Love ❤️ this song 🎵 and love this young boy singing ❤️ ♥️ 💙 we love ❤️ the people of Israel 🇮🇱 ❤️ and pray 🙏 for the shalom of Israel GOD BLESS ISRAEL FOREVER 🇮🇱 🙏 ❤️ ♥️ 💙 XXXX
Lindo demais ver um povo como Israel que reúne forças num momento de tanta dor, mas que com suas vozes celebra a vida e luta com muita resiliência por ela. Parabéns a todos!!! Lindo espetáculo !!!!Que honra o Nome de D’us e manifesta sua fé Naquele que tudo pode fazer. Am Yisrael Chai!!!! ❤🇧🇷🇮🇱
Thanks you very much for your comments! For sure Brazil has a special blessing, probably bigger than other nations in Latin-America. Brazil is related to Portugal and Portugal to the /annusim/, the forced Jews or better said, Judahites that come from Ephraim, with the duty of being the Chariot of the Divine Presence.
I am from PNG🇵🇬. He that is in Israel is greater than he that is in Palestine. Israel will win all it's wars as prophesied in the Holy bible. Iran and all the enemies of Israel must understand this !
✌️Wau....was kann ich sagen ,eure Leviten sind einfach die Begabtesten,die Besten .Eure Lieder sind Sensationell .Gottes Segen ist über euch.Und diesen Götliche Segen 🙏wünsche ich euch bis in die Ewichkeit.Ich verstehe kein Wort,aber meine Seele singt mit.Weiter so mit Gottes Segen🙏❤️🤗😇👋🇩🇪🕊️
Shalom ma'am, thanks you very much! There has been added a Spanish subtitle in closed captions that you can auto-translate to german I think. I can ask for my community leader to provide another added CC in German next time. You are also invited to our group, we are moving towards a zionist initiative for the friends of Israel who are actually the lost seed of the ancient Kingdom of Jeroboam ben Nevat. I myself connected to the northern tribes of Israel, the term used for our people is "Red Jews" because red is the color for Edom, the nations of Germany that descend from the Roman Empire but among its people there are the lost tribes of Israel!
Lord God Almighty, send your angels to line the borders of Israel and protect them so that the world will say, “ Truly The Almighty watches over Israel”.
Thanks my brother, during the last month or two Israel is not doing so well or even bad events happen on daily basis. Let's pray for the Judgment of Shakkai to arrive soon in our days!
@@yisraeleliyahu7495your comment didn't age well.. thanks God Israel is now winning for sure...May God bless them all and forgive them all Hallelujah. Amen
@@ster1997 hello I don't know what you mean, what I would tell again, I said this on Instagram, we see with the current situation what we already knew that Judah (represented by the jewish state of Israel) has koach against Ishmael, who is the chamor, the donkey, as also is the tribe of Judah and Mashiach ben David. Israel has realized this known principle and it's prevailing with almost no resistance. However still there is the final war of Gog uMagog upon Mashiach ben Yoseph, represented by the Ten Lost Tribes of Ephraim. In this way we won't expect Judah to defeat the sitra achra of Eisav (Amalek) since that enemy who is the top hierarchy in the dark side, is reserved for the son of G-d (Ten Tribes and Enoch his leader), such an enemy is only defeatable by the very same manifestation of G-d Almighty on earth by His firstborn Ephraim. This enemy is Rome and the Third Rome, Judah can't fight, how to fight an enemy who has refined aspect, with suit and tie and son of Japhet? When actually is a chazir, a pig, these are the white peoples of Magog, there is Eisav, and there is Amalek, even amalek who behaves like a bear...
Lord God, I remember when you saved Eszkiel from the enemies with all those horses.. I ask you Lord God, to protect your home from all danger that is coming in the days ahead..
Israel the Beautiful land of the Jewish people forever ❤️ May your mountain drip with new wine .May you all sit under your own olive tree and vines .May you grow your own beautiful gardens full of fruit and nourishing plants. MAY YOU BE PLANTED IN YOUR OWN Sovereign Nation never to be uprooted again . May you live to see Amosz9 verse 14 to 15 forfilled for you in your life time . ," They will plant gardens and eat their fruit, I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them " Says Yashem Almighty your G - d
Maythe Lord protect you always ! May he put love and kindness in the hearts of Muslims so that they will live in peace with Israel and everybody else! Take away all the wars , we don’t want our precious children to die in this mad and useless wars! Take away all the suffering and injustice and let us live in peace and happiness! Destroy the ideology of arrogance, hatred, violence, bloodshed and killings !
