Not needing to aim for weakspots with derps is actually a myth because the damage gets reduced by armour. Seriously I had a Type 5 hit the thickest part of my tank for 160 damage once, on a 16 second reload haha.
Well, any other Heavy would've likely bounced (0 damage) or done almost no damage with HE (~30-80, depending on which Heavy), so hoe much skill does the derp need? If the tank had less armor/more frontal weakspots (maybe one that actually is a real weakspot), then you can easily punish the reload with at least 1, maybe 2 shots, but it HAS that armor, it HAS that reliable damage, so you need less skill than in any other Derp in the game, even less than with the O-I, and that's about as low as the skill neede to do well should get. And you're at T10, so WG should treat the players at that tier like they have at least a bit more skill than they had in the same line at T6 (and those that don't will rage, and then soon either quit T10 or the game, which would improve the experience for the others noticably).
conscript117 A type 5 OR type 4 has never done less than 200 damage to me while I'm in an IS-7, hull-down or otherwise. You ever get hit by a KV-2 at tier 6? Yeah, there's no 16 dmg happening there.
K&AGamers Unless your an idiot like me and didn't realise your firing those premium rounds that you bought 'just in case' because you didn't know how to switch you ammo priority. Kept cursing and wondering why I was bouncing...
"if it manages to hide his peak AND people dont fire premium rounds at you" so id say its awful cuz everyone fires premium atm and frankly a td with prem gives no fuck about ur armor as do the infamous HE spammers u meet quite often.
Top 10 tanks that are worth it. Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4 Obj 268 version 4
T110E4, I was so disappointed. Pros: -Tier 10 TD Gun (Boohoo did not expect that) -High Alpha HE rounds Cons: -Slow -No armor (in comparison to other armored T10 Tds) -Mediocre gun -Large Target
M4m1de, I was totally disappointed in the E4 as well. A day or two before I unlocked it, WG nerfed the alpha from 850 to 750 (long time ago, I know). Combine that with the loss of the fully traversable turret and the amount of gold spam you encounter at tier 10 making the armor irrelevant, the E4 just didn’t feel like an upgrade. To be honest, the T30 was a disappointment as an upgrade from the T28 Prot too, the 152 mm gun being the problem. I couldn’t believe how often I was trolled by RNG, bouncing 276 mm pen shots off tanks with nowhere near the armor. L2play, L2aim! Yeah, yeah, yeah. The accuracy on the gun is not very impressive; aiming only works if the shots go where you aim.
thanks for saying the Type 4 and 5 hevys are for noobs. The whole line just relies completely on HE spam and super armor. They are for noob players and tend to require no skill.
If you play with 100mm gun on O-Ni or O-Ho, you're doing it wrong. On these tiers there are lots of squishy enemies. If you know how to aim, you'll be doing full damage quite often and just decimate enemies. I only got to tier 9 and I play with 140mm gun. Mostly because I refuse to pay for premium HE rounds. FU Greedygaming.
Yeah, it was the upgraded armor and new gun on the Type 4 and 5 heavies while the 9.18 test server was up that convinced me it was time to quit WoT. Utterly ridiculous machines.
For me it's the e100, I feel it's a major downgrade from the e75, turret it's made of cheese when enemy uses gold, and my god it's huge, It's difficult to angle because of that week turret sides being 150mm, basically anyone who sees e100 loads gold and shoot the turret. *Super Heavy* hahahahaha
My thoughts exactly; sold my E100 and went back to the E75 and had a freakin blast. Borderline want the E75 buffed and moved to Tier X with another tier 8 or 9 to replace the loss
They could make e100 a very good tank, but ofcourse it's the Wargaming we're talking about, so that will probably never happen. Just by buffing its' turret armor from 250 to 270 or 280 mm they could make it a very competent tank. It wouldn't be overpowered because it still has that awful lower plate, but the turret shouldn't be that easy to penetrate, so I agree that e100 needs a buff.
I truly agree with QB on Type 4 and 5! I got a type 4 and ripping 700hp from front of a T 10 and Amx M4 51 is just bad. I got to clean myself afterwards :D
well QB, I have type 4 heavy and I hate it, I hate even more then I see enemy type 4 with that stupid derp gun. I don't use derp gun at all, I hate those gun so I stuck with regular gun and I still get angry when I don't pen rhm or skoda t50 somehow :) But, I loved O-Ni and even more hated O-Ho....I just think that O-Ho is worst tier 8 heavy tank in this game....again, no derp guns even when I was playing with O-I or old O-I exp. :)
I can live with my filthyness that I allow myself from time to time. Even preloading this evil Skill (that should be removed... but hey! It's there) does not make me want to shower immediately. It is only for those lols...
I agree too.. only bad players without skill drive this type-tanks! When I meet a Grille next to Type-5 I prefere to deal damage to that Type-5-driver, i just hate this kind of players!! They‘ll get all my heat..
QuickyBaby which tank balances obj 268 v4? A Type 5. Which tank balances obj 430u? A type 5. Hell even a type 5 balances another type 5. And type 5 is vulnerable to arty focus. As much as I respect you as a player and content creator you got to understand that not everything is russian bias(having heavy tank armour while cruising at medium top speed and turning like a F1 car (see obj v4). Altough it is sad that today the armour powercreep is so high and wg resorted to introduce another armour powercreep tank just to bring some balance. But guess what?! It was all intended to happen like that. Cus no matter what the situation is, wg is the winner in all of this. Maybe I'm too harsh on wg but I hope that they learn from their mistakes and never introduce tanks like these(type5, obj v4, 430u, defender) in the game. But hey if it's not a bit op it will not catch the attention meaning wg will make less money (excluding the italians cus they will come with a new mechanic). But anyway these are my thoughts. Keep up the great work and hope we can see more interesting videos from you in the future! Cheers! EDIT: I really like these types of videos where you share your thoughts with us. I hope I can see more of these in the future!
rakata40 tier 8 pen everything with gold ammo, you sure about that? Which tier 8 can pen a maus or type 5 or super conq's turret frontally with gold? What about 268 v4? And all those heavies. You can't pen them in a tier 8. Even if you have a good gold pen on a gun, you still have to go through stock guns, and burn through creeds as you gold spam away.
rakata40 do you think they are going to allow you to be sniping your weak spots? When I try to do that I get instant spotted and shut down in my tier 8. For the most time, the maus might be hiding its lower plate behind a rock, the 268 v4 only peeking its gun out, the super conq wiggling around and shooting your tier 8 everywhere with its DPM.
When I play IX tier I will eventually discover X tier anyway. Maybe you could compare X tier: meds vs other meds, HT vs other HT, lights vs lights. Which tanks are most OP in their class on X tier. That would help players to choose which line is worth to grind. BTW great video as always, great work!:-)
Fantastic video. I often wonder what to do : buy tier 10 - sell tier 9? keep both? or just cut my losses and give up the branch once T10 is unlocked ? My latest dilemma is about Strv 103 B : is it really going to improve over 103 ? if not really, i m contemplating giving up the branch entirely
If you are a collector like me: don`t ever sell a tank. If you aim for specific tanks in a smaller garage, compare the tanks, watch some vids on them, then decide.
