my favourite part was when bettel drew a triangle to count the angles and then put a bat and ball beside it cos it looked like a baseball field. he is simply too whimsical to be tied down by wretched numbers
With this stream, we can now confirm, that Gavis Bettel is indeed smatter than a fifth grader 🎩VOD Timestamps! 🎩 ---------------------------------- Before the Show-Talk---------------------------------- 2:19 Silence 2:27 Dramatic music - Beethoven 3:40 Intro Talk wowowowow 3:52 Gavis Bettel at night for the foreseeable future ---------------------------------- 4:20 Official Start: Back to school 4:43 Math time 5:00 Doesn't know if he's smarter than a fifth grader 5:32 Today's stream's mission 5:45 100 questions 6:21 playing his own music 6:35 Flying Beagle 6:47 He never talked back to his teachers 7:27 Thanking prechads 8:47 Sorry if he seems a little off 9:00 will be streaming ever so often + he has a plan 9:11 won't happen till next year 9:50 Lumier: new job so here's the leftover money i spent on gacha funds. sorry i failed high school algebra sir. 10:14 socktoebathtub: hello mr jester! yesterday was my birthday so here's YOUR gift ---------------------------------- Quiz Start 10:33 Question 1: How many States are there? 11:00 WILL be Elsymerican Questions 11:20 Grading his own test ------- 11:40 Question 2: What is the capital of the United States? 12:37 Not looking at chat + the answer ------- 13:03 Question 3: Who was the first president of The United States ------- 13:23 Question 4: How many continents are there? 13:37 Khasnh-Kagemeomeo: full name capital of Thailand 14:00 Listing the continents 15:17 Listing them again 15:40 Being serious now + finally got them all 16:07 Correct ------- 16:20 Question 5: Which two countries border Elysiumerica? 17:09 None wrong yet ------- 17:24 Question 6: What is the capital of France + Would've been a history major 18:01 Frants 18:17 That was NOT the question 18:50 pareidolie: Bro. ------- 19:11 Question 7: What is the largest country + wrong but wrote the right answer 19:49 Russia ------- 20:12 Question 8: What Country has the biggest population? 20:44 His guesses 21:39 It's china 21:52 Article was made 2 months ago 22:40 He's so smart ------- 23:02 Question 9: Who wrote Romeo and Juliet? 23:11 Literature now ------- 23:59 Question 10: What is the longest river in the world? 24:30 His choices 24:47 Breaking it down 25:27 his answer 25:44 got it right ------- 26:24 Question 11: What is the largest ocean on Earth? 26:44 Going over the oceans 28:00 Atlantic 28:24 Guessing Pacific 28:40 Almost did ------- 29:05 Question 12: Pyramids... 29:37 the mids ------- 30:04 Question 13: what is the capital of Japan ------- 30:52 Question 14: In what state is the Grand Canyon located? 31:20 peeking at other questions ------- 31:37 Question 15: Who was the 16th president of the United States? 32:01 Breaking down his thought process 32:44 Guessing Lincoln ------- 33:24 Question 16: What is the tallest mountain in the world? ------- 33:34 Question 17: Who discovered electricity? 34:20 who did what with electricity 34:37 lightning beam 35:07 His thought process ------- 35:35 Question 18: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 35:50 Nic? 36:20 Listing the names he knows ------- 36:44 Question 19: In Which country did the first Olympic games take place? + Liv: Hi Bettel! It's my birthday tomorrow! Last year I tried Amaretto Sour on your rec, any suggestions on what treat I should hunt down this year? Thank you for 2 years of birthday company. BigHeart + listing his suggestions 38:34 ray gun (pew pew!): "lightning beam" made me snort water out of my nose. i should not be drinking water rn i guess! ------- 39:20 Question 20: What was the name of the Greek God of War? ------- 40:10 Question 21: What is the capital of Canada? 40:46 He's thinking + wrong 41:26 WHAt the fyuck is an Ottawa? 42:07 he got 2 wrong so far 42:20 ManiSolKatti: Bettel is a prime example of the difference between "being knowledgeable" and knowing how to take a test. But it doesn't matter how you get there as long as it's the right answer, so hustle away king! ------- 42:42 Question 22: How many days of the week are there? ------- 43:02 Question 23: How many sides does a triangle have? + ask Jungkook ------- 43:37 Question 24: What is the number after 9 ------- 44:21 Question 25: how many hours are in the day? ------- 44:31 Question 26: what is the sum of 2 and 2? 