Bande me kitna talent hai....kavita bhi bnai Or singers ko bhi ad ker diya Or sabdo ka bhi sunder peryog kiya.....or sath sath comedy bhi and present mind rakh ker forner ladki se bat ki or use notice kiya. Salute hai sir aapko....kapil to inke samne kuch nhi hai 👏👏👏👏
Oscar for what copying other actors. Actors get oscars or any other awards for thier originality. Ps. No hate. He's good at what he do and I really like his acting.
What a man this guy is! The way he carries his acts effortlessly and smoothly. One cannot see him doing something voluntarily, everything he is doing looks so natural and that's like a real artist. Hats off Sunil Sir.
@Double bakchodi haa wo bhi class karta hay....but ye bhi bohot barik observation he sunil ka bhi...ankho ki body language ki pakad bhi kamaal ki perfect he
@@archit6368 I saw his clip, he too is good, no doubt, but Sunil's command over Big B's energy in general was awesome. U seem to hv hatred towards Sunil or just prejudiced perhaps!!
Sachin Mukhedkar Hey man! I love Sunil and his overall performance! He's an awesome comedian and I appreciate that. But to say someone's THE BEST is a bit of an overstatement. That's all. I bear no hatred; neither to you nor to the man himself. It's just my opinion. Nonetheless, have a nice day man!! Ciao!!!
A performance so smooth, and effortless is a testimony to the relentless hard work and perfection behind the scenes. sheer delight to watch Sunil Grover perform. Wish he would perform in Toronto someday.
Guys how is continuously speak in AB voice more then 5min.. impossible man It's not a joke seroulsy Love his talent he is acting ki DUKAAN .. full paisa WASOOL COMEDIAN.... Love u All jaiiiiiiiiiiii HIND
He's real definition of a comedian. What a talent he's. He's such a Undeerated comedian. The best in country. Kapil is Nowhere in comparison of him and not only kapil he's just fabulous. Everything everything. Dialogue delivery, mimicry, sense of humor, act of taking disrespect and many more. He's just ✨❤
When I got back from office and tired and then I watched his mimicry at Kapil Sharma show , I felt refreshed and made me laugh a lot despite of tiredness. He left the Kapil Sharma show, since then I haven’t watched the show yet.
Kapil sharma makes many people laugh by making fun of others. But, sunil Grover makes everyone laugh by making fun of himself. That's the difference between them.
Sunil Grover is One of Best Comedian of India 🇮🇳 Sunil Mimics Amitabh Bachchan Sir's Voice 100% Same. Even He Copies Same Personality of Amitabh Bachchan Sir. Sunil Grover is Truly a Gem of India.
for all the time when he was reciting his "poem" i forgot that he wasn't real amitabh bachchan... it's like amitabh reciting "madhushala" or "agneepath" in some parallel universe...
After a very stressful day it just took 5 mins 42 secs to get my composure back! Sunilji, you are awesome. You are gifted. Keep relieving us from stressful life in your own little way.
Sunil Grover should be given National award for his Talent
He is such a legend ❤️❤️
Aprazita Bhardwaj
Homemade sanitizer video
Bas ab zada ho gya 🙄
@@CrickFreak_live nikal pehli Fursat me nikal
Kuch Jada to nahi ho gaya
Aprazita, he is a Legend comedian, no doubt abt it. Industry shud make the best use of that great talent.
