This is one of the best Out of the Closet episode. Thorgy's passion for drag emanates so strongly that for a moment I felt like I can do drag too lol. But seriously, I'd watch a series where Thorgy just goes around her apartment and talks about every trinket, nook. and cranny. What an amazing artist!
👏🏼RELEASE 👏🏼THE 👏🏼 2 HOUR-LONG👏🏼UNEDITED 👏🏼DIRECTOR’S 👏🏼CUT 👏🏼 I love thorgy’s energy and I just know damn well she never stopped talking 😭😭 also that flower power look not being shown was a CRIME
I don't care that Thorgy didn't place great on AS3, she is one of the most genuine queens from the show. I absolutely adore her quirky and wacky personality.
It's really doesn't matter where you place on the show, it's just how you take your brand and push it out there as much a possible the amount of queens that didn't do well on the show but have made a huge success career of the show
What Thorgy says is so true: she should not have been eliminated. Everyone, rewatch the episode now - it is literally insane she's the one who got eliminated.
i’m absolutely in LOVE with how unapologetically bitter thorgy is about her time on drag race and especially her time on as3. like yeah she’s probably exaggerating herself somewhat but it’s honestly just iconic
What a treat! What’s not to love about Thorgy? Her passion, her joie-de-vivre, her neuroses- I’m here for all of it. And Thorgy’s amazing fashion deserves a whole series!
@@ChatsWithChris can you provide proof on that aside from the braids? I really want to know, because for all i know thorgy gives a lot to the black community and a known activist as well.
@@plc9359you should clear that up with her. I’m speaking on what I can see with my own two eyes. Donating money to the black community doesn’t negate her clearly racist actions.
I love how she still values that shirt even though it’s what she got sent home wearing because it’s what reminds her of Chi Chi. I love Thorgy so much. Favorite RuPaul queen of all time.
The only reason why Ginger got a 3rd chance is that she was forced to do AS2 by her s7 contract hich menas she was forced to do AS 2 extremaly unprepared.
My boyfriend got me a cameo this year from Thorgy - they were so kind and genuine. Thorgy really is just an all around great Queen. I love her so much!!
I saw Thorgy & the Thorchestra in summer 2019 with the Pittsburgh Symphony and absolutely loved it. My husband, who has watched most seasons of Drag Race with me, went as well. He wasn't impressed by Thorgy from her run on RPDR season 8 and AS3, but thoroughly enjoyed her show too. There were also some older folks in the crowd who clearly were attending just because they were season pass holders, they had no idea what this show was about... The majority of them stayed for the entire performance and were laughing, applauding, singing, dancing in their seats, just having a grand time. 10/10 would see her show again, and my skeptical husband agrees.
Thorgy - despite being pressed about her AS3 elimination (deservedly so) - was one of the few to vote for Shangela (RIGGA MORRIS slash ROBBED) in spite of the drama. She is our honest, ethical queen.
Give Thorgy her flowers 💐 NOW! She’s so unique and has almost a level of “cringe”(I’m not sure how to describe it) that I identify with. I love her. Edit: I don’t think it’s “cringe”. I think it’s vulnerability. I’m so used to the queens projecting an “I’m that girl 24/7” persona that Thorgy’s vulnerability is honest and refreshing.
Thorgy was the first person I saw when I was arriving for my first day of college at SUNY Purchase as a 17-year-old nervous, queer kid. She welcomed us all and I knew I was in the right place immediately, because of her. Been loving you since 2004 Thorgy!! 🥰
One of my old friends went to school with yall too! When S8 came out we were living together and she was so surprised to see someone she knew on TV! She had nothing but great things to say about Thorgy.
Of ANY queen who had a bad All Stars experience, Thorgy deserves to come back for another chance the most! She’s too versatile, talented, and likeable to not finally make a Top 4
I really like seeing this side of Thorgy. It makes her way more human than anything I've ever seen on RPDR due to the overediting. She's a bundle of joy. So pure, so herself, so real.
Thorgy is honestly one of the most genuine and self-aware queens that has been on Drag Race. She solidified herself as a true queen when voting for Shangela for the top 2 during AS3. Love her forever 💕
oh god I really hope she accepts but then again I don’t want her to go back and get sided again by the show Ik she can go far but the show really picks and chooses who gets to the end
Thorgy’s laugh is absolutely infectious. I love thorgy and how kind and quirky she is, she has amazing energy. I’m still mad about her elimination she deserved to be safe that episode. I hope she comes back for another all star season.
