Sending love from an Orthodox Jew in USA. Love watching you debate Atheists and other non-believers... Keep up the good work of bringing all of humanity to recognize the One True G-d! Shalom Aleichem/Assalamu Alaikum!
I don't know what's hard to understand about Allah and The Prophet (saws) clearly stating multiple times that the Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the Last and Final Messenger, the Seal of the Prophethood. There is no need for any confusion or debate here.
leee baps Some Ahmadis and Baha'i as well will say that "it says no Prophet after him, but it didn't say no Messenger!" Don't they know that all Messengers are Prophets? They have no knowledge of Islam SubhanAllah!
Nishimiya Shouko Ahmadi Muslims do not believe this. That is a lie. You yourself do not believe MUHAMMAD SAW to be the last prophet as you await a prophet to come after him. Jesus Christ. Who you believe will fly down from the sky. Isa himself explained that when a Prophet is said to appear again in the world, it is someone in the likeness of that Prophet who will come, not the same one. Jews believed in physical decent of Prophet Elijah, Isa explained that he HAD returned in the spirit of John the Baptist. Ahmad (as) came in the spirit of Isa (as). Quran categorically says Isa and all prophets before Muhammad have died like every human does. You people have missed the boat just how the Jews did with Isa.
let me ask u sunnis a question, if u say the holy prophet was the last prophet, then how can u say that jesus will come. clearly if jesus does come, it will mean that prophets can come after the holy prophet. so explain please????
the holy prophet himself said that a lot of people will be against the imam mahdi and messiah when he comes just like people were against the holy prophet when he came, this is exactly whats happening.
In Norway, the Ahmadi's were giving dawah in the streets to the non believers, SubhanAllah they are misleading them, la ilaha I'll Allah. What an outrageous sect. Allah Mustaan.
Assalamu-alaykum brother Mohammed Hijab, I have been binge-watching your videos and from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you. I have been so inspired and have learnt so much- you've definitely helped me to confirm things in my faith that I previously struggled with. Your mannerisms, your knowledge and your passion for Islam are beyond inspiring. Keep doing what you're doing, for you will, by the will of Allah, inspire many people from all corners of the world. May the Almighty grant you the best of health, knowledge, faith and true happiness. Ameen. ❤❤
he was given 2 mins to make his point on numerous occasions but would not even give the brothers 30 seconds without interrupting them ..very disrespectful ..flip flopping from 1 thing to another
Fair debate and Ahmadi's are clearly in need of guidance. I didn't like the way the two Sunni brothers were laughing at him, particularly sheikh Mohammed as he seemed quite rude towards the end of the debate "we are all Sunni here, you go" that's not the way to speak to an old man
The headquarters of ahmadis are in Germany and UK...the Muslims who comes to these countries they attach with them, working on them to leave Islam and became ahmadi...please help the people to save the Muslim community in these countries...thanks Br hijab
I am Sunni. Therefore I try to abide by the Sunnah, and I don't think the intention of this video was to bring hate to the Ahmadiyyas. Instead the purpose is to illustrate that Dawah is our obligation and how speaking to those who are misguided is the best way to interact, in the method of the Sunnah.
How could a indian Punjabi geeza be a prophet imam mahdi and jesus at the same time and not speak arabic these people are lost beyond means may allah guide them
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Born in India under the sikh empire that just seems so bizarre to me. The sikhs hated the muslims wats not to say he was a sikh trying to divide islam.
Where does it say that the Messiah will be born twice? And in particular to a woman from the Punjab? Doesn't make sense o Ahmadis'. Leave this nonsense.
A sign of end of times is false prophets. What's a prophet without followers. May Allah guide these people. They are so misguided. How can they call themselves Muslims!
