Il Mistero Medjugorje - ITALIANI ALL'ESTERO TV

  • Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
  • "Il mistero Medjugorje, là dove il cielo è più vicino alla Terra", tratto dal libro-reportage di Gianfranco Angelucci. I fratelli Francesco e Marco Dardari con Andrea Masoni, hanno pensato di plasmare l'esperienza di un pellegrinaggio ad un documentario che vuole testimoniare la grande forza di Medjugorje e la potenza della conversione. Un viaggio che ha inizio nella Romagna, dove la presenza di fedeli mariani è notevole, e che attraversando le catene montuose della ex-Jugoslavia si conclude nel cuore della Bosnia, in quel luogo chiamato Medjugorje -- nome composto derivato da medju-gorje , "tra i monti". Con lunga esperienza nel mondo dei documentari e delle realizzazioni cinematografiche, Masoni e i Dardari hanno voluto sottolineare l'aspetto spirituale di un'esperienza vissuta con scetticismo di un pellegrino qualunque. Seguendo, quindi, le orme di un pullman di pellegrini con partenza da Rimini ci si immerge in un'atmosfera quasi surreale, nella quale intervengono personaggi importanti nella storia di Medjugorje fra i quali la veggente Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo e Padre Peter Ljubicic, il prete francescano prescelto da Mirjana che rivelerà al mondo intero i dieci segreti che segneranno la fine delle apparizioni.
    Interpretato da Giorgio Careccia, il film è stato girato in HD con l'ausilio di una Steadicam e montato in 10 giorni dalla Dardari Multimedia (


  • @teresaiori1260
    @teresaiori1260 5 місяців тому +1

    4:14 non ho parole 4:23

  • @jadrankahuljev257
    @jadrankahuljev257 9 років тому +2

    Bellissimo. Grazie.

  • @dossenasantino3129
    @dossenasantino3129 6 років тому +1

    Gli alberghi e le società di viaggi dei veggenti
    Uno di loro, Ivan Dragičević, si è trasferito negli USA e ora vive con la moglie - ex Miss Massachusset - nei sobborghi di Boston in una casa con piscina che pare abbia un valore di un milione di dollari. Ivan e la moglie Laureen però non vivono tutto l’anno negli States, per alcuni mesi soggiornano a Medjugorje dove il veggente continua a svolgere la sua attività di tour operator delle apparizioni della Madonna: Ivan infatti aveva messo su un’agenzia che offriva pacchetti “tutto compreso” per assistere (si fa per dire) alle apparizioni. Del resto i veggenti sono molto fortunati perché per vedere la Madonna non devono per forza stare a Medjugorje: le visioni le possono avere ovunque e questo consente loro di fare dei tour delle apparizioni per “portare” la Madonna nel Mondo. Pare ad esempio che Ivan abbia chiesto alla madre di Cristo di non apparirgli durante il volo intercontinentale “per non spaventare i passeggeri” e la Madonna - molto graziosamente - ha acconsentito. Paolo Brosio, che ieri era presente in studio da Corrado Formigli, ha difeso il modello di business perché in fondo se ci sono così tanti pellegrini desiderosi di vivere un’esperienza di fede qualcuno dovrà pur provvedere a dare loro un tetto, qualcosa da mangiare e altri generi di conforto kitsch.

  • @1IMaxI1
    @1IMaxI1 10 років тому

    10:20...e senza neanche beccare i banditi per la strada!!...MIRACOLO!! :D

  • @Giancarlo.Conti76
    @Giancarlo.Conti76 10 років тому +3

    Non intendo soffermarmi sulle varie apparizioni di Medjugorje, ma sul delicato discorso "esistenza di Dio"e infatti invito a leggere gli articoli e i libri del professore e scienziato Antonino Zicchicchi. Ovviamente non esiste solo lui come "scienziato credente" ma sarebbe interessante (partendo proprio da lui) verificare con i fatti e le prove i limiti e le "non risposte" di certo razionalismo del passato, che odora solo di ideologia marxista o materialista. :-)

  • @1IMaxI1
    @1IMaxI1 10 років тому +1

    3:02...sì!! per Dio!!...invece è proprio questo "l'essenziale!!"...e parla per te! per Dio!! perchè ognuno di noi è diverso!!...infatti, ci sono molti che, giustamente, per credere "devono vedere!!"...Poi, se tu riesci a credere senza vedere, buon per te! per Dio!! vede che una mattina hai aperto la finestra e hai visto passare Dio che volava tra gli alberi come un usignolo!! e l'hai preso al volo con un retino per farfalle!!, per Dio!!...non parlare come se parlasi a nome di tutta quanta la fottuta Specie Umana!!...tnks!! :)

  • @jeronimo803
    @jeronimo803 10 років тому +1

    io sto chiedendo da otto mesi ca. una grazia .. o meglio un ultima possibilita' per la mia vita ...e ho pregato con tutto il cuore e l'anima .... non vedo nessun esito positivo per me ... ma aspetto... manca un mese ancora. diciamo che adesso sto iniziando ad aver fede alla natura di questo pianeta . e non piu' a cose o eventi di visioni che sinceramente non ho mai visto con i miei occhi. e finche non vedo non credo piu'.

