove just how Awesome a God He really is. more than we can comprehend.

    • @ppena4128
      @ppena4128 4 роки тому +2

      Agree completely.

    • @chhmar99utube
      @chhmar99utube 4 роки тому +2

      and the fact that He gave us His Son willingly to redeem us from the depth of sin and death, is just even more mind blowing!

    • @danweaver4304
      @danweaver4304 4 роки тому

      I’m not certain how many kinds of creatures & plants God created. It may have been millions. However, I think the variety of life we see today is variation within the original kinds. When animal DNA is sequenced & catalogued, I suspect the truth will be embarrassing to evolutionists. It will show some species aren’t unique, and only look different due to genetic defects from exposure to radiation.

    • @mikejohansson6711
      @mikejohansson6711 3 роки тому

      @@mangeygypsynunya6451 Proves nothing? what do you want? "For the very creation testifies that there is a God." Try and keep an open mind, and ask God to show you His truth and love and that He is real. He will in time. He made you.

    • @mikejohansson6711
      @mikejohansson6711 3 роки тому

      @@mangeygypsynunya6451 Really?? Hod did DNA come about? evolution? even the single cell is not simple and was/ is designed it did not happen. The complex diversity in life itself is mind boggling! There are son many reports that tackle the possibility's of life evolving and it is just impossible. We are/ were designed by our creator. Take for example earths magnetic field it has a half life of 1,400 years, so then the magnetic field was twice as strong 1,400 years ago and so on back in time, but if you go more than 10,000 years in the past it becomes so powerful it kills life and not protects it.

  • @johnc4774
    @johnc4774 4 роки тому +25

    Really enjoyed that. Thank you.

  • @luckyson7594
    @luckyson7594 4 роки тому +16

    In a time when so many do not study the Word I feel it would be wise to at least get some daily bread crumbs and bites from the men and women who study extensively, The Word
    Of God.
    As an ambassador for Christ I feel privileged to study and get these bites from the scholars of the day to strengthen my faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.
    I pray many more learn and are saved as they come to the knowledge of The Truth.

    • @fruchu1215
      @fruchu1215 3 роки тому +1

      Yo, how can we know that genesis is a history? Is it credible enough that we can believe that? Moses never been in the creation process. So why we can believe that God created the world from Moses' writings? Thanks a lot. I'm an ex atheist, moving towards agnostic, and now I found myself that Christian is the strongest truth ever exist in the world.

    • @luckyson7594
      @luckyson7594 3 роки тому

      All I can say is faith in the word. Reading, studying, listening to commentary from believers who’ve done their diligence in studying and remember it’s a battle for our souls.
      Our Father made us in order to be with Him and His creation is under attack but He gave us the word of God so we can know what must be done for our salvation.

    • @jesusistheway83
      @jesusistheway83 3 роки тому

      Amen amen. We should be devouring all this truth and the word , it is such a blessing. Praise to God !

  • @eldin0074
    @eldin0074 4 роки тому +11

    If Genesis isn't true history, then Adam wasn't are real person, and then Rom 5:19 would make Jesus' sacrifice an allegory... It's quite obvious what's at stake here...

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому +1

      The failure to recognize a myth leads to an eternal argument.

    • @eldin0074
      @eldin0074 4 роки тому +7

      @@JamesRichardWiley the failure to recognize true historical account leads to souls lost for eternity...

    • @soleraknight
      @soleraknight 4 роки тому +4

      @@eldin0074 Every living soul on earth is borne into Heaven, darn shame some folks are still attempting to make this paradise a hell by broadcasting their false religions, false governments, and false histories in an effort to enslave the minds of men forever..

    • @danweaver4304
      @danweaver4304 4 роки тому +1

      Solera Knight - who is a living soul? Only those who approach Jesus with childlike faith, believing He lived a sinless life, and was crucified to pay the price required as punishment for our sins. Too bad you haven’t found a Spirit-filled church to teach you about the love of God. Keep looking, and you’ll be saved. Keep thinking you were born into heaven, and you risk missing out on both heaven and the greatest love you will ever know.

    • @VoteCliffHutchison
      @VoteCliffHutchison 3 роки тому +1

      If Adam isn't a real person, the genealogy in Luke 3 would have Jesus descended from mythical people. Also 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Timothy 2 and Jude would be nonsense (the people trying to "save Christianity from the Bible" have been trying to delete 1Timothy 2 for a long time now).
      But they tell us that we're the ones "undermining the Authority Of Scripture".
      Yeah, that's what they're saying now.

  • @billcrockett695
    @billcrockett695 4 роки тому +6

    I only recently became familiar with this work. I used to teach on some of these topics in churches and I always love learning more about them. God bless you!

  • @Bildad1976
    @Bildad1976 4 роки тому +9

    The word Steve referenced in the video, Toledoth, can be rendered generation, record, account, etc. The Toledoth statements throughout Genesis (and in no other book) may very well be colophons (info about the author, the date) such as appear in modern books. In ancient times, these colophons appear at the end of a document (such as a stone tablet). If they are colophons, then the implication is that God Himself wrote Genesis 1:1 - 2:4 (which really should be the First chapter of Genesis). See the scholarly article "Who wrote Genesis? Are the Toledoths Colophons?" Fascinating read!
    NOTE: If you find the suggestion that God Himself wrote anything hard to swallow, then remember the Ten Commandments (not the movie, the passage Exodus 31:18).

    • @w4rsh1p
      @w4rsh1p 4 роки тому

      Bildad1976 how does god write anything at all? People are writing and you’re saying they’re not lying. What evidence proves that the authors of the Bible weren’t making it up? No magic beliefs necessary.

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому +1

      The Bible cult.
      All the signs of cult activity are present

  • @pamelac49
    @pamelac49 2 роки тому +3

    Oh no 22 minutes is no where long enough.
    Awesome video Thanks so much for all the information.

  • @Ykedemanc
    @Ykedemanc 4 роки тому +6

    Genesis is not allegory. It is pure historical narrative.

  • @MangoMike316
    @MangoMike316 4 роки тому +13

    Amazing! Thank You.

  • @AlexanderosD
    @AlexanderosD 4 роки тому +21

    Funny, I read the bible for the first time on my own and I came to the exact same conclusions with each book as I read.
    It wasn't until mingling with many different Christian circles that I started hearing multiple variations of interpretation.
    It's pretty simple, let the text say what the text says.

    • @charvakaelysium2414
      @charvakaelysium2414 4 роки тому +1

      I have read the Bible cover to cover and it turned me into an atheist.

    • @BSDrumming
      @BSDrumming 4 роки тому +4

      Charvaka Elysium 2 Thats because you don’t know of God. You never believed in Him in the first place so you were easily deceived. Otherwise, you would have found life.

    • @charvakaelysium2414
      @charvakaelysium2414 4 роки тому +1

      @@BSDrumming I was brought up to believe but by reading the Bible I found that I didn't want to believe.I found the Bible to be a highly immoral book.Thankfully,I read it when I was very young before people had the chance to indoctrinate me.

    • @BSDrumming
      @BSDrumming 4 роки тому +7

      @@charvakaelysium2414 I can relate to that. I grew up Christian and left when I was 18 and didn't turn back for a good 8 years till God finally stepped into my life and changed it. I grew up in a dogmatic, perfectionist cult-like group of churches. We were raised to be diligent in studying scripture. But it wasn't until after I truly experienced God's involvement in my life did I finally find life in reading scripture. It was something entirely new to me.

    • @charvakaelysium2414
      @charvakaelysium2414 4 роки тому +1

      @@BSDrumming It was the actual text of the Bible I found disturbing.The Bible clearly endorses slavery in both the Old and New Testaments.The wording of these passages convinced me that the Bible was very much the word of man-not God.

