Reconnecting to Source: The Power of Inner Silence: Insights and an announcement

  • Опубліковано 21 бер 2020
  • Join me for @chopra's 21 days of free, guided meditation with @jbalvin:
    The Power of Inner Silence: Insights and an announcement.🙏
    #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #meditation #wellness #immunesupport #bodyawareness #mindfulness #selfregulation #homeostasis


  • @TheChopraWell
    @TheChopraWell  4 роки тому

    🙏🙏 The New Free Courses by The Chopra Well Guests 🙏🙏
    FREE Feminine Power Breakthrough Ebook 👉
    FREE Feminine Power Seminar 👉

  • @meditativelife1847
    @meditativelife1847 4 роки тому +57

    Sending you and anyone reading this Lots of love and light and happiness vibes your way

    • @lisarichardson8493
      @lisarichardson8493 4 роки тому +3

      Thank you and to you as well 🙂💜

    • @meewahtan2171
      @meewahtan2171 4 роки тому +2

      Back to you too and everyone with love, light and energy from Malaysia.

    • @deborahnin1948
      @deborahnin1948 4 роки тому +2


    • @aunties5798
      @aunties5798 4 роки тому +2

      You too Harpal. Sending my Blessings to you and family.

    • @Jim-mc8cp
      @Jim-mc8cp 4 роки тому +1


  • @danielgriffiths5945
    @danielgriffiths5945 4 роки тому +16

    Thank you Deepak ❤️ You are a wonderful being. Peace be with you. May we all know ourselves as the eternal peace that passeth understanding.

  • @robbifujan1668
    @robbifujan1668 4 роки тому +11

    Thank you for your knowledge and are such a gift to the world. Thank you, Dr. Chopra💙

  • @shoepmr
    @shoepmr 4 роки тому

    Bless you Mr.Chopra for your wisdom...intelligence....insight...and for sharing your knowledge with the world.
    It is certainly a difficult time for all on this planet.
    We need your guidance to help us through this period in time.
    We all need to show compassion...sympathy...empathy...and love for one another ❤️🙏🏽❤️

  • @salam5333
    @salam5333 4 роки тому +13

    God’s language is silence, everything else is poor translations.” 💞Rumi

  • @paulapradobodymindbeautiful
    @paulapradobodymindbeautiful 4 роки тому +10

    Oh my beautiful friend, what a wonderful thing to do! I can hardly wait for this meditation with you next Sunday💖

  • @jcszot
    @jcszot 4 роки тому

    Your brilliance enables us to soar, despite opposition! Namaste 🙏🏻 ❤️🌺🦋 Thank you!

  • @sarthakkulkarni5797
    @sarthakkulkarni5797 4 роки тому +22

    I am also going to do regular inner silence, it sounds inspiring. Take care sir.... Will join you in the next meditation

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher 4 роки тому

      Sarthak Kulkarni
      🐟 16. YOGA/RELIGION:

According to some sources, YOGA (authentic religion) was introduced to human society approximately seventeen thousand years ago, via the Ādiyogī (first religionist), Mahādeva Śiva, in His form known as Dakṣiṇāmūrti, in the subcontinent named Bhārata (India). Lord Shiva is universally recognized to be the first Avatar, that is, the first person to be born without sin (in other words, a pure embodiment of the Divine; enlightened from birth). Whether or not these historical events really occurred is irrelevant to the purposes of this chapter and this scripture.

Other sources claim that RELIGION began when Lord Brahmā spoke the four “Vedas” (books of knowledge) in ancient Sanskrit, the essential teachings of which are non-dual, that is to say, describe everything in existence having the same ground of being. In other words, “All is One” without a second. ‘Sarvam khalvidam brahma’ (Chandogya Upanishad 3.14) teaches that ‘All this is indeed Brahman’ (“Brahman” referring to the TOTALITY of existence/non-existence). Read previous chapters of “F.I.S.H" to understand the concept of Universal Consciousness.

Since then, systems of religion have evolved or have been revealed on the continent of ASIA. Supernatural mythologies and superstitions developed in other locations, most of which featured animistic narratives and primitive rituals, but not on the same level of the monotheistic and monistic religions of Middle East Asia, Bhārata and China.

