It will be helpful to check if bridge is balanced or not balanced. If balanced, no current flows through the detector and then, the product of opposite impedances are equal., And the unknown capacitance and inductance is measured in case of AC bridges.
The theory will be well understood if it is linked up with QUALITY FACTOR also know as Q-Factor of capacitors. Some bridges are used in measuring capacitances having high q-value and some are dedicated for medium values and low values.
Explanation is super explaining step by step is more lucrative for students
U deserve more subscribers .nice explanation
Awesome explanation and your English is also very nice
Clear explanation sir..tqq second year me class lu vinna eppudu malli 3rd year ..tqq so much
Thank u very much 😊😊
Thanks for Ur explaination sir ..
Tq. Keep supporting plz🙏
Thanks a lot of ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you 🙏 sir
Thank you.😊☺️
Excellent sir
Sir keep supporting me
Nice one bro
Thank you sir,
Keep supporting..
Keep smiling 😊
Jntuk R19 lo Control system which chapter are easy and signal and system please told
Play list for control systems
Playlist for signals and systems
Jntuk R19 lo Digital electronic which chapter are easy please
thank u so much sir☺
What frequency is your Maxwell Bridge source?
Depends on R and C values
In the place of galvanometer detector are used is mandatory or not sir?
It will be helpful to check if bridge is balanced or not balanced. If balanced, no current flows through the detector and then, the product of opposite impedances are equal., And the unknown capacitance and inductance is measured in case of AC bridges.
Clearly explained
Thank you sir!
why was capacitor needed in parallel?
The theory will be well understood if it is linked up with QUALITY FACTOR also know as Q-Factor of capacitors. Some bridges are used in measuring capacitances having high q-value and some are dedicated for medium values and low values.
Tq.. Tq very much 😊😊
Excellent sir
Keep supporting please
Thank you sir
Thank you sir