"ACCEPTANCE" - Ivy League Admissions Movie

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @wisdomkingdom9179
    @wisdomkingdom9179 9 років тому +589

    "You're in senior year, and you're in geometry 1."

  • @jordan12118
    @jordan12118 8 років тому +875

    Damn they're making Cornell seem like a community college in this

    • @mathieufrancoismoutou3747
      @mathieufrancoismoutou3747 8 років тому +68

      ''who gets rejected from Cornell?" xD

    • @Kreativproz
      @Kreativproz 8 років тому +4

      hahahaha so true dude so true

    • @aleksandarrusinov9974
      @aleksandarrusinov9974 8 років тому +26

      I would not say so. The fact that everyone else from the class is rejected from the ivies - teacher stating that at 11:42 exaggerating with "it is not every year" and that there are only 2 (for that moment only 1) that goes to Ivy League school leads your noggin that being accepted to Cornell is not a cakewalk.

    • @mathieufrancoismoutou3747
      @mathieufrancoismoutou3747 8 років тому +11

      171TITO I know. The fact is that in the movie they made it look so easy to get into Cornell.

    • @ducis3446
      @ducis3446 8 років тому +22

      Only because it has the highest admission rate. It also happens to be the largest university out of the 8, so that explains why. I'd still be thrilled to be accepted into Cornell once I apply next year. :)

  • @Rittyzify
    @Rittyzify 8 років тому +726

    This is so underrated. The acting is stellar

    • @rimikabanerjee314
      @rimikabanerjee314 8 років тому +74

      same the acting was impressive

    • @lerenah
      @lerenah 7 років тому +9

      This was a phenomenal movie!

  • @171TITO
    @171TITO 8 років тому +306

    The kid that was rejected from Cornell asked, "Who the fuck gets rejected from Cornell?" 😂😂😂😂

    • @neelspill
      @neelspill 8 років тому +35

      Nah, he got rejected from Stanford lol

    • @RedRaiderLobo20
      @RedRaiderLobo20 8 років тому +11

      171TITO, about 85% of those who apply get rejected lmao

  • @DelfinaHanna
    @DelfinaHanna 9 років тому +439

    I'd pay to watch this movie tbh. This is so fucking good. The editing is so slick, the music is awesome, the acting was so natural and genuine, the screenplay was also good and compact. I love how this movie is simple but so meaningful, especially because it presents a very relevant issue for young people. Kudos to the director too, I heard he was a student at Yale while making this.. Dude, you and the whole team responsible for this movie seriously have talent. Keep on making movies!

  • @amyzhang4798
    @amyzhang4798 9 років тому +1151

    "You only got accepted into Cornell."
    Here I am laying in my bed in my dorm at Cornell cringing.

    • @alexeilesukovvolkovich1114
      @alexeilesukovvolkovich1114 9 років тому +22

      Love your comment...made my day....very witty. I only got accepted to St. Petersburg State University, Peterhoff, hah !

    • @MythicalRedFox
      @MythicalRedFox 9 років тому +119

      +Amy Zhang Yeah, everyone shits on Cornell for having the highest acceptance rate in the Ivy League, but that's just silly for a few reasons:
      1) It must be remembered that an acceptance rate is a factor of how many students the college can accept, and how many apply in the first place. Cornell has about twice as many undergraduates than the rest of the Ivy League schools, and furthermore, because it's less popular, it likely has less applicants to begin with than Harvard or Yale.
      And 2), regardless of all that, it's pretty arrogant and persnickety for anyone to look down on a school with a 14% acceptance rate, despite the statistical factors that need to be considered or how it stacks up against the rest of a sports league it happens to be in.
      IMO Cornell is awesome, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. :D

    • @brevanwoydziak6113
      @brevanwoydziak6113 9 років тому +1

      +Amy Zhang HAHAHAH!

    • @kevinpham7380
      @kevinpham7380 8 років тому +8

      +Amy Zhang cornell is rly prestigious lol XD
      i mean rly... its in the ivy league

    • @yumandsuggs6942
      @yumandsuggs6942 8 років тому +8

      +MythicalRedFox I definitely agree with what you're saying - just want to point out Cornell actually gets more applications than Yale or Harvard :)

  • @abhiland5243
    @abhiland5243 8 років тому +50

    You know something is wrong when having a good time becomes a routine
    You are not a baller,you are something better,you are a scholar
    Two best lines I have heard all day.