One of the Most talented man ever born- SUNIL GROVER
G guddu Sharma
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
@@guddusharma1184 kkgjjlgyygggkgyygggyggykggyyygyggggggyyyygykkykgggkgggyygggkyjkkgkygggygkgkjukgfggujjvkkggggyjggkgkjukkgggykjkkgyfgyygggykygygygykgggygyyujujjkgygggjluujyjjkggyyyjjfhljjujugfgjgjlujjjjlggggyjykkkkkgyggkkgjukgkkgkyyfyggkkkkgfygyggggjyyggggyyjkykykyggykygkygyyyggggyyyygyggggkyykyukyygggkygggggyyyyykggyyyggggyfgkygyyjkkggkyggyyyyggygyyygyujjgkggkgggggkggfgkkggfgyykkkfygyygyyygggygyggykygyggggggggggyykgkvjkkggkgkykgkyukkgjggyggujylkkkkgyygggkggygkkgyygyyfygyygyggyyygyyggggygkygkygkygygyyyyyggkkkkykyyggjgkjuhhujkgykkgyjujgjkgghjkgkkkggggygkgygkghkygygggygyyykgkgkgggjgyygyyyyyggyggggyjylygggygkkgkggkgggjgylljjjkkygylujjkgyyykgkkyyygkyggggygkgkggggkk(kggkkkggkgkkkyjugkykujkkgygyggyggykkkkkjkgkgjvkkkkghkyjlukygyykhgkgkggygyggykggkkggkgjkkggguljkggygglyjjjgjljuulyujujjhujuulkufjjjjjujgyulujktliyjuuujjluyjlyyyulyjlujjkyyifllyjujujlylgkkggkyljjujjkggggyvjlyjhgggkggfgjfyugjhjglyjylfyljjjhyyyyfjyljjjkgylluuuujjulkfkyljylkujgkkkglfylhjkgkkkkgylujujujjkyfyjjjujjukgftgtyuyuukuukkglgykkhjukyiyyluuuutkfggjylkgyuujuujjjkkgglyuyljfuktkyflhylyljkyjykllghylyylfyujuyjukjukkyhyuyjujuvkkyjujyljujjgkylfyylujjjuujkggyflukgujhlkftkfjhhhkkyfyljjjjuukkgggyuuhujjuuulffkyufujujhkkggklfujhjlyyufhyljjljgyylyjjgujkyyyilujfjujlkyyyjylkuuljukkkkfylujuujjujukkfylfyyylklfyljjkggfffyulkyfjjujukkkgjkgfgjylfujjjjuguujkfkyjyylhjfulfyjljfjjjjujuuhkfylguylfjyljujuygffjylhujuhjgtyuullyljujkffkyyujyulujulykgffylhfjjgfyyuyuujjfjfljjglggffyjylufjhjkkkgfyufylfyujfjjhhfjujjulyguyufhyljlujgjujjujuftftyluufujjhjglkffffflyujuujyljlffffyyluyulujuujuhglhhylgufkfyujyhjujjhgfffttufylfhuujujhjtfyfyygjujjjujlujlylfyujyujjujylujgkykuyjkglyuuyuyufyyuyuylyhljfjjhykyuyulyujyuylfylyjkyljyljyljyjylkykylyuyyuyuyylfjyulyfffuylyjkjyyulyyuljyluylyulyjyuylyulyjjylyujylutuylfkyuyuyuyukylgyyyufyuuylhgulfkylfjuukgffgjuyluujujujjufujktfyukukujujjujlyujyfyuglfhffffyujjujjjygyulyuujfufyjlyjuylujjyfyugyfyuglfkyukyujjujjujjjylkgfftgfyhhylufujjjujujhlkfffyukjfjuhhjuujjhjlyhjyujlhylggufyuyuyljuyjujgkfyulgfujfylfujujujylhuhfyjylkgtffkkyuuylylyljfuhjlkffjylyulffhyljjjjjjkffyulyuuhfljjjjjyfguljufhhjjukgggjhfyulylfyujfukflfffylylyulylyujhhgvgkfyluylylyluyjlffyluughyljujujuggffyujgylujujjjuggtfkuylyufjjfjugffkfkyluuhjfujjujyfylyfhulfufjujgkylfylkhyllljjjuhjjylkggyujjhuylylfhujkglfyujgkffuylyhlujfufyfgyuuylujujhjjkftfgtyughlyljggkfyftuuylhylyulfjjujujylkfkfylfukfjfylylyulujjlkyluylufujjkfyhyktuujhfujjjkfffyufgyjyjyyjjuufjufuffyufgtglffhlfjjgluuukftyulkyuujjjjujuujuugykghyulglutlfjfyjyljuuyuujujjukgfftughylglyljfkggfttufjylfhylfjfyggyjlfylylylgjyjujuttfguylylhljujyljfffgkytjylgyjyljljhjjylyuffyluuujhjjukggkkfufghyulujujhhggkyyykjguyulfjhlyyilkyyjjyjuugktfkylghyljfuujuvgjlkffytfyhytjjljuuyffgyuylhuufujyljylkyutylhklgulhfyfyjujuuulyuuujjuljggggykyujullkyylijyulhglkkkyyykuujjuylgfyyfylhujgfkffttffgyufjjjjuyulyffffftufjylfjjujkfffyhuuujjjgkfftylgyjyulujylujgylufjujjfkylufjfujfujjyltfgyuykyujujujjjjjkfglfhyljyllujujjyljgfffyluujujyuylyuyfftttttutkghylfyuyyulfgkfyuglhftujylfjffgyhyluujhjylfftttgjylfuyuljhgkkgjlfjlfhjuukfyyflfjujjfjylukkftfgylujuyljhujjgjttylkulfujjujykyljfyllyughylfhuyjyuggfyyhjuuyyftyuyulyylyjjjyljhhufktkgglhujjujkkkkkkgkglukyuflujujyjffftuyhfylufyyjylujjjyyuyuylyuuujjyjujyjyulfyllfhyufjylkfhykyljugjujjfujhujjjjyuyyyuyhukyfuyluyluglfgjylgylyluuuyujjujujjujgkftgyhygjhyllhjjlugfffyufylyhfhyluyuukyyuffyugfyulyuyllgfuyujylyllfklgyjyjljghyulhyluylffhuyhtufylfyulyujgyulyyuuyljfuyflylylfuhujufughyyjgyyufuujjjjyyyjghhlykhufhuljfuyfylglfhjjuujkthhlgjylfjfjujjlyullfufujuulujyljuykyyfhyukjyluyjylfjujjuyjyuyljglyjfylfylujjyulkfyukuuuhyjujjjtkylghylyujjujuufgyhjuuujuuuuugffftyulylyljufjjjuujgffyuylyuuuyuujujjffgtttglhjuhylujjfylyffhyyululglgfjujufjujuuyuggughyluytglglyuufflfuyjyfyjujujjuhuufuufhylgllujglyuyuyjjhlfjfjlghluuhfylhylguylyyjyuyujyjlyulyyljjjylhfjyljylylyjjfylyluyuljgfkgujyyluylfjujhlfjujjujjjjuhfuflfjfujfjhjhjfuyhfjhhhujgjfyljylujyjufjujjfjfjuujujkfffyyukyuufuuuhuuftgulfluyljfffffyyflyluykgugylhgtytgjylhyffyljffugftggtghlhyhglgfuujfjjgjfyyyfyujjlufyljhyluylfyljhjfjyljjyujjfuyufjjjlfyljylfuufyjujujujujuhhylugjulfjuyykffglfylylyujjuylylylfjujhjjffkfyjyjhyfylujuuhhhguuuuuuglujgyuljylguuyjfylylujylyljujjyulughyfflufjjffhyuyuljufjlhuufghylylftlujyljjlujyjlyuuyuyuglyuluhlyllfujujujuujuujkyjluhuflylylukylyugkfylhylgufkgkyujtlufuyluylhuuggfyylluhhkygytkyluhyuluklftgyhuujlkgfyyiiuuhkgyhyjlhjuujjujuuglyylhuuyluukkfgtfgftgffylylfjfjhllffjkhluufylujjuffjffftffyulyjujjufhjjhkffyluhgyllujujkggfgtykfjljylfjgjylgtftyuygujjjjuuggfffftgftkuffllujjylgygkyyuyjfkyufkftufyyyujujjjkfgtyhuuujujjhtfffftyllujfujjuujufhfftffkyulutljgljjjufuuuujylyuyjyuguyluylyujfjjyjuffylftuylylfhyllgjfjjujkyukyulyuffffyjfyljfyufyuyuyjgggjyluhufyljujfyjluyjttfyljylfyluujujljfjhyjlyjltfglfuhfylgjyuljyluffftfffhyluhuukkggtfguylylhylhlhkfyulyuflfjfujhljyuluguyjyulyjfhuyuyuyufffhhhjjhhjfjljjfjuffufyufjlujujjljjggffhyufyujjufjluhvjkggyuktjtltuglyuuffujjljyfujhlufjjljjgjkgyuyhlhyulykyhuyujuufjuukhffftylfhyyjglgygyufjyltuyuyufhfffyuyuuyjykggyyhuujffuujjjjhhhlfjfffgjfyufyluylujjukyuffjulyfuylylfujgjuhktyhhlthyljylyjluhhhgfyuglglyhlfjljlhjkyhylhftkugjgulfhllffyuyjfhyjljjhjjhffyluyljylululkftfkhufhyluuujjjjjfffglffjfyllyjlgkffgfyluhfylfujhvgvgghhuuuujuuukggghjyulhujjuuugfyguylylulujuujujjuuhhkhghgyjfglylufjujufjjkffffffyluylfjuhgkttttuufujjyuyljglffylffyujfuulyjgffgylfylyuluuulftftjfyuyuyhuhhhjkylyutguylfyufylfylfffglyhylluughlujkkffffyuuhgujjjgfftkyhufjflyjjfjjfjjjffjluyjggfghfjhlffjuyuffguglfyuyjfjyulyylyukyluylhfuujujgjgfuyuffffjujhujuuyufyufylllfughylylylujjufuuyylgylfuyluujjjjylkftyjyulyllfgluyyjftftttuyltgluyuhyufyuylfjtyuyuugyluhyugftglkfuuyljjuhjlftftlyuuhufhlljfjlkftyulyfuffflujjjhlgfyuyluu