45:17 Deduction time ------- 46:01 Question 27: What is 10-3? + He just did ------- 46:11 Question Speedrun 46:43 Question 32: What is the value of Oi up to two decimal places? 48:10 Doesn't know the rest of PI ------- 48:29 Question 33: What is 25% 100 48:45 bettel⛅: h 49:07 Khasnh-Kagemeomeo: 6x5(2+3) =? 51:11 got the answer for meomeo's question 51:30 He's not good at math ------- 51:52 Question 34: How many degrees is a right angle? ------- 52:15 Question 35 52:19 Question 36: What is the sum of the angles of an angle in a triangle? 53:51 Breaking it down + noises 54:27 Listing the triangles 55:00 Acute angles 55:30 180 56:10 Guessed 180 and he's right 56:50 trying to understand how he got it + Darrenicus: I call this the Silent Hill logic now 57:14 Lagomorphs + Alphaetus: Imagine a triangle with one angle really, really wide. That's nearly half a circle which is 180. And the other angles will be basically 0 ------- 57:42 Breezing through these questions 58:05 Question 40: 24-7 ------- 58:34 Question 41: What is the perimeter of a rectangle with the length 5 and width 3? 59:30 16 ------- 59:54 Question 42: 7x8 + we're all here for validation 1:00:30 Got it wrong + crying 1:00:45 Hakkito Raid 1:00:54 3rd thing he got wrong 1:01:11 we ALL cried over math 1:02:01 danimals: I had to take math twice in 8th grade (regular algebra and a math development cuz I stoopid) and my teacher nicknamed perimeter because I didn’t know how to do it 😭 she do it till I learned how to do it (I forgot to this day) 1:02:25 Fishsticks: one time I took a math quiz and cried in the school bathroom afterwards ------- 1:02:41 Question 43: What is the square root of 64 1:03:26 8 1:03:33 12X12 ------- 1:03:48 Question 45: what is 50/5? ------- 1:04:14 Question 46: What is the area of a rectangle with the length of 4 and width 6? 1:05:17 breaking it down 1:06:54 Doesn't know how to do multiplication anymore ---------------------------------- 1:07:20 Animals and Nature section 1:07:40 Question 50: what is the largest land animal? 1:08:37 What does largest mean? 1:09:10 his guess ------- 1:09:19 Question 51: What do bees collect from flowers? ------- 1:11:15 Question 52: What is the largest mammal in the world 1:12:00 Shinri's ti-! 1:12:37 Whale oundgac: Blue Whale 1:13:54 The water thing ------- 1:14:03 Question 54: what do plants need to grow? 1:14:30 once over watered a plant 1:15:00 Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN: We need a TEMPUS mock exam stream ------- 1:15:17 Question 55: How many colours are in the rainbow 1:15:50 going backwards 1:17:30 wrong, it's 7 1:17:40 Looking up a rainbow 1:18:14 there's 2 blues 1:18:40 Alphaetus: don't worry Bettel, indigo is just a fake color invented by Isaac Newton because he was obsessed with the number 7 -------
🎩 CONT. 🎩 ---------------------------------- 1:19:02 Question 56: What do you call a scientist that studies weather? 1:19:37 Meteorologist 1:19:47 Bad case of the weather ------- 1:20:24 Question 57: What is the name of a baby horse? + wrong 1:21:20 his guess 1:21:37 a FOAL? 1:22:10 going though them ------- 1:22:28 Question 59: What do you call a scientist that studies rocks? 1:23:10 Geologist ------- 1:23:24 Question 60: What is the colour of chlorophyll? 1:23:50 What is chlorophyll?? 1:24:57 Guessing and deduction 1:25:54 Asking chat 1:26:31 Going with green 1:26:50 that's why they're green 1:27:01 VarsonVT: all im gonna say is so far my favorite rayola flavor is cherry red saved you the pink one for after stream bettel ------- 1:27:31 Question 61: What part of the plant is responsible for making seeds? + wrong ------- 1:28:30 Question 62: What do you call the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly 1:28:52 He finished the picture of Dorian Gray + he liked the book 1:29:15 What he thought the book was going to be 1:30:11 listened to the audiobook 1:30:40 Doesn't retain information from books well 1:31:20 question speedruns 1:31:31 Oak tree ------- 1:31:52 Question 65: what gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere? 1:33:00 breaking it down 1:33:24 Carbon dioxide ------- 1:34:10 Speedrun 1:34:28 Question 67: What is the main gas responsible for the greenhouse effect? + wrong 1:35:10 What chat thought 1:35:31 marty: methane is 2nd most important but carbon is by and large the most emitted GHG 1:36:04 Komi Ki: I’ll never forget the one time on a science test I read “name two gases” as “name two grasses” and wrote my answer as “long grass and short grass” ------- 1:36:28 Question 68: What do you call the study of the earth's structure and processes? 