    • @uddhavsurve2974
      @uddhavsurve2974 2 роки тому +1

      Those lines really strung emotional chords. Iconic dialogue. 34:46

  • @marabarbrananaman9096
    @marabarbrananaman9096 8 років тому +168

    moral of the story: stay the fuck away from facebook

  • @metabon
    @metabon 9 років тому +589

    Don't know how I came about this and I don't really write comments often but I just felt too moved to leave this video without writing something. Didn't go to an Ivy, just went to a good school (UC Berkeley) and will be going to one of the best dental schools in the nation (UCSF). Being Korean myself, I have lived in a society where educational name values hold a place far above what it should be. Having already graduated from university, I've seen what things are like after that acceptance. Yes, you spent 12 years trying to get into college but that's not the point. I see peers who went to far "better" schools than I and are still struggling after graduation. I was really hoping to see Rohan get rejected only to see the true value in growing bigger than a school. To many, getting into a school will be considered the highest accomplishment of their life but as they will see, that only lasts for so long. As much as a school can bolster your life, it's what you do with it that truly brings value. No matter where you are, a hard working and dedicated person will succeed. Now, I feel like I'm just ranting and regurgitating well known knowledge. Thank you for making this film as I can see many students relating. Please, if you can, a movie based on a second chance at life and not at Harvard would definitely be one to look out for.

    • @emilycapetillo2272
      @emilycapetillo2272 9 років тому +16

      Wow, absolutely loved your comment.

    • @nikkibob5370
      @nikkibob5370 9 років тому +2

      +Raymond Lee don't you need to go to the military in Korea?

    • @pragyanprakash138
      @pragyanprakash138 7 років тому +1


    • @lolnope979
      @lolnope979 7 років тому +7

      Thanks for your words of encouragement. Congratulations on your achievements. I applied to Berkeley, but however I did not receive admission. I'm planning to attend UC Davis in the fall, and I'm very content with what I've accomplished considering what I've overcome. Hopefully I have the will and desire to be a diligent and ambitious citizen wherever I go.

    • @Slickasv
      @Slickasv 6 років тому +1

      Raymond Lee "the true value of being bigger than your school" Amazing thing to say. I'm 4 days away from UC Berkeley decisions. Wish me luck!

  • @BhaviNandu1
    @BhaviNandu1 9 років тому +161

    "We'll be room mates again."
    Damn right!

    • @FsimulatorX
      @FsimulatorX 9 років тому +13

      +Bhavi Nandu So he got accepted to Harvard?

    • @angelagonzales1727
      @angelagonzales1727 9 років тому +5

      +FsimulatorX yesssss

    • @Wangste002
      @Wangste002 6 років тому +3

      In the actual story, he didn't get into Harvard and neither did his friend

    • @harveyspecter1855
      @harveyspecter1855 6 років тому +1

      @@Wangste002 how do you know ?

    • @Wangste002
      @Wangste002 6 років тому +2

      @@harveyspecter1855 It says so in their in-depth podcast linked below the video

  • @bryanyeoh8641
    @bryanyeoh8641 8 років тому +42

    Pride ruins everybody no matter how competent or good he or she is in that specific field.

  • @shashwatsingh1706
    @shashwatsingh1706 9 років тому +243

    Brilliant acting & story. A bit disappointed by the fact that it's so underrated.
    This film deserves a lot better than this. Good job guys !

    • @LerenaHolloway
      @LerenaHolloway 4 роки тому

      This film was amazing! Wish it were longer!

  • @dchang11
    @dchang11 Рік тому +5

    Rohan is a winner. I remember crying in bed at 17, having a really "low" late bloomer GPA, fearing colleges wouldn't take me, and envying the high school fast-trackers with higher marks. My grandpa suggested a few Ivy-caliber schools that might fit me, but I joked yeah, we'll see. 12-13 years later, I'm a semester away from earning a master's at one of these schools, and I feel lucky he's around to see this.

  • @joiwade_
    @joiwade_ 9 років тому +185

    This film was great! Cinematography, script, soundtrack, acting: all amazing! Thanks for posting to UA-cam!

    • @jonascrala5240
      @jonascrala5240 3 роки тому +2

      @Jamie Shepherd I just tried it out. In the beggining it was good but then it somehow hacked my credit card! I lost $1500 dollars because of it! Don't try it out guys!

    • @jonascrala5240
      @jonascrala5240 3 роки тому +2

      @Zaire Amir Don't! Be careful! This Instapwn thing stole my credit card and my house information! Guys, don't try this out unless you want your money stolen and your info stolen!

  • @hisnameisjoshuasimon
    @hisnameisjoshuasimon 9 років тому +96

    The production is sick, super talented cast - intense short film. I really like it. You guys put a lot of hard work into this.

  • @thatgirlnextdoor4088
    @thatgirlnextdoor4088 7 років тому +194

    Who gets rejected from Cornell? Umm like 92% of the people that apply

    • @Pwince_Kwopotkin
      @Pwince_Kwopotkin 6 років тому +4

      That Girl Next Door technically the acceptance rate is 9% but most who apply are applicable and have the necessary scores

    • @montyi8
      @montyi8 3 роки тому

      It's called a rhetorical statement, not a question

    • @FsimulatorX
      @FsimulatorX 3 роки тому

      @@montyi8 True but acceptance rate is also relative to the school. Though I haven't done the research, I'm sure there might be some elite high schools out there that may have more than 20% acceptance rate into the Ivys.

    • @MrBjorn6
      @MrBjorn6 Рік тому

      My nephew got into Cornell and University of Michigan and he preferred Michigan but it cost $20,000 a year more!!!