  • @foundthetruth2003
    @foundthetruth2003 4 роки тому +4

    Once again, Brilliant! Thank you brother

  • @nhm1069
    @nhm1069 4 роки тому +33

    I'm surprised that he's not wearing gloves with those books.

    • @jaco7675
      @jaco7675 4 роки тому +3

      Nathan Medina There aren’t any left. They’re all being used by people afraid of the Coronavirus.

    • @gheiberg59
      @gheiberg59 4 роки тому +1

      From what I can see, they are ALL reproductions. Even the 'manuscript' shown beginning at 2:08, the only one that looks like it might be very old, is a reproduction - an old reproduction, perhaps, but a reproduction nonetheless..

    • @ppena4128
      @ppena4128 4 роки тому +1

      Came to the comments immediately after seeing that; not sure what I think without more research, but likely reproductions??

    • @robertgray9624
      @robertgray9624 4 роки тому +1

      I was cringing every time he touched it. Must be a copy

    • @Queen-Of-Hearts144
      @Queen-Of-Hearts144 4 роки тому

      Probably the pages have been treated so they don't rot. They do it for ancient paintings.🤷

  • @vOCesUGa1
    @vOCesUGa1 3 роки тому +4

    Its not an OLD TESTAMENT!!! The TORAH TANAK Prophets was never abolished but full filled by YAHUSHUA.

  • @bonnielucas3244
    @bonnielucas3244 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you, God

  • @SierraScout2
    @SierraScout2 3 роки тому +1

    The statement that God created the week for us was great. If we believe the God has the power to create all that ever was and is out of nothing then the time frame surely can’t be His limiting factor.

  • @prycenewberg3976
    @prycenewberg3976 3 роки тому +2

    I would love to see this guy talk to John Lennox and Gerald Schroeder on the subject of day.
    Neither Lennox or Schroeder argue that it is poetry.

  • @8MauLau23
    @8MauLau23 4 роки тому +3

    Wow so beautiful! I love the end!

  • @todayssubject7055
    @todayssubject7055 2 роки тому +1

    Guys i have a question; In old testement Jesus's name is herald Immanuel but his actual name is not. I'm not sure how do you write or spell it. Joshua or something?

  • @denthepom
    @denthepom 4 роки тому +7

    Fantastic. Are there any recognised Hebraist that read it differently?

  • @susiwakeman4271
    @susiwakeman4271 Рік тому +1

    Amen and Amen x Happy Sabbath x thank you for your great video, a blessing to us all x I look forward to watching your other videos and especially Daniel and Revelation x much love and God Bless from the UK, Susi xx

  • @francisbusa1074
    @francisbusa1074 4 роки тому +3

    So does Dr. Boyd actually know where Achan's family remains and the pile of stones are?? I'd really like to know!

    @IRONnCLAY 4 роки тому +4

    Awesome...compelling...irrefutable proof...the Word of God!

    • @IRONnCLAY
      @IRONnCLAY 3 роки тому

      @@mangeygypsynunya6451 yep sure I would...oh but you'd have to add 'dieing then resurrecting three days later and having 700 witnesses to prove it'

    • @IRONnCLAY
      @IRONnCLAY 3 роки тому

      @@mangeygypsynunya6451 that's ok...you're God-given right to choose (free-will) as you wish means you can accept or reject...believe or deny...untill one day you WIIL believe...but it'll be too late. But it doesn't have to be...just open your heart and accept Jesus into your life...and watch and see how God will reveal himself to you and your family!🙏🙏

  • @lancer717
    @lancer717 4 роки тому +6

    “LET THERE BE LIGHT!!!!” God was literally introducing himself into the world.

    • @kenzeier2943
      @kenzeier2943 4 роки тому

      You’re confused. It’s a creation account. God’s creation testifies to his glory but you have a very bizarre interpretation of “let there be light.”

  • @ekapz2161
    @ekapz2161 4 роки тому +2

    Great video👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽.

  • @kennethswenson6214
    @kennethswenson6214 4 місяці тому

    Hmm. But in looking at the original Hebrew, you missed the fact that there are at least two authors, perhaps even (3) . Because not only do we have two creation accounts that don't completely mesh with each other. The two accounts sometimes have the same word, said and spelt differently in Hebrew, either a preferred method of writing or two people with different regional dialects. Then there is the Noah account, which has two different "endings", Gen 8: 6-12, and Gen 8: 13-19 are partially redundant, if there was only (1) author, they could have made Gen 8:6-19 clearer and able to be not quite so confusing.

  • @kathiecarter8077
    @kathiecarter8077 4 роки тому +3

    I studied Genesis for five months!! Genesis 3:15 is the key to all civilization and gives a far deeper understanding of a temporary existence for Satan, and an eternal one for those in Christ!!

    • @soleraknight
      @soleraknight 4 роки тому +2

      Genesis, speaks of none of those things you mention.. The word " Satan " is found nowhere, nor the word " Christ " You are making things up that simply do not exist in the text, nor context. This part of genesis was originally written as a Children's Book Faerie tale to explain to ancient teenage peoples a thing or two about human nature.." Now the serpent (adversary) was more crafty than any of the wild animals, Yahweh Elohim had made." So the " serpent " in this story is a wild beast ( simply talking about a man, symbolically the beast is a wild man bent on lust to the point of rape,-- an adulterous- an adversary to sacred marriage ) To this very day there is enmity between that type man and the woman where there is no respect for her virginity, and lady hood.. The story is talking about the relationship between a man and a women ---infidelity, behavior nothing else. The concept of original Sin is a totally made up piece of non-sense as this story is about a single man Adam and a single women, Eve thus " That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame." Yet Eve was tempted to have sex with another, and then Adam as many married couples do till this very day.. DUH ! The Forbidden fruit was the opium poppy plant, which still thrives in that region to this very day, and still is illegal in many parts of the world to this very day.

    • @barryhamilton3112
      @barryhamilton3112 4 роки тому +3

      Solera Knight where do you get your nonsense? Believe the word of God or not, you will be held accountable for it.

  • @StraightShot2977
    @StraightShot2977 12 днів тому

    Does anybody know if he teaches ancient languages? I'm dying to learn some of these and a teacher helps a lot

  • @reporter2078
    @reporter2078 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you with all my heart, but there was no forwarding symbol, so I could not send it on to relatives in Israel and will have to figure out a different way.

  • @michelferreira9695
    @michelferreira9695 4 роки тому +2


  • @2Hesiod
    @2Hesiod 4 роки тому +1

    The idea that history began with Herodotus is a heuristic tool.

  • @neilsmerek6981
    @neilsmerek6981 3 роки тому


  • @ompaloompa4970
    @ompaloompa4970 4 роки тому +1

    Very very good 👍..thank you.

  • @theriveroffaith852
    @theriveroffaith852 4 роки тому +3

    I love these videos! God bless

  • @aisaketakau7824
    @aisaketakau7824 4 роки тому +8

    Some negative comments below, seem to come from atheists. I wonder why they keep watching biblical videos, inspite of themselves.

    • @THEBUTCHER1911
      @THEBUTCHER1911 4 роки тому +1

      Because we are not ignorant to things like christianity. We study things and seek the truth unlike Christians. You should read up on atheism and real history. Most atheists know the bible better then Christians

    • @clsmithent
      @clsmithent 4 роки тому +1

      Maybe God's working in their hearts?!

    • @contramundum2.0paradigmshi10
      @contramundum2.0paradigmshi10 4 роки тому +1

      @@clsmithent mostly mockers that want to mock. But with God nothing is impossible.

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому +2

      The theist side has more videos to examine than the atheist side.

    • @charlesbrowniii8398
      @charlesbrowniii8398 4 роки тому +1

      I just come for the comments. It's the same reason I sometimes like to watch flat-earth videos; I like to see the level of crazy that can come from high levels of confirmation bias mixed with ample indoctrination. The irony is, as I read more comments, there are a lot of flat-earthers here. I'll bet there are a lot of anti-vaxxers as well, but these topics don't seem to bring them out of the woodwork.