The word “RELIGION” originates from the Latin verb “religare”, meaning “to join or unite”. It is the precise equivalent of the Sanskrit “yoga”, from the verbal root “yuj”.
Thus, religion/yoga means to unite with the Supreme, or the understanding and realization that there is nothing but the Supreme (Spirit).

Perhaps the best definition of yoga is “the UNION of the relative and absolute”, meaning one who has fully realized himself to be “Brahman”, but knows precisely how to integrate that understanding within temporal existence, just as, for example, Lord Jesus Christ so admirably demonstrated during his public ministry over two millennia ago in the land of Palestine (now Israel).

Union with the Divine has no circumstantial prerequisites. It is NOT necessary to do anything to wake-up from this cosmic illusion and to become self-realized (to make real the true self). Spiritual awakening occurs according to the preordained “Story of Life”, as explained in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, although most (but not all) persons who experience awakening, liberation and enlightenment do so after practicing some form of religion/yoga, just as most persons (but not all) who become wealthy perform wealth-creation activities such as operating a business enterprise or composing a popular song. Some become instantly wealthy by being born into an aristocratic family, winning a lottery, gambling in a casino, by being the recipient of a donation, or by being the beneficiary of a bequeathed fortune.

The REAL purpose of religion/yoga is to improve the human being - to make one more gentle, loving, forgiving, self-controlled, moral, holy and righteous - none of which automatically unites the self with the Self. Union with the Divine depends solely on Divine Grace (or, as explained above, predestination). Most religious teachings focus on this aspect of life, rather than on the “goal” of attaining unalloyed, true peace.

Practically all religious precepts are prescriptive, that is, they instruct their followers to perform certain actions in order to achieve a particular objective. However, the most beneficial teachings are DESCRIPTIVE, that is, they describe Reality as it is, knowing that nothing can be done to alter the course of history. If a person is destined to be a great sage, nothing or nobody can prevent that destined occurrence.

There are FOUR systems of religion/yoga:

1. The religion of ACTION/labour. This is the simplest method of union with God, known as “karma yoga” in Bhārata, and is recommended by some experts as the one with which to begin one's spiritual journey. It involves a worker or businessman (or even a monarch) performing his duties with the goal of using his excess funds to support his spiritual preceptor or church/temple/mosque. It may also include performing beneficial deeds for one's master, such as cleaning his house or temple.
Even though the author of this Holy Scripture is the current World Teacher, he began his adult spiritual journey by diligently practicing karma yoga in the temple of a local religious organization. So even though it may seem simplistic and inane, “Working for God” is truly a wonderful introduction to the spiritual path.

2. DEVOTIONAL religion/yoga: By far the most popular form of religion, but also the most perilous. This system of religion, known as “bhakti yoga” in Bhārata, comprises of reading (or hearing) about the personal conception of the Godhead (usually a Divine Incarnation), offering prayers, performing rituals and serving the spiritual teacher.
The peril lies in the fact that a large number of devotees become radicalized towards his or her own group or spiritual leader (“guru”, in Sanskrit), unwilling to accept the validity of other traditions or paths.
The essence of love is the desire for all living beings to find true happiness. When we want the best for all creatures, then we can honestly say that we love everybody equally. One who appears to love one person more than another, in fact, loves nobody. True love revolves around sacrificing one’s selfish desires for those of his or her superiors, whether that be one's parents, husband, employer or spiritual master, even if they are imperfect. Should a child disobey its mother just because the mother is flawed? Of course not! This paradigm is applicable to everyone, without exception.

3. INTELLECTUAL union: This is known as “jñāna yoga” in Bhārata and as “gnosticism” in European-based languages, and is based on the investigation of spiritual concepts, often in conjunction with periodic meditation.
The bulk of what you are reading in this Holy Scripture could be classified under this system of religion, which explains why very few persons actually read this document - this yoga attracts only highly-intelligent persons.
No matter what system of religion one initially practices, it is virtually mandatory to have an inclination towards the systematic study of the King of Sciences (as Lord Krishna calls it in the “Bhagavad-gītā” portion of “Mahābhārata”), if one is to become truly enlightened.
Despite its name, the Path of Knowledge includes acts of devotion towards one's teacher, thus integrating the heart and the mind.