1:37:16 Wrong ------- 1:37:57 Question Sixty Nine: What is the main source of energy for the Earth? 1:38:52 speeding through ------- 1:39:05 8 planets 1:39:33 going through the questions 1:39:48 on 76 ------- 1:40:01 Question 76: Who was the first person to walk on the moon? 1:40:39 First person to bike on the moon ------- 1:41:08 Mercury + wrong 1:41:32 Question 78: What is the most common gas in the earth's atmosphere? + right ------- 1:42:35 Question 79: what do you call the movement of water from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back? 1:43:36 What is the water cycle? 1:44:29 How many days in 22 months? ------- 1:45:12 Question 80: Which season comes after Winter? ------- 1:45:34 Question 81: What colour do you get when you mix blue and yellow? 1:46:07 he made green! ------- 1:46:30 What is the body part that pumps blood? + question speed run ------- 1:47:20 Question 87: What is the smallest unit of life? 1:48:02 cell ------- 1:48:10 back to the speed run 1:48:37 Question 89: What is the longest bone in the human body? + depends who you ask 1:50:00 Femur ------- 1:50:17 Question 90: What is the main ingredient in steel? 1:50:30 his thought process 1:50:50 it's right! ------- 1:51:05 Question 91: Who developed the theory of relativity? + wrong ------- 1:51:59 Question 92: how many bones are in the human body? + wrong 1:52:40 307?? ------- 1:53:16 Question 93: What is the hardest natural substance on Earth? + correct 1:54:05 BrB 1:54:21 Back ------- 1:54:40 Question 94: What is the freezing point of water in degrees Fahrenheit 1:55:57 it's 32 + wrong ------- 1:56:23 Question 95: What is the center of an atom called? 1:56:35 go eat a crayon! ------- 1:57:24 Question 97: what is the boiling point of water in Celsius ? + correct ------- 1:58:18 What is the powerhouse of the cell? + correct and why is this a meme? ------- 1:59:05 learned this from Jimmy Neutron 1:59:16 Question 98: What is the chemical formula for table salt? ------- 2:00:00 Question 99: what do you call the change from a liquid to a gas? + correct ------- 2:00:43 Question 100: What is the chemical symbol of gold? 2:01:25 AU?! ------- 2:01:47 That concludes the quiz 2:01:56 9 wrong? 2:02:27 91 and A-! ---------------------------------- 2:02:50 Asks us how we did? 2:03:18 rightfootmessi: respectfully, i'm genuinely surprised you scored that high 2:03:44 Soseji Boots: AAAAAAAAAA Do we lose marks for totalling our score wrong? 2:03:55 Try a history quiz? 2:04:18 turns up BGM ---------------------------------- 2:04:31 Looking up a History test 2:05:08 Buzzfeed Quizz ---------------------------------- 2:05:14 Question 1 2:05:29 Better at rrenaissance and middle evil history ------- 2:05:56 Question 2 2:06:04 Question 3 2:06:19 Question 4 2:06:30 The first of the earth 2:07:00 Question 5 2:08:18 Question 6 2:08:45 Question 7 2:08:52 Question 8 2:09:35 Question 9 2:10:01 not his wheel house 2:10:09 Question 10 2:10:40 Question 11 2:10:56 Question 12 2:11:14 Question 13 2:11:24 Question 14 2:11:40 Question 15 2:12:11 10 out of 15 correct! ---------------------------------- 2:12:55 coming back to something + he doesn't know how to do math 2:13:07 26x37 2:16:24 Ozymandias: my math skills have 100% degenerated to the level of a 1st grader 2:17:12 The beautiful thing 2:17:48 trying to figure it out again 2:18:20 doesn't get it 2:19:27 What's this? 2:20:44 He got it! 2:21:21 About Math ---------------------------------- 2:21:43 Long Division: 183/6 2:25:33 Not even going into fractions 2:25:49 Ranting about this ----------------------------------End of the Show 2:26:29 Where you smarter than a Gavis Bettel? 2:26:58 lumy (ルミィ): I may be stup id 2:27:30 Going to back some cookies + streaming tomorrow late again around 6pm PST 2:28:09 in his baking arc 2:28:22 Kevin牛 2:28:50 Probably why he's sleeping in 2:29:11 Thanks for watching --------------- 2:29:49 Outro 2:29:57 We could've
If you were a little more interested in academics (and got access to a better math support class), you would've been the kid who aced his tests just from studying a bit the night before - your powers of deduction scares me Thank you for the fun stream Betsy, take it easy and get well soon