SubhanLlaah this is so scary. Allah clearly says in the Quran that the nabi Muhammad sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam is the seal of the prophets. It's terrifying to see how th is brother can continue believing that there was another prophet. May Allah protect us from being misguided
i dont understand why ahmedis believe in a prophet after muhammad pbuh. the quran doesn't say this so im amazed how they're not budging from their beliefs
Salamu Alaikum I'm confused. I really didn't get the point but I have to say that like to listen to the explicit verse about Isa alayhi wa salam. For me it is really really difficult to understand the death or not death part but now it is more light in the dark. SubhanAllah. I really thank you Sheikh, shukran:)
Derya T. same here, it is because i don't understand arabic, and this goes to show we need to be educated so we understand and not spread misinformation
Ahmed Noor why do you think he was in Middle East or Yemen there are no ahemdis there? You should look out more there is Somalis who are Christians now and other stuff
Abdallah ya exactly idk Y most of comments say he is middle eastern, i wouldn't be surprised if he was a shiaa even they r not that much here in middle east, ahemdi tho that's almost non here
Abu Saleh The Cameraman They believe another prophet came in India like 100 years ago or something. Lol Even though prophet Mohammed PBUH was final (seal) of the prophet.
1st question(regarding Khatam/Khatim): In Surah Al-Ahzaab the word Khatam is used. Khatam or a simiar word is used 8 times in Quran, 2:7, 6:46, 33:40, 36:65, 42:24, 45:23, 83:25, 83:26. Please tell me where else its taken as "The last"? Also, the word Khatam is an Ism’Alah which means “an instrument used for the action” making Khatam the tool with which a mark is stamped instead of a stamp-mark itself. So when the meaning of seal is applied to Khatam-un Nabiyyin, it would mean Seal of Prophets, as in seal of the authentication for all the Prophets.---------- 2nd question(regarding La Nabiyya Ba'di Hadith): Isnt it a bit of a dishonesty from your side to not mention the full Hadith? Here is the full Hadith "Allah's Messenger set out for Tabuk. appointing Ali as his deputy(in Medina). Ali said, "Do you want to leave me with the children and women?" The Prophet said, "Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like Aaron to Moses? But there is no Prophet besides me". We all know Musa AS and Haroon AS both were brothers and alive at the same time and both were Prophets, but Ali RA was not a Prophet. So why must you take Ba'di as "after", instead of "besides"? For the arguments sake, lets pretend Prophet Muhammad SAW meant "after" when He used the word Ba'di. Does is not go against your very own belief that Prophet Issa AS is yet to come. Unless you want to tell me that Prophet Issa AS will not be a Prophet on His second advent. Now please dont give me that same old worn out explanation that Prophet Issa come before Prophet Muhammad SAW, so it doesnt apply to him. This simply does not make sense. Here I am going to quote Hadrat Ayesha RA "Say that He(Muhammad SAW) was a Khatam-un-Nabiyyin, but do not say that there will be no Prophet after Him" Takmala Majmaul Bihar, p. 88. This 1 quotation answers both the questions mentioned above. Unless you want to tell me She, the mother of the believers got it wrong. This is not it, lets see what Hadhrat Ali RA believed regarding this. "Hadhrat Abu Abdur Rahman Al Sulammiya RA said "“I was appointed to teach Hazrat Imam Hassan RA and Imam Hussain RA the Holy Quran. Then once Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib RA passed by me as I was teaching them to read Khatim an Nabiyyin with a Ksara on ta. Then He(Ali)RA said to me “Teach them to recite wa Khataman Nabiyyin with the fatah on ta. May Allah enable you to!”” AdDurul Manthoor under Chapter 33, verse 40. This clearly shows Hadhrat Ali RA who was a subject in the Hadith mentioned above too believed Prophet Muhammad SAW to not be the last Prophet.---------- 3rd question(regarding Issa AS and Mahdi): Please show me the Hadith that you are talking about. I am assuming you meant this Hadith "I heard the Messenger of Allah say: A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and will prevail till the Day of Resurrection. He said: Jesus son of Mary would then descend and their Ameer(Muslim commander) would invite him to come and lead them in prayer, but he would say: No, some amongst you are commanders over some (amongst you). This is the honour from Allah for this Ummah. Sahih Muslim Book 1 Hadith 293. Please show me where exactly does it say that Prophet Issa AS will be behind Mahdi in Prayers? Show me where is Imam Mahdi mentioned in this Hadith? However let me quote a Hadith, this is mentioned in Muslim as well as Bukhari. "What will be your state when Ibn Maryam(Jesus AS) descends amongst you and will be an Imam amongst you?" Sahih Muslim Book1 Hadith 290. This Hadith is mentioned multiple times. The very next Hadith says "What would you do when Ibn Maryam(Jesus AS) would descend and lead you(be your Imam)? Muslim Book1 Hadith 291.