4. The EIGHT-STEP yoga system: “aṣṭāṅga yoga”, as it is known in the ancient language of Bhārata, has a defined series of stages, beginning with moral precepts and culminating in a state of “steady mind (or intellect)”.
      In his “Yoga Sutras”, the ancient Indian sage Patañjali defined the eight limbs as follows: yama (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption). Samadhi is by far the most misunderstood concept in yoga. It refers to the state of true peace of mind, which is actually the natural state of being of the human mind, and not to some ecstatic or enstatic feeling of bliss, which is, by nature, temporary.
Despite what most believe, the third stage of ashtanga yoga does not involve a multitude of complex physical poses, but simply sitting with one's legs crossed and locked, with one's arms fully extended and resting on the knees. The purpose of sitting in this “lotus position” (“padmāsana”, in Sanskrit), or at least simple sitting positions, was in order to execute meditation and concentration in the higher steps. The myriad stretching exercises were devised in later centuries, presumably for those persons who were too inflexible to sit immediately in “padmāsana”.
Having stated that, modern yoga poses are highly-recommended for anyone and everyone, whether theistic or irreligious, because they bestow enormous benefits to one's health, particularly as one advances in age. That's something I learnt the hard way, unfortunately.

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher 4 роки тому

      There is no reason why one cannot practice MORE than one yoga system simultaneously, but the typical person is usually attracted to devotional religion, because it is the most "innate" one. A child is naturally attached to his parents, in a strong familial bond. The attachment between a devotee and his teacher (or to an Avatar/God) is a natural extension of this bond.

However, the MOST beneficial spiritual practice is to “rest imperturbably in Flawless Awareness”, that is, to regress into one’s inner self (the sense of the unqualified “I am”), or return attention to its Source, without the affliction of any belief system, thus transcending all mundane concepts. This can occur during virtually any daily activity, and if practiced for short periods throughout the day, it eventually becomes one’s normal way of being. This is sometimes referred to as the “direct path”, or somewhat less accurately, the “pathless path”. In this practice there is no separation of what is aware and of what appears - no presumption of a perceiver and a perceived, or of a doer and what is done. This is genuine yoga/religion - union of the self with the Self. When coupled with a conscious avoidance of the five forms of suffering mentioned in Chapter 15, it brings perfect and pure peace, a peace which surpasses anything previously imagined - truly beyond human understanding.
Any other practice merely reinforces the notion of a separate, independent agent, which is the very cause of material bondage (“saṃsāra”, in Sanskrit), or to be more precise, the cause of all actual, psychological, suffering (“duḥkha”, in Sanskrit).

“Insofar as you keep watching the mind and discover yourself as its witness, nothing else can project itself on the screen of consciousness.
This is so, because two things cannot occupy the attention, at the same moment.
Therefore, delve within and find out where thoughts arise.
Seek the source of all thought and acquire the Self-knowledge, which is the awakening of Truth.”
“The way to the realization of Truth, is neither through attachment nor renunciation.
There is, in fact, no way.
No means of any kind, can either indicate or grasp the Ultimate.”
Ramesh Balsekar,
Indian Spiritual Teacher.

“The mind that seeks happiness (or enlightenment) is like a character in a movie in search for the screen. It will NEVER find the screen in the movie, although everything it finds is made of the screen.
The mind that longs for enlightenment or happiness will never find what it is longing-for. And yet it is made out of what it is longing-for.”
Rupert Spira,
English Spiritual Teacher.

  • @Erdling10
    @Erdling10 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you and all participants you are all blessed..🙏
    The "field" of pure conciusness gets stronger and stronger and it's because of you all and others it's easier to connect to and stay in it while "here".
    Namast'e 🙏
    Will connect to the field of pure conciusness as much as possible. 💓🌍🌜🌞🌐💫💓

  • @carollackhansingh2732
    @carollackhansingh2732 4 роки тому

    Dearest Dr Chopra many thanks for sharing such great knowledge and wisdom to the wonderful people who love and appreciate you for who you are. You are truly a marvellous human being!👍🏻🙏🌟

  • @clearsky4866
    @clearsky4866 4 роки тому

    Oh, Thank you, Wise One, for your guiding light .. I am in deep gratitude to YOU... I love you..

