Seems like Lucy couldn't wait for the interview to be over!! I don't blame her. I would be annoyed sitting there between those two, too. She's an actress. She shouldn't have to be asked revealing questions like that and expected to answer! Everyone is expecting her to expound a Xena moral. Unfair!! Leave it a mystery, people. Don't desecrate characters!!
These two are the best !!!!! Ever !!!!!!
Thanks a million for the uploads...I love all yr will be waiting for the rest...can't wait...LOL...thanks again !
Anybody think Renee seemed a little jealous about Nancy Grace before she finds out it's just a show Lucy likes ;}
Elle était jalousie
oh my god, Lucy is killing me between 1:45 and 1:50
DAT FACE, I'm dying ahahahahha XD
AloneintheLight96 ttyioptwewqdfghjkliopyreewqasdxzcvghjjlbnmuioprfczasdRefghjklmnz
AloneintheLight96 rtyuiopewqasdfghjklvbnmjklopfdsazxcvbbmkloptrewqasdfghjklnmbvcxz
AloneintheLight96 qwwrtyuiopasdasdfhhjlopzxccvbmhjklopqwwettuughjklopzxccvbnjklipq
AloneintheLight96 qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmjklopsaqwertyfgyuiophjklbmvcxzsaqwwert
AloneintheLight96 qqertyuiopasddfhjkluiopzxcvbnmjklopsaqwesdfghhjlopvbnmklopasdfgh
The way she described Nancy grace reminded me of Karen memes and when I searched for who she is I wasn't suprised by her hair style.
the best actresses in the world!! i am biased but i don't care!
Seems like Lucy couldn't wait for the interview to be over!! I don't blame her. I would be annoyed sitting there between those two, too. She's an actress. She shouldn't have to be asked revealing questions like that and expected to answer! Everyone is expecting her to expound a Xena moral. Unfair!! Leave it a mystery, people. Don't desecrate characters!!
Have you already posted the parts 5 and 6?
ahaha Renee wants to get wasted
She forgot to ring (or call) the babysitter.
what did Lucy say when sharon asked what did they forget to do yesturday?I couldn't catch the first part of it she said I forgot to do something .idk.
They drink tea :)
JaytheGreenling rtyuioprewqasdfghhkllzxcvbnmklopsaqwertyuiiphjklgfdxcvbnmjklopqa
JaytheGreenling tyuioprewqasdfghjklzxcvbnmjlopasdfghjjlopteewqazxcvbnmjlopasdrty
JaytheGreenling qwwettuiopasdfghjklzxcvbbmjklopqwwetyyuioasdfghjklzxcvbnmjjlopqw
JaytheGreenling qwertyuiipasdfghjklzxcvbnnbnmklopsdfgyuiopghjklopzxcvbnmjklopqwe
JaytheGreenling qwertyuuopasdfghjklzxcvbbmjlopasewqzxxcbbnjlopewqzxccvbmjklopdfg
is this 2005?
Thanks for replying.
iman miller qwertyuiopasdfghjklfggjklopzxcvbbmjkloprooptguiopggjjliipsqwwssd
iman miller qqwrrtyuipasdfghhklzxcvbnmasdfghhklqwertyyiopasdfghjjlzxcvvbmqwe