I have my E 75 and ST-I in my garage and play them every session, ESPECIALLY after I get sick of my M-103 grind and shitty "stats". Those two are MUST-HAVE tier IXs.... and no need to grind to the next tanks as both are absolutely worthless for CWs.
I thought the same. And i fucking loved the T32. The 90 mil worked better for me than the 105. I really dont know why, but i had a blast with that thing. Did my ace tanker with the 90 mil.
There ain't no Russian bias! Mate ur fucking dumb, when our best fucking tank has worse peneteratiom than most tier 9 heavies and when our armour is peneteratable in the front by the worst caliber t10 gun, shut the, fuck Up. Have a look at AMERICAN AND Swedish t10 tanks and there you will see clear fucking bias Russian mediums are completely balanced right? Retarded side spaced armor on russian heavies is completely balanced right? Having 390 alpha on a fucking tier 6 tank is completely balanced right? IS-7, T-62A and all russian mediums are balaned as fuck with their turret armor right? Dont make a fucking clown ouf of yourself
Important video for those of us who are relatively new to the game and don't have all the T-X tanks. I've got the Maus & IS7 and now working to the T-100LT. Thanks!
I grinded IS-4 cause it is super cool and requires a lot of skill to angle the armor, but 140mm upper plate, gosh the löwe has 130mm. Enemies which get upset and load gold when they don't pen you, rather because they think IS-4 sucks or it's just too hard to pen ws right? I was super wrong thinking i could bounce gold ammo, and now this tank gets outclassed by 430U (same gun, 6 pen less, 160 frontal upper plate) Heavy tanks have no purpose in this game anymore, apart being huge farm boxes (except 268 v4 which is a td with med mobility and super heavy armor, and wg is thinking to buff it. clearly needs 1000 alpha 6 sec reload and faster rotation speed) and remember kids, the 2 key earns you WN8!!
If you can't make the IS-4 work honestly I think you're just bad at sidescraping. I can easily bounce JPz E 100 HEAT rounds in that thing and pen it back. The one complaint I do have is the silly turret weakspot.
it's a completely different story when you are trying to fight a super conqueror with just AP ammo (frontally umpennable apart lower plate) while he responds with gold rounds, no matter how many credits lost, you manage to aim back and aim but he's umpennable, and with his OP dpm he will rape you, also because you can't easily sidescrape with those retarded side plates that get super weak when you sidescrape, i managed to angle them well to bait shots, but to fire back i need to do miracles with armor, it's almost not possible trading with an enemy, BUT ANYWAY: no, sidescraping isn't a problem, i'm mad about the 140mm of frontal armor, which get an effective armor of poorly 250mm, (which can even get penned by E-100 AP rounds, because since he's taller the sloped IS-4s armor beacome even more weaker) and who cares about HEAT ammo, you will get probably raped by a 4005 or a type 5 killing you with 800 HE rolls. i find this tank togheter with E-100 ridicolous as you can pretty much pen them easily, while the tier 10 french one is umpennable frontally, wanna talk about 268 v4? 430U?
I agree with you that the IS4 isnt that good but the armor really isnt a problem, the only weak spots are the most frontal plate and the top of the turret wich you should just hide
Personally the is-4 was such a disappointment for me with that weak point in the turret that I rebought the st-I and moved the crew back. But I didnt sell the is-4 because I want it whenever they decide it could be looked at for a rework
As a player that just went from the Tortoise to the Badger, I can say that the step up is worth it. Tortoise is a monster at tier 9 with its dpm and armor. People often don't aim well at the coupola and bounce off of it, or just panic and shoot you anywhere. But the Badger is neigh impenetrable when you are using the gun depression and is faster. I would rather play the Badger, but the Tortoise is still immensely fun.
The frontal armour on the M4 51 only really works if people don't spam premium. The moment they do they can go through the upper frontal plate. Which is what I'm finding on Xbox. Our version is also nerfed for some reason as well (the DPM is on the 120mm)
I think it's worth mentioning in the E-50 / E-50M comparison that the M FINALLY doesn't have a front-housed transmission that is a staple source of "engine damaged/destroyed" hits on German vehicles since the Tiger.
One thing that I think should be in this video is comparison between different t10 that fill the same role. For example whether 121 was made obsolete by 430u, t110e3/e4 made obsolete by 268 v4, Grille by S-Tank and so on.
Good video Quciky! But you should make a list. Tier 10 tanks that need to get some things upgraded: Grille: gun handling and camo, pzkpfw 7: side weak spot removed, rhmpzw: dpm upgrade, 121 maybe armor or gun depresion buff, t110e4 roof weak spot buffed and a little bit gun handling buffed, amx m4 54: dpm buffed, amx 30b hatch removed, stb1, turret armor buffed etc.. 😛 what do you think about this ?
Can you make a new one 2 years later? Would love to hear your opinion with all the changes (and new tanks) last couple of years and if you still like one better or not.
Oi QB you cheeky son of a mother, Type 4 Heavy is meant to be played with the 14cm gun, Type 5 Heavy with the 15cm howitzer. Weirdly enough a Type 4 Heavy with the 14cm can (or at least in my case) oftenly outplay a Type 5 with the howitzer. The AP pen. and the premium AP pen. do feel a lot more useful and versatile on tier 9. So I would say go for the Type 4 Heavy with 14cm to have a massive monster which is still penetrateable and also doesn't lose roughly 900 billion credits per second.
"If you play the Type 4 or Type 5 heavies you're a noob, I detest the HE mechanic" "I would much rather play the FV4005 because of the 1750 damage HESH rounds" Okay buddy. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong, one of these things has enough penetration to pen the sides of german tier 9 heavies and literally one shot them and still consistently does good damage on non-pens, and one of them is lucky to do full damage to a medium's rear or light tank while also being much less accurate. Hmmmm.
If you're at tier 9 or 10 and most 8s and you press that 2 key you can pen the front of the type 5 almost guaranteed. And it's so slow that if you get close it can do nothing to keep you from killing it. Also can't trade 1:1 with most tier 10 heavies or TDs because it will almost always do 500 or less damage, while most of them can easily do over 500 with a much shorter reload time. The only thing the type 4/type 5 are good at is to stop Russian tanks from going invincible by hiding their chassis.
RollClassic I'm not sure why you think most of the Tier 8 can pen type 5 frontally with gold.Most of them has 250-260mm penetration which will bounce at point blank, let alone a bit of distance and angle.The problem with type 5 is kinda like The KV. It murder most tanks with ease and the others struggle to hurt him unless you press the 2 key. Even that you are not really 100% atuo pen but he is 99.99% to take 600+ hp from you.