  • @paulinemae3186
    @paulinemae3186 9 років тому +90

    Very well done short movie! I thought it interesting how the students in this high school, who are accepted into such prestigious colleges, are portrayed to seemingly care so little about doing something in the future that is centered around helping others, but instead want to go to such colleges for the sense of pride about being one of the few selected "elites". Going to such schools with that much resources to expand knowledge should be for greater purposes other than the elevation of self. I just hope the majority of the students that are actually admitted to the Ivies and other well-renowned schools are not like this

    • @MythicalRedFox
      @MythicalRedFox 9 років тому +5

      +yuckystuffcomment I think that's why in the film, not that many of them actually get into the Ivy League. As the film concluded, the real key was showing a genuine interest in something, not fabricating a personality that you think the college may like. The director of the film went to Yale, so he too would know the reality of Ivy League students.

  • @giatekla
    @giatekla 9 років тому +189

    i should be finishing up my app to an ivy but instead i'm watching this movie and crying because their friendship

    • @angie-we7rj
      @angie-we7rj 9 років тому +3

      +Angelica Lagasca right omg help me

    • @CurryInDaPot
      @CurryInDaPot 8 років тому +9

      +Angelica Lagasca Now what are the chances that after watching this movie for the 50th+ time, I would scroll down to the comments and see my old SMS classmate in the same predicament as me? Haha hi! I shouldve been finishing my Ivy app too but I was doing the same thing ahah!

    • @Hello-ff2ql
      @Hello-ff2ql 8 років тому

      did you get in? :O

    • @CurryInDaPot
      @CurryInDaPot 8 років тому +13

      She got into Columbia and Upenn haha

    • @joniotto-bernstein337
      @joniotto-bernstein337 7 років тому

      legit me rn

  • @VFXLtd
    @VFXLtd 8 років тому +122

    Wow, this could have been some hollywood blockbuster! Great story, great acting, and beautiful color grading! :) This sht is so good that i watched it twice lol

  • @AMEYZINGStudios
    @AMEYZINGStudios 8 років тому +74

    Rohan can't kick a football into a net. I don't know how he is captain of his team...

    • @Heopful
      @Heopful 10 місяців тому

      yeah what was that fumble round

  • @AdityaGuha13
    @AdityaGuha13 8 років тому +137

    Watched once before and after admission. 2 different feelings! Brilliant film!

    • @nddhhshshs2865
      @nddhhshshs2865 8 років тому +18

      so did I!!! I got accepted yesterday so I'm watching again

    • @achaljoshi007
      @achaljoshi007 8 років тому +13

      oh I know you from Quora you got the same dp over there too :P this is weird i visited your quora profile yesterday reading your answers later your blog and here I am today reading your comment. I guess we live in a matrix :P

    • @nanu6440
      @nanu6440 8 років тому +2

      +Achal Joshi fuvk u

    • @Shairisgarcia
      @Shairisgarcia 8 років тому


    • @achaljoshi007
      @achaljoshi007 8 років тому +2

      *****​ no

  • @Ameya0307
    @Ameya0307 9 років тому +43

    In my condition of being a high schooler in the competitive region of the Bay Area I agree with the fact that people tend to treat a student who got accepted into an ivy like Harvard as superior to everyone else on the sole basis of acceptance. It's funny how people's perspectives change so easily upon hearing someone's ultimate triumph over others. Living near Stanford and other top tier uc schools I can affirm how people suddenly change when they are struck with such news regarding college acceptances with their peers. In fact it has even made me have a different perspective on successful people in my school as I look up to them as role models and what not xP

  • @polarman121
    @polarman121 9 років тому +32

    This deserves so much more attention than it has gotten

  • @umangnaik5574
    @umangnaik5574 8 років тому +70

    "You're not a baller, you're a scholar."

    • @yehidygomez414
      @yehidygomez414 8 років тому +4

      Read this comment while the guy said it ahahha

    • @umangnaik5574
      @umangnaik5574 8 років тому +2

      +Yehidy Gomez, ahaha, what a coincidence.

  • @fairytaillover8
    @fairytaillover8 9 років тому +12

    i got shivers at the "guess we'll be roommates again" part i guess i saw it coming with that dramatic cut scene build up tho lol.... this was REALLY well made so hecka kudos to everyone involved!!! as a senior in high school who just finished the college app process this hit a bit close to home for me....
    to everyone out there, remember, getting into an ivy is not a measure of your inherent worth/value and it really doesn't matter in the long run lmao don't be too hard on yourselves!!

  • @georgeburbank9117
    @georgeburbank9117 9 років тому +251

    "Based on a true story"
    Oh dear...

    • @purefatdude2
      @purefatdude2 9 років тому +6

      +George Burbank lol what does that mean

    • @G5Nvm
      @G5Nvm 5 років тому +24

      @@DreamdreamdreambigWhen I was in high school I lied and told everyone I got into Cornell, but I'm deferring acceptance. I went to CC and applied as a transfer and got in.