---------- Another thing I found weird was you mentioning Ahmad not being the name of the Prophet SAW. Explain this verse then "And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad." But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic." Chapter 61:6. It would be interesting to see you explain this.---------- Also, the sheikh is contradicting himself. Why is it that the description of Issa AS of the latter days is different from the Issa AS of 2,000 years ago. Don't you think maybe, just maybe, because the latter day Messiah is going to be different from the Messiah of 2,000 years ago as He is dead? Dont forget, Quran tells us that Prophet Issa AS was a prophet sent to Bani Israel. But the Hadith says that the latter day Messiah will follow the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad SAW. In Quran it says "“And He (Allah) will teach him (Issa AS) the Book and Wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel. And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], 'Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord……” Chapter 3:48-49". Whereas Hadith tells us "“Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said "How will you be when the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the Law of the Quran and not by the law of Gospel.” Bukhari Vol.4, Book 55, #658”. Make up your mind people. Do your own honest researches. These scholars wont save you when Allah SWT on the day of Judgement questions you for not believing in the Messiah of the latter days. May God guide us to the right path. Aameen. Salaam
The people have been following the traditions for 1400 years. Don't ya think there would be hadith on another prophet? You try to make things sound to your liking. Where in any hadith does it say that prophet Isa is dead. What about the hadiths of the prophet warning of imposter prophets. Your whole belief is hanging on the fact that u believe that prophet Isa died take that away and everything falls apart. I know u have been following this Ahmadi religion for a while but plz try to make sense when things don't add up. I pray u see the truth and are protected from hellfire bro. Salaam
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) observed: What will be your state when the son of Mary descends amongst you and there will be an Imam amongst you? That's what hadith that's 290. You removed a word that clearly says that there are 2 people being mentioned here! There's not one hadith but multiple that say he will be behind someone in prayer. If its Mirza then hazrat Isa came already? lol very dishonest bro
Please tell me which word I am missing. "" كَيْفَ أَنْتُمْ إِذَا نَزَلَ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ فِيكُمْ وَإِمَامُكُمْ مِنْكُمْ " And yes, Ahmadis believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was the 2nd coming of the Messiah foretold by Prophet Muhammad SAW. Just like Prophet Yahya AS was the second coming of Prophet Ilyas AS. What was also foretold was it will be someone different from the one from 2,000 years ago.
Did u not read the translation I sent you? This is what it says in google translate: How are you if the son of Mary descends in you and your imam is among you? 2 people again!
In quran it says surah Al- Baqarah verse 4: And who believe in what has been revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith]. Well this verse kinda defeats the damnation of Mirza Ghulam ahmed . I believe in what was sent before the prophet and what was sent to the prophet. What a great verse no? It is like an anti innovation verse.
subxana Allah brothers this man is mad and confused and lost we don't have something like this in awar country there are ppl saying somalis are vilonte and ignorincse we r not we have lost ppl like every natison and and allxamdulliah somalis are 99%Muslim sunni and this man is lost may Allah gaird him to the rigth path of islam😳
akhi, hijab , your thoughts on this quote : For we see that the scholars differ a lot on the issue. Ibn Jarīr Tabarī himself has mentioned three possible interpretations of the verse; firstly, all the People of the Book will believe in Jesus (sws) before his death; secondly, all the People of the Book will believe in Jesus (sws) before their death and thirdly, all the People of the Book will believe in Muhammad (sws) before their death2. There is also another possible interpretation according to which everyone from among the People of the Book, before the Prophet Muhammad’s death, will believe in the Qur’ān3. Ibn ‘Abdu’l Barr in his book Al-Tamhīd has said that Imam Tabarī opined that the verse is specific for the People of the Book of the times of Jesus (sws) and not for the People of the Book of all times4. Therefore, this verse cannot be presented as definitive proof of the fact that Jesus will descend on earth before the Last Day. The author has further presented some opinions of the scholars which we do not believe can be taken as a proof from the Qur’ān itself; rather they are only some of the possible implications of the Qur’ānic text.