Very rarely does the type 4/5 cannon do 600+ damage to anything but lightly armored vehicles. It's usually between 300 and 600(max), and a lot of the time it's even lower, especially against vehicles like the T95/E3, or other tanks with really thick frontal armor. Meanwhile, a pretty large amount of non-premium and some premium tier 8s have over 280 pen with premium rounds, especially tank destroyers. There's also the small frontal weak spot of 260mm if you get close. That being said, I have no problem soloing type 5s in tanks with little armor assuming I have more than the 80mm that it has pen. The Conway, for example. I can get 3 shots for every 1 of his with an average of 1200 split between the three, which I can pen the front with 100% of the time unless I get incredibly unlucky on the penetration value roll. Meanwhile, he'll hit the front of me for 400-500, if he hits my gun he'll hit me for likely 0 or maybe 100-200. I could also hide behind a wall, fence, truck, etc because HE can't go through barriers. If you're going to compare heavy to heavy, every tier 10 heavy will get AT LEAST 2 shots for each 1 of the type 5's, and do at least 400 damage. With premium rounds, every single tier 10 heavy can pen the front, though with AP I can't name one that has over 280mm of pen, but with the +/- pen values it's still possible for all of them as far as I know if they high roll on pen. A tier 10 heavy will probably take between 200 and 500 damage if he hits a good spot, but do at least 800 damage or more in return, while being a fraction of the size, and several times more agile. Type 4's and 5's aren't something to be scared of if you're heavily armored, the only things that should be afraid of them are tanks with light armor. But do you know who's scarier? The 183 cannons that do 1750 with 230mm of penetration and .38 accuracy, compared to 1300 average, 80mm of penetration and .48 accuracy. You know, the tank that can actually penetrate the FRONTS of a lot of heavy tanks and do 2,000 damage, literally one shot killing any tier 9 heavy in the game if it penetrates and doesn't low roll.
you know what i most like about you QB ? its the variety of topics and videos you do , its not always areplay of someone do 8k dmg and thats it . so keep up the good work
Hi QB, enjoyed hearing your opinions on the tier 9 tank vs tier 10 for each tree. Video felt a bit rushed and I think it may have been better without showing the replay and spending the time to do more in depth comparisons, though perhaps most would find that boring.
Yeah, but he prefaced that with "they're both great". He meant that he wouldn't prefer one over the other. Which is weird, since the E-75 is clearly the better of the two (though still badly outclassed).
The thing also kinda sucks in ranged battles. If I cant get close I find myself just chipping away at the enemy's health little by little with HE rounds. Sometimes Ill throw in a little HEAT and if Im lucky hit their ammo rack for a one hit kill.
Fabulous! The Tier X Chinese TD is the last vehicle I need for the Master Tanker badge. They are rare on battlefield and you might have explained away why they are.
I remember how disappointed I was when I realized my new IS-4 was not an upgrade over the ST-1. I haven't really played it since. That was when the IS-7 was being heavily criticized for its weaknesses. How I wish now I'd gone for the IS-7 instead.
268 was one of those 'Clan Wars Anchor' tanks back in 2013-2015, then the reload time got nerfed into a day and a half. She still hits like a mule, still has troll frontal armor and can ram. Its prime, they used to do 5 kills per Clan Wars match, not breaking a sweat. Now, you get in two shots in CW before it gets killed. That's how bad the reload is.
9:50 sums it up nicely - tier 10 needs to be a complete no-upgrade to prefer it over tier 9. T9s get to be top tier so rarely, there's almost always a TX on the enemy team. Still, if its 3-5-7, chances are you won't meet them right away.
thats the thing in this game, the jump from tier 8 to tier 9 compared to tier 9 to tier 10 is massive, for example the tiger 2 vs the e75 is huge and the e75 vs the e100 is meh.
You mentioned that the Leopard 1 and STB-1 are good but other places I've read to stay away from them unless you're only going up the lines to research the tanks. Does the decision to pursue those two tanks come down to preference or do they have some redeeming qualities?
The t110e5 was the first tier x tank I played that I was really disappointed in. Every time it gets penned it gets ammoracked. Used to carry 2 repair kits, every battle cost 25k credits.
Grilles down side is that it doesnt have 360 gun rotation. The removed Waffentrager auf E 100, Rhm.-Borsig, and the Waffentrager auf Pz. IV have 360 rotation. It seems stupid to limit the traverse of the Grille.
They Type 4 and 5 take just as much skill at the S/Conqueror, and most of the other OP Tier 10 tanks you named. So, I'm calling BS o n the comments about the 4 & 5.
Except with the Type 4 and Type 5, it has all around armor unlike the S/Conqueror. You can literally go into the field and take all the hits from the entire enemy team and probably still be alive, while with any other tank (including the obj 268 v4) you'd be dead (maus is probably an exception too). Biggest problem with the Type 4 and Type 5 is the gun. Unlike the S/Conqueror, it doesn't need to penetrate to deal damage. Oh, and did I mention that premium HE rounds do more? Yeah, I wonder what other tank does that. Oh yeah, the FV4005, except that thing has 0 armor. You get a shot off, you're dead if you're not careful. Doesn't matter what you say, the FV4005 is NOT a noob friendly tank. The S/Conqueror is pretty noob friendly to learn, but it still has drawbacks that if you're not careful, you're dead. All of the other tanks that QB has mentioned in the video, the STRV 103B, Badger, S/Conqueror, FV4005, Obj 268 v4, Obj 140, Obj 430U, IS-7, E75 all have major setbacks unlike the Type5/4 heavy. Mind you, no other tank in the game has the same characteristics as the Type 5/4. That's what makes it broken.
I agree bill, without spgs, this game turns into a campfest and its boring as fuck, i end up carrying alot of my games as an arty because i can give my team the extra push they need by scaring away the enemy frontline, or taking them down entirely, spg class does need a (re)work, but the fact that all these pussies say spg is for brain dead morons because they keep getting their asses handed to them need to chill out and learn counter spg spots. btw QB doesnt hate spg hes made videos playing them extremely well, just because it aint his main doesnt mean he hates them
Quicky wont use words like over powered or power creep. He's paid to make videos that make people play and pointing out mechanics designed to increase revenue is biting the hand that feeds. Economics over integrity eh Quicky?! Not mad at him. Pull the line for the company money QB. Be brutally honest about tanks like the IS4 compared to the IS7 or ANY new tank would be genuine integrity and might make his benefactors mad and though I love QB I know he doesnt have that kind of integrity.
Agree with a lot of this list; I've personally kept the AMX M4 51, AMX 30 proto, T30, E50, and have both the tier IX and X Skoda/TVP. I will say that while the Tortoise feels a lot better with the armor upgrade, I do enjoy the Badger a lot as well (it's one of the only turretless TD's I enjoy playing). One of my absolute favorite bully tanks at tier IX however would have to be the Obj 430 v II, it's side-scrape potential is just ridiculous for a medium tank.
The video title says" top 10 tanks that are not worth it" then you go on a diatribe of what tanks you like to play. Excuse me but are you smoking your socks? Would have been easier to just list 10 tanks that are not worth it, kind of like the title huh.
Um, the title says "T10 tanks that are not worth it". T10 = Tier 10, *not* Top 10. So, yes, he is allowed to talk about the Tier 10 tanks that are worth it in his view, and the ones that are not worth it, because that's exactly what the title says. Learn to read next time, because you might just be the one smoking their socks.
Foch > FochB. Lack of armour upgrade means at tier X you get smashed before you get get into those 2 extra rounds in most cases. Foch armour holds up in a lot more cases and the 4 rounds is more than enough to clean up.
