The pilots needs to ID the smoke colour once smoke is popped and the radio op on the ground confirm the colour before the pilot lands. lest the enemy pop smoke as well and draw the helo's in.
I don't know if arma 2 has a african map. There is one in africa called Isla Duala but isn't really anything like somalia. But it would be awesome if he make a video on that.
FlippyFlow Fallujah is a great map for that concept, though. Intense urban environment, lots of buildings, sharp corners and a limited number of LZs. I was working on it once, but it never came to fruition. Soon, perhaps.
The radio belongs to ACRE and nothing we can edit to make it look authentic, our mapmakers does as much as they can, but there are limits when it comes to other peoples mods.
I played that game a lot, and it is stupid, incredibly buggy. As big of a fan of that game I am, its just pointless to play sometimes when you get yellow hit markers when putting 5 sniper rounds into a guys head.
SpyderBlack723 That's a bit of an exaggeration. but it does make sense really, because its the PLA. They wear body armour (and helmets) too. i think that makes the game more fun though, not only for giving the play a reason to take aimed shots but a small sense of fear as well knowing if you fuck up then they're gonna keep coming at you! it is a really frustrating game though hahaha :)
Can you up the bitrate on these videos when you are capturing them, just for kicks sometime soon? Movement looks kinda crappy when there's lots of "detail" on screen. (As in no detail now)
You know what would really top this mod off...having the spider holes and underground places that good ol' charlie had back in the day. The Vietnamese could set up ambushes, etc like they did in Vietnam. It's crazy how many good mods are for this game. As far as optimization, I wouldn't hold your breath seeing that it's probably more related to their rented servers they're using AND the engine limitations itself, which I doubt Bohemia will support seeing Arma III has been out for a while and still lacks content or needs more fixes, plus they're invested with DayZ now too.
I know i need a better computer... but the Nam maps are so intensive, i don't know what it is but its been so annoying because i almost got into the Pubby airforce.
Nope Justnope The ArmA engine requires a lot of GPU power for plants and the like which is why the Vietnam map will give you low FPS. Its There are some settings you can change to improve your frame rate but I forget what they are. I am sure it was a common issue with DayZ mod so you might be able to find answers without too much of an issue.
Well usually forests or any area where there are lots of trees can cause really bad lag. Unfortunately the unsung vietnam mod has maps that are 99% trees. I have a good graphics card and I still lag.
Some vietnam songs: 1. The Animals - House of The Rising Sun 2. The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil 3. Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower 4. CCR - Fortunate Son 5. The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black 6. Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit 7. Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze 8. Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 9. The Doors - Riders on The Storm 10. K.C and The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man
My favorite part is how tactical and careful they're being, then the moment they get into the clearing, he walks right in front of a door and doesn't check it. Good job, guy.
and btw, the leader (DDG) should be more in a different way like this," okay so here's the mission. our job is to collect coffee and donuts, the problem is, the enemy drank all the coffee and ate all the donuts. so now we gotta kick their a**." or something like that
You can download it on Play withsix. Just click unsung and hit download. I prefer using ACE/ACRE with it though. Six updater may work to but it has some problems so I would suggest using Play withsix.
FlippyFlow I think you misunderstood me, I already have Unsung, and love playing it with ACE/ACRE. I meant specifically a file for an MSO mission for Unsung.
You honestly have the best videos on youtube. Your videos have helped me and my decision to join the Marines as an infantryman bc you didn't sugar code anything and was completely honest about the pros and cons. All your videos are amazing. You made a not so popular game very popular. Its not going to be long before you hit 500k bc I recommend your videos to all my friends and family, even the pple who dont want to serve. Semper Fi!
just saying but you have a lot of frame tearing... whats up with that? capture method? how you render it? program that you use? If DDG cant answer can somebody else give me something... thank you
This is a hoot guys! I was a demo man in the 10th Specials Group a long time ago. The funny stuff that happens, and the reactions to it brings back some fond memories of being on patrol with my team and the Team Daddy chewing some NUGs ass.