I was thinking the same thing but I don't think anyone fucks with Sharon anymore. They gave an insert for literally everything else that was talked about.
Thorgy needs her own series RIGHT NOW!!! I could see her doing like a Storytime with Thorgy Thor, and she closes each episode with a musical performance! 🎵 🎶 I wouldn't care what the stories are about (could be like Drag Subway Stories or something), I would be entertained about almost anything she talks about 😂. I would so watch and be obsessed with that kind of show. 😊💕
Thorgy’s hilarious bitter energy cannot be matched 😂 I love the duality of how she’s so carefree and “just have fun” vibes but every other word is Stevie Nicks 👀😂
thorgy is literally my brain with caffeine overdose (most times just normally) manifested. excited, happy, inspired and intelligent at the same time anxious, eccentric and obesseive compulsive. 😂 looove her.
I'm so happy that Thorgy's out there living her best life. I've really grown to love her since watching Dragnificent (where I also grew to love Bebe and Alexis Michelle, already loved Juju prior to the show) and hearing her talk, and giggle, is amazing and wonderful. Also, why isn't anyone saying anything ABOUT HER BUYING MEDIEVAL CHAIN MAIL FROM AN ONLINE AUCTION FROM A MONASTERY?!?!?! Only Thorgy.
Every time Thorgy laughs, or does little snarky things, I hear Bob doing an impersonation of Thorgy. Thank you Bob the dragqueen .... quote from Bob " Thorgy doesn't care if she wins, she just wants you to lose." I love Thorgy for being herself and Bob just cause she's fierce!
Omg that's devastating going home right before the book ball dedicated to your mom, with your mom as a librarian. Wish Thorgy the best, love her so much comedy queen
I love thorgy! When they eliminated her in all stars it was so unjustified and the judges criticises where BS. I wanted to see more of the fashion clown
I must admit it took me until First Purse Impressions to truly appreciate Thorgy in all her fullness. Now that I know she's from Long Island I love her even more💕 Hometown hero!!! also now I feel I need medieval armor in my life!!!!😍
Thorgy, thanks for this boost of energy, I truly love you, hope you get invited to another All Stars, you are such an smart, beautiful and loving person ❤️
please bring back Thorgy for All Stars. PLEASE. She's totally unlike any other queens, and her personality lacks restraint in a way that makes for great art *and* great TV.
Thorgy is my favorite. If I’m ever having a bad day I watch videos of Thorgy, her Charisma, energy, passion, humor, just the little Thorgy-isms in general can bring me out of the worst moods!
I think this is my favourite 'Out of the Closet' series - both episodes are amazing. I think when the Queens are authentic, it makes a great episode. Love Thorgy, she IS the same monster she always was and we love her :) xx
I feel like this episode could be ten hours long and Thorgy would still be pulling out the most amazing and unique pieces from her collection. Love this episode!!!
I love this queen so much! I've watched this a few times now. My partner got me Thorgy's cameo for my birthday, and it was the best gift ever. She was sooo funny and it's so crazy when she shares her amazing energy with her audience
I wish Thorgy knew how much people love him. It breaks my heart when I see him get insecure around other people who aren't worth the air he breathes. Would love to hang out with him just 1 night! 😍🤩🥰
I got to see Thorgy perform when season 8 was airing (actually I remember it was literally the day before her elimination episode was aired) and she was SO incredibly nice and funny. I remember tipping her at the edge of the stage and she knelt down to me, the stage was like chest high, and she thanked me, kissed my cheek, and gave me a hug. You could tell it was genuine sweetness coming from her. I'll always be a fan.
i just know that thorgy had this crew held hostage in her apartment for 12 hours straight
I heard Bob several times : "Thorgy, you're driving me craazy"
😂😂😂 her and the ghost I believe it
When thorgy said "I could talk about clothes all day, I'm SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE!" I expected the camera to start to back away slowly.... XD
Sounds fun tbh
I swear Thorgy's energy and personality is unmatched.
I’m so obsessed
Fun Fact: When the producers showed up, they asked Thorgy how she was doing and she kept talking for 5 hours. Rumour has it, shes still talking
Yes its matched... by people in institutions....
@@jakejancook that's her character and that's what makes her special!
No shade, but maybe Queen Utica is on the same level but different spectrum
The ghost Thorgy says lives in her apartment is 1000% attached to that medieval armour.