He is really a legend... Real actors jinki mimicry ye krty ha unsy b zyada talented... Hats off sir
@@muhammadkamran7330 lol😂😂😂
Popcorn Recipe Mmmuuuaaaaa
Love you
Target 100K subscribe with out any videos
Come on guys hurry up
Bande me kitna talent hai....kavita bhi bnai Or singers ko bhi ad ker diya Or sabdo ka bhi sunder peryog kiya.....or sath sath comedy bhi and present mind rakh ker forner ladki se bat ki or use notice kiya. Salute hai sir aapko....kapil to inke samne kuch nhi hai 👏👏👏👏
He roasted the present music industry and hit songs with just a poem 🤣🤣🤣 legend
Hi you y7y
oo9llĺ lol
@@hareshbhatia3980 ooollo 😊
Ekdam bhai 😂
This man is so underrated....He deserves more....Awesome comedian
Not monday lazme i am polowing inshallah my job see them inshallah
And i not u now this time go
@@baberbaloch7613 িজজহিোজজ গজ
Most talented person I've ever from PAKISTAN
Terr orism
Maturity is when you realized that he is really talented than today's Bollywood actors👍🔥🙏♥️
Agree 💯
Way ahead of them 😂😂😂😂😂😂
And also tollywood
This man deserve an oscar award❤
Did you know Some of Hollywood Actors can't even managed one oscar while nomination are more than 10times...How sad for them
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
Oscar for what copying other actors. Actors get oscars or any other awards for thier originality.
Ps. No hate. He's good at what he do and I really like his acting.
"Sunil grover" is 10 time better than "Kapil sharma" as a comedian
Can't we love both. think Kapil Sharma is in comparison list!!
Yes sir you're right
Saheee yar❤️❤️
Not a single negative comment I read about him...gulf of talent he is.god bless you brother.keep shining.U live in the hearts .
Hlo ji
Main kardon negative comment
@@shehrozali1157 kya fayeda
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
Sunil is always better then anybody else in comedy 😊
Respectfully disagreed 😊
@@aintnotroublebigenough ryt😂
What an actor, dialogue delivery, body language, face expression, voice everything is perfect 👍👍👍
Dil ki baat kahi Bhai apne,,,,
@@nrgaming4078 ✆ 0plppppl0pp
What a man this guy is! The way he carries his acts effortlessly and smoothly. One cannot see him doing something voluntarily, everything he is doing looks so natural and that's like a real artist. Hats off Sunil Sir.
