***** that is a lie. It is more likely that those stories began in one area, and spread with commerce and migration, or that they are mystified accountings of real phenomena.
"Triple science" is a translation of the Sanskrit, 'tri-vidya'. It traditionally refers to the knowledge of sacrifice explained in the three main Vedas - Rig, Sama, and Yajur - by which cosmic gods are fed and enabled to regulate the universe. Even today although we don't sacrifice to gods, it is true that making the world better requires sacrifice.
Creation stories from the Philippines (we got lots!) are also overlooked, I guess, but I've yet to find one that involves cosmic eggs haha. One of my favorites is the Alunsina & Tungkung Langit story: "In his anger, Tungkung Langit drove his wife away. No one knew where she went. Several days later, Tungkung Langit felt very lonely. He realized that he should not have lost his temper. But it was too late. "...the sombre sight of the lonely sea and the barren land irritated him. So he came down to earth and planted the ground with trees and flowers. Then he took his wife’s treasured jewels and scattered them in the sky, hoping that when Alunsina would see them she might be induced to return home. The goddess’s necklace became the stars, her comb the moon and her crown the sun. However, despite Tungkung Langit’s efforts, Alunsina did not come back. "Until now, some elders of Panay say Tungkung Langit lives alone in his palace in the skies. Sometimes, he would cry out his pent-up emotion and his tears would fall down upon the earth. When it thunders hard, it is Tungkung Langit sobbing, calling for his beloved Alunsina to come back, entreating her so hard that his voice reverberates across the fields and the countryside." (Excerpt from The Aswang Project)
According to the legends of Sinnoh, before the universe even existed, in a place where there was nothing, an egg existed. From the egg came Arceus, who then shaped the whole world with its thousand arms. ...and now I guess I know a bit more about what inspired that. Thanks, CrashCourse!
Some say this nothingness were Unknown (Unown). With it, his thousand arms, Arceus fabricated space and time itself. And all that is left; the resemblance and their shared presence in the Hall of Origin.
Was "next time you sneeze, check the tissue; there might be a universe in there!" a _The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy_ reference? Because that's awesome.
That moment when quantum physics makes more sense and is less insane than those creation myths. Still, great series, I really like learning about this stuff. Very interesting.
Thank you to the people at Crash Course for producing this series!!! I don't have any formal training in mythology and as a result, I often miss out on mythical allusions in literature so I'm hoping this series will help!(:
I think one of my favorites that I encountered during my mythology class in college was an African myth where two humans crawled up from the mud, and hung out for a bit before looking at each other and noticing they had... different appendages. They had a conversation that basically amounted to, "hey, what are these for?" then decided to test them out and had hundreds of kids who went off and populated the rest of the earth. I wish I knew where I put the copy of it, so I could remember what tribe it came from.
This is quickly becoming my favorite CC series. The content is interesting, the script is very well written, and the narrator is great. good job guys!!👏👏
Billyharris110 :D what i meant was that in world history John was always cueing the Mongoltage, so i was wondering if Mike will always be talking to Toth
+Lily Twinklenoodle Mongols aren't an arbitrary mascot brought up each episode like Thoth so far. They consistently defy the generalities that apply to other historical societies to a degree that gets weird, which John mentioned as a reminder of the complexity in world history not mentioned in short videos.
It's remarkable how there can be so many similarities while still so many differences. It makes you wonder which myths were created "ex nihilo" and which were simply heavily mutated variants of the myths of their ancestors who traveled to the land they now inhabit. (like how the Greek gods were taken and mutated into the Roman gods.)
They were all made from the same kinds of brains and they were all passed on by the same kinds of brains. Many more myths have been concocted than survive. The ones that survive are the ones that are best at getting transmitted.
Will there be any Irish folklore?...I know there's a lot to cover, but I always feel like Irish mythology and folklore is overlooked :D Love this series
I'm reminded of the panspermia hypothesis--that life was seeded on earth by primitive microbes (or possibly just the initial building-blocks for simple RNA molecules) hiding out on comets. In that regard, Earth were as an unfertilized ovum until an impact event that set all of life on earth in motion.
Fun fact: Loki once gave birth to an eight legged foal. It's a long and complicated story but basically he had to distract a horse so he turned into a mare and the horse chased and caught him and made him have his baby. The foals name is Sleipnir. Have fun thinking about that next time you look at a picture of Tom Hiddlestin.
