‘There’s a lot at stake’: BC’s forestry industry lost 10,000 jobs in 2023

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @winstonsmith935
    @winstonsmith935 2 місяці тому +2

    Over Harvesting is the culprit. The Pulp capacity is greater than what the resource can supply. Pulp mill were designed to use waste from sawmills for pulp mills. In the 1980s BC started to double the capacity of the pulp mills, from 500 tons per day to 1000 tons per day, so now you harvest whole trees to supply them.
    Include a 490% increase in Wood pellets, not from waste but from whole trees.
    The answers are all in the BC Timber Harvest Reports, it’s not rocket science, simple Auditing.
    In 1980 we predicted that by 2020 the forest sector would be in trouble.

  • @boundaryforestwatershedste7169
    @boundaryforestwatershedste7169 Місяць тому

    Private companies, aka the forest industry, has had a free-for-all in BC's public forests for decades. They overharvested and didn't think about the future. The Falldown Effect refers to the planned reduction in annual timber supply from logging lower volume second-growth as old growth is depleted by logging. It was postulated that intensive silviculture/planting tree farms would ameliorate falldown, but in reality, it did not. The Falldown Effect, a result of intentional overcutting, demonstrates the dismal error of this assumption. By the 1990s, government was estimating that future harvests would be 20% to 30% below the Allowable Annual Cuts of the time. The result of this falldown, since the 1990s, includes the economic fallout of mill closures and ‘decaying community life’. Private companies have had billions in subsidies from BC tax payers. It's time to put an end to the tenure system that allows private companies to have control of public resources and put control of public forests under control of a publicly accountable agency. Tree plantations are highly flammable and are contributing to BCs horrifying fire seasons over the past 10 years. Clearcuts are drying out the landscape and heating things up. Industry is no longer a 'massive driver of the BC economy' - it costs taxpayers now: $1.7 billion in revenues vs $1.727 billion in expenses. Linda Coady and friends have offloaded the cost of doing business onto the people of British Columbia for too long. It's time for them to go. Coady might also want to note that one of the reasons for so many fires in BC is because of all the clearcuts - dry conditions, too many flammable fines, increased drought, and disturbed hydrological cycles. Stop whining. You've made your bed.

  • @laurieedeburn2449
    @laurieedeburn2449 3 місяці тому


  • @markgallicano
    @markgallicano 3 місяці тому

    this what happens when the country is run by an environmentalist .The resource sector collapses and the taxes skyrocket to make up for the loss in revenue . And we have a forest fire problem because loggers used to put out the fires when they were small, to a everything is now a controlled burn .