A Christmas Burrito! | Chuds BBQ

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MichaelScottPerkins
    @MichaelScottPerkins 2 години тому +7

    Yorkshire Pudding wrap + Sauerkraut & Sausage and Mustard = The Blitz!

  • @rosshudson3947
    @rosshudson3947 4 хвилини тому

    Looks great! I smoke A LOT of chuck roasts. I follow basically the same method. Smoke until I have a nice bark. Then braise. However, I braise in a covered pan in the oven and only a couple hours until it's just ready to shred. This avoids the need to concentrate the braising liquid because the meat doesn't sit in liquid for so long. You don't end up with that pot roast texture/flavor, and the pepper doesn't interfere by becoming hydrated. 9 times out of 10, we make tacos with the meat. Homemade tortillas, cilantro, lime, crema, salsa Verde, cotija. Hard to beat!

  • @24kachina
    @24kachina 3 години тому +3

    Tour de Chud force. I'm a serious home cook of 45 plus years. Normally I see a recipe like this and always think of one or two tweaks or additions. This is perfect. Although maybe arugula instead of spinach . . . Or a splash of Texas Pete ??

  • @altongehringer9858
    @altongehringer9858 2 години тому +2

    I fell in love with Yorkie! One of my favorites was when I made individual ones in a muffin pan and filled them with gumbo. A little culture mash up.

  • @stevenstove6222
    @stevenstove6222 2 години тому +1

    Brilliant take on a brittish classic.. But adding some oak smoke would just be the best ever.

  • @NeroZashi
    @NeroZashi 3 години тому +3

    I'm British and I would devour this 🤤

  • @AndyDennis
    @AndyDennis 2 години тому +2

    Dude ! What have you done to that beautiful British staple !!! Looks amazing !!!😊

  • @67Zaphod
    @67Zaphod 3 години тому

    Love the crazy experiments! I never would have considered making a burrito with Yorkshire pudding, but now I have to do it!

  • @AirRonGrif
    @AirRonGrif 3 години тому +2

    Whole hog is perfect for a Yorkshire pudding wrap. For full authenticity you need some carrots and a side of pigs in blankets (sausage wrapped in bacon)

  • @slideoff1
    @slideoff1 59 хвилин тому

    Love the Choppin!

  • @DJ-fn3jm
    @DJ-fn3jm 2 години тому +1

    Alton Brown made this years ago and wrapped it around a slab of prime rib. Looked awesome then, looks awesome here.

  • @jwm1222
    @jwm1222 Годину тому

    Now, this is the out of the bix thinking we need.

  • @jamesw4980
    @jamesw4980 Годину тому

    You should do a BBQ version of a traditional Yorkshire Sunday Roast. Some real smokey/roasty opportunities with some of the veg we eat on there. Great job, and big love from Yorkshire.

  • @brucemorrice7571
    @brucemorrice7571 Годину тому

    100% making this. Would love to see a more ‘bbq’ version with sliced beef or steak… or test out Toad in the Hole 🤔

  • @josephgonzales9649
    @josephgonzales9649 2 години тому

    7:02 Is that sheet tray stainless steel? Where can I get one of those!

  • @dwaynewladyka577
    @dwaynewladyka577 2 години тому

    Really awesome. Hope you have a Merry Christmas. Cheers, Bradley! 👍👍✌️🎄

  • @scottchenoweth4937
    @scottchenoweth4937 Годину тому

    Last month HEB had Wagyu Chuck Roast at $8/#. I should have bought them all. So good! I Smoked one with SPG. I made a Ragu to go with Pappardelle noodles. I made an amazing stew.

  • @tjazz89
    @tjazz89 2 години тому

    Haha "its staying in the pud"
    Shirt idea #378... "keep it in the pud..."

  • @kevinposey9164
    @kevinposey9164 3 години тому

    looks a Lot better than the one in England. gotta try it

  • @workhardplayhard3206
    @workhardplayhard3206 2 години тому

    chile colorado!!!

  • @abefroman7393
    @abefroman7393 31 хвилина тому

    Ho Ho Holy guacamole! Let me at it!

  • @heterosexualcaucasianmale3115
    @heterosexualcaucasianmale3115 Годину тому

    What is that heating disc you always use on the cutting board to make the gravy?

  • @MichaelScottPerkins
    @MichaelScottPerkins 2 години тому

    Yorkshire Pudding wrap + Bangers & Mash = The Troubles!

  • @gailneal
    @gailneal Годину тому

    Beef is MEAT!!!

  • @jeweaver700
    @jeweaver700 2 години тому

    I had forgotten about that particular dish from the European adventure....upon seeing this video in the feed, my first thought was whether this idea was born from weed or shrooms 😂

  • @petedandrea8463
    @petedandrea8463 2 години тому +1

    Yorkshire & burrito are diametrically opposed words

  • @bradcampbell624
    @bradcampbell624 Годину тому

    Going to try this. I do similar with Indian Fry Bread, but the YP seems easy enough for me. Hmmm. Maybe a pastrami rueben... Yep.

  • @fredhuff3677
    @fredhuff3677 Годину тому

    I've done similar but for breakfast using Dutch baby, sausage, fried eggs. Now i have to go dig in the freezer for a chuck...or butt whichever i find first.

  • @beechermeats9797
    @beechermeats9797 3 години тому

    For the algorithms bay bay!!!

  • @watsonrk1
    @watsonrk1 3 години тому

    Watching you chop shit up is pretty close to the highlight of the day... wow, look at him go! Do they give trophies for this?

  • @hunterace1994
    @hunterace1994 3 години тому

    Chud Day!!!

  • @MichaelScottPerkins
    @MichaelScottPerkins 2 години тому

    Yorkshire Pudding wrap (GB) + Cheesburger patties (USA) + Foie gras (FR) = The Allies Burritos (WWII)

  • @alfies98
    @alfies98 2 години тому

    As a brit, i have never seen anyone ever make every part of this from scratch, its all packets and premade shit 😂

  • @BrevMcV
    @BrevMcV 58 хвилин тому

    thanks giving leftovers yorkshire burrito

  • @BenFeldman-kz7gt
    @BenFeldman-kz7gt 2 години тому

    Great job! King Charles should knight you for this! Sir Bradley or Sir Chud?😂

  • @gingerchris
    @gingerchris 3 години тому

    When's the lime pickle video!?

  • @CRAIGBYRNE-kl8hi
    @CRAIGBYRNE-kl8hi 3 години тому

    Looks like a serving on a shingle.

  • @eardley01
    @eardley01 10 хвилин тому

    That needs some horseradish sauce

  • @morganica
    @morganica 2 години тому

    The London one isn't that great - quite bland actually.
    THIS is the way to do it!

  • @marcusfinchum6322
    @marcusfinchum6322 Годину тому

    Yorkshire Fish n Chips burrito... Nothing more needs to be said.

  • @wheelairrentals7132
    @wheelairrentals7132 21 хвилина тому

    Smart move and changing that thumbnail. That first one was gross looking.

  • @Edgunsuk
    @Edgunsuk Годину тому

    M8 i love you but dear god that is not a yorkshire pudding lol