I overall dont play high tier games because sometimes i just want to chill in a game instead of having an AMX rush up to me and one shot me out of nowhere.
What's wrong with the cut at 6:23 ? You go directly fron game to "Next up france". I would like to see the China and Czechoslovakia comparison even though you mentioned them in battle.
The E-100 for me was a total disappointment, not because of the lower penetration for the 150mm that most people complain about, but how the country sized turret front is a gold ammo magnet even when angled. I was hearing the sizzle gold ammo sound effect in my dreams after I first bought that thing.
QB, do you have any idea what the next tank at tier 10 is going to be following the T-10? When I first started playing WoT I decided I wanted to go for the IS-7, but not knowing what's going to follow the T-10 has me questioning which tank to unlock first after the IS-3 . . . Thoughts?
Okay, wow. I did not recognize Lakeville until I looked at the mini-map. For those still playing WoT, I'm sure it's old hat but this is my first time seeing it since 1.0. I may not be playing WoT anymore, but they definitely did a good job with the new engine.
Kind of disappointing to find out that almost all of the tier 10 tanks I have in my garage at the moment are tanks QB thinks are inferior to their tier 9 counterparts. Well, at least I am grinding to the Object 268 v4 and am close to getting the M48 Patton.
Hello QB, I have some good suggestions for you. General strenghts of Tiers by Vehicletype: Generally Tier 6 and 8 Mediums tanks being weak for their tiers(outperformed by lights, struggles due to map design, lacking penetration/armor/hp/mobility to deal with +1/+2 MM), Tier 8 and 9 TD´s gettinG HUUUGE Hp buffs compared to their lower tiers, and therefore becoming much more competitive across the board, Tier 6 and 7 Light Tanks being really strong at the moment, Tier 6 Arty being very strong Tier for Tier (M44, FV304, Hummel, AMX 13F3, Su 8), Powercreeped German, British and US Vehicles: m103, E5, E100, E75, Churchill VII, Black Prince; Tanks that can´t perform good because they lack the necessary penetration to be competitive. Extra: Gems of the Lines aka SealClubbertanks e.g. below tier 9/10: Gw.Panther, Hetzer, Luchs/Leopard, KV1S, Rhm. Borsig, T29, T-67, m4 Sherman, Pz4H, Vk 30.00P, Chi-He, Covenanter, Cruiser II Derp.
9:18 "You're just a noob if you play either of those tanks" LOLL
Corne 011 because u don't really need to aim to deal damage
Not needing to aim for weakspots with derps is actually a myth because the damage gets reduced by armour. Seriously I had a Type 5 hit the thickest part of my tank for 160 damage once, on a 16 second reload haha.
Well, any other Heavy would've likely bounced (0 damage) or done almost no damage with HE (~30-80, depending on which Heavy), so hoe much skill does the derp need?
If the tank had less armor/more frontal weakspots (maybe one that actually is a real weakspot), then you can easily punish the reload with at least 1, maybe 2 shots, but it HAS that armor, it HAS that reliable damage, so you need less skill than in any other Derp in the game, even less than with the O-I, and that's about as low as the skill neede to do well should get. And you're at T10, so WG should treat the players at that tier like they have at least a bit more skill than they had in the same line at T6 (and those that don't will rage, and then soon either quit T10 or the game, which would improve the experience for the others noticably).
conscript117 A type 5 OR type 4 has never done less than 200 damage to me while I'm in an IS-7, hull-down or otherwise. You ever get hit by a KV-2 at tier 6? Yeah, there's no 16 dmg happening there.
K&AGamers Unless your an idiot like me and didn't realise your firing those premium rounds that you bought 'just in case' because you didn't know how to switch you ammo priority. Kept cursing and wondering why I was bouncing...
Top 10 Most overpowered tanks of all times
T18 (when it was a TD) Wt auf e100 and others
T-50-2 was awesome
Dogão those tanks don't exist anymore
That's why he said "of all time" fucking dumbass
Old school quackybaby thumbnail
Lol very true
Thinking the same thing
"Since they buffed the mobility of that vehicle, its an utter *GOD* at teir 10"
- Hawkins - same lol. he made a cut there
More like *GHJOD*
"if it manages to hide his peak AND people dont fire premium rounds at you" so id say its awful cuz everyone fires premium atm and frankly a td with prem gives no fuck about ur armor as do the infamous HE spammers u meet quite often.
T10 tanks that are worth it: none, they all eat credits if u dont have a premium account
Deathshot I make credits with my 140. Use a lot of standard ammo
got obj 140 and i love it. crew skills soon will be 5 times 100%
Nah man they make so much credits if you are good enough with them, avg game for my jpz e100 gets me 50k credits
So true, Heat spammer make armor useless and just ruin the game. You lose all your hp and that eats creds
Maus is not bad
Top 10 tanks that are worth it.
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj 268 version 4
Obj. 430U as well
You forgot to mention the Obj 268 version 4
The Badass Bassist did I. My bad.
Anything with Stalinium. One of the reasons I stopped playing the game.
type 5
_Does he really wear a Twitch shirt on UA-cam_ ... 🤔😮
UA-cam 2018
youtube spams us with comertials, w t f cant our loved streamers
At least not hole in tje chest
Damn u used an old thumbnail... I was totally confused :)
QuickyBaby it's because it is so low quality it looked like some of your older videos
QuickyBaby no you didn't it just looks very similar to a older viedo like a year or so back i can see how he got confused
T110E4, I was so disappointed.
Pros: -Tier 10 TD Gun (Boohoo did not expect that)
-High Alpha HE rounds
Cons: -Slow
-No armor (in comparison to other armored T10 Tds)
-Mediocre gun
-Large Target
Seems like you didn't play Prenerf
IHateRNG Nah I started playing in 2012 but stopped playing for 2 years.
I agree, The tank just feels a little boring to play. Which is sad. I wish it were fun.
Understandable. But I still love the tank. Just love having that gun and being able to play it as a heavy.
I like it. But I see its limitations. :)
M4m1de, I was totally disappointed in the E4 as well. A day or two before I unlocked it, WG nerfed the alpha from 850 to 750 (long time ago, I know). Combine that with the loss of the fully traversable turret and the amount of gold spam you encounter at tier 10 making the armor irrelevant, the E4 just didn’t feel like an upgrade. To be honest, the T30 was a disappointment as an upgrade from the T28 Prot too, the 152 mm gun being the problem. I couldn’t believe how often I was trolled by RNG, bouncing 276 mm pen shots off tanks with nowhere near the armor. L2play, L2aim! Yeah, yeah, yeah. The accuracy on the gun is not very impressive; aiming only works if the shots go where you aim.
thanks for saying the Type 4 and 5 hevys are for noobs. The whole line just relies completely on HE spam and super armor. They are for noob players and tend to require no skill.
I wasn't expecting you!
If you play with 100mm gun on O-Ni or O-Ho, you're doing it wrong. On these tiers there are lots of squishy enemies. If you know how to aim, you'll be doing full damage quite often and just decimate enemies. I only got to tier 9 and I play with 140mm gun. Mostly because I refuse to pay for premium HE rounds. FU Greedygaming.