Praise the Lord Glory to God I Like the song From the Philippines Please translate into ENGLISH so as we can understand the lyrics thank so much.God bless as all the children of God.HALELLUJAH
We are from beginning we are to be at the Doom and afterwards Just because we are still so close relatives to many many years ago in faith with prayers and holidays etc
Il Dio d'Abramo,Isacco e Giacobbe non abbandonerà mai Israele,è la pupilla dei suoi occhi,il popolo che Lui stesso si è scelto fra le nazioni e che ha scelto Gerusalemme per sua dimora eterna.
Thanks you so much for your comment! Im so glad people from nations we wouldn't expect come to express support for the People of G-d, because they are also going to be included in the covenant! Especially Italy, my wife /aleha'HaShalom/ (may she rest in peace) was from an italian family that came to Argentina. Italy has a place a role in the prophecies of the deep mysteries of the Torah!
Today sunset begins Shemini Atzret amd simchas Torah, in the diaspora for a total of two days ending on Friday sunset when immediately begins Shabbat. In Israel is one day of both Shemini Atzret and Simchat Torah ending Thursday nightfall.
Look at the sky open all angles coming together with the name of Jesus all Universe together with the name of Jesus all Israel adonoe Adonai Israel Amen ❤ Bible comanded go ahead with the destitute people thay no food no home no garments ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Shalom! Siguiendo el decreto de "kherem" o veto sobre latinoamerica es que esta cancion y otros temas, podcasts y demás no estan disponibles en Español. Se tendrá en cuenta su comentario pero no se promete nada, lo que si próximamente se puede agregar las captions en español en este mismo video. Gracias por su visita!
@anyrodriguez7358 kh or ch en fonetica Anglo-Sajona suena como la "j", el /cherem/ es un veto o excumunion, los rabinos han vetado las conversiones al judaismo en Latinoamérica y es por eso que mas o menos en la misma linea he abandonado prácticamente los proyectos de compartir temas judios con la audiencia hispanoparlante que es sumamente antisemita. Si usted proviene de esta región sea bienvenida, rara vez personas de habla hispana entran a visitar este pequeño canal.
Hola! Se ha agregado el subtitulo en español externo seleccionable en el icono del engranaje! Lo verifique una vez, si la traduccion no se entiende en alguna parte hagalo saber!
Love ❤️ this song 🎵 and love this young boy singing ❤️ ♥️ 💙 we love ❤️ the people of Israel 🇮🇱 ❤️ and pray 🙏 for the shalom of Israel GOD BLESS ISRAEL FOREVER 🇮🇱 🙏 ❤️ ♥️ 💙 XXXX
Young man...your God is also my God.. love from Papua New Guinea❤
Amen 🙏🏽
GOD bless Israel
É linda. ❤
Lovely song 💓💓 God bless Israel and protect it from all it's enemy
Beautiful god Wil help you all❤❤❤❤❤Aman
Lindo demais ver um povo como Israel que reúne forças num momento de tanta dor, mas que com suas vozes celebra a vida e luta com muita resiliência por ela. Parabéns a todos!!! Lindo espetáculo !!!!Que honra o Nome de D’us e manifesta sua fé Naquele que tudo pode fazer. Am Yisrael Chai!!!! ❤🇧🇷🇮🇱
Thanks you very much for your comments! For sure Brazil has a special blessing, probably bigger than other nations in Latin-America. Brazil is related to Portugal and Portugal to the /annusim/, the forced Jews or better said, Judahites that come from Ephraim, with the duty of being the Chariot of the Divine Presence.
So BEAUTIFULLULLY described 🇫🇮♥️🇮🇱✡👑✡🎗🛐
Este sim nação não como colônia nem presidente não respeita lamentável colocar ser humano representar!
*Mi Sheberach*
Mi sheberach avotenu Avraham Yitzhak V'ya'akov...
Hu yevarech et chayalay tzva hahagana l'yisrael...
Ha' omdim al mishmar artzenu ve'aray elohaynu...
Migvul halevanon ve'ad midbar mitzrayim...
U'min hayam hagadol ad levo ha'arava...
Bayabasha ba'avir...
Ba'avir u'vayam...
Hu yevarech et chayalay tzva hahagana l'yisrael...
Yiten Adonai et oyvaynu...
Hakamim alaynu nigafim lifnayhem...
