This went live a day early! Clair’s not gonna be happy with me!!!!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @euanmd
    @euanmd 11 місяців тому +16

    Clair's London accent / James impression cracks me up. Superb!

  • @antonyleemulvey8226
    @antonyleemulvey8226 11 місяців тому +33

    Was not expecting a vlog from you guys today. Bloody marvellous. Just want to say also how much I enjoyed the first episode of Finders Keepers. Looking forward to tomorrow nights episode. Thanks guys

  • @RigadonRick
    @RigadonRick 11 місяців тому +10

    Great seeing ‘ol Neil Morrisey, were either of you Men Behaving Badly fans back in the day? I was obsessed, it was iconic
    🍺 🍕 🚬

  • @wendybritton762
    @wendybritton762 10 місяців тому +2

    Thank thank you thank you Buckley’s for good all down to earth silly family entertainment and just being yourselves, hope you guys both recover from back and shoulder injuries soon thanks again from a ex pat in Australia x

  • @52factorial-prob
    @52factorial-prob 11 місяців тому +19

    "Because you're a good mother" - Clair couldn't be angry about the whole school run thing after that comment 😂

    • @Dr_MattS
      @Dr_MattS 10 місяців тому

      Children are so very clever and know exactly what buttons to press… 😂

  • @andygardiner2764
    @andygardiner2764 11 місяців тому +1

    Clair you have exactly what I’ve got myself with your shoulder. I suffer from it a lot. It’s a nerve trapped behind your shoulder blade. Physio will help it but you need to be careful with it. I’m suffering with it since Friday and currently on Naproxen and waiting for a scan because I’ve lost feeling in my left arm altogether. It’s horrific, hope you get it sorted soon. Try doing light exercise to manipulate the nerve back. Take it easy how you go.

  • @richardknight5510
    @richardknight5510 10 місяців тому

    Just had surgery on my shoulder so was looking for something to binge watch..I came across white was brilliant, cracked me up for the whole day.

  • @spongebob9822
    @spongebob9822 10 місяців тому

    Fred Perry so need to reward you James, you are a perfect ambassador for them and have sold them to me and I'm sure loads of others. Claire take care of yourself, the pain will level off but get physio into it. You are both a pair a legends and everyone watch James new show 'finders keepers` it's awesome. ❤

  • @katherinedoswell352
    @katherinedoswell352 10 місяців тому +1

    Marvellous as always, nice to see u back. Hope you start to make a recovery on your back and hope your neck gets better. Keep going with the gym it will be worth it, try not to have too much sugar as this makes inflammation worse . Try Tumeric as helps with joint pain xx

  • @pahooper99
    @pahooper99 11 місяців тому +1

    Clair try going to the chiropractor as well as a physio. It may help to improve posture and prevent future muscle issues. Sounds like you are applying heat which is good. Deep heat rubbed on the area in pain can also help. Back and neck pain can be really debilitating. Avoid the alcohol with the painkillers as well!!

  • @elizabethworthington5228
    @elizabethworthington5228 11 місяців тому +1

    Clair, I have exactly what you are describing. My chiropractor sorted it. I was on tramadol, paracetamol, ibuprofen, heat pads and tens machine. She was the only thing that worked...

  • @garethwells2829
    @garethwells2829 10 місяців тому +1

    Great day in the life both of you. Def keep these up if you can in your busy lives. Much love x

  • @KristenLB
    @KristenLB 10 місяців тому

    " and nobody is interested in ye" lolllll
    aww shucks Clair, I hope you feel better. I need to work on my posture and quit crafting hunched over so much as it's causing pain now. Are we already in the "maintenance" stage of life now where the wheels start falling off?
    I hope the PT can help

  • @stephencaldwell252
    @stephencaldwell252 11 місяців тому +3

    Quality vlog. Natural no bollocks bulls hit. Just an honest couple taking the piss out of each other. And some farting 😂😂👍

  • @kernowcrowuk192
    @kernowcrowuk192 11 місяців тому +2

    Love your updates great to see a normal couple online! Funny an real how it should be !👍 would love to see your pod cast on UA-cam tho

  • @tony1kenobi468
    @tony1kenobi468 11 місяців тому +1

    Welcome to getting older Claire. My wife is larger chested and swears by Pilates for shoulder /back pain.

