Yo! That's a trip! I'm a Norteño up in the big time BayArea, just got out of Folsom and was cool with RAZA from the South because my uncle (Sureño from L.A.) put the cool stamp on me. And as crazy as it sounds if Norteños and Sureños connect we *will rule the World!*
@Dr. Freeze Do you even know what the fuck is going on you idiot? The sny yards are no longer and all the sny inmates are gonna be put in general population. Both Nortenos and Surenos are outnumbered by dropout gangs from both sides so they put up a truce so when the SNY dropouts come they will outnumber them and it's gonna be a bunch of brawls and riots popping off between active(Nortenos and Surenos) vs dropouts(Nortenos and Surenos). It's only a truce in the California prisons. There is no truce on the streets or the federal prisons where the original Nuestra Familia leaders are at. Don't speak on shit you don't know about and you won't kill shit pussy. Real killers are not bragging on UA-cam comments about wanting to kill people.
@@DCF530_ they stopped the integration as of late but surenos and norte are still programing to avoid the shu.. believe it or not but the bulldogs fucked it up alongside the 25ers.. dropouts don't get along with each other like Sur and Norte. .Some yards is a hit or miss
What do I mean by downhill,i mean as if Im talking about professionality of politics of the government,how it went from properly professional to out control proffesional I’m speaking of the ‘cause’of Norte gang,like sir dynos music it’s very emotionally strong, in his dark and light beats, he meant it in his music just like Tupac’s music before he got with the bloods and even when he was singing for the bloods, sir dump music was more possessing for the human mind,unlike the music you hear today I’m not saying all the music made by new generations is intellectually bad,but you hear how they sing with misunderstanding comprehension of slang and slurd words,I mean old school music really kicks ass then new music,no offense,and sir dyno is s Hispanic whom can the hell out of the mi,like gun bears had people on foot committing violence,now sir is a church man good for he probably needs it after growing up gang violently!
I wasn’t disrespecting this song whatsoever I’m just saying the Norte gang has really went down hill,if were talking about this song I would of said this song is trashy,and Norte rappers are garbage that would have been talking trash!
Joel Alvarado ..Bay Recon is a joke..acting like Nortenos confused as fuck claiming an LA gang...No one in the Bay Area gives a fuck about LA dick suckers
Im a sureño but I respect all my northern raza.I was just in the yard with your people.i send mine.salute
b1gLocot3 SouthW3st 🖤
Yo! That's a trip! I'm a Norteño up in the big time BayArea, just got out of Folsom and was cool with RAZA from the South because my uncle (Sureño from L.A.) put the cool stamp on me. And as crazy as it sounds if Norteños and Sureños connect we *will rule the World!*
@@foreverdeadinside19 I agree brother! Raza forever forward! North and South. :. much love.salute!
@Dr. Freeze Do you even know what the fuck is going on you idiot? The sny yards are no longer and all the sny inmates are gonna be put in general population. Both Nortenos and Surenos are outnumbered by dropout gangs from both sides so they put up a truce so when the SNY dropouts come they will outnumber them and it's gonna be a bunch of brawls and riots popping off between active(Nortenos and Surenos) vs dropouts(Nortenos and Surenos). It's only a truce in the California prisons. There is no truce on the streets or the federal prisons where the original Nuestra Familia leaders are at. Don't speak on shit you don't know about and you won't kill shit pussy. Real killers are not bragging on UA-cam comments about wanting to kill people.
@@DCF530_ they stopped the integration as of late but surenos and norte are still programing to avoid the shu.. believe it or not but the bulldogs fucked it up alongside the 25ers.. dropouts don't get along with each other like Sur and Norte. .Some yards is a hit or miss
Gangland music 🔥
Keep Em Coming 💯 .::
🔥🔥🔥🔥🚀 all love from vallejo
Dope af!!!
If y’all see Cesar m sowhere throw cheese at him he’ll eat it
For real I see him at every home boys music even small artist
I keep hearing his name but I dont know who he is or what he did can someone inform me
pew pew he’s a skrap from ESSJ who always on norte music videos talking shit but won’t do nun in person
Cops out here in streets playing mind games speaking the real
This dude was really acting like he on the phone using a 10 dollar bill that shit had me dead
Them all my brothers really endured the struggle for real! 🔥
24 dislikes? Y’all probably tha gang goofy niggas who be thuggin on tha internet 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yo hold on while I talk to my $10 bill
Slapper B's up 🔥🔥🔥🔥
shyann Damian what’s your ig
Don’t worry shyan Damian baby i got ❤️ for u
Who's mans is this- in the last 15ish seconds??!😂
I'm hella weak rn!!😂😂
fire ass shit
Black & Brown can't stop, won't stop 💪
Rico doing yoga in ya🤣
1Seavey Circle danger zone4 smurfette Murk a Sewer rata all day in da city of $acra....5z up!
What's a glock to an uzi that is simply magnificent right there
Ths g0es🎶🎶
Rico Tho 🔥👟🖤😍
Bang gang!
Yo hold on while I point the gun at myself in the mirror and get my goon-face right
🔥🔥🔥🔥 lit AF
Rico need to do a song with hot boy weez on some gang shit
ZITOS WORLD. RIP Cruz. I know that spot anywhere. Slapper right here
That lil vato that bust last .. his shit was real.. love lil vato.. keep that real $hit poping eyy.. XXII..
What do I mean by downhill,i mean as if Im talking about professionality of politics of the government,how it went from properly professional to out control proffesional I’m speaking of the ‘cause’of Norte gang,like sir dynos music it’s very emotionally strong, in his dark and light beats, he meant it in his music just like Tupac’s music before he got with the bloods and even when he was singing for the bloods, sir dump music was more possessing for the human mind,unlike the music you hear today I’m not saying all the music made by new generations is intellectually bad,but you hear how they sing with misunderstanding comprehension of slang and slurd words,I mean old school music really kicks ass then new music,no offense,and sir dyno is s Hispanic whom can the hell out of the mi,like gun bears had people on foot committing violence,now sir is a church man good for he probably needs it after growing up gang violently!
Wonder where that keyboard gangster wannabe Cesar M is at on every single fucking video😂😂
Stay UP 💯
Jesus knows all the ways of the wicked Jesus has overcome came all the guilty ways of man upon the cross for all them that believe
The Norte gang has really lost its touch and it’s precise definitive!
Your just a weak minded person hop off the homie shit
It's just evolving in certain areas.. that's all
Your probably a fukin scraputo lover NORTE PUTONES
@@Userd12190 x3 nk 14k 😆
So nobody going to say it huh how dudes took Mozzy whole style and ran with it
bitch where if anythin mozzy stripped em iraq niggaz style and ran with it
I’m a weak minded person_,wow that’s news to me,coming from a internet thug with such weak words!
I wasn’t disrespecting this song whatsoever I’m just saying the Norte gang has really went down hill,if were talking about this song I would of said this song is trashy,and Norte rappers are garbage that would have been talking trash!
What do you mean by "down hill"?
You sound like a fuking dork and a hater
🔥🔥🔥🔥🚀 all love from vallejo
Handle your scraps out there. Vallejo may as well be Little L.A.
Joel Alvarado ..Bay Recon is a joke..acting like Nortenos confused as fuck claiming an LA gang...No one in the Bay Area gives a fuck about LA dick suckers
Joel Alvarado that's why you watchin the homeboys videos nigga trying to get ideas so you can copy with ur fag recon suckas.. Weak ass suckas
@@markymark7075 fake news nk 14k 😆