    • @AbhishekKumar-cq9rc
      @AbhishekKumar-cq9rc 5 років тому +1

      @@G5Nvm real mvp

    • @bensang777
      @bensang777 3 роки тому +3

      @@G5Nvm You saved a lot of money by going to a community college first. Hence, smart choice.

    • @thiagogregory1
      @thiagogregory1 7 місяців тому

      @@G5Nvm ur so funny

  • @SvetlanaMx
    @SvetlanaMx 9 років тому +111

    What an amazing short film! So much raw emotion and very thought-provoking!!
    I re-watched it twice and can relate to it so much, since I'm going through the college application process right now and my family expects me to get into an Ivy League school. But honestly, very very well done. One of the best movies I've seen in a while.

    • @antonnatlantica7727
      @antonnatlantica7727 9 років тому +1

      Did you get in? Sorry just another high school student on my senior year, fearfully awaiting the day of admissions

    • @SvetlanaMx
      @SvetlanaMx 9 років тому

      Antonn Atlantica I haven't heard back, I will know in about two weeks. Good luck! :)

    • @mansikumar7503
      @mansikumar7503 9 років тому

      +Svetlana M. Out of curiosity, where did you apply?

    • @SvetlanaMx
      @SvetlanaMx 9 років тому

      Mansi Kumar I applied to six colleges - University of Southern California, Wellesley, Pepperdine, Northeastern, Babson College and UNC Chapel Hill! Are you familiar with any of those?

    • @mansikumar7503
      @mansikumar7503 9 років тому +1

      Ya! I am actually considering Babson!

  • @SuperYami911
    @SuperYami911 8 років тому +350

    This guy looks like Khan Academy

    • @Galinalang
      @Galinalang 8 років тому +31

      Sal 😹

    • @Samanity
      @Samanity 8 років тому +17

      HAHAHa freaking sal man 😂

    • @nataliedecher5657
      @nataliedecher5657 7 років тому +3

      Lool no he doesnt 😂😂 Tell me he looks like this : www.google.co.uk/search?q=sal+from+khan+academy&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjryOHokcLTAhViB8AKHXcFBxUQ_AUICCgB&biw=1280&bih=726#imgrc=1XiZvCuEcUMXAM:

    • @JC-rl6ln
      @JC-rl6ln 3 роки тому +2

      Bruh no he doesn't 😂

    • @akporesiriomene3396
      @akporesiriomene3396 3 роки тому +1

      Racist af 😂😅

  • @pavani7829
    @pavani7829 8 років тому +33

    This film is seriously sooooo underrated. It's done well, really really well!!

  • @agnirudras
    @agnirudras 9 років тому +24

    Immaculate acting. Crisp script. An Ivy Acceptable Movie Indeed.
    I am glad i stumbled upon this.

    • @bvgg833
      @bvgg833 8 років тому

      +agnirudra sirdar couldn't have said it better myself

  • @alexg8072
    @alexg8072 9 років тому +17

    This short was flawless. Editing was perfect, music choice was spot on, acting was great and the issue was relevant. Great job!

  • @HalimaAbshir
    @HalimaAbshir 8 років тому +11

    Love how this highlights the pressure students got through in the college admissions process

  • @amirafarid6136
    @amirafarid6136 8 років тому +21

    this film was amazing- I cried throughout the entire last 10 minutes because it really got to me. as a senior in hs waiting for decisions to come out in march/april, this gave me a lot of hope. I love the friendship between Rohan and Hyo, one of the best I've seen. very well done :')

    • @arielleerivera2849
      @arielleerivera2849 7 років тому +2

      Amira Farid haha this is a year later but how did things end up?

  • @gamergamer7380
    @gamergamer7380 3 роки тому +5

    I watched this movie four years ago, wondering if I'd ever make it to the top, my dream was just go to a top school. I watched it a few times here and there along the way and eventually forgot about it. But as I watch it today, I marvel at how the cinematography, perfect music and ultimately thought-provoking story still holds up and all those emotions from years ago come rushing back. Because at the beginning it was just a dream, but today it's a reality, as I watch it from my Ivy-League school dorm in my first-year. The world has changed so much, yet things like this remind me of what it used to be. Life has a path for everyone, it's just up to us to make the most of every day. If you're reading this wondering if you'll ever make, with hard work and persistence you can do anything. I promise. Good Luck!

  • @OURAN44
    @OURAN44 9 років тому +54

    Wish more movies were like this. I'm getting sick of those blockbuster movies that require no thought. :-D Hope to see more from this filmmaker in the future

  • @nhht77
    @nhht77 8 років тому +15

    Lied because of the illusion of success but then boldly admit his mistake later on. The pressure sometimes make ourselves lost, and sometimes the pain seems unacceptable. Though, it's bitter at first, but it's somewhat the guys need to reflect, think and act wisely after the entire admission pressure. Ultimately, what's left is most important, a truth friends, truth work, truth passion and a truth himself, whose willing to take another outrageous move forward the unmade future.

