Sanity Rants- When Trump supporters use Trump, and they do... 4-28-2022

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • When Trump supporters use Trump. And they do.
    It's literally like sadistically using an extensively market tested, highly effective liberal repellent. In the very highest enthusiastic spirit of the most truly ebullient practicing schadenfreude psychopaths, they cynically gleefully and shamelessly, present a dumpster full of fresh steaming hot aromatic extra disgusting dog shit, before they ever present their first heinous ideological assertion or anti-humanitarian/anti-democratic argument.
    I know I use a lot of adjectives, but this is a sick sadistic sociopathy. It accounts for over half of the conservative attraction to drumpf, and you know I'm not fucking wrong, and somewhere amidst their long forsaken logical and ethical centers, they know it's disgusting, to disingenuously use the nuclear option for every political & cultural topic.
    The political bonus points they gain in every situation with this technique, knowing that preceding any conversation or debate that liberals will begin the interaction recoiling in disgust, which literally puts us in a realm of emotions, making us “hysterical,” literally forcing us to regain our factual faculties and focus to stay on point, when attempting to itemize the hundred thousand criminal and humanitarian offenses drumpf commits simply by existing, speaking, or when holding a texting device or pen.
    They are more excited about our visceral misery and Instant breaking point frustration, at the mere mention of their mentally mangled mango mussolini and the explosive reaction it will almost certainly evoke from anybody with half a brain and even a quarter of a heart…
    It does nothing but impede, divide, distract and destroy our very ability to negotiate rational compromise, in serving the best interests of innocent abused Americans.
    Yes, fascist belligerent minority rule, both with intentional cruelty or thoughtless oblivion, (whichever the particular supporting conservatives relate to) are inflicting their seditionist gaslighting sludge on the innocents, making every day average peace-loving Americans with democratic family values, the biggest domestic casualties of their criminal, seditious right wing, delusionally disaffected drumpfian derelict decrees.
    And it's not a far stretch at all, to point to the ever horrendous and heartbreaking international casualties. Those are called GENOCIDE and they are literally in the tens of thousands of actual casualties, due to the horrific human rights violating effects of fascism when followed to the fullest extent of it’s inhumane execution and enforcement.
    Seriously, Fuck You, to all who are too stupid to recognize and follow a concept like fascism, from its unholy beginning to it’s self-induced apocalyptic anti-humanity ends. While supporting every evil or disingenuous crooked asshole currently donning the GOP “R” next to their name or candidacy. It's all connected, and this makes you a complicit co-conspirator to the deaths of tens of thousands and democracy.
    Yes you can accomplish that all with one statement attempting to defend the abhorrent and indefensible, or with one vote enabling oppressive and murderous policy. Fascist isn't just an ambiguous word anymore. It's going to be an engraving on many tomb stones with arrows pointing down to hell.
    Speaking of which,,,
    If you are trying to precipitate and catalyze the “end times,” I hope you dumb fucks realize your stupid asses are on the wrong side of the judgment panel. You are defendants on the witness stand, committing perjury with every word. You were sold Satan's bill of goods, hook line and sinker, and the righteous prosecution will send you and your unholy idiot co-conspirators to the life of eternal damnation you've been venomously vomiting, as another delusional projection, in our general direction for the last 50 years. You sad oblivious sociopaths.
    Good luck in the next incarnation. May our paths never cross again.