People of the past had a long time to think about stuff, and not a lot of empirical evidence to guide their conclusions. It truly fascinates me to see how they try to explain what they understood at the time. I believe that many of these myths were intentional metaphors and parables that the people ended up taking too seriously.
Where is Arceus is all of this!? As the Alpha Pokémon was born from a cosmic egg and with its thousand arms created the universe; time in the form of Dialga, space in the form of Palkia, and their opposite in the form of Giratina. The Original One gave knowledge with Uxie, emotion with Mesprit, and willpower with Azeif. Water came from Kyogre, earth from Groudon, and the sky from Rayquaza who controls the other two as those two struggle with each other as they restrict the other. After all of this Mew came and gave rise to both man and the rest of the Pokémon as their essence is held within the New Species Pokémon.
mrudula srivatsa That's what I was getting at. I wasn't trying to really say that they should put it on their series when there are already so many amazing mythologies out there already! However, it would be so cool if Arceus would have shown up when they did the cosmic egg graphic!!!
They're actually not even close to covering up the creation myths. If you see the comments you can find so many interesting myths other people put out. I think it would be unfair to those if arceus showed up But it would have been cool anyway
mrudula srivatsa Nah, just the graphic would have been fine, and I'm not even talking about the thought bubble, just when he says "cosmic egg" as the general category for that kind of creation myth at best.
Anthony Marcyes It's not the age of a man anywhere regardless of what the society may say. A 13 year old's body is still growing, his mind still developing.
Please, I know that there are many variations on a myth, but the Chinese one was pretty off. Here's the myth as most Chinese know it: In the beginning, there was nothing except for a giant egg, within the egg there was a sleeping giant whose name was Pan Gu(not fan gu). One day the giant suddenly woke up and tried to get out of the egg, he lashed about and found an axe within the egg and so broke the egg. The lighter and clearer things within the egg became the heaven and the darker, more dense things became the earth. But the heaven and the earth kept wanting to come back together, so with his hands to the sky and his feet on the ground, Pan Gu started separating the heaven and the earth and with each inch he grew, the heaven and the earth grew an inch apart from each other as well. Many many years later (there's is a number of years but I totally forgot) the heaven and the earth finally became fully apart and the giant collapsed and passed away from sheer exhaustion. His eyes became the moon and the sun, his muscles became the fertile soil, his blood became the rivers and the lakes and his hair became lush vegetation. (Not really sure how the animals came to be, I guess they just sorta came along) That, my friend is the most common version of the Chinese creation myth. And I don't believe that Pan Gu had horns. And the creation of human is another myth entirely. Humans did NOT come from Pan Gu's lice according to the Chinese creation myth.
The Phan Ku story is also similar to the story of Ymir, from Norse Mythology. It's kinda hard to believe places as far as China and Europe have similar myths.
I love this series so far, the only thing that's putting me off is the pronunciation of certain names/places (I'm a classics student so after reading these for years pronunciation is a bit of a bugbear of mine). Could you look up the pronunciations in their native languages? I know for example that Cythera, where Aphrodite washed up, is pronounced Kithira with a hard C as there were no soft C's in Ancient Greek or Latin.
Native pronunciation would be awesome, can be hard when that includes sounds the host simply can't make with his mouth. I feel they try but the more accurate the better!
dynasayus it's just a suggestion , why not doing a collaboration with them on this issue by helping them with the pronunciation if they didn't already finished shooting the course ?
> If it cannot break its egg's shells, a chick will die without being born. We are the chick, the world is our egg. If we don't crack the world's shell, we will die without being born. Smash the world's shell! For the revolution of the world! Great episode and I think Mike would be someone who gets the reference. The idea of the world being created from an egg is very influential still in story-telling and while creation myths often focus on the origins of our existence, a similar theme can be find in works like Hesse's Demian and Ikuhara's Utena. The current world, represented by an egg, is a repressive world-order that is unbearable (kind of like chaos) and the rebirth or revolution of the world can only be done by breaking said egg.
This would have been a good episode to feature the Pokemon creation myth. Arceus was born from an egg and then created the many legendaries and the world.
I really love the stories and how they were told but some more background information about the cultures and times that they come from would be very useful. Also maybe name captions in the thought-bubble? A lot of theses names of places people and story characters are hard to understand and it would be easier to look them up and do more research if we had the names spelled out for us.
Do you have plans to talk about the Kalevala? Finnish mythological text collected by Elias Lönnrot, it has a similar origin story with water, an egg, a woman that is the ocean and in the ocean and it's very confusing. She's also pregnant with Väinämöinen, who is already old and wise in her belly and comes to the world fully grown and in want of a wife. I love this mythology so much, I wish more people knew about it!