  • @Mrlolibre
    @Mrlolibre 8 років тому +328

    I'm a Master Prestige in Call of Duty. What are my chances of getting into an Ivy League University?

    • @henrynunez8717
      @henrynunez8717 8 років тому +69

      +Mrlolibre If your K/D is above a 5.0, you are all set my friend.

    • @kevinpham7380
      @kevinpham7380 8 років тому +20

      +Henry Nunez what if i got a 4.3 gpa but 0.84 kd?

    • @itsdaniellemarie5049
      @itsdaniellemarie5049 8 років тому +10

      u screwed fam

    • @inbredloafofbread4687
      @inbredloafofbread4687 8 років тому

      +Dani Loves Music I have a 4.0 flat K/D.

    • @freilacerdafreire8891
      @freilacerdafreire8891 8 років тому +3

      This ''ivy'' league has anything to do with sport, like, you need to be a sportive person to get into these great universities or that is just a nomenclature? can someone please tell me?

  • @scalemath
    @scalemath 9 років тому +16

    What a fantastic short film, as a photographer and videographer myself I must say that I am extremely impressed with this amazing production!
    This short film depicts a story, which in itself is quite strong, and the production value is so unbelievably good which just tops the whole thing off. :)

  • @G5Nvm
    @G5Nvm 6 років тому +12

    I got into Cornell and came back to this. Fucking amazing movie. Always wanted to get into Cornell and I remember watching this movie my junior year.

  • @jimmyrabe2506
    @jimmyrabe2506 9 років тому +5

    Wow, that was honestly one of the most moving things I have ever seen. I'm in the middle of this process right now, my friends and I are tense and on edge, and everyone's ego is waiting to be shattered with the opening of an envelope. What a great reminder of the things that really matter. Thank you

  • @nickhughes4987
    @nickhughes4987 7 років тому +7

    My dream is Columbia, but would be really happy with NYU or even Baruch. I'm 27 and going to a Connecticut community college right now. The way I see it always set your bar high so even if you fall short you land in a good spot. Nothing's impossible. This movie was inspiring.

  • @trynow11725
    @trynow11725 8 років тому +14

    How to get into Ivy League schools: Have a parent or relative that is an alum, add a big check with your application, know someone who knows someone in admissions.

  • @Fazal828
    @Fazal828 8 років тому +97

    My only issue with the movie: The actors do not look like they'd be applying to colleges, they look too old for that time in their lives. What I do love about the movies is everything else, the opening shots described the skill set of the director, the actors, unlike other indie movies, didn't seem to be over acting and the dialogue was very well written. Overall, a great movie on a very important topic. I hope to see more from this crew and hope the cast finds their way into bigger movies. Kudos and Thank you for this piece of art.

    • @VFXLtd
      @VFXLtd 8 років тому +15

      You underestimate what some people actually look like in their final years in high school. TBH, some people from my high school looked like in their 30s...

    • @Fazal828
      @Fazal828 8 років тому +8

      I'd understand if a few people looked overage as the teens now are a bit more "mature" in their looks, but seeing everyone older than they should be seems like a casting issue. In any case, it doesn't really take from this amazing movie.

    • @MoHimdi
      @MoHimdi 8 років тому +5

      Lol I have a beard and I'm 17

    • @VFXLtd
      @VFXLtd 8 років тому

      Philly's Finest Productions lol we all have diff genes

    • @theoriginalG99
      @theoriginalG99 6 років тому +1

      It's a brilliant feature film nonetheless.

  • @stephicool
    @stephicool 9 років тому +248

    This is amazing! it's nice to see a movie for youth that actually focuses on issues besides romantic drama. Maybe I missed something, but what country is international school in?

    • @angelagonzales1727
      @angelagonzales1727 9 років тому +63


    • @printerink697
      @printerink697 3 роки тому +4

      @@angelagonzales1727 wait why are there so many white kids and people with american accents then lol

    • @christinahu568
      @christinahu568 2 роки тому +6

      @@printerink697 there are a lot of American international schools all over the world in places like Singapore and China, for kids whose parents are diplomats or have work abroad

    • @printerink697
      @printerink697 2 роки тому

      @@christinahu568 yeah but lots of (rich) people in Singapore send their kids to international schools too, and generally locals are Chinese,indian or Malay so I was surprised that there are so many foreign kids haha

  • @GlitterGlamGirl8000
    @GlitterGlamGirl8000 9 років тому +7

    Wow this was so much better than I expected it to be! As a high school senior going through the college admissions process it is totally relatable.

  • @fatimaansari3628
    @fatimaansari3628 3 місяці тому +1

    The Indian actor is distractingly handsome, what a fit guy! Stellar film.

  • @MrSupernova111
    @MrSupernova111 8 років тому +4

    I see this film as I contemplate applying for grad school next year and I'm scared shitless to be rejected. Pretty amazing film. Thank you for posting!