Hakadosh baruch hu yishmor veyatzil et chayalaynu...
Mikol tzara v'tzuka u'mikol nega u'machala...
Veyishlach bracha ve'hatzlacha bechol ma'aseh yedayhem yadber sonaynu tachtayhem...
Ve'ye'atrem b'cheter yeshu'ah u'v'ateret nitzachon...
Veekuyam bahem hakatuv...
Ki adonai elohaychem haholech imachem...
Lehilachem lachem im oyvechm lehoshi'ah etchem Venomar Amen...
Mi sheberach avotenu Avraham Yitzhak V'ya'akov...
Hu yevarech et chayalay tzva hahagana l'yisrael...
Tzva hahagana l'yisrael...
Rafael Manalu
*(Mahasiswa Indonesia Anti Teroris)*
Thanks for the transliteration! G-d bless you.
Lord please hear the cry of your ppl: Save Israel
Deus proteja Israel
Toda Raba 🌷💥🎄🇮🇱
I am from PNG🇵🇬. He that is in Israel is greater than he that is in Palestine. Israel will win all it's wars as prophesied in the Holy bible. Iran and all the enemies of Israel must understand this !
✌️Wau....was kann ich sagen ,eure Leviten sind einfach die Begabtesten,die Besten .Eure Lieder sind Sensationell .Gottes Segen ist über euch.Und diesen Götliche Segen 🙏wünsche ich euch bis in die Ewichkeit.Ich verstehe kein Wort,aber meine Seele singt mit.Weiter so mit Gottes Segen🙏❤️🤗😇👋🇩🇪🕊️
Shalom ma'am, thanks you very much! There has been added a Spanish subtitle in closed captions that you can auto-translate to german I think. I can ask for my community leader to provide another added CC in German next time. You are also invited to our group, we are moving towards a zionist initiative for the friends of Israel who are actually the lost seed of the ancient Kingdom of Jeroboam ben Nevat. I myself connected to the northern tribes of Israel, the term used for our people is "Red Jews" because red is the color for Edom, the nations of Germany that descend from the Roman Empire but among its people there are the lost tribes of Israel!
Lord God Almighty, send your angels to line the borders of Israel and protect them so that the world will say, “ Truly The Almighty watches over Israel”.
Thanks my brother, during the last month or two Israel is not doing so well or even bad events happen on daily basis. Let's pray for the Judgment of Shakkai to arrive soon in our days!
@@yisraeleliyahu7495your comment didn't age well.. thanks God Israel is now winning for sure...May God bless them all and forgive them all Hallelujah. Amen
@@ster1997 hello I don't know what you mean, what I would tell again, I said this on Instagram, we see with the current situation what we already knew that Judah (represented by the jewish state of Israel) has koach against Ishmael, who is the chamor, the donkey, as also is the tribe of Judah and Mashiach ben David. Israel has realized this known principle and it's prevailing with almost no resistance.
However still there is the final war of Gog uMagog upon Mashiach ben Yoseph, represented by the Ten Lost Tribes of Ephraim. In this way we won't expect Judah to defeat the sitra achra of Eisav (Amalek) since that enemy who is the top hierarchy in the dark side, is reserved for the son of G-d (Ten Tribes and Enoch his leader), such an enemy is only defeatable by the very same manifestation of G-d Almighty on earth by His firstborn Ephraim. This enemy is Rome and the Third Rome, Judah can't fight, how to fight an enemy who has refined aspect, with suit and tie and son of Japhet? When actually is a chazir, a pig, these are the white peoples of Magog, there is Eisav, and there is Amalek, even amalek who behaves like a bear...
@@DimaDima-t6q lost seed of Khmelnytsky imach shemo vzikro?
Lord hear the cry of your ppl. Save Israel
Thanks so much for you comment!
GOD of Judah i pray for Israel GOD bless Israel with the name of JESUS CHRIST
Beautiful! God be with Israel🙏🏽
God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob,God of the people of ISREAL forever and ever Amen SHALOM🙏🙏🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️❤️
Shalom Aleichem.
God bless you Israel. I admire you I thank you I pray for you, I sing with you, Love
Live for ever Israel.
Beautiful ❤️ Am Yisrael chai psalm91 over you all from Ireland 🇮🇪
Love this song. From Philippines
I am a zionist from Massachusetts who is 72 years old. I have been to Israel seven times. Israel will survive and thrive
Мир тобі Єрусаліме , най Крила Всеишнього будуть распростерті над тобою
Thanks for your comment, whenever someone from the USSR loves the People of Israel is so powerful and appreciated.