  • @KittyCatFurbabiesMaria1972
    @KittyCatFurbabiesMaria1972 11 місяців тому +14

    When they said “See you next Tuesday “ they actually meant it !!! 🤣x

    • @AtHomeWithTheBuckleys
      @AtHomeWithTheBuckleys  10 місяців тому +2

      Forgot about that!! 😂

    • @KittyCatFurbabiesMaria1972
      @KittyCatFurbabiesMaria1972 10 місяців тому +1

      @@AtHomeWithTheBuckleys 🤣🤣🤣 I say “ see u next Tuesday “ to my husband daily 🤣… but not meaning next week lol 🤣🤣🤣 have great week guys xx

  • @pamdevine326
    @pamdevine326 11 місяців тому +1

    so lovely to see you both, clair hope you start feeling better soon nothing worse than them sickly pains love to your allxxxxx

  • @Peterwrayadventures
    @Peterwrayadventures 10 місяців тому

    Claire's London accent is top class. Great seeing Neil Morrisey and James working together. Bet Neil had some Men Behaving Badly stories to tell of set.

  • @harry2shoes986
    @harry2shoes986 11 місяців тому +1

    Try magnesium oil on your shoulder/back. Believe me it works wonders

  • @victoriaelizabeth222
    @victoriaelizabeth222 10 місяців тому

    Keeping it real, love it! 👊🏻 Life isn’t one big glossy picture perfect magazine ❤

  • @benhall7894
    @benhall7894 11 місяців тому +7

    Really confused me, thinking I’d missed a day of the week 😂

  • @christoph1246
    @christoph1246 11 місяців тому

    They are always chucking stuff out!

  • @trinajones4676
    @trinajones4676 10 місяців тому

    I’m really sorry about your back / neck Clair, that’s the worst. You feel it all the time whatever you do 😢 I hope it gets better soon 🤞🏼 xx

  • @tjblades3938
    @tjblades3938 11 місяців тому +1

    Forget the insoles you need a hair cut James 🤣
    Nice to see you lot back been a hot minute ✌️

  • @delevans7334
    @delevans7334 10 місяців тому +1

    Fantastic vlog as always and we didn't expect you to meet Paul Giamatti on the sofa too as he is a favourite actor of mine (Del that is!) We are both wishing Clair a painless recovery from her injury and we both think that she must have hurt herself putting the decorations away on top of her busy schedule being the boss of the house! Fingers crossed that it doesn't effect her too much in future vlogs too! Nice hipsters by the way! Stay scummy!!!!!

  • @traceygardner6134
    @traceygardner6134 10 місяців тому

    Hope you recover quickly Clair. Love your mug with the rainbow. Where did you get it from ❤

  • @simonfish26
    @simonfish26 10 місяців тому

    I’ve only gone and bought your snazzy Fred Perry jumper online having watched this video! 🤦🏼‍♂️ Don’t know what that says about me, but I guess you must be a fashion guru! Love the channel!

  • @Trollhater-mb8ne
    @Trollhater-mb8ne 11 місяців тому

    James cheeky grin with the granny pants and the shoe insoles 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ClayDisarray
    @ClayDisarray 10 місяців тому

    I have a similar injury, Clair. I've had it for a while tbh but I manage to control the pain through pilates and strengthening exercises every morning (like you I hate taking painkillers!) 👍

  • @CarlessSarah
    @CarlessSarah 10 місяців тому

    The neck pain can be real! I have a bulging disc in mine with referred pain and it’s been nearly 10 years of chronic pain now and every treatment tried with no success! Really hope you can sort yours out as it’s not fun. Oh and add in having had sciatica for nearly a year now. 46 and falling apart 😂😂

  • @PetersReviews
    @PetersReviews 11 місяців тому +2

    Loved the first episode James. I thought character was very like you. All the best guys.