Yeah, it was the upgraded armor and new gun on the Type 4 and 5 heavies while the 9.18 test server was up that convinced me it was time to quit WoT. Utterly ridiculous machines.
And then says the ikea aidstrv tanks are great. Red line camping with OP camo. Requires unicum skill eh?
The Spanish Inquisition Uhh the same could be said for the Maus too so...
For me it's the e100, I feel it's a major downgrade from the e75, turret it's made of cheese when enemy uses gold, and my god it's huge, It's difficult to angle because of that week turret sides being 150mm, basically anyone who sees e100 loads gold and shoot the turret. *Super Heavy* hahahahaha
Basil Abeysekera angle your turret. L2P
My thoughts exactly; sold my E100 and went back to the E75 and had a freakin blast. Borderline want the E75 buffed and moved to Tier X with another tier 8 or 9 to replace the loss
Basil Abeysekera same thoughts, the E75 was way better
yes and you have to use premium or HE ammo to penetrate some tanks :S
They could make e100 a very good tank, but ofcourse it's the Wargaming we're talking about, so that will probably never happen.
Just by buffing its' turret armor from 250 to 270 or 280 mm they could make it a very competent tank. It wouldn't be overpowered because it still has that awful lower plate, but the turret shouldn't be that easy to penetrate, so I agree that e100 needs a buff.
I truly agree with QB on Type 4 and 5! I got a type 4 and ripping 700hp from front of a T 10 and Amx M4 51 is just bad. I got to clean myself afterwards :D
Commando Quackers, right attitude to take. Many Type drivers appear to be slightly offended by my jab. You know you're filthy but you love it!
well QB, I have type 4 heavy and I hate it, I hate even more then I see enemy type 4 with that stupid derp gun. I don't use derp gun at all, I hate those gun so I stuck with regular gun and I still get angry when I don't pen rhm or skoda t50 somehow :) But, I loved O-Ni and even more hated O-Ho....I just think that O-Ho is worst tier 8 heavy tank in this game....again, no derp guns even when I was playing with O-I or old O-I exp. :)
I can live with my filthyness that I allow myself from time to time. Even preloading this evil Skill (that should be removed... but hey! It's there) does not make me want to shower immediately. It is only for those lols...
I agree too.. only bad players without skill drive this type-tanks!
When I meet a Grille next to Type-5 I prefere to deal damage to that Type-5-driver, i just hate this kind of players!! They‘ll get all my heat..
QuickyBaby which tank balances obj 268 v4? A Type 5. Which tank balances obj 430u? A type 5. Hell even a type 5 balances another type 5. And type 5 is vulnerable to arty focus. As much as I respect you as a player and content creator you got to understand that not everything is russian bias(having heavy tank armour while cruising at medium top speed and turning like a F1 car (see obj v4). Altough it is sad that today the armour powercreep is so high and wg resorted to introduce another armour powercreep tank just to bring some balance. But guess what?! It was all intended to happen like that. Cus no matter what the situation is, wg is the winner in all of this. Maybe I'm too harsh on wg but I hope that they learn from their mistakes and never introduce tanks like these(type5, obj v4, 430u, defender) in the game. But hey if it's not a bit op it will not catch the attention meaning wg will make less money (excluding the italians cus they will come with a new mechanic). But anyway these are my thoughts. Keep up the great work and hope we can see more interesting videos from you in the future! Cheers! EDIT: I really like these types of videos where you share your thoughts with us. I hope I can see more of these in the future!
Im early let me make a joke
Tier 8 mm
PogChamp *Tier 8 stock tank matchmaking
rakata40 Tier 6 against tier 8 OMEGALUL
Tier 8 tanks have less DPM than a tier 4 M3 Lee but they have to fight against tanks with 1000 more DPM.
Seems pretty balanced to me 🤔
rakata40 tier 8 pen everything with gold ammo, you sure about that? Which tier 8 can pen a maus or type 5 or super conq's turret frontally with gold? What about 268 v4? And all those heavies. You can't pen them in a tier 8. Even if you have a good gold pen on a gun, you still have to go through stock guns, and burn through creeds as you gold spam away.
rakata40 do you think they are going to allow you to be sniping your weak spots? When I try to do that I get instant spotted and shut down in my tier 8. For the most time, the maus might be hiding its lower plate behind a rock, the 268 v4 only peeking its gun out, the super conq wiggling around and shooting your tier 8 everywhere with its DPM.
When I play IX tier I will eventually discover X tier anyway. Maybe you could compare X tier: meds vs other meds, HT vs other HT, lights vs lights. Which tanks are most OP in their class on X tier. That would help players to choose which line is worth to grind. BTW great video as always, great work!:-)
Oh dear, a tier 10 TD with the most dpm in the game and amazing armor can’t permatrack enemies?? What a disaster!
Michael Katsiff i dont think he said that the badger is bad, he just prefers the tortoise because of its tracking potential
Id love to be at that point where u have everything researched and just need to rebuy a tank When u want it, Im free to play so never gonna happen
13:15 scared the crap out of me..
yea xD
Me too xD
I thought he was going to say “do I need to explain myself?!”
but no he slaps the table
EASY game
Fantastic video. I often wonder what to do : buy tier 10 - sell tier 9? keep both? or just cut my losses and give up the branch once T10 is unlocked ?
My latest dilemma is about Strv 103 B : is it really going to improve over 103 ? if not really, i m contemplating giving up the branch entirely
nioutest 103B eassssyyyyy
If you are a collector like me: don`t ever sell a tank. If you aim for specific tanks in a smaller garage, compare the tanks, watch some vids on them, then decide.
I have my E 75 and ST-I in my garage and play them every session, ESPECIALLY after I get sick of my M-103 grind and shitty "stats". Those two are MUST-HAVE tier IXs.... and no need to grind to the next tanks as both are absolutely worthless for CWs.
I thought the same. And i fucking loved the T32. The 90 mil worked better for me than the 105. I really dont know why, but i had a blast with that thing. Did my ace tanker with the 90 mil.
T10 tanks that are worth it in World of Tanks: russian tanks.
BloodyGunner play Is-4 then after playing ST-1
There ain't no Russian bias! Mate ur fucking dumb, when our best fucking tank has worse peneteratiom than most tier 9 heavies and when our armour is peneteratable in the front by the worst caliber t10 gun, shut the, fuck Up. Have a look at AMERICAN AND Swedish t10 tanks and there you will see clear fucking bias soviet are biased. If you dont agree go to gulag Russian mediums are completely balanced right? Retarded side spaced armor on russian heavies is completely balanced right? Having 390 alpha on a fucking tier 6 tank is completely balanced right? IS-7, T-62A and all russian mediums are balaned as fuck with their turret armor right? Dont make a fucking clown ouf of yourself
Ru251 is better tier for tier than the Reihnmetall, so is the Type61 to the STB1 cause 2 competitiv guns with better dispersion
Important video for those of us who are relatively new to the game and don't have all the T-X tanks. I've got the Maus & IS7 and now working to the T-100LT. Thanks!