Magnificent! Am Yisrael Hai 👍💙🇮🇱🪬
Hashem bless Israel, protect it and everyone who supports Israel! Baruch Hashem!!!
Thanks for your comments achi!
Lord God, I remember when you saved Eszkiel from the enemies with all those horses..
I ask you Lord God, to protect your home from all danger that is coming in the days ahead..
❤❤❤❤❤🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 i stand with Israel from New Zealand
WONDERFULL 🇫🇮♥️🎼♥️🎶♥️🎵✡🕎✡🎗🛐THANK 👑YOU ♥️
AMEN. . .❤ . . .from south korea . . . ❤
Israel the Beautiful land of the Jewish people forever ❤️ May your mountain drip with new wine .May you all sit under your own olive tree and vines .May you grow your own beautiful gardens full of fruit and nourishing plants. MAY YOU BE PLANTED IN YOUR OWN Sovereign Nation never to be uprooted again . May you live to see Amosz9 verse 14 to 15 forfilled for you in your life time . ," They will plant gardens and eat their fruit, I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them " Says Yashem Almighty your G - d
Amen, from Holland
Love from Rwanda 🎉
Maythe Lord protect you always ! May he put love and kindness in the hearts of Muslims so that they will live in peace with Israel and everybody else! Take away all the wars , we don’t want our precious children to die in this mad and useless wars! Take away all the suffering and injustice and let us live in peace and happiness! Destroy the ideology of arrogance, hatred, violence, bloodshed and killings !
Amen 🙏🏽
Praise the Lord Glory to God I Like the song From the Philippines Please translate into ENGLISH so as we can understand the lyrics thank so much.God bless as all the children of God.HALELLUJAH
Thanks for your comments, you mean to add captions? Because it has printed subtitles, transliteration and translation.
To magandang awit Ng mga Israelites awitin cover sana Ng mga Pinoy singers
La Paz sea con Israel ❤❤❤
Y no te dejaremos solo ni dormiremios
Ni un momento mientras te cuidemos!
We are from beginning we are to be at the Doom and afterwards Just because we are still so close relatives to many many years ago in faith with prayers and holidays etc
AMEN and Amen ❤❤❤
Can this Angel please sing for us in English too. It would be great. U are the best singer in the entire world.
❤️❤️✡️❤️❤️and I will dwell among the children of Israel, and I will be their God Torah Tetzaveh 30:45❤️❤️✡️✌️💯🇮🇱💯✌️✡️❤️❤️
Thanks for your comments, Chazakah uBeruchah
@@yisraeleliyahu7495 ✡️🕎🇮🇱 שלום עליכם
@@iracilopes3679 have blessed new year! Chatimah tovah
Il Dio d'Abramo,Isacco e Giacobbe non abbandonerà mai Israele,è la pupilla dei suoi occhi,il popolo che Lui stesso si è scelto fra le nazioni e che ha scelto Gerusalemme per sua dimora eterna.
Thanks you so much for your comment! Im so glad people from nations we wouldn't expect come to express support for the People of G-d, because they are also going to be included in the covenant! Especially Italy, my wife /aleha'HaShalom/ (may she rest in peace) was from an italian family that came to Argentina. Italy has a place a role in the prophecies of the deep mysteries of the Torah!
Inspiring, beautiful voice of a child of the Israel nation. A message of hope and peace. God bless people of of the righteousness of the Christ. Amen!
God IS with Israel 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ishtabach Shmo!
Good Sukkot
Chag Sameach!
Bible Old Testament Jisus always with you
Holy spirit already in all Israel adonoe Adonai Israel Amen ❤
God and Jesus loves Israel and I love Israel. ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks to you so much! I am native spanish speaker and I could understand your comment which was written in italian! Molto Grazie achi!
❤ from Germany 🙋🏻♂️
Baruch HaShem! Don't forget to join to the cause of the L-rd, to Ephraim!
Toda labah
Praying for Israel. YHWH Elohim bless you. He promised to protect you and keep you safe as His chosen people.
All' Israel saved by the name of Jesus Christ ❤ all' children already saved by the name of Jesus Christ all' Churches open ❤❤❤
Vivas à Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 depois da tempestade sempre vem a bonança. Pai Altíssimo contigo 🇮🇱!
Thanks bro!