Where did she talk about a ghost?
She mentioned it a few times in the Purse First impression videos with Bob the Drag Queen.
Bahaha aha if I see her I'll let her know
It’s Bianca from Brooklyns house
I love that she's still PLUCKED about her elimination
She along with everyone else from the drag race community
And that’s why she sounds bitter at sibling watchery….😂😂😂
@@komamangaii231 I’m not
As she should be
Get her back on dr
i love that thorgy find a place to talk about her elimination every time when she’s showing something 😂
“how much time do you have… let’s talk about stevie nicks………”
Or how she sometimes talk about Bob stealing her season 8 Crown 😂😂
This is gonna be so random but you are so cute and handsome please that pic is givingggg
It’s all she talks about on Purse First Impressions with Bob. I love it
I also love how she pulled out that ugly grey jacket and told the backstory like it was stunning
When she looked up and told chi chi she still hates her for sending her home I teared up
No matter how I hated to see Thorgy go home Chi Chi was absolutely amazing in that lip sync. Rest in Perfection Chi Chi.😢
Same 😭😭😭
After getting robbed in All Stars 3, I don't think there's another queen that deserves a third shot as much as Thorgy! #AS9
@Chocho Sumire girl you're targeting the wrong audience 😂 the majority of this fanbase is as gay as joey jay
@@RH-pw8hp I think it's a bot tho
Thorgy, and Alyssa, if you ask me, definitely need to come back.
Yeah if ginger can come back, Thorgy def deserves to come back
This is one of the best Out of the Closet episode. Thorgy's passion for drag emanates so strongly that for a moment I felt like I can do drag too lol. But seriously, I'd watch a series where Thorgy just goes around her apartment and talks about every trinket, nook. and cranny. What an amazing artist!
Yes!! I was thinking the same thing! She's so unique and entertaining - I want to know more 🤩
Hands down, my ALL TIME favourite episode of OOTC.
I would love a show where she makes her garments too.
I hope the people who can make this happen are reading this!
i love that thorgy is still pissed about her elimination lmao 😂
Her and me.
And that the show still wants her to be around, and as mad as she is, she still says ok fine 😂😂I love it
Aren’t we all?
her entrance line for as7... "im thorgy thor, you may remember me as gay icon stevie nicks and the wrongfully eliminated queen from as3"
👏🏼RELEASE 👏🏼THE 👏🏼 2 HOUR-LONG👏🏼UNEDITED 👏🏼DIRECTOR’S 👏🏼CUT 👏🏼 I love thorgy’s energy and I just know damn well she never stopped talking 😭😭 also that flower power look not being shown was a CRIME
It's in there isn't it?
I don't care that Thorgy didn't place great on AS3, she is one of the most genuine queens from the show. I absolutely adore her quirky and wacky personality.
Same! Milk and Thorgy are my favorites! They have so much talent noone can deny that! Absolutely Thorg-ous!
YES, one of my all time favorite drag race queens.
Well if Ginger Minj can come back for no apparent reason so can Thorgy
It's really doesn't matter where you place on the show, it's just how you take your brand and push it out there as much a possible the amount of queens that didn't do well on the show but have made a huge success career of the show
@@taktical7665 exactly!
Looking up at Chichi and saying “I hate you so much” LMFAOOOOOO that is sisterly love. We miss you Chichi ☀️❤️.
rip chichi 💞
Where did she go?
This could be a two episode special. What a gift to the world Thorgy is!
More thorgy
Can I get an Amen?
What Thorgy says is so true: she should not have been eliminated. Everyone, rewatch the episode now - it is literally insane she's the one who got eliminated.
Milk’s fucking wig on that episode was offensive.
They hate her cause they can’t be her. 🎭
I still think the Stevie she did was great.
if season 8 was fair, she would have won the RuCo's empire episode and made top 3.
i’m absolutely in LOVE with how unapologetically bitter thorgy is about her time on drag race and especially her time on as3. like yeah she’s probably exaggerating herself somewhat but it’s honestly just iconic
Thorgy really embodies everything that is expected of a drag queen: fun, crazy and careless. Love her so much.
And racist
@@ChatsWithChris Pray Tell...
@@ChatsWithChris no ❤️
@@ChatsWithChris oop. Not the racist accusing thorgy being racist
@@aveanatas4236 ???
You can't deny Thorgy's immense passion.