+Mohammed Hijab *"His death"* could be the death of _Issa_ or _person who is from People of the book_: =>> "And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), but must believe in him (Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a Messenger of Allah and a human being), before *his* ( _Iesa (Jesus)_ *or* _a Jews or a Christians) *death* (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death)." [Muhsin Khan & Muhammad al-Hilali].
You guys are so hesitant when having to agree that Jesus was and is a prophet when he returns. Why so? Quran says Messengers before Muhammad (saw) have passed away. Does Allah give any exception before or after this verse to any prophet? NoooOOO. Deal with it!!! Hazrat Essa (as) cannot outlive the Greatest of Prophets!!!!!!! You guys don't even understand what the real meaning of Khatamun Nabiyan is! How does man ascend to a non physical dimension? What nonsense. May Allah guide you.
Bobby Samra Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a paid agent who just wanted to put schism and the fooled u people by jus twisting things. I would suggest u to come back to Islam. Mirza Qadiyani was a liar u would be burned in hell if u believed in him.
Sending love from an Orthodox Jew in USA. Love watching you debate Atheists and other non-believers... Keep up the good work of bringing all of humanity to recognize the One True G-d! Shalom Aleichem/Assalamu Alaikum!
Max C Peace be upon you my brother! From London.
Wa-alaykumusalam. May the Almighty shower his blessings upon you.
a somali that is ahmadi I never thought I would see the day
Mohamed Hersi trust
Mohamed Hersi same I was in shock as a Somali lol
Mohamed Hersi misguidance don't discriminate. be familiar with the sunna.
Mohamed Hersi I think he
grew up in Middle East or Yemeni Somali
Mohamed Hersi legit shocked cause somalis are just sunnis (some sufis too but SUNNAAAH)
I don't know what's hard to understand about Allah and The Prophet (saws) clearly stating multiple times that the Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the Last and Final Messenger, the Seal of the Prophethood. There is no need for any confusion or debate here.
leee baps Some Ahmadis and Baha'i as well will say that "it says no Prophet after him, but it didn't say no Messenger!" Don't they know that all Messengers are Prophets? They have no knowledge of Islam SubhanAllah!
Nishimiya Shouko Ahmadi Muslims do not believe this. That is a lie. You yourself do not believe MUHAMMAD SAW to be the last prophet as you await a prophet to come after him. Jesus Christ. Who you believe will fly down from the sky.
Isa himself explained that when a Prophet is said to appear again in the world, it is someone in the likeness of that Prophet who will come, not the same one. Jews believed in physical decent of Prophet Elijah, Isa explained that he HAD returned in the spirit of John the Baptist. Ahmad (as) came in the spirit of Isa (as). Quran categorically says Isa and all prophets before Muhammad have died like every human does. You people have missed the boat just how the Jews did with Isa.
let me ask u sunnis a question, if u say the holy prophet was the last prophet, then how can u say that jesus will come. clearly if jesus does come, it will mean that prophets can come after the holy prophet. so explain please????
u sunnis are exactly like the yuhudis in the holy prophets time
the holy prophet himself said that a lot of people will be against the imam mahdi and messiah when he comes just like people were against the holy prophet when he came, this is exactly whats happening.
I have never in my life ever seen a somali ahmadi. wallahi I'm shocked
The Ahmedi are so misguided Subhan'Allāh. Anyone who believes there is another prophet after Rasul'Allāh ﷺ is a disbeliever.
Taimur Khan milaad IS bid'ah my friend
ثوبان ابن مسعود ابن محمد اكرم ال اول loooool why u madddd bro 😂
ثوبان ابن مسعود ابن محمد اكرم ال اول yep your mad. U got no argument lmao. Carry on, it ain't gna help you 😂😂😂😂
ثوبان ابن مسعود ابن محمد اكرم ال اول
I applaude you.👏👏👏 You make lots of sense 😂😂
ثوبان ابن مسعود ابن محمد اكرم ال اول why don't you respond by actually making an argument rather than cussing everyone and everything. Lol 😂😂
we Somalis dont have Ahmadis we have some Sufis
this is new to me
Mahat Elmi yh I know I think he grew up in the Middle East or a lost Yemeni Somali
But Somali are Muslims
All of us Sunni
Mahat Elmi not every Somali is Sunni
most of us are
do you know who isnt
coz i dont
Hana Hajir majority are!