  • @jamiechown5317
    @jamiechown5317 10 місяців тому

    If only Clair and James knew a doctor...
    Keep up the great pods and Vlogs!

  • @melissaphillips3088
    @melissaphillips3088 11 місяців тому

    So sorry you both haven’t been feeling well. I hope you are on the mend and doing better. Sending you both my best.💕

  • @tinastock8540
    @tinastock8540 10 місяців тому

    Omg I am havi g a real belly laugh here watching James with his trap nerve 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @donnacampbell4995
    @donnacampbell4995 11 місяців тому

    Thought I’d lost a day, great vlog guys as usual, my mum had sciatica & was in agony, if the heat pad doesn’t work, try deep freeze gel, mum found that worked better than the heat xxx

  • @sarahrandall448
    @sarahrandall448 11 місяців тому +1

    Loved the vlog & Finders Keepers! Can’t wait for Episode 2 xxx

  • @funkonatuk9079
    @funkonatuk9079 10 місяців тому

    You guys are complete 'couple goals' lmao! Between the Vlog, book and podcast I feel totally part of this marriage lmao! Although James you're proper slacking with Twitch, I mean Clare carries the vlog and podcast so its not like you don't have time ;)

  • @S3_LOST
    @S3_LOST 11 місяців тому

    Love the vlogs honestly. U2 are a really nice genuine couple and very chuffed for u both. Please do a car video on that mustang 🏎️😎

  • @smudgercfc9827
    @smudgercfc9827 10 місяців тому

    ice and heat on the injury. I feel your pain as had issues with neck/shoulder for a long time and when it flairs up it's so painful. Keep icing and putting heat alternatively on it, hope you feel better soon. Mind those drugs, they can send you a little weird!

  • @Alan..W
    @Alan..W 11 місяців тому

    Hope you get the help you need for your shoulder. 1 and 1/2 years later i'm still waiting to get sorted.....

  • @leighmonty13
    @leighmonty13 11 місяців тому

    Definitely a good surprise getting the vlog today ,hope you get some good physio clair and get well soon .

  • @sidrens1047
    @sidrens1047 11 місяців тому

    Clair, it appears you may have an adhesion which is also known as a muscle knot. This relates to the alignment of collagen fibres at the microscopic level of muscle tissue . The pain is usually caused by focused tension and can compress on nerve tissue, which can be extremely painful. When palpating the area a ball like lump can be felt and is painful to firmer touch. The best remedy is sports massage, tension reduction exercise (stretching and mobility) and management of posture.

  • @brettharris1083
    @brettharris1083 11 місяців тому

    Watched you both on the therapy crouch yesterday. Absolutely amazing you both were hilarious ❤️

    • @KittyCatFurbabiesMaria1972
      @KittyCatFurbabiesMaria1972 11 місяців тому

      Clair hope you haven’t got rotator cuff problem, I have that, it’s injections to start x

  • @thomasspencer-ug2ll
    @thomasspencer-ug2ll 7 місяців тому +1

    i love this but james has picked up (david attenborough voice) the typical scots woman tends to drag out her injuries or in times of needing to be felt as though she brings a living essential property to the relationship , random house cleans or washing stuff and then creating illnesses or randomly hurting themselves and out of action do to injury. also designing the house and decides what new things shhe needed all whilest being assured she wont be pushed out the nest because she was sure to keep him tethered by there children). but i do love there show. i also grew up in england and live in scotland so women moving in overnight can be common. but i do love the vlog

  • @lucky13psycho
    @lucky13psycho 11 місяців тому

    It's a trapped nerve Clair, lie on a golf ball and the pressure will help release it.

