Trump, Republican allies make plan to concentrate power in Trump's hands: NYTimes

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • According to new reporting by The New York Times, Donald Trump and his allies are crafting a formal plan for stripping facets of American government of their independence and consolidating power in the White House. Everything from the Justice Department to the spending power of Congress itself would be subject to Trump's whim. Rachel Maddow reviews the report.
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  • @JMGilberto
    @JMGilberto Рік тому +365

    "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy" - David Frum.

    • @AmericanBoomBoomStick
      @AmericanBoomBoomStick Рік тому +13

      Good thing we’re a constitutional republic then.

    • @marklasky3555
      @marklasky3555 Рік тому

      Democrats destroy Democracy

    • @Acer_Maximinus
      @Acer_Maximinus Рік тому +43

      “…a constitutional republic…”
      BFD, so is China.
      If you don’t like democracy, then don’t vote.

    • @MelioraCogito
      @MelioraCogito Рік тому

      @@AmericanBoomBoomStick I suggest you look up the meaning of “republic”. It's not what you think it means.
      _“I love the poorly educated.”_ -Donald J Trump (2016)
      _“I never meant to say that Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it._
      _“Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party.”_ -John Stuart Mill, *Considerations on Representative Government* (1861)
      Welcome to the _stupidest party_ in America: the _Repuglican_ Party-the *Stupid Peoples’ Party.*

    • @MelioraCogito
      @MelioraCogito Рік тому +1

      _“The government of the United States_ [under TFG] _seems to have made common cause with the planet’s thugs, crooks, and dictators against its own ideals-and in fact to have imported the spirit of thuggery, crookedness, and dictatorship into the very core of the American state, into the most solemn symbolic oval center of its law and liberty. The man inside that oval center did not act alone. He held his power with the connivance of others. They executed his orders and empowered his whims for crass and cowardly reasons of their own: partisanship, ambition, greed for gain, eagerness for attention, ideological zeal, careerist conformity, or-in the worst cases-malicious glee in the wreck of things they could never have built themselves. They claim the symbols of the republic as they subvert its institutions. They pin the flag to their lapels before commencing the day’s work of lying, obstructing, and corrupting. They speak for America to a world that remembers a different and better America. But that memory is already fading into a question of whether it was not perhaps always an illusion, whether this new regime of deceit and brutishness will not only form the future-but whether it also retrospectively discredits the American past.”_ -David Frum, *Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic*
      _“The sheep, who cannot see the intention of the wolf in his eyes, is the prey.”_ -Steve Schmidt
      Welcome to the _stupidest party_ in America: the _Repuglican_ Party-the *Stupid Peoples’ Party.*

  • @deanfiora4227
    @deanfiora4227 Рік тому +255

    I like presidents who *aren't* wannabe dictators.

    • @standingupforjustice8142
      @standingupforjustice8142 Рік тому

      The Heritage Foundation & 45 other GOP orgs will implement this with ANY Repub President, NOT just DJT

    • @Putin_Playbook_12345
      @Putin_Playbook_12345 Рік тому +1

      Censor all decent.

    • @tuckernaughton
      @tuckernaughton Рік тому +14

      ​@@Putin_Playbook_12345learn to spell, rube.

    • @theresebortzfield188
      @theresebortzfield188 Рік тому +14

      Investigate prosecute convict and jail DJT and allies and Seditious enablers responsible for treasonous facilitation INDICT them all convict and jail

    • @Putin_Playbook_12345
      @Putin_Playbook_12345 Рік тому +1

      @@tuckernaughton ooh, name calling. How intelligent of you, LOL.

  • @jakelong6860
    @jakelong6860 Рік тому +65

    This message should be on center stage at the Democratic national convention.

  • @theinsaneshecklador6598
    @theinsaneshecklador6598 Рік тому +147

    I was reading comments over on Newsmax and surprisingly most of the people there were opposed to this. Not that they didn't want Trump to wield this much power but they were scared that future presidents would have this power after Trump is dead.
    Hopefully Trump's push for this convinces at least some MAGAs to finally start to sour on Trump.

    • @carloscarlos7044
      @carloscarlos7044 Рік тому

      Why do think the majority of news max viewers are Trump supporters and the majority of MSNBC viewers are Trump haters ?

    • @LordZontar
      @LordZontar Рік тому

      The hardcore, dedicated Cult will never let go of their precious lord and master, but perhaps those people who voted Trump just to block Hillary or Biden will peel away from Trump and either vote to block him or stay home. Trump's MAGA base alone isn't enough to guarantee victory.

    • @MichaelTheRead
      @MichaelTheRead Рік тому +27

      Hoping for any cultist to sour on their cult leader is naive and wishful thinking in the extreme.

    • @theduck2970
      @theduck2970 Рік тому

      Not going to happen. The MAGA cult is too deep into it that they are not even hiding the fact that they are willing to give away their freedoms as long as they're able to go on hating people who don't look like them or believe what they do.

    • @revment
      @revment Рік тому

      Any MAGAs who haven't realized this is exactly where this was heading back in 2016 are already too far past the crazy/stupid/zealot line

  • @ConstantChaos1
    @ConstantChaos1 Рік тому +26

    Actual fascism

  • @gerryg1056
    @gerryg1056 Рік тому +25

    Didn't you all fight a war nearly 250 years ago to get rid of autocratic dictators?

  • @Chatterbox-94
    @Chatterbox-94 Рік тому +70

    So much for America being the land of the free.

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому

      It hasn't happened yet, and decent people WILL FIGHT to defend the USA!

    • @alexanderredhorse1297
      @alexanderredhorse1297 Рік тому

      bruh the US was never the land of the "fReE". business owners would send killers to gun down striking workers

    • @clownchaostime3024
      @clownchaostime3024 7 місяців тому

      What? It never was

  • @jameshaner8084
    @jameshaner8084 Рік тому +129

    Vote Blue as if your life depends on it, it does depend on it!

