Farhat Al-Zahra: Why Do the Followers of the Ahlul-Bayt Celebrate It?

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • The doctrines of Tawalla (affiliation) and Tabarra (aloofness) are counterparts, and could be said to be two sides of the same coin. They make up the final two of the 10 Branches of Religion in Shia Islam, secondary to the five Roots of Religion.
    Mawaddah (love) is of course to pledge allegiance to, to befriend, ally and associate oneself with, and express loyalty to all that is good - specifically, Allah, His Messenger and the Ahlul-Bayt. This, by contrast, is only complete with Bara’ah (denunciation), which is to disavow, disassociate from, show disdain with, reject, and be free from all that is evil - specifically, the enemies of Allah, His Messenger and the Ahlul-Bayt. Through both acts, the nearness of Allah is sought in fulfilling His command.
    One of the most common days of the year in which Tabarra (aloofness for the sake of Allah) is evidently expressed by the followers of the Ahlul-Bayt (peace be upon them) is 9th Rabbi Al-Awwal, the day known as Farhat Al-Zahra, or “the Joy of [Lady Fatima] Al-Zahra”. It marks the end of the two month mourning period of Muharram and Safar, traditionally observed to mark the events of the tragedy of Karbala. Many, however, have never understood why the day is known by such a name. The most frank answer to it is that it is the celebratory day in which the individual who had orchestrated the Event of the Door, caused the martyrdom of Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (peace be upon her) and miscarriage of her unborn son, Muhassin bin Ali (peace be upon him), perished and reached his fate of divine chastisement. This day is also referred to in our narrations as “the Second Eid Al-Ghadeer”. Eid Al-Ghadeer, on 18th Dhul-Hijjah, of course being the auspicious day Islam was completed with the appointment of Imam Ali bin Abu Talib (peace be upon him) as the successor of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) at Ghadeer Khumm. Interestingly, Farhat Al-Zahra is paralleled to this day, as true allegiance to Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and the Ahlul-Bayt must be coupled with Bara’ah (denunciation) of the perpetrators of injustice and oppression toward the Household of Revelation.
    The follower of the Ahlul-Bayt (peace be upon them) should never compromise his/her beliefs, and should always be open to discussing them and guiding others to the Ark of Salvation. Honest and frank intra-faith dialogue is just as important as interfaith events being organised in our communities. One must however be mindful of how to deal with seemingly contentious issues, ensuring not to transgress Islamic etiquettes of debate or discussion, and one ought to refrain from being intentionally or unnecessarily inflammatory, provocative and uninviting towards the followers of such individuals. We should also keep in mind the following Quranic command: “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.” [Quran; 16:125]
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    Credit: Sayed Saleh Al-Qazwini


  • @ashikurrahman1388
    @ashikurrahman1388 Рік тому +2

    The name Shia came into existence may be in 656 or later. And the Companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW were true Muslims.

  • @dave84111
    @dave84111 3 місяці тому +1

    Why didnt Ali and Salman Farsi (may Allah be pleased with them) rebel against Umar (RA) if the stupid things you say about them are true?

  • @honeyz926
    @honeyz926 3 роки тому +3

    سلام الله عليكِ يا مولاتي يا فاطمة

  • @ahsan1971
    @ahsan1971 5 років тому +2

    To hell with the enemies of Ahly e bayt ...
    May the enemy of Bibi Zehra salam unha alyhaa reward with hell

  • @ahsan1971
    @ahsan1971 5 років тому +2


  • @mohammadkarim5764
    @mohammadkarim5764 2 роки тому +1

    What about Ali (radi Allah) himself? Was he a shia? What about Salman farsi (radi Allah), What about the prophet Muhammad(sl) was he a shia? If they were, im ready to become a shia today. One tiny little example, recorded by the historian, when Utman ibn affan (radi Allah) was seized by the khuarij, Ali (radi Allah) had posted his beloved son to protect him. One famous statement of Ali (radi Allah) about Abu bakar (radi Allah), "you should have seen him in the battle of badar, he was like a ferocious lion in front, behind, left and Wright of the prophet Muhammad ( sl) when anyone from the enemy came close to the prophet(sl)," . let me warn you before you criticize any companion of the prophet (sl) . May Allah guide us all.