Prophet Muhammad (SA) is the last and final messanger. As far as Qadiyaniz r concerned they r NOT Muslims at all.
In Norway, the Ahmadi's were giving dawah in the streets to the non believers, SubhanAllah they are misleading them, la ilaha I'll Allah. What an outrageous sect. Allah Mustaan.
a somali who is ahmadi I am shocked beyond words. May Allah guide him
Assalamu-alaykum brother Mohammed Hijab, I have been binge-watching your videos and from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you. I have been so inspired and have learnt so much- you've definitely helped me to confirm things in my faith that I previously struggled with. Your mannerisms, your knowledge and your passion for Islam are beyond inspiring. Keep doing what you're doing, for you will, by the will of Allah, inspire many people from all corners of the world. May the Almighty grant you the best of health, knowledge, faith and true happiness. Ameen. ❤❤
As I somali i had to cringe to listen to him. loool. My Allah guide him!
"yaaah" kulahaa
aliyahsaeed117 I know. I think he grew up in Middle East or a lost Yemeni Somali
he was given 2 mins to make his point on numerous occasions but would not even give the brothers 30 seconds without interrupting them ..very disrespectful ..flip flopping from 1 thing to another
Fair debate and Ahmadi's are clearly in need of guidance. I didn't like the way the two Sunni brothers were laughing at him, particularly sheikh Mohammed as he seemed quite rude towards the end of the debate "we are all Sunni here, you go" that's not the way to speak to an old man
The headquarters of ahmadis are in Germany and UK...the Muslims who comes to these countries they attach with them, working on them to leave Islam and became ahmadi...please help the people to save the Muslim community in these countries...thanks Br hijab
Mohammad Hijab has sharp knowledge. love you brother.
subxaanallah as a somali I could not believe what I have seen
he is worse the the none muslims
Sheikh's got the new S8..
Money can change your Aqeedah.
صُمٌّۢ بُكْمٌ عُمْىٌ فَهُمْ لَا يَرْجِعُونَ
I am Sunni. Therefore I try to abide by the Sunnah, and I don't think the intention of this video was to bring hate to the Ahmadiyyas. Instead the purpose is to illustrate that Dawah is our obligation and how speaking to those who are misguided is the best way to interact, in the method of the Sunnah.
How could a indian Punjabi geeza be a prophet imam mahdi and jesus at the same time and not speak arabic these people are lost beyond means may allah guide them
prophet Mohammad said before his death that there will be no prophet after his death...........then y r they talking about another prophet.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Born in India under the sikh empire that just seems so bizarre to me. The sikhs hated the muslims wats not to say he was a sikh trying to divide islam.
Sunni and proud. we are 95% of muslims
Where does it say that the Messiah will be born twice? And in particular to a woman from the Punjab?
Doesn't make sense o Ahmadis'. Leave this nonsense.
A sign of end of times is false prophets. What's a prophet without followers. May Allah guide these people. They are so misguided.
How can they call themselves Muslims!
SubhanLlaah this is so scary. Allah clearly says in the Quran that the nabi Muhammad sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam is the seal of the prophets. It's terrifying to see how th is brother can continue believing that there was another prophet. May Allah protect us from being misguided
What he said at the end he should have told these facts to the Somali guy .What u said at the end are true facts.
Brother please do an Islamic book recommendation video inshallah.
Escapistreader Yes! InshaAllah Brother Hijab sees this.
I really think Br.Hijab should have debates with people like Ayaan Hirsi and Douglas Muray.....
Maryam Ali they're afraid
Maryam Ali I think he means that Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Douglas Murray are the ones who are afraid. :)
A Somali Ahmadi???? 🤔 Wow. That's strange.
i dont understand why ahmedis believe in a prophet after muhammad pbuh. the quran doesn't say this so im amazed how they're not budging from their beliefs
Great debate but the other Sunni Muslim could have been a little nicer.