    • @stevetaxpayer6664
      @stevetaxpayer6664 Рік тому

      Voting blue leads to open borders which leads to hundreds of thousands of more fentanyl deaths and thousands of more of trafficked children. Shame on you.

    • @AmericanBoomBoomStick
      @AmericanBoomBoomStick Рік тому

      Lololololol! No one is going to lose their life when Republicans win. Well, maybe the left will delete their own (which I’m perfectly fine with) but as far as the government doing it; nothing will happen. Imagine living in fear all the time.

    • @mayfly552
      @mayfly552 Рік тому +17

      Just by way of example. I'm a career federal employee with graduate degrees in ecology and climate science. Part of my role is to advise my agency about the potential impacts of climate change on federal lands. During the last administration the Trump machine took a very long time to fill their vacant political appointee positions in my branch of government. They didn't seem interested, until the last year they were in power. Then they started clamping down on what we were allowed to write, allowed to say. In their 11th hour in office they (read The Heritage Foundation) concocted a plan to make virtually ALL of the civil service at-will employees, that the executive branch (read Heritage Foundation extremists) could fire at any time.
      How long do you think it'll be before everything slightly valuable will be sold off to the political elites for their own personal benefit? Trump Lodge at Yellowstone, anyone? There will be no more independent civil servants, just vendors of cheap disposable chochkies and Trump flags hanging at the Statue of Liberty. I'm not exaggerating. And of course it's not just in conservation. You want a passport? better know who to bribe. You want food safety information untarnished by corporate disinformation? Good luck with that.

    • @solarflare623
      @solarflare623 11 місяців тому

      If trump wins I’m planning on fleeing to Canada or the UK. At least they understand the core ideas their countries were founded upon.

  • @bmjpdx9222
    @bmjpdx9222 Рік тому +54

    In the fourth grade we learned that separation of power and check and balances were the fundamental principles of the U.S. Constitution. It seemed then, and still seems, like a pretty good idea. Apparently the Heritage Foundation sees it as a fundamental flaw.

    • @unclesamowitz9922
      @unclesamowitz9922 Рік тому

      We also learned that there's supposed to be a separation of church and state yet that hasn't stopped the traitors from ILLEGALLY planting a big fat menorah on the White House lawn every holiday season.

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому

      The Heritage Foundation should be ABOLISHED forthwith for HIGH TREASON, IMMEDIATELY!

    • @adbrooks95
      @adbrooks95 9 місяців тому

      The majority of Americans are against what they want to do. Read the manifesto. The way to get what they want is to give the president more power to do so. Which involves getting rid of checks and balances. It's wild really

  • @a11099mar
    @a11099mar Рік тому +102

    How is this not TREASON? I'm confused

    • @LetYourLightShine5218
      @LetYourLightShine5218 Рік тому +15

      I wondered the same but apparently as long as they are framing it in terms of "changing" the government legally, no matter how drastic the changes are, it is not treason. They essentially are saying "We think the Framers made some mistakes, and the Framers recognized they were not perfect and left us a path to make changes, so we are suggesting plans that will use that path to *fix* the mistakes." -- insidious!

    • @gregolonious
      @gregolonious Рік тому +15

      Because you're using your logical brain thingy. You have to leave that at home with the GOP.

    • @zynathera8140
      @zynathera8140 Рік тому

      Because they aren’t fighting the US to aid a foreign government. It’s called sedition.

    • @gordonbrooks13
      @gordonbrooks13 Рік тому +10

      @@LetYourLightShine5218 But if the framers made mistakes, it's not legal for legislatures and executives to correct it. That's what the amendment process is for, and it's purposefully slow and difficult to avoid just this kind of thing.

    • @raybar7360
      @raybar7360 Рік тому

      it is and you are because you are the bulk of us----we are being held hostage by a terrorist minority....

  • @13juju
    @13juju Рік тому +63

    Please Everyone, Share These Types Of Videos, We Have To Save U.S.A From Dictatorship!!!!

    • @AmericanBoomBoomStick
      @AmericanBoomBoomStick Рік тому

      I hope when Republicans win they either take all the rights away from the left or move you all to canada.

    • @anjaoldnettle2841
      @anjaoldnettle2841 Рік тому

      And WHAT a horrible dangerous dictatorship! All power in the hands of Trump? Who loves Kim and other cruel leaders? Kim lets his people starve, inform yourself. Fight for your life, like the ghost writer and only writer of his book said, Tony Schwartz. He said, vote for your life, because it depends on it. He also said, Trump would be the most pure evil human being he ever met in his entire life and the most insecure.
      We have a saying, only weak people are cruel.
      His own sister called him cruel, where did she vanish?

  • @garwynrosser8907
    @garwynrosser8907 Рік тому +97

    If you're thinking... The supreme court and congress would never allow this!
    McCarthy already handed over his own power willingly.

    • @Cynna1065
      @Cynna1065 Рік тому +20

      So has the Supreme Court.

    • @TheCrivanMobiel
      @TheCrivanMobiel Рік тому

      I would imagine if it came to it Trump would just ignore the Supreme Court and forge on with his plans. This would show that the court is actually just a facade with no bones and he’d seize total power.

    • @maxfieldstanton4541
      @maxfieldstanton4541 Рік тому

      The power is all in Congress. If something passes the House and Senate it goes to the president. President says no with a veto. Congress can override that veto and do it anyway. So then it goes to SCOTUS. SCOTUS says no, it's unconditional. Then Congress can change the constitution.
      However, with the number of judges that have been bought for the gop, and the majority that they have in one arm of Congress...if they get a president then it's unlikely it will have to go through the whole process. Especially if that president is trump.
      Now, the real power comes from the 4th check that never gets discussed in these things. The People. When tyrants come for our freedoms we absolutely will stand and remind them who really runs this country.