Glory to your God, we papua new guinea stand with you Israel,
❤ So Heart Warming ❤ All Praise To Our God… 🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱🌟🌟
Blessing God Israel shema jireh jahovah ever for ever ❤️
Bible comand u go ahead with the name of Jesus ❤
God be the glory 🙏🌹 in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
CA ❤ IL אלוהים יברך את ישראל
May it be! Baruch HaShem!
What a beautiful song 💘❤❤❤
My god I love this song and the kid 👦 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 😂
Beautiful song..
Amen ❤
Simchat Torah....shemini atzeret
Today sunset begins Shemini Atzret amd simchas Torah, in the diaspora for a total of two days ending on Friday sunset when immediately begins Shabbat. In Israel is one day of both Shemini Atzret and Simchat Torah ending Thursday nightfall.
@@yisraeleliyahu7495from diaspora ❤❤❤ in sukkah ❤❤
God be with you Israel🙏🙏🙏
Psalmul 122
MiCA Capitolul 4
Zaharia Capitolul 14
Key prophecies for these ending times! ishtabach shemo!
Tubuh Kristus
Look at the sky open all angles coming together with the name of Jesus all Universe together with the name of Jesus all Israel adonoe Adonai Israel Amen ❤ Bible comanded go ahead with the destitute people thay no food no home no garments ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Love ❤️ you Israel 🇮🇱
Baruch HaShem!
Pray for Israel...
Por favor traduzcan al español la letra de esta hermosa canción
Baruj Hashem🕎
Shalom! Siguiendo el decreto de "kherem" o veto sobre latinoamerica es que esta cancion y otros temas, podcasts y demás no estan disponibles en Español. Se tendrá en cuenta su comentario pero no se promete nada, lo que si próximamente se puede agregar las captions en español en este mismo video. Gracias por su visita!
Kherem, que significa
@anyrodriguez7358 kh or ch en fonetica Anglo-Sajona suena como la "j", el /cherem/ es un veto o excumunion, los rabinos han vetado las conversiones al judaismo en Latinoamérica y es por eso que mas o menos en la misma linea he abandonado prácticamente los proyectos de compartir temas judios con la audiencia hispanoparlante que es sumamente antisemita. Si usted proviene de esta región sea bienvenida, rara vez personas de habla hispana entran a visitar este pequeño canal.
Hola! Se ha agregado el subtitulo en español externo seleccionable en el icono del engranaje! Lo verifique una vez, si la traduccion no se entiende en alguna parte hagalo saber!
@@yisraeleliyahu7495🕎Baruj Hashem!!!, gracias por el pie de video en español 😘😘😘
Amen 🙏 ❤ Israel 🇮🇱
El Señor Eterno Dios Rey del Universo envié sus ángeles a derrotar al enemigo del pueblo de Israel para vivir en la Paz del Eterno Rey del Universo
Nice song for IDF
Hope to visit Jesus place in Israel
Thanks for your comment, G-d willing you not only visit but join the Nation!
I Am Israel Chai
🙏 AMÓS 5:26 e 27, SALMOS 1;1 e 2 e 81:8 a 16 e 115:1 a 8, EZEQUIEL 8:1 a 9:11 e 11:16 a 21, ATOS 7:43 a 51 e 17:24 e 4:10 a 12, 1CORINTIOS 10:7 e 14 e 20, JUDAS 1 a 4 e 25, APOCALIPSE 14:9 a 12 e 15:2 e 18:4 e 22:11 a 15, MATEUS 5:17 a 20 e 6:1 e 5 a 15 e 7:13 a 29 e 16:12 e 23:1 a 12 e 24:4 e 24 📖✝️🙏🕊️💓🐑😄🫂📖
Amén ve amén 🙏🧿
Thank you very much!!
Great song 🇮🇳🇮🇱
العاملين رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في العامين أنعم جبرائيل إسرائيل
Bernyanyi lah bangsa umat pilih an Allah
******+****** tubuh dan roh dinia dan surga *6+6samadengan *12 akan pergi meninggalkan dunia *12 akan menjadi *angka *13 untuk dunia *****? *****
Израиль - это Божий народ. Израиль, мира тебе. Нет войнам, нет террору! Израиль, надейся на Бога, за тебя молятся славяне, европейцы в церквях❤
Thanks so much, it's always enlightening when someone from the USSR area comes to Israel
#bebaskan_sandera yg diculik dengan biadab oleh islam..