  • @salvatorepatane8550
    @salvatorepatane8550 5 років тому +2

    Io a queste apparizioni non ci credo.

  • @1IMaxI1
    @1IMaxI1 10 років тому +2

    8:48...a questo punto io mi sarei gettato fuori dal finestrino cercando di beccare 'na quercia! :)...odio la "catarsi collettiva", "snocciolare il rosario" e minchiate del genere! :)

  • @mericastronuovo236
    @mericastronuovo236 2 роки тому +2

    Non commento e meglio

  • @juve8074
    @juve8074 10 років тому

    io ci andrei con la maglia dei Dark Funeral ! :D

  • @elainevassell7407
    @elainevassell7407 9 років тому

    Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. This is the Final Tribulation Period. It is a tribulation for all those who remain faithful, for they only see the full impact these false gospels have on those that will be cast into Hell. Revelation 16:14. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Revelation 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. Matthew 7:14. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:15. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 2 Corinthians 11:14. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

  • @azzu9048
    @azzu9048 6 років тому

    Grazie medjugorje ti salva la vita viva i veggenti......

  • @1IMaxI1
    @1IMaxI1 10 років тому +1

    09:04...dieci euri prego!! :D

  • @novic19881
    @novic19881 10 років тому

    #BELIEVE #God and not man/ #1Timothy 6;3-8 If any man teach otherwise,and does not consent to sound words of Jesus Christ is just bloated and nothing knows no truth and think that godliness is a means of gain/ #Hosea 4;6 perished my people because there is knowledge,which you reject knowledge,i'll drop you/ #REVELATION 15;4 Who will not fear you,O Lord,and glorify,NAME, your[JESUS CHRIST],because you,you the only World,[Jesus says dug wells themselves muddy water,and I offered them the living water]// #Ephesians 6,11-18 Put on in the armor of God,so that you can resist cunning fallen angels.Jer we do not have to fight against flesh and blood,but against principalities,authorities darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in heaven.TAKE armor of God so that they could be held in the evil day.,having girded your loins #1TRUTH. #2 put on the breastplate JUSTICE. #3 footwear Take a zeal that gives the Gospel TRUCE. #4 shield of faith. #5 helmet of salvation. #6 Sword of the Spirit which is the word GOD. #7 and heavy artillery, prayers. #Jesus reveals the truth of the Bible,leads to spiritual FIGHT.JESUS CHRIST [ #REVEL 4;11] and his followers [OTK.14, 12] against the opponents of the fallen angels and his followers[ #REVEL 12;3 #REVEL 13;1-9. #REVEL 19;20]. Trinity of heaven [Matt 28;19],against Trinity earth [#REVEL 16;13].Truth against lies [ #John 14;6].JESUS Sciences [ #JOHN 8;31] science against the fallen angels[ #REVEL 17;3-].Ruler of the universe against the emperor of the world [the spiritual king, fallen angel].every car has its own law,whose laws respect me,you're a follower of his,and expect salvation from him.every law has a seal,a sign[mark] authority,in this case it is DAY.SATURDAY the seal[mark] of GOD.No connoisseur Many Bible [ #REVEL 13;8] will say it's heresy,but it is our true Jesus Christ,Let him eternal GLORY.JESUS says Go ye into all the world and speak the truth,half the truth,do not lie [ #2JOHN 1;9-11]\ #1KING 18;21 Till what time will limp on both sides,if the Lord is God follow him,and if the BABYLON go after him.[Babylonians believed in the sun god,called him a wave,Egyptians RA,apololon Greeks,Indians Krishna, Persians Mitra,Majance Quetzalcoatl,and everyone celebrated December 25, day the sun god]/no text in the New Testament,where it is said that,the eternal,the law of God Act repealed 10,Paul tells us that we will not be destroyed as required by law if we stumble[the soul that sins,it shall die],but it should be kept because it is the criterion of the court and the character of Jesus and a sign to serve the king of the universe of the Creator.[ #REVEL 11;19]/the beauty of true Christianity is a voluntary obedience/ #Revel 14;12 that the patience of the saints, who keep the commandments of God [eternal law] and the faith of Jesus,[not only faith in Jesus]/ #Saturday as,SIGN,the authority of our God Jesus Christ is given even in Eden Adam and Eve who were not Jews,no matter how No connoisseur hate the Bible and called sectors,it will last until the last day and will continue in heaven [ #Isaiah 66;22-23].GLORY the Lord and his holy character Saturdays/ #JOHN 17;17 sanctify them in the truth,your word is truth/ #1John 5;1-5 for this is the love of God,that we keep his commandments,and his commandments are not grievous/ #JESUS said,some of you shall betray me[in #REVEL 13;8 eight said it was a large majority]/ #SEAL is the same as the sign or TRADEMARKS. #GOD Jesus Christ says; #1MOSES 2;3 God bless the 7 day and hallowed it [God has ordained that the seven day Saturday holy day of God,not people,No connoisseur CHRIST science say who celebrate the Sabbath as a sect,Jesus says everything by the Bible is the sect]/ #2MSES 16;26 A seventh-day Saturday../ #2MOSES 31;12-14..keep my Saturday,for this will between you and me and descendants of your essence,characters,whom you will know that I am the Lord which you dedicate/ #3MOSES 19;30 hold my Saturday,I am the JEHOVAH[JESUS CHRIST]/ #3MOSES 19;3-4..keep my Sabbaths, I am the JEHOVAH[JESUS CHRIST tHE CREATOR oF THE UNIVERSE]/ #Isaiah 56;2,6,7 Saturday is not just for Jews but for everyone who wants the Lord[JESUS] to serve/ #Isaiah 58;13-14 Saturday blessed/ #Isaiah 66;22-23 Saturday will be celebrated in heaven/ #Jeremiah 17;19-27 Saturday,signs,the authority of our God[JESUS CHRIST]/ #Ezekiel 20;12 I gave them my Saturday,as,signs,between me and them,that they might know that I am the LORD who sanctify them/ #Ezekiel 20;20-25 ye shall keep my Saturday,and they shall be,insignia,between me[JESUS CHRIST] and you,to know that I,I,the LORD your God/ #Ezekiel 22; reject my sanctuary,you defiled my Saturday/ #Ezekiel 22;26 priests transgress the law,my, and profane my holy things,no difference between the holy and the profaned,and the unclean and the clean,do not recognize,hiding his eyes from my Saturday,and being profaned among them/ #Daniel 7;25, on,[fallen angels and his followers] will amend the law [10gc],while [7days a week],persecute God's people,forgiveness of sins../ #Isaiah 24;5 modifies Decree of,my,the law,so shall the land mourn,and collapse of its residents/ #Matthew 5;17,did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it/ #matt.19;17-19,to eternal life keep the commandments/ #Matthew 12;3-8,Son of Man [JESUS CHRIST] is lord of the Saturday [a sign of authority]/ #MATT 15;9 vain respect me,teaching human precepts/ #John 5;45-47, to believe Moses,you would believe Me/ #John 14;15 if,me love,keep the commandments,My,/ #Ephesians 6;10-17,fight against an opponent with a biblical/ #1John 2;7-10,illiterate your new commandments,but,old,remember/ #REVEL 14;12,keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus[not only faith in Jesus]/ #REVEL 11;19,the court will proceed according to the criteria of the coffin of the eternal covenant of 10 GOD.COM./ #Revelation 3;20/ #Isaiah 58;3-14 when we fast if You're not looking..if Saturday [sign of the authority of our KINGS] stay put your legs,not to do mine own will on,my holy day,if the Saturday to the LORD your Doing some cause for celebration../ #STORIES 28;9,who dissuades his ear from hearing the law,even his prayer he profaneness/ #GODS #lAW #nOT #canceled; #MATTHEW 5;19 will not go away even one line of law and that all is fulfilled/ #MATT 7;23 Depart from me,you who trample the law/ #Mat 13;52 preached OLD i New Testament/ #Mat 15;3-8 Why transgress the commandment of God/ #Matt 19;17-19 I eternal life keep the commandments/ #Matt 23;1-4, the Law of Moses to be respected/ #Port 23;54 rested on Saturday, by law,/ #JOHN 5;45-47 to believe Moses,you would believe Me/ #John 5;2-4 the love of God that we keep the commandments/ #JOHN 7;19 He gave you the law of Moses and none of you live,by law/ #John 14;15 if you love me keep commandments/ #CRIME 17;2 Saturdays are reading a letter/ #Romans 2;13 NOT JUST who obey the law,but to do them.[Paul was clear,but many interpret it as they please], #1CORINCAINS 7;19 all in keeping the commandments of God / #Galata 3;19-29 Law [10GC] We only teachers,which leads us to Christ,that are justified by faith,[should be respected,the eternal law of God,the law of PEACE,the law of love of God,that God would be merciful to us,the law is an indication of sin]/ #Romans 3;31 destroys you the law through faith,by no means,but it still reaffirm/ #Philippians 3;7-11..not the justice of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ.[righteousness of the law is required,the soul that sins,it shall die[spiritually first],or slaughter a lamb and repent it,and are now becoming is eternal Lamb that was slain,by faith in him can not repent,and ask for mercy,because of His sacrifice something the greatest,but it requires a belief in keeping,His law]/ #Port 16;17 before going sky pass,than to waste one line of law/ #JEWS 4;3-10 Saturdays God's rest,rest of the people one more Saturday to rest upon,[Saturday memories of creation and redemption memories of Saturday,the Sabbath is a sign of the authority of our God JESUS CHRIST]/ #JAMES 2;10-11 if you keep all the commandments,but sinned in one to blame you for everything,[means the 10 commandments we must keep,because Jesus did not sin officer]/ #1John 2;3 if we keep the commandments,THEN know him/ #1JOHN 2;4 who says, I know him and do not keep the commandments,is a liar/ #REVEL 14;12 keep the commandments of God,and,the faith of Jesus/ #REVEL 11;19 a criterion Court,10 GC, [we need the grace of Jesus Christ,because no one has not complied with properly,we gave it away,because,God forbid,[Paul would be angry because then served to the other]/ #JAMES 1;25 but who discerned the perfect law,the law of liberty,and stay in it,and KEEP forgetful hearers,but a doer of work,he shall be blessed in his actions/ #JAMES 2;12 so speak and so treat as those who will be judged by the law of liberty [10 GC]/ #1John 3;4 everyone who commits sin violates the law,and the #law #violation #is a #sin,and you know that Jesus was manifested to take away sin,and sin no in JESUS.whosoever in him, #not #Gres.whosoever sins,not seen him or known him[sin not to keep the law]/ #Romans 6;23 because the wages of sin is death,but the gift of God is eternal life,through Jesus Christ,[JESUS respect the law that was in Christ Jesus,in order to receive the gift of grace].We do not keep law in order to be saved,we all violators,I got it because I love #JESUS,and because that God requires of us/ #JOHN 8;32 and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free/ ACT is most holy,holy Jesus saints.No connoisseur of the Word of God say:but,how people interpret,there's nothing to explain,all clearly states,the Bible itself interprets [the problems is where i want to believe,God or man,obedience to God's love for God/ #Galata 1;6-9..if you and the angels of heaven appeared another gospel,damn a/ [ #2Thessalonians 2;9-12]].eternal glory of Jesus Christ the Savior and Creator of heaven and earth.['re Jesus died in torment,gave himself for us,that these are the end times,many give up and forget the value of [file] your sacrifice,you forgot your Imperial law PEACE,forget your holy SATURDAY day,forget your immeasurable tolerance,forget your only cross symbol[ #Galati 6;14],forget who is the lamb and who is the wolf in sheep's clothing,forgive us please because we do not know what we do.