    • @newmove4378
      @newmove4378 Рік тому

      If dump succeeds, the Supreme court will be one of the first arms of Govt to go.

    • @Pbirv
      @Pbirv Рік тому +11

      We need another Booth or Oswald.

  • @lorenrenee1
    @lorenrenee1 Рік тому +14

    Well at least they’re finally honest about who they are and what they want

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому +2

      Yeah, isn't it rather silly for them to reveal their evil masterplan for all to see? It's almost as if they think they cannot possibly be stopped or thwarted - LOL!

  • @dondon6655
    @dondon6655 Рік тому +35

    Wasn't everyone impressed by how the majority of Republicans rose to condemn Trump. Oops? I am in my fantasy world again. Never mind!

  • @Dorvi1
    @Dorvi1 Рік тому +48

    Makes me frightened for our country to have such a corrupt, petty man wield that much power.

    • @MrGreen-fi5sg
      @MrGreen-fi5sg Рік тому

      What did trump do exactly.

    • @droopy8357
      @droopy8357 Рік тому

      @@MrGreen-fi5sgDid you not watch the video? Or are you such a d rider you don’t see how corrupt trump is???

    • @officialnoonon
      @officialnoonon Рік тому

      @@MrGreen-fi5sg Watch the video and let your TikTok-fried brain handle more than 2.5 seconds. After that you will think about the content of what you just saw, unless political drama is comedy and entertainment for you and you're willing to accept anybody as president, which would be exactly what voting for Trump entails/leads to. He's "anybody" since his plan is to become a "discount dictator".
      Here in Germany people saw Trump as a joke before he even became president and were shocked when he actually made it into the White House. Most thought voting for him would be ridiculously stupid.
      Do excuse errors, I'm not English....

  • @tanek_09
    @tanek_09 Рік тому +16

    For a bunch who claim to not like China, they certainly seem to want to be China.

  • @englishgardenvideos
    @englishgardenvideos Рік тому +26

    One of the problems is there is no civics class in many places in America.

    • @user-cvbnm
      @user-cvbnm Рік тому +1


    • @owenbelezos8369
      @owenbelezos8369 8 місяців тому

      there should be an entire semester class on fascism, the last wave of fascism killed over 75 million and oppressed and destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions more.

  • @makeracistsafraidagain
    @makeracistsafraidagain Рік тому +39

    Hey Republicans…
    Try to be Patriotic!

    • @Putin_Playbook_12345
      @Putin_Playbook_12345 Рік тому

      Hey Dems,
      Stop censoring speech.

    • @uwemudofia2419
      @uwemudofia2419 Рік тому

      Pls, keep being foolish. The Republican party today is dead. Imagine Abraham Lincoln in the same party as Donald Trump... The only question really is , How foolish really has America become?. That answer we'l see in '24. For a developed nation. America really needs to knock herself on the head to wake up to sense. How DJT ever became your president is a terrible testament to your collective intelligence. God help you.

    • @LetYourLightShine5218
      @LetYourLightShine5218 Рік тому +6

      The article provides the following quote which tells you what they think of Separation of Powers ... "Our current executive branch ... was conceived of by liberals. What's necessary is a complete system overhaul." ... "What we're trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them."

    • @officialnoonon
      @officialnoonon Рік тому

      @@LetYourLightShine5218 Laughable but horrifying

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому

      @@LetYourLightShine5218I just don't get the GOP hatred of liberals, it's like they're comparing them to someone else...!

  • @RBUDD16
    @RBUDD16 Рік тому +32

    We all need to vote republicans out of office and vote for democrats to help them help us. Please protect our children grandchildren and ourselves VOTE BLUE PLEASE

    • @euniceransfer7873
      @euniceransfer7873 Рік тому +6


    • @Aveeguides
      @Aveeguides 8 місяців тому

      Ohio has been voting blue. The only problem is that the gerrymandering here is so awful.
      Nearly 60% of Ohioans voted to protect abortion rights and legalize marijuana-yet 70% of our representatives are Republican…
      Your votes only matter if they aren’t being intentionally watered down by gerrymandering.

  • @Arulane
    @Arulane Рік тому +50

    So he could enact his retribution on everyone he doesn’t like. Or who annoys him at the moment.
    A tyrant’s whim could be the cause of you going to jail or being killed. What fun, right?

    • @robbiedemoss3224
      @robbiedemoss3224 Рік тому

      Well we know he is a big fan of Putin who has people close to him killed when he is done with them. The fact that Trump is telling us what he is going to do is reason enough to bar him from running for public office.

    • @zynathera8140
      @zynathera8140 Рік тому

      The irony - the minute these supporters don’t properly bow to trump he’ll use this new power to destroy them. He turns on EVERYONE eventually.

    • @rain1956
      @rain1956 Рік тому +11

      Just like in Ruzzia.

    • @officialnoonon
      @officialnoonon Рік тому +7

      @@rain1956 +China +North Korea
      "Yes to more dictators!" said no one ever

    • @haruhisuzumiya6650
      @haruhisuzumiya6650 Рік тому +4

      From president to Fuhrer

  • @pacificostudios
    @pacificostudios Рік тому +40

    If the Republicans win the Presidency in 2024, I am buying a rifle, stockpiling ammunition, and forming a pro-democracy community defense group. Let Justice Prevail!

    • @skymama65
      @skymama65 Рік тому

      Believe me, the GQP MAGAs have already been doing that for years. And no doubt they've already picked their generals to lead their civil war...

    • @Zeuswashington
      @Zeuswashington Рік тому +3


    • @Dr_Procrastinator
      @Dr_Procrastinator Рік тому +4

      I'm not American and I'm glad after looking at Project 2025. I genuinely wish you prosperity and freedom from this insane doctrine

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому

      @@Dr_ProcrastinatorThe Republican Party have finally shown their true evil colours.