Aleyboy Go to and download version 2.5 , you will need the whole mod in order for this map to work
This looks like the Vietnam movie I watched so many Months ago it was brutal near the end they had to call an airstrike but did some friendly fire one of his friend was really really REALLY burnt they tried to pull him back when they got him by the legs they riped his leg skin off it was horrible poor lad if that happened in real life though.
Hey these videos are really awesome. I love ArmA and ive always wanted to take part in one of these multiplayer roleplaying missions. Is there a way to join your group?
Awesome vid! I was wondering if you still have a copy of the arma 2 MSO Vietnam mission? Ive been trying to make one for weeks but its not working. Thanks!
My Grandfather was a doorgunner in the huey during Vietnam he retired a Warrant Officer
My grandfather was a Green Beret and he got his left eye, both legs, and left arm blown off by a grenade.
Damn i wish i could shake his hand
Tyler Koontz Lol irony. But being special forces in Vietnam was the most dangerous job ever.
Yes it was if you were caught you were shot
Tyler Koontz I'm fucking sorry but this comment was pure gold lmao. Respect to both grandpas though.
The pilots needs to ID the smoke colour once smoke is popped and the radio op on the ground confirm the colour before the pilot lands. lest the enemy pop smoke as well and draw the helo's in.
Devil in his element, great vid, the terrain look crazy to have to navigate through.
How do you think the guys who went into Vietnam in real life felt navigating through it?
***** They didn't they just agent oranged and napalmed everything.
Grant Kibel Yeah, sadly.
Next do Somalia!!! "Black Hawk Down" tribute!!!
I don't know if arma 2 has a african map. There is one in africa called Isla Duala but isn't really anything like somalia. But it would be awesome if he make a video on that.
FlippyFlow the fallugia map
John mazario fallujah is in the middle east not africa and they're too different
FlippyFlow Fallujah is a great map for that concept, though. Intense urban environment, lots of buildings, sharp corners and a limited number of LZs. I was working on it once, but it never came to fruition. Soon, perhaps.
You have inspired me to really chase my dream of being a marine, I really have to thank you
I take it you're trying to go pilot? (Also try a more recent video, you might actually get a reply)
lol a PRC-148 radio in Vietnam...yea, right...they had those big ass HF radios back then. awesome video
Care to make a radio mod that works and has old school radios then?
The radio belongs to ACRE and nothing we can edit to make it look authentic, our mapmakers does as much as they can, but there are limits when it comes to other peoples mods.
TheDevildogGamer It would only need a replacement model, so I guess it could actually be done.
the video is great. watched it from beginning to end..i was a RO, just making a minor observation...wasn't trying to rude to ACRE or anybody lol
Vietnam? O.O thank you so much devil, I really like to see more of MSO Vietnam.
have to say really missed mso, glad to see you guys brought it back to the channel
Play operation flashpoint: dragon rising.
I played that game a lot, and it is stupid, incredibly buggy. As big of a fan of that game I am, its just pointless to play sometimes when you get yellow hit markers when putting 5 sniper rounds into a guys head.
I have it! NOT AS GOOD THOUGH :(
Yup Codemaster screwed up when they said to Bochemia Interactive Go away.
terrible game
SpyderBlack723 That's a bit of an exaggeration. but it does make sense really, because its the PLA. They wear body armour (and helmets) too. i think that makes the game more fun though, not only for giving the play a reason to take aimed shots but a small sense of fear as well knowing if you fuck up then they're gonna keep coming at you! it is a really frustrating game though hahaha :)
Devil you should do more Vietnam stuff.
Can you up the bitrate on these videos when you are capturing them, just for kicks sometime soon? Movement looks kinda crappy when there's lots of "detail" on screen. (As in no detail now)
Tell youtube to fix there processing system and it won't be a problem
TheDevildogGamer Maybe you can upload in 4k? Then the compression artifacts aren't as bad.
