ISG: Digitising social protection systems - Insights from Indonesia

  • Опубліковано 25 бер 2024
  • About the Seminar
    Indonesia acknowledges the pivotal role of social protection programs in poverty alleviation, emergency response, and inclusive development. The fiscal commitment to these programs ranks among the top three in annual government expenditures, aimed at supporting the poor and vulnerable. Persistent issues in the disbursement process have necessitated a transformative approach. To address it, Indonesia has prioritised a digital reform of its social protection system. This study delves into how Indonesia successfully implemented digital solutions to reform the disbursement of social protection programs and outlines the future agenda.
    About the speaker
    Hilman Palaon has extensive experience in Indonesia, particularly in advancing the financial inclusion agenda and digitising social protection programs during his tenure at TNP2K (the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction), the Vice President Office of The Republic of Indonesia. He also served as the VP of Financial Services and Inclusion at Gojek/GOTO in Indonesia.
    Copyright ANU Indonesia Project 2024