  • @barbaramitchell6910
    @barbaramitchell6910 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you for keeping us informed! Stay safe and we will see you next Sunday for our global meditation

  • @4everu984
    @4everu984 4 роки тому +1

    Good Morning 🌞🌞🌞
    Thank you for your calming energy, take ALL the time you need. I’m so glad to see you lead through action.
    The beauty of your wonderful videos is we can rewatch if need.
    We love you!!!

    • @timothywait9457
      @timothywait9457 4 роки тому

      Maugirl 888 i met Chopra on the astral plane me and a group of travellers on the early hours of the 25th i was one of the only 2 men the 3 others were female Chopra flow past us in a Indigo robe smiling

  • @sacredlight7667
    @sacredlight7667 4 роки тому

    Thank you for always reminding us of ancient wisdom. Love to you, your family, and staff dear Deepak. 🌟🙏🌟

  • @dobrerodica9437
    @dobrerodica9437 2 роки тому

    Mulțumesc pentru cuvintele minunate!

  • @prof.ruthleiton5914
    @prof.ruthleiton5914 4 роки тому

    Bless u Dr Chopra.
    God bless all of us🙏🙏🙏

  • @jannalee2036
    @jannalee2036 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you for your loving kind heart.. You have really helped me through some stress and fear in the last few days..
    I so appreciate your calm warm soul. ♡ love and Blessings to you.

  • @claires1177
    @claires1177 4 роки тому

    Infinite blessings to you and our world family.

  • @mkelly7016
    @mkelly7016 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you Deepak, you are an inspiration to me. Sending love and light to you and the world! Be well.
    See you next time! Thanks for the info, as always! You are an angel 😇 and a beautiful Soul.
    🙏 Namaste

  • @sherryldavies9856
    @sherryldavies9856 4 роки тому +9

    I bless your stillness journey🧘🏼‍♀️🙏🏼💜💜💓💜💜💓💙💜💓

  • @paulapradobodymindbeautiful
    @paulapradobodymindbeautiful 4 роки тому +5

    Infinite love ❤️ for you my friend! Thank you 🙏🏽 😊 Namaste

  • @jenniferwolf545
    @jenniferwolf545 4 роки тому

    With Gratitude and Love Always .

  • @samp.a.3445
    @samp.a.3445 4 роки тому

    An amazing being. Thank you Dr... enjoy your inner space

  • @Jo-im6iz
    @Jo-im6iz 4 роки тому +1

    I'm with you Deepak. We are always on a healing path. Love and light to all.

  • @michaelcorvino2432
    @michaelcorvino2432 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for your wisdom and your ability to give me peace and a sense of calm. You will be missed in your absence and my hope is that this week brings you all you seek!

  • @poemspassedon
    @poemspassedon 4 роки тому

    Thank You for your wisdom & being a guiding light for others ❤💗❤

  • @JK-nk8cp
    @JK-nk8cp 4 роки тому

    We will miss your videos! But, what you are doing is certainly going to make a difference in our world of oneness! Much love to you! 💗

  • @salam5333
    @salam5333 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Deepak I started to go in to inner silence few days before you on Friday...:)✌🏻🌹🙏🏻

  • @roslynr9767
    @roslynr9767 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much, Deepak. You are a treasure. We need you and the teachers who speak the Truth to lead us with your presence, wisdom and love.

  • @hikingdawn8640
    @hikingdawn8640 4 роки тому +2

    You are beautiful, your hair is beautiful, your voice is beautiful and you will be missed, Deepak. Have a joyous, peaceful week. We love you, and we care deeply for you.

  • @angelh8262
    @angelh8262 4 роки тому

    Beautiful video full of wisdom and love, thank you so much you are a gift to us all 🙏

  • @donmartin9278
    @donmartin9278 4 роки тому

    Thank you deepak for being you and all you do to share your light with the universe. I'm going to join you for a week of silence,catch up to you on Sunday, Love to you and all the universe...