The first time I tried to watch this the video ran for eight seconds and then my browser froze up. WHAT WILL YOU BE TALKING ABOUT THIS WEEK, MIKE?! WHAT?!
there's another version to the Chinese myth which I was told when I was small: Pangu (which Mike pronounced as Fanku) was in an egg that was supposedly in the middle of this chaos he had a axe and he broke out of the egg the heavier/denser material from the egg became the earth the lighter material became the sky Pangu was really tall so his head was touching the sky and his feet was touching the earth (here you can imagine it as a solution of oil and water, and Pangu was in between) because of that he was suppose to keep the sky and earth apart from each other so they don't make chaos again like in the beginning he grew taller, and the sky and earth became more apart eventually Pangu got tired and died his left eye became the sun his right eye became the moon his hair became the stars his breath became the wind his voice became the thunder his muscles/body became the mountains his bones became the ores underground and his blood became the rivers and the ocean
"Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. Who then knows whence it has arisen?" RV, 10:129-6 Hinduism (Nasadiya Sukta)
I wish this series was structured in that each episode looked into a specific mythology, or maybe 2 episodes for more detailed mythologies. One episode for greek, then norse, native american, Bantu, Hindu, so and so forth.
Anorak I could not agree more. This is such a poorly structured series unlike the other ones, particularly U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government and Politics, and Astronomy.
+Anorak They're creating a basis for people who don't already know anything about myths (or only know little), to be able to understand what myths are and how to understand them.
From what I've recently learned from a few books I've, Pan Gu (the Chinese myth) didn't necessarily create humanity in any way. There is a a secondary character named Nu wa, a half snake/dragon woman who sculpted from humanity from mud; the nobles were those created purposefully and the peasants and lower class people emerged from the mud droplets left over. This is one of the more often appearing and more appealing versions for me regarding Nu wa, but it is important to note that there is many discrepancies between the specifics of the myths between cultures and retellings due to the lack of a structured Chinese mythos, but it certainly seems hazardous to assume that the thought bubble relayed the myth word for word without cautioning these discrepancies. On that note, there are also some discrepancies from what I've read about Pan Gu. The main thing I find is that he found the chaotic primordial soup/water to be boring* so he took an ax and ripped the sky apart and held and stretched this rift, forming the heaven and earth. My understanding as well was that his body when he decayed became the mountains, etc. The parts about the duality and his decay into other things seems relatively bueno from my readings, though I certainly think the yin-yang philosophy could have been better fleshed out because I always see people getting it generally incorrect from what I understand (I have a much greater understanding of the dialectic than I do the mythos for sure, though this might not be the place for that understanding). I'm also not big fan of a narrative that aims to find underlying commonalities between extremely diverse creation myths, but I appreciate the effort.
Mazaroth you honestly don't think it sounds a little weird that the universe just... Happened? Like, just sitting there in purgatory then blam the universe. To me personally that sounds like lazy science. I don't know which, but I think some sort of God is the source of all this, but that's just my opinion and I'll respect yiurs.
Bob Bob the universe was in a singularity, and then it rapidly expanded as far as we know, we have evidence that the universe was in a singular point from where it expanded. If you are just trolling or cannot comprehend what the evidence tells you, then i feel sorry for you.
Bob Bob Universe is observably expanding, meaning it used to be in same spot and it expanded. That's all Big Bang really says, doesn't tell you why, science can't do that
Indian & Iranian myths are bundled together like 2 sides. Mainly because they have the same Indo-European origin. When those people moved from the steppes down south they split into two namely the Iranians & Indo-Aryans. Their religions & myths are similar. The good & bad for Indians were Deva & Ashura respectively. while good & bad for Iranians were Ahura & Deva respectively. Exact opposite of each other, maybe becuz both of them got into rivalry and thus split into 2 groups occupying Iran & India.
I've also been wondering since the beginning if it was going to get to Homestuck; the first episode mentioned dealing later in the series with more modern myths, and Homestuck is, in Hussie's words, "a creation myth about kids in houses," and it fits well the elements covered (the Furthest Ring as the void/chaos containing all opposites, and the Genesis tadpole as seed and Skaia as the egg to create the Genesis Frog that will contain the universe (also the Matriorb as a secondary important egg). And, in a practical sense, we know Mike knows Homestuck.