    • @brandonjade2146
      @brandonjade2146 11 місяців тому

      Wait if u need to do that does that mean the dems were wrong about the gun debate? Hmmm what else might they have been wrong about🤔

  • @MelioraCogito
    @MelioraCogito Рік тому +41

    _“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”_ -John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

  • @KaylaSmith-lx3ds
    @KaylaSmith-lx3ds Рік тому +22

    The heritage foundation is what's wrong with Florida, they should be dismantled

  • @GullibleIgnorantGreedyIndiffer
    @GullibleIgnorantGreedyIndiffer Рік тому +28

    Without 100,000,000 Democrat votes Nov. 5th 2024
    We give life to Qanonsense

    • @WindFireAllThatKindOfThing
      @WindFireAllThatKindOfThing Рік тому

      It's not HOW MANY votes come in, it's WHERE the votes come from
      Doesn't make a lick of difference to win the same districts by millions more thanks to our first-past-the-pole, gerrymandered, electoral college stupidity.

    • @uwemudofia2419
      @uwemudofia2419 Рік тому

      But you the democrats are busy catfighting on Biden's age. A time when you all need to be sober and resolute to ensure democracy doesn't die. A part of you is more concerned about optics, idealism and whataboutism. Isn't that absurd?. I can tell you now for free. Biden is already your best president in this century. What you do with that going forward is your biz. I'm not American, I also know your atrocities round the globe. For me to commend your president, it means he's been stellar. Trump, Trump Jr or most lily-livered republicans will crumble the US if allowed to rule. For the first time in a decade. American president is No.1. at the toughest time really to be no 1. That's all the reality you all need. Not going on and on about an 80yr old that tripped and is trying to show you he's young. Wake up and be wise!.

  • @edvaira6891
    @edvaira6891 Рік тому +35

    Oh, Mr Biden?!! HOW ABOUT YOU DO THIS RIGHT NOW YOURSELF! The GOP seems to be fine with this!

    • @JimHolder-pk2kk
      @JimHolder-pk2kk Рік тому

      That is the most un-American I have ever heard. Biden is a much better person than Trump. But Biden (or Obama, or Jimmy Carter or Mother Teresa) would also become corrupted if given more power.
      The very essence of America and any Democratic country is separation of powers. This idea is exactly wrong.

    • @davidcuatt2058
      @davidcuatt2058 Рік тому

      If you think having Biden become a dictator is a good idea, then you missed the point. Dictators and Democracy don't mix!

  • @jgibson8092
    @jgibson8092 Рік тому +22

    And i thought this was the party of limited government 😂😂😂.

    • @christopherunfus8962
      @christopherunfus8962 Рік тому +7

      Not anymore.

    • @iana6713
      @iana6713 Рік тому +8

      Oh yes. Government limited to the whims of one unhinged man.

    • @Cynna1065
      @Cynna1065 Рік тому +6

      Limited to their ideology alone.

    • @jgibson8092
      @jgibson8092 Рік тому +4

      @@Cynna1065 basically. I think when they mean limited government I think it's only when the government is helping people that's the only thing they ever want limits on is helping the poor.

    • @Cynna1065
      @Cynna1065 Рік тому

      @@jgibson8092 More than that, they want the government to enforce their ideologies. Firearm idolatry, forced birth, travel restrictions, encouraging neighbors to spy on neighbors, medical record hijacking, and much more. They only want limited government when the government steps in to stop them from interfering with the freedom and general welfare of others.

  • @tjhill4044
    @tjhill4044 Рік тому +14

    This is basically the Russian modell.

  • @TRMV
    @TRMV Рік тому +9

    They don’t even hide it anymore!

  • @body9800
    @body9800 Рік тому +26

    One NARCISSIST destroys an entire country

    • @tjhill4044
      @tjhill4044 Рік тому +5

      No, not him alone. Don't forget all the powergrifters behind him and the deranged voters for them.

    • @DonaldBiden420
      @DonaldBiden420 Рік тому +7

      @@tjhill4044 And his foreign master who hides in a bunker in Russia somewhere.

    • @robbiedemoss3224
      @robbiedemoss3224 Рік тому

      @@tjhill4044Think about it do think the republicans that are helping him do this aren’t going to be in the boat with the rest of. All these republicans around him openly lying to the American people shows him they are liars and he can’t trust them even if those lies helped him destroy our country they will discarded. Narcissists are paranoid. NATO alliances require democracy so we will lose our place in NATO 3 countries that hate us will hit us with a nuclear weapon without consequences. That alliance is vital to our national security and the only thing that has prevented them from doing that is NATO you strike one of us, you strike all of us and NATO countries will blow that country off the map. There will no longer be the need for a Supreme Court. 1 man will make every decision in our country a man that hasn’t decided not to care about others but has no ability to care about others.

    • @body9800
      @body9800 Рік тому

      @@tjhill4044 Yes, him alone. If he wasn't there, they weren't either, he's a demagogue. Remove him and it would stop.

    • @unclesamowitz9922
      @unclesamowitz9922 Рік тому

      Agreed, but Obama is out of power now so let's focus on the narcissist currently in the Presidency.

  • @Acer_Maximinus
    @Acer_Maximinus Рік тому +57

    I can’t wait to read this dictator’s obituary.

    • @frankcarone3769
      @frankcarone3769 Рік тому

      i reported you to you tube for violence

    • @Acer_Maximinus
      @Acer_Maximinus Рік тому

      The day that fascist is in the dirt will a day to celebrate.
      Why do you love dictators so much, Frank?

    • @carterwinslow9158
      @carterwinslow9158 Рік тому +1

      @@frankcarone3769 Ok fascist

    • @DonaldBiden420
      @DonaldBiden420 Рік тому +12

      @@frankcarone3769 since when you rights became hippies and crybabies?