Class is back in session, get your notebooks out and prepare those braincells for maximum overdrive! The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, after all. Fun and educational stream, what a creative way to test yourself! Considering English is not my first language and me not being too familiar with the teaching system in Elysiumerica, I learned a lot today! Knowledge is power as they say, you never cease to learn and discover new things each day. That aside, always so impressed by your knowledge. You have this ability that is to pull answers based on context clues while also being able to move on deduction hunches and be correct and using what is available to you from what you learned over the years, there's profound knowledge here both on an intellectual and emotional level which is something admirable! On another note, happy to hear there's a plan on the horizon for the headaches - may it all go smoothly, without any stress and happen asap. Genuinely hoping you feel better soon! Congrats on finishing the picture of Dorian Gray, finishing a book is a magical moment! Question by question, we mulled them over and pondered the answers carefully. All the thinking on the seven continents paid off when Australia revealed itself as the one missing, Axel would have been proud! Nailed it with the capital of Paris being Frants, that was way too funny I had tears in my eyes. Same for that question about the days of the week, I'm sure Jungkook could easily have been our joker for that one. Not to mention your answer for the largest mammal, we now know why that folder for Shinri's abs was so precious in your debut. Shakesbeard is my favorite pirate and Atlantis as a mnemonic for the Atlantic Ocean... If only the lost city was real. Was surprised by how close India and China are in population, amazing how quickly numbers can change in that regard! Impressive work on the math questions, numbers are a nasty bit of work and your approaches on multiplication, long division etc. were smart! Being a fellow math support student who failed in 7th grade (thanks math and economics), felt the frustration yet math is a true science in its own league. That feeling of success when you solve an equation and begin to understand is to be savored. By the by, gorgeous blue whale drawing that put even Picasso to shame. Also adored Axel's idea of making a mock exam stream with everyone, fingers crossed he can make that happen in the near future! Laugh-inducing moments did not stop here, we learned about meterologists and created an analogy about dinosaurs! Baby horses have been dubbed horse... 2! Although horselet took me out, too. Those science questions in particular intrigued me, one of those subjects at school I could never wrap my head around despite finding it highly interesting. A win for team celsius! Our system comes in clutch when it counts. Overall exceptional work on both tests, I had a great time guessing alongside everyone! Thanks so much for the stream today! Had a rough one at work, this little idea you decided to put together here helped me decompress. Take care and good luck on your budding bakery arc, may all your attemtps turn out delicious and enjoy your cookies! See you again soon, Betsy! 💙
It's honestly amazing how Bettel was able to come to the correct answers sometimes with deduction, some weird-twisted logic or simply by pure luck. It's so interesting how his mind works. He is truly something else XD. I was thoroughly entertained, thank you^^
yaay! yippie!! yahoo!!! love this kind of bettel stream! hearing you explain your thought process around puzzling out what the questions were asking is super engaging. test taking is always about what lapses in knowledge can be made up for with cleverness. :3c and then getting away with a few Very Silly paths great job! have some nice cookies!
Yay, congrats on being smart! I didn’t compile my score and wasn’t really trying to answer, I guess I got a zero… Thank you for the stream, this was super fun! I’m still thinking about Shakesbeard the pirate who wrote Romeo and Juliet, the capital of Paris is Frants, and Ben Frankenstein got struck by a lightning beam! Take care, I hope the headaches go away and you feel better soon, and you have fun baking cookies!