What a treat! What’s not to love about Thorgy? Her passion, her joie-de-vivre, her neuroses- I’m here for all of it. And Thorgy’s amazing fashion deserves a whole series!
What about how she is clearly racist.
@@ChatsWithChris all s8 queen including Bob is racist
@@Kyoukichiplanet earth is racist, because it let racist people live in this planet 🥺 cancel Earth🤬
@@ChatsWithChris can you provide proof on that aside from the braids? I really want to know, because for all i know thorgy gives a lot to the black community and a known activist as well.
@@plc9359you should clear that up with her. I’m speaking on what I can see with my own two eyes. Donating money to the black community doesn’t negate her clearly racist actions.
I love how she still values that shirt even though it’s what she got sent home wearing because it’s what reminds her of Chi Chi. I love Thorgy so much. Favorite RuPaul queen of all time.
If y’all can bring ginger back 3 times, I’d love to see thorgy back on all stars pls and actually give her a fair chance
True but they need new queens too I’m tired of seeing gingers ass
they really gave her a boring ass set to perform and eliminated her
The only reason why Ginger got a 3rd chance is that she was forced to do AS2 by her s7 contract hich menas she was forced to do AS 2 extremaly unprepared.
Thorgy bringing up Chi Chi made me tear up :c
My boyfriend got me a cameo this year from Thorgy - they were so kind and genuine. Thorgy really is just an all around great Queen. I love her so much!!
That is so sweet.
I don’t really care how talkative she is because I can listen to her telling stories all day. So entertaining!!!! 💐 👑
You know it’s a proper Thorgy interview if Thorgy has a glass of wine in her hands.
Thorgy is always unapologetically herself and has an unmatched level of pettiness. Truly an inspiration.
I saw Thorgy & the Thorchestra in summer 2019 with the Pittsburgh Symphony and absolutely loved it. My husband, who has watched most seasons of Drag Race with me, went as well. He wasn't impressed by Thorgy from her run on RPDR season 8 and AS3, but thoroughly enjoyed her show too. There were also some older folks in the crowd who clearly were attending just because they were season pass holders, they had no idea what this show was about... The majority of them stayed for the entire performance and were laughing, applauding, singing, dancing in their seats, just having a grand time. 10/10 would see her show again, and my skeptical husband agrees.
I love Thorgy so much, I honestly could watch her talk about her drag, fashion and anything forever.
Thorgy - despite being pressed about her AS3 elimination (deservedly so) - was one of the few to vote for Shangela (RIGGA MORRIS slash ROBBED) in spite of the drama. She is our honest, ethical queen.
I wouldn’t say it was rigged because the queens could have put shangela in the top 2 and Trixie did say she thought shangela should be top 2 with her,
not thorgy drinking mid interview we love our drunk wine aunt
I need a Thorgy and Utica show. Just the two of 'em weirding out in such a joyous spontaneity 😂
omg that would be amazing!!!
We need A petition!
I thought the same thing !
Thorgy has healing energy. Like you can just tell. Like zero anxiety around her
Thorgy: "This is how a drag queen lives. Neat. Organized..."
*literally 10 seconds later*
"Omg I was looking for that kimono" 😂 I love her
It’s like she goes on a personal monologue about her life and how she stores her clothes, then the out of context “this is Gucci”. 😂Such an icon
Thorgy: “This is a bloody foot.
… Boobs. More Boobs.
A bone.
…. and then just like a whip. For no reason.”
Give Thorgy her flowers 💐 NOW! She’s so unique and has almost a level of “cringe”(I’m not sure how to describe it) that I identify with. I love her.
Edit: I don’t think it’s “cringe”. I think it’s vulnerability. I’m so used to the queens projecting an “I’m that girl 24/7” persona that Thorgy’s vulnerability is honest and refreshing.
Literally, she's just unapologetically kooky
@@komamangaii231 without actually saying "I'm a kooky queen"
It's thorgy's world were just living in it
Love that you reflected on what you meant because you gave me so much clarification. We stan an introspective queen
I love Thorgy. In a sea of sameness Thorgy is a breath of fresh, artistic, slightly manic air! Please bring her back for AllStars again!!!
Thorgy was the first person I saw when I was arriving for my first day of college at SUNY Purchase as a 17-year-old nervous, queer kid. She welcomed us all and I knew I was in the right place immediately, because of her. Been loving you since 2004 Thorgy!! 🥰
I went to Purchase too! Thorgy actually helped me and my friend put on a drag show one weekend we practiced in his apartment
@@dwinaa.l.5730 Purchase fammm!! Aw, I love that!