    • @ALT-vz3jn
      @ALT-vz3jn Рік тому +1

      @@frankcarone3769lmaooooo snowflake

  • @immertoll1
    @immertoll1 Рік тому +16

    They want a Kim Jong Un.

    • @uwemudofia2419
      @uwemudofia2419 Рік тому

      Birds of a feather, write love letters to each other. DJT is friends with all the dictators in the world apart from Xi Jinping.

  • @willprioleau4080
    @willprioleau4080 Рік тому +48

    If Trump is reelected I don't think he would ever leave the White House again. He will remain president until he dies.

    • @robbiedemoss3224
      @robbiedemoss3224 Рік тому

      There will be no more elections if he gets back in. And your comment really makes me nervous because it seems to me that you don’t get the magnitude of what these republicans are saying. If he gets back in life as we have known it will be over with. Our lives will be at the mercy of this tyrant. You will no longer have any rights just like the rest of us won’t. As a mother and a grandmother the one right that scares me the most is the loss of parental rights. Essentially law of the land will be Trump law. He can do what ever he wants. I don’t think there is any need to spell that out any further. Vote Blue in 2024 to keep your daughters safe.

    • @mackjrbell7828
      @mackjrbell7828 Рік тому +6

      Which shouldn't be that long. He's 77.

    • @barbra7562
      @barbra7562 Рік тому +4

      Which makes the question of his running mate of vital importance. Vice President Taylor-Green or Vice President
      Kate anyone? 😱

    • @Art-bn6vv
      @Art-bn6vv Рік тому +16

      If Trump is reelected, you're looking at our last president, and the 1st self pronounced king (or dictator) of this great nation, and "We the people" can't let that happen.
      VOTE BLUE 💙

    • @Cynna1065
      @Cynna1065 Рік тому +8

      @@mackjrbell7828 Rest assured, he'd hand the keys to the presidential palace over to one of his children.

  • @kcuzz4091
    @kcuzz4091 Рік тому +8

    Can you spell Dictatorship?!!!

  • @bradforward850
    @bradforward850 Рік тому +30

    Republicans got a death wish?

    • @EvilGrin
      @EvilGrin Рік тому +8

      Yeah, and they're willing to take everyone else with them if they don't get what they want.

    • @gregolonious
      @gregolonious Рік тому +4

      Wish? It's a funeral service the past 6 yrs

    • @terransunited
      @terransunited Рік тому

      No maga Republicans are amassing IEDs and strapping them to walmart drones to attack civilians if trump doesn't win

    • @Chatterbox-94
      @Chatterbox-94 Рік тому

      They literally preach death. With the amount of shootings and anarchy they let happen in this country they might as well be labeled as murderers.

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому +1

      One thing's for sure, the GOP won't get what they want without a vicious fight!

  • @joerogain5025
    @joerogain5025 Рік тому +39

    ''The secret of FREEDOM lies in educating people, whereas the secret of TYRANNY is in keeping them ignorant.''

    • @d.f.9064
      @d.f.9064 Рік тому +1

      Republicans don't want to fund education or student loan forgiveness. The faithful Republicans are most often poorly educated.

    • @MelioraCogito
      @MelioraCogito Рік тому

      Keeping Americans ignorant has already been accomplished.
      Fun fact: _75% of American adults possess the literacy skills of 6th-graders (prepubescent 11-year-olds) or less._ Think about that. If you thought the voting age in America was 18, you'd be wrong. Americans with the intellectual maturity of _prepubescent 11-year-olds_ get to vote, because they're biologically 18 year of age or older.
      _“I love the poorly educated.”_ -Donald J Trump (2016)
      _“I never meant to say that Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it._
      _“Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party.”_ -John Stuart Mill, *Considerations on Representative Government* (1861)
      Welcome to the _stupidest party_ in America: the _Repuglican_ Party-the *Stupid Peoples’ Party.*

    • @unclesamowitz9922
      @unclesamowitz9922 Рік тому +1

      “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

  • @skymama65
    @skymama65 Рік тому +10

    Jfc... they want a Hitler-Putin.

  • @wandaeaton588
    @wandaeaton588 Рік тому +13

    Vote blue

  • @TheScandoman
    @TheScandoman Рік тому +11

    You can concentrate Trump's power all you want: a million times zero is still zero!

    • @LetYourLightShine5218
      @LetYourLightShine5218 Рік тому

      Wake up @TheScandoman. This is not about **Trump's** power, it is about the power of the GOP top power players, including 6 Justices, and their (semi) hidden agendas. They support Trump because he disrupts the system and is a wildcard that they can manipulate, but if he vanished they would find some other puppet to play with.

  • @LaSmoocherina
    @LaSmoocherina Рік тому +7

    I don’t want a dictator. The refugees would all go to Canada?

    • @gingw7333
      @gingw7333 Рік тому +2

      I'm headed for New Zealand.

  • @michaelreid8857
    @michaelreid8857 Рік тому +9

    And my question to my friends to the South is this?
    Do you guys, honestly still feel delusional to claim your the freest country in the world?? 😂😂😂

  • @BlondieSL
    @BlondieSL Рік тому +7

    Direct from "The Dictators' Handbook."

  • @stevetubvang3034
    @stevetubvang3034 Рік тому +5

    You are wrong. 70 millions plus Americans want that kind of government. If they don't want that kind government then why they voted for Trump twice.