"many different aspects" "active and passive" "male and female" "light and dark" u could also say that *the tumor* is a representation of yin-yang but yes, homestuck indeed
I hate it when I'm hungover and vomiting a moon.
Well, then you shouldn't have eating seven of them.
"I fulfilled all my desires when I was alone"
story of my life
Same HA HA HA… now I'm sad
Funny how Scandinavia and China can be so far apart, yet we both agree that some dude's skull became the heaven.
ArachCobra Skulls for the Skull Throne?
ArachCobra magic
ArachCobra It's a good analogy.
indeed yet no mention, wonder why...
***** that is a lie. It is more likely that those stories began in one area, and spread with commerce and migration, or that they are mystified accountings of real phenomena.
"Triple science" is a translation of the Sanskrit, 'tri-vidya'. It traditionally refers to the knowledge of sacrifice explained in the three main Vedas - Rig, Sama, and Yajur - by which cosmic gods are fed and enabled to regulate the universe. Even today although we don't sacrifice to gods, it is true that making the world better requires sacrifice.
Creation stories from the Philippines (we got lots!) are also overlooked, I guess, but I've yet to find one that involves cosmic eggs haha. One of my favorites is the Alunsina & Tungkung Langit story:
"In his anger, Tungkung Langit drove his wife away. No one knew where she went. Several days later, Tungkung Langit felt very lonely. He realized that he should not have lost his temper. But it was too late.
"...the sombre sight of the lonely sea and the barren land irritated him. So he came down to earth and planted the ground with trees and flowers. Then he took his wife’s treasured jewels and scattered them in the sky, hoping that when Alunsina would see them she might be induced to return home. The goddess’s necklace became the stars, her comb the moon and her crown the sun. However, despite Tungkung Langit’s efforts, Alunsina did not come back.
"Until now, some elders of Panay say Tungkung Langit lives alone in his palace in the skies. Sometimes, he would cry out his pent-up emotion and his tears would fall down upon the earth. When it thunders hard, it is Tungkung Langit sobbing, calling for his beloved Alunsina to come back, entreating her so hard that his voice reverberates across the fields and the countryside."
(Excerpt from The Aswang Project)
So the egg came before the chicken
Disappointed Turtle well, it did. There were egg laying animals way before chickens showed up.
Are you still disappointed?
Jon De Oliveira dude, I'm a palaeontology-student. You don't have to tell me that xD
TJM why?
An egg cannot come before a chicken that's logically impossible
Man these should be longer. :) There is so much complexity to these Myths. You could literally have an entire series for each culture. :)
Guys give Mike a + for being such a great host!
Joseph Willingham +
Joseph Willingham +
"were all adults"
me: *14 years old* oh this is gonna be good
According to the legends of Sinnoh, before the universe even existed, in a place where there was nothing, an egg existed. From the egg came Arceus, who then shaped the whole world with its thousand arms.
...and now I guess I know a bit more about what inspired that. Thanks, CrashCourse!
shingshongshamalama Then he created giratine genesect and all legendaries
And Arceus pumped his fist, and spat out Dialga, Palkia and Giratina... who all cried out, "Dad, stop masturbating!"
Some say this nothingness were Unknown (Unown). With it, his thousand arms, Arceus fabricated space and time itself. And all that is left; the resemblance and their shared presence in the Hall of Origin.
I was looking for a comment mentioning arceus and here it is xD
That Chinese one gave me chills, remembering my college Intro to Mythology class, the Norse creation myth with Ymir is almost identical.
"We're all adults here." 16 sixteen year old me going like "Yeah, sure..."
0:18 I'm a mature and educated adult, I can handle this video and topic.
1:07 He said "seed" huehuehue huh heh heheh huheh huehuehue
Was "next time you sneeze, check the tissue; there might be a universe in there!" a _The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy_ reference? Because that's awesome.
1:22 "I fufilled all my desires when I was alone" Me too, man.
I love Hank and John but neither of them ever gave me "It's a banner day for bodily fluids"; that's going in my daily vernacular.
so glad crash course is doing a series on mythology, ive always loved myths and have read as many as I could get my hands on
“We’re all adults we can handle this.” **moves away farther because I am a kid**
That moment when quantum physics makes more sense and is less insane than those creation myths.
Still, great series, I really like learning about this stuff. Very interesting.
akrybion Same. It shows the creativity of the human imagination.
I mean, that's probably because quantum mechanics is... you know... accurate. *Cough*
+IceMetalPunk I'd say it can be uncertain at times.