  • @godngunclinger
    @godngunclinger 3 роки тому +2


  • @MontyVideo969
    @MontyVideo969 2 роки тому

    So are the writings of Herodotus historical?

  • @angelamalek
    @angelamalek 4 роки тому +2

    What about the Septuagint?

    • @jaireidca
      @jaireidca 3 роки тому

      What about it? It’s a translation made more than a thousand years after most of the events recorded in the Old Testament. As such, it is an interesting window into what Jews thought the OT meant in 200BC, but it is not that helpful when it comes to determining anything concrete about what God actually wanted written into the Bible. That’s pretty much like saying, “what about the King James,” or “what about the Latin version?”

    • @JohnDoe19991
      @JohnDoe19991 2 роки тому

      @@jaireidca lol then the same argument can go for Masoretic script . Septuagint is atleast 700 years older . We have concrete proof that St. Paul quotes from Septuagint and he was a Jewish scholar of his time . This is just Protestant and fringe Zionist propaganda as usual .

  • @PedroOnPurpose
    @PedroOnPurpose 8 місяців тому

    Could it be that although the text is a narrative, the measurements standards were not so accurate or specific as Moses who was listening to God telling him this account would not be so focused on putting right dates and timelines?

  • @quintusjayatillake5128
    @quintusjayatillake5128 3 роки тому

    Quintus Jayatillake from Sri Lanka I really appreciate your concern to confirm the genesis story. But there is a missing link without which you cannot nail it with 100% certainty. It is the land where Adam and Eve lived. Where is this land, called" Garden of Eden "to be found at present. You may check my face book account in which I have written an account with the heading "Who was Ravena" under the caption "Creation of Adam". It is Sri Lanka which was formerly known as Ceylon where I happen to live !

    • @markhastings9037
      @markhastings9037 2 роки тому

      Quintus, for people who believe in a real Adam and Eve, a real Garden of Eden, generally we also believe in a literal worldwide flood that occurred after the Garden of Eden. The changes that would have been made to the topography of the earth are vast and unknowable. The real Garden of Eden may be under water now.

    • @charlesmahoney3296
      @charlesmahoney3296 2 роки тому

      The land, even the area referred to as "The Garden of Eden" ceased to exist, even before the Great Flood, when the filament was taken down. That is the answer I have received from believers who are also scholars for my entire life of nearly 70 years. However, one must believe in earth ages to accept this.

  • @GeorgePenton-np9rh
    @GeorgePenton-np9rh 4 роки тому +3

    I have no trouble believing in a literal six day creation.

      @SUPER_BOUY 4 роки тому

      Trust in what the Bible says... if it says six literal days, then it is. The danger is when you don't believe in a literal six days and take it as a poetic, then where will you stop to think that way? The next thing people may think of is that Jesus did not really exist!

    • @soleraknight
      @soleraknight 4 роки тому

      Just remember to " Believe " in something does not make it real in the case of our natural earth history as it relates to human cultures living upon this planet but in most cases an idea written by humans that only can exist within the imaginations of the human conscience and no where else. ----- " And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should, " believe " a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому

      I have no trouble believing the Cosmos is eternal
      and time is man made.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому

      "Just remember to " Believe " in something does not make it real…"
      True. Yet many people believe in evolution and deep time.
      "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should, " believe " a lie:"
      Which begs the question of what that "lie" is. Perhaps it's what Peter talks about:
      "…scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished."
      They will believe that "all things are continuing as they were from the beginning", which sound very much like uniformitarianism.
      "…they deliberately overlook … that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed *out of water and through water by the word of God* …" Which kind of contradicts the secular view of the Earth being formed as a hot rocky ball.
      "…and that the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished." Yep, mainstream science is in denial of the global flood.
      So yes, God has allowed them to believe the lie of the secular view of Earth's history.

    • @harrybond007
      @harrybond007 4 роки тому

      You are a nutter!

  • @arondrum5430
    @arondrum5430 3 роки тому

    There's alot of haters on here for us to be trying to figure this out together. Look we all wanna know where we came from what's our true origin and purpose in life. Being oppressive when there's 1000s of religious perspectives is not the way to earn our way into a afterlife or generate unity . We need to start listening to each other and drop our egos and admit we dont know jack . Just stop hating yal and let's figure this out together in friendship rather than our differences in opinion.

  • @busby777
    @busby777 4 роки тому +4

    how long was a day before God put the sun in the sky?

    • @Jamie-Russell-CME
      @Jamie-Russell-CME 4 роки тому +6

      24 hrs

    • @haroldgroff2100
      @haroldgroff2100 4 роки тому +3

      Tessa D777 yes, there are four meanings of “day” within this text. Genesis 1:1 to 1:2 precede the subsequent text (then tense used in 1:3 confirms this). Our Great Commission is to spread the Gospel to the world. The vociferous insistence that their calculations about the age of the earth and if you Don’t believe this exactly as they do, then you don’t really believe in the Word to me just seems prideful and arrogant. The Septuagint and the Masoretic texts have significant differences in Genesis 5 and 10. They insist that the Masoretic text is the correct text, but Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Peter and Paul all quoted the Septuagint. Paul also instructed Timothy (also good advice for us) to not get involved in foolish discussions about genealogies. Bottom line is that the Bible does not explicitly state how old the earth and the universe are and insisting the contrary for prideful reasons drives many away from listening to the Gospel message, so it is contrary to the will of God. God created the heavens and he earth. God directly created Adam and made Eve from his rib. The flood was absolutely an event that was attested to by Jesus Christ. Quit arguing that I’m better than you because I’m a young earth creationist and you are an old earth creationist or vice versa. Preach the Good News!

    • @smashexentertainment676
      @smashexentertainment676 4 роки тому

      @@Jamie-Russell-CME actually 1 stellar day is 23h 56m 4.09sec., that's why every 4th year is a leap year. But on top of that every 100 years we have to skip one leap year. And that's not all, if a century can be divided on 400 , like 1600, 2000, 2400 we don't skip a leap year. But wait, the Earths rotation is slowing down, so the older we get, the longer are the days. Time is complicated.

    • @jt2097
      @jt2097 4 роки тому +1

      It doesn't matter how long the day was before the sun, there were no people there to see it.

    • @buckaroobonsaitree7488
      @buckaroobonsaitree7488 4 роки тому

      @Tim Webb Years ago I would have laughed at you. Now I'm just going to hang my head and weep for those that mock US.

  • @allanlindsay72
    @allanlindsay72 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you soo much i love fairytales

    • @sodaht2296
      @sodaht2296 3 роки тому +1

      Genesis is the most fictional story I can think of

    • @codyvandal2860
      @codyvandal2860 3 роки тому +1

      @@sodaht2296 You only think that because your minimal understanding is divorced from the rest of the Scripture. The most fictional story you can think of is that no one times nothing equals everything.

  • @ifluro
    @ifluro 12 днів тому

    Is this guy related to Mike Rowe?

  •  4 роки тому +7

    The old history of the Jews,Christians and Arabs have more in common than they have differences.

    • @jt2097
      @jt2097 4 роки тому +2

      Indeed, we are all brothers.

    • @denthepom
      @denthepom 4 роки тому +7

      Well of course they do. Christianity is a continuation of the OT story and Islamic texts are just an absurd parody of them with some pagan gibberish mixed in for good measure.

    • @contramundum2.0paradigmshi10
      @contramundum2.0paradigmshi10 4 роки тому +1


    • @remainhumble6432
      @remainhumble6432 4 роки тому

      A little knowledge can be harmful. Your comment while not totally wrong is also very wrong.