Sunil grover
The most natural & close to reality mimicry of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan 👏
@Double bakchodi haa wo bhi class karta hay....but ye bhi bohot barik observation he sunil ka bhi...ankho ki body language ki pakad bhi kamaal ki perfect he
Sahi kaha... He even copy the eye expressions
What a performance, detailed , and smooth's far ahead than just mimicry he can literally be that person... ...❤️❤️❤️ Legend
Nothing else ,, Just Standing Ovations for Sunil Grover.
ⁿė ,Aďw
Bro..last me Meet Bros ne standing ovation video again till end👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
Sunil Grover : EXCEPTIONAL talent.. the precision, the expressions, the diction, the demeanour are so unmistakably Bachchanesque.. 🙏
Sunil Grover is the best mimicry artist for BigB!
@Sachin Mukhedkar No he's not!!! It's Shivankit Singh Parihar!!! Grow up man!
@@archit6368 I saw his clip, he too is good, no doubt, but Sunil's command over Big B's energy in general was awesome. U seem to hv hatred towards Sunil or just prejudiced perhaps!!
Absolutely no one can give the 100% than grower
Sachin Mukhedkar Hey man! I love Sunil and his overall performance! He's an awesome comedian and I appreciate that. But to say someone's THE BEST is a bit of an overstatement. That's all. I bear no hatred; neither to you nor to the man himself. It's just my opinion. Nonetheless, have a nice day man!! Ciao!!!
Krushna beats all when mimicry is concerned
Poetry with deep & great thoughts. Sunil grover does his every work with perfection. He is the Perfectionist comedian India has ever seen. ❤
Talent overload. Sunil Grover needs a long & healthy term on this planet. Bless him.
Talent dripping through his walking
His expressions
Sunil grover the fav artist❤️
Love from Pakistan ❤️
Sunil Grover is a Class Act! A joy to watch this guy perform! Boy, Pure Talent
A performance so smooth, and effortless is a testimony to the relentless hard work and perfection behind the scenes. sheer delight to watch Sunil Grover perform. Wish he would perform in Toronto someday.
Damn he has the exact mimicry voice of Amitabh Bachchan 😂😂😂😂😂
Shivankit parihar
Did u notice his walking style so nicely done🤣
His voice was swiftly balancing between amitabh bacchan & Naseeruddin Shah. 😅😝🤣
I have never seen such a multiple talented comedian like Sunil Grover..Hats off to this legend.
Perfection personified... Even Amitabh Bachchan would have been proud watching this live
If there is someone who deserves a genius tag's this guy.........Sunil bhai......what a character
Sunil Grover is a multi talented guy...he must be given a national award for his comedy.
Exactly 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
I saw a man for the first time in my life who is so serious in acting to make others laugh... Hats off sunil sir.
Hii....I'm frm Kashmir
What a dialogue delivery exactly like amitabh bachan ..." Award banane wale ho ya lane wale ho " 👍😂😂
4:25 goosebumps ❤️
What song is that?
@@onlyfinsausong bulleya from ae dil hai mushkil
Exactly ❤ that music gives goosebumps even between a comedy performance
सुनील ग्रोवर सर की अमिताभ बच्चन सर की mimicry awesome and he is look like a Bachchan sir I am big big big fan of Sunil Grover sir👍👍👋👋👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👍
You have not seen him mimicking shahrukh
Don't call yourself slave of him..
Right 👍👌
Dr gulati comedy -
@@shorttrendyvideos4948 Dr gulati comedy -
Guys how is continuously speak in AB voice more then 5min.. impossible man
It's not a joke seroulsy
Love his talent he is acting ki DUKAAN .. full paisa WASOOL COMEDIAN....
Love u All jaiiiiiiiiiiii HIND
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
Such an amazing actor and comedian, he is a legend
Love from Afghanistan ❤🇦🇫❤🇮🇳
Assalamualaikum bhai How are you
Bhai kaise ho bhai sab thik h na?