TheDevildogGamer hey devil i wanna get in on this MSO Vietnam how would i go about doing that also good work keep it up
TheDevildogGamer Ow, it's a youtube compression thing. Well fuck. It's usually not this bad, but the rain part just killed the details.
lifeonbicycles The file size and upload time would be insane maybe if I didn't upload daily yeah
Tbh, you really do some justice with these videos for the men who had to fight in these wars, good job!
I can't stop watching this stuff now. Love listening to the radio chatter.
You know what would really top this mod off...having the spider holes and underground places that good ol' charlie had back in the day.
The Vietnamese could set up ambushes, etc like they did in Vietnam.
It's crazy how many good mods are for this game.
As far as optimization, I wouldn't hold your breath seeing that it's probably more related to their rented servers they're using AND the engine limitations itself, which I doubt Bohemia will support seeing Arma III has been out for a while and still lacks content or needs more fixes, plus they're invested with DayZ now too.
They do have fox holes and cave networks but we struggle to find them lol
Nice one devil dog glad you brought back the mso , love them watched all of them so far this was we pretty good keep up the good work!
Love the thumbnail of the Aussie soldiers with their SLR's
I absolutely love the videos you make. I always watch them when i'm not on duty. Makes a good ending to the day.
Love this sort of video, looking forward to seeing more ops.
I've been trying to play the Vietnam MSO But my computer just lags and i get around 10 FPS when there's nothing happening...
Need a stronger CPU. A GTX650 Can run Arma 2 on max settings, The GPU doesn't matter too much when it comes to Arma. Arma is a CPU intensive game.
I know i need a better computer... but the Nam maps are so intensive, i don't know what it is but its been so annoying because i almost got into the Pubby airforce.
Nope Justnope The ArmA engine requires a lot of GPU power for plants and the like which is why the Vietnam map will give you low FPS. Its There are some settings you can change to improve your frame rate but I forget what they are.
I am sure it was a common issue with DayZ mod so you might be able to find answers without too much of an issue.
Well usually forests or any area where there are lots of trees can cause really bad lag. Unfortunately the unsung vietnam mod has maps that are 99% trees. I have a good graphics card and I still lag.
DUB_R: TotalWar Can I run this with GeForce GT 545M?
Some vietnam songs:
1. The Animals - House of The Rising Sun
2. The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil
3. Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower
4. CCR - Fortunate Son
5. The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
6. Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
7. Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
8. Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth
9. The Doors - Riders on The Storm
10. K.C and The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man
MSO! I missed these, so awesome!
My favorite part is how tactical and careful they're being, then the moment they get into the clearing, he walks right in front of a door and doesn't check it. Good job, guy.
Been waiting for a Vietnam MSO for some time now, looks great, hope to see more soon.
The worst thing your pilot can say to you is " That's not desync guys" lol
Of course it was Kai who had the accidental discharge lol. He’s definitely the Gomer Pyle of the platoon! 😂
Where did you get this mission? Cant find it.
Hey Devil, I am loving MSO and I love this Vietnam one. You should do more of Vietnam.
what mod is this?
most likely Unsung
i think it isn't a mod, its just arma 2
jade savage no its unsung i play it all the time.
Its MSO its a combination of ACE, ACRE and some other mods
10:37 favorite moment: when DDG turns around and sees his fire team dropping a knee and pulling security on short halt...except Kai
Finally, I have been waiting for a Vietnam mod or game forever! Thank you
YES, finally we get more MSO, thank you devil, I salute you good sir!
Great video Devil I love these types of videos you do
Can anyone tell me how to get these kinds of mods for ARMA 2? I can't seem to find them anywhere.
Armaholic is where arma's mods are. Just google Armaholic
Thank you so much!!
your very welcome
Mig TheFig This is probably a stupid question, but is this the UNSUNG mod?
no idea what mod it is and if this one is actualy on armaholic or not.. sorry
Awesome video man, I hope to see some more Nam' action.
and btw, the leader (DDG) should be more in a different way like this," okay so here's the mission. our job is to collect coffee and donuts, the problem is, the enemy drank all the coffee and ate all the donuts. so now we gotta kick their a**." or something like that
That's what I do.