+IceMetalPunk Accuracy doesn't imply sense.
The determination I had at 0:18 went out the window in between 0:40 to 0:43 and I giggled all the way forth
Thank you to the people at Crash Course for producing this series!!! I don't have any formal training in mythology and as a result, I often miss out on mythical allusions in literature so I'm hoping this series will help!(:
I think one of my favorites that I encountered during my mythology class in college was an African myth where two humans crawled up from the mud, and hung out for a bit before looking at each other and noticing they had... different appendages. They had a conversation that basically amounted to, "hey, what are these for?" then decided to test them out and had hundreds of kids who went off and populated the rest of the earth. I wish I knew where I put the copy of it, so I could remember what tribe it came from.
This is quickly becoming my favorite CC series. The content is interesting, the script is very well written, and the narrator is great. good job guys!!👏👏
man, watching someone nerd out about mythology for 12 minutes is such a good way to start your day
so will Toth be mythology's Mongol?
Nobody can replace the mongols!
...except for the Mongols
Billyharris110 :D what i meant was that in world history John was always cueing the Mongoltage, so i was wondering if Mike will always be talking to Toth
+Lily Twinklenoodle Mongols aren't an arbitrary mascot brought up each episode like Thoth so
far. They consistently defy the generalities that apply to other historical societies to a degree that gets weird, which John mentioned as a reminder of the complexity in world history not mentioned in short videos.
TheGroovyJones ok that makes sense
I've always found mythology to be absolutely fascinating, so this CC is perfect, I adore this series!
It's remarkable how there can be so many similarities while still so many differences. It makes you wonder which myths were created "ex nihilo" and which were simply heavily mutated variants of the myths of their ancestors who traveled to the land they now inhabit. (like how the Greek gods were taken and mutated into the Roman gods.)
They were all made from the same kinds of brains and they were all passed on by the same kinds of brains. Many more myths have been concocted than survive. The ones that survive are the ones that are best at getting transmitted.
Will there be any Irish folklore?...I know there's a lot to cover, but I always feel like Irish mythology and folklore is overlooked :D
Love this series
Same with the slavic myths.
Rebekah Phillips: "The world is bubble in the great whisky barrel of life."
Yeah the little bits I've heard of sound real cool
In the beginning there was Guinness, and it was good.
Rebekah Phillips the son of light?
I liked the Hitch-hiker's guide to the universe reference at the end.
The bodily fluid stuff reminds me of the Great Green Arkleseizure from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Brian Emerson I had the same thought, especially after the mention of sneezing at the end of the episode!
Mike your such a nice guy! You remind me of the really kind teacher who cares for his students and teaches them well!
Loved the sneaky reference to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy at the end.
I'm not an adult. I'm a kid and I just saw this in the subscription tab. I actually subscribed CrashCourse.
I love the mythology map that's being created in the background
the thing that i love about this. These phrases that he is quoting were human created, very beautiful ancient poetry.
I'm reminded of the panspermia hypothesis--that life was seeded on earth by primitive microbes (or possibly just the initial building-blocks for simple RNA molecules) hiding out on comets. In that regard, Earth were as an unfertilized ovum until an impact event that set all of life on earth in motion.
These episodes aren't long enough. None of the Crash Course episodes are long enough. God I'm addicted.
6:26 There isn't never enough science until you have triple science.
Fun fact: Loki once gave birth to an eight legged foal. It's a long and complicated story but basically he had to distract a horse so he turned into a mare and the horse chased and caught him and made him have his baby. The foals name is Sleipnir. Have fun thinking about that next time you look at a picture of Tom Hiddlestin.
I wonder if there will ever be an episode where he doesn't mention Thoth.
Orion Thoth knows all, just ask him.
Orion he is trying to make it his version of chomchom
nothing compared to Stan
and why does he pronounce it as "toe" instead of "thoth" /θ̠ɔθ̠/?
he has the most OP ult which can do 1000+ at just 3 items built
People of the past had a long time to think about stuff, and not a lot of empirical evidence to guide their conclusions. It truly fascinates me to see how they try to explain what they understood at the time. I believe that many of these myths were intentional metaphors and parables that the people ended up taking too seriously.
