This hojor is Jamat ei lslami,l never like him,l want to ask him when Jamat e lslami lawer has died than he has loud his speech. Now his activators are killing and insulting weak and helpless people,he is silent. They didn't give public to bank interest but they take that interest in their account. They are new Muslim Yeahudi ,They don't see violence.,They don't protest.
الحمدلله 8:38 8:39 8:39 8:39
❤❤❤❤alhadulillah 😊😊😊😊😊USA
জাজাকাল্লাহু খাইরান।
❤❤❤❤ সৌদি আরব থেকে
Assalamualikum everyone
আসসালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া রাহমাতুল্লাহি ওয়া বারাকাতুহু জনাব আমি গাজীপুর থেকে বলতেছি শেখ ফরিদ মাটি ব্যতীত টিস্যু দিয়ে কি কোন যাবে
Ki Leklen?
This hojor is Jamat ei lslami,l never like him,l want to ask him when Jamat e lslami lawer has died than he has loud his speech. Now his activators are killing and insulting weak and helpless people,he is silent. They didn't give public to bank interest but they take that interest in their account. They are new Muslim Yeahudi ,They don't see violence.,They don't protest.