My kamioshi is smarter than a 5th grader wooo!! Gotta be honest, besides the Elysiumerica stuff I really erased half of the info so I, especially math so I guess I would have failed this test Then again I failed math 4 times and 2 times chemistry and biology... Anyways!! You did pretty good Thank you so much for the stream As always, take care and see ya ~~~
Gavis Bettel who? I only know... Grade5 Beater. Haha... (sorry Thank you for fun stream! I learned about frogs, meteor weather, horse 2s, auld and long bones 📝
This stream is a proof that bettel is smarter than a fifty grader
Oh damn a whole fifty grader? He's cracked
my favourite part was when bettel drew a triangle to count the angles and then put a bat and ball beside it cos it looked like a baseball field. he is simply too whimsical to be tied down by wretched numbers
With this stream, we can now confirm, that Gavis Bettel is indeed smatter than a fifth grader
🎩VOD Timestamps! 🎩
Before the Show-Talk----------------------------------
2:19 Silence
2:27 Dramatic music - Beethoven
3:40 Intro Talk wowowowow
3:52 Gavis Bettel at night for the foreseeable future
4:20 Official Start: Back to school
4:43 Math time
5:00 Doesn't know if he's smarter than a fifth grader
5:32 Today's stream's mission
5:45 100 questions
6:21 playing his own music
6:35 Flying Beagle
6:47 He never talked back to his teachers
7:27 Thanking prechads
8:47 Sorry if he seems a little off
9:00 will be streaming ever so often + he has a plan
9:11 won't happen till next year
9:50 Lumier: new job so here's the leftover money i spent on gacha funds. sorry i failed high school algebra sir.
10:14 socktoebathtub: hello mr jester! yesterday was my birthday so here's YOUR gift
---------------------------------- Quiz Start
10:33 Question 1: How many States are there?
11:00 WILL be Elsymerican Questions
11:20 Grading his own test
11:40 Question 2: What is the capital of the United States?
12:37 Not looking at chat + the answer
13:03 Question 3: Who was the first president of The United States
13:23 Question 4: How many continents are there?
13:37 Khasnh-Kagemeomeo: full name capital of Thailand
14:00 Listing the continents
15:17 Listing them again
15:40 Being serious now + finally got them all
16:07 Correct
16:20 Question 5: Which two countries border Elysiumerica?
17:09 None wrong yet
17:24 Question 6: What is the capital of France + Would've been a history major
18:01 Frants
18:17 That was NOT the question
18:50 pareidolie: Bro.
19:11 Question 7: What is the largest country + wrong but wrote the right answer
19:49 Russia
20:12 Question 8: What Country has the biggest population?
20:44 His guesses
21:39 It's china
21:52 Article was made 2 months ago
22:40 He's so smart
23:02 Question 9: Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
23:11 Literature now
23:59 Question 10: What is the longest river in the world?
24:30 His choices
24:47 Breaking it down
25:27 his answer
25:44 got it right
26:24 Question 11: What is the largest ocean on Earth?
26:44 Going over the oceans
28:00 Atlantic
28:24 Guessing Pacific
28:40 Almost did
29:05 Question 12: Pyramids...
29:37 the mids
30:04 Question 13: what is the capital of Japan
30:52 Question 14: In what state is the Grand Canyon located?
31:20 peeking at other questions
31:37 Question 15: Who was the 16th president of the United States?
32:01 Breaking down his thought process
32:44 Guessing Lincoln
33:24 Question 16: What is the tallest mountain in the world?
33:34 Question 17: Who discovered electricity?
34:20 who did what with electricity
34:37 lightning beam
35:07 His thought process
35:35 Question 18: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
35:50 Nic?
36:20 Listing the names he knows
36:44 Question 19: In Which country did the first Olympic games take place? + Liv: Hi Bettel! It's my birthday tomorrow! Last year I tried Amaretto Sour on your rec, any suggestions on what treat I should hunt down this year? Thank you for 2 years of birthday company. BigHeart + listing his suggestions
38:34 ray gun (pew pew!): "lightning beam" made me snort water out of my nose. i should not be drinking water rn i guess!
39:20 Question 20: What was the name of the Greek God of War?
40:10 Question 21: What is the capital of Canada?
40:46 He's thinking + wrong
41:26 WHAt the fyuck is an Ottawa?
42:07 he got 2 wrong so far
42:20 ManiSolKatti: Bettel is a prime example of the difference between "being knowledgeable" and knowing how to take a test. But it doesn't matter how you get there as long as it's the right answer, so hustle away king!
42:42 Question 22: How many days of the week are there?
43:02 Question 23: How many sides does a triangle have? + ask Jungkook
43:37 Question 24: What is the number after 9
44:21 Question 25: how many hours are in the day?
44:31 Question 26: what is the sum of 2 and 2?
45:17 Deduction time
46:01 Question 27: What is 10-3? + He just did
46:11 Question Speedrun
46:43 Question 32: What is the value of Oi up to two decimal places?