  • @user-od2eu3zv7k
    @user-od2eu3zv7k 6 років тому +1

    Non esistono miracoli.

  • @juve8074
    @juve8074 10 років тому

    che cacata! :D

  • @eugostrio
    @eugostrio 7 років тому +1

    che stronzata galattica!

    • @aldorossi5250
      @aldorossi5250 7 років тому +1

      Esagerato! Probabilmente il mistero sta nella distribuzione degli utili.

  • @1990niky
    @1990niky 10 років тому qui la continuazione

  • @dossenasantino3129
    @dossenasantino3129 6 років тому +1

    Gli alberghi e le società di viaggi dei veggenti
    Uno di loro, Ivan Dragičević, si è trasferito negli USA e ora vive con la moglie - ex Miss Massachusset - nei sobborghi di Boston in una casa con piscina che pare abbia un valore di un milione di dollari. Ivan e la moglie Laureen però non vivono tutto l’anno negli States, per alcuni mesi soggiornano a Medjugorje dove il veggente continua a svolgere la sua attività di tour operator delle apparizioni della Madonna: Ivan infatti aveva messo su un’agenzia che offriva pacchetti “tutto compreso” per assistere (si fa per dire) alle apparizioni. Del resto i veggenti sono molto fortunati perché per vedere la Madonna non devono per forza stare a Medjugorje: le visioni le possono avere ovunque e questo consente loro di fare dei tour delle apparizioni per “portare” la Madonna nel Mondo. Pare ad esempio che Ivan abbia chiesto alla madre di Cristo di non apparirgli durante il volo intercontinentale “per non spaventare i passeggeri” e la Madonna - molto graziosamente - ha acconsentito. Paolo Brosio, che ieri era presente in studio da Corrado Formigli, ha difeso il modello di business perché in fondo se ci sono così tanti pellegrini desiderosi di vivere un’esperienza di fede qualcuno dovrà pur provvedere a dare loro un tetto, qualcosa da mangiare e altri generi di conforto kitsch.