I grinded IS-4 cause it is super cool and requires a lot of skill to angle the armor, but 140mm upper plate, gosh the löwe has 130mm. Enemies which get upset and load gold when they don't pen you, rather because they think IS-4 sucks or it's just too hard to pen ws right? I was super wrong thinking i could bounce gold ammo, and now this tank gets outclassed by 430U (same gun, 6 pen less, 160 frontal upper plate) Heavy tanks have no purpose in this game anymore, apart being huge farm boxes (except 268 v4 which is a td with med mobility and super heavy armor, and wg is thinking to buff it. clearly needs 1000 alpha 6 sec reload and faster rotation speed)
and remember kids, the 2 key earns you WN8!!
If you can't make the IS-4 work honestly I think you're just bad at sidescraping. I can easily bounce JPz E 100 HEAT rounds in that thing and pen it back. The one complaint I do have is the silly turret weakspot.
it's a completely different story when you are trying to fight a super conqueror with just AP ammo (frontally umpennable apart lower plate) while he responds with gold rounds, no matter how many credits lost, you manage to aim back and aim but he's umpennable, and with his OP dpm he will rape you, also because you can't easily sidescrape with those retarded side plates that get super weak when you sidescrape, i managed to angle them well to bait shots, but to fire back i need to do miracles with armor, it's almost not possible trading with an enemy, BUT ANYWAY:
no, sidescraping isn't a problem, i'm mad about the 140mm of frontal armor, which get an effective armor of poorly 250mm, (which can even get penned by E-100 AP rounds, because since he's taller the sloped IS-4s armor beacome even more weaker) and who cares about HEAT ammo, you will get probably raped by a 4005 or a type 5 killing you with 800 HE rolls.
i find this tank togheter with E-100 ridicolous as you can pretty much pen them easily, while the tier 10 french one is umpennable frontally, wanna talk about 268 v4? 430U?
I agree with you that the IS4 isnt that good but the armor really isnt a problem, the only weak spots are the most frontal plate and the top of the turret wich you should just hide
Personally the is-4 was such a disappointment for me with that weak point in the turret that I rebought the st-I and moved the crew back. But I didnt sell the is-4 because I want it whenever they decide it could be looked at for a rework
As a player that just went from the Tortoise to the Badger, I can say that the step up is worth it. Tortoise is a monster at tier 9 with its dpm and armor. People often don't aim well at the coupola and bounce off of it, or just panic and shoot you anywhere. But the Badger is neigh impenetrable when you are using the gun depression and is faster. I would rather play the Badger, but the Tortoise is still immensely fun.
14:36 “It’s an utter *GHOD* at tier 10”
The frontal armour on the M4 51 only really works if people don't spam premium. The moment they do they can go through the upper frontal plate. Which is what I'm finding on Xbox. Our version is also nerfed for some reason as well (the DPM is on the 120mm)
14:37 utter *GOD* 😂😂
I was startled xD
I think it's worth mentioning in the E-50 / E-50M comparison that the M FINALLY doesn't have a front-housed transmission that is a staple source of "engine damaged/destroyed" hits on German vehicles since the Tiger.
I am always Double clicking on the Screen to see the Chat and then i realise my failure when the video fast vorwards
Damn it
King Blue twitch stream ? :P
tobs reumi yea
One thing that I think should be in this video is comparison between different t10 that fill the same role. For example whether 121 was made obsolete by 430u, t110e3/e4 made obsolete by 268 v4, Grille by S-Tank and so on.
Some of these jumpcuts are hilarious!
Somdip Nag. You're right! I went a little ham on this video was in a rush to make my Progetto vid!
An utterGOD
La Tourette gets quite obvious in this vid
I love how honest qb is in this video.
9:14 best part of the video
Good video Quciky! But you should make a list. Tier 10 tanks that need to get some things upgraded:
Grille: gun handling and camo, pzkpfw 7: side weak spot removed, rhmpzw: dpm upgrade, 121 maybe armor or gun depresion buff, t110e4 roof weak spot buffed and a little bit gun handling buffed, amx m4 54: dpm buffed, amx 30b hatch removed, stb1, turret armor buffed etc.. 😛 what do you think about this ?
13:07 "263 ver 4" QB, buddy please don't give WG any more ideas
I loved that you chose the t95 over e3, and with the e4 and t30, I actually got a better win rate in the t30, but I thought the e4 was more fun.
14:37 this made me jump cuz i was listening to the vid in the background 😂😂
Can you make a new one 2 years later? Would love to hear your opinion with all the changes (and new tanks) last couple of years and if you still like one better or not.
I’m bias to T54 ltwt, it’s so so good
T20 is so painful to grind, I have no hope in getting the M48 Patton
13:07 263 v4
leaked upcoming premium tier 8
premium tier 8 chinese artillery
I noticed too
You should make a video explaning which lines are worth to climb
Oi QB you cheeky son of a mother, Type 4 Heavy is meant to be played with the 14cm gun, Type 5 Heavy with the 15cm howitzer. Weirdly enough a Type 4 Heavy with the 14cm can (or at least in my case) oftenly outplay a Type 5 with the howitzer. The AP pen. and the premium AP pen. do feel a lot more useful and versatile on tier 9. So I would say go for the Type 4 Heavy with 14cm to have a massive monster which is still penetrateable and also doesn't lose roughly 900 billion credits per second.
The Type 4 Heavy has no armor, just HP. ;-)
What about the arty? C'mon QB, you can do it. Or how about "If I had to pick 1 tank from each type".
"If you play the Type 4 or Type 5 heavies you're a noob, I detest the HE mechanic"
"I would much rather play the FV4005 because of the 1750 damage HESH rounds"
Okay buddy. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong, one of these things has enough penetration to pen the sides of german tier 9 heavies and literally one shot them and still consistently does good damage on non-pens, and one of them is lucky to do full damage to a medium's rear or light tank while also being much less accurate. Hmmmm.
RollClassic at least, we can easily penetrate the FV4005 V2.
If you're at tier 9 or 10 and most 8s and you press that 2 key you can pen the front of the type 5 almost guaranteed. And it's so slow that if you get close it can do nothing to keep you from killing it. Also can't trade 1:1 with most tier 10 heavies or TDs because it will almost always do 500 or less damage, while most of them can easily do over 500 with a much shorter reload time.
The only thing the type 4/type 5 are good at is to stop Russian tanks from going invincible by hiding their chassis.
RollClassic I'm not sure why you think most of the Tier 8 can pen type 5 frontally with gold.Most of them has 250-260mm penetration which will bounce at point blank, let alone a bit of distance and angle.The problem with type 5 is kinda like The KV. It murder most tanks with ease and the others struggle to hurt him unless you press the 2 key. Even that you are not really 100% atuo pen but he is 99.99% to take 600+ hp from you.
Very rarely does the type 4/5 cannon do 600+ damage to anything but lightly armored vehicles. It's usually between 300 and 600(max), and a lot of the time it's even lower, especially against vehicles like the T95/E3, or other tanks with really thick frontal armor. Meanwhile, a pretty large amount of non-premium and some premium tier 8s have over 280 pen with premium rounds, especially tank destroyers. There's also the small frontal weak spot of 260mm if you get close.