48:10 Doesn't know the rest of PI
48:29 Question 33: What is 25% 100
48:45 bettel⛅: h
49:07 Khasnh-Kagemeomeo: 6x5(2+3) =?
51:11 got the answer for meomeo's question
51:30 He's not good at math
51:52 Question 34: How many degrees is a right angle?
52:15 Question 35
52:19 Question 36: What is the sum of the angles of an angle in a triangle?
53:51 Breaking it down + noises
54:27 Listing the triangles
55:00 Acute angles
55:30 180
56:10 Guessed 180 and he's right
56:50 trying to understand how he got it + Darrenicus: I call this the Silent Hill logic now
57:14 Lagomorphs + Alphaetus: Imagine a triangle with one angle really, really wide. That's nearly half a circle which is 180. And the other angles will be basically 0
57:42 Breezing through these questions
58:05 Question 40: 24-7
58:34 Question 41: What is the perimeter of a rectangle with the length 5 and width 3?
59:30 16
59:54 Question 42: 7x8 + we're all here for validation
1:00:30 Got it wrong + crying
1:00:45 Hakkito Raid
1:00:54 3rd thing he got wrong
1:01:11 we ALL cried over math
1:02:01 danimals: I had to take math twice in 8th grade (regular algebra and a math development cuz I stoopid) and my teacher nicknamed perimeter because I didn’t know how to do it 😭 she do it till I learned how to do it (I forgot to this day)
1:02:25 Fishsticks: one time I took a math quiz and cried in the school bathroom afterwards
1:02:41 Question 43: What is the square root of 64
1:03:26 8
1:03:33 12X12
1:03:48 Question 45: what is 50/5?
1:04:14 Question 46: What is the area of a rectangle with the length of 4 and width 6?
1:05:17 breaking it down
1:06:54 Doesn't know how to do multiplication anymore
1:07:20 Animals and Nature section
1:07:40 Question 50: what is the largest land animal?
1:08:37 What does largest mean?
1:09:10 his guess
1:09:19 Question 51: What do bees collect from flowers?
1:11:15 Question 52: What is the largest mammal in the world
1:12:00 Shinri's ti-!
1:12:37 Whale oundgac: Blue Whale
1:13:54 The water thing
1:14:03 Question 54: what do plants need to grow?
1:14:30 once over watered a plant
1:15:00 Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN: We need a TEMPUS mock exam stream
1:15:17 Question 55: How many colours are in the rainbow
1:15:50 going backwards
1:17:30 wrong, it's 7
1:17:40 Looking up a rainbow
1:18:14 there's 2 blues
1:18:40 Alphaetus: don't worry Bettel, indigo is just a fake color invented by Isaac Newton because he was obsessed with the number 7
🎩 CONT. 🎩
1:19:02 Question 56: What do you call a scientist that studies weather?
1:19:37 Meteorologist
1:19:47 Bad case of the weather
1:20:24 Question 57: What is the name of a baby horse? + wrong
1:21:20 his guess
1:21:37 a FOAL?
1:22:10 going though them
1:22:28 Question 59: What do you call a scientist that studies rocks?
1:23:10 Geologist
1:23:24 Question 60: What is the colour of chlorophyll?
1:23:50 What is chlorophyll??
1:24:57 Guessing and deduction
1:25:54 Asking chat
1:26:31 Going with green
1:26:50 that's why they're green
1:27:01 VarsonVT: all im gonna say is so far my favorite rayola flavor is cherry red saved you the pink one for after stream bettel
1:27:31 Question 61: What part of the plant is responsible for making seeds? + wrong
1:28:30 Question 62: What do you call the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly
1:28:52 He finished the picture of Dorian Gray + he liked the book
1:29:15 What he thought the book was going to be
1:30:11 listened to the audiobook
1:30:40 Doesn't retain information from books well
1:31:20 question speedruns
1:31:31 Oak tree
1:31:52 Question 65: what gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?
1:33:00 breaking it down
1:33:24 Carbon dioxide
1:34:10 Speedrun
1:34:28 Question 67: What is the main gas responsible for the greenhouse effect? + wrong
1:35:10 What chat thought
1:35:31 marty: methane is 2nd most important but carbon is by and large the most emitted GHG
1:36:04 Komi Ki: I’ll never forget the one time on a science test I read “name two gases” as “name two grasses” and wrote my answer as “long grass and short grass”
1:36:28 Question 68: What do you call the study of the earth's structure and processes?