Where is Arceus is all of this!? As the Alpha Pokémon was born from a cosmic egg and with its thousand arms created the universe; time in the form of Dialga, space in the form of Palkia, and their opposite in the form of Giratina. The Original One gave knowledge with Uxie, emotion with Mesprit, and willpower with Azeif. Water came from Kyogre, earth from Groudon, and the sky from Rayquaza who controls the other two as those two struggle with each other as they restrict the other. After all of this Mew came and gave rise to both man and the rest of the Pokémon as their essence is held within the New Species Pokémon.
That myth was inspired by these creation myths.
mrudula srivatsa
That's what I was getting at. I wasn't trying to really say that they should put it on their series when there are already so many amazing mythologies out there already! However, it would be so cool if Arceus would have shown up when they did the cosmic egg graphic!!!
They're actually not even close to covering up the creation myths. If you see the comments you can find so many interesting myths other people put out. I think it would be unfair to those if arceus showed up
But it would have been cool anyway
mrudula srivatsa
Nah, just the graphic would have been fine, and I'm not even talking about the thought bubble, just when he says "cosmic egg" as the general category for that kind of creation myth at best.
I'm loving this series. It is cool to learn about more than just the Greek and Roman myths.
You say were all adults, but I'm only 13. Lol
"They're", not "there".
Yeah, I thought that was weird too. Cover your ears, child!
That's the age of a man in most places that white people don't run.
Anthony Marcyes It's not the age of a man anywhere regardless of what the society may say. A 13 year old's body is still growing, his mind still developing.
Phesheya Bhembe A 23 year old's mind is still developing. They're still men
So far I rate this series a 7.8/10.
Lovin this series so far but I need some Celtic mythology in here too
Loving this series so far. Keep it up!
Please, I know that there are many variations on a myth, but the Chinese one was pretty off. Here's the myth as most Chinese know it:
In the beginning, there was nothing except for a giant egg, within the egg there was a sleeping giant whose name was Pan Gu(not fan gu). One day the giant suddenly woke up and tried to get out of the egg, he lashed about and found an axe within the egg and so broke the egg. The lighter and clearer things within the egg became the heaven and the darker, more dense things became the earth. But the heaven and the earth kept wanting to come back together, so with his hands to the sky and his feet on the ground, Pan Gu started separating the heaven and the earth and with each inch he grew, the heaven and the earth grew an inch apart from each other as well. Many many years later (there's is a number of years but I totally forgot) the heaven and the earth finally became fully apart and the giant collapsed and passed away from sheer exhaustion. His eyes became the moon and the sun, his muscles became the fertile soil, his blood became the rivers and the lakes and his hair became lush vegetation. (Not really sure how the animals came to be, I guess they just sorta came along)
That, my friend is the most common version of the Chinese creation myth. And I don't believe that Pan Gu had horns. And the creation of human is another myth entirely. Humans did NOT come from Pan Gu's lice according to the Chinese creation myth.
the number of year is 18000, the number of a 會(Hui)
Athena Li Thank you. That was very informative and interesting.
thanks for sharing.
this series is fascinating. I'm entertained by your interactions with Thoth.
"We're all adults"
Dude I'm like 12
crash course is my favorite UA-cam channel. and this is my favorite part of the channel alongside history and philosophy that is.
0:20 I'm not an adult...wait, I am, just don't feel like one
This is the coolest crash course
The Phan Ku story is also similar to the story of Ymir, from Norse Mythology. It's kinda hard to believe places as far as China and Europe have similar myths.
mike is one of my favorite people on the interwebs.
the guy at 5:19 is doing a spit take lol
I'm sorry, Mike, I can't not have the mind of a 12 year old right now.
-"Rubbed with his fist" -_-giggle-_
I love this series 😍
Really loving this new series
I love this series so far, the only thing that's putting me off is the pronunciation of certain names/places (I'm a classics student so after reading these for years pronunciation is a bit of a bugbear of mine). Could you look up the pronunciations in their native languages? I know for example that Cythera, where Aphrodite washed up, is pronounced Kithira with a hard C as there were no soft C's in Ancient Greek or Latin.
Native pronunciation would be awesome, can be hard when that includes sounds the host simply can't make with his mouth. I feel they try but the more accurate the better!
dynasayus it's just a suggestion , why not doing a collaboration with them on this issue by helping them with the pronunciation if they didn't already finished shooting the course ?
If you haven't noticed, old Latin and Greek names are kinda raped in English.