  • @ruk2023--
    @ruk2023-- 11 місяців тому

    Not a clue what’s wrong with you but I have pulled my neck and shoulder like that before and it hurts so much. Especially when you forget it hurts and move quickly. Feel better!

  • @BleakiBlinder
    @BleakiBlinder 10 місяців тому

    Clair! If the pain is coming from below the shoulder and shooting down your arm, it sounds like a trapped nerve (I have one in the same place and it is agony). Prescribed CO-Codamol is the only thing that I find takes it off! Also neck strengthening exercises help relieve it! Let me know if you want me to send over what I was sent.

    • @BleakiBlinder
      @BleakiBlinder 10 місяців тому

      Now I've watched more, you deffo have a trapped nerve. Sleeping is hell right?

  • @stellasteve9615
    @stellasteve9615 11 місяців тому

    Nice early Vlog Mr & Mrs B. J, quality Cast in Finder Keepers. Clair, I have to take Cocodemol for my back & the Doc added another tablet to the scrip for my stomach as the painkillers are that strong. To pick you up, you can always use the Blue Rubber Ring I got James to help with your piles ;-)

  • @43greengirl
    @43greengirl 11 місяців тому

    Good to see a vlog from you both, I’m on Huel as well I have the ready to drink ones. Loved finders keepers James have a great week and I hope your back starts to feel better Clare that pain must be awful x

    • @suecoo66
      @suecoo66 8 місяців тому

      Ironically Zoe say it's ultra processed food and Steven has invested in both Huel and Zoe

  • @timbo6334
    @timbo6334 10 місяців тому

    Hooked on your latest TV drama Finders Keepers, great show. Hope both your ailments have improved.x

  • @apollovs
    @apollovs 11 місяців тому

    Have watched the first episode of Finders Keepers and am loving it! well done James!

  • @ScottCostin772
    @ScottCostin772 10 місяців тому

    In regards to sore necks , too many pillows Dr Scott 😄

  • @kJ922-h3j
    @kJ922-h3j 11 місяців тому +3

    28:06 “cause you’re a good mother” that’s very well played, he knows the game 😂

  • @siberianorthcombe3528
    @siberianorthcombe3528 10 місяців тому

    Clair your print T-shirts are all so amazing where do you tend to purchase them and do you size up much? ❤ Love you guys

  • @stevenwoodman1032
    @stevenwoodman1032 11 місяців тому

    Me and Mrs got Finders Keepers ready to watch.

  • @michaelrainsford9131
    @michaelrainsford9131 11 місяців тому

    get well soon Clair x loving the new show James x

  • @suzyhewitt773
    @suzyhewitt773 11 місяців тому

    I injured my neck /shoulder years ago just by sleeping weirdly on it. I ended up having a cortisone injection for the pain😵. I hope you're both feeling some relief soon 🤞🤞 Right, I'm off to get up to date with Finders keepers 😁.

  • @michaeljarcher
    @michaeljarcher 10 місяців тому

    Watched the 1 & 2 of Finders Keepers, hightly recommended for great TV., James superberly plays the part like it's written for him, and we love when we see Neil Morrissey behaving badly (a little). Gripping stuff. And not one wok bit of rubbish in sight what a pleasant refreshing experience.

  • @19leeann86
    @19leeann86 11 місяців тому +1

    Clair go see an osteopath. Been going for years, it’s helped me with many problems over the years. Especially when I was pregnant and had bad hip pain.
    It’s expensive but worth it.

  • @stevebrowning2504
    @stevebrowning2504 10 місяців тому

    I hope the physio works Clair. I’d expect you’ll get dedicated exercises to help your rehab. If you need something more hands on, I’d recommend considering a sports or clinical massage.