  • @timdescher2606
    @timdescher2606 3 роки тому

    I've looked through some of your videos , and some have comments turned off so I'll ask here . I understand that in all ancient text the earth was presented as flat , stationary but you are showing a globe map , why ?

    • @wolfbbq6076
      @wolfbbq6076 3 роки тому

      Because earth is not flat and was not made by a magic sky wizzard.

  • @diamondlife-gi7hg
    @diamondlife-gi7hg 6 місяців тому

    I was looking into the Genesis account about day 5 and how God created birds on that day but science tells us that birds evolved from dinosaurs and animals were created on day 6 so there seemed to be a contradiction but if you look at the Hebrew for day 5 they use the Hebrew word "oph" which is a broader term and it means "flying creatures" and flying creatures like pterosaurs were in the skies before land animals like T-Rex and modern day birds existed. And God created all the sea creatures and flying creatures on day 5 so there's no contradiction. I've noticed when you dig a little deeper into the bible you will discover the truth even more, but some people are not looking for the truth they are looking for errors to use against us. You can start from the fact that there are no bible contradictions and if you keep looking you will find that to be true.

  • @bobmoore5242
    @bobmoore5242 4 роки тому +5

    Crossing the Jordan? Yes, that's an incredibly important date. If perchance it was in 1442 BC, then we have 2 independent confirmations based on scripture that shows 2060 AD is projected end of days. No reason to be excited about that because Jesus in Matthew 24 tells us that no man can know the day and hour of his return. He was betting on a sure thing because if you go through the chronology of thinge we use to establish date you will readily see that the probable error renders any date set as meaningless. But we can certainly calculate a generation.

    • @bobmoore5242
      @bobmoore5242 4 роки тому

      @Paula Wallacefailed religion wasn't even able to keep the simple law of jubilees, not to even mention the more difficult laws. Israel split into disparate kingdoms and ultimately pagan worship til every altar was defiled. There is no Church of the True Collection Plate and Messiah had to come early. He will return by schedule in 2060, but he went so far as to tell us the he will cut the end time shory and return early lest all flesh perish. Would you like my notes? It's about 60 pages of tedious reading in OFF format.

    • @moodist1er
      @moodist1er 4 роки тому

      Antinomians are psychopaths

  • @michaelabbott9080
    @michaelabbott9080 3 роки тому +2

    I found this very disappointing...not to say speculative and pre-suppositional. To claim that because one small fragment of the DSS is reproduced almost identically in a 10th century book shows just how accurate that 10th C book is...is simply a fallacy...It is very poor historical analysis.

    • @JohnDoe19991
      @JohnDoe19991 2 роки тому +1

      It's just a dig at Septuagint . Because the Masoretic scholars claim that the Septuagint is corrupted . So they claim that dead sea scrolls is same as Masoretic to prove their authenticity because if you follow the tradition and chronology trail the Masoretic won't stand a chance against the Septuagint . This is a long running feud.
      But it is understandable because he is a Hebrew scholar and Septuagint is Greek

  • @bonnielucas3244
    @bonnielucas3244 2 роки тому

    This is something

  • @vOCesUGa1
    @vOCesUGa1 3 роки тому +1

    the "Biblos" has lost its meaning from Hebrew to English. The closest thing we have is The ISR Scriptures.

    • @codyvandal2860
      @codyvandal2860 3 роки тому +1

      What in the world makes you say that? There are shades of context which sre richer and fuller in the original language ("Pharoah hardened his heart") but it's by no means "lost its meaning." God's Word transcends human language.

  • @pjfrog10
    @pjfrog10 3 роки тому

    How many hours was the 7th day since it had no ending?

    • @sodaht2296
      @sodaht2296 3 роки тому

      It's completely made up

  • @tropicalstrings
    @tropicalstrings 4 роки тому +4

    I always said the same.
    The Bible is eyewittness. Written by historians of that time.
    I think its even later it became so 'religious.'
    But the 6, 60, 24, 3600, 365 is already in sanskriet,

    • @Tiz604
      @Tiz604 4 роки тому +2

      That's why people avoid you ...probably !.. eyewitness ?..😂

    • @tropicalstrings
      @tropicalstrings 4 роки тому

      @@Tiz604 you should read more epos, old history, gilgamesh, old spanish epos,
      Read a bit King Arther.
      Probably too difficult for you.
      You. Laugh as a populair football watching know it all person.

    • @Mr05Chuck
      @Mr05Chuck 3 роки тому

      @@tropicalstrings have him read Romans chapter one. The Pitchfork Pipe And Drum appears there as the main star.

  • @skystalker9391
    @skystalker9391 4 роки тому

    Gary Wayne "Genesis 6 Conspiracy" can clear all of this up for everyone.

    • @waynesumner1829
      @waynesumner1829 Рік тому

      There is only One True Witness! And He is A Spirit, not a man!

  • @DoNotForget45180
    @DoNotForget45180 9 місяців тому

    What about Gee

  • @jonise2524
    @jonise2524 3 роки тому +1

    And history is actually told before and after our Lord Yahshua .

  • @alephtav4254
    @alephtav4254 4 роки тому +1

    Noah cursed HAM because he started to put shame (Not Honoring) by telling about His Father nakedness after too much drunkness...

    • @waynesumner1829
      @waynesumner1829 Рік тому

      If one never reads and takes to Heart ❤️ 1st Timothy 2:1-6, then he really doesn't want to KNOW The Truth, Scripturally speaking 🗣️. Nevertheless We Love and forgive All people everywhere, because We have been Blessed to KNOW that All Men are Brothers. See St. Matthew 23:8 ! The letter killeth, It is The Spirit THAT giveth Life! The authors of history are men, hot-air hissers of lies. They (we) are all generations of serpents and the Truth is not in them. The Author of our Faith is Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD. He is the Way, the Truth and The Life...hear Ye Him and be Born Again, from Above. There is no other Name given under Heaven by Which We must be Saved!

  • @clsmithent
    @clsmithent 4 роки тому

    Is the Hebrew word for day in 2 Peter 3:8 the same word as in Genesis?

    • @ajknaup3530
      @ajknaup3530 4 роки тому

      I think Peter was Greek, as such he would have written in Greek, rather than Hebrew.

    • @soleraknight
      @soleraknight 4 роки тому

      The Hebrew word for " Day " in the context of the Genesis creation myth, is more akin to, " epoch " as we think of it today, for instance, " In my" Day" humans went to the moon in spaceships." Or for instance, " In God's " Day" the universe evolved" How long are these, Days is relative to the time frame of an observer, not from the spin of a particular planet in the cosmos as it relates to a star.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому +1

      "The Hebrew word for " Day " in the context of the Genesis creation myth, is more akin to, " epoch "…"
      Not so. The Hebrew word for Day, when used in association with 'morning', 'evening' or a number, means an ordinary day. In the Genesis creation *account* it has all three. But on top of that, its meaning is actually _defined_ as being an evening and a morning, i.e. a normal night-day cycle. And if that's not enough, in Exodus 20:11, the Israelites were told to follow that same pattern of six _days_ followed by one _day_ of rest. Not epochs, but _days._ Unless you think that we are supposed to work for six epochs then rest for one epoch?