That being said, I have no problem soloing type 5s in tanks with little armor assuming I have more than the 80mm that it has pen. The Conway, for example. I can get 3 shots for every 1 of his with an average of 1200 split between the three, which I can pen the front with 100% of the time unless I get incredibly unlucky on the penetration value roll. Meanwhile, he'll hit the front of me for 400-500, if he hits my gun he'll hit me for likely 0 or maybe 100-200. I could also hide behind a wall, fence, truck, etc because HE can't go through barriers.
If you're going to compare heavy to heavy, every tier 10 heavy will get AT LEAST 2 shots for each 1 of the type 5's, and do at least 400 damage. With premium rounds, every single tier 10 heavy can pen the front, though with AP I can't name one that has over 280mm of pen, but with the +/- pen values it's still possible for all of them as far as I know if they high roll on pen. A tier 10 heavy will probably take between 200 and 500 damage if he hits a good spot, but do at least 800 damage or more in return, while being a fraction of the size, and several times more agile.
Type 4's and 5's aren't something to be scared of if you're heavily armored, the only things that should be afraid of them are tanks with light armor. But do you know who's scarier? The 183 cannons that do 1750 with 230mm of penetration and .38 accuracy, compared to 1300 average, 80mm of penetration and .48 accuracy. You know, the tank that can actually penetrate the FRONTS of a lot of heavy tanks and do 2,000 damage, literally one shot killing any tier 9 heavy in the game if it penetrates and doesn't low roll.
RollClassic Shoot at the ground below the enemy tank will do 500-600 damage easily even to a super heavy. But of coz I'm talking about the gold ammo.
Great video!!! I've only got 2x T-Xs so far and this makes it easier to choose the next line(s) to work on.
Making Russian Tanks stronger and stronger and other Nations, especially the Germans weaker and weaker. God Job Wargaming
Wargaming adds realism.
you know what i most like about you QB ? its the variety of topics and videos you do , its not always areplay of someone do 8k dmg and thats it . so keep up the good work
Regular Obj 268 is the worst tier 10 tank in the game.
Salty Steel Nope. IS-4 is much worse.
I think it's good sniper tank
I remember trolling E 75 with my Black Prince. The turret is actually really strong, angle it a bit about 20-30 degree and 240mm pen won't pen you
1:35 wtf was wrong with that shell hahaha
Dancio Kozar LOL You caught that too? St. Emil can bounce SOMETIMES...99.5% you'd get hit tho
Hi QB, enjoyed hearing your opinions on the tier 9 tank vs tier 10 for each tree. Video felt a bit rushed and I think it may have been better without showing the replay and spending the time to do more in depth comparisons, though perhaps most would find that boring.
It’s an utter...GOOOD, nice editing qb
Marijn Tv lol that sounded so weird
bruh. did he just say e100 is a good tank?
Apparently being a big, slow, easily killed sack of hitpoints with a terrible gun is a... Good thing, now??
"I dont think I'd would rather play either of them at either tier"
Yeah, but he prefaced that with "they're both great". He meant that he wouldn't prefer one over the other. Which is weird, since the E-75 is clearly the better of the two (though still badly outclassed).
E100 driver who knows what they are doing is a scary enemy.
How so? Point at tank, blow holes in tank. Repeat as necessary. Easy kills.
Much like Warships, I generally think most tier 10 tanks aren't worth the trouble. I prefer tiers 5-8.
Qb on drugs? xD
yea this was awesome. he was so woke
It's the first time in three years that he doesn't appear like a complete robot, which is good, I miss the old Quickybaby
Quarter backs should not do drugs.
You detest the high explosive mechanic? How do you feel now with the proposed changes?
E100 vs gold rounds = R.I.P. your turret and your tank :D gg
The thing also kinda sucks in ranged battles. If I cant get close I find myself just chipping away at the enemy's health little by little with HE rounds. Sometimes Ill throw in a little HEAT and if Im lucky hit their ammo rack for a one hit kill.
Nice vid Quickybaby, here is an idea for a future episode: Top 10 most power-creeped tanks.
Just waiting ilya red tell you how ru251 is awesome and rhm pwz is bad tier 10. And I agree with Ilya red
Fabulous! The Tier X Chinese TD is the last vehicle I need for the Master Tanker badge.
They are rare on battlefield and you might have explained away why they are.
i'll thumbs up for that type 4/5 banter
I remember how disappointed I was when I realized my new IS-4 was not an upgrade over the ST-1. I haven't really played it since. That was when the IS-7 was being heavily criticized for its weaknesses. How I wish now I'd gone for the IS-7 instead.
Why didn`t u answer The quistion with The SPGs? ^3^
Nicolai Vest it’s an op tank
What kind of question is that *facepalm*
Idk, I really enjoyed the 704 but the 268 not soo much.
268 was one of those 'Clan Wars Anchor' tanks back in 2013-2015, then the reload time got nerfed into a day and a half. She still hits like a mule, still has troll frontal armor and can ram. Its prime, they used to do 5 kills per Clan Wars match, not breaking a sweat. Now, you get in two shots in CW before it gets killed. That's how bad the reload is.
They arent tanks
9:50 sums it up nicely - tier 10 needs to be a complete no-upgrade to prefer it over tier 9. T9s get to be top tier so rarely, there's almost always a TX on the enemy team.
Still, if its 3-5-7, chances are you won't meet them right away.
E 100 isn’t worth it, stop to the E75
jérémie lavoie Learn to use it, i've 3marked it awesome tank
I got two mark and I still think it’s getting behind. So huge and its armor is shit because everyone spam gold to it
Senpai .
lol is4 and amx 50b say hi
e100 is far better then a lot of tier 10 heavies.
Snipera if they only teplaced it with the E90 insted. Fitts ALLOT better as an upgrade to e75
thats the thing in this game, the jump from tier 8 to tier 9 compared to tier 9 to tier 10 is massive, for example the tiger 2 vs the e75 is huge and the e75 vs the e100 is meh.
That may have a fair bit to do with the E-100 sucking balls, mind you...
I wonder why he skipped arty haha
Mališa Jevremović 9:18
You mentioned that the Leopard 1 and STB-1 are good but other places I've read to stay away from them unless you're only going up the lines to research the tanks. Does the decision to pursue those two tanks come down to preference or do they have some redeeming qualities?
T30 got better turret than E4. GG WG, more sh*t like this plase
The t110e5 was the first tier x tank I played that I was really disappointed in. Every time it gets penned it gets ammoracked. Used to carry 2 repair kits, every battle cost 25k credits.
WT auf E100
Grilles down side is that it doesnt have 360 gun rotation. The removed Waffentrager auf E 100, Rhm.-Borsig, and the Waffentrager auf Pz. IV have 360 rotation. It seems stupid to limit the traverse of the Grille.
They Type 4 and 5 take just as much skill at the S/Conqueror, and most of the other OP Tier 10 tanks you named. So, I'm calling BS o n the comments about the 4 & 5.
