Each LIBS unit has its own NOHD (safety distance). The SciAps Z901 (and other Z-Series LIBS units) have an NOHD of 13 meters. There are safety features built into each device to prevent errant firing. When the sample covers the analysis window completely, it contains the laser. Lastly, there has been no reports of anyone getting hurt with any handheld LIBS unit on the market.
LIBS works just like OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy). LIBS uses a laser to excite the sample surface and generate a small amount of plasma. That plasma emits light that is read by a spectrometer inside the analyzer. The spectrometer then can tell you exactly what is in an alloy and identify the alloy.
What’s the safety of the reflection of the laser beam?
Each LIBS unit has its own NOHD (safety distance). The SciAps Z901 (and other Z-Series LIBS units) have an NOHD of 13 meters. There are safety features built into each device to prevent errant firing. When the sample covers the analysis window completely, it contains the laser. Lastly, there has been no reports of anyone getting hurt with any handheld LIBS unit on the market.
Please brief me about how Libs Work?
LIBS works just like OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy). LIBS uses a laser to excite the sample surface and generate a small amount of plasma. That plasma emits light that is read by a spectrometer inside the analyzer. The spectrometer then can tell you exactly what is in an alloy and identify the alloy.
Is It Nondestructive??
Hello, LIBS is considered minimally destructive. It leaves a small scar on the surface which looks like a finger nail scratch.