    • @soleraknight
      @soleraknight 4 роки тому

      @@PJRayment Yes, the cosmic morning and the cosmic evening, the GREAT DAY as referred to by the ancients.. Follow the Sun as it journeys around the galaxy ( about 230 million years to make one complete orbit around the Milky Way! ) As we said the Day as respect to creation is more akin to epochs, but correct a day as reference to humans upon this already created planet is 24 hours according to the spin of our planet, of course the tribes went by the moons in those times, so the sabbaths were simply new moon, first quarter, full, second quarter, then new again marked days of rest.. the Moon not the spin of earth.. But yes the false religions have hijacked this also so most people has forgotten the sabbath day as well.. Amazing though modern science totally agrees with genesis as 6 great epochs the , Hadean, Achean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic of which is our time now. We do seem to be existing at the dawn of a new epoch the seventh of which yes many labor saving devices will create rest for not only the humans but a time for the planet to heal.. A cosmic Sabbath if you will? ( Age of Aquarius )

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому +1

      "Yes, the cosmic morning and the cosmic evening, the GREAT DAY as referred to by the ancients."
      No, the periods of dark and light that _preceded_ the creation of the sun.
      "…of course the tribes went by the moons in those times, so the sabbaths were simply new moon, first quarter, full, second quarter, then new again marked days of rest."
      Except that that comes to about 30 days, not 28, and is contradicted by what Scripture records.
      "Amazing though modern science totally agrees with genesis as 6 great epochs the , Hadean, Achean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic…"
      Yeah, right. About the only thing those eras and the creation days have in common is that there are six of them. That's not "totally agrees". According to that scheme, the sun appeared somewhere during the Paleozoic, about three billion years after photosynthesis supposed evolved. And what would the Earth have been orbiting for all that time? It would also mean that fruit trees appeared in the Proterozoic. And numerous other inconsistencies. Inconsistencies are the opposite of "total agreement".
      "We do seem to be existing at the dawn of a new epoch the seventh of which yes many labor saving devices will create rest…"
      There have been labour-saving devices for thousands of years. That blows that idea.

  • @morlewen7218
    @morlewen7218 4 роки тому +1

    Even if the day in Genesis means the length of one rotation of the earth it is not defined how long this period was. We know via measurements that the rotation speed of the earth is not constant. If we take the bible literal we also know the rotation speed of the earth was not constant. Therefore we have no hints/idea how long the first day or the first six days were. Could be 24 h or 23.75 h or 24.001 h or every other number.

    • @PaintedCavern
      @PaintedCavern 4 роки тому

      If an hour is defined by a day divided by 24, then a day is always 24 hours long. It is the length of the hour that varies. It is all relative.

  • @DoNotForget45180
    @DoNotForget45180 9 місяців тому

    What if genesis was written in english?

  • @jesussaves1875
    @jesussaves1875 4 роки тому

    So when it says [For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.][But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. ] Psalms 90v4 & Peter 3v8 are you saying a 1000 years is 24 hours? or are 24 hours as a 1000 years? Why are we given one "week" in creation? (i.e. From Adam to Abraham = 2000 years / from Abraham to Jesus = 2000 years from Jesus to now = almost 2000 years = 6 days + the millennium = 1000 years = Total 7000 years "days"

    • @walter1383
      @walter1383 4 роки тому +2

      Both of those verses are pointing out the supremacy of God, by demonstrating that he is beyond the constraints of time that we are familiar with; it even comes from the poetry of the psalmist which has no bearing on timescales given in narrative accounts in scripture. Context is everything. But using your logic here let us examine it further; if we can apply it to the creation account why not elsewhere in scripture? Jesus was in the grave for three days, therefore he was in the grave for 3000 years. Jonah too was in the belly of the fish for 3000 years. The Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years, which if we count each year as 365 days translates to 14,600,000 years wandering in the desert; alternatively since 1,000 years is one 24 day, then the Israelites where only wandering the wilderness for 57 minutes and 36 seconds. The 1,000 reign of Christ at the second coming will only last 24 hours. You see how ridiculous it gets to apply this verse to accounts given as history? It is extremely poor logic and reading comprehension and very, very arbitrary. God created everything over the course of a literal week directly for our benefit as a species, which He states directly for us via the fourth commandment and elsewhere in the Pentateuch.

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 4 роки тому

      @@walter1383 Oh rubbish, you are going from the sublime to the ridiculous. There is not word in Hebrew for a 24 hour period i.e. "Yom" (יוֹם) is not just for day, days, but for time in general.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому

      @@jesussaves1875 "Ridiculous" is not the right word. The right word is "absurd", as in _reductio ad absurdum,_ "A mode of argumentation or a form of argument in which a proposition is disproven by following its implications logically to an absurd conclusion." That is what Walter had done-followed your argument to it's logical conclusion. He's perfectly correct.
      However, you are completely wrong to claim that there is not a word in Hebrew for an ordinary day. _Yom's_ primary meaning, as with "day" in English, is an ordinary day, and that is the way in which it is used in Genesis 1.

    @SYMPHONYOFHEAVENOfficial 3 роки тому +3

    "this is second century BC!"
    *Proceeds to stab the crap out of it with his finger*
    🤣🤣Ahhhh! Stop! Lol

    • @jaireidca
      @jaireidca 3 роки тому +1

      It’s a copy, not the original manuscript!

    • @WisdomThumbs
      @WisdomThumbs 2 роки тому +1

      It’s a fairly young copy, too. The originals are temperature-controlled in safe storage.

  • @kenjett2434
    @kenjett2434 4 роки тому

    This professor is obviously highly educated and knowledgeable. But at the end I question what he is refering to as 6 days in time? Because in Peter we learn that for God 1 day is a thousand years to man. Therefore when God is speaking to his work 6 days would be 6,000 years for man. Time for God passes very differently. This is an important note in understanding Geneses. Another time passage in Peter mentions 3 earth ages or eons of time. The time before present creation the present time of the written word of which we live in and the time to come as in Prophecy. This means that earth had a time before the creation of present. The Scripture gives us hints like when it tells us about the fall of Satan and the angels. This happened before the creation in Geneses.

    • @danweaver4304
      @danweaver4304 4 роки тому

      Almost right. Time does not pass for God at all. He’s outside of time. The “day=1000years” is not meant to be taken literally, but as a description of the fact that God is eternal. No human has lived 1000 years, but God has always been, is now, and always will be. Is it possible the universe has existed for 13.7 Billion years? Sure, from a human perspective. But it is far more likely the universe is much younger (and much smaller) than cosmologists have reckoned. Also, according to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, time itself is a function of one’s inertial reference point. Therefore, one cannot distinguish between 13.7 Billion years and 6 literal days unless one defines whose perspective of time is being considered. Again, the inertia of the entire universe means (from God’s perspective) the Big Bang just happened, and continues to happen, and will continue to happen until the end. Hence the term God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. In English we might say God is the A and the Z (and everything in between).

    • @kenjett2434
      @kenjett2434 4 роки тому

      @@danweaver4304 most of what you say is not that far off but your interpretation of Scripture is off. Time does indeed pass for God we see it through out Scripture. What Einstein wrote about time holds true with that. From God's perspective time moves more slowly where for us it moves much faster. Thus 1 day for God is 1,000 years for us as written in the Gospel of 2nd Peter. For the sake of science the best known way to determine the age is radio carbon dating and it's never been incredibly accurate. Then they are many theories about the age of earth and universe none that can be proven. But if you are one of few to fully understand Scripture we would know that earth is much older than the creation spoken of in Genises 1 . Peter spoke of the age before time God spoke of the time of the over throw and in Jerimiah we learn of cities being destroyed all in a time before the creation we know in present time. But in Genises 1 God said the earth became void. Earth was here already but was covered by darkness and void. Then he said let there be light and the beginning of our present age/ time began. If you do the math according to time passing as Scripture tells us that puts this moment of new light about 13,000 years ago right about the time science says was the ending of the ice age. Back to Adam 6,000 years and the 7,000 year of the time of creation counting Gods day of rest. If the earth was dark and void certainly sounds like what an ice age would look like to me. When the light came the ice melted and guess what was next yep the waters appeared on the earth. Fits perfect with God's word as played out. You just have to see it beyond the words.

    • @danweaver4304
      @danweaver4304 4 роки тому

      Ken Jett “time passes for God”. What scripture refutes the notion that God is outside of time? Could that be the one where he says, “Before the world was formed, I knew you”? The one where he is said to know the end from the beginning? Ever hear God described as Omnipresent? I think perhaps the one who has translation issues might be you. You don’t know God, do you? I’d be happy to introduce you.