This Qadiani doesn't know what he's talking about
Salamu Alaikum
I'm confused. I really didn't get the point but I have to say that like to listen to the explicit verse about Isa alayhi wa salam. For me it is really really difficult to understand the death or not death part but now it is more light in the dark. SubhanAllah. I really thank you Sheikh, shukran:)
Derya T. same here, it is because i don't understand arabic, and this goes to show we need to be educated so we understand and not spread misinformation
I cant' stand listening to that guy... he's just noise and no substance.
I don't think he was 100% or grew up in a Somali community.yh I think he grew up in the Middle East or Yemeni Somali
Ahmed Noor why do you think he was in Middle East or Yemen there are no ahemdis there?
You should look out more there is Somalis who are Christians now and other stuff
Abdallah ya exactly idk Y most of comments say he is middle eastern, i wouldn't be surprised if he was a shiaa even they r not that much here in middle east, ahemdi tho that's almost non here
Is there any videos explaining what is Ahmadi?
Abu Saleh The Cameraman go on and search them up.
Abu Saleh The Cameraman
They believe another prophet came in India like 100 years ago or something. Lol
Even though prophet Mohammed PBUH was final (seal) of the prophet.
SHK Exactly.
M C looks like pure b.s
The Ahmedi is so rude
I'm sorry but this is the funniest debate so far lol
juwariyah abdus-salaam from 24:12 😂😂
he just like my father Ahmadi, he not Gon lisen....
Reguler Man Ahmadiz r non-muslims they have gone far way from real Islam it is our duty to bring them back to Islam.
I love mohd hijab love from kashmir
1st question(regarding Khatam/Khatim): In Surah Al-Ahzaab the word Khatam is used. Khatam or a simiar word is used 8 times in Quran, 2:7, 6:46, 33:40, 36:65, 42:24, 45:23, 83:25, 83:26. Please tell me where else its taken as "The last"? Also, the word Khatam is an Ism’Alah which means “an instrument used for the action” making Khatam the tool with which a mark is stamped instead of a stamp-mark itself. So when the meaning of seal is applied to Khatam-un Nabiyyin, it would mean Seal of Prophets, as in seal of the authentication for all the Prophets.----------
2nd question(regarding La Nabiyya Ba'di Hadith): Isnt it a bit of a dishonesty from your side to not mention the full Hadith? Here is the full Hadith "Allah's Messenger set out for Tabuk. appointing Ali as his deputy(in Medina). Ali said, "Do you want to leave me with the children and women?" The Prophet said, "Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like Aaron to Moses? But there is no Prophet besides me". We all know Musa AS and Haroon AS both were brothers and alive at the same time and both were Prophets, but Ali RA was not a Prophet. So why must you take Ba'di as "after", instead of "besides"? For the arguments sake, lets pretend Prophet Muhammad SAW meant "after" when He used the word Ba'di. Does is not go against your very own belief that Prophet Issa AS is yet to come. Unless you want to tell me that Prophet Issa AS will not be a Prophet on His second advent. Now please dont give me that same old worn out explanation that Prophet Issa come before Prophet Muhammad SAW, so it doesnt apply to him. This simply does not make sense. Here I am going to quote Hadrat Ayesha RA "Say that He(Muhammad SAW) was a Khatam-un-Nabiyyin, but do not say that there will be no Prophet after Him" Takmala Majmaul Bihar, p. 88. This 1 quotation answers both the questions mentioned above. Unless you want to tell me She, the mother of the believers got it wrong.
This is not it, lets see what Hadhrat Ali RA believed regarding this. "Hadhrat Abu Abdur Rahman Al Sulammiya RA said "“I was appointed to teach Hazrat Imam Hassan RA and Imam Hussain RA the Holy Quran. Then once Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib RA passed by me as I was teaching them to read Khatim an Nabiyyin with a Ksara on ta. Then He(Ali)RA said to me “Teach them to recite wa Khataman Nabiyyin with the fatah on ta. May Allah enable you to!”” AdDurul Manthoor under Chapter 33, verse 40.