@@rajoorajbhar bilkul shukr hai..Everything is fine
@@ihtishamkhan2523 bhai acche se rehna waise bhi tv taliban pel raha hai sabko
1:20 This is my favorite singer ❤
There is nobody as talented as Sunil Grover....❤️❤️❤️
He is roasting the whole fake Bollywood music industry so smoothly..hats off man!
Really true
Just as you roasting your fake father
@@anandkhemsara404 he is telling the truth
Sahi me bdya ragad diya bhai ne😂😂
@@anandkhemsara404 tum pata karo kahin tum to halala se to nahi hue
People giving standing ovation to him. Great talent he is❤️
He's real definition of a comedian. What a talent he's. He's such a Undeerated comedian. The best in country. Kapil is Nowhere in comparison of him and not only kapil he's just fabulous. Everything everything. Dialogue delivery, mimicry, sense of humor, act of taking disrespect and many more. He's just ✨❤
What a talent 🔥🔥🔥.... He's already a legend
Correct 👍
Ha bhai
1:01 Angel❤️❤️❤️
Who is she🤨
Sense of humour 🔥🔥
Totally out of the world
When I got back from office and tired and then I watched his mimicry at Kapil Sharma show , I felt refreshed and made me laugh a lot despite of tiredness. He left the Kapil Sharma show, since then I haven’t watched the show yet.
What a talent man even walking style same 😂😂
*when he mimics someone he not just mimic that person he becomes that person*
Thik bat hai
so true
because he is a true artist....
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
The guy is a legend, we need to see more of him, brilliant 👏 👌 👍 😀
Sunil Grover jesa Banda kabi nhi deka phly .. amazing comedian Sunil Grover
He is not a comedian he is a magician❤
Hy ur name is beuteful wala
Assalamu Alikum.....
Hii.....I'm frm Kashmir
I think you have misunderstanding he is not magician he is comedian
Sunil Grover has something which other comedians haven't
Love from Bangladesh
World's number one comedian, some comedy he does in English really he gets Oscar. Wonderful.
Very talented actor Sunil Grover.
Without any Note he performed perfectly..he is The Legend 🇮🇳🙏
No one can stop you and urs talent .
Love from nepal
Kapil sharma makes many people laugh by making fun of others.
But, sunil Grover makes everyone laugh by making fun of himself.
That's the difference between them.
Kapil Sharma is overrated IMO.
Sure dude
100% Bilkul sahi bola
Sunil grover is very good actor but Kapil sharma is the king of comedy.
@@sanjivghosh298 he is the king of mockery. Only thing he knows is making laugh by body shaming others, making fun of poors etc.
Sunil Grover is One of Best Comedian of India 🇮🇳 Sunil Mimics Amitabh Bachchan Sir's Voice 100% Same. Even He Copies Same Personality of Amitabh Bachchan Sir. Sunil Grover is Truly a Gem of India.
_He is my favourite comedian . Those who also like him like below_
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
He is literally roasting the whole fake award hypocrisy 😂😂
Free fire khelte ho
@@santkumar2630 nahi pubg
@@santkumar2630 mere se pehle bhi logo ne poocha hai 😬 pata nhi kyu
@@vasudev8957 kyonki timne naam apna aise hi likha hi
He is a natural entertainer with very good mimicry and comic timing. God bless him with this talent
The man with no haters..1000 shades of SUNIL GROVER
Sunil Grover Such a phenomenal artistic person ... truly immensely talented comic person
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
Sunil mocking today's indian music scene with such precision
It's funny and sad at the same time
yes today's music 🎶 is only remix of old songs
for all the time when he was reciting his "poem" i forgot that he wasn't real amitabh bachchan...
it's like amitabh reciting "madhushala" or "agneepath" in some parallel universe...
Subhajit Ghosh 😂😂🤣
Subhajit Ghosh his purpose is solved 😊
Great mimicry and good personality also
Dr gulati rocks... I haven't seen any talented person like him for these acts..
What a great sense of humor he has
Also master in minimicry
Ultra legend 🙏♥
Lots of love from Pakistan
Look at his perfection while playing bachan sir mimic. His turely a legend.