    • @kenjett2434
      @kenjett2434 4 роки тому

      @@danweaver4304 well it's not up to you or me to question if someone knows God. Your statement was judgemental and shows lack of knowledge and understanding. I enjoy discussing God's word with others but it becomes a pointless effort when the other party doesn't have spirit of understanding and closed mind. You may know Scripture and quote verses but even Satan can do that. Having the understanding and wisdom of God's word is different altogether. I know because I received that gift of the Holy Spirit 25 years ago shortly after a near death experience. I should have died but for a reason God spared me. It wasn't long thereafter that the spirit came on me and gave me the gift of knowledge spoken of in Corinthians. But it's not like you suddenly know everything God doesn't work that way. The gift of knowledge is a fire inside that's compelling one to learn. It's like being a dry sponge in a bucket of water. You study everything you research everything and that holds especially true with God's word. But more than that you begin to understand the mysteries of God's word the Apostle Paul wrote of. See God doesn't teach us by just one verse he told stories and parables. The lessons he wanted us to get wasn't in a line or a verse but the object of the story. Taking individual versus and quoting them takes his message out of context. So when you talk about God and time than you have to talk about God's story. It's all relevant you can't not pick. That why when I talk of God's word I talk of God's story. To take versus from God's word and misuse them out of context leads to bad things.

    • @danweaver4304
      @danweaver4304 4 роки тому

      Ken Jett - yes, when someone judges me by saying I’ve misinterpreted scripture, then I’m going to ask them to explain how so? Your response was immature, so I offered to help you gain understanding and a stronger relationship with God. Sorry if that came across as judgmental on my part. I’m not criticizing you as a person, only questioning your interpretation of scripture about the nature of our Heavenly Father. God bless you as you seek to know Him better. Peace be with you.

  • @sargonalakadi2621
    @sargonalakadi2621 2 роки тому

    yalad , if you guys search the root of this word and the meaning you should go back to the Assyrian language and that will guide you to the right way . yalda is the original word , for example when we say yalda d maran , we refer to the Jesus Christ birthday . or the day he born , thanks a lot

  • @musictheoryforeveryone7938
    @musictheoryforeveryone7938 6 місяців тому

    Find the videos from “Is Genesis History?” and others which discuss the bones of dinosaurs, and the soft tissue and blood cells and vessels, and DNA discoveries. These are discoveries by evolutionists and in the process destroys Evolution. How can soft tissue and blood cells survive even 5,000 years let alone 65 million years. This is very exciting news for Creationists.

  • @randyjohnson6845
    @randyjohnson6845 3 роки тому

    Little baby Noah praises God the day he was born in the book Enoch/Noah

  • @1969cmp
    @1969cmp 3 роки тому

    ....my brain is far too underpowered.

  • @davidrosales3663
    @davidrosales3663 3 роки тому

    There is five ways to ask a question. And he only asked a question three ways

    @LIFEDEATHDJT2024 3 роки тому +2

    Well it's not a book, but the fired clay tablets that the cuneform writings of the history of the Annunaki & creation of humans on Earth! The bible literally stolen from the sumerian cuneform writings of the Annunaki and the creation of man!

  • @OneSon744
    @OneSon744 3 роки тому

    Man needs clocks, God does not. How long is a day to God? You are going to limit God? They lived 900 years in the Beginning. God has no limits.

  • @Eleazar1A2
    @Eleazar1A2 3 роки тому

    So how can people like William Lane Craig etc say that the Earth is billions of years old?

    • @יחיישראל
      @יחיישראל 3 роки тому

      While also calling a 6000 year earth impossible, then confessing the virgin birth.

  • @justinbosley2427
    @justinbosley2427 4 роки тому

    God created light on the first day (Gen. 1: 3-5). He created the earth on the third day (Gen. 1: 9-13) God didn't create the sun until the fourth day (Gen. 1: 16-19). If the earth was not formed on the first or second day, how could the revolutions of the earth, and day/night cycles of the earth be defined as the "days" in the Bible? I contend that the days were based on a different star shining on a different planet which had a different revolution. So the earth was not formed in 6 earth days, it was formed in 6 days of a different planet in a different solar system.

    • @danweaver4304
      @danweaver4304 4 роки тому

      Genesis 1:3 could legitimately be translated, “Let there be Energy”, because we now know Light is simply a form of Electromagnetic Radiation, like gamma rays, ultraviolet radiation, infrared heat, microwaves, and radio waves. This describes the beginning of the Big Bang rather accurately.
      However, estimates of Earth’s age are very unreliable. Rock created from recent volcanic eruptions has been dated to tens of millions of years ago. Meanwhile, rocks containing dinosaur fossils had been dated to 85 Mya, before researchers discovered soft-tissue inside the fossilized bones. This turns radiometric dating on its head. So we probably won’t know exactly how old everything is during my lifetime, but we know Earth is younger than 4.5 Bya.
      Biblically speaking, the idea of deep time also suffers from a common misunderstanding about ecosystems. All of the pieces of an ecosystem must be created concurrently. Animals eat plants, so plants had to come first. But they wouldn’t survive long without worms to aerate the soil, and animals to eat the excess. Flowering plants don’t grow without bees to cross-pollinate them. No fruit without bees. Hard to imagine plants evolving with no reason to compete for resources and no animal to eat their fruit. Hard to imagine bees evolving at exactly the right time to pollinate newly evolved flowers & fruit trees. Just one of many observations providing evidence for the Biblical version of history, rather than humanist or atheist versions. No need to introduce another planet - something which the Bible fails to mention. God created the entire universe, which suggests He could easily create Earth in the time reference stated.

  • @bigbearn1383
    @bigbearn1383 4 роки тому +1

    So Galileo was wrong and the Church was right. Funny that he believes that Genesis is historical yet he believes the earth revolves around the sun. Genesis says the earth is still .

  • @aaddebruijn3355
    @aaddebruijn3355 3 роки тому

    OK, lets start with the text.
    The professor says: Yom is 'day', 24 hours. Now what says God?
    Genesis 1:5
    ‭And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
    So, what is 'day' ? Day is the Light. God called the light DAY.
    And He divided the light from the darkness.
    Gods creation is the One sevenfolded Day of creation: light of God.
    To speak about 24 hours is unnecessary and from a modern scientific p.o.v. absurd. The narrator of Genesis revealed the creation, he did not count hours.
    It is history, of course, but not in the way we modern people understand history, which is scientific history, video camera history. That is not the way the narrator wrote.
    His counting was at the same time accounting, narrating.
    Listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.

  • @jaymesjmathias9390
    @jaymesjmathias9390 2 роки тому

    Hey! The Author of the Bible clearly states numerous times throughout His Book that His 1 day is to us 1,000 years. It is very clear to me.

    • @alexdrake8079
      @alexdrake8079 2 роки тому +1

      Actually thats a simile with God's time to Earth's which time doesn't actually affect Him in any way. But the creation days are literal 24 hour days that were specifically days in the beginning of the Bible.

    • @warnerchandler9826
      @warnerchandler9826 3 місяці тому

      Jesus prophesied that he would be crucified, be buried, and be three days and three nights in the grave. Would these be 3,000 years then? Is a night also 1,000 years? So maybe Jesus spent 6,000 years before he was resurrected from the dead?
      Genesis says (1: 14-19) "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
      [15] And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
      [16] And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
      [17] And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
      [18] And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
      [19] And the evening and the morning were the fourth day."
      God created the greater light-- the sun-- and the lesser light-- the moon-- to rule the day and night, respectively. God is not affected or ruled by time, but man is. "And the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

  • @vOCesUGa1
    @vOCesUGa1 3 роки тому +1

    YAHWEH forever, get on or get off. Go where Moshe is read. Wake up to the masters face.Yahushua kept the Shabbat (7th day )and read from the TORAH.