  • @sushmakhanna5388
    @sushmakhanna5388 4 роки тому

    Have good time sir.
    May your prayers be heard and we all live in healthy world.

  • @durgesh1659
    @durgesh1659 4 роки тому

    Thanks sir. Namaste.

  • @johoch40
    @johoch40 2 роки тому

    You are so beautiful, sir. Thank you! I am be part of a better world.

  • @10minuteyoga4u
    @10minuteyoga4u 4 роки тому +4

    I think this is beautiful! To help others we need to make ourselves stronger and go within. I love you! Be well!

  • @barbaraphilleo5495
    @barbaraphilleo5495 4 роки тому

    I recently discovered you and I am so grateful to you for giving me strategies to try to better understand these times and our world. Thank you.

  • @carolinedominique4876
    @carolinedominique4876 4 роки тому +2

    What a blessing you are 🙏❤ thank you, I am thouroughly grateful for your presence and wisdom. I am looking forward to the meditation next Sunday. 🌻

  • @sandymoran8075
    @sandymoran8075 4 роки тому +2

    Honor & Blessings to you sweet teacher. We’ll see you on the other side of this silent reflection.

  • @doodahdavesrecords4319
    @doodahdavesrecords4319 4 роки тому

    Good luck with your silent journey Deepak Namaste 🙏 thank you for sharing your wisdom and love with us

  • @kathydimeglio77
    @kathydimeglio77 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you dear lovely one for being such a powerful channel of the divine.! You speak a language I understand and I too am receiving similar guidance. Inner silence is such a delicious destination! 🤗💖

  • @NestSewingStudio
    @NestSewingStudio 4 роки тому +1

    You matter. You are loved. My deepest gratitude for your kindness your passion your wisdom your humanity. Be well be restful be joyful. Will practice and do the work and be a stronger more complete human. Thank you and see all next Sunday. 💐🦋🌻

  • @marana759
    @marana759 4 роки тому +4

    Connecting with source.

  • @misskaylee1744
    @misskaylee1744 4 роки тому +11

    Oh no! I've been relying on these videos to help me through all this. I will look forward to next Sunday though.

    • @goddesswhispers
      @goddesswhispers 4 роки тому +2

      it's ok, there are lots up to carry you through

    • @anniej.4539
      @anniej.4539 4 роки тому

      I’m with you on that! Check out Mel Robbins M-F and Josie Grouse . Both are amazing substitutes or additions to your daily routine. Be healthy and be well!

    • @mammajeanine
      @mammajeanine 4 роки тому

      I just stumbled upon these recordings yesterday. I don't blame him for taking some time to himself, though. Meanwhile, if you go to the Chopra Center website you can also take part in Oprah' and Deepak's 21-day Meditation Challenge: Hope In Uncertain Times. It just began yesterday, March 23rd.

    • @timothywait9457
      @timothywait9457 4 роки тому

      Miss Kaylee drugs or alcohol will help

    • @timothywait9457
      @timothywait9457 4 роки тому

      his next talk will hapen soon i find him ok but i prefer Echarrt Toll but Chopra is good to but more for Health

  • @cindylenhoff2700
    @cindylenhoff2700 4 роки тому

    Much Gratitude 🙏🏻

  • @RamssesPharaoh
    @RamssesPharaoh 4 роки тому +1

    I and many others, I feel, will join you in stillness and meditation. Thank you for your extraordinary work 🙏

  • @divineelements2864
    @divineelements2864 4 роки тому +2

    Divine healing light of love to you, Deepak and all of planet earth. Look forward to global healing with you next sunday.

  • @angradu8886
    @angradu8886 4 роки тому

    Thank you, I will join you for the meditation next Sunday, thank you

  • @jennifermmlefaive2975
    @jennifermmlefaive2975 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for being so available, sharing your wisdom and guidance for supporting us to remain focused. I attended your Seattle event, there too was moved by how deeply present and available you were. That was a loooooooong line of souls for the book signing. Blessings to you and anyone else inspired to commit to a period of silence 🙏

  • @carolynmeehan9345
    @carolynmeehan9345 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you, kind teacher. Love and light to you.