1:37:16 Wrong
1:37:57 Question Sixty Nine: What is the main source of energy for the Earth?
1:38:52 speeding through
1:39:05 8 planets
1:39:33 going through the questions
1:39:48 on 76
1:40:01 Question 76: Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
1:40:39 First person to bike on the moon
1:41:08 Mercury + wrong
1:41:32 Question 78: What is the most common gas in the earth's atmosphere? + right
1:42:35 Question 79: what do you call the movement of water from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back?
1:43:36 What is the water cycle?
1:44:29 How many days in 22 months?
1:45:12 Question 80: Which season comes after Winter?
1:45:34 Question 81: What colour do you get when you mix blue and yellow?
1:46:07 he made green!
1:46:30 What is the body part that pumps blood? + question speed run
1:47:20 Question 87: What is the smallest unit of life?
1:48:02 cell
1:48:10 back to the speed run
1:48:37 Question 89: What is the longest bone in the human body? + depends who you ask
1:50:00 Femur
1:50:17 Question 90: What is the main ingredient in steel?
1:50:30 his thought process
1:50:50 it's right!
1:51:05 Question 91: Who developed the theory of relativity? + wrong
1:51:59 Question 92: how many bones are in the human body? + wrong
1:52:40 307??
1:53:16 Question 93: What is the hardest natural substance on Earth? + correct
1:54:05 BrB
1:54:21 Back
1:54:40 Question 94: What is the freezing point of water in degrees Fahrenheit
1:55:57 it's 32 + wrong
1:56:23 Question 95: What is the center of an atom called?
1:56:35 go eat a crayon!
1:57:24 Question 97: what is the boiling point of water in Celsius ? + correct
1:58:18 What is the powerhouse of the cell? + correct and why is this a meme?
1:59:05 learned this from Jimmy Neutron
1:59:16 Question 98: What is the chemical formula for table salt?
2:00:00 Question 99: what do you call the change from a liquid to a gas? + correct
2:00:43 Question 100: What is the chemical symbol of gold?
2:01:25 AU?!
2:01:47 That concludes the quiz
2:01:56 9 wrong?
2:02:27 91 and A-!
2:02:50 Asks us how we did?
2:03:18 rightfootmessi: respectfully, i'm genuinely surprised you scored that high
2:03:44 Soseji Boots: AAAAAAAAAA Do we lose marks for totalling our score wrong?
2:03:55 Try a history quiz?
2:04:18 turns up BGM
2:04:31 Looking up a History test
2:05:08 Buzzfeed Quizz
2:05:14 Question 1
2:05:29 Better at rrenaissance and middle evil history
2:05:56 Question 2
2:06:04 Question 3
2:06:19 Question 4
2:06:30 The first of the earth
2:07:00 Question 5
2:08:18 Question 6
2:08:45 Question 7
2:08:52 Question 8
2:09:35 Question 9
2:10:01 not his wheel house
2:10:09 Question 10
2:10:40 Question 11
2:10:56 Question 12
2:11:14 Question 13
2:11:24 Question 14
2:11:40 Question 15
2:12:11 10 out of 15 correct!
2:12:55 coming back to something + he doesn't know how to do math
2:13:07 26x37
2:16:24 Ozymandias: my math skills have 100% degenerated to the level of a 1st grader
2:17:12 The beautiful thing
2:17:48 trying to figure it out again
2:18:20 doesn't get it
2:19:27 What's this?
2:20:44 He got it!
2:21:21 About Math
2:21:43 Long Division: 183/6
2:25:33 Not even going into fractions
2:25:49 Ranting about this
----------------------------------End of the Show
2:26:29 Where you smarter than a Gavis Bettel?
2:26:58 lumy (ルミィ): I may be stup id
2:27:30 Going to back some cookies + streaming tomorrow late again around 6pm PST
2:28:09 in his baking arc
2:28:22 Kevin牛
2:28:50 Probably why he's sleeping in
2:29:11 Thanks for watching
2:29:49 Outro
2:29:57 We could've
Its amazing how he can get the correct answer with his logic
If you were a little more interested in academics (and got access to a better math support class), you would've been the kid who aced his tests just from studying a bit the night before - your powers of deduction scares me
Thank you for the fun stream Betsy, take it easy and get well soon
this is such a fun stream idea i love it
The collective dread in chat when you said we were going back to school
Thanks for the fun stream today, Galaxy Brain
Rest well and feel better soon
thanks for the stream!! i love frants and shakesbeard
Class is back in session, get your notebooks out and prepare those braincells for maximum overdrive! The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, after all.