    • @PatrickOCnMD
      @PatrickOCnMD Рік тому

      You are right. Sadly so I am afraid. But it is not as simple as you put it. Huge # 's of White people in this country are very Racist. Ending of the Civil War did NOTHING to resolve all the Racism towards Blacks and especially Brown people.
      What they want is a WHITE America and they think Trump is the only one who can get or provide that. If he gets in power again, am certain Trump will at least TRY and work toward the goal of a White America. I would not be surprised if Trump brings back White Supremacist and Racist Steven Miller as Senior Policy Advisor again to work toward a White America effort. You wait and see.
      My prediction above is provided Trump somehow finds a way to win the election in 2004/5. Trump may find a way of escaping the Federal Charges. But right now I am not seeing ANY way he is going to escape the Georgia charges and likely conviction.

    • @sumonjamal1653
      @sumonjamal1653 Рік тому

      Not exactly... the 70+ million voters just hate the same way Trump does and want power for themselves to get 'revenge'... They have no idea what Russian authoritarianism looks and feel like, and they have no clue that this is what Trump wants for the USA 😈
      This is what I hear from his voters: "We have to lock Hillary up... we have to get back at the MS13 gangs... we have get back at China and India... we have to stop gays and illegal immigrants... Democrats are our enemies..."
      It's cluelessness, bigotry and ignorance that makes magatards vote for Trump.

    • @suehowie152
      @suehowie152 Рік тому

      They only think they want that kind of government because it's linked to Trump..They think they will be safe...and they have never lived under that kind of government..

  • @pamtuffield9385
    @pamtuffield9385 Рік тому +31

    How can a country that has invaded many countries to overturn autocratic regimes & establish freedom for their populations justify this?

    • @sumonjamal1653
      @sumonjamal1653 Рік тому

      Believe it or not, Germany was once thought of themselves that way too... And then, they embraced Hitler in 1932 😈

    • @Cynna1065
      @Cynna1065 Рік тому +9

      They can't.

    • @57highland
      @57highland Рік тому +9

      We've also supported a few autocratic regimes. Maybe that's how.

    • @irrelevantduckfan4413
      @irrelevantduckfan4413 Рік тому +10

      It was never about overturning autocratic regimes. It has always been about money.

    • @IzzyIkigai
      @IzzyIkigai Рік тому

      Most of the "but they brought freedom" is little more than propaganda. They literally armed those they fought later and destabilized the whole middle east and when it got too hot they simply fled and left thousands of people who helped them to die. The USA isn't built on freedom, it's built on exploitation and lies about how the exploitation is fine because it's "for the greater good".

  • @James_Knott
    @James_Knott Рік тому +5

    Can we say dictator?

  • @xmen9916
    @xmen9916 Рік тому +6

    Is this America what a embarrassment that people are talking about this like is a possibility. Where are the American people that I know and love being free and have a democracy something the world envies!! Holy crap people are so pathetic now!!

    • @unclesamowitz9922
      @unclesamowitz9922 Рік тому

      Did you say that when De Santis signed his treasonous HB269 bill?

  • @mackydog99
    @mackydog99 Рік тому +17

    I've said it before and I'll say it again..........if someone were to assassinate dt, I would be very sad. Seriously! Because at that moment, I would realize that it wasn't me that pulled the trigger!

    • @MichaelTheRead
      @MichaelTheRead Рік тому +7

      Everyone's thinking it, you're just saying it.

    • @mackydog99
      @mackydog99 Рік тому +2

      Meaning it!

    • @louismenn5579
      @louismenn5579 Рік тому +1

      That will never happen, he's not a black man.

    • @knotheadusc
      @knotheadusc Рік тому +1

      How about a well aimed lightning strike during his next golf game?

    • @brandonjade2146
      @brandonjade2146 11 місяців тому +1

      You’re officially on an fbi watchlist

  • @eskiltester3913
    @eskiltester3913 Рік тому +5

    That's called fascism

  • @57highland
    @57highland Рік тому +20

    Someone ask Mitch McConnell if he intends to go along with this, should Trump be elected president next year and should he, Senator Mitch McConnell, become Senate majority leader.
    Someone ask Mitch McConnell if he intends to oversee the kind of Senate majority that will confirm Trump nominees who intend to facilitate Trump's intended, announced power grab.

    • @hansvandermeulen5515
      @hansvandermeulen5515 Рік тому +8

      Everybody alresdy knows what Moscow Mitch would do.
      We seen it the last time he was majority leader.

    • @robbiedemoss3224
      @robbiedemoss3224 Рік тому +4

      He won’t need congress anymore to approve of anyone he chooses.

    • @robbiedemoss3224
      @robbiedemoss3224 Рік тому

      Mitch won’t be needed anymore essentially he will be out of a job. All those parts of government are going to eliminated including the Justice Department. Trump taking over businesses and making decisions for those businesses. You don’t seem to be grasping the implications in what this means. We will no long be a free country and no longer have any rights.

    • @hansvandermeulen5515
      @hansvandermeulen5515 Рік тому

      @@robbiedemoss3224 another step closer to dictatorship.

    • @Cynna1065
      @Cynna1065 Рік тому

      Trump no longer needs Congress. He'll just fill up his administration with permanently 'acting' officials, as he did the last time. IIRC, he called that a 'little trick' to bypass Congress.

  • @Acer_Maximinus
    @Acer_Maximinus Рік тому +17

    Putin to Dolt 45…(from Stripes):
    “…Do what I do, say what I say, and make me proud.”

  • @mvvpro8688
    @mvvpro8688 Рік тому +7

    Now he's writing beautiful love letters to dictatorship itself. Mein Bonespurs.

  • @anntifurz
    @anntifurz Рік тому +8

    Maybe we could call that single leader the fuhrer or something?

    • @unclesamowitz9922
      @unclesamowitz9922 Рік тому

      You mean like _democratically elected_ Hitler? The stupidity knows no bounds.

  • @Elizabeth-mp6tr
    @Elizabeth-mp6tr Рік тому +12

    OMGod, Almighty! Whats going on in your country??? What happened to no king? What happened to "equal and true?"