This clearly shows Hadhrat Ali RA who was a subject in the Hadith mentioned above too believed Prophet Muhammad SAW to not be the last Prophet.----------
3rd question(regarding Issa AS and Mahdi): Please show me the Hadith that you are talking about. I am assuming you meant this Hadith "I heard the Messenger of Allah say: A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and will prevail till the Day of Resurrection. He said: Jesus son of Mary would then descend and their Ameer(Muslim commander) would invite him to come and lead them in prayer, but he would say: No, some amongst you are commanders over some (amongst you). This is the honour from Allah for this Ummah. Sahih Muslim Book 1 Hadith 293. Please show me where exactly does it say that Prophet Issa AS will be behind Mahdi in Prayers? Show me where is Imam Mahdi mentioned in this Hadith? However let me quote a Hadith, this is mentioned in Muslim as well as Bukhari. "What will be your state when Ibn Maryam(Jesus AS) descends amongst you and will be an Imam amongst you?" Sahih Muslim Book1 Hadith 290. This Hadith is mentioned multiple times. The very next Hadith says "What would you do when Ibn Maryam(Jesus AS) would descend and lead you(be your Imam)? Muslim Book1 Hadith 291.----------
Another thing I found weird was you mentioning Ahmad not being the name of the Prophet SAW. Explain this verse then "And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad." But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic." Chapter 61:6. It would be interesting to see you explain this.----------
Also, the sheikh is contradicting himself. Why is it that the description of Issa AS of the latter days is different from the Issa AS of 2,000 years ago. Don't you think maybe, just maybe, because the latter day Messiah is going to be different from the Messiah of 2,000 years ago as He is dead? Dont forget, Quran tells us that Prophet Issa AS was a prophet sent to Bani Israel. But the Hadith says that the latter day Messiah will follow the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad SAW. In Quran it says "“And He (Allah) will teach him (Issa AS) the Book and Wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel. And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], 'Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord……” Chapter 3:48-49". Whereas Hadith tells us "“Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said "How will you be when the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the Law of the Quran and not by the law of Gospel.” Bukhari Vol.4, Book 55, #658”. Make up your mind people. Do your own honest researches. These scholars wont save you when Allah SWT on the day of Judgement questions you for not believing in the Messiah of the latter days. May God guide us to the right path. Aameen. Salaam
The people have been following the traditions for 1400 years. Don't ya think there would be hadith on another prophet? You try to make things sound to your liking. Where in any hadith does it say that prophet Isa is dead. What about the hadiths of the prophet warning of imposter prophets. Your whole belief is hanging on the fact that u believe that prophet Isa died take that away and everything falls apart. I know u have been following this Ahmadi religion for a while but plz try to make sense when things don't add up. I pray u see the truth and are protected from hellfire bro. Salaam
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) observed: What will be your state when the son of Mary descends amongst you and there will be an Imam amongst you? That's what hadith that's 290. You removed a word that clearly says that there are 2 people being mentioned here! There's not one hadith but multiple that say he will be behind someone in prayer. If its Mirza then hazrat Isa came already? lol very dishonest bro
Please tell me which word I am missing. "" كَيْفَ أَنْتُمْ إِذَا نَزَلَ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ فِيكُمْ وَإِمَامُكُمْ مِنْكُمْ " And yes, Ahmadis believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was the 2nd coming of the Messiah foretold by Prophet Muhammad SAW. Just like Prophet Yahya AS was the second coming of Prophet Ilyas AS.
What was also foretold was it will be someone different from the one from 2,000 years ago.
Did u not read the translation I sent you? This is what it says in google translate: How are you if the son of Mary descends in you and your imam is among you? 2 people again!
In quran it says surah Al- Baqarah verse 4: And who believe in what has been revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith]. Well this verse kinda defeats the damnation of Mirza Ghulam ahmed . I believe in what was sent before the prophet and what was sent to the prophet. What a great verse no? It is like an anti innovation verse.
Once again brother hijab outsmarted this guy
Mo muj doesnt take a lot to outsmart a mali freshy
a somali ahmadi? 😛 that's a first
what is this sheikhs full name?
Love For All Hatred For None
Somair Ahmad oh so you love Satan then? Yeah I can see that! Good luck with that!
we know they are on the wrong track... since he can't tell why he believes what he believes... it should end there...