Except with the Type 4 and Type 5, it has all around armor unlike the S/Conqueror. You can literally go into the field and take all the hits from the entire enemy team and probably still be alive, while with any other tank (including the obj 268 v4) you'd be dead (maus is probably an exception too). Biggest problem with the Type 4 and Type 5 is the gun. Unlike the S/Conqueror, it doesn't need to penetrate to deal damage. Oh, and did I mention that premium HE rounds do more? Yeah, I wonder what other tank does that. Oh yeah, the FV4005, except that thing has 0 armor. You get a shot off, you're dead if you're not careful. Doesn't matter what you say, the FV4005 is NOT a noob friendly tank. The S/Conqueror is pretty noob friendly to learn, but it still has drawbacks that if you're not careful, you're dead. All of the other tanks that QB has mentioned in the video, the STRV 103B, Badger, S/Conqueror, FV4005, Obj 268 v4, Obj 140, Obj 430U, IS-7, E75 all have major setbacks unlike the Type5/4 heavy.
Mind you, no other tank in the game has the same characteristics as the Type 5/4. That's what makes it broken.
I'll tell ya hwat those Black Princes looked like they had loads of fun in that +2 matchmaking
WHAT? NO LOVE FOR SPGs? Come on, QB, no discrimination. Do one on SPGs, please.
What ARE you smoking? QB hates arty like the Klan hates people of color....
Why would a human being with a relatively developed brain want to play arty?
Bill Walker 9:18😊
I agree bill, without spgs, this game turns into a campfest and its boring as fuck, i end up carrying alot of my games as an arty because i can give my team the extra push they need by scaring away the enemy frontline, or taking them down entirely, spg class does need a (re)work, but the fact that all these pussies say spg is for brain dead morons because they keep getting their asses handed to them need to chill out and learn counter spg spots. btw QB doesnt hate spg hes made videos playing them extremely well, just because it aint his main doesnt mean he hates them
Love these "best of" videos. Keep doing what you're doing QB
Quicky wont use words like over powered or power creep. He's paid to make videos that make people play and pointing out mechanics designed to increase revenue is biting the hand that feeds. Economics over integrity eh Quicky?! Not mad at him. Pull the line for the company money QB. Be brutally honest about tanks like the IS4 compared to the IS7 or ANY new tank would be genuine integrity and might make his benefactors mad and though I love QB I know he doesnt have that kind of integrity.
Mat T, do yourself a favour, take the tin foil hat off and stop watching the flat earth videos so much.
Trying to reading that took way too much effort for what it's worth
OMFG FIRE ROASTEEEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get rekt
Agree with a lot of this list; I've personally kept the AMX M4 51, AMX 30 proto, T30, E50, and have both the tier IX and X Skoda/TVP. I will say that while the Tortoise feels a lot better with the armor upgrade, I do enjoy the Badger a lot as well (it's one of the only turretless TD's I enjoy playing).
One of my absolute favorite bully tanks at tier IX however would have to be the Obj 430 v II, it's side-scrape potential is just ridiculous for a medium tank.
Quickybaby, you should make a video about the top 10 best tier 10’s, if gold ammo didn’t exist! I think it would be very interesting
The video title says" top 10 tanks that are not worth it" then you go on a diatribe of what tanks you like to play. Excuse me but are you smoking your socks? Would have been easier to just list 10 tanks that are not worth it, kind of like the title huh.
Um, the title says "T10 tanks that are not worth it". T10 = Tier 10, *not* Top 10. So, yes, he is allowed to talk about the Tier 10 tanks that are worth it in his view, and the ones that are not worth it, because that's exactly what the title says. Learn to read next time, because you might just be the one smoking their socks.
U ok bro?
Never better, you?
Im sure you are,i was asking the guy that read the title wrong
Oh, sorry, the notification just comes up whenever someone replies to a comment I replied to, so hard to know when the answer is very open ended.
One OT question - quite often I see tanks that has only a partial camo. Does it mean that if use only 1/3 of the camo you still get the full benefit?
Foch > FochB. Lack of armour upgrade means at tier X you get smashed before you get get into those 2 extra rounds in most cases. Foch armour holds up in a lot more cases and the 4 rounds is more than enough to clean up.
Good video QB, but I missed some statements about the overall balance between the nation and maybe in tier 8 to tier 10 in general.
I overall dont play high tier games because sometimes i just want to chill in a game instead of having an AMX rush up to me and one shot me out of nowhere.
What's wrong with the cut at 6:23 ? You go directly fron game to "Next up france". I would like to see the China and Czechoslovakia comparison even though you mentioned them in battle.
Should I grind for the Maus or type 5? Both are heavily armored, and what line do you think is more fun?
The E-100 for me was a total disappointment, not because of the lower penetration for the 150mm that most people complain about, but how the country sized turret front is a gold ammo magnet even when angled. I was hearing the sizzle gold ammo sound effect in my dreams after I first bought that thing.
can you do an update... 2 years later things have changed for a few of these
Really useful video. Can we have a list of top 10 tanks you enjoy playing at this moment and why?
9:05 The Japanese STB-1 is "flatter and better in every regard"
Spoken like a man of culture.
Get away from me you loli loving freak
If the Obj 268 isn’t on this list I swear to god. Worst tier 10 td by miles
QB, do you have any idea what the next tank at tier 10 is going to be following the T-10? When I first started playing WoT I decided I wanted to go for the IS-7, but not knowing what's going to follow the T-10 has me questioning which tank to unlock first after the IS-3 . . . Thoughts?
I agree with the AMX 30 it was my first tier 10 but the lower mobility on the 30B made it feel so lackluster compared to the prototype
Okay, wow. I did not recognize Lakeville until I looked at the mini-map. For those still playing WoT, I'm sure it's old hat but this is my first time seeing it since 1.0. I may not be playing WoT anymore, but they definitely did a good job with the new engine.
Kind of disappointing to find out that almost all of the tier 10 tanks I have in my garage at the moment are tanks QB thinks are inferior to their tier 9 counterparts. Well, at least I am grinding to the Object 268 v4 and am close to getting the M48 Patton.
what are the worst tier 10 tanks in your opinion and what are the best tier 10 tanks in your opinion
Hello QB, I have some good suggestions for you. General strenghts of Tiers by Vehicletype: Generally Tier 6 and 8 Mediums tanks being weak for their tiers(outperformed by lights, struggles due to map design, lacking penetration/armor/hp/mobility to deal with +1/+2 MM), Tier 8 and 9 TD´s gettinG HUUUGE Hp buffs compared to their lower tiers, and therefore becoming much more competitive across the board, Tier 6 and 7 Light Tanks being really strong at the moment, Tier 6 Arty being very strong Tier for Tier (M44, FV304, Hummel, AMX 13F3, Su 8), Powercreeped German, British and US Vehicles: m103, E5, E100, E75, Churchill VII, Black Prince; Tanks that can´t perform good because they lack the necessary penetration to be competitive. Extra: Gems of the Lines aka SealClubbertanks e.g. below tier 9/10: Gw.Panther, Hetzer, Luchs/Leopard, KV1S, Rhm. Borsig, T29, T-67, m4 Sherman, Pz4H, Vk 30.00P, Chi-He, Covenanter, Cruiser II Derp.
What about economically? Can tier 9 tanks be more cost effective? Or from tier 9 to 10 isn't enough difference long term