Fun and educational stream, what a creative way to test yourself! Considering English is not my first language and me not being too familiar with the teaching system in Elysiumerica, I learned a lot today! Knowledge is power as they say, you never cease to learn and discover new things each day. That aside, always so impressed by your knowledge. You have this ability that is to pull answers based on context clues while also being able to move on deduction hunches and be correct and using what is available to you from what you learned over the years, there's profound knowledge here both on an intellectual and emotional level which is something admirable! On another note, happy to hear there's a plan on the horizon for the headaches - may it all go smoothly, without any stress and happen asap. Genuinely hoping you feel better soon! Congrats on finishing the picture of Dorian Gray, finishing a book is a magical moment!
Question by question, we mulled them over and pondered the answers carefully. All the thinking on the seven continents paid off when Australia revealed itself as the one missing, Axel would have been proud! Nailed it with the capital of Paris being Frants, that was way too funny I had tears in my eyes. Same for that question about the days of the week, I'm sure Jungkook could easily have been our joker for that one. Not to mention your answer for the largest mammal, we now know why that folder for Shinri's abs was so precious in your debut. Shakesbeard is my favorite pirate and Atlantis as a mnemonic for the Atlantic Ocean... If only the lost city was real. Was surprised by how close India and China are in population, amazing how quickly numbers can change in that regard! Impressive work on the math questions, numbers are a nasty bit of work and your approaches on multiplication, long division etc. were smart! Being a fellow math support student who failed in 7th grade (thanks math and economics), felt the frustration yet math is a true science in its own league. That feeling of success when you solve an equation and begin to understand is to be savored. By the by, gorgeous blue whale drawing that put even Picasso to shame. Also adored Axel's idea of making a mock exam stream with everyone, fingers crossed he can make that happen in the near future! Laugh-inducing moments did not stop here, we learned about meterologists and created an analogy about dinosaurs! Baby horses have been dubbed horse... 2! Although horselet took me out, too. Those science questions in particular intrigued me, one of those subjects at school I could never wrap my head around despite finding it highly interesting. A win for team celsius! Our system comes in clutch when it counts. Overall exceptional work on both tests, I had a great time guessing alongside everyone!
Thanks so much for the stream today! Had a rough one at work, this little idea you decided to put together here helped me decompress. Take care and good luck on your budding bakery arc, may all your attemtps turn out delicious and enjoy your cookies! See you again soon, Betsy! 💙
This entertained my trivia goblin brain
I hope you feel better soon, bebbo.
Thanks for the stream
Thanks for the fun stream! We definitely dusted off the ‘ol noggin for this quiz take care and see ya next stream, Bettel
It's honestly amazing how Bettel was able to come to the correct answers sometimes with deduction, some weird-twisted logic or simply by pure luck. It's so interesting how his mind works. He is truly something else XD. I was thoroughly entertained, thank you^^
yaay! yippie!! yahoo!!! love this kind of bettel stream! hearing you explain your thought process around puzzling out what the questions were asking is super engaging. test taking is always about what lapses in knowledge can be made up for with cleverness. :3c and then getting away with a few Very Silly paths great job! have some nice cookies!
You got a passing grade! Good job!👍🏻
Yay, congrats on being smart! I didn’t compile my score and wasn’t really trying to answer, I guess I got a zero… Thank you for the stream, this was super fun! I’m still thinking about Shakesbeard the pirate who wrote Romeo and Juliet, the capital of Paris is Frants, and Ben Frankenstein got struck by a lightning beam! Take care, I hope the headaches go away and you feel better soon, and you have fun baking cookies!
i love you
Omg this was such a travesty
My kamioshi is smarter than a 5th grader wooo!!
Gotta be honest, besides the Elysiumerica stuff I really erased half of the info so I, especially math so I guess I would have failed this test
Then again I failed math 4 times and 2 times chemistry and biology... Anyways!! You did pretty good
Thank you so much for the stream
As always, take care and see ya ~~~
Shakesbeard and Ben Frankenstein
I don’t know where the oceans were
The 5 graders do, said by me (a 5th grader)
1:54:06 personal timestamp
No thoughts, head empty. The stream
Gavis Bettel who? I only know... Grade5 Beater. Haha... (sorry
Thank you for fun stream! I learned about frogs, meteor weather, horse 2s, auld and long bones 📝
Are you smarter than Elysian American?