  • @fredcourtney03
    @fredcourtney03 3 роки тому +2

    We have Isiah from 200 ‘s BC, which contains Isiah 53, and still so many doubt Jesus is Messiah. I pray for Israel that it will be safe in this world, and recognize their own Messiah. There is historical agreement to the empty tomb (while under guard). To deny Genesis is to deny the word of God. I would be careful of the heresy in denying the word or power of God.

    • @raychapman6014
      @raychapman6014 2 роки тому

      The more the blasphemy on the face of the ,Earth, becomes.
      The closer to tribulation we become.
      Pay attention , read ,God's, word. Wake up!

  • @dagwould
    @dagwould 4 роки тому

    So Genesis is history? What does that mean for us today? What does it teach us about ourselves, life, God? Far more interesting than philology for the average person...and even the non-average person. A theology has to emerge from this, but I don't hear of one.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому +2

      @@logicalatheist1065 And yet you repeatedly fail to provide evidence of that.

    • @dagwould
      @dagwould 8 місяців тому

      @@PJRayment In what sense do you use the word 'that'? That Genesis is history? The scholars provide that. What it teaches about us? Life shows that: full of alienation, dissolution, yet we think that's sub-optimal. How would 'evolved' beings find the ontological vantage point to make that judgement? To even find the parameters for that judgement? In fact, how does naturalistic 'grand story' evolution explain anything, when it remains stuck in Darwin's early Victorian gross morphology wishful thinking?

  • @jhuffman64
    @jhuffman64 4 роки тому +4

    I don't get apologetics, you either believe or you don't.

    • @buckaroobonsaitree7488
      @buckaroobonsaitree7488 4 роки тому +5

      I came to the faith through apologetics. I was totally brainwashed by the American public school factory system. People like Josh McDowell, Ravi zacharias, and others were instrumental in my salvation

    • @denthepom
      @denthepom 4 роки тому +5

      Really? We've just seen apologetics being used to refute heretical misreading of the text and you don't get the point!

    • @Bildad1976
      @Bildad1976 4 роки тому +5

      "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense (ἀπολογίαν, apologian) to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;"

  • @jayjaychadoy9226
    @jayjaychadoy9226 4 роки тому +2

    Why are you not wearing g gloves to touch these books?

  • @waynesumner1829
    @waynesumner1829 Рік тому

    God, Elohiym, is an eternal Spirit, not a man. He has no "beginning" brcause He wasn't born. So He has always been. To Him and His Co-creators, the Son and the Holy Mother, time, seasons, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, and millennia are illusory , false ideas made up by the human ego that does not, understand the Holy Terms, Eternal/Eternity and Infinite/Infinity. And any Bible scholar who believes that the 7 "days" of Genesis One are sequential periods of time, such as "24 hr.",literal evening/morning days, will never see the Light and Truth of GOD'S Creation, Which and Who has always been.Even in the narrative of the text, He clearly calls the Light "Day" and the darkness He calls "Night". So the 6 days are Rays or Ways of Light, and the 7th is the Unity of these Great Rays , Blessed and Sanctified to emit Their Revelations of Being eternally and infinitely! If the Sabbath is only 24 hrs., GOD had a very short "retirement". Whatever my dear Brethren, the Hebraists, the Fundamentalist Christians, or the Abrahamic Muslims , Etc. believe, will never change "The Empty Tomb of Joseph of Arimathea"! Amen! We Love and forgive All people everywhere!

  • @myselfpoker88
    @myselfpoker88 4 роки тому +1

    at 6:06. Qumran is NOT in Israel but located in the in the West Bank of the Palestinian Territories/State of Palestine. God bless

    • @moodist1er
      @moodist1er 4 роки тому

      There's no archeological evidence of a place called Israel or a people called Israelites until Rome invented them.

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому

      People are terrified of dying and becoming nothing.
      Religion is the placebo.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому +1

      @@moodist1er I'm not convinced you are correct, but even if you are, so what? There was also no archaeological evidence of a nation called the Hittites mentioned numerous times in the Bible. Until they found the evidence. The Bible was right all along. Lack of archaeological evidence is an argument from silence.

  • @RodMartinJr
    @RodMartinJr 4 роки тому

    Kabbalists wrote the Bible, embedding their "Tree of Life" matrix in 2 chapters of Genesis. Do you have sufficient humility to find it? The notion that different verses were written by separate groups is wrong (Yahwist vs Priestly, for instance). And the biblical timeline taken by Modern Pharisees (biblical literalists) is also wrong. Noah's Flood was nowhere near 2348 BC (Ussher, AD 1650), because there were too many people on Earth at that time. The Flood targeted a very specific species that jeopardized God's purpose and that species died out about 28,000 BC. The fully realized date for the Flood is closer to 27,970 BC, and the appearance of Adam was closer to 10,434,130 BC.
    The Bible is Truth, but not for the lazy literalists, for the letter leads to death, and only the spirit leads to life.
    Ref: *_The Bible's Hidden Wisdom: God's Reason for Noah's Flood_*

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому

      "Kabbalists wrote the Bible…"
      Nonsense. Apart from anything else, why would non-Christian Jews write the New Testament? Also, the Dead Sea Scrolls would predate the Kabbalists, I gather.
      "Noah's Flood was nowhere near 2348 BC (Ussher, AD 1650), because there were too many people on Earth at that time."
      That doesn't even make sense. How does the number of people at the time of the flood affect the veracity of the account?
      "The Flood targeted a very specific species that jeopardized God's purpose and that species died out about 28,000 BC. The fully realized date for the Flood is closer to 27,970 BC, and the appearance of Adam was closer to 10,434,130 BC."
      Not according to the Bible nor Luke.
      "The Bible is Truth, but not for the lazy literalists,…"
      Given that the supposed "literalists" have done a lot of study of the text, calling them lazy is just a lazy insult.
      And if the Bible is not what it claims to be, then it cannot be "truth".

    • @RodMartinJr
      @RodMartinJr 4 роки тому

      @@PJRayment Thank you for the dialog. Pardon the lack of clarification. Kabbalists wrote the Pentateuch and possibly the remainder of the Old Testament, as well. Kabbalists predate the entire timeline, starting right at the beginning, at least according to them. And finding their Tree of Life matrix in two chapters of Genesis rather confirms that. When was Genesis supposedly written? Yeah! Kabbalists did that.
      Flood? Because the Flood supposedly killed everyone except those on the ark. Three years after the Ussher date, Egypt's 6th Dynasty started. Thirteen years after Ussher's date, Sargon the Great conquered Sumer, soon establishing an empire that stretched from Persia to the Mediterranean. From where did all those extra people come in only 3 and 13 years?
      Yes, the Flood targeted the Daughters of Men and their hybrid offspring with humans. Read my book for details (The Bible's Hidden Wisdom).
      Glossing over the Bible using literal eyes is indeed lazy, for it does not involve the Holy Spirit, but instead the ego. Lazy! And arrogant! Biblical Literalism is what the Pharisees did. And what did Christ say about the Pharisees? The letter leads to death; only the spirit leads to life (2 Cor. 3:3-8).
      You said, "And if the Bible is not what it claims to be," and what is this claim and where? Again, Truth is in the spirit of scripture, not in the ink (literalism).

    • @walter1383
      @walter1383 4 роки тому

      The tree of life reappears in Revelation 22:2 leading up to the throne of God, so unless you're insinuating that Kabbalists also tampered with the New Testament (let alone the OT) then that doesn't fly.
      On the matter of the flood conflicting with archaeological timelines, the simple answer here is that the conventional record is wrong. Not just with scripture but with itself, the timelines for various civilizations are in direct contradiction with one another in the current beliefs regarding them, and blank spots abound in them like weeds. I believe the film Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus did a bang up job of demonstrating this (you can find it on UA-cam but unfortunately it's only buy or rent.)