Grayson lofstad
Call of Duty 3 reference!
Chad Williams II Beat me to it
Grayson lofstad that game was garbage and that's something for world war 2
hah you wish
"Who the hell is popping smoke?" first thing I thought about was Williams.
It was me
Gonna love this MSO Devil, keep 'em coming!
I really hope you do more of this, it's unique, full of tactics...I really dig it.
Make more of these Vietnam actions and when u fly u play Doors songs. It ll be so cool :) keep up!
For example The Doors - Break on through. Would be nice to hear real action song
Really u cant play songs? Damn :/
***** Dude play: Long tall sally by Little Richard! Im a goddamn sexual tyranosaurus!
Hendrik Veerbeek
That's from Predator when they fly as i recall.. Awesome indeed
This is great, Devil!! Keep it up!! :D
This was awesome Devil! I wanna play this baaad
I hope you find time to keeping doing long episodes like this, DDG. I know me and many others enjoy your long MSO videos.
Awesome MSO Devil. Keep it up and looking forward to more
This is cool as shit can you post more?
Did anyone else notice the tripwire at 21:28 a little to the left between two trees. :)
Bugged terrain not tripwires.
Corey Williams Huh, Certanly looked like tripwire, must be youtube playing pranks on me then XD
Are there any platoons for the U.S recruiting for a 13 tear old?
You have to be 17 to join any military branch, or if you want to join special forces you have to be 21.
US MarineKid He's talking about Arma 2.
US MarineKid You don't have to be 21....
Jarod McCarty Uh ya you do for Army Rangers and Marsoc.
what hapen to city life
It's complete crap
THEBEDTIMEGAMAR What's happened to it?
Sikeman214 he stopped uploading it.
FlippyFlow This doesn't make it complete crap?
DDG thanks for serving my dad is a retired Marine who served 1989-2009 and was deployed in the 2nd Iraqi war till retirement and yes he fine.
Awesome video as usual. Glad MSO is back.
Hey, just wondering where to obtain an Unsung MSO mission file? Or is this just one created by Survival Operations?
You can download it on Play withsix. Just click unsung and hit download. I prefer using ACE/ACRE with it though. Six updater may work to but it has some problems so I would suggest using Play withsix.
FlippyFlow I think you misunderstood me, I already have Unsung, and love playing it with ACE/ACRE. I meant specifically a file for an MSO mission for Unsung.
XRYFIN oh my bad I don't know you can download missions from armaholic,
when kia says he looks
upchuck goes no
it is the funiest thing ever it is at 10:40
You honestly have the best videos on youtube. Your videos have helped me and my decision to join the Marines as an infantryman bc you didn't sugar code anything and was completely honest about the pros and cons. All your videos are amazing. You made a not so popular game very popular. Its not going to be long before you hit 500k bc I recommend your videos to all my friends and family, even the pple who dont want to serve. Semper Fi!
just saying but you have a lot of frame tearing... whats up with that? capture method? how you render it? program that you use? If DDG cant answer can somebody else give me something... thank you
UA-cam and the crappy processing system
Ok, Thanks :)
I'm from the Future. I wish i was in the past
i reinact the past
Ok where do I find this MSO Vietnam mission?? I've been looking for something like this using Vientam Mod, but without success. Can anybody help me?
You don't find it you make it
TheDevildogGamer oor.. orrrr.. you could share it :P naah.. i'm gonna give it a try... thanks mate. Good vid tho!
TheDevildogGamer I like the Vietnam War I got my middle name from my grandfather that was in the war.
Naruto Uzumaki Lies, your family is from Konoha, Naruto.
Alejandro Vivas Damn right XFD
Devil has the required discipline and experience only a soldier can have, Good on ya Devil ;)
This squad is so classic. Good shit Devil
This is a hoot guys! I was a demo man in the 10th Specials Group a long time ago. The funny stuff that happens, and the reactions to it brings back some fond memories of being on patrol with my team and the Team Daddy chewing some NUGs ass.