    • @AmericanBoomBoomStick
      @AmericanBoomBoomStick Рік тому

      Worry about your own country okay foreigner?

    • @EJM1224
      @EJM1224 Рік тому

      A minority of conservatives have systematically given themselves more and more power by taking advantage of "loopholes" in the way out government was set up. Our founders naively assumed that anyone who wanted to serve the public wouldn't be selfish or egotistical. Or maybe they naively assumed the people would be able to see through their Snake Oil routines before it was too late. Either way, they've hijacked our government and they're trying to take control over the rest of us. Unfortunately, the opposing party isn't as overtly corrupt as they are, so they refuse to use the same tactics to even out the balance of power.

    • @officialnoonon
      @officialnoonon Рік тому +2

      Isn't it mind blowing what they're doing to themselves?

  • @sandra47958
    @sandra47958 Рік тому +49

    NEVER EVER will Americans let our country become an authoritarian dictatorship!!! NEVER 👎 vote 💙for democracy and freedom for 🗽⚖️🇺🇸

    • @AlwaysAwesome001
      @AlwaysAwesome001 Рік тому +2

      Brought to you
      by Pfizer. 🤣

    • @rahimmajid647
      @rahimmajid647 Рік тому +4

      @@AlwaysAwesome001 👈 Horse paste user.

    • @AlwaysAwesome001
      @AlwaysAwesome001 Рік тому +1

      I used God given natural immunity.
      Try again China goober. 🤣

    • @rahimmajid647
      @rahimmajid647 Рік тому

      @@AlwaysAwesome001 Your farm, huh? Dude...That sad attempt at an insult says a lot about you and the voluntary activities at your farm. Nothing good, though.

    • @AlwaysAwesome001
      @AlwaysAwesome001 Рік тому

      Just come pick up your sister creep.
      Be a man for once in your life.

  • @hilpei3675
    @hilpei3675 Рік тому +7

    So freaking bring the hammer of justice down already!!! Unbelievable that the worst traitor of our time is still free to plan his next coup!

    • @unclesamowitz9922
      @unclesamowitz9922 Рік тому

      Not just that he's free but that he's currently holding the office of the Presidency.

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому

      Hilpei3675, I think you should mention Trump when you mean him, otherwise, respondee idiots like Unclesamowitz9922 here will assume you mean Biden.

  • @motorrad2
    @motorrad2 Рік тому +9

    Death by Heritage Foundation.

  • @conehead210
    @conehead210 Рік тому +5

    Agolf Twittler must go the same way as other way chopper flight comes to mind🎉

  • @Taskerofpuppets
    @Taskerofpuppets Рік тому +8

    Absolute lunacy

  • @kj8261
    @kj8261 Рік тому +11

    NPR on May 21, 2023 had a great article about Trump’s effect on “Voice of America”. I think this is a flash light on a possible future to avoid. Type in: voice of America Trump official, you will get many examples of Trump’s effect on the organization.

  • @DynoGreen313
    @DynoGreen313 Рік тому +12

    "and nobody seem to notice; nobody seems to care" the late great comedy icon george carlin

    • @unclesamowitz9922
      @unclesamowitz9922 Рік тому

      That's certainly been my take. Nobody seems to notice and nobody seems to care that 2% of the population is controlling 99% of all media, finances, government, and sports.

  • @nickib6228
    @nickib6228 5 місяців тому +2

    This needs to be continuously reported on by every major network between now and the election. This is horrifying. This cannot ever be allowed to happen.

  • @ray3576
    @ray3576 Рік тому +19

    Their biggest problem is they need a strong man to attempt to implement that and none of them are strong or smart enough.

    • @sumonjamal1653
      @sumonjamal1653 Рік тому

      Being "not strong or smart enough" has never been a problem for any authoritarian leader.
      In fact, stupidity is kind of a must to be a dicktat... they don't play chess; they toss the game away and yell, "I win!" 😈

    • @Cynna1065
      @Cynna1065 Рік тому

      There are very powerful and wealthy people throwing their weight behind this. Don't be deceived. Our medical records are no longer our own. Imagine when your home or business is no longer your own because some toady of the president decided that they deserved it more than you!

  • @Northcountry1926
    @Northcountry1926 Рік тому +21

    Hey Dems, So Now you know ! UNITE & VOTE SOLID BLUE in 2024 - Remember 2016 - DON’T split your vote !

  • @a.barker7792
    @a.barker7792 Рік тому +3

    Exactly what Ukraine is fighting to keep.

  • @cassykaye7596
    @cassykaye7596 Рік тому +3

    Isn't that a king monarchy, dictatorship or communist? 😮

  • @jon2026
    @jon2026 Рік тому +2

    You can plan all you want, Chump. We patriots are going to end the Republican party once and for all.

  • @annec9376
    @annec9376 Рік тому +7

    We'll see if America survives this election. I hope it does but I'm not confident...

    • @Cynna1065
      @Cynna1065 Рік тому

      I was worried in 2020. However, the nation seemed to understand the dire circumstances of the moment. It's no different today. In fact, it's worse. Americans are used to going our own way. There's no way that we'll put our lives and livelihoods into the hands of a capricious basket case.

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому

      America (at least the sane, non-GOP, non-MAGA parts) will FIGHT to RETAIN DEMOCRACY!

  • @cherrypie70
    @cherrypie70 Рік тому +3

    Feels like insanity

  • @rockykoast7065
    @rockykoast7065 Рік тому +4

    Concentrate power in Trump's hands? That would be like giving the nuclear bomb to Hitler would've been . 🙄

    • @unclesamowitz9922
      @unclesamowitz9922 Рік тому

      And yet _American_ Harry Truman is the only one that was so irresponsible as to launch one on another country.

  • @davidduarte4840
    @davidduarte4840 Рік тому +22

    One person running everything, what could go wrong?