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому

      "…starting right at the beginning, at least according to them."
      Ah, _according to them_ ! Well that can be safely ignored.
      "And finding their Tree of Life matrix in two chapters of Genesis rather confirms that."
      How? How do you know that it is "their" Tree of Life matrix (whatever that is)?
      "Three years after the Ussher date, Egypt's 6th Dynasty started."
      No, you are committing a fundamental logical error. There are two views of history. One is the secular one based on naturalism and with a timeline stretching back billions of years. The other is the biblical one, with a timeline stretching back about 6000 years. You are saying that three years after the flood _according to the biblical timeline_ that Egypt's 6th Dynasty started _according to the naturalistic timeline._ You're saying that the biblical timeline is wrong because it doesn't agree with a _conflicting_ view. Well, Duh! Of course they are not going to agree!
      "Yes, the Flood targeted the Daughters of Men and their hybrid offspring with humans."
      It was the supposed dates I was questioning, rather than the nephilim etc. However, the account says that "The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created…"
      Yes, the situation around the nephilim was part of that, but it wasn't just that; rather, the general "wickedness of man".
      "Glossing over the Bible using literal eyes is indeed lazy, for it does not involve the Holy Spirit, but instead the ego."
      How does it involve the ego? I'd think that the opposite was the case. 1) What does the Bible say? That God created in six days. Okay, I'll believe that. 2) What does the Bible say? That God created in six days. Yeah, but I think I know better, that it actually means something else.
      It's the second case that involves ego. Further, the top experts agree that it means what it says, that God created in six days. As I already said, this is not laziness, but academic study of what the text actually says.
      "Biblical Literalism is what the Pharisees did."
      No, the Pharisees _added_ to the text with all their own petty ideas. Somewhat like you seem to be doing.
      "Truth is in the spirit of scripture, not in the ink (literalism)."
      Truth is in what it says, or what it was intended to relate, not in what you choose to read into it.
      "…what is this claim and where?"
      For one, 2 Timothy 3:16: "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness"

  • @joabnathanperez195
    @joabnathanperez195 4 роки тому

    His Torah is eternal YHVH is his name he is EJAD and his salvation Yahshua HaMashiach is the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. He is the Elohim of Abraham , Issac and Jacob the one and only Bride he made a covenant is Israel you can be grafted and adopted by the Blood of the Lamb and keeping his Torah his Shabbat and his Moadims he is coming back and he is not getting a multiple personality (multi denominational bride)

  • @stevioa9
    @stevioa9 3 роки тому +1

    I don't quite understand what this is trying to say. That the Genesis creation story is in the style of a narrative? OK. This is not a problem. It's a straw man. Any creative writer can write a story in the style of a narrative. Not only does that not make it literally a recounting of historical fact, though. It doesn't even mean it was intended to be understood as anything but myth.
    So what is the point here?

    • @waynesumner1829
      @waynesumner1829 Рік тому

      All man's "Creation accounts are of necessity myths. We weren't there, Beloved! Most of Genesis is not God's Autobiography. It's a"3rd person" narrative claiming to being a credible witness to what GOD is doing and saying! It's Mythology 101! If the Great Prophet Daniel were here, he would show US how to correctly, Rightly read our Bibles..."between the 🦁, er ah, the Lines"! Why do we idolize sinners like "Moses"and "Noah" . Moses led 600,000 souls of his own people into the wilderness where half of 'em died! Noah never saved one Soul but his own hide and his Babel-building sons, and some terrible meat-eating lizards, and carniverous cats and dogs and other corrupt, tooth and claw predatory fowl and 4-footed beasts. And what of David? Was he not purported by historical scriptures to be one of Israel's bloodiest and God-forsakingest sinners? Christ as I Am, the eternal Son of the Living GOD, was before all this"history", and by the eternal grace and everlasting mercy of God the Father He shall Always be the same yesterday,Today and Forever! Amen!!!

  • @bipolatelly9806
    @bipolatelly9806 4 роки тому


  • @ohmslaye6262
    @ohmslaye6262 3 роки тому

    God created the earth in 6 days and rested the 7th day for us. How true and how wonderful it is. Even in the creation, our Heavenly Father has shown his love and care for us. It is not surprising that our human activities are organized on a weekly basis even nowadays regardless of our religion or geographic locations.

    • @wolfbbq6076
      @wolfbbq6076 3 роки тому +1

      When has any god shown love and care towards man?

    • @ohmslaye6262
      @ohmslaye6262 3 роки тому

      @@wolfbbq6076 The Living God has revealed Himself through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice given by God for the salvation of those who believe in him. If you repent and believe in Jesus, He will give you the right to become God's child, He will reveal Himself to you, He will give you a new heart, a new spirit , you will be saved and you will have a living fellowship with the Living God, you will then reach the real meaning of your life. Jesus loves you. Be blessed in His Name.

    • @wolfbbq6076
      @wolfbbq6076 3 роки тому +1

      @@ohmslaye6262 but why would any god be interested in a mortal human ? He as you claim made the universe and everything in it including aids , cancer and covid and we make war in his name , so why does he care?

  • @jimksa67
    @jimksa67 4 роки тому +1

    Why aren't you using curator gloves to handle those books? ' Taking really good care of these things' ! Yeah, right. Now if you realized all those Books speak of Yeshua as the Messiah you will not have wasted your time.

    • @ppena4128
      @ppena4128 4 роки тому

      Agree about the lack of gloves, but I'm confused about your statement in the SECOND half of your comment (..."Now if you realized...") Please tell me how one thought (gloves) relates to the second thought ("Yeshua as the Messiah")...
      Your final sentence starts with "..now if..." which implies that there is some connection of the second idea with the first.

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому

      Jesus is Yeshua the Messiah!
      Now what?

    • @jimksa67
      @jimksa67 2 роки тому

      @@ppena4128 Maybe if you studied Isa 53? shalom

  • @vitaquasus1120
    @vitaquasus1120 4 роки тому +1

    These men obviously come from the paradigm of a six 24 hour creation period so they argue yom means 24 hours. If we go to the Reasons to Believe website they come from the paradigm of gazillions of years and therefore they argue yom means an eon of time. Both claim that Genesis is truly a history.
    whom do 'you' believe?

    • @johnstown2451
      @johnstown2451 4 роки тому +1

      Vita Quasus - 1.) why does that matter?
      2.) Anyone that worries about this needs to understand TIME. Time is relative. This means other forces can effect time. Could the expansion of the universe change the way the cesium atom decays? How many times does the Bible talk about the stretching of the heavens or heavens being torn? Bible agrees that space is expanding so maybe the ZPE theory should be looked into.
      Zero point energy is the measurement of energy with no ambient interference. We know that every particle is connected (see spooky science- it freaked Einstein out because something can travel faster than light). As the universe expands, time appears to be older.
      If God can create this, I’m sure he can do it as fast as He wants.
      I think the reason it’s even in the Bible- because Jesus says, when I go away, I will make a place for you. If God did this in 6 days- how great will our place in heaven be?

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 4 роки тому

      I don't believe any of it.

    • @PJRayment
      @PJRayment 4 роки тому +2

      "These men obviously come from the paradigm of a six 24 hour creation period so they argue yom means 24 hours."
      Or, they adopt the paradigm of six 24-hour creation days because yom _does_ mean a normal day. Which is precisely what the top Hebrew-language experts agree on, even though they don't necessarily accept 6-day creation themselves.
      "If we go to the Reasons to Believe website they come from the paradigm of gazillions of years and therefore they argue yom means an eon of time."
      Yes, they start from the paradigm of billions of years and _therefore_ have to argue that _yom_ doesn't have to mean ordinary days, even though that's what it clearly does mean.