One of my old friends went to school with yall too! When S8 came out we were living together and she was so surprised to see someone she knew on TV! She had nothing but great things to say about Thorgy.
Thorgy's ear lobes were MADE for stretching, like they are so perfect.
This is such a niche compliment, I love it 😂
Omg I noticed that too 🤣
Ruuupaauuul Chaaaarles, i’m gonnaaa say this very slowwly so you can understandd, *THORGY* FOR ALL STAR 7!!
When she looked up and talked about Chi Chi, I teared up 😭
Of ANY queen who had a bad All Stars experience, Thorgy deserves to come back for another chance the most!
She’s too versatile, talented, and likeable to not finally make a Top 4
I just know she and Garrett Watts would get along so well
Omg, could you imagine?! It would be glorious! It needs to happen!
I need that kind of happy chaos in my life
Ooooh we need this collab! They have similar energy
And Jonathan Van Ness
I really like seeing this side of Thorgy. It makes her way more human than anything I've ever seen on RPDR due to the overediting. She's a bundle of joy. So pure, so herself, so real.
Thorgy is honestly one of the most genuine and self-aware queens that has been on Drag Race. She solidified herself as a true queen when voting for Shangela for the top 2 during AS3. Love her forever 💕
Okay so now I’m praying that this season of Out of the Closet is just a teaser/preview of the next all stars cast 💚💖🤩
oh god I really hope she accepts but then again I don’t want her to go back and get sided again by the show Ik she can go far but the show really picks and chooses who gets to the end
Thorgy’s laugh is absolutely infectious. I love thorgy and how kind and quirky she is, she has amazing energy. I’m still mad about her elimination she deserved to be safe that episode. I hope she comes back for another all star season.
12:40 would it have killed the editors to include an image of Sharon in the jacket lol
XD. I had to googled it, it is the exact same but in silver lame, Thorgy has a scary good memory!!
Seriously but I went and looked it’s the same
No thanks
I was thinking the same thing but I don't think anyone fucks with Sharon anymore. They gave an insert for literally everything else that was talked about.
Thorgy needs her own series RIGHT NOW!!! I could see her doing like a Storytime with Thorgy Thor, and she closes each episode with a musical performance! 🎵 🎶 I wouldn't care what the stories are about (could be like Drag Subway Stories or something), I would be entertained about almost anything she talks about 😂. I would so watch and be obsessed with that kind of show. 😊💕
JESUS IM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ALL BRING THORGY 💛💛💛 She is my favorite Queen, her energy omg 💛
Thorgy’s hilarious bitter energy cannot be matched 😂 I love the duality of how she’s so carefree and “just have fun” vibes but every other word is Stevie Nicks 👀😂
I could listen to Thorgy talk for hours, just endlessly fun!
thorgy is literally my brain with caffeine overdose (most times just normally) manifested. excited, happy, inspired and intelligent at the same time anxious, eccentric and obesseive compulsive. 😂 looove her.
You don't have to try to explain the inconsistencies and bias on RPDR hunny....we know. You were amazing as Stevie....
"How much time do you have, how much wine do you have" this really encapsulates the fabulous Thorgy Thor in one sentence
Thorgy's energy gives me life and makes me wanna storage mustard! 🤩
I'm so happy that Thorgy's out there living her best life. I've really grown to love her since watching Dragnificent (where I also grew to love Bebe and Alexis Michelle, already loved Juju prior to the show) and hearing her talk, and giggle, is amazing and wonderful.
Only Thorgy.
I love Thorgy so much!! She is so cute, quirky, funny, kind & shady at the same time haha. I can't get enough of her!! ♡
She's such a character, living in her own world.
I feel like, being around Thorgy will make me feel safe.
Wait, how can she do drag for twenty years when she actually looks like she's in her twenties???
I need to age like her. 😳
Shes 37 years old
@@Kunimitsu877 no way... How?!
I love love love Thorgy so much :) I was so upset both times she got sent home :(
Everyone needs a friend like Thorgy in their life. ❤️
I’m all for celebrating this queen!
I live for people that live out loud ✨💖
Every time Thorgy laughs, or does little snarky things, I hear Bob doing an impersonation of Thorgy. Thank you Bob the dragqueen .... quote from Bob " Thorgy doesn't care if she wins, she just wants you to lose." I love Thorgy for being herself and Bob just cause she's fierce!