  • @sidmuniza
    @sidmuniza 8 років тому +8

    this movie makes me feel so bad about myself, compared to them, I ain't getting in nowhere

  • @juanlizarraga4793
    @juanlizarraga4793 9 років тому +115

    Many of the parts of this unique film remind me of The Social Network.

    • @dchang11
      @dchang11 7 років тому +6

      juan lizarraga I think the director used the social network as a guide to present this short film. It has the Ivy League theme.

    • @amak7663
      @amak7663 7 років тому +1

      juan lizarraga the score as well

  • @justin.c249
    @justin.c249 2 роки тому +3

    This story is in my same shoes!!! After being rejected from countless things in life, I have worked harder than ever throughout my undergraduate years. After 16 years of education, with a GPA of 4.2/4.33, 4 Dean's list and countless achievements, I have earned my spot in one of the most competitive yet prestigious programs in the University of British Columbia(UBC) - "Master of Data Science" and many other top-ranked universities. Despite all the negativity, if you are willing to put in the work, there will always be an "ACCEPTANCE" in your life. Because "What are the odds of getting a second chance?" Well, you not just another "nerd".

  • @hmmmokay4488
    @hmmmokay4488 5 років тому +5

    I watch this everytime during exam period to get the study thrill , and it gives me goosebumps everytime i watch it.

  • @yixu3548
    @yixu3548 6 років тому +17

    People getting crazy for being rejected by all ivy schools... and here I am praying for acceptation from UCSD and UCLA. This elitism has too stop at some point.

  • @mzsinger4ev
    @mzsinger4ev 9 років тому +4

    Amazing movie coming from a senior going through the college application process.. Job well done!

  • @kobayashitetsuro3071
    @kobayashitetsuro3071 6 років тому +1

    I graduated from the Singapore American School, the same high school the director of this film (Ryan Chan) graduated from. I love this movie. Reminds me of my high school life sooooo much!!

  • @LukeBlough
    @LukeBlough 9 років тому +5

    that was beautiful. I cried when hyo told rohan he got accepted to harvard

  • @vua.nguyen9880
    @vua.nguyen9880 8 років тому +10

    Wow this is such a great movie. I graduated from the Johns Hopkins University - realized that education was never solely about what school you went to. This movie is so Asian haha. Good watch after all!

  • @Hellya38
    @Hellya38 9 років тому +20

    He doesn't have a mac book and that's why he got rejected everywhere lol and seems every other high school kid has a mac book. Very good acting though.

  • @emiliawright4559
    @emiliawright4559 3 роки тому +2

    This is the kind of movie that hits the spot for the week before Ivy Decisions! Wonderful movie man, excellent acting and editing all around!

  • @slypancake
    @slypancake 8 років тому +75

    It kind of scares me the fact that Rohan was this super over achieving student and he got rejected because of the fact that there were too many good candidates to choose from. That means that everyone must be extremely high level students... I know this is a movie, but is that actually true? Is the competition really that fierce for Ivy Colleges to have students be these almost "perfect" scholars?

    • @saadmirza2727
      @saadmirza2727 8 років тому +14

      just be yourself. this movie's stupid.

    • @MrSupernova111
      @MrSupernova111 8 років тому +18

      I imagine so. I feel like the guy in the film every day. I am in my senior year of college majoring in finance. I have enough accolades to compete with some of the brightest students out there yet I feel like I am climbing the impossible.
      Like the other guy said. Be yourself. But I will admit I can't help but to feel terrified at the prospect of not achieving my goals post graduation. Today I already received bad news regarding an internship I applied to and I feel helpless even though I'm already working a 1 yr internship till graduation. More than likely I will not have any trouble finding a job post graduation. But I think not knowing what's going to happen is very scary for anyone.
      I intend to apply at a couple of of Ivey Leagues for grad school among other B level colleges and I can't fathom not being accepted to any of my top picks. That's life.
      At any rate, best of luck to you! Embrace the fear and make the best of it.

    • @dogestranding5047
      @dogestranding5047 8 років тому +1

      +MrSupernova111 What in particular in finance are you looking at?

    • @MrSupernova111
      @MrSupernova111 8 років тому +3

      Bryan Wheelock . My top choice is equity research at a bulge bracket firm. However, I will be glad to work a corporate role that takes advantage of everything I am learning in college and offers the opportunity for advancement. Finance is a very large field so its not easy to narrow it down to one thing.
      I've had several interviews since my post here and already have one offer for a corporate role. Its not Wall Street but I'm excited at the fact is a very large firm with great opportunities for advancement.
      What about you? Do you study finance?

    • @magicmarsden2569
      @magicmarsden2569 8 років тому +23

      Yes, Ivy colleges are extremely competitive schools. You have the top students in the country applying to them, yet only a small percentage make it. Thousands of students who were valedictorians of their class and had perfect high school resumes are rejected. Just goes to show the importance of being unique.

  • @MH-jg6kr
    @MH-jg6kr 8 років тому +5

    Never been this amazed and proud of a movie like this, very special.

  • @rajidahamed6169
    @rajidahamed6169 9 років тому +21

    I truly enjoyed this, 10/10, this should be in the cinemas!