"Ow, it is supposed to end with -us? Don't care"
A3jose348sf I'd rather be compared to Augustus Caesar seeing as he wasn't stabbed 23 times but whatever floats your boat
and if you want me to get even more pedantic, his actual Latin name was "Iulius" with an i, not a j :^)
> If it cannot break its egg's shells, a chick will die without being born. We are the chick, the world is our egg. If we don't crack the world's shell, we will die without being born. Smash the world's shell! For the revolution of the world!
Great episode and I think Mike would be someone who gets the reference. The idea of the world being created from an egg is very influential still in story-telling and while creation myths often focus on the origins of our existence, a similar theme can be find in works like Hesse's Demian and Ikuhara's Utena. The current world, represented by an egg, is a repressive world-order that is unbearable (kind of like chaos) and the rebirth or revolution of the world can only be done by breaking said egg.
More Thought Cafe!
More Thought Cafe!
Man, those breakfast jokes were out of this world.
This would have been a good episode to feature the Pokemon creation myth. Arceus was born from an egg and then created the many legendaries and the world.
This video needs to be added the Crash Course mythology playlist!
I wish these came out daily
I know it's not possible but I'd like to binge watch this :/
I love the idea of the P'an Ku's arms and legs becoming the four directions. It's a great image, and not one I've heard a variant of before
I hope Philippine creation mythologies will be tackled
Mark Javier me too
Mark Javier
Please I want to hear more about "Kaptan"!
I now have another reason to look forward to the weekend :D
This and last week tonight are my main two reasons I'm happy for time to pass
Can we have a crash course biochemistry please!
"And next time you sneeze, check the tissue. There might be a universe in there."
Sweet, sweet, hitchhikers reference.
" We're all adults" yes I'm a adult don't look at me like that
I love how crash course always seems to be on trending.
I really love the stories and how they were told but some more background information about the cultures and times that they come from would be very useful. Also maybe name captions in the thought-bubble? A lot of theses names of places people and story characters are hard to understand and it would be easier to look them up and do more research if we had the names spelled out for us.
You're right. They should put their sourced=s in the description or something
Miiiiiiiike! Yes! Great choice for the host of this Crash Course!
They're not always STRAIGHTforward or BIolgogically possible, but you're sure to have a gay old time reading them.
40k takes so many references from mythology that i am grinning all long the videos
Do you have plans to talk about the Kalevala?
Finnish mythological text collected by Elias Lönnrot, it has a similar origin story with water, an egg, a woman that is the ocean and in the ocean and it's very confusing. She's also pregnant with Väinämöinen, who is already old and wise in her belly and comes to the world fully grown and in want of a wife.
I love this mythology so much, I wish more people knew about it!
You and a lot of other people in the comments
The first time I tried to watch this the video ran for eight seconds and then my browser froze up.
there's another version to the Chinese myth which I was told when I was small:
Pangu (which Mike pronounced as Fanku) was in an egg that was supposedly in the middle of this chaos
he had a axe and he broke out of the egg
the heavier/denser material from the egg became the earth
the lighter material became the sky
Pangu was really tall
so his head was touching the sky
and his feet was touching the earth
(here you can imagine it as a solution of oil and water, and Pangu was in between)
because of that
he was suppose to keep the sky and earth apart from each other so they don't make chaos again like in the beginning
he grew taller, and the sky and earth became more apart
eventually Pangu got tired and died
his left eye became the sun
his right eye became the moon
his hair became the stars
his breath became the wind
his voice became the thunder
his muscles/body became the mountains
his bones became the ores underground
and his blood became the rivers and the ocean
i love this series! 😍😍😍
"Who really knows?
Who will here proclaim it?
Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation?
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen?"
RV, 10:129-6 Hinduism (Nasadiya Sukta)
Best series since CC History i tell u !!
No mention of Ilmatar in an episode about cosmic eggs...a bit sad. Still a great video though.
Väldigt synd
Any idea why I know about her under the name of Luonnotar ?
Found ! Ilma is air and Luonno is nature, isn't it ?
Hi, I'm Summerwind! Why is Danny speaking Swedish?
Suvi-Tuuli Allan : I am "tipsy" right now, could not think of the English.
It is interesting to remember that at the begining the big bang theory was called "cosmic egg theory" (Lemaitre called that way).
I wish this series was structured in that each episode looked into a specific mythology, or maybe 2 episodes for more detailed mythologies. One episode for greek, then norse, native american, Bantu, Hindu, so and so forth.
I could not agree more. This is such a poorly structured series unlike the other ones, particularly U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government and Politics, and Astronomy.
He said in the first episode once they're done with creation myths they're going to focus on pantheons and then on heroes after that.
jeremy miller why even look at creation myths in isolation?