I love me some Thorgy energy! 🥰
Omg that's devastating going home right before the book ball dedicated to your mom, with your mom as a librarian. Wish Thorgy the best, love her so much comedy queen
One thing I’ve always enjoyed about Thorgy’s style is her incorporation of pants! Her legs always look great.
I feel like they probably have more raw footage for this episode than any other by a _wide_ margin 😂
I love thorgy! When they eliminated her in all stars it was so unjustified and the judges criticises where BS. I wanted to see more of the fashion clown
I must admit it took me until First Purse Impressions to truly appreciate Thorgy in all her fullness. Now that I know she's from Long Island I love her even more💕 Hometown hero!!! also now I feel I need medieval armor in my life!!!!😍
Thorgy has one of the most infectious personalities. Love her so much🥺 also has not aged AT ALL their skin is so beautiful
One of the most unique and versatile queens, she’s so cool
I would definitely watch a part 6, 7, 8 with Thorgy! Love her!
This is a such great series because it gives a chance for us to get to know - even more - our queens. I ADORE YOU THORGY!!!
Thorgy is creative, talented, beautiful, funny, kind, intelligent and so genuine. I absolutely adore her! 💜
So underrated. This queen is so talented and intelligent at the same time. Love you thorgy!
Thorgy, thanks for this boost of energy, I truly love you, hope you get invited to another All Stars, you are such an smart, beautiful and loving person ❤️
Thorgy is unapologetically HERSELF & I LOVE HER FOR IT!!! 💕💕💕
Thorgy is one of those queens that I genuinely would have liked to see until the end of the season 💖
please bring back Thorgy for All Stars. PLEASE. She's totally unlike any other queens, and her personality lacks restraint in a way that makes for great art *and* great TV.
bless this angel icon give her another shot her eliminations were bullshit
THORGY!!!! My girl!!! Loveed getting a glimpse into her life like this! I demand more Thorgy!!!
"I love it very much and i cant want to move on"
This and She telling Raja she cant have her jacket are a complite mood
Thorgy’s energy is infectious! I love watching her perform, hearing her speak. There’s a lot of intelligence underneath all that cray.
I adore thorgy. Such a bright light and so funny. She reminds me of a Harry Potter character and I truly love her. Xxxx
Thorgy is my favorite. If I’m ever having a bad day I watch videos of Thorgy, her Charisma, energy, passion, humor, just the little Thorgy-isms in general can bring me out of the worst moods!
Love, love LOVE Thorgy - still looking Thorgeous - Never change please
Thorgy is so incredibly charming and loveable. Listening to them speak just makes me smile so much!!!!
I wanted to see her Flower Runway. Her runways were always so fun, just like her
The love Thorgy has for clothes is really cool and makes me interested in learning more about fashion
Thorgy is the one who really have a lot to share about her drag~
I think this is my favourite 'Out of the Closet' series - both episodes are amazing. I think when the Queens are authentic, it makes a great episode. Love Thorgy, she IS the same monster she always was and we love her :) xx
Thorgy is such a joy to watch ❤❤❤
I feel like this episode could be ten hours long and Thorgy would still be pulling out the most amazing and unique pieces from her collection. Love this episode!!!
“If you really wanna open this box… How much time do you have? How much wine do you have?”
“Let’s talk about Stevie Nicks!”
I love this queen so much! I've watched this a few times now. My partner got me Thorgy's cameo for my birthday, and it was the best gift ever. She was sooo funny and it's so crazy when she shares her amazing energy with her audience
I wish Thorgy knew how much people love him. It breaks my heart when I see him get insecure around other people who aren't worth the air he breathes. Would love to hang out with him just 1 night! 😍🤩🥰
I got to see Thorgy perform when season 8 was airing (actually I remember it was literally the day before her elimination episode was aired) and she was SO incredibly nice and funny. I remember tipping her at the edge of the stage and she knelt down to me, the stage was like chest high, and she thanked me, kissed my cheek, and gave me a hug. You could tell it was genuine sweetness coming from her. I'll always be a fan.
Thorgy is honestly so right about her elimination. I’m low key still kinda salty lol
'I had Shangela with a tambourine behind me' I wasn't looking at the screen and the mental image that popped into my head omg.
This is the best episode of any season of this show.
Thorgy is one of my favorites! They are so fun! I can't get enough. Thorgy should have a podcast!