  • @paulav1123
    @paulav1123 4 роки тому

    🙏🏻May your journey be very enlightened for you to share, hopefully we can join you in your silence with Varuna, Aditi and all your guides and teachers... someday. Blessings and thank you for your shared wisdom💝

  • @krisk.8257
    @krisk.8257 4 роки тому +2

    Peace be with you. God’s love onto you. We are all one. Thank you for being here. See you next week. Namaste 🙏😊✌️

  • @alphabits695
    @alphabits695 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks Deepak, you’re words are healing as with nature.

  • @siljoable
    @siljoable 4 роки тому +1

    I would like to thank you for all good things what you teach me and what you still inspire me..wish you all best good man.

  • @NestSewingStudio
    @NestSewingStudio 4 роки тому +1

    Blessings to you dear teacher. I will too cultivate inner peace and healing to share in the Global Meditation together.

  • @nunespereiramartha
    @nunespereiramartha 4 роки тому

    Thank you for your time and care. Good retreat!

  • @mahiragauthier1194
    @mahiragauthier1194 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much Deepak, we will meet this week in the Universal Consciousness. Namaste

  • @ursulamuller6440
    @ursulamuller6440 4 роки тому

    You are extraordinary. Thank you so much

  • @daggilamaletie6955
    @daggilamaletie6955 4 роки тому +4

    My beautiful brother, teacher and amazing soul! It has been an honor to-be part of this journey with you and so many like minded souls! I awoke last Thursday morning with a vicious bout Of Bronchitis which was confirmed by my doctor. Yet after this fact and listening to the News Channels, By 01h30 Friday morning I was unable to breathe with panic and was guided to go onto UA-cam, where you had just come on and you spoke so calmly and then conducted a meditation!! I cannot thank you enough, there are no words available to describe my gratitude, just know I reach to you in spirit gratitude has no bounds my darling “Debug” Chopra. An additional synchronicity is that I have been invited to do the 21 Day Abundance Course, loving it!! 💚🍀💚

  • @phoenixfiresongful
    @phoenixfiresongful 4 роки тому

    Ahhh..the playground between the thoughts...thank you as always for your insights and energy good sir🤗

  • @purplelavender3249
    @purplelavender3249 4 роки тому

    Thank you and I too, look forward to hearing from you next Sunday!

  • @sshepherd13
    @sshepherd13 4 роки тому +1

    Always....a Leader! I have witnessed, observed and experienced "knowniness" from your sharing of knowledge. Be well my soulful friend!

  • @Maxinator11-11
    @Maxinator11-11 4 роки тому +4

    Namaste. Power and peace. We’ll see you when you return.

  • @dainasworldnumbers88
    @dainasworldnumbers88 4 роки тому

    Grateful to listen to you this past week, I met you when I was at Aveda in Minneapolis with Horst.

  • @elizabethb.6927
    @elizabethb.6927 4 роки тому

    Thank you for loving service.

  • @jordanvilchez2900
    @jordanvilchez2900 4 роки тому +1

    With deepest gratitude for who you are and all you've done. Stillness is essential, I know. We are all being called to connect deeper with source. So grateful dear teacher. Thank you 🙏

  • @bryantkelly2342
    @bryantkelly2342 4 роки тому +3

    Welcome back Doctor we love you.

  • @tashaharrington3081
    @tashaharrington3081 4 роки тому

    Thank you Dr.Deepak Chopra for all your work!! I love you.

  • @shrutichaturvedi8367
    @shrutichaturvedi8367 4 роки тому

    Lords Prayer is a good way to ask for divine grace 🙏🙏🙏

  • @veenasrinivasaperumal289
    @veenasrinivasaperumal289 4 роки тому +1

    Respected sir, Thank you for your service to people well being throughout the world. Your endless service continue to next week. NAMASTE.

  •  4 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for your important insights 🙏

  • @imaginaryuniverse632
    @imaginaryuniverse632 4 роки тому

    Thank you for giving your time and energy in consideration for others. You are greatly appreciated. 🙏💞🙏

  • @isabelaponte4856
    @isabelaponte4856 4 роки тому

    I'll do for all of us. Let's us heal our mother earth and ourselves. See you in one week. Thank you

  • @kristayasvin2074
    @kristayasvin2074 4 роки тому

    Thank you dear Deepak! I wish you all the love and peace equal to the love and peace you offer so many.