They cover how everything else came to be.
+Anorak They're creating a basis for people who don't already know anything about myths (or only know little), to be able to understand what myths are and how to understand them.
This is a great series!
I like this series. I would be fine with fewer jokes.
From what I've recently learned from a few books I've, Pan Gu (the Chinese myth) didn't necessarily create humanity in any way. There is a a secondary character named Nu wa, a half snake/dragon woman who sculpted from humanity from mud; the nobles were those created purposefully and the peasants and lower class people emerged from the mud droplets left over. This is one of the more often appearing and more appealing versions for me regarding Nu wa, but it is important to note that there is many discrepancies between the specifics of the myths between cultures and retellings due to the lack of a structured Chinese mythos, but it certainly seems hazardous to assume that the thought bubble relayed the myth word for word without cautioning these discrepancies.
On that note, there are also some discrepancies from what I've read about Pan Gu. The main thing I find is that he found the chaotic primordial soup/water to be boring* so he took an ax and ripped the sky apart and held and stretched this rift, forming the heaven and earth. My understanding as well was that his body when he decayed became the mountains, etc. The parts about the duality and his decay into other things seems relatively bueno from my readings, though I certainly think the yin-yang philosophy could have been better fleshed out because I always see people getting it generally incorrect from what I understand (I have a much greater understanding of the dialectic than I do the mythos for sure, though this might not be the place for that understanding).
I'm also not big fan of a narrative that aims to find underlying commonalities between extremely diverse creation myths, but I appreciate the effort.
don't forget Australian dream time
Lmao Martymer reference?
Really enjoying the series so far, and ThoughtCafe's animations are adorable as always!
I wonder if Seshat will ever pop in with Thoth?
What about the other creation myths, like christianity, islam, judaism, buddhism, hinduism etc?
Oh that thing that has mountains of scientific proof confirming that it is the best depiction about the reality how life advanced on this planet?
Mazaroth honestly the big bang is just as far fetched as any religions' creation story
Mazaroth you honestly don't think it sounds a little weird that the universe just... Happened? Like, just sitting there in purgatory then blam the universe. To me personally that sounds like lazy science. I don't know which, but I think some sort of God is the source of all this, but that's just my opinion and I'll respect yiurs.
Bob Bob the universe was in a singularity, and then it rapidly expanded as far as we know, we have evidence that the universe was in a singular point from where it expanded.
If you are just trolling or cannot comprehend what the evidence tells you, then i feel sorry for you.
Bob Bob Universe is observably expanding, meaning it used to be in same spot and it expanded. That's all Big Bang really says, doesn't tell you why, science can't do that
Mike is so perfect for this series.
The only problem I see with this show is that we're probably missing so much in the translations
yup. I only know about indian myths(and a few greek) but that was definitely not an amazing translation.
Indian & Iranian myths are bundled together like 2 sides. Mainly because they have the same Indo-European origin. When those people moved from the steppes down south they split into two namely the Iranians & Indo-Aryans. Their religions & myths are similar.
The good & bad for Indians were Deva & Ashura respectively.
while good & bad for Iranians were Ahura & Deva respectively.
Exact opposite of each other, maybe becuz both of them got into rivalry and thus split into 2 groups occupying Iran & India.
Wrong, Iranians are a different race and Europeans too are a mixture of many races
Loving this series so far!
My creation belief is that we are in a comic made by a dude who tased a game store employee and got cucked by a pickle
DragonSlapper64 this one seems like the most likely.
this is absolutely beautiful
Mmm, this is Mike talking about Creation myths. One has to wonder if there will be Homestuck reference somewhere in there.
The universe is a frog created by eight memelords while fighting a buff gremlin in space.
I've also been wondering since the beginning if it was going to get to Homestuck; the first episode mentioned dealing later in the series with more modern myths, and Homestuck is, in Hussie's words, "a creation myth about kids in houses," and it fits well the elements covered (the Furthest Ring as the void/chaos containing all opposites, and the Genesis tadpole as seed and Skaia as the egg to create the Genesis Frog that will contain the universe (also the Matriorb as a secondary important egg).
And, in a practical sense, we know Mike knows Homestuck.
That was my motivation for that post^^
Yes, please!
"many different aspects" "active and passive" "male and female" "light and dark"
u could also say that *the tumor* is a representation of yin-yang
but yes, homestuck indeed
My English teacher hates these videos and John Green but still show them in class.