  • @1ninjatiger
    @1ninjatiger 10 місяців тому

    Claire’s reaction at James’ farts was bloody hilarious

  • @nliver1
    @nliver1 11 місяців тому

    Loving finders keepers, the vlog and the podcast keep up the great work both of you

  • @bionicnichola9251
    @bionicnichola9251 11 місяців тому

    Just a tip for you Clair to try for the top of your back. It may help and it's helped me before. Take some ibuprofen and put some freeze spray on the area just don't spray on your face like I did 😂 for your posture Clair I would say work on your core muscles for your posture doing TRX at the gym. I promise you exercise makes yours bones stronger and your core supports your whole skeleton. 😊
    James as a Igum instructor make sure you warm up, do mobilising stretches, cool down properly and more stretches to avoid pulling muscles 👍 if you do that anyhow you've either not done correct positioning or overdone more weight than your body has been ready for.
    Love your chemistry guys ❤

  • @Beerandpalace
    @Beerandpalace 11 місяців тому

    Is it cold shoulder? I've had that if it is. Takes around 3 months to go. Keep doing the exercises the physio gives you!

  • @ChrisOnTheKeys
    @ChrisOnTheKeys 10 місяців тому

    Finders Keepers is really good, Im glad Jay is back on the telly, I give you a nice Massage Clair for your neck

  • @sharon4091
    @sharon4091 11 місяців тому

    😂😂😂 what is it with men. Poor Claire in pain but James has to out do her with the pain and then also the acting of the lack of movement. So funny i got one just like that 😁. Wishin ya both a speedy recovery.

  • @tonysargent7787
    @tonysargent7787 11 місяців тому

    Another great video James and clair and jude and Harrison and little Paisley 👍

  • @garyosler4818
    @garyosler4818 10 місяців тому

    Another great vlog, thanks guys!

  • @andycampsall3832
    @andycampsall3832 11 місяців тому

    James if your always sore after goin the gym it could be a sign you aren’t hydrated enough. Hope you both feel better now 👍

  • @c0untaga1n
    @c0untaga1n 10 місяців тому

    Loved seeing you on catchphrase over christmas! How was it doing that?

  • @olepammy5830
    @olepammy5830 11 місяців тому

    NY = Dry January, healthy eating, yoga, balance tonic, ginger and tumeric immune shots. 🤬
    Result = 2nd cold in 2 weeks.
    I know exactly how you feel 😅 Great to see you back

  • @alisymes2011
    @alisymes2011 11 місяців тому

    🤣🤣🤣 made me cry laughing….gym poo and Clair’s pants 😂😂😂

  • @jons4255
    @jons4255 11 місяців тому

    James' head, hair and beard is gradually turning into a present day Nic Cage

  • @ficklemcselfish180
    @ficklemcselfish180 11 місяців тому

    Just started watching your blogs from the very start after seeing you guys on Peter Crouch podcast. Great content troops, glad to see yous back doing it again. Got my Scummy t-shirt the other week there. I'm a fellow Ayrshire person Clair. Love the impressions you do of James 🤣🤣. Boob inspector, completed it mate 😂😂 Keep up the great work and stay scummy.

  • @Geeeee217
    @Geeeee217 10 місяців тому +1

    Clair is hilarious this vlog 😂

  • @brandonstanley620
    @brandonstanley620 11 місяців тому

    Accidental vlog posting, gotta love it 👌😂

  • @karenskinner9817
    @karenskinner9817 11 місяців тому

    loving the new show James, first episode was good.

  • @anonymouse74
    @anonymouse74 10 місяців тому

    I had frozen shoulder on my left side. Took a couple of years to finally start feeling a bit better, and now I’ve got it on my right side 😏 so that’s another two years of hell 🙄 I already take tramadol for something else, so it doesn’t really help that much now 😤

  • @channelwright9137
    @channelwright9137 11 місяців тому

    You guys are the funniest people on UA-cam/tv

  • @lucybaker5682
    @lucybaker5682 10 місяців тому

    Love the dressing gown where is it from? Hope your feeling better 😊

  • @michaelanderson2795
    @michaelanderson2795 11 місяців тому

    James seeing as ye like yer music, scottish band called Vida. Give a listen see what ye think.
    You two are class btw. Podcast is brilliant.