  • @goddesswhispers
    @goddesswhispers 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much Chopra, look forward to joining you next Sunday! So much love to you and all ✨💖🙏🏽💖✨

  • @Jim-mc8cp
    @Jim-mc8cp 4 роки тому

    Amen. God bless you deepak

  • @ShesMrsSunshine
    @ShesMrsSunshine 4 роки тому +1

    I need the inner silence.. I am going to take advantage of this time.. I have limited time of alone time but I will be making a small portion of my day to dedicate to silence.

  • @bellaleuen5996
    @bellaleuen5996 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much 24/7 in contact with god source❤️

  • @maggiedunbar5947
    @maggiedunbar5947 4 роки тому

    Thankyou.Depac .Iseek the truth with You,I AM

  • @joanmikasha-alexander8771
    @joanmikasha-alexander8771 4 роки тому

    Much love to you...thank you

  • @kellysueduncan
    @kellysueduncan 4 місяці тому

    I'm sorry i missed out on the global meditation. This was a great way to spend 20 minutes. I feel like I've been to an amazing Dr/ therapy session. Really...... wonderful words for thought. I spend a lot of time alone, often in silence....and I do not mind. ❤ Silence seems to be fertile gound for growth.

  • @kamaljit2626
    @kamaljit2626 4 роки тому

    Thank u sir, God bless you❤️🙏

  • @lizad5772
    @lizad5772 4 роки тому

    Amazing. Thank. You

  • @rumanaahmed845
    @rumanaahmed845 4 роки тому

    Thanks. Love.

  • @reesekolcow6136
    @reesekolcow6136 4 роки тому

    Thank you for this - namaste

  • @KhalidMehmood-ej4yk
    @KhalidMehmood-ej4yk 4 роки тому

    شکریہ دیپک جی ۔۔۔ اللہ کریم آپ کی خاموشی میں اضافہ فرمائے اور آپ ھمیں اس خاموشی سے مستفید کر سکیں ۔۔ انتظار رھے گا۔

  • @MsJCaston
    @MsJCaston 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you 💜

  • @rfr-k6g
    @rfr-k6g 4 роки тому

    We will wait for you cause we love you; you help so many people, thank you Deepak, take care 💜

  • @8211josefina
    @8211josefina 4 роки тому

    Thank you dear teacher. Be blessed. I shared on FB about your teachings, my surrender to Source and ultimate healing. 💚🙏🏼😶🙂😍

  • @rickpetryk2658
    @rickpetryk2658 4 роки тому

    Look forward to joining with you and everyone else next Sunday Dr Chopra!

  • @annaasztalos3413
    @annaasztalos3413 4 роки тому

    Namaste!Thanks for your beautiful words!
    "It is love alone that leads to right action.What brings order in the world is to love and let love do what it will." (Jiddu Krishnamurti)

  • @valerierobinsonreadings8779
    @valerierobinsonreadings8779 4 роки тому

    I appreciate you doing a silent meditation I will too. I feel this is a great ideal along with Gobal healing meditation next Sunday March 29th.
    Blessings to you,

  • @goldenlady19
    @goldenlady19 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you, I will join you in silence, I pray our spirit connects on a deeper level.

  • @julies166
    @julies166 4 роки тому

    I totally respect your decision.

  • @rossy9539
    @rossy9539 4 роки тому

    Thank you for your help 🙏

  • @nancycarrizo7712
    @nancycarrizo7712 4 роки тому

    Deepack !!! I want to go to a week in silent meditation and then the global meditation too.

  • @jondoucette3117
    @jondoucette3117 4 роки тому

    Blessings to you on your inner stillness journey, Deepak. Your talks and teachings mean so much to me, especially during this virus and economic crisis. See you when you return.

  • @Aqc197038
    @Aqc197038 4 роки тому

    Thank you! I am doing that too.

  • @travelingpair1998
    @travelingpair1998 4 роки тому +1

    We all need to do the same. Namaste