  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Roboleague-s3f
    @Roboleague-s3f 10 днів тому +9

    The new mori skin is so cold that the seraph fire orb does not even show up. 27:00

  • @RayWDYWT
    @RayWDYWT 9 днів тому +8

    9/10 times someone in my team picks a character that does not belong in a role they get COOKED and cost us the game. Good video, but man these ideas mess up low to mid tier games

    • @xaviermartinez5450
      @xaviermartinez5450 9 днів тому

      I agree. I think it creates an imbalance. I’d really like to see hero’s get role locked. There’s no reason a crunch or any other off laner should have to face an iggy or an ADC in the solo lane. Shinbi makes it doable if you were lucky enough to select shinbi. I can’t imagine how much this morigesh was raging.

    • @nicholasgarcia399
      @nicholasgarcia399 8 днів тому +1

      I see Mori/countess offlane and rangers in every lane with an assassin jung. Meanwhile, I'm forced to pick a tank and get blacked by crunch and khai. I can't tell u how many times I've warned against this, and they say, "trust."

  • @hershy1594
    @hershy1594 10 днів тому +14

    Anyone can be a mid laner if you're brave enough

    • @mjwittheflu239
      @mjwittheflu239 9 днів тому +6

      Yep just lost a ranked game the other teams midlaner was crunch

    • @hershy1594
      @hershy1594 9 днів тому +3

      @mjwittheflu239 You ain't seen nothing until you watch a narb win their mid match up

    • @mjwittheflu239
      @mjwittheflu239 9 днів тому +5

      @@hershy1594 yeah that’s when I log off lol

  • @ZenLee
    @ZenLee 9 днів тому +1

    Dang the secrets out! She's going get the nerf too op.

  • @hermanjohnson9180
    @hermanjohnson9180 9 днів тому

    Haha, love to see it. Makes me wanna bring my girl back to Carry role when I was experimenting with it

  • @Vekthul
    @Vekthul 9 днів тому +1

    Can you do Kwang mid? 🙏

  • @ChilliChickenDry
    @ChilliChickenDry 4 дні тому

    It’s nice to see that I’m not the only one that gets goofy team mates.

    • @uncaidd
      @uncaidd 3 дні тому

      all my teammates must be playing the game for the first time

  • @davidmorales7371
    @davidmorales7371 9 днів тому +2

    Why are tower hits so inconsistent? It seems like sometimes you can run half way into a tower before they hit you and other times it shoots you as soon as you step foot into them

    • @morty_watches_youtube
      @morty_watches_youtube 9 днів тому

      I guess if the tower is looking elsewhere then they don’t shoot. LMAO 😂

  • @Twenty2-ok
    @Twenty2-ok 8 днів тому

    Even against her worst matchup mid, tied with Gadget. Won't say Iggy or any other midlanes are a challenge it's all fodder for mrs. dash away got the kill

  • @saeedshakur9868
    @saeedshakur9868 9 днів тому

    Will the rank be reset? If so, when?

  • @razzold2900
    @razzold2900 9 днів тому

    43:18 the 1hp classic call-out 😂

  • @koi1856
    @koi1856 9 днів тому

    18:40 remember when it was a 15 seconds cooldown

  • @reynauldwhistles2338
    @reynauldwhistles2338 9 днів тому +1

    Bro im sad/mad when I see nyr warboots and iceskorn talons, talons are so much better its crazy warboots have a long cool down heal you for 5% of ur hp minus tainted debuff and talons give you AND YOUR TEAM damage, speed on a short cooldown and it makes your breath smell like mint its dumb how good they are.

  • @andrewsylvain8432
    @andrewsylvain8432 10 днів тому

    Upon further review, that orb was not in fact there. wya Ace

  • @guap2cold
    @guap2cold 10 днів тому

    When I said this everybody thought I was crazy lol. I’ve been doing this for a while now

  • @TopBinsContent1
    @TopBinsContent1 3 дні тому

    As fun as theese vids are to watch might be an idea to put a title like experienced players only coz new plsyers picking characters that dont suit roles is high enough as it is 😂
    The amiuntnof gideons ive seen in carry role

  • @bullockm1826
    @bullockm1826 10 днів тому +2

    Lemme get a kiss back Pinzo

  • @myturnnow9
    @myturnnow9 10 днів тому +1

    W video

  • @jacksypher3403
    @jacksypher3403 10 днів тому

    Serath jump gets caught in ledges and corners so watch out when jumping next to cover

  • @NobleVagabond2552
    @NobleVagabond2552 10 днів тому

    Grux mid wen

  • @Jessie-JamesHughes-Dowd
    @Jessie-JamesHughes-Dowd 9 днів тому

    Day 6 of asking for terra offlane❤

    • @fryswahh
      @fryswahh 2 години тому

      He released a video yesterday of terra offline. Why keep asking when your not checking the videos first?

    • @Jessie-JamesHughes-Dowd
      @Jessie-JamesHughes-Dowd 2 години тому +1

      @ are you just stupid no joking? 😂

  • @HotWokStyle
    @HotWokStyle 10 днів тому

    I beat Serath 99% of the time as Zara’s