Ek b dislike nhi h is video me thats showing how people love Sunil Sir
This man is a legend in comedy I feel he's our jim Carrey !!! 😂😂
This guy is so talented.. Hats off to u man 🙏👏
He is simply amazing and he truly deserve to be in bollywood movies.
Legend hai ye salute u sir ..
Kapil ka show nothing without sunil sir ..
Love from Pakistan
In my life I have never seen better mimicry than this. I would have watched this video for more than 20 times.
This guy is 500% better than Kapil Sharma
Now sunil is better , because kapil lost his touch..😙
Sunil is good with his script but kapil has better humor. Both are best in different way! Stop judging them
Sunil Grover is way better than Kapil
In mimicry sunil but stand up cedy kapil is king
*Sunil Grover is a fantastic sketch and mimicry's our misfortune that he doesn't have a stable platform!*
sunil grover does need platform because he is a ocean
LAUDA TE LASSAN hiiii m ek singer hu mere channel ka naam Rizwan mustafa h plz suno or batao
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
👇👇👇...🙏🙏 close to Bachchan sahab...Sunil Grover you are awesome..great actor👍😍
He Is More Like Amitabh Bachchan Than Amitabh Bachchan Himself
Don't compare bachan with any comedy joker
mtlb kuch bhi,...........seriously?
@@santoshkumar-sv5xt Tu jisey joker bol Raha hai, Tu Uske jhant barabar bhi Nahi samjha???
This is f***bullshit statement.....
😅 😂
Sunil grover is the king of acting 😍
I miss sunil in kapil sharma show.
Me Too...!!!😔😔😔😔😔😔
I also 🙁🙁🙁
Kapil doesn't deserve this legend. It is as a true fact
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
The GOAT of character acting. Just masterful🔥🙏🏼
He is a legend
He perfectly match the voice ; expression ; face and attitude of Amitabh bacchan
Hi kajal
From behind also when he is on stairs he looks like BigB walking ...what a talent 😍
What an incredible talent Sunil Grover is!! Hilarious act. Such intelligent writing as well 👍
People giving standing ovation.. ❤he's really worth it.. Big fan
Hum akele shabd nai badshah ke gaane hai
Oh fuck 😂😂😂😂
Sunil Grover spitting facts
Is duniya me Sunil Grover se achi mimicry koi nhi KR sakta
aftab iqbal k program mai dekho us ma 2 mimicry artist hain dono zabardast hai aik ny amitabh bachan ki bhi k ha or wo is sy kai gunah behtar ha
Aapki Maa Ki Umar Kitni Honi Chahiye??
SUBSCRIBED🔔 = 120 YEARS...🙏✔️✔️
Just look at sunil how natural his expressions are like he is indeed looking like Mr. Bachhan
We all want you back in film industry,Mrs Sunil Grover.All the very best for future ✨✨✨✨✨
4:25 Arijit Singh ♥️😍😍
Bakwas singer
@@shwetatripathi211 Salman fan spotted....
@Shubhrangshu Ghosh tumhare Jaise ghatiya logo ki aukat hi nhi kuch khne ki .
@Shubhrangshu Ghosh bakwas hai Jo singer usko to har koi khega...
If someone doesn't laugh,show him Sunil Grover's stage performance.
Never seen any one mimic big B perfectly... An extremely talented artist...un Matchable
Sunil Grover is the Best Comedian India has ever produced
After a very stressful day it just took 5 mins 42 secs to get my composure back! Sunilji, you are awesome. You are gifted. Keep relieving us from stressful life in your own little way.
He should start his comedy show b'coz he is Legend 🔥🔥🔥
He is just outstanding......He is legendary ...pls give him national award for it ❤️❤️❤️❤️
kon kon 2024 me dekh raha hai 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Me also
My Dekha Raha Hu Naveen kumar
0:13 his walking style is same as amit g
What about 3:20
There is huge difference in Diamond and Glass
He is so talented guy
I'm bangladeshi
But I love him
What love has to do with being bagladeshi ?
@@TripathiAviral shut up
Really good timing keep it up you are the one who put smile on my face❤️
Sunil Grover is briliant actor 🔥🔥