  • @platinumoregon1148
    @platinumoregon1148 Рік тому +48

    Over our Dead Bodies, "Fat Boy" !!

    • @ryanreedgibson
      @ryanreedgibson Рік тому

      I'm not sure you realize how true that will be. At least with some of us. If he's elected we must defang the state to protect the world from the power he will wield.

  • @stefanthorpenberg887
    @stefanthorpenberg887 Рік тому +4

    Nothing new here. Hitler made this already after the coupe detat in 1933.

    • @officialnoonon
      @officialnoonon Рік тому

      There have been plenty throughout history, though history is doomed to repeat itself. Why? Probably because of the inherent nature of humans.

  • @gregolonious
    @gregolonious Рік тому +5

    I'm surprised they aren't reinstating prima nocta also by now.

  • @joerogain5025
    @joerogain5025 Рік тому +26

    ''I have President Putin here beside me and he says it wasn't Russia interfering in our Elections and I see no reason for it to be Russia.''
    Donald tRUMP

  • @eschdaddy
    @eschdaddy 10 місяців тому +1

    How is this not the most important story out there right now?

  • @morkvomork6815
    @morkvomork6815 Рік тому +4

    Adolf DeSantis?
    Donald Hitler?
    I´m confused...
    Is it a new contest, "Who´s the best Adolf?" in the republican party?

  • @bazzer124
    @bazzer124 Рік тому +1

    How does this NOT sound exactly like what that deranged little corporal did to Germany back in 1933? Cheers....

  • @flodareltih9825
    @flodareltih9825 Рік тому +1

    White House 2024: Make Trump Lose Again
    White House 2028: Make Trump Lose Again, Again

  • @DAsrada
    @DAsrada Рік тому +3

    "If we all support him, he won't ever turn against us."
    "True. Let's just...give him all the power."
    "Giving Adolf all the power could never backfire on us."

    • @Foebane72
      @Foebane72 Рік тому +1

      It's true that Hitler abolished all political opposition parties the moment he came to power, meaning no competition in that regard.

  • @kb_rtd1430
    @kb_rtd1430 Рік тому +4

    Welcome to United States of Rwanda America!

  • @wesleyc.4937
    @wesleyc.4937 Рік тому +19

    Déjà vu ---- Take a wild guess at what will happen when they lose.

    • @ryanreedgibson
      @ryanreedgibson Рік тому +8

      I would rather they lose. We have room in our prisons.

  • @rainbow6978
    @rainbow6978 Рік тому +3

    This is what some americans are leaning towards... how strange, this not freedom.

  • @berthabridges3483
    @berthabridges3483 Рік тому +6

    "For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole 🌎 world and lose his soul?
    Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
    ~ Jesus Christ, Mark 8:36 (KJV)

  • @pablohill4048
    @pablohill4048 Рік тому +4

    Welcome to Giliad

  • @michellekennedy6091
    @michellekennedy6091 Рік тому +3

    Want to see more Democrats talking about what is good for America and it's people and why this would not be fruitful for America

  • @Nefariously_ignorant
    @Nefariously_ignorant Рік тому +3

    Protect your country, rights and future. Dispose of 🇷🇺Donald

  • @JD987abc
    @JD987abc Рік тому +3

    He wants to be king.

  • @fjai2755
    @fjai2755 Рік тому +2

    There is an actual training program for this on the website with the goal of training people now to assume governmental positions. An application is required for the free training.. The application questions are designed to weed out those who are not fully on board with their plan.

  • @Pilotpaulie
    @Pilotpaulie Рік тому +2

    Sounds like conspiracy theory to me.

  • @MJay77-u9z
    @MJay77-u9z 10 місяців тому

    Thank you Rachel for explaining this horrible plan!!!

  • @eldorfthe_wise129
    @eldorfthe_wise129 Рік тому +1

    If you value democracy the way we have it the way we like it, vote blue as if it matters because it does.
    Do not allow any Republican to take the oval office for at least the next twenty or thirty years. This defective party that used to be called the Republican party needs a time-out.

  • @joerogain5025
    @joerogain5025 Рік тому +21

    ''When Kim Un Jong speaks his people immediately stand at attention and listen closely or else and I want my American subjects to do the same.''
    Donald tRUMP

  • @MarthaSalinas-y5i
    @MarthaSalinas-y5i 10 місяців тому

    Thanks Rachel

  • @climatefascism9870
    @climatefascism9870 Рік тому +2

    You started panicking

  • @julinaodebela3127
    @julinaodebela3127 Рік тому +2

    Those are Dreaming and Dreams will only remain what it is called

  • @practicewhatyoupreach8382
    @practicewhatyoupreach8382 Рік тому +2

    He sees himself as being among the greatest presidents the country has ever had. Can he name one of those others who strongarmed their plots on Americans?

  • @TWILS02119
    @TWILS02119 5 місяців тому

    Excellent reporting.

  • @rofflestomp684
    @rofflestomp684 Рік тому +16

    Let him talk. More evidence.

  • @Abmotsad
    @Abmotsad Рік тому +1

    But... but... states' rights!

  • @jaece1256
    @jaece1256 Рік тому +1

    Disgusting.... vote blue

  • @stonefree67
    @stonefree67 Рік тому +41


    • @ryu3180
      @ryu3180 Рік тому +15

      *Literally* fascism.

    • @democratactivist
      @democratactivist Рік тому +3


    • @christopherjavens3438
      @christopherjavens3438 Рік тому +1

      Is the new democratic party

    • @rahimmajid647
      @rahimmajid647 Рік тому +3

      @@christopherjavens3438 👈 Says the brown shirt guy.

    • @stonefree67
      @stonefree67 Рік тому +4

      @@christopherjavens3438 ,that´s what you came up with?🤣🤣You´re really bad at whataboutism..🤣🤣🤣