  • @sharonclay6634
    @sharonclay6634 11 місяців тому

    Hi guys,love the video on a Tuesday,hope Clare feels better soon X

  • @cain5217
    @cain5217 10 місяців тому

    Clair - definitely get your muscles and joints fixed while you're still young. I left my rugby injuries because i thought i was in my 40's, if i was a horse, I'd be under the blue sheet!!

  • @Gordonforde1977
    @Gordonforde1977 10 місяців тому

    Go easy on him

  • @leerobinson2480
    @leerobinson2480 10 місяців тому

    I had trouble with my shoulder a few years back called Neuropraxia. Was told to work on my posture, and I've had no trouble since. Not sure your doctor should be scaring you like that, the expert will have more knowledge and can put your mind at rest. Hope this helps, be lucky xx

    • @leerobinson2480
      @leerobinson2480 10 місяців тому

      Posture correctors available on Amazon may help

  • @KittyCatFurbabiesMaria1972
    @KittyCatFurbabiesMaria1972 11 місяців тому +1

    Ooooo yay another Vlog ! Love u guys !!! Sending love and hope u all well ❤❤❤❤❤x

  • @haymarc80
    @haymarc80 11 місяців тому

    Great vlog guys x wondering what James thinks of the new Gallagher squire music

  • @colinfort8725
    @colinfort8725 10 місяців тому

    Nice jumper that I might have a look myself for one.

  • @johnkovaliski3174
    @johnkovaliski3174 11 місяців тому

    Hi guys. My doctor prescribed a treatment called Prolo therapy for shoulder pain.. if you don't mind needles, they inject saline and anti inflammatory solution. Ask your doctor about it. Cheers
    Ps. Love the vlogs!

  • @marciaharman
    @marciaharman 11 місяців тому

    My hubby does Metal Detecting and we have been watching Finders Keepers. Listen to the Podcast this morning. I bet James hated his hair in Finders Keepers . Clair have you thought about seeing a chiropractor ?

  • @anthonycooper5877
    @anthonycooper5877 11 місяців тому

    Thanks guys great watching hope Clare gets better soon

  • @razie97
    @razie97 10 місяців тому

    @ Clair, asking your doctor if you can use a massage gun. I’ve got a ‘theragun’ bought from John Lewis, it’s a deep tissue massage gun and it’s bloody brilliant for the knots in my shoulders and back! There’s a wee one and a big one, the wee one does a grand job :) hope you’re feeling some relief soon! It’s bloody awful having pain.

  • @louiseheald9480
    @louiseheald9480 11 місяців тому

    i love you videos you do and i love your kitchen as well very nices i love james on the one show and im going to whatch his new drama finders keepers looks very good well keep up the good work

  • @mattappleton6998
    @mattappleton6998 11 місяців тому

    Bloody love your guys channel and vlogs and now a live 😂🎉❤ side note... why so many long ear buds in that jar in the kitchen! 😂

  • @robertcoulter7592
    @robertcoulter7592 11 місяців тому

    Blinder of a sweater Jimbo. Good choice sir 🎯

  • @scottkeenan6076
    @scottkeenan6076 11 місяців тому

    Wait thought it was Wednesday had to
    Double check!
    One hundred percent trapped nerve you have there I think , had the same under my shoulder blade years ago and had acupuncture

  • @watso0178
    @watso0178 10 місяців тому

    Hope you feel better soon Claire x

  • @MEMyselfandIKN1984
    @MEMyselfandIKN1984 10 місяців тому

    (Home) gym bro here, and it happens - trusted what turned out to be an untrustworthy fart and shat myself halfway through an 8 mile run a few years ago 😂 had no option but to walk the remaining 4 miles home while hoping nobody would notice and regretting my choice of light grey running shorts 😂 needless to say I have been deeply suspicious of every mid-run fart ever since 😂😂

  • @spencerlord444
    @spencerlord444 10 місяців тому

    Loving the Fred Perry, rocking it dude