  • @EugeneRWang1
    @EugeneRWang1 8 років тому +4

    Got accepted to everywhere so far, waiting for Harvard on March 31! I love this movie so much because it is literally my life story.

    • @MsCutiepie786
      @MsCutiepie786 8 років тому

      Did you get in?

    • @EugeneRWang1
      @EugeneRWang1 8 років тому +5

      +MsCutiepie786 No, now I got my only rejection

    • @Shadowangel691
      @Shadowangel691 8 років тому +2

      Eugene R. Wang where'd you end up going?

  • @trimble3433
    @trimble3433 8 років тому +136

    I cringed at the Harvard hoodie.

  • @MaduUdeh
    @MaduUdeh 8 років тому +46

    the thing that was kinda offputting about this whole thing was they were supposed to be high school seniors but they look like college seniors

  • @abhinavsuresh4303
    @abhinavsuresh4303 9 років тому +6

    A ridiculously interesting story, only helped by the fact that it is true and can happen again... and to anyone! It really highlights the facet of being yourself, and not only for your dream college... but for your dream SELF.

  • @magno2365
    @magno2365 9 років тому +67

    Wow this is actually pretty good

  • @Ange-or2np
    @Ange-or2np 8 років тому +46

    I thought that was Ryan Higa at 7:32 lmao

    • @roselly880
      @roselly880 8 років тому

      Ange Long me too!! omg

    • @sonicaphos3963
      @sonicaphos3963 8 років тому +1

      phahaha you funny. He sure looks likes him.

    • @nizhenteo3664
      @nizhenteo3664 8 років тому +2

      haha thats Nathan Hartono! He graduated from Berklee college of music and won 1st runner up in China's The Voice!

  • @EternalSnowAngel1
    @EternalSnowAngel1 9 років тому +5

    I really like how this film reflects everything about today's high school students - clubs, lies, trust, friends, teachers, fights, SNSs.... And yes uni apps (gulp)

  • @TheReaMrBurntSausage
    @TheReaMrBurntSausage 9 років тому +17

    I watched a few minutes and i got hooked. I have to finish it now

  • @davidchuong714
    @davidchuong714 3 роки тому

    Watched this back when it first came out-I was in high school at the time. Now I’m in college and it’s crazy to think about how I stumbled upon this video when doing research about how to get into college. This video captures all of the emotions you feel during the college admissions process so perfectly, it almost feels like art. One of my absolute favorite movies, brings back so many memories.

  • @phuong.tranquil
    @phuong.tranquil 6 років тому +1

    Great one! I came back after 2 years to rewatch this and the memories of the application period all came back.
    Thank you for the great story & production. Looking forward for your upcoming projects!

  • @heikoyeh
    @heikoyeh 8 років тому +1

    It is so wonderful to take lessons away from a movie, other than "not to focus on college and career" as it could be assumed by the title. The ending underlines this learning.

  • @saianand.n
    @saianand.n 8 років тому +4

    I was an Indian scholar once in Singapore studying at ACS(I). It didn't really end well for me. I did things and everything went down south on me. Regardless, the years I spent there gave me some of my best memories in life, most which I was reminded of when I watched this. It had so much I could relate to. Very well made.

    • @pipameka4274
      @pipameka4274 7 років тому

      Sai Scouser Anand where'd you go to college?

    • @saianand.n
      @saianand.n 5 років тому

      @@pipameka4274 Really sorry that my reply took two years to come. I came back to India after my scholarship debacle. I went to college here at VIT (Vellore Institute of Tech.) which is considered to be one of the best private universities in India. But guess what, 7 years in, I'm still 24 credits short of what was supposed to be a 4-year undergrad degree, and I might end up dropping out because I think I found my calling elsewhere. I guess life takes us all places in its own ways and I'm satisfied with my ride so far although one might say there's very little conviction in my ways with academia after my Singapore episode.

  • @KuldeepSingh-ze5ct
    @KuldeepSingh-ze5ct 8 років тому +1

    Awesome Job and my fev. line- I was depressed a lot, moping around,over the"He said-She said",and all that drama. You know what I did..? I stopped caring and look me now, I am happy

  • @indrikaroy2992
    @indrikaroy2992 4 роки тому +1

    That last scene is probably one of the most inspirational scenes out there !!

  • @franlebowitz5493
    @franlebowitz5493 9 років тому +2

    Fantastic. Really great direction, acting, pacing...I am sure this is just the beginning.

  • @AirCheco2345
    @AirCheco2345 2 роки тому +4

    I think the message of this movie is to be bet and be honest with who you are in life when trying to accomplish life goals, because at the end of the day, things like “acceptance” whether it’s the gf of your dreams or school of your dreams, you only really get 1 good shot at it. No point in letting a seemingly fake version of you take it because if you fail you’ll never know whether the real you would’ve succeeded. And at least if you do, you can live without regret. That’s just my 2 cents (future NYU 1L 😄)

  • @RedRaiderLobo20
    @RedRaiderLobo20 Рік тому +3

    I remember having this much pressure to get into a “good” school. I ended up at my state school, and I have never regretted it. And I’ve still gotten to the same place I wanted to be.