HELL YEAH!! love the MSO videos. radio chatter is so... so... i just fucking like it
this is awesome! the volume of the radio transmissions makes my ears explode though
Anybody know what this Island/Map is called? Not the mission, just the map.
SEA (South East Asia)
Thanks man. Do you know anywhere I can get it?
Go to and download version 2.5 , you will need the whole mod in order for this map to work
Sgtsavage75 Again thanks, I didn't think it was in that mod. I thought it was a different map
LOL upchucks forest gump quote at about 33:25 LMAO!!!!!!
XPLODNG_POOP 33:20 correction
"I was in the rear Onnerby..." LOL
Does anybody know what devldogsgamers MOS was in the Marines?
DespiseFEAR . Outstanding! Oorah
i think theyre continuing a mission that onnerby started and died on in one of his vids, but maybe not cuz i dont know
nvm, i posted this at they beggining of the vid and it all looked pretty familiar to me, guess that shows how good i am at navigation xD
Roses are red, violets are blue, when you lagged hard, I did too.
If you guys like playing Vietnam games one of the best IMO was on xbox Men of Valor or Men in Valor, either one.
Not much action, But one of the best vids imo! great work ddg
Great video DevilDogGamer keep it up!
This looks like the Vietnam movie I watched so many Months ago it was brutal near the end they had to call an airstrike but did some friendly fire one of his friend was really really REALLY burnt they tried to pull him back when they got him by the legs they riped his leg skin off it was horrible poor lad if that happened in real life though.
The movie is we are solider I believe
+Ethan Gonzalez We were Solders*
+TEGC Tom We were Soldiers*
Fresh # More people should like your comment
+Jordan Last It was the broken arrow scene in We Were Soldiers
@TheDevildogGamer What mod program did you use exactly? to play Vietnam? I used Play with Six but there are no servers anymore... Just wondering.
I'm the only person who plays with shout.. no wonder you can hear me from 50m away. XD
Anyone mind sharing the link or tell me the mods name so I could Dowbloax?
Are u gonna make more of these, cause i love 'em
Lol. I don't know why I laughed so hard when he said that if everyone dies in the other helicopter it's the pilots fault. 2:40
idk if you will answer this devildoggamer but WHY for the love of god did arma shutdown gamespy!??????
ArmA didn't, gamespy itself closed. For all games.
Please do more of this I found it to be really enjoyable.
love watching these, you guys crack me up, soo funny but professional :)
man that view of the choppers coming in to land! insane
I was so happy when I saw this, and started to go on the SO website, then I realise I'm away for the rest of the summer holidays :(
ccr- fortunate son + MSO vietnam op = one awesome play session.
this is awesome devil, upload some more footage please
Thanks for doing the Vietnam mod and i enjoyed the video! :)
Awesome vid DDG!
Yay glad your back I missed mso
Are you playing with
Jack Frags??
More MSO please. That's amazing vid with Onnerby and Upchuck.
This was amazing, mooooooore
Hey these videos are really awesome. I love ArmA and ive always wanted to take part in one of these multiplayer roleplaying missions. Is there a way to join your group?
the gear looks on point and i love the red dirt
DDG can you give a link to the mod download in each video?
Too many and some are for our community only
Well then I will be joining the community, I see you put that link down there.
How can I get this mod???
by downloading it
are the enemies controlled by players or computers?
Most of the time, AI, but the AI are very good for the time. I think Devildogs vietnam ambush video had AI.
I think I've seen this on the Play with six launcher, cause I play I44 /ACE so would this certainly be on there available for Download?
Perfect!!! We def want more! Great work
Awesome vid! I was wondering if you still have a copy of the arma 2 MSO Vietnam mission? Ive been trying to make one for weeks but its not working.
Devil really love this video please do more it's an awesome game kick some ass on there
Devil will you be doing more of this? And could you do a Arma2 World War 2 Marines?
I don't know why, but I love your radioman's voice.