Owwww manz, Somali brother Owwww mazz brother come hug me I make u sunni may Allah swt guide us and the brother
This is great - they get this is the way - dabate like Socrates and the rabbis. . .Make peace among brothers!
subxana Allah brothers this man is mad and confused and lost we don't have something like this in awar country there are ppl saying somalis are vilonte and ignorincse we r not we have lost ppl like every natison and and allxamdulliah somalis are 99%Muslim sunni and this man is lost may Allah gaird him to the rigth path of islam😳
somalis and stubbornness especially old heads lmaaoo iska aamus saxib
I dont think this guy is Somali
the Ahmadi losing the control 😂😂
He said Abti haha😆
There is no sets only Muslim all sets and labels are innovation the Prophet Pbuh was not a set
Love to meet both of you one day ngl
His brushing his theeth with sugi stick... Haha
Subhanallah this like bad cop good cop LOL
Please support khatmenabuwatt in London jzk against ahamdi and lies
There should not be any age respecting for people like this!
15 Ahmadis disliked this video
U can tell who's on the right path by nour on the face, some people who are astray their faces are dark as hell, this vid is a perfect example!!!!!!
Hummy Humacide OMG
Mijour Rahman what????? Lol
my goodness are the qadiani those who worship the grave
Mahamed Farah they're sufis who worship the graves
muhammad jaabir what is the difference between worshiping the grave and having a new prophet, sufis and qadiani are both same ...
Wuxuu ahmadiya u noqday Hunguri
subhana Allah this guy is irritating
akhi, hijab
, your thoughts on this
quote :
For we see that the scholars differ a lot on the issue. Ibn Jarīr Tabarī himself has mentioned three possible interpretations of the verse; firstly, all the People of the Book will believe in Jesus (sws) before his death; secondly, all the People of the Book will believe in Jesus (sws) before their death and thirdly, all the People of the Book will believe in Muhammad (sws) before their death2. There is also another possible interpretation according to which everyone from among the People of the Book, before the Prophet Muhammad’s death, will believe in the Qur’ān3. Ibn ‘Abdu’l Barr in his book Al-Tamhīd has said that Imam Tabarī opined that the verse is specific for the People of the Book of the times of Jesus (sws) and not for the People of the Book of all times4. Therefore, this verse cannot be presented as definitive proof of the fact that Jesus will descend on earth before the Last Day.
The author has further presented some opinions of the scholars which we do not believe can be taken as a proof from the Qur’ān itself; rather they are only some of the possible implications of the Qur’ānic text.
+Mohammed Hijab *"His death"* could be the death of _Issa_ or _person who is from People of the book_: =>> "And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), but must believe in him (Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a Messenger of Allah and a human being), before *his* ( _Iesa (Jesus)_ *or* _a Jews or a Christians) *death* (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death)." [Muhsin Khan & Muhammad al-Hilali].
Gaalkaan soo qabta!
You guys are so hesitant when having to agree that Jesus was and is a prophet when he returns. Why so? Quran says Messengers before Muhammad (saw) have passed away. Does Allah give any exception before or after this verse to any prophet? NoooOOO. Deal with it!!! Hazrat Essa (as) cannot outlive the Greatest of Prophets!!!!!!! You guys don't even understand what the real meaning of Khatamun Nabiyan is!
How does man ascend to a non physical dimension? What nonsense.
May Allah guide you.
Kash M You're the muppet.
i dont know why we muslims fight in ourselves . i am half sunni and half sufi. and i love shias very much .
Rsm turbo be a sunni/salafi don't mix
Rsm turbo Lol, what??
Rsm turbo isn't Sufism an ideology?
dis bradar stoobid wallahi
They are laughing at him rather than talking to him respectfully
Religion of peace hhh
Dis mon😂
I love amhadiya🍺
Bobby Samra because your a Dasam Granth loving Sikh! ha ha haaaaaa
Bobby Samra Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a paid agent who just wanted to put schism and the fooled u people by jus twisting things. I would suggest u to come back to Islam. Mirza Qadiyani was a liar u would be burned in hell if u believed in him.
Rizwan Khushk meant to say you will hate your grave!
Rizwan Khushk so sorry, my message was to Bobby