  • @zanahmad3451
    @zanahmad3451 9 років тому +43

    "Guess we'll be roommates again"

  • @TheDimGhostRider
    @TheDimGhostRider 8 років тому +5

    Honestly this was such a great movie! I expected it to be another low-budget film but it actually turned out to be spectacular! I'd recommend this to anyone.

  • @TheBrownDictator
    @TheBrownDictator Рік тому +3

    I love the soundtrack, too bad the iTunes link doesn't work anymore :(

  • @MIAMusicHQ
    @MIAMusicHQ 8 років тому +6

    This is so underrated - with better promotion it would get so many more views...Great stuff though

  • @niks9026
    @niks9026 2 роки тому +1

    I knew I recognised the ground like 3 minutes in... I'm a dover girl, but proud to see UWCSEA alumni create this amazing project! props to everyone involved

  • @LymanZerga1
    @LymanZerga1 9 років тому +15

    Working on my personal statement this summer- probably the hardest fucking thing I've ever had to do so far..

  • @831ryan
    @831ryan 8 років тому +8

    Any Ivy League school is a good school, great movie, but making Cornell look like a community college probably wasn't the best, getting into any Ivy is an honor in itself.

  • @magicpony9
    @magicpony9 9 років тому +60

    I couldn't figure out what country this was supposed to take place in?

    • @TheScholarEdition
      @TheScholarEdition  9 років тому +103

      +magicpony9 The Magical Island of Singapore XD

    • @magicpony9
      @magicpony9 9 років тому +6

      Oh, thanks! Very interesting.

    • @piggy8435
      @piggy8435 9 років тому +6

      +TheScholarEdition I thought so - do they usually apply to American schools?

    • @gyudon370
      @gyudon370 8 років тому +21

      I don't think the local students do. This appears to be an international school. International schools usually apply to American universities. So it's normal haha.

    • @gurpreet244
      @gurpreet244 8 років тому +3

      magicpony9 Singapore

  • @2rhine
    @2rhine 7 років тому +4

    The acting was amazing. This needs an award.

  • @harismind
    @harismind 9 років тому +12

    Awesome movie! Very well made, excellent direction, script and acting! Well done! Hope to see more from the team!

  • @slypancake
    @slypancake 8 років тому +16

    Amazing job, such a stellar performance was done on this.

  • @lafayette2957
    @lafayette2957 3 роки тому +2

    Cinematography and filming is top-notch. Excellent!!

  • @TheJmac3616
    @TheJmac3616 9 років тому +18

    This was an amazing very well-written movie, I would've paid to see it!

  • @Inkironnrum
    @Inkironnrum 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent concept. Real. Someone’s story. Friendship. A question of honesty. An answer with fulfilled hope. What mattered is their acceptance for one another.
    In the end….
    Two friends, were accepted.

  • @divyyy4358
    @divyyy4358 6 років тому +1


  • @theoriginalG99
    @theoriginalG99 6 років тому +2

    12:51 *_Legend says that footprint on the wall is still preserved_*

  • @tomasgudmundsson3560
    @tomasgudmundsson3560 9 років тому +2

    wow, I really enjoyed every minute of this movie. Could relate to most of the scenes as I am applying to the ivies myself. What a fantastic job!!

  • @SG-yx5en
    @SG-yx5en 9 років тому +6

    Brilliant work everyone. 10/10

  • @Funkymuffins123XP
    @Funkymuffins123XP 8 років тому +148

    is this a hollywood thing or is it amateur? cus its really good quality for youtube

    • @sincerelysilvia
      @sincerelysilvia 8 років тому +64

      amateur. yale university students made this short film from the co-creator's real life based story.

    • @antby11
      @antby11 7 років тому +1

      The main character was a student of The University of Manchester, England. Studying Economics?

    • @sincerelysilvia
      @sincerelysilvia 7 років тому +24

      vinesh (who plays Rohan) is a student of Manchester uni studying economics, but he did not made the movie.
      This real life based story is inspired by vishnu (co creator), who "failed" at being accepted to ivy schools when he was a senior in highschool, also he was close friends with Ryan (director and the creator). When Ryan got into Yale, vishnu didn't got accepted and lied.
      Ryan and his crew members were from Yale's film major, and during the castings vinesh was casted bc he was good friends with vishnu back at highschool and he can act.

  • @Sarav
    @Sarav 8 років тому +1

    So....so...so...just awesome!!
    loved the story, acting and direction especially the quality...!!!

  • @EdgardoMarquina1020
    @EdgardoMarquina1020 9 років тому +1

    Very well done! Love the story, the drama, and the ending, Everything was very well balanced! loved it!

  • @MaduUdeh
    @MaduUdeh 8 років тому +3

    this was so good